The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 07, 1892, Image 5

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Local "Editor and Advertising Sol,
Or Mr. A. J. Rigby. having retimed
from his trip east, has resumed Work as
advertising solicitor for The Alliance.
Mr. Gibson, our local editor, will also
receive ads and local infornwtion, and
we commend both these gentlemen to
our patrons.
Tor the Annual Meeting of the State
Alliance, to be Held at Lincoln, Tues
day, January 12 to 14, 1892
1. Call to order at 10 a. m, by Presi
dent Powers.
2. Praver by chaplain.
3 Address of welcome on "behalf of
the city of Lincoln, by Mayor Weir.
4. Response by lion. W. A
ot Boone county.
6 Short addresses by delegates.
1. 011 to order at 1:30.
2. Formal opening and. prayer by
the chaplain.
8. Report ef Committee on Creden
President's Annual Address.
Aotiointment of Committees.
Report of Secretary and Trea
7. -Report of Executive Committee
by its chairman
Dvening session at 7.30 may be an
open sessien.
Short addresses by Vice President
Stewart, VWlen .'Root, C. W. lieal,
John Stevens.
1. 9 a "tu. Call to order mi open-
iug exercises,
2. Report of Committee oa -plan for
. Alliance work.
8. Report of Committee on Juris
1:80p. m. Call to order.
! ' 1. -Election of oflicers,
..-'Installation of officers. -
.8.' Election ol Delegate to ' National
A. .lection of Delegates to Confer
enceofiebruary 22, at bt. Louis
t Col, Ingersoll in a recent Chicago
lecture said: "Ana let me tell you to.
night what) I mean by the liberty of
body. It is to give every man what he
earns with his bands. And this great
attention of division has got to be set
tied-even in the United States. Capital
takes too much; labor pets too little.
Labor will net always live in a hut with
capilab dwelling in a palate. - Hesh and
bloird are more sacred titan gold, and
.the time will come when the law will
see that every man has a right to life.
liberty and the pursuit not only of hap
piness, but tne rignt to eaten some oi it
before he dies. 1 want to live until
tuere is such-a thing as aristocracy of
ltthor. i 1 want to live until i hnu an ar
dstoerncy of honesty, of .generosity; an
.aristocracy of intelligence; an aristoc
racy of heart and brain, il am sick of
- lha old kind. I want liberty for every
n. - ioo not oeneve n tne jaw ot
supply aad demand as applied to flesh
ant bli3d. u they who toil cannot
(have some of the eood things of thi
world, then I do not want anybody to
jdbn llogo bf Rush ville, -Neb., wishes
o be directed to some firm or person,
that 'he.-.nay correspond with, engaged
in .buUdiCg ana equipping starch lac
itorfps VI 2t
EgRev. . Dr-R- Heber Newton two
weekii tti.'o,' preaching from the text
'"Wiare laborers together with God,"
eaiut o-operation is tbe word which
very distinctively characterizes our
Aire .4 .Isolated individual activity is
passing fcato associated activity. .Men
are learning not to work apart, but to
work together ".and to be laborers to
aether fr a common purpose. In the
development: of co-operation lies the
liopaof tbe future-Oman's ruing out of
indkaidual effort into . association for
collision aims and benefits. Co opera
tion of mn is a distinct advance upon
indiidud action." Yes, outfit must be
ftel and -intelligent co-operation, the
co oparatioa of all for all. Aad the first
thing to doi is to- destroy class legisla
tion and. restore our former individual
iodendonoe. To do this the workers
wustjstete together! for their liberties.
Withico operation we mustseeare equit
able division and. distribution.
retaiLSOO photograph albums at
wholesale prices. C. M. Leighton, 145
S'ltithet. l! 25 tf
Hf The : Topolobarapo colony in
Northern Mexico, under the leadership
of Mf. AlbertiK. -Owen, is established
On thfe basis -.of -integral . co-operation,
-joint'wnwhip of lauds and capital,
securing to the laborer the full pro
duct if his labor, It exercises through
majority vote, of ..the . members public
control ct public utilities and furnishes
free land, free money and free educa
tion.! It has ' purchased a. vast tract of
land fcf the Mexican gowrnniont which
it is u'rip atiilg by means at a cnnal of
its dwu cAhstruction and by stenm
Eamps. AtOJier cf its settlements, Li
ogi4 it his' in" Orchard, with over
2,0O05re-:e,.liill8 ivith circular saws,
vast qrpeater aud tin shops, and coru
and wheaUmilts run by horse pewer.
The colonists at present number 820
1 lev bve beautifully laying landscapes,
-,w h ? views, an unusually pro-
1 it nt i tria anil ii 13 n cu Tra aanri n m a t a
and afine harbor at Topolobampo bay.
A J. R'gjjy & Co. say it pays to ad-verti-e.
iii PliE Allianck. W rite them
for bar gains in farm property at all
iiads. 102JJO St. 29tf
CTT'S. CL Dun & Co's. weekly .re
pott Of trade for the closing week of tho
year luys: -"It is plain that tbe south is
the e(kt obstacle to the general progress
tpreat.the overproduction of cot
ton blng the cause." It says further-.
