a THE FAItMEllS ALLIANCE, INCOLX, NEB., 1HUHSDAY, JAN. 7, 1892. k ab Mi 5Kv - miefIer and all Ui others were completely nonplussed by thU nn- , expected reply. Sister Gootlinff had al- ; ways been a liberal piver of time and , money to all church work, and this was the first occasion she had Ter been known to refuso to subscribe to any kind of church ; fund. EeT. Whecdler end the others were at first inclined to doubt their ears, and felt that they surely could not hare heard aright, but finally they were convinced of the reality of the sister's words, and Ect. Wheedlcr said, I in great surprise: "Sister Goodinir. you surely do not mean that. You must not mean it. I , I am at a loss to understand you." . "I do mean it, Brother Whecdler," she said, in her calm, quiet way, "and I will I explain why: I am a firm believer in the church, and in its influence for good, and I have always attempted to advance its cause. I have made an effort to give something toward furthering every good work, and I would do the same to-day in this effort you are making, did I not feel that there is another purpose V which I can devote my small means more conscientiously. In the west there are thousands of people suffering for bread, and I conceive it my duty to give to them what 1 have to spare. Charity, it is said, begins at home, and I think charity and Christian duty are not far separated. I believe it our duty to look first after the suffering of our own land to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and take care of the heathen next. This is my opinion, and I do not set it op as a guidance to others. I merely propose to follow it myself, and the little I have to give shall go toward alleviating the sufferings of the starving settlers on the western prai ries." This proved a very bomb to the meet ing. The smile of self-satisfaction set on every face gave way to a look of astonishment, and the members looked inquiringly at each other. But on no one did it have such effect as upon Blatchford. Instantly he remembered that many of those poor settlers were suffering from the effects of his "long time and easy term" loans and his swindling boom scheme at Paradise Park, and for a little while his con science pricked him. A thought of his daughter, too, flashed through his mind, and for an instant ho wondered if she might not be one of those who were starvingone whowas ground down by another, even as hundreds were ground down by him. He never dreamed that she could be one of his own victims, lie began to feel a sense of shame and dread, and even a slight twinge of re gret, butthe ever alert Sarah saw how his mind was drifting, and thought fit to recall it, which sho did by saying: "The poor we have always with us, Sister Gooding, and I'm sure we are all ever willing to aid the needy. But what are the wants of the body as compared with the welfare of the immortal soul? Besides, there arc publio charities for the poor of our own land, and the gov ernment will see that nobody starves. We must not let trifles like this in fluence us from our duty as Christians. We are engaged in a good work and we must not turn aside from it" "So be it, Sister Blatchford," said Eov. Wheedlcr. "You speak with the spirit and the understanding. We are fishers for souls, and not feeders of the body. We have a higher and a mightier mis sion than that of catering to the appetite of the physical man. Our duty calls us above such." After a littlo further conversation of this kind in which each tried to con vince himself or herself that he or she was walking in the "narrow way," (he meeting at last broke up and Blatchford and his wife were left alone In the parlor, where for some time they remain d silent. Finally Blatehford spoke, no said: "The words of that woman have dis turbed me, Sarah, and I feel that I am to a great extent responsible for the sufferings of many of those poor peo ple out there in Kansas. I might have been more lenient with them and saved them the loss of so much money in that Paradise Park boom. Suppose Mary should be suffering at some other person's hands what my victims are Buffering at mine?" "Now, Hiram," said Sarah, "that is just your way. You allow your heart and feelings to accuse you of some great wrong, when you know you are not guilty of any. As a business man you have only done what you ought to do, and you have been a benefactor to those poor people. You have let them have money when they could not have gotten It anywhere else, and that was a great accommodation, I'm sure. You are not responsible for the seasons and the failures of crops, and all that, and you have no right to let your generous heart accuse yon. You are too con scientious, Hiram, for a business man- that you are." ' These words had the effect on Hiram (that the wily Sarah knew they would, and instantly he began to