1 IKE VOL. HI. LINCOLN, NEK, TIIUKSDAY. J AN. 14, 18U2. NO 31 KM V NEBRASKA NOTES. G. C. Cleveland, an old citizen of Colum bus, died. Heart disease. The Buffalo County Fanners' institute .wiH be held at Gibbon Feb. 1, S and 8. Michael Yoakam was bound over to the district court at Hvanais for shooting cat tle. Every county officer in Nuckolls county, except one commissioner, are ,lndepend ents. Jos. Skala, a Burlington and Missouri switchman, was knocked from a moving train and killed In the yards at Omaha. C. W. Aiken, late treasurer of Blaine county, has been found short in his ac counts $1,10138. Loom bookkeeping did it. After sixteen years of active work on the bench Judge William Gaetin ad journed court at Hastings for the last time. Deputy Grand Master J. F. Hallowell of Grand Island instituted a new lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Hooper. Burglars blew open the safe at Cairo postofRce, but failed to get a cent This is the second time the safe has been bur glarised. The stationery and jewelry store of Ja eobfton & Peterson at Schnvler was taken possession of by the sheriff on a chattel Charles H. Paul of Adams county confessed to a shortage of $33,000. He has I urned over all his property to his bondsmen. Near Clay Center Mrs. Fraxler Troxell and her little child were burned to death by an explosion of gasoline, which set fire to their clothing. Howell's new mill is now running fnll time and the farmers, merchants and cit izens generally are patronizing home in dustry on the flonr question. Chas. II. McGurren, a reporter for the Ninth Michigan Judicial district, broke the world's record in type writing at Lin coln, copying 123 words in a minute. Carl Carlson Is under arrest at Oakland ehsrged with shooting with intent to kill William Brekman, son of the president of the First National bank of that city. Tan Linden, a young man working on the B. and M. section at Red Cloud, was 1 , struck by.; the . evening . passenger - train from Hastings and almost instantly killed. Erail Magnason, alias Axel Carlson.who was lixlged in jail at Tekamah a few days ago, charged with forgery, dug out of the jail and escaped. Later he was arrested at West Point. In December the farm mortgages filed for Buffalo county amounted to 130,719; released. $38,337. Citv mortirases filed. I89.1fi4; released, tl7,8St. Chattels filed, $119,960; released, $64,411 , - I The county commissioners of Dawes ' county have discovered a n error of $5,000 in the general fund, which will pay all outstanding claims and place the county on a good financial footing. The Rtate board of health reopened the ease of Dr. J. E. McGrew of Omaha, and after a hearing reversed the order made at a previous meeting and granted the doctor a certificate to practice. - The wife of Rev. Mr. Holdgraf, pastor of the German Evangelical church of Syra cuse, died from an attack of the grip, and her husband and daughter are lying at we poms or aeain wim me same ais- to answer questions put to I him by the interstate commerce com- The grocery store of George H. Rider at mission, was guilty of contempt. The Grand Island was closed by the Bank of specific allegation was that Connselman Commerce under a chattel mortgage of & Co. had secured a "cut rate" from the $1,400. Other claims have since been filed railways, by which they were enabled to the amount of $1,100. The assets are to ship grain to the seaboard from Clii about $3,000. , cago for from 1J to 2$ cents a bushel The residence of S. A. Wilson, near cheaper than any of their competitors. Ada-ms, was destroyed by fire. Wilson and his wife were away from home at the time and returned just in lime to rescue their children, who were sleeping in the upper story. The citizens of Seward met and took in itiatory steps toward organizing a board of trade. Among the new enterprises that are being contemplated by the board are a cigarfactory, acooper establinhment, a broom factory and a sugar beet fac tory. The Dodge county Alliance in its annual sesion held at North Bend elected the following officers for the ensuing year: F. A. Howe, president; J. M. Cruickshanlc, vice president; Hugh Robertson, secre-' tary and treasurer; J. W. Sherwood, lec turer. Saloonkeeper George Schetdel of Platte Center has been sued for $10,000 by the widow of Martin Malec, who was