THE FAKMEKS' ALMANCK LINCOLN, NEH., THURSDAY, JAN. 21,1892. THIHAYtttO OKTS THERE. I era wm Um tool ofrpreeiioa, A4 m cui M sneker mI4 b AmA WMfollH s4e4 tofatser T beat poor aarf4 Us Tk rttlnwU. eas eM part; bee, Tmttir 414 ! tm Aa4 tfcej tbvacht tWV4 be UtU trouble. la wafklaf a hayaead like ma. a4 at srery election tbey f as bm, With taffy M fw.H m rou!4 be, a rtw tfcsy sleeted their ticket, Tfcejr tarfat a poor aajrd lika as Tkaf eoU taaeaealTe tmt la ttaa banker, An ttomagt t wanisbaano "apnas ta at! al ma ai abacfc and Uvr, ad raft saca a hayseed Ilk. ma. ' 1,1 !' rT s i tWf latoWajpi,ittladTfl, , rarthaaakaai aalcalioMMfaa, , at aavar a cast at the profit. Baa com. to a bay Mad lika ma. at now I har resssd up a little, Ami tkeir craad aad earraptioa I aaa, Ami say neighbors ara waking arooad ma, Aaa I Baa tby re all hyeed Ilk ma. Aa4 vt bar formed aa Alliance, From oppression we'ra bound to ba tree, Am the ticket we rote next election. Will ba made ap of barieoda lika ma. Cotton Plant, Ala. h:storv perexTS rrsELr." Aeroe tba asa to nation eld Columbia sealr la boaatfal train. i She rana to the wealth bar coffer hold, Aad floriee la bar vaevdomaia. at la the duet of their decay la traced a leeeon aba maat learn. Or Sad but aahes, dead and fray, Whore aow bar Ara of iuocm barn. One they ware strong and pro ad aa aha, Aad fathered wealth through all the land; Their commerce whitened league of lea, Thalr palace were fair and grand. With thronging life no longer teem Thoaa palaoe ball and city mart, A4 from their mould' ring ruin gleam The trace of forgotten art. Whence tproag thli rata and decay I The desolation of tbota land, Where all that wealth and power held way, Aad tolled thoaa host of skillful bands! The few ant high In purple stats, And rioted In eae and wealth; The many toiled 'neath burden great, Deprired of knowledge, comfort, health. Thu maimed aad shackled, Labor (tande " Where S ruined cities, blood stained ' ' grave, :; if ; . Head for united heart and hand, When all hall work and none be slsraa Columbia, head the lesson well, Repeated o'er from age to age, teat history again shall tall, $ For a the legend on her page. And listen! Progreai call, her owa To rear for all humanity, A temple, who grand corner toae I labor, honored, cultured, treat B. B. Kbworth in the Topeka Advocate. '"V :f '' Varoaara CalMreeu fT ' Farmers' children are the hope and the life of a nation. If they grow up Intelligent moral patriotic there la hops for the country, for. a continu ance of free institution!. Seven tenth of our children are born on the farm. They have the preponder ance in number a they have in strength and Influence.. They grow tip hearty, robust active, industrious. They become the tnost active business cnea in our citiee nod towns. - Our cities would tooa degenerate, were it not for the fresh' blood infused into them from the country yearly.. . Go to the most enterprising and successful business men in any of our large cities to-day and ask them where they were bora, and the answer will be on the (arm, perhaps in a cabin; - Ask your ' most successful lawyers, physloians and ministers and they will tell you la the country net in the city. There Is more ia farmers' children than most people look for, and there might be still more. . Do you ask how! By tarnishing: them better facilities for education. It is the mind and the moral that make the man. The man must be educated to become useful. The ignoramous does not make an im pression. Ignorance does not rule but Intelligence does, if we would have society better we must educate our children. Farmers' children are edu. cated chiefly in the common schools. Good common schools are doing more lor the people, for the country, for good morals, than any other instru mentality. Taose having them inthsir keeping must employ the boet teach ers whose hearts are in their work; who love their vocation; who do not teach simply to make a few dollars, but because they are performing an Important duty which they wish to do bsnestly and well Alliance Tribune, Cora.rel fejr Great Corporation. The transcontinental railroad com. fclnation recently voted to the Pacific Mail Steamship company the sum of $7,000 a month. This is conditioned solely on aa agreement by the Steam, ship company that it shall not accept freights between San Francisco and New York at such rates as may divert business from the transcontinental railroads. As a sort of blind (which deceives nobody) tb subsidy is paid. iu we tonn 01 a contract tor space on ! the vessels. Last year the roads paid : $400,000 (1900.000) for space that was not taken. In addition to this the same combination pays $500,000 year to the Canadian Pacific for keeping out of the Paclflo coast busl eess of the United States. At these rates the aggregate of subsidies will mount to $1. 