"fbeivcst M peculiarly favored by an
enormous foreign demand for crops,
whieh -would otherwise be depresned be
cause klie largest ever known." The
peopla are kept poor because they raise
too meh cottos and corn they are told.
If tbej had left half the crop in the Seld
it would not have obstructed trtdel
These are the absuidities which it is ex
pected "tvill deceive tho people and keep
them front searching for and discover
ing the causes of business depression,
the blocking of the wheels of commerce,
when productions of every kind are un
equaled and the markets full while the
people have nothing to buy with.
Don't fail to call at Meinzer's on Satur
day next and see their fine display of
household goods, 127 and 129 North
Fourteenth street. 29-2w
ty The National Cordage trust has
bought the business and works of John
Good, who owBed the principal patents
for the . manufacture of rope, and so
competition is destroyed. The people
who must have twine and rope can now
be taxed at the pleasure of tho trust.
And this In the so-called land of the free I
This National Cordage trust has ad
vanced prices twice since October.
Learn Telegraphy at the Lincoln
Business College, 26tf
All delepAea and visitors who expect
to take la the annual convention ot the
Farm en" Alliance and wUh strictly first
class kotel accommodation while in
Liocora will know where to f nd them
and will, on alisrhtine from the train.
mate tracks for the Lindell Hotel. It
wiK be as it hu been in the past, the
center of attraction for delegate and
independent leaders, beinc tte head
quarters of the executive committee of
tbe Peoples independent party, ice
Lindell llotel was patronized by the
majority of the farmer representatives
during the session of two last legislature,
and inconveniently located at 'thirteenth
and M street tare blocks from tne
convention hall an.l two block? from
the Fakweks' Alliance Pcblwkino
office. The rate is reduced to II CO per
day to place it within reach of all. The
Li ode II house is ligi t and luxurious, the
guests nave eveiy want suppired ana
prompt and courteous attention is given
to all. The necessity of building a Targe
addition to thin already large hotel, in
the-epriag, indicates the poptlarityof
this notice. Former guests de not need
an invitation to return. It
Alliance men attending the meeting
to b held in Lincoln the 12 tf January
are requested to call on A. -J. Rigby
Co.. and look over their iareains in
real estate of all kinds. Don't forget
the place.' 1025 O St. room. 21. (2?tf
The Opelt Hotel, one of the best two
dollar hotels in the city, makes an
nouncement to the delegates and to all
who are expecting to visit Lincoln to
at.end the cotuiug Farmers' Alliance
convention that it will gve a special
rate of ft. 50 per day dnring this treet
iog. It will furnish excellent accom
modations for the money to one 'hund
red visitors at that time. The comfort
and enjoyment of guests is carefully
provided for both as reeards'beds and
table, and the proprietor having had
much experience in catering to the put).
lie, knows exactly how to do this, nlen
who have been iottg in any bust
ness master it, and by continuing in It
demonstrate their ability to serve the
public acceptably. This explains the
popularity of the Opelt Hotel, one of
the oldest in Lincoln, no change of
hands having occured since 'Mr. Opelt
tisrew it open to tfe public "many years
ago. It is eouvenNmtly located for coo
vention de!egates, t the -corner of Vth
and sireets, aed not'jar troin the H.
& M. depot. It
Furniture, carpets, stoves, crockery.
tinware and everything yeu use in your
house you can get at Bieinwr s, in and
129 North Fourteenth, ti.Rock. Bottom
Prices. 2U-2 w
One of the laud marks of Lincoln is
the thorougely reliable and justly popu
lar Windsor hotl ' It-is a compare live
ly new house, most .elegantly situated
on 11th and Q streets, near the state
university, business -center, thetheatres
and the New Lansing- opera house. It
has for sometime enjoyed the re put a.
tion of being the besr$S00 and $2 06
bouse in the state, and many encomi
ums are heaped upon tbe new manage
ment as excelling innany respects its
former management, and falling short
in none. A gentleman who was a guest
of the house a few days Ago said to tbe
writer, I want to say to you that the
bed I slept on at the 'Windsor was the
best 1 ever slept on in a hotel," and he
was a judge of good things. Tho table
and service are unexcelled. The land-!
lady as well as the landlord looks after
the comfort of the .(guests. No one
ever feels that they 'have made a mis
take when they stop at tho Windsor.
Meinzer's Furnhure v& Household
Goods Store will open on Saturday,
January 2, at 127 nd 129 North Four
teenth. XU-KW
The proprietors -of -the Capital Hotel
of the Capital City all attention of all,
and especially those soon to visit Lin
coln to attend the Farmers' Alliance
eonvention, to its very superior aecora
modations aud provisions for guests,
and to the convenient location at 11th
and P streets. Under the new manage
ment the Capital Hotel at tbe reduced
rate of 82 00 per day is one of tbe most
popular and best patronized hotels in
the city of Lincoln, it i? furnished with
every comfort aud eonveni nee for its
guests, and the cuisine department is
certain to please the epicurean. There
can be found no better place to stay for
a brief period than is provided at this
well-kuovvn aud much frequented hotel.
Guests receive every attention, and are
made comfortable regardless of cost.