recently found dead in an open field near his homo. It is supposed that Malec, while intoxi cated, lost his way and perished from the cold. An agent of the Goodland, Kan., Artifi cial rain company held a meeting at Grant. This company wants to furnish rnln the coming season for Sedswick, Phillips, Logan, Washington and Yuma counties, Colorado; and Perkins, Ch&so and Dundy counties, Nebraska, for $3, 600. Ottis McCabe, 17 years old, mysteriously disappeared from Clarks. His parents and family are using every means to find bim, and cannot account for his absence. His mother is prostrated from the excite ment. The surrounding country has been thoroughly searched, but no clew has been found. Four wild loaded freight cars caused quite a wreck on the Burlington and Missouri between McCook and Indianola. They had been blown from a sidetrack and came in collision with a passenger train. The engine and wild cars were all pretty badly demoralized, but passen gers and crew escaped. The Crawford lxiard of trade has issued the following call for a sugar beet conven tion: "All residents of the district com posed of Dawes, Sioux and Box Butts counties are hereby called to meet in con vention at Crawford, Neb., Saturday, Jan. IB, at 6 o'clock p. m., to discuss the suaar beet industry and take such action as may be deemed desirable." Oscar Olesen, a 15-year-old Western Union messeneer boy, was found with his skull fractured at Omaha. He was lying in the rear of the Wells-Fargo Express company's office, and it is believed that ha suddenly disturbed some burglars while they were trying to rob the office. He died an hour after being found. A fund it being raised to search for the murder er. At a meeting of the business men of Fremont plans and specifications were submitted for the new proposed beet sugar factory, wnicn, if stock comrmnv can be organized -local capital to takes halt interest will be erected in this city. The proposed building is to be 800x300 feet I in . .r.,1 ,-..,,,...,,. ..j v..ii. i stone at a cost, including machinery of (050 B -u.ui.rj. " WATCHIHGMRY MOVE. England Interested in the repara tions Being: Made for War. A " TEST CASE SETTLED. Ceanaelman Scares Point Against the Iatentat Commerce CommtMtoa. Witnesses Mot Required t. An swer Incriminating Qa.tllons Washington, Jan. 13. Whether Great Britain is or is not using her influence with Chile to bring about a satisfactory settlement of the Baltimore outrage is as yet a matter of speculation, but there are abundant evidences that she is show ing the deepest interest in the prepara tion for war which our country has been making. Our naval officers have not failed to discover that two naval attaches of the British legation in this city. Captains William H. Way and Q. C. Langley, have been watching every movement of the navy department since the talk of war with Chile first com menced. What these officers have learned has, of course, been duly com municated to the home government, and these reports have doubtless been the means of convincing the British author ities that the United States is in sober earnest in her demand for reparation. . It is noticeable to those who have watched the developments of the Chilean controversy that the English influences in the direction of peace commenced just after the naval attaches began ac tivity. These attaches have made per sonal visits to different places through out the country where work on war ma terials is in progress. Only a few days ago Captain Langley visited the Mare island navy yards and Union Iron works at San Francisco to see what trnth there was in the rumors of hurried work on the coast defense vessel Monterey and other vessels. Upon his return a day or two ago he' told a friend -that he had been on a few days' pleasure trip to New York, but this did not deceive tho naval officers here. ' . Test Cant Settled. Washington, Jan 12. Charles Conn selman of Chicago downed the interstate commerce commission in the United States supreme court, and to all intents and purposes has smashed the power of the commission for all time to come, un less Senator Cnllom or some other states man conies to the rescue with an amend ment to the law. The case decided was I that of Charles Connselman of Chicago I vs. Frank Hitchcock, marshal of the United States for the Northern district