400,000 a year, and for what? Simply that the Pacific coast may be denied free competition in its carrying trade. The Times states a condition that lias been ia operation a long time. For a good many years the people of this state have been paying 1. 40d 000, more or less, to buy off competition. The people have a right to the lowest freight rate. consistent with the cost of the service. Our products are thrown into a market w ere1 this law of competition prevails If they have to pay higher freight rates than the products they compete with, they are to the extent of these higher rates placed under disadvantage in the gen eral market. ; Admitting that the profits of the monopoly are not ex. oesslva, which, by theway, we do not admit, the people of this state are paring each year 11,400.000 more for freight than they would need to pay under free competition. The Pacific ftfaU and the Canadian Pacific take ear $1,400,000 for 'doing nothing.-. La Angeles Times, TBe rndaer of the French Ironclad Brea- era, which was recently launched at 4fient,wM IS fast high and 19 feat wide, weiirhuurir tone. , . , . UhCOLNB f BOPHECr. Mate (a last mm fte,a tiMla.4 la US. aad I The following tetter from ei-So- Ator totalis of Kansas was reoently sent to the Washugtoa (IX C) Star: To the Stan In a recent issse of the New Nation I flnl this alleged quotation from President Lincoln: "I see ia the near future." said Abraham Lincoln ia 1865, crisis approach ing that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my coun try. Atareoultofthe war corpora tioos have bees eathronsd and an era of corruption; in bigp places will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is do- st roved. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even during the midst of the war." The same extract has bean floating through the journal of anarchy and socialism for several years, and has been a favorite paragraph with pe9!m)tlo. oratorajn their appeals to the passion of the poor. It does not appear , in any of the published messages, speeches or letters of Linooln. The internal evidence is against its authsntlolty. . . The words, . the style, the construction are like nothing in bis composition. Mr. N tool ay, bis former secretary, has never seen nor beard such expressions in the writings r utteranoos of F real debt Linooln. Evidently it is a malignant clumsy forgery. Yours, John J. Inoalls. e would remind . toe bonorablo gentleman from Kansas, says the New Nation, that upon the third of December, 18C1, President Lincoln sent to Congress one of bis historic messages. Its closing paragraph, even read at this day, carries the Im press of a great concern for the rights of man. lie declared that "mon archy Itself is sometimes hinted at as a possible refuge from the power of the people. In my present position I would scarcely be justified were I to omit ruihlng a warning voice against this approach of returning despot ism." Mr. Lincoln's thought was ev idently running on the relation of political power to property, a ques tion raised by the Issue of slavery and the capital which labor produces. 1 here is one point together with its connections," oontinued Mr. Lin coln, to which I ask a brief atten tion. It is the effort to place capital on an equal footing with, if not above, labor in the structure of gov- eminent ' - Labor is prior to and independent of capital Capital is only the fruit of labor and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital and deserves much the higher consideration. No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty none less inclined to take or touch aught which they have not hon estly earned. Let them beware of sur rendering a political power which they already possess, and which, If sur rendered, will surely be used to close the door of advancement against such as they, aad to fix new disabilities and burdens upon them, till all of liberty shall be lost" 1 r ; j So far a the immediate issues were Concerned, it was not necessary to go into the philosophy of capital at that time, but the great stateman was look ing at the fundamentals, and he point ed to a danger beside whlcb negro slavery was an incident the despotism of capital over labor, and then he warned the laborer to hold fast to his political privileges lest "all of liberty snail Oe lost" Abraham Lincoln was a prophet, and in a few years, even before the war closed, the door of advancement was closed to the