feel quite fond of himself and would have liked to hug himself to his own bosom. He chirked up at once, and thought that he had really rendered those poor unf ortu nate victims of his a great and lasting service by loaning them money at a rate 01 interest they could never pay. "As for your daughter," continued Daran, "wnen she wants your aia, or sympathy, even, she will let you know. Bemember, she went away from you of her own accord, and it is wrong for you to grieve your honest soul- on her ac count. You have performed a glorious part toward the church to-day, Hiram, and you must not let the happiness fol lowing that deed be clouded by such foolish regrets." And he did not for any gre at while. ; . CHAPTER XX. AUNT MITCHELL SPEAKS. I Hiram soon became as placid and self-satisfied as ever, and the next morning he went down town to his of flee with not a trace of the late dis turbance either showing in his features or rankling in his conscience. For several weeks everything went along smoothly with him, and every day he fell more and more in love with his charit able qualities and his Christian virtues. Hiram Blatchford -was not. a man to give way to any insignificant feeling, tfftClliWiiinw: and he did Dot allow conscience to de ter him for any great length of time, lie at one time felt that he hadn't al ways done just right, but he managed to shift the blame of his wrong actions to some other person's shoulders, and succeeded, to his own satisfaction, in exonerating himself completely. But another bombshell was destined to fall in the Blatchford camp, and it fell with terrible effect. This bombshell camcin the shape of an elderly maiden lady known as MissMitchell lilatchford. sister to Iliratn, who for some years had lived entirely isolated from her brother, 8h dneided to pay Hiram a visit, and, accordingly, one day some weeks after the Christian aid society meeting she alighted at Hiram's door. Hiram was not particularly glad to see his sister, for to tell the truth she had an uncomfortable way of speaking her mind that Hiram did not like. He distinctly remembered several occasions when she had freely spent her opinion of him and his way of doing, and she had not always considered him in the light of an injured innocent Ha knew that she would soon discover the relation existing between himself and his daughter, and he felt morally cer tain that her sympathies would be with the latter, and that a "blowing up" for him would be the result Sarah was not glad to see Miss Blatchford cither; and she not only shared in Hiram's feelings, but she was inclined to look upon any of his people s interlopers when they presumed to visit the house that ought to be sacred to the Spicklers. She feared, moreover, that this strong-minded woman would jar on her nerves, for she had under stood from her husband how Miss Mitchell was inclined to give vent in no uncertain terms, to her honest opin ions. Sarah felt that she was a good, saintly creature; yet she was not anxious that anyone should speak the truth about her In her presence. If she could have had her desire In the matter, she would have had Miss Mitchell's visit postponed indefinitely. Of course Hiram and Sarah made an effort to welcome her, but the effort was very much constrained, and was lacking in warmth and feeling. Miss Mitchell either did not notice this, or ignored it for reasons of her own, and proceeded to make herself at home in her brother's house after her own pe culiar fashion. Aunt Mitchell, as she was usually called by those who knew her well, was of a cold, taciturn disposition. She was distant and unsocial toward those who were her best friends, and toward strangers, or those whom sho disliked, she was frigid to the last degree. She hod a knack of forming a pretty correct estimate of people on first sight and her first-formed opinion of Mrs. Blatch ford was anything but flattering to that lady's Christian character. Mr. Blatch ford attempted to make up to her erratic sister-in-law, but on each occasion met with such a cold repulse that she soon gave up the effort Aunt Mitchell preserved a quiet cold dignity in her deportment to her brother and his wife, and avoided their society as much as possible. When she was forced into their presence, how ever, she maintained the bearing of one who is malting a strong effort to hold hersolf in check. By her constrained manner, sho not only succeeded in making an icy atmosphere in the house, but she caused tho household to feel uncomfortable, and gave Hiram a spell of nervous fits. Every one felt that she would not keep up this rigid deport ment for many days, and they were as sured that when she did break loose there would bo a terriblo explosion. Thus for a week Aunt Mitchell kept tho family on tho needles of suspense. Mrs. Blatchford grew so nervous in the meantime that