The shares of the Washington &
Georgetown Street Railway company
increased in va.ue during twenty-eight
years. 00 per cent a year. And in the
sr ne time it divided tofche stockholders
over $1,000,000 dividends. The single
shares on which only $13 50 were paid
are now worth $3tx. 1 tus wealth was
legislated into the pockets of the few
out of the pockets of lh many, by tho
granting oi a monopoiy franchise.
Clias. T. Yerkes and a aw others i a
Chicago secured from a .corrupt or
ignorant city government -street car
trauchises which have grown into value
with the gri. wth of the city and .-com
mand enorc.ous revenues, franchises
establishing private monopolies -should
never be soJd, even. Hitherto they have
been given away. ; .r
SSg-'iTho Chicago cattle dealers' trust
killed off -St.,Louis n9 a cattle market
by secpring.a rebate of $15 a car load
from the three great railroads to .New-
Xok. rom .1667 to - 1SS the rebatus
paid the trusts for and from the other
shippers amounted to $3,000,000. in
in l& the dressed beef trust secuccd
the same special rate from the rail
roads, and prior to 18b9 this trust had
taken from, the farmers, private deal
ers and consumers $11,000,000 rebate'
robbery. Reckoning "all the extortion
through the railroad overcharges aud
trust prices ef meat, it is estimated that
the farmers and .consumers are robbed
by the cattle and beef dealers aud their
railroad allies sum annually aggre
gating not less than $100,000,000. IhU
is an enormous evil.
toy Governor Thayer wrote to
Hon. Chauncy DePew. January 2nd in
quiring if the Vanderbilt lines would
.convey donated corn, corn products
nd flour enroute to the Russian famine
ftuSerers without charge. He said,
"We hope to be able to forward 60 car
loads from this state." While this
scheme was on foot the Governor and
the Mayor of our capitol city were
foreed to call a meeting to consider the
starving suffering poor of Lincoln, and
Omaha laborer's families were in equal
or greater distress. We simply want
to call attention to our industrial com
mertial competitive system which en
ables one class in the state to give Rus
sia 60 car loads of provisions aud forces
another elass who cannot find work to
beg or starve.
The Boston Cengregationalist
collects the following: Fact one. Mr.
I. P. Bogy, a clerk in the pension de
partment at Washington, writes a nov
el, In Office. Fact tiro. Gen. G. B.
Raum, said clerk's superior, is rendered
angry by the book and discharges
Bogy. Fact three. A great demand is
thus caused for the book, of which few
therwise would have heard. Fact four.
The publisher who has already bought
the book outright i? so exultant that
he now also gives the author a royalty
on sales." Mr. Bogy's book Is for sale
at this office.
Eebraska Ttmints.
Washmutoh, D. C, Jan. 4 Spec
l.l ) Nebraska pensions issued to-day:
Original Alexander Fair. John S. Win-
terbottom, Jonathan J. Tot'.fn, Aboer
C. Towle. George Sturgis, Riley Worn
berry, Phitandxi McKiilips. Addition
al Ed win P. Foster, George W. Bush
by, Newiand Nash. Increase Isaac .
Johnson. Reissue Silas G.Guernsey.
Original widows, etc. Wea.thy A.
Fletcher. Klitabeth Downing, Marga
retha Niudweiser, minora of John S.
The strikes during 1$90 number
ed i,258 in 170 trades. Of these 5,666
BUjcwedrd. 100 were compromised, 15
were unsuccessful, and 63 were pending
at time of report. The number of per
sona engaged in strikes were 93 of
thews 6,019 were ret used work afier
striking. Amount lost in wages $4,839,
164 2: amount sitent for relief of strik
era, $191,518 65. kstimate gain in wages
tor one year, aj.U'.'.J lu, loss to em
ployers fjom all causes, $431,525 43
1'hese figures are taken from the report
nf the cooi'jjisoioner of statistics ol New
t3TThe New Tear reception given
by the Nebraska W. C. T.U. to the
s'ate oflicers of the society at the parlors
cf tha Hotel Liacola, v. as largely at
tended. Mayor Weir made tbe ad
dress of welcome; Mrs. Hitchcock, the
state president, responding. The other
speakers were, Mrs. C IL. Jones, Mrs.
C. M. Woodward. Miss Rioley. Mrs.
Alice A. Miuiok and Mr. A. G. Wolfen
barger. A string quartette from the
conservatory of musio added to the
pleasant features of the evening enter
tainment. fjgThe annual statement of the fail
ures of ttttU -show an increase of 1.8j6
over the number last year, the number
this year reaching 12,273. ami with lia
bilities aggregating -$I89,83 639, an
euoroions amount. r Failures ia the
eastern and middle states decreased in
nuiabsr'nnd average liability, beiug one
in every $09 firms in trade, but iu the
south one firm in each 59 failed, and
the average liability increased from
$27,190 'to $13,000 in amount.
rTThe readers of Tns Farmers'
Aiua.ko& will find it to their advant
age to examine Msver Bros', tine stock
of winter cloihiBg offored at closing t
rates for the week to come. Ihey carry
one of the -finest and largest stocks of
men's furnishing goods in the city, and
purchasers will save money by calling'
toeqe whut they have and tho price
they offer. lVtitors to the city should
remember the place, 123 North Tenth
eet. . 80-lt
ISf-In Australia where the govern
ment owns the railroads $6 50 buys a
tioket for 1.000 miles. Local travel rates
are-still lower. A laborer can ride to
nu from his work six miles for two
cen'.s, twelve miles for four cents,
twenty-three miles for eight cents, and
thirty miles for ten cents. Yearly
tic&ots thirty miles cost only $17.40
What do the citizens of "free America"
think of this as compared with what we
payilrouuv Y anderbilt and our other
railroad kings?