average laborer. A friend of Mr. Linooln, a resident of Illinois, wrote to the president tn 1865 for a fuller statement of his views and an explanation of the closing passages of his message of December, 1861, which we have quoted above. It was in answer to this appeal that he wrote the letter quoted in Tho New Nation, which Mr. Ingalla declares "a malig nant clumsy forgery.'' We are not an expert on letter writing, but cer tainly the prophecy of 'til aud the anxiety of '65 have a marked family likeness. The prophecy he made; it was fast proving true in 1865; and it was natural that he should say so. The process of cornering the busi ness of the country, well under way in 1865, has since reached a point where even a counting house clerk can cal culate the period of the culmination of this conspiracy against labor and the liberties of a great people, if in 1860 80 per cent of the people of the United States owned 60 per cent of property, how long will it take for one man to own one-half and the rest of the people one-half t Or how long will it take for 6,000 to own 9) ner cent of the country s wealth? Inhuman folley. The following- extract tram thu Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times will ex plain me situation in lennessee in re gard to the release of the convicts in that state, and accounts verv HaspI why the plutocratio army known as the "Plnkertoa Thugs." and the mi litia have not been called upon to sub due tho rebellious minora That paper says: "In this Brtceviile mat ter the state is condemned by five sixths of the lead in r nnvrnniMM nf Tennessee for its neglect for its inhu man prison policy, and a still greater number of the newspapers sympa thize ooenlv with the mob. Thnr are thousands of our best citizens who are. in their secret souls., glad the miners did what they did, though thev trrieve that such violence thnnM be needed to remind our lawmakers ana executive authorities of their iuty." Kesp Flawing, Lrt PollUea Alone. Tho capitalistic papers and a great many agricultural and country jour nals that merely re-echo the senti ments of others and do not reason out their, own beliefs, are continually harping at farmers to work harder, to farm better, to raise bigger crojn and more of them in order to better tbeir condition. It is all very well to farm better and reduce the cost of production, but there is another ele ment of more importance to be con sldered. The farmers can produce the crops all r'gh enough without the odvl or aaalatance of the politicians, but tba trouble is that after they are produced lory belong practically, to the bond holder aad the money-lender through manipulation of markets and prloe and control of the financial policy of the government And then the farmer is gentry admonished to keep on plow, ing and leave politics to city editors aad boodle politicians who know just exactly what he need. One of the uses of the Farmers' Al liance is to direct the attention of farmers to the real causes of low prices, poor wages a:td sluggish mar- keta. A certain class of people are is tern ted ia having jutt such a state of affaira People who live off in comes derived from bonds, stocks, rents, etc.. are desirous of having low prices and cheap labor, as they can then buy more for their income. If prices and wages can be reduced one half this Is equivalent to doubling in come and debt. For the same rea son the same class are interested in preventing the issue of a national cur rency. They have now. practically, a corner on the money of the world and they want to make money as scarce and dear and hard to earn as possible. Cheap labor, cneap sroods and dear money is what tbey want in order to increase the value of their unearned privileges at the expense of the indus trial classes. Farm View, CaL Sei-vie Over ! The commercial world is looking out for profitable investment. That kind of property that can be secured at the smallest cost and sold at the largest advance Is regarded as the most valuable. The shrewd, far- sighted, financier, well understands tbat service over cost Is the true meas ure of valua The people should learn to apply this well known rule to the medium by which the products of their labor Is exchanged. The free coinage of gold into full legal tender money makes every 25.8 grains of standard gold worth $1. That is. the people who create wealth, must pay to the producer of- gold $1 in the products of their labor, for evory dollar in gold, before tbey can use It as a dollar to transact business. Hence, under the free coinage of gold every dolmr costs the people 10 J cents before it can enter into circulation as