every unusual noise caused her heart to cease beatincr. Blatchford worked himself up to such a point of uneasiness that he stood in mo mentary dread of some great misfor tune. As for old Mrs. Spickler. Aunt Mitchell knoclced her clear out of the ring at first sight The icy bow and the piercing look she gave that old lady on the occasion of their introduction was sufficient to terrorize her for all time to come. Mrs. Spickler was the possessor of considerable spirit and many peoplo had quailed before her gaze, but sho was not equal to Aunt Mitchell's cutting glance. She tried to avoid Aunt Mitchell's eyes after that first meeting, and if by chance she did catch a glance from them she wilted and shrank until she felt that sho was but an atom of humanity a mere speck of flush and blood. One morning the Blatchford house hold were assembled at breakfast when Aunt Mitchell came in a little lato. A glance at her face as sho cold ly nodded her salutation was enough to reveal tho fact that her feelings were struggling vehemently to break loose. bhe sat down to the table with a snap. and putting herself in the most rigid at- titudo, preserved a perfect silence. Blatchford was detailing to his wife the particulars of a plan for the repainting ana repairing of the church. "It can be done for a hundred dol lars," he said, "and that amount can be easily raised." "I should think so." replied Sarah. "ou will give something, I know." "cs, I have already subscribed twenty-five dollars. Ten for myself, ten tor you and hvc for mother." Aunt Mitchell said nothing lust then. but the corners of her mouth began to twitch and she jabbed her fork into the food viciously. Two or three minutes passed in perfect silence, then Aunt Mitchell laid her knife and fork down, drew a long breath, and said: "Hiram, you're a fool." The bomb had been discharged, and its effect was wonderful. Hiram sat with his knife and fork in hand, and with his mouth end evc3 open, trans fixed. Sarah turned all sorts of colors and trembled all over. Mrs. Spickler felt herself diminishing so rapidly that she thought sure she would disappear altogether in a little while. "Uiram, you're a fool," Aunt Mitch ell repeated after giving a contemptu ous glance around. "You're a fool and worse. You're a fool to think that you have got any religion. You're fool to be led by the nose, and you're worse than a fool to turn your home Into an asylum for these Pickles while your own child is an outcast in the world, without friends or money. I tell you, Hiram Blatchford, you haven't got as much religion as s buzzard, and you haven't got as much heart as a stone." Vhy why, Mitchell." nirara stam mered, having recovered a little from his astonishment "Don't 'why me, Hiram," Aunt Mitchell went on. "I know what I'm talking about and you know I do. The idea of you giving money to convert the heathen and paint the church and all Uiat sort of thing, when your own child may be starving for food. It's a shame and a mockery, and I wonder that God don't damn you for it The idea of you helping to convert the heathen! It's ridiculous. If there is a wild nigger In Africa that is any more heathenish toward his offspring than you are toward yours, then I vj God pity him. Oh you may wince, Hiram, but you ' HIRAM. YOU RK A FOOL!" know It's the truth I'm speaking. Do you suppose God Is going to give a place in Heaven to a man who has no place in his home or his heart for his own child? Not much He won't and you can't buy yourself into His favor, as you do into Wheedler's, with the gift of money. As I said, you are a fool and worse. Talk about your religion! .Why, there ain't a particle of it in this house, and there ain't a one of you that knows what Christianity is. Not a single one of all of yon knows any more about Christian ity than a pig." Aunt Mitchell cast a defiant glance around as she ceased speaking, and as she came to Mrs. Blatchford last, and noted the shamed look of that lady, she gave a contemptuous sniff. Hiram trembled with rage and shame. He re alized only too well the truth of his sis ter's words, but for all the world he wouldn't have acknowledged anything. With a great effort ho controlled him-, self to a certain extent, and with toler able firmness said: "Mitchell, this is mv house, and while you remain in it I wish you would show decent respect for my feelings and the feelings of my family." "I shall not remain in this house an other day, Hiram," Aunt Mitchell re plied. "I feel now, and I have felt from tho first, that I am not wanted hero. I could hardly hope to find a wel come to this house when your own child is not welcome, and I would not have remained here this long only I hoped to find an occasion for showing you what a fool you are. You have your Pickles about you and you aro happy. You give money to this thing and that thing and