of Illinois, and the decision of the court was, in brief, that the interstate com merce commission had no right to com; ?el a witness to testify against himself,, Tie decision reverses the decision of the United States circuit court for the Northern district of Illinois, which holds that Mr. Connselman, in re- and were by reason of this advantage acquiring a monopoly of the business. It was impossible to prove the charges without the books of the accused parties, and an order of the court was issued to secure them. This Mr. Connselman re fused to honor and the others took a similar stand. It was agreed to make Mr. Counselman's action a test case and the matter was taken by his attorney to the United States supreme court with this understanding. Fireman Shield.! Cane. Washington, Jan. 12. The depart ment of justice is in receipt of a full re- port of an investigation made by the United States district attorney of San Francisco into the case of Patrick Shields, a fireman on the Americau steamship Kewenaw, who is alleged to have received brutal treatment by the police authorities of Valparaiso for no other reason than because he proclaimed himself an American. Shields states I that he shipped on board the steamer at 1 Brooklyn, N.Y., and reached Valparaiso on t he 8th of September. He was given liberty and went ashore. After leaving a barber shop and while perfectly sober he was accosted by two policemen for money, and not complying with their de mands, tho officers, who were in uniform, i took him to jail, where they locked him I up. From this time forward, according to his statement, be was subject to a j continuous series of arrests and impris- ; onment, accompanied by brntal beat- i ings and periods of service on the chain gang for no other reason than because he was an Amertcan. Captain W. H. Jenkins, of the Kewenaw, a resident of Boston, testified that the vessel is owned by Americans and carried tho American flag. He described the piria- ble condition of Shields when the latter returned to the ship after his imprison ment. The unanimous testimony of of ficers and crew of the vessel was that it was unsafe for any American seaman to proclaim himselt at V alparaiso. New from Chile, Washington, Jan. 12. A cablegram just received from Minister Egan at Valparaiso, says that all the refugees, nine in number, who have been under the protection of tho American legation, have been transferred to the United States cruiser Yorktown, now lying in the harbor of Valparaiso. The refugees will, it is believed, be held on board come vessel to be landed at Callao. Peru. CONGRESSIONAL; In the House, Washington. Jan. 12. The judiciary committee reported a bill fixing times and places of holding United States dis trict courts in Iowa and it passed. A r l.:n ,. . . i , "i "'"umicju anu re- terrea ana at u:4u tne nouse adjourned. In the Senate. ' oeve Several messages relating to Indian ff' werereceived from the president Bmi a nUtnber of bills were introduced and referred. CANADIAN EOODLERS The Ei-Fnnltr IeBnt Big Reenlte Expected from the Inveatlpatlon. Montreal, Que., Jan. Ex-Premier Mercier arrived here from Quebec. Ho wiH remain here for ten days complet ing the Liberal organization for tha coming struggle. Tne ex-premier is more hopeful of the result of the elec tion than ever. He says each diy is bringing him new friends. The cabinet sat four hours, the principal business be ing in connection with the royal com mission to investigate the administra tion of affairs during the Mercier gov ernment regime. The scandals to be unearthed in connection with railway subsidies and the crown lands depart ment are said to be something frightful, although the ex-premier still defies his opponents to prove any wrong doing on his part, or that of his late government. The Conservative press is daily publish ing sensational revelations of allpged boodlitig on the part of Mercier and his friends. , Big Firs at Georgetown, Colo. Georgetown, Colo., Jan. 12. What might have been a great catastrophe in this city was not so disastrous as was feared at Srst. The first reports were exaggerated. Fire broke out in the Mc Clelland opera house and the entire building was soon in flames. The opera house is a frame affair and burned like tinder. The flames soon spread to Mrs. Johnson's millinery store, which