money and perform service worth 100 cents. Let us apply this well grounded Commercial s principle to silver. If It is true that the silver dollur is only worth 80 cents and yet as money It performs the same service that Is performed by the gold dollar, it follows as a logical sequence, that the silver dollar Is worth for service as a medium of exchange, 20 cents more than the gold dollar, because it costs the people 20 conts loss to place it ia circulation. But let us press this inquiry a step further. A paper dol lar will perform the same service that a gold dollar will perform and hence it is worth for money almost 100 cents more than the gold dollar, because it costs the people that much less to place it la circulation. Topeka Ad vocate. 1 Pacta Will Not Dowsw Politicians and political doctrin aires may theorize, the old party press may quibble, misrepresent and lie about this peopU's movement but they can't down'the loglo of events. Banks are failing, business houses are closing, manufactures are suspending, trade is dull collections are hard to make, and a general fooling of dis trust pervades commercial circles, and the promised good times are not here. If the theories of the politicians- and old party newspapers are correct whon can we look for a change for the bettor? ; When will the banks stop breaking? When will business men cease going to the wall at the rate of 15.000 per annum? In short when will the good times promised years and years ago arrive? What will cause this change? The people have been told time, and again, year after year, that good times were just ahead, but they seem as far away as ever. ' The politicians and rotten press may deceive the people in some things, but the logic of events is stay, ing with them and revises to be moved by sentiment and can not be downed by lying. Alliance Tribune. Irflng; London. John Orme writes to the London Nationalization News: "At last the movement which is to nationalize all our industries. has begun In London! London! this mighty city which has been lagging behind the rest of the world like some great lumbering wagon whose wheels could not be greased, while the aivay of workers all over the world has been pushing on; at last it has begun to be lifted out of the old ruts. The London county conned have resolved by 90 vote to 2 (who nominally opposed simply to obtain a division), to ac quire the tram lines of North London." Tba Faraier Hear It, Prol Seligman, Columbia college: The weight of taxation rests on the farmer. In the rural districts the assessor adds the personalty, which Is generally visible and tangible, to the realty, and imposes the tax on both. We hear a great deal about the decline of farming land. But one of its main causes has been singularly overlooked. It is the overburdening ui mo agriculturist oy ino general property tax. The farmer bears not only hi share, but also tbat of other ciasws oi socieiy. it is no wonder that the small farmers cry out in their desperation for the equal enforcement n tne laws taxing personalty. The Lake fount in There are many earnest souls now wrestling wan tne great economic problem The great question is: HOW Can We best Dresnnt trnl S tn the masses; how reach the tired, over worked milliOnS WhO RtllHlT little Ihlnlr little, are prone to trust to the leader- snip oi tne wealthy and prosperous, spending their leisure, wh any, in light amusements or dissipa- uuo, wnue weir trusted counsellor and leaders lead them to ruin? The Economist: Every Alliance congressman who was elected as an advocate of the demands will stand by those demands at all hazards. They will not go into any party cau cus on any question opposing these demands, because no party has any right to make such measure the sub ject of caucus agreement Again, every Individual has a perfect right to stay out of any caucus he may choose. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. METHODS KMPLOVEDIN FIGHT INO INSECTS. A latareetlag TffrA WaP-Dralaved Clare? rU I Steel Sa rarama Stack afee aa4 Daeseetle aUlpe. Oar laeer Feea. At the convention of nomologists at Washington. D. G. Prof, C V. ttilcy gave a lengthy review of the mode employed ia fighting Insects: The plum eursulio. be said, b.bersates in the beetle state ia the woods, hidden here and there; it comes out early and feeds o the tender foliage as well a ma the fruit The lerilale mtfteTthe crescent mark without feeding much. In eobr nights it bides under bark, chips, etc". To clean up alt rubbish of tMs'klnd In and around the orcbard aad burn it or bunt up the beetles and destroy them, was an old and pretty good method. In using the arsenical