Jap"' Chancellor Canfield will not be
classed with those who by nature are
pessimistic ' He believes ia a brighter
future, Hit that we cannot reach it
hiding our eyes to present growing
evils, ih his recent manly discourse at
Holy Trinity he voiced "the cry of
the poor" and drew attention to the they are forced to accept, wages
which have been forced down below
what it costs to support an equal num
ber of, paupers.
UT'Itls claimed that the main build
ing ot the new Normal University of
Lincoln which is to be completed bv
Sept. 1st of this year will be the largest
ana iinest educational building is .the
west. 'One huudred and fifty dwelling
nouses win nave to be erected before
the opening of tbe school next fall, to
tornish boarding places for the stu
dents. S3T The great beef trust gets out rf
paying a tans on tin by means of draw
backs granted when it sends eanned
j&euts out of tne country. By this means
the purchasers of canned meats hone
are made to pay the cost of the tin
tariff more than the same goods cost
sent out of the United States.
tapEniile de Laveleje, the great po
litical economist, author and friend of
tho people, died in .Belgium last Sun
day, January 3. His works, in which
he disousses social problems, read every
wbene, have exercised great influence
iu the 'intellectual and moral world.
tSrW-e are -Josing out all our lines
of winter goods and are giving special
discounts. Now is your time to make
some cheap purchases. Come to us for
cloaks, .dress goods, . flannels aud you
will tiuci we are always the che) est.
li J. W. Winger & Co.,
- 1109 O street. Lincoln, Neb.
t5fThe United States corporation
bureau of Chicago reports tho capitali
zation of new corporations in tbe year
ending JulySl 1891, amounted to $0,972
000.0OU more than 4 times tho estimat
ed value of the entire grain crop of the
country (1J billions).
tW Readers of this department will
look in vaiu for reports of high-five
clubs and parties. We only engage to
chronicle events which are .worth kuow
itig.vhicb. should be of iuterestto all.
EST" Wa noticed in tho Bloomtield
Monitor cf last week advertisements of
seven sheriff sales of farms in Knox
county Nebraska. The sheriff is paving
off a good many mortgages these
l3TThe tree planters of Lancaster
county and those wisaiug every kind of
nursery and ornamental stock should
read the advertisement of W.jF. Wright,
iouna eisewnere
tW The Call New Year issue ds a mist
attractive and carefully prepared num
ber, giving a glowing account of Lin
coln's growth and greatness.
The W. C. T. U. Restaurant at 188
South 12th street, Lincoln, is a spledid
place to get a good meal, and the Farm
ers' Alliance delegates who wish to be'
well served themselves and at tbe same
time help a good causo, will patronize
it. The ladies in charge not only pre
pare excellent meals, but serve them in
a pleasant place. Remember them.
The St. Charles hotel is a tip top
place to lire, as experience proves.
and people who wish to save money
and be well cared for besides will be
attracted to iu doors. It offers a one
dollar a day rate to those who attend
the convention next week, and for this
price sets an exceedingly good table.
Everything about it is good and com
fortable. On O street between 8th and
9th. It
Capital city visitoro and hungry peo
ple generally will find Tom Draper's
reastaurant a capital place to cat in.
Good food well cooked and well served.
Meals at all hours. Delegates expect
ing to visit the Alliance convention
should bear this in mind and drop in if
they want a good all around meal
cheap. It
Delegates to the Farmers' Alliance
and everybody who is looking for a
convenient placo to obtain a good
square meal nre sure to find it at the
iity Dining iiau, ma ana r st. it
The Transit hotel 131 N. 12th St.. and
the Peoria House Cor. 9th aud Q St.,
will keep you for $1 a day. It
tWC. A. Wirick, proprietor of the
Lincoln Trunk factory, u the mn to go
to for trunks, valises, extension rases,
straps, etc His very extensive stock
includes the most coinptote line of
leather goods, pocket books, toilet cases,
collar and cuff boxes, rlgnr cases, black
ing setts and drinking cups. Mr. Wir
ick is the only exclusively local dealer
in this interesting class of good and
nothing is wanting to make the lin
complete in every particular. Remem
ber tbe place, 1USO and 809 P street,
headquarters for all traveler's upp!ies.
The meeting of Mutual Insurance
men at the Lindell hotel in Lincoln on
January 11th, now bids fare to have a
good atteedsnoe, and as there will be
men here wbo have made mutual in
surance a study it would be profitable
to any Canoty Alliance to send one or
more delegates to this meeting.