was totally destroyed, and from there to the Hotel Do Pans, which was also burned to the ground. Several other frame buildings on Sixth avenue and Cax streets were destroyed. The complete loss will amount to flOO.000. The fire was started by Mr. McClelland, who was thawing out frozen water pipes. OVER AN EMBANKMENT. Serious Accident on the Motion Itonto. Be.ultlitg in Death and Injury to Many. Crawfordsville, Intl., Jan. 12. T fast mail running between Louisvili and Chicago on the Monon route, coi sistingof a mail car, an express ca? three .coaches, and a chair car, wn wrecked two miles north of here Nicholson's crossing. The train wh rounding a sharp curve, when the ontc. rail broke and precipitated the cars down an embankment twenty feet deep. The stove in the first coach was over turned and the car was soon destroyed, bnt the passengers escaped. Tho next coach was torn to pieces. It was filled with people, not one of whom escaped injury. The parlor o -r toppled over on top of the coaches. Two persons were killed and thirty-seven seriously injured Another Wreck. St. Lock, Jan. 13. A special from Crawfordsville, Ind., says that at 11:80 p. m., when a wrecking train was re turning from the wreck at Nicholson's crosenigi -collided with a freight train standing at the depot. The wreck at once took fire and at an early hour in the morning, although the fire department was at work, it was believed the depot would be burned also. A New York Wreck BCT7ALO, Jan. 13. it has been re ported that a collision between two trains on the Lehigh Valley road" occurred near Castlia. Those killed were Flagman McCarthy and Brakeman Woodrnff. Five cars of oil caught fire and were burned, consuming the bodies of the two men. Whitman's Wonderful Vitality. Philadelphia, Jan. 12. For three weeks past tho death of Walt Whitman, the poet, has been daily expected, and his vitality is remarkable. The doctors have entirely cured the bronchial pneu monia, which sent Whitman to bed, and his lungs are all right. But the ol I poet is so weak that ho is not able to move his limbs or his body. His vitality is very low and he lies in a doze most of the time, talking but little. While Whit man is not an atheist and really believes he is going to die he has not asked to see a minister, and it is not known that he belongs to any church or religions de nomination. Many people supposed that being such a close friend to Colonel Ingersoll Whitman is an unbeliever, but his nearest friends say that he believes m the existence of a Supreme Being. BURNED TO A CRISP. The Horrible Fate of Two Children Locked In a IIounc. Sedalia, Mo., Jan. 12. David Buck- ner and wife, who reside at Smithton, near this city, locked their children in the house when they left home to visit a neighbor. During their absence the building was destroyed by fire and a boy 7 years old and a girl S were burned to i a crisp. Big Ulaze at Rochenter. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 12. At noon flames were discovered in the fifth story of Sibley's seed store, on East Main street. The walla soon foil and crushed the Second Baptist church adjoining, which also took firo. At 1 o'clock the Sibley block was completely gutted. Fire in the church is under control. Loss $ 150,(100. Fireman Brennan fell from a ladder and was seriously injured, Boston Buildings Shattered. Boston, Jan. 12. An explosion of blasting powder occurred at 11 o'clock a. m. at the corner of Hyde Park avenue and Forest Hill street,-where a sewer i3 being excavated. One man has been taken to the hospital and several build iugs are reported shattered. Terrific Boiler Kxploslon. York, Pa., Jan. 12. William Hazlett was instantly killed and Richard Hughes fatally injured by the explosion of a boiler in the 6tone quarry at Deta. The explosion was terrific and adjacent build' ings were demolished. Trouble Blowing Over. Helena, jvionr... jan. li.cio news has been received from the eastern part of the state regarding the threatened Indian trouble. It is the general im pression that Governor Toole has tele graphed from Washington to Sheriff Jones to let matters re: t. STRIKE AT INDIANAPOUS: rolice Protection Asked by the Tresi- dent of the Street Car Company. SERIOUS TROUBLE FEARED A Pennsylvania Man Convicted for Kill ing a Burglar Another Bad Bank Failure