spray we depend on killing the perfect beetle, but we can thns reach and destroy only a cer tain proportion of the onemiea It may pay to spray, but ia reality no better results are obtained by it than by the old jarring procesa Certainly there cannot be near the inducement tor u to spray plums as to spray ap ples for the codling worm. There is also danger to the foliage. Through Professor Uillett's experiments it was found that a combination of the Bor deaux mixture with arsenltea or the addition of lime to the arsenical solu tion lessened the danger of injury to the foliage. This idea of combining insecticides with fungicides for one application is quite alluring, but it has proved no great gain to economic pathology: for while the mixture is effectual as an insecticide, it has not proven to be quite so useful as a fun gioide. For stone fruits the combina tion of Bordeau mixture with Paris green seems to be all right Black knot has appeared less on treated trees than on untreated ones. The showing on apples, however, was not near so good. The combination mix ture, in fact does not seem to be a remedy for scab, although effectual for coddling worm. Professor Riley also referred to the gas treatment foracalo on orange trees. : .The whole tree Is enclosed In a kind of tent and hydro-cyanic acid gas is generated in a bucket near the foot of the tree. The tont must be tight and held close to tne ground oy putting earth upon the lower edges. Tho formula for making the gas la one part dry cyanide of potassium, ono part sulphuric acid and two parts water. The cost per tree is less than 25 cents, and it will be found as valuable a remedy for red scale and other insects in Florida as it proved in California. Resin washes have also been found valuable against scale insects. The object is to coat the whole tree over with the substance, a very coarse spray may be used. The fluted or white scale, formerly so destructive ' to California orange groves, has been exterminated in two and a half years in consequence of the introduction of tne Australian lady bug, so that it is now difficult to find even a specimen. - At present the vio tory is complete, although it is very likely that rfheTcn'emy.'. will appear again after the Australian ady bugs have disappeared from want of: food. There are various other scales f this kind in Mexico, the West Indies, etc., and Florida growers should be care ful not to import them on vlnea trees, eto. Our enemies are on the increase; but wbile the number grows, it is a question whether more injury is done now than 100 years or twenty years ago. We only learn more of their history. Lately there have been foifbd forty-five absolutely new, here tofore unknown kinds. Among these new posts are a boring beetle, which proves very injurious to strawberry roots and the apple maggot which be gan its career at the ast and is spreading West Prof. Harvey- hoe shown that the insect develops inside of fruit in barrels and bins. The eggs are inserted through the skin of the apple. The female lays from 800 to 400 eggs. There Is no available rem edy yet within our grasp except the careful destruction of fallon fruit and of the refuse In bins and. barrels,, .This insect Is an Importation from abroad. Another new pest, is a two-winged fly. a subtropical Insect which may do damage to the peach crop of Georgia and other Southern states; another Is the Japane e peach fruit worm, which is allied to the codling worm. Often ! 80 per cant of the peaches in Japan are affected by It It appears in June ana again in August i ne eggs are deposited on the apex of the fruit just as in case of the codling. We should be on the lookout and prevent their. importation. netry Liod Bett When the country was new there was no deficiency of fertility even of the lightest solL Its advantages : of easy working and quick response to table manure made it preferable over the slower and later soils ; of ; heavier texture. Then as the vegetable mat ter of clay land was exhausted it be came still later and harder to work. It lost Its former capacity for drying out early in the spring, and thus be came filled with cold, stagnant water tbat needed expensive underdraining to put into condition for. profitable working. Meanwhile if the light soil had been frequently seeded with clov er, and not overcropped, It would have maintained its early capacity for pro duction, and generally increased it Clover is a richer manure, containing more of both nitrogen and mineral fertility than did the humus composed of fallen leaves of which the fertility Of virgin soil mainly consists. Even in early days, however, there