Take a receipt for the money paid foH
ran roan fare and we win try to got
your return for one-third fare.' 3
tF And now we have a radiator
trust with a capital stook of $8,500,000;
and as Is usual with trusts the price
are to be doubled. One business after
anetheris passing into the hand of
jaint stock companies and sritll capi
talists are being froreu out. W ht! are
we coming to? It looks exactly like a
monied aristocracy, with the mttjes en
slaved and driven on toward revolution
and anarchy.
Walter Clark ad Hemy Smith came
near g-tting away Monday with $231
worth of clothing srolnn from Maver
ttros.. Schwab, Globe-ClothingCo , and
Kwiogllroe. The police assisted by a
clerk named Nichols in the employ of
Mayer Bros, csptured the Crooks. They
are of the hghtoned full dress variety.
One of them otfored Nichols $.')0 to let
him off,
tFrank Ford & Son, 'Ravenna, O ,
issue a concise, neatly arranged, read
able catalogue of seeds, fruit trees and
plants, which is mailed free, and should
tie in tte hands of all before placing
orders for such goods. "See their adver
tisement In this issue. It
tW WoMonbarger and 'IIucklns, the
prohibition lecturer and singer, left Lin
coln this week for a western platform
tour. Their route Is by the way of
Denver, and they expect to reach Port
land. "Oregon, before turning home
ward. CP" The Lincoln board of education
seums to splitting of late. At its last
meeting the splinters flying are said to
have entlangerd life and limb. The
late h'wtroy of the Omaha board should
warn tho warring gentlemen.
MF"Thos.'G. Shearman estimates that
230.000 families own 70 per cent of the
national wealth. He also estimates that
50,000 families will own the same per
centage in ten years. Interest adds to
thowj who hive, and subtracts from
those who have not.
7-Judge Holcovnbof Custer county.
Is iu 'Lincoln on legal business, part of
which is probably looking up the status
of ex-Judge Harris' attempt to hnld his
position after he was fairly defeated.
There is no doubt this contest will end
favorably to Judge Holcomb.
tgr The frightful collision on th N
Y. Central R R. near New York
Christmas night which sacrificed near
ly a dozen lives aud injured a larger
number was due to a brakeman s love
Of whiskey.
$W The broker's clerk who happened
to be in Sage's cilice at the time and
whom Sage used as a shfcld when tbe
bomb was thrown, received permanent
injuries and has threatened te sue Sage
ior 9i w wo aamages.
tJDr, Lees and Dr. Bessey of the
estate university are eaon to tafce m
charge a compunyof university students
wno wiuvisit Kurope during tho com
ing summer months.
UTThe beautiful People's parly
badgo 'advertised in our column" by
Geo. E Bigelow, can be purchased at
this office. Delegates to tho Slate Alli
ance should call and see it.
SST'Lambertson of Lincoln failed to
get there, and Rosewater's Lincoln
friends fancy it was because the Bee
editor supported him.
SW A cattleman by the name of
McGuire left the gas turned out at the
Opelt house Sunday night and came
near being asphyxiated.
EST A beet sugir school was organ-
ired at the State University this week.
It will be under the direction of Prof.
tW The National American Wom
an's Suffrage Association holds its
twenty-fourth annual convention in
Washington. D. C, Jan. 1720, 1892.
tgf-The Knights of Labor of Fort
Worth, Texas, report over 50 per cent
of the working people out of employ
ment. IFMr. Lester II. Fuller, one of Lin
coln's oldest and most esteemed citizens,
died New Years' clay at the age of
ITMr. Samuel G.Thomas, whose
sudden death was chronicled iu our last
issue, left all his pr-perty by will to his
8gy The Woman's Christian Associa
tion will hold their annual meeting at
the First Presbyterian church of Lincoln
January 7th.
" One mm controls directly. 400C0
out of tha 103 597 miles of railways in
this couutry. And less than a dozen
men control over hilf the balance.
t-fpSee elsewhere iuour oolutnnsthe
advertisement of the forest ani .fruit
tree man, G. B. Galbrith.
tW The Evening Xeut gives a very
interesting write up of Lincoln institu
tions in its New Year cumber.
M" Mayor Weir has denied the rum
or that ho is a candidate for governor.
The Hub Clothing House Will Clean
Out All Winter Clothing at Cut-in-Two
One of the liveliest stores in all Ne
braska during tho past season has been
that of the Hub Clothing Co., 104-106
North Tenth street, Lincoln.
Sew, to close out overcoats and all
winter clothing the prices have been
hacked and slashed until there is little
lsft of them. Those who have been re
lated in their purchases will find this
sale a grand opportunity to lay in a
year's supply at money saving priees.
No. 592, a fine striped material wool
underwear cut from 12 a garment to
$1.45. No. 1009, Dr. Wright's 11.25 san
itary non-shrinUng underwear to 87io.
A broken line of sizes of solid black
wool underwear out from tl.50 to
$1.12. No. 982, winter weight balbrig
gan underwear, a great tkiag for men
with tender skin, cut to 75c. Broken
lots of 75c and tl.50 underwear at 50c,
aud a line of heavy f0c undershirts at
25c. We have lots of other knocking
bargains in wool hose, gloves and mitts,
caps and overshirts, but wo can only
add "to be continued."