you imagine you are doing Christian duty. You listen to hypocritical professions at home and flattery abroad, and you think you are a good man. But mark my word, Hiram, tho day will come when, you will discover that you have woefully missed the Christian's walk In life. In the next world, If not In this, your neg lect of your daughter will rise up against you and make you wish you had never been born. Tho time will come when the compliments and flat teries of Whoedler and the Pickleses will not soothe your soul." But Mitchell, listen to me" niram began, only to be promptly shut up by his sister who went on: "There is no excuso for your conduct. Hiram, none at all. Your daughter may have done wrong In marrying against your will, but she could not have done greatly wrong, since you ac knowledge that John Green Is a good, honest sober, Industrious man. But wrong or not her crime was not so great that you were warranted in mak ing her an outcast while you fill your house with those who care for you only so far as your dollars and cents go. Do you think God will forgive you and take you to His bosom so long as you remain oblivious to your daughter? Never, never. If you ever expect to get to Heaven take some of the money you are subscribing here and there, and devote it to your child's needs. Better a thousand times let the church go uupaiuled than to let that child suffer one. moment from want Now I've had my say, Hiram, and 1 hope my words will set you to thinking and acting more like a Chris tian and less like a heathen, and that before you throw away another dollar In the useless effort to buy favor of God, you will act tho part of a civilized father. 'Woo unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites." Having thus brought her lecture to a finish and feeling her soul relieved of a mighty burden, Aunt Mitchell arose from her scat and, giving a withering look of scorn and pity to those at the table, swept from the room, and an hour later left Blatchford's house. His sister's words had a telling effect on Blatchford. They cut him deeply, and he could not rid himself of tho uncom fortable feeling they awakened. He realized the truth of her words, and ho grew small In his own estimation. IIo understood fully the futility of his liberal financial gifts to the church and the heathen, and he was less Inclined to praise and pat himself than he had been for a long time. Sister Blatchford tried her old tactics to rally him, but they lacked their old-time efllcacy, and he left the house that morning in a 6ad, dejected state of raind. , Reaching his ofilco he plunged into his business duties with unusual ener gy, and for a littlo while held to them; but soon his thoughts wandered back to the scene at home, and between him and his papers there flitted pictures of his child. Now he saw her face, pale, sad and sunken, looking reproachfully into his eyes, and again he caught a glimpse of her form, no longer rounded and plump as of old, but an emaciated skeleton, telling only too well the story of want and suffering". For an hour or more he tried to banish his daughter from his thoughts and concentrate his mind upon the business he had in hand, but in spite of all his efforts pictures of his child would dance across bis papers -dg&lfl to distract him and add to his seif accusatkms. At last finding that it was impossible to control his wandering thoughts and fix them where he wished, and being unable to longer endure the thoughts his fancy bred, he threw down bis pa pers and pen and fled from the office. He walked madly down the street hav ing no idea of his destination, having no care for his course, intent on but one thing, and that was to escape the thoughts that haunted him. On and on he walked until he passed through the town and out into the country, nor did he halt until he came to the river bank ' Then he sat down, and removing his bat felt his burning, throbbing brow. "My God, my God," he murmured, what have I done! My poor, lost child, how could I ever forget you so! How have I forgotten your mother and my promise to her. Ob, God, spare me and let me live to undo what I have done. Let me but see my child once more and receive her forgiveness for all of my neglect and cruelty." A long time he sat there gazing down into the deep flowing water, and more than once he was inclined to throw him self into the current and find relief at once for his tortured souL There, he thought he could escape the awful thoughts that haunted him, and he fancied that the cold water would be welcome to his burning brow. But finally the desire to see his daughter once more and atone to her for his cruel neglect got the better of him, and he arose and went toward his of fice. As he walked unsteadily back ho wondered why people stared at him so, littlo dreaming what a change a few hours of mental