were many lapses from the careful policy needed to keep sandy land in good tillable condition. These showed that when the sandy soil was exhaust ed it was in less hopeful condition than was the heavier soil which was harder to work after its vegetable matter hod been exhausted. In the case of clayey soil nature puts in a veto against such thorough exhaustion as was possible with land whose soil is mnlnly sand. The latter Interposes no obstacles to passage of roots through it and what it contains of plant food the plant can more speedily exhaust In a clay soil fertility after vegetable matter is ex hausted is locked up in clodi. Under draining and thorough Cultivation break up these clods, but in any case the clay always retains mors of min eral plant food than the send. It may. however, be better helped by the com merclal fertilizers, mainly becauae these are partly compoeed of sul phurlc acid, which doubtless helps to make part of the soil more soluble, and therefore able' to give Its fertility to crops. . - Tnere ia no reason wby. with fair management, a clay soil Well drained. may not be cropped forever without decrease, but rather increase, of fer tility. It clover seed la sows once in three years, and allowed to grow until early two years old before plowing the sod under, the manure made on the farm, with phosphate whenever the clover is sown, will keep it ia good heart for all train crops Fruit and garden crops require heavier fertiliza tion. . partly for the re&son that they ara always sold from the farm aad re turn less to the land. But it is easier to grow fruit aad garden vegetables a long term ot years on heavy land, if wen arained. than U Is for the same time on sandy soil. The latter re quires much more manure and ia after all. uttla if aag earlier for most crops than Is a well-drained soil with clayey texture, Country Gentleman. Ratal ter Warms blow art is right when be saya there Is gold in grass. How. it is elsewhere. I do not personally know, but here in Kentucky, where the famed blue-grass is Indigenous and other grasses grow well, there is a lamentable need for more grass. It is an exceptional case to see over twenty acres of grass on tne average farm. By seeding down a greater area to grass and giving bet tar cultivation to the remainder, not only will there be better crops raised. but If managed rightly, the grass will pay better in dollars and cents than other crops. And above all the land will be constantly . improving 'for the uso . of future generation when smaller and more fertile farms will be necessary. The second means is somewhat dependent ou the first By having more grass, more time can be given to gardens and truck farm ing. Now, it does not seem ad visable for farmers to aim to raise all kinds, or many kinds of garden products to sell, un less they have an unusually good mar ket convenient But by supplying the demands of the table the home market as it were the cost of living can be lessened. In addition, it is well to investigate and find eome veg etable product for which there is a good market and then grow a quan tity of : it Even in small country. towns mere are hotels that will buy certain vegetables. By devoting at tention to only one or two .kind. . we can learn well how to successfully grow and handle them to the best ad vantage. Having a good quality, one man o.m o'ten get a contract to supply the entire demand of a village hotel If not convenient to make daily deliv eries non-perishable products ran be grown and weekly or semi-weekly de liveries made. Managed on this plan sweet potatoes last year yielded me an income twelve times as large, per acre, as wheat Practical Farmer. Slek Boom Uouf. Don't rock your chair incessantly. Don't stay so long as to tire the pa tient Don't s-but the register with a clashing sohnd. .i. '" Don't come Into the room with wet dothing on. V Don't" talk about sickness or other 'di agreeable subjects. Don't let the bureau knobs fall heavily or bang the doom Don't kits the patient if yon have just come out of the cold. Don't sit where the patient must change her position to look at you. Don't play with anything in your hands or anything affixed to the furniture. Don't talk so fast that it is a strain on the patient's serves to understand all you say. Don't sit by the side of the patient for he can't look at you without straining her neck. Domeatle Help. To clean gold jewelry, make a lather ot plain yellow soap and tepid water, and wash the ornament in it; dry them thor oughly, and afterward brush them with a little dry whiting, finally polishing them with a very soft-leather. It is said that a Paris