The Ucb, 184 0 N. 10th at., east side
P. O. square.
A Serious Fall
In prices of fine stationery, albums,
soaps, perfumery and all goods, at C.
M. Leightoa's, 145 S. 10th st. 25tf
In spite of all efforts of tha politi
citns ot tbe country, tbe free coinage of
silver, and not free trade b to be the
issue of the next campaign. Tilii is
natural and Inevitable. Money strin
gency, low prices, prostrate muiness and
consequent business failures, are wring
ing home the money question to every
man and every household in the land
The demand for financial reform Is be
coming universal, and the first step in
financial reform is the restoration cf
silver to its ancient aud honored place
in onr monied system A free coinage
bill can be paused; and it public senti
ment could make itself fwlt it ia possi
ble it migh; be passed over the, presi
dent's veto.
yKosey seems to be slow to per
ceive that the M'orld-ffcrald is. violatb g
the federal lottery law, in advertizing
prizes for the closest guesses. A prose
cution should bo begun at once. Tit
for tat.
The Eya and Ear
Are two most delicate and complicat
ed org-AHS; wilhulil l lie eye we cuuid
not guide our footsteps nor observe
the beauies of nature; without the ear
we could not hear tho voices rr our
friends nor enjoy tho sweet sounds of
music. No one is so helpless as the
blind and more deserving of pity than
the dt af. These two senses, being so
valuable should be guarped as we guard
our life. Many persons lose sight or
hearing by neglect, which timely aid
m'ght prevent. Among the specialists
who treat these organs none have been
more successful than Dr. Denn's whose
otlico is over the First National Bank In
Lincoln. Mr. C. M. Marshall who has
been in the employ of the big furniture
dealers, Gruetter & Co. was deaf in one
ear from which whs a constant offensive
discharge for twenty-fire years. The
Dr. cured it entirely iu one month. Mr.
Willis Short, clerk In the Mo. Pacific
R. R. oflices, Mr. George Carter, com
mission merchant, Mrs, Kdward
Grouse, wife of a steam utter with Pom
erine & Cooper. Mr. Chas Hook, fire
man on B & M , Mr. T. E. Slatteny.
guard at the penitentiary and doeune of
others well known Lincoln citizens have
been after other specialists bad failed.
Dr. Dennis' suoccm is simply due to
his natural sk 11, experience and his
educational advantages, as he is a grad
uate of Rush Medical College, Chicago,
the Post Graduate Medical College, N
Y. City and the Polyclinic Hospital, N.
Y. City. 80 4-t
Field Kote,
L. Banks Wilson, the well known im
porter of Creston, Iowa, reports a good
business, at the Crest City farm, in tho
past ten days. Among recent sales
made were: A four year old shire stal-
! lion, Cannock Regent (11154), to Mathow
Wood of Bushvule, Nebraska, the
Bates County Horse company of Mis
souri, purchased the three year old
shire stallion Barnstield (10902), he is by
King Charming the well known Royal
winner. An Alliance company, also of
Bates eotinty, Missouri, selected an
English Hackney, Stuntcey Mercury
(1283). Mr. John Calhoun of Lorimor,
Iowa, bought Cherubim (1103), a very
low, blocky Norman stallion, the same
party took an extra good shire stallion.
Bhisti, number (5318). Hiram Smith of
Colwich, Kansas, secured a black Perch-
eron rising 'our year old. Mr. Wilson
has had two importations arrive this
fall and winter, his stables are now full
of all the different breeds. He is pre
pared to sell them en as close a margin
and on as liberal terms as any legiti
mate importer in America. Ha has
never had as tine and healthy a lint of
stallions on hand; be has not lost a
single horse in this year's iniuortatious
nor has he had a sick one. i hiw-o con
templating buying an imported stallion,
should visit his stables or write for par
ticulars. It
Tree Planters o Lancaster County.
I shall have at 54th and R street, one
mile east of Wyuka centeury grounds,
East Lincoln, a full impply of apple,
cherry, plum and shade trees, small
fruits of latest varieties, evergreens and
ornamentals. 100,000 soft maple, one
and two years old, choice for grove or
windbreaks. My stock will bu ready
for sale about April 1st if weather is
favorable. I offer for sale only what is
adapted to the climate, and all stock
warranted true to name. I expect to
start a fruit nursery at above place in
the spring. Call and see my stock, or
address me at Bethany P. O.. Lancaster
county, Neb. W. F. Wright, Propr.
80 8m
For Sale Cheap.
One 6-hole mounted Sandwich Corn
Shelter, but little used. One Ottawa
mounted Corn Sheller, second hand.
r hank 1, Lawkence, Lincoln, Neb, i
Closing Out Sale.
Mr. Jas. McNab is about to remevo
to Illinois, nna will sen at public auc
tion, on Thursday, Jan. 14th, 22 head of
horses, all ages; 23 head of cattle inclu
ding some very desirable milch cows;
20 hogh; Farm machinery, buggies,
wagons, etc. Also the ClidesdHle stal
lion " Orphan Boy." Terim: $10. and
under, cash. Over $10. a credit of 12
months. 1C pt-r cunt interest. Six per
cent off for cash.