Announced Br. Graves Sentenced. Ixdiaxapous, Jan. 13. The situation regarding the street car strike remains the same. No, a car was run over anv 1 of the lines daring the day. although M.fi .vt-mr. -' attempts were made, re sulting ia the cars being nnceremonl- ously hustled back into the barns. The strikers used no violence and conducted themselves in a quiet, orderly manner. A long conference was held between the mayor ot ths city and President Frensel, of the company. The mayor asked him if he would treat with a committee of the strikers. Mr. Frensel positively refused to do so, stating that he could get plenty of men to man his cars, as there were many applicants from men in this city out of employ ment. Including twenty-hve of the stnk ers, whom, he said, would return when they were given police protection. He denied the rumor that men would be imported, to take the strikers' places. He addressed a letter to the police com missioner asking that proper police pro tection be given him as he intended run ning cars for the accommodation of tho public to.! ay. The men are determined, and if he carries out his expressed intention it U feared that serious trouble will result. ARRESTED THE CASHIER. Another Bank Failure la Pennaylvanla Announced. Wiluamsport, Jan. 13. The First National bank of JIuncie was closed by orderaf.Bink,Exaralner! Dangler. Pre vious to the announcement of the sus pension there was a run, during which between 7,000 and money on hand, was $8,000, all the paid out Del Green, the cashier and ex-bank examin- e .1 . .s Examiner Denirler said that the af-1 fairs of the bank are in a very had shape and it looks as if the institution had been looted. A shortage of at least f 10, 000 has already been discovered and the full amount, it is expected, will be much greater. The president is Captain John M. Bowman, who also acted as cashier during the time Dela Green was bank examiner. v Convicted Tor Killing a Burglar. Pittsbcro, Pa,. Jan. 12. The jury in the case of the --Conimon wealth vs. J, N. Taylor, charged with the murder of Harry Bowmaster at Homestead on the night of Dec. 8, returned a verdict find ing the defendant guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Bowmaster came to Taylor's house and began rapping or try ing to open one of the down-stairs win dows, when Taylor was aroused by his wife, and taking his rifle, went out into the yard, and, according to his own strtement, took a position behind a rain barrel and asked tne man what he was doing. The man was working at the window at the time, and Taylor says reached toward his side and did not an swer him. Taylor at once fired and killed him. Several shots were fired at Taylor afterward by Bowmaster's two companions. The attorneys for the de fendant held, according to the old Eng lish law, that a man's boose was his castle and that he had a right, according to that law, to shoot any person that tried to effect an entrance into his house during the night time. This idea has been exploded apparently by the present verdict. DR. GRAVES SENTENCED. T Die on the Oallowi Within Two Weeks from Jan. 30. Denver, Jan. 12. Dr. Graves was sentenced to be hanged some time during the two weeks beginning Jan. 30. He was taken to the penitentiary. Besides theoffieera he was accompanied by a large number of other prisoners, mostly for petty offenses. Steel cuffs were on his hands and chains .bound his feet. This was the first time that he had been submitted to such indignities. He took the situation coolly and was courteous and pleasant to the officers in charge. The doomed man talked freely on all topics but -he one of his supposed guilt. He was not permitted to see Lis wife be fore he departed. Sam'l o' Poeo. San Frax:isco, Jan. 12. Actor M. B. Curliss' ' attorneys made the startling claim that the prosecution of their cli ent was the result of a conspiracy ou the part of the police to send an inno cent man to the gallows. They claim that there were two men with Police man Grant the night he was killed Curtisg and another man; that the other man did the shooting, and the police were aware of this fact, but unable to capture the real culprit, and the police are trying to convict Curtiss in order to avert public cenbure. REVOLUTIONISTS IN CONTROL. AM-emion Still in the Hands of the Mex ican Insurgent