laundryman has discarded all soaps, sodas and boiling pow ders." He merely naes plenty ot water and boiled potatoes, and can cleanse, without employing any alkali, the worst soiled linens, cotton or woolens. Dr. Hutchinlson recommends for the treatment of bleeding at the nose the plunging of the feet and hand of the pa tient in water as hat as ran be borne. He says that the most rebellious cases have never resisted this mode of treatment The old-fashioned rule for pumpkin pie is about two enpgful of pumpkin to five of milk, or four of milk and one of cream, four or five eggs, sweetening and spices to the taste. Do not forget to add half a tsaspoonfal of salt to every quart of milk used in the pies. Hore is a good way to wash red flannel: Stir two tablespoonfuls of flour into ons quart of cold water. Let it boil ten min utes, add warm suds and wash the flannel In this, using handsJosteod of washboard. Rinse in three waters, all warm, and of the same ' temperature. Even the bright scarlet flannel will never Ko it colof when thu treated.- ! Stock Note. Feed and shelter well. Keep good cattle or none. Mixing breed promiscuously does not work well. , The time to break the cow to lead is when she is a call Good care and good keep are a essential a good breed, f It does not pay to raise a good calf no leas good care is given. Hardiuess is too often made the cause for a man to abuse his cattle. Keep the heifer calves from the best cows, and keep for future milkers. There is no advantage in keeping a large cow simply because she is big. If the calf is to be raised by hand it should not be allowed to suck the cow. No one thing is capable of occasioning more inconvenience at time than a badly broke call One object gained with improved stock, is the increased power of digestion and aaimUation. It costs more to make milk from old rows than from young ones having ' the same milk capacity. It is more or less ot a waste to feed corn meal to cattle without giving mora bulky material with it The best cow in the world will not give rich milk unless she is given the food from which to manufacture it Cattle will do better to eat their hay or fodder clean than to have a quantity in the mangers to muss over. Cattle will worry if obliged to wait for thoir meals, and worry means wast of flesh aad food; feed them regularly. The Alliaaco Dispatch: The elec tion this year have given us one use ful lea son. Tbey have clearly demon strated one truth that it was well for us to know. They have demonstrated beyond the i possibility of doubt that whatever the leaders and press of the old parties may say is regard to the farmers and laborers' movements, however they may try to flatter us by the assertion that our demands are mostly juat; that they are our friend, and if we will just be patient and wait they will bring us the relief we ask. tbey are and will be our persistent aad implacable enemies, sad win do all in thir power to defeat us asd to pre vent the enactment of our demands In to law. By what logic can you be led to depend upon the favors of either the Republican or Democratic parties after it is known tbey joined them selves - together bodily in two great statelier the express andavowed4 purpose " or defeating the farmers movement? Away with such foolish ness! If we mean to be free, if we mean to unlock the shackles that the despotism of a moneyed aristocracy has fastened upon us, we must lely upon our own unaided efforts, opposed by all the cunning and ingenuity of the money kings acting through both ot the old parties, ... The Advocate: We have been told by every plutocratic paper in this fair land that lbs national bank was the safest banking system that the country could devise. In view of the numer ous national bank failures Within the post few months have these- state ments been substantiated? We say not After a national banker has failed wby are his outstanding bank notes good? because of the guarantee of the5 government that they will be accepted as money. 