The Thayer County Alliance will
meet Saturday, January 10. The dele
gates from all tho subordinate Alliances
are earnestly requested to be present, as
this will be tbe session to elect oflicers
for the ensuing term.
F. X Pearl, President.
Iha C. Deaveb, Secretary.
Save Your Money.
bena tor a receipt ana make your
own blueing for nve cents a gallon in
stead of paying ten cents for a four
ounce bottle, equal to ti per gallon
This blueing is superior to any on the
market. Tell your neighbors of this
and send for a receipt, price 25 cents,
tire receipt for II. Address
24tf J. P. Harris. Fairfield, Neb.
Mae ting of the Independent State Central
The above committee will meet at
the Lindell hotel, Lincoln, on Tuesday,
January 11, at 7 o'clock p. m. A full
attendance is requested, as important
business is to be transacted.
J. V. Wolfe, Ch'u.
C. H. Pirtlk, Sec'y.
For Sale or Trade.
Several second hand horse power and
steam threshing machines.
28-4t Frank F. Lawrence.
Wanted, Stock
In exchange for city property. A. J.
Rigby & Co., 1035 O St. 26tf.3
The Homllest Man In Lincoln, As well S
well as the handsomest, and ethers are in
vited to call on ony dniririet and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Ualsam for tbe throat
and luusM. a rumecy that ia selling entirely
upon its merits and Is guaranteed to relieve
and cure ail Chrenio and Acute Coughs, As-
inma. tirauctnris ana uonsumpuon. Larue
bottles 60o and i. juiuS
ts Able to Offer from the Stock of On
of the Leading Merchants of
A good white fblrt, each I 25
striped undershirit, each.. 81
A Grey mixed undershirt, each... 45
Drawer to match 4"
A Good knit ovel shirt 43
A heavy " " 1 00
1 hese prices are less than 50 cents
on the dollar of original price
G dden sugv, per 100 8 88
Young Hyson Te per lb 2
Japan Tea per lb. 80
Very tine Japan Tea per lb 45
Maple svrup in tin cans per gallon 75
' pure - 1 00
N, O Syrup, per gallon 60
Cash to accompany all orders.
It J W. Hartley. Agt
You who are in need of
Forest Trees for tiinber Claims
Shrubs, Grape vines or small fruit will
save 50 pur cent by buying of the Jan
sen nursery.
Nursery grown ash, one vear old, 50c
to 75o per 1000. Everything else as
cheap in proportion.
A nice book telling how to plant given
wit h every order. Write for price list;
satisfaction guaranteed.
Jansen Bank. Jansen, Neb.
Harbine Batik, Fairbury, Neb.
Address Jansen Nursery,
SO 8m G. B Gailbraith, Prop.
Mention this paper. Jansen, Neb.
Stray Notice. 27i3
Taken up by the undersigned at his
farm on section 20 in Little Salt precinct
10 tulles north of the city of Lincoln.
Oct. 81, 1891. One red and white hiefer
about 1 year old. No special marks or
oranas. uwuer can have same by
proving property a".d paying all neces
sary costs. Wm. J. Bell, Davoy, Neb.
, ' Notice.
I am now able to give price ot coal at
yourdtpot n all R. R In the State.
25tf J. W. Haktlhy, State Agt.
SnWrihn for Thk Alliance
Having everything
Household Goods, Qrocorios and Provisions
Just opene! 50 dozen bed
Comforts, the best line we ever
Large sized comforts covered
with cballis at $1.35 each, big
Beautiful twilled sateen com
forts, $1.25 and $1.35 each.
A fine line of comforts cover
ed with ilkaline, only 2. 50 and
2.88. .
China silk covered comforts
-at 5.75.
Down comforts 4.75,
Anything you want in com
forts from 3'Jc up to the best
A WORD 10 FARMERS Mmtoheeltrdro1,inadaeans. You can pay
far!. n!i . a o . 7. rai road furs for a hundred miles and then save mo-wyair
aJStl.OOblllof poods. But if yeu can't ooine mail us your ord jr. 6ad to us for urlouann
Hny UiInK you want. k..
Hayden Bros., Dealers in Everything, Mft0Sft.,,t-
About 300 samples of boys' suits
bought less 40 per cebt discount, and a
few for your inspection to-morrow at
tbe following low prices:
f I will buy a boys' suit worth 11.75.
$1.50 will buy a boy's suit worth $8.
$3.00 will buy a boy's suit worth $4.
$3.50 will buy a boy's suit worth $3.
$3.00 will buy a boy's suit worth $6.
$8 50 will buy a boy's suit worth $7.
Also 130 sample children's cloaks at
half price.
$1.75 misses' ana children's cloaks for
$2 .75 misses' and children's cloaks for
$4 misses' and children's cloaks for $2.
$5 misses' and children's cloaks for
Very best novelty prints 5c a yard.
Good cotton flannal, 5c a yard.
Ginghams, So a yard.
All linen fancy towels worth 60 cents
for 40c.
All linen fancy towels worth 55 cents
for 80c.
All linen fancy towels worth 40 cents
for 25c.
All linen fancy towels worth 25 cents
for 15o.