A. .Oemixo, N. M., Jan. 12. Zo courier has arrived here from Ascension, Mex., but one is expected. The latest inform ation from Ascension is to the effect that the town is still in the possession of th? revolutionists. City of Mkxico, Jan. 12. The report that General Reis is here to take com mand of the troops on the frontier is not tine. The president is iiersonally direct ing the campaign, which will doubtless wion end if the bandits are forced to thU side of the river. The government knows smugglers who are aiding Garza with money. Fort Ringgold Token. San Antonio, Jan. 12. There was a rcjtort in circulation here that Fort Ringgold, which is commanded bv Cap tain William B. Wheeler, of the'Thinl cavalry, had been attacked and captured by several hundred of Garza's men. .Z. Strong Movement la ravor of lento Modern Snaday Privilege. Annapous, Md., Jan. 13. One of the most important bills to be presented to the legislature this session will be that pro viding for a repeal of the old Sunday blue laws and the enactment of a new law more adapted to the times. Milk, ice, cigars, tobacco, soda water and sim ilar non-alcoholio beverages, articles of food, and medicinal preparations will be exempted from that provision of the law against selling on Sunday. The bill has been drafted, and a great deal of influ ence will be brought to secure its pass-ago- The fight will doubtless lie a hot one on the provision in section 247 allow ing tne prosecution or work on aunaay in the privacy of dwelling houses. "ThU bill was introduced." said one of the in corporators'tomeettheadvancing spirit ?.f V Already seventeen statei in the Union have passed acts in accord with this spirit Rhode Island, Con necticut and Maine, the very hotbeds of 'blue laws,' are among these states." FOLLOWERS OF DR. CYRUS TEED They Apply for Membership la the Ecoa otnlte Socletv. Pittsburo, Jan. 13. Five followers of Dr. Cyrus Teed, "Koresh," of Chicago have made application for membership In the Economite society and will be voted in at the annual election next month. There is a strong opposition to their admission on account of the pub lished reports that Dr. Teed wanted to get control of the society, and a bitter fight is expected. DEADLOCK IN IOWA. ogle Ilaa the Senate la the Hollow ef nit Hand Orranliatlon Awalti H.e Say. Dra Moiirea, la., Jan. 13 The house selected as temporary speaker G. W. WyckoS of Appanoose county. After the appointment of a committee on cre dentials the house adjourned nntil 10 a. m. The senate stands 25 Dem ocrats, 24 Republicans and 1 Independ ent. Lieutenant Governor Poyner (Rep.) was in the chair. A Republican orirani- cation was formed without friction, with W. F. Cochrane of Taylor as secretary, The Republican house caucus named for permanent speaker W. O. Mitchell of Adams county; secretary, C A. Beverly of Greene, who will be elected today. The Democrats nominated J. F. Dayton of Allamakee for sneaker. The Republican senate caucus named J. W. Cliff of Jasper for secretary and Peter Melander for sergeant at-arms. The Democratic caucus named S. M. Parson of Cinn for secretary and F. G. Yeoman of Wright for sergeant-at-arms. With a Republican lieutenant gpT- ernor in the chair neither party can or ganize the senate without the vote of Senator Engle. He has not been able to deal with either party and announces that he will vote for a ticket of his own. This means a deadlock. Once Lieuten ant Governor -elect Bestow (Dem.) is in the chair his party can control the senate. FIGHTING THE OPTION BILL. Minnesota Banker and Grain Men Bleat to Formulate a Protmt. St.Paul, Minn., Jan. 12. It is learned that the bankers of Minnesota have taken steps te defeat the famous Wash burne option bill introduced in the sen ate last December. A meeting which was held of St. Panl and Minneapolis bank presidents was attended by leading pain and elevator men on invitation. The bankers took a decided stand against the measure and declared that the pas sage of the Washbnrne bill in its present si ape would break up one of the leading industries of the country, requiring for its handling 85,000,000 of money from New York, Boston and other money centers, and weaken the credit of all grain dealers and ruin that of many. Committees from the clearing house of St. Paul and Minneapolis met and form ulated a protest