1 hat is no more than the greenback possesses to in spire the confidence of the people. and yet the financial bosses tell us that money issued direct by the gov ernment cannot be made honest money. But when it is all simmered down we find that even the national bank notes are based on the same basis that the greenback is, viz: on the credit and ability of the govern ment to pay. 1 Why can't the govern ment be honest with the people and give them their money direct instead of delegating, this power to a lot of shylocks who are sapping the very life blood of the nation by charging ruinous rates , of interest The legal tender dollar '"can be put into circula tion in various ways, but the national bank dollar has, but one channel through which to reach the marts of commerce, , and that is by some one borrowing it at an enormous rato of interest and giving gilt edge personal security. Oagbt to TTe, Bnt Ara Not. The farmer who hangs on to his old party affiliations is to a very great ex tent responsible for all the poverty that exists among the tillers of the sclL The producers of the food pro ducts of the world ought to be the most independent class of people in the world. Yet the banker, the spec ulator In farm product the railroad operator and protected manufacturers amass millions, while the farmer comes out in debt to non-producers at the end of the year. Topeka Advocate. HERMAJtf-:-BROS., TinrnT .17. s a t .th avt "btotatt. ff asaatv WaWsmaisa7sl lllll Va 1 aataf aaSVaamat atV sSdaBasl Clothing, Hals, Cans ai Fiiislg Ms. BRANCH HOUSES: BEATRICE, GRAND ISLAND, FALLS CITY, WEEPING WATER ANJ AUBURN. 19m8 Special Attention PRICES LOW. 1017 & 1019 0 STREET. FARMERS! BUY " YATES Solid, Whole Stock Kip Boots. Name and price stamped on every Boot Evidence of faith in the quality of the goods. ED. G, YATES, 1129 O Street. WE HAVE GOT TO MOVE SO WE OFFER The Following Inducements: Roond Oaks, Cook Stoves and Base Heaters at a very low price, Washing Machines at I t . 50 each. We handle the American Round Oak and Red Cress Stores and Ranges. We ask jou to call and be convinced that we can Bell yon goods Cheaper than any body. 1210 O St. . IP. S. WHITE, (8aocessor to Kruse k White LEADER IN LOW PRICES. ral II Tkl Way. I am not in-fsvor of taking ths prop erty of the rich and giving it to othera Bnt let us see. We are invited to the banquet of life; there should have been a chair aad a plate for each, but there was not ' Certain mffiloaalres " add noble-men", have been given fifty seats and fifty plates, and forty-nine are compelled to stand and look' on while the one is eating. Why should not the forty -sine men pass a law in favor of eminent domain? .Nature la my mother. I wss invited to this great feast of life, and I do net propose to s'and while there is a seat in the world that another fellow is not oc cupying. CoL Bohert Gt IngersolL la TaraaS. The street railways " in ; Toronto are all owned by the municipality, and are operated by private persons under the terms , of, a Jease. The city . re cei ves $800 a year per mile of . track and 8 per cent of the gross earnings. The returns for the month of Septem ber show that 111.651 was paid to tho city by the lesseea or at the rate of $140. 000 a year . Tickets in bunches are sold at a large reduction. Ono class of tickets for the u of work men are sold at the rate of eight for 25 cents. Children under 9 years of age carried at -half price, and' school children's tickets are sold at the rats of ton for 25 oents. Sentinel. ' The Plow and Hammer We recog nize this fact, that ths Farmers' Al. lianoe is not a political party. , Wo recognize another fact that the de mands made in the Ocala and Omaha platforms are political. ' and demand legislation. We are cognizant of still another fact that the old parties re- . a . 1 3 . 1 A A - - . . V. . Alliance tn their platform. We know that the demands of the PeopleV party is in line with the demands of the Alliance and kindred organiza tions. Now, the question naturally arises if the members of the Alliance are in full sympathy with their plat form and hope and expect to see their demands enacted into law, how , do they propose to do It? Through party organizations, that refuse to embody these reforms in their platforms? PERKINS WIND HILL KO DOUBT set A F1CT THEPEBKINS I the Lightest Rnnalng , Wind Hill aow Made. BOY if I TRY IT I After 81 Tear fit naaea la tha aaanuta tare of Wind Mill, we have lately made a complete ohaoge la our mill, all parts bates built tron-er and better proportioned Sad, e elf lubricant baahiiurnlaoed In all hnna t save the purchaser from e limbing high tow er oi m, i ae lame principal oi aeu gov-' trnlng retained. Bvery part of the Mill ful ly WARRANTED, and wlil rua wltaaiit mak. lhjr s noiae. ... The reputation rained by the Perkins Mil in the past ba Induced some unscrupulous persons to Imitate lh mill and even to take our same aad apply it to an inferior mill Be not deceived, none genuine unless stamped as below. We manufacture both punplng and reated mills, tanks pump eto and ren eral Wind Mill-mppHe. Good Agents wans, ed. Bend for eatalone and nrloas. 41-m . fbkbums, wind uiu. a ax cu Miahawaka, lad. Mention fAMrsas'. Aixiajob. . to Mail Orders. LINCOLN, NEB. BROS., " THE .it 111S.I1 1129.