anguish had worked in his outward appearance. He did not know that his face had become hag gard, and his eyes bloodshot. He did not rcalizo that the fires of hell that burned within him had scorched and seamed him outwardly. He was nearing his office when he met Rev. Whecdler, and that gentle man instantly noted the great change in his valued parishioner, and imme diately sought to assist Brother Blatch ford home. Ho approached to take the old man's arm, but Blatchford waved him off, and almost fled from the spot His action surprised Rev. Whcedler beyond anything, and he left that gen tleman perfectly dumfounded. Rev. Wheedlcr looked after the fleeing figure for an instant undecided what to do, but finally he concluded to follow. After a chase of a couple of blocks he caught up with Blatchford. "Brother," he said, "you aro ill. Al low me to see you home." "Don't touch me," Blatchford fairly shrieked as bo glared viciously upon the minister. "Don't come near me. You helped to do It Go away from me. My child Is dying of want I feel it I know it And you helped to lead me away from her and blind me to her rights and claims. Don't speak to me again. I want my poor, wronged child, and I'm going to find her." Then, before the astonished minister could collect his scattered senses, the old man was gone. Ho passed around the corner and entered his office, where, sinking into a seat he buried his face in his hands and wept "Oh, my God, my God," he groaned "what have I done? How cruel, how heartless have I acted toward my own flesh and blood my only child. How blind and brutal I have been, and how bitter is the awakening to the enormity of my sin. Oh, for one sight of my child, ono word of forgiveness from her lips. I must find her. I must search tho country from end to end for her." At that instant the door opened and a clerk came in. He approached the old man diffidently, for he could not help seeing the great change that had come over him. Ho laid a telegram on the desk and without a word withdrew. "DON'T COME NEAR MT5 !" Blatchford opened the telegram at once and read: "Come immediately. Do not delay under any circumstances. The most important matter of your life. Come quick. Scraoos." The old man sprang to his feet in an instant and rushed wildly out CI1APTER XXI. GREEN SEEDS MORS MONEY AND GETS IT. Louisa thought it best to say nothing to her parents of Harry Pearson's pro posal. Shivery naturally concluded that the matter was at an end, and knowing the anxiety that weighed on her father's mind already, she was loth to add anything to it. John had not forgotten Scraggs' words, but after watching Pearson closely on the occasion of his visits, saw nothing to warrant him in adopting Scraggs' Idea. Ills deport ment was always that of a perfect gen tleman, and there was absolutely noth ing in it to indicate any intentions, honorable or otherwise, rclativo to Louise. Two weeks passed quietly away after Harry's proposal, and during the time he made several visits to Green's, al ways bringing with him some delica cies for the sick woman. He often ex pressed a wish to render John more, substantial aid, and John had always accepted the wish for the deed. Dr. Bascom mado regular daily visits to his patient, but as yet the improve ment in her condition was scarcely per ceptible. Tho fever was losing Its power, it 13 true, but It had had a long run, and her blood was burned up by it and she was "weak and feeble. "Sho is in a fair way to recover," the doctor announced; "but sho is so near tho verge of the grave that it would require but little to place her in it. Sho needs strength, and we must endeavor to build up her constitution. Good food is the thing she stands most in need of now good, wholesome diet and plenty of it" "Yes," said John, "but that, I fear, I shall not be able to give her. 1 have raised the last dollar that I can raise mortgaged everything that I can mort gage, and now it is all gone, and there is not a morsel of food in the boose. I ' don't know what in the name of God I am to do next I cannot sit here and see my wife die of hunger, and I know of no way to prevent it What am I to do, doctor? What can I do?" Green," replied the doctor, "if I could I'd help you. But I can't I am working for nothing, for my patients have no money to pay me, and I have scarcely enough to live on. I haven't a dollar. If I bad you should have a part of it But I'll see if I can't manage in some way to raise some money for you. I don't know what success I'll have, and I can't encourage yon to hope for anything. I can only try. It is not necessary for me to come and see the patient again for several days, but if I am so fortu nate as to do anything for you I'll coma at once." "Thank you, doctor," said John fer vently as he clasped the old doctor's band. "You have already placed me under a world