to be forwarded to tho senate. Blaine Sentiment. New York, Jan. 12. Charles A. Pills bury of Minneapolis said that the cntiro northwest was strongly for Blaine for the presidency next year. He continued: Nobody can etatid against the Blaine curreat. It is no gentle breeze, but cy clone of BInine sentiment which has nwept all over the Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and the other western and northwestern states. There is not only no enthusiasm for any other man, but no body else is heard of. The people believe that Iiliiine will be the candidate, it his health permits. Hs will not announce that he wants the nominn'-'on, but when the people otter it to him on a silver lalver he will accept it with thanks. Republican Club Banquet. CniCAOO, Jan. 13 The Hamilton club, a Republican organization, gave its sec ond annual banquet at the Auditorium last evening. Toasts were responded to by General Russell A. Alger of Michi gan, who spoke on "The Republican Party ;" John M. Thurston of Nebraska on "Alexander Hamilton," Frank F. Davis of Minnesota on 'Republicanism in the Northwest," Governor Joseph W. Fifer on "The State of Illinois." and Richard Yates of Illinois on "Tho Young Man in Politics." Blnlne. Washington. Jan. 12. Secretary Blaine was at the 6tate department a short time in the morning. The British minister called upon him to talk over Bering sea matters, but the secretary had left the department. Secretaries Blaine and Tracy called on the president and the three remained in consultation some time. Secretary Blaine aain called at the White House at 4 o'clock and re mained some time with the president. The Service Tension Bill. Washington, Jan. 12. Representative Taylor of Ohio reintroduced in the house his bill of the last congress granting Bervico and disability pensions to officeis, soldiers and sailors and marines in tho army and navy of the United States of the late war, their widows and orphans, and for other purposes. AGAINST MARYLAND'S BLUE LAWS. TH in J. BURROWS, J. M. Thompson, Bus. llg'r. BETTER THAN STRONG! FEARLESS! TRUTHFOL! RELIABLE! The leadina Independent Paner of the in its advocacy of auti monopoly principles and Its championship of the rights 4 the world's toilers. It receives no eorporation patronage, an4 its eaitor never use free passes. ( - Its Editorials are Clear Cut and Convineing. Its News Servlet Clean and IT IS COMPLETE IN Several First-class SERIAL STORIES will be run through the year. Subscription price, 51. CO per year. Clubs of flie for $4.00. Soil (or tapis Gen. Unparalleled Offer. THE ARENA. The Arena Magazine of Boston has taken the very highest rank as a liberal People's Monthly. Its corps of aontributors embrace the very ablest writer ot America and Europe. THE ARENA POBTFOLIO Is a beautiful collection of twenty-six of The Finest Steel Plate Portraits ot distinguished Authors ana leading spirits in the great uprising of the people tgainst monopolies d the plutocracy- VVe have arranged with the Arena Publishing Compnnv for the exclusive sale In Nebraska ' The Ar na l the Portfolio Premium witS I hk Allianck and now make the following unparalleled offer: The Arena one year, price ..... $5.00. 7, The.PdrtfoUo.-. The Farmers' Alliance one year 1.00.-$10.00. All for $5.20. . Address, ALLIANCE PUB. CO.. Lincoln. Ne. THE IRISHABE LOYAL, But Not Willing to Adopt a Congrat ulatory Address to the Queen. CHILE IS CONCILIATORY. Hlnl.ter Eg-an'i L.te.t Action Ii Not to Be Scrlnu.ly Queatloned Sir Charles DUke'. War 8peecta starvation llre.dt Anarchy Other New. Dubux. Jan. 13. The meeting of the Dublin corporation, at which the ques tion of adopting an address to the queen, the Prince of Wales and the duke of Clarence on the occasion of the duke's approaching wedding, was de bated and was remarkable for the mod erate tone which characterized the discussion. Mr. Dobson. in moving tho address, said that he was encouraged to do so by the cordial manner In which the toast to the queen's health was re sponded to at the recent mayoralty banquet. Mr. Brown, in seconding ths motion, nrged that political feeling be discarded and that the members consider only their loyalty to the queen as subjects of her world wide empire. Es-High Sheriff Shanks proposed an amendment, which was seconded by Alderman Perry, that "while the occasion