Best sperm oil, large size, 6c a bottle.
Slate pencils, 10c for 100. .
Basting thread, lo a spool.
It Pays to Trade
We wish to impress everyone with the
advertised price no matter what may be your experience in other stores. W
want you to cut out anything that may interest you in this sd. and come and
seo it, the identical article. Whon other dealers tell you it is impossible, coats
more; dont believe them.
Orders by mall will receive prompt
The Great Cheap Store
The Arena
FOR 1892.
Brer? member ef law
bcnld take THB AILEWA
rOB 1892.
I. Durtnr 18SS Tha Arna wfll emrtafa w
pen on the t'rmrn' Alliaac ana ita I il
rr, iriTlti ao autboratliiTe biitnrir ofifca na
of the movement, and FOKTKAI I ml ta
kadfn tplrtM io tbis rtat aarMo of ta
poopl anient monniMiliea, uuata, plutocracy
and offtoial carrvpiton.
II. It contain aulbnt atltlve ptprrt eS
t!nr forth the central efalms of eaeh f Wb-n-nt
purtle of to-day. and drawing clearly
aud barpiy tbe line of damarkatioa a all
r at political, cooucnilcal aud social aroa
lr ma.
III. It will contain papers setting forth tk
oardlna demand of tee people Id inatr
iranlzed movement! air-inat nld-tlm wmara
and iojiutice, and the leatoe for each ate
aaand. IV. It will Man encyclopedia of pohtical
and social Information, aivlnjr US reader a
nutntrrly expooiilon nf the true oonetuonw
and needi ol tbe pretent, depicting the evtle
nf the hour, and auwatlnar remedies eaieo
In'ed to cecum a wider need of Justice aad
liberty for tbe irreat tolling, miliiona of our
land. Pmn Ita inception, The Arena baa neen
I'Kori.K. ahenlutely fearless in tta denomaa
tlon of p uiocracy, monopoly, and all mean
and mxaaurea that wronar the multitude or
InfriKire upon tbe liberty of the hnmbleat
ell lien. In the tuture Tha rena will Iwiaw
Ipleuoui for ita iRirronilyo and h'.ld defence
of tlw ria-hiaot tbe maaaes ag-iuiiat tbe prlV
ltgvd claM.
V. It win contain aroat paper by tfc
rreatrttt thinker In the AI.LI Ae.CK and all
the klmlrrd oriranlMitinn which are workiasr
for artlcRl reformation of extaiiag at acta
and unjuat condition.
VI. It will contain Hamlin OartanaTe .
powerft I A lllance Mor? , " A Spoil of Once,
which will be tbe most graphic picture of that
modern nt and the social and poliUoaU
unions wn'un canea rona me Alliance
Ts a beautiful eol'ectlon of twenty-six
i-whthaits of dirtinmitshcd authors aad
leader of thought In Ibis ohbaT uprhilnsr ef
tbe people.
The Arena one year, price ..........SaVSC
The Portfolio, price... Je-
Tbe Farmers' Alliance eoe yea LSaV
Kltf Lincoln, Nebraska
Light Brahmas
I have this season the
At our late Stats Pair t took premtnaas o
evorTtblnjr entered. AtourDeoemnershew
I took lt end and 3rd on four birds anter).
write r r prices on mrus mai win pcoiwssk
or better. Errs in sesson. K O. YtJLR.
Box m. Cftf) Lincoln. Moo.
a Farmer uses la
cheap cotton flannel blanket.
On sale tin's week. 10-4 white-cotton-flannel
blankets 75c pe
10-4 silver gray cotton-flar
nel blankets, one dollar a pair..
10-4 strictly all wool redJ
blankets only $2. 50 a pair.
"VVe carry the largest line of
blankets from the cheapest up
to the best California blankets.
Unbleached cotton-flannel 31c
per yard.
Extra heavy cotton flannel 10
cents per yard.
Silk thread 4c a spool (100 yds).
Siik thread, 2 for 5c (50 yaris).
Silk tvist lo a spool.
Very best values ia ribbons; in thie
examine our lines before buying for tha
Gent's wool hose lOo a pair.
Ladies wool hose regular mado, 20c .
pair worth 85c
Ladies' wool hose, regular made, SSe
a pair, worth 40c.
Special values in ladies knit undei
wear this week.
Ladies' knit skirts only 50c worth 80ci
Ladles' knit skirts only 85c, worth
Ladies skirts only 00c, worth $1.35
Extra heavy bed spreads, $1.
Bates' quilts only $1.
Writing paper, extra quality, 10c s
box, worth 20c.
Sample line of gents neck-ties, worte
from 50c to $1, choice for 25c.
Curling irons 6c.
Pins lc a paper.
Vaseline 7c a bottle.
Pears' Soap at 10c.
Bay Rum, 10c a pint bottle.
Quilts and blankets at special price.
Agate buttons So a gross.
Envelopes 3c a bunch.
Writing paper 120 sheets for 12a.
French shoe polish, large size 9 for Su.
at the Leader.
fact that wa an what wa Hv.wia .
THE lE 1DER. fifew Store.i
1211 0 St. Lincoln, Nebt