of obligations to you, and if I am never able to repay you, God will." "Oh, never mind that Green," the old man said, "never mind about that We're all human. beings, and I am no more than human in doing what I do. There's nothing in it but what anybody ought to do." "Perhaps not," said John, "but it's what few do nevertheless. My heart is full, doctor, and I cannot express my feelings. But this I can say: You have done more for us than any other per son on earth, and my heart my thanks and my prayers are yours. You came to us a stranger, and you have been a source of light to us. You have stood by us like a brother, and you have saved the life of my dearest one. God bless you, doctor, God bless you." John could say no more, for his feel ing overmastered him, and he broke down completely. The old doctor was seriously disturbed, and for awhile he fidgeted about nervously. He was a modest man, and whatever good dees he performed were performed solely for the good there was in them, and not for the sake of the praise they might bring him. He had acted the part of a friend to John Green and his wife simply because he felt it his duty. "Green," he said, laying his hand on John's shoulder, "don't talk that way. Let's not make any fuss over trifling matters liko that. I'm glad my efforts in this case have not been unavailing, and I hope your wife will soon be recov ered. Now, see here, you must make an effort to get a little money, and I'll make an effort and between us I think wo may be able to accomplish something. Continue my remedies ac cording to directions, and if anything happens before I return, let me know." And with that the old doctor went away, followed by a thousand bless ings that flowed from John Green's heart Tho next day John went over to Magic City to see what he could do in the way of raising money. He first went to Mills' office, and after a long wait secured an audience with that gentleman. He laid his condition be fore Mills in its true light and begged for a small advance on his loan. "I would bo glad to accommodate you, Green," Mills replied, "but I find it Impossible to do so. I let you have at first entirely too much money on your security, and I am fearful that I shall not be able to recover on it I can't advance another dollar." "But I must have it Mills. I cannot let my wife die for the want of food.' Do you understand?" "I understand perfectly,' Mr. Green, but you should remember that this is not a place of charity but a place of business. I cannot undertake to bear other people's burdens, nor to furnish food to the hungry. I am not responsi ble for tho suffering among the set tlers, and I cannot afford to give away everything I possess to alleviate it. As I said, I am sorry for you and sympa thize with you. Good day." John attempted to speak further, but Mills hurried him out of the office, say ing: "There are customers in waiting, Mr. Green, and I have no time to waste." John next visited the bank but met with no success there. Then he tried all the places where there was a bare hope of getting money, but his efforts were all unavailing. There was but one chance left and he would try that So, with faltering courage, he went to the office of Mr. Scraggs. "Scraggs offered to aid me once," John thought, "and perhaps he will do it now. I can try him at least." But when ho reached Scraggs' office he found a young man in charge, and Scraggs was nowhere about; and to his inquiry for Scraggs the young man gave Green this answer: "Sorry you were not a few minutes earlier, Mr. Green, as Mr. Scraggs has just gone away. There goes his train now. He will not be back for near a week." For an instant John stared blankly at the young man, and his head reeled and he felt as If the earth was slipping from under his feet His last chance for raising money was gone.and he saw nothing before his sick wife but death from want Tho clerk noticed John's manner and was alarmed at It "Mr. Green," he said, "you are not well. Take a seat and rest a moment Can't I do something for you?" "No," replied John, as he dropped into the nearest seat "I will be all right in a moment" There was more than disappointment and discouragement ailing John. He was sick, weak and hungry. For days "GREEX, DON'T TALK THAT WAY." he had overtaxed his strength in caring for his sick wife. IIo had gone on short diet had lost sleep night after night He was pale, haggard and aged. Ho was sick in body as well as souk "Was your business with Mr. Scraggs very particular?" the clerk asked, when John recovered himself a little. Yes,' said John, it Is a matter of great importance to me." And he stated the object of his visit and told some thing of the necessity that forced him to seek the loan. "I wish you had come before Mr. Scraggs left" the clerk replied, "for I am sure he would have given you the