of the duke's mar riage elicits our hearty good wishes, the council does not feel justified, while ex ceptional laws are appli-sd to Ireland, in presenting an address." The supporters of the amendment repudiated any idea of disloyulty, and expressed the hope that when the unjust and exceptional coercive laws now applied to Ireland shonld be repealed, and the desire for a national parliament acceeded to an ad dress of congratulation on such an oc casion might be presented from all rep resentative bodies in Ireland. The amendment prevailed. Dilke'i War Speech. Lovdov, Jan. 12. Sir Charles Dilke delivered a speech which is likely to at tract attention and arouse discussion throughout Europe. He declared that the Liberals were not wise in trusting the government's foreign policy. There were times when the traditional non interference by the Opposition with the foreign policy of the party in power might properly be abandoned. lie be lieved that neither Germany or France wished for an alliance with England, since both cherished designs on Belgium, whose neutrality England has guaran teed. Lord Salisbury was allowing that matter to drift, whereas England ought to be very jealous of any encroachments in that direction and should make up her mind whether or not to fight in order to preserve the autonomy of Bel gium. It it were determined that the guarantee was worth supporting by force of arms, then preparations for the inevitable should begin without delay. : : Editor. EVER BEFORE. west nncomnroralsln and inaltereMa Reliable. EVERY RESPECT. Too Sanguine of Peaee. Berlin, Jan. 13. The Schleseicfa Zei tnng unusually a well informed paper, states that the recent reception of gen erals bj the kaiser was not altogether ae ceremonial as had been reported. The kaiser addressed a few significant words to the leaders of his army, telling them that there was a tendency to be too san guine of the prolongation of peace, moi that he desired them not to be affected by such a tendency. The paper is sup posed to have got its information from an officer who was present. The kaiser has been very much irritated by the publicity given recently to some of his utterances to the army, and it has been quietly intimated to the officers that such utterances are in confidence. This accounts for the fact that the kaiser's significant remarks escaped attention until now. . tilde I. Contented. ' Valparaiso, Jan. 12. The Chilean minister at Washington, Pedro Montt, sent a dispatch to his government to the effect that, while fully aware that the United States could not demand salvo conducto for the refugees in the Ameri- can legation at Santiago, still he ad vised that they be allowed to leave the country as a concession to the United States gove rnment. Jose Carrerea, one of the three refugees whom Minister Egan escorted from Santiago to Valpa raiso and placed aboard the United States cruiser Yorktown, was to have sailed for the north on the German steamer Abydos, but on reflection has decided not to do so. He is afraid that he might be taken off by the Chilean government at some northern port, so he remains on the Yorktown, which will land him and William and Juan McKen na at a Peruvian seaport Starvation Breed. Anarchy. ' St. Petersburg, Jan. 12. Anarcqo exists in several districts of the gov ernments of Penza and Saratoyat, where the starving peasants have looted and burned the houses of the Jews whom they accuse of monopolizing the grain product. In a number of instances the mob furiously attacked the Jews, kill ing several and wounding many. The local authorities appear to have been either unable or unwilling to protect the helpless people. Idiuy Henry Somerset. Chicago. Jan. 13. Lady Henry Som erset, the distinguished temperance worker from England, became associate editor of The Union Signal, the organ of the Women's Christian Temperance union. Lady Somerset has decided to remain in Chicago for about six months, aud at the end ot which period she will leave for Japan to engage in temperance work in that country. - Gtandera In Mliaonrk St. Joseph, Jan. 12. Deputy State Veterinary Surgeon Myers discov ered three horses suffering with severe attack of the glanders. The an imals were located on the farm of a man named Wilson, about three miles from the citv, and were immediately quai mined. ' V.