assistance yon want But it is too late now. He has no money here that I can handle or I would take the liberty of making the advance. If yon can get along for a few days, however, I am certain yon can count on him for the favor when he returns." "If I can do no better I shall have to wait" John replied, as be left the of fice, "but God onl7 knows bow we are to keep the breat j of life in us unless we have food." John returned to bis team to go home, but the thought of going back with no money or provisions was a great disappointment to him, and he could hardly make up his mind to it He sat down by his wagon and gazed vacantly across the street at the display of goods in front of a grocery store. "There is plenty over there," he thought "to keep off suffering, yet for the want of a few dollars I must go hungry while my wife dies of want I cannot go back to my borne empty handed and sit down there to wait for starvation. There is food in the land and I must have it God forgive me, but if I can steal some food I'll do it" (Continued ) THE ALLIANCE. The Cotton Plant: In this hard time when all seems dark, many will be tempted to let their subscription lapse. Don't do it that is precisely what the enemies of the Alliance want If they can keep you from attending your Al liance and reading Alliance literature, they will easily control you. The Pioneer Exponent: "Wall street bas dictated every national Democratic platform since 1868, and every Republican platform since 1856. and as a matter of courso will do so in 1892." And the people must see to it that Wall street and all parties are beaten in 1892, who, for office, submit to its dictation. The Alliance Farmer: All the dif ference in the so-called Democratic and Republican party is 6 per cent on the tariff, a difference that is hardly perceptible. They are together on contraction of the currency, demonet izing of silver, monopoly, trusts, com bines, etc., etc. How much longer can the people be fooled by this bogus tariff quetion? The Southern Alliance Farmer: Al liancemen, loyal patriots, who dare to breathe your part of freedom's air, are you not disgusted with the insane big otry with which you are being de nounced? Doe3 not tho frown of con tempt mantle your brow and a sicken ing pallor of disgust overspread your countenance when your right to exer cize the privileges cf an American citizen is so ruthlessly callod in ques tion? Does not the fountain of patri otism within your bosom roll and surge iu a vain effort to drift beyond the grinding Intolerance of those who have never studied the primer of American liberty? The Hoosler Tidings: There is no comparison between the oppressed farmer and unfortunate business man or unsuccessful speculator. Few give up the farm while there is a ray of hope for its redemption. The farmer must keep up his farm, make his liv ing and pay taxes and running ex penses out of what he produces. Quite different with those whose in come Is collected along the lines of supply. By combining with their fel lows thoy can lessen competition and soli at a fair margin, or manipulate the market so as to purchase at prices which will insure a fair remunera tion; but the industrious farmer, the skilled artisan and day laborer are by force of circumstancos compelled to enter the market of the world in com petition with the oppressed of every clime. J. I PARR & PAINTERS, 2045 M Street, Lincoln, Neb. Use Howail's Gream or Soses. m 2 U o u u a cu The most exquisite preparation for the skin. Cures Chapped Hands, Chafed or Scalded Skin. Removes Tan, Freckles and Sun Burn. Perfectly harmless. Excellent to use after shaving. The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. The most practical, bo out convenient, most eoonomi ral, and in everyway the BEST STEAM FEED COOK KK MADE. A glance at the construction or It is (tnntiffti ti .itninnn 1 1. - r- w vviiiiucD HUT H man that It In t . vwci. ror descrip tive circular! i and prices apply to Martib a Morrlssy Mf'gOs Omaha, eb. 26tf Scientific American Agency for r CAVEATS, k TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS jRftr"' rd freo Handbook writo to . t0M m Bhoadway, Nkw York. SLiriro?Vor8ecur,n Pa" America. i T.erTffTt tRkPn out r I" hronjrht before llie public by a notice 4ven free of cuaie in Ihe rt 2JT,'i"i!n If m scientific naiwr in f ho V.l "X months. Address MftN'N i CO. riilimiuiiis,8(a Broadway. Kew iort ' SI 1 -A Ktlc U CmI Ceismert. r k.M kn hla ta complete arranff- -.- kmi wa in better ab.t than we have been heretofore to male satisfactory prices on au rraaes Canon City and Trinidad coal, as well as the best grades of Northern Colo rado coal, over any line ning out of Denver or Pueblo. Their capacity is sufficient to guvsatce prompt shipment. I will keep pur chasers posted on prices upon applica ti9n. Tho lowest possible wholesale rates are obtained. Cash must accom pany all orders. J. W. HARTLEY, iaw Lincoln, Neb. For the Germans. Tho firat mnA nnlv wnrlr PTPr written on currency reform in German is "Geld" by Robert Schilling. It is a translation and enlargement of his"Silver question" and sure to make converts The retail price is 25 cents, but it will be furnished to reform organizations and agents at a greatly reduced rate. A sample copy will be sent ior la cents, auui bss Alliance 1 lb Co., 20tf Lincoln, Neb. THE FARMER'S SIDE. " Where we are, how we got here, and the way out," By Hon. W. A. PEFFER, V. S. SIHATOB VBOX KAHUS. ISmo, cloth - - Price, 1.00. Then is demand for a comprehensive and authoritative book which shall represent the farmer, and set forth his condition, the Influ ences surrounding him, and plans and prospects for the future. This book has been written by Hon. W. A. Peffer, who was elected to the , United States Senate from Kansas to succeed Senator Ingalla. The tide is Tus Fakmeb's 6idi, and this indicates the purpose of the work. In the earlier chapters, Senator Peffer de icribes the condition of the fanner in various parts of the country, and compares it with the condition of men in other callings. Be carefully examines the cost of labor, of living, the prices of crops, taxes, mortgages, and rates of interest. He gives elaborate tables showing the increase of wealth la railroads, manufactures, banking, and other forms of business, and he compares this with the earnings of the fanner, and also wage-workers in general. In a clear, forcible style, with abundant citations of facts and fig ures, the author tells how the farmer reached his present unsatisfactory condition. Then fol lows an elaborate discussion of " The VTay out," which is the fullest and most authoritative pres entation of the aims and views of the Farmers' Alliance that has been published, including full discussions of the currency, the questions of interest and mortgages, railroads, the sale of crops, and other matters of vital consequence. This book is the only one which attempts to cover the whole ground, and it is unnecessary to emphasize its value. It is a compendium of the facts, figures, and suggestions which the farmer ought to have at hand. Tus Farmer's Sidk has just been issued, and makes a handsome and substantial book of 2S0 pagos. We have arranged with the pub lisher. for its sale to our readers at the pub lishers' price. The book may be obtained at our office, or we will forward copies to any ddress, post-paid, on receipt of $1.00 per copy. Address ALLIANCE PUB. Co., Lincoln Neb. H. E. BAILEY, Wholesale Commission IviEpci-iANT. DEALER IN Butter, Eggs, Poultry,Potato8s AND BAILED HAY. 23m6) 1326 U Street, Lincoln, Neb. ALLEN ROOT GEO. S. BRQWtf, Stock Agt. Neb. State Fnrmerly Sales Farmers' Alliance. man A.L.8.C. Co. Office and Financial M'gr. Salesman. SKIP YOUR OWN STOCK. LIVE STOCK Commission Mernhasts, Boom 34 Exchange Building, South Omaha, Nebraska. Before you ship send for the market. RFFERKKCES. First National Bank of Omaha. U-tf Commercial National Bank. Omaha. Packers National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska Savings and Exchange B'k, Omaha. Central City Bank. Central City, Neb, PENSION THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled. Dependent widows and parents now depend ent whc8e sons died Irom effects of army service are included. If you wish your elain. speedily and and suecpssfully prosecuted, Late Commissioner JAMES TANNER of Pensions. 47-1 y Washington, D. G. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. NO DOUBT SiWi nam. a tm THEPEHKINS T thi Lightest Rnnnlnr Wind Aim now Made. I BUY IT I TRY IT I t(?iwiy5B.Sf 8ueceB in the manurau. ture of Wind Mills, we have lately made a complete ehana-o In our mill, all parte being . ,1, 8ir?nsrer nd better proportioned and a self lubricant bsfnlna; placed in all boxes to save the purchaser from climbing hig-h tow ers to oi lit. The same principal f self g-ov-fJw'!?JSt?L?5iv3ver' Ptofthe Mill rul. y WARRANTED, and wia run without mak ing a noise. The reputation gained by the Perkins Mil in t-he past bas induced some unscrupulous persons to imitate tht mill and even to take our name and apply it to an inferiormill Be not deceived, none genuine unless stamped as below. We manufacture both pumping and geared mills, tanks pumps etc,, and gen eral Wind Mill supplies. Good Agents want ed. Send for catalogue and prices. (Mm rjSUKINS, WLU MILL ft AX CO., .. , , . Mishawaka, lnd. Mention Farmers' Alliance. SCIENTIFIC GRINDING MILL. I BEST MILL on Earth. Safety Bottom nd Pin Breaker to nrevent accidents. KeversiMe, Self-sharpenmg Crmdma Plates. SKXT OX TRIAL with all o ?. SAVES 25 to 50 per cent, (rinding Fiwd. Fully Kunrmntved. tVSend for illustrated Catlor.i8 SuiW SWEEP MILLVr THE SOOli SlfU. CO., Sringf.eld, Ohio.