The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 07, 1892, Image 1

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    I Sit
NO. 30.
A afe. aw AW A aw
James Brady, who lost both feet In a
railroad accident aomt time ago, diod ai
The Fremont Traveling Men'i amocia
tion was incorporated under the laws of
The Delicatessen restaurant at Beatrice
suddenly quit business, caused by a lack
of patronage,
""Buffalo Jones" purchased six buffalo
belonging; to the estate of the lateGus
Colo, They will be added to his herd near
Judge Thomas C. Griffey, one of the
- oldest and best known citizens of Dakota
-county, Nebraska, died suddenly of par
alysis. An Artesian well Is being bored at Syra
cuse and if it prove a, gusher a flour mill
will be erected to be run by the water
'Martin Mollick was found dead in his
cornfield near Platte Center. It is sup
posed he wandered away from his house
whiie drunk.
The board of managers of the Johnson
County Agricultural association has de
cided to hold the next annual fair Sep
tember 28 to 30.
M. Alexander's general merchandise
store at York, generally known as the Chi--cago
Racket store, was closed under a
chattel mortgage.
A call has been issued for a meeting of
Lincoln county 'citizens at North Platte
Jan. 0 for the purpose of organizing a beet
sugar association.
Three packing companies of South
Omaha killed, during 1S91. 1,068.210 hogs;
270,490 eatUe and 5,848 sheep. The com
bined pay roll was $1,838,636.
H. G. Boydston, an old and respected
citizen of Lyons, died of la grippe. The-e
are a great many suffering from the
disease at present and local doctors are
going night and day.
Counciman Jones of Plattsmouth was
fined $10 and costs by the police judge for
disturbing the peace, but he took an ap
peal to the district court.
The city at Kearney is In receipt of a
handsome orift from General J. Watts De
Peyster of New York. - It is a lifo size
bronee bust of General Phil Kearney.
While descending the stairs in a hotel
in .St. Francis, Kau., E. C. RobbofBen
kelman had an attack ot vertigo and fell
to the floor below, injuring himself quite
Hon. Josiah Rogers, a pioneer of Syra
cuse, died in his 59th year. He was a mem
ber of the state constitutional conven
tion and had held a number of public of -floes
of trust.
Charles B. Carpenter was arrested at
Kearney for beijig an accessory to several
forgeries at Beatrice some time ago.
Marshal Dodd took him to Beatrice. He
admits his guilt.
St. Joseph's Catholic church at York
was dedicated Saturday by lit. Rev. Bish
op Bonacum of Lincoln, after which forty
five of the young people of the church
were confirmed. -
O. W. Irelaud of Syracuse died at the
Bedal inebriate institute at Blair of la
grippe. He was one of the pioneer settlers
of . Otoe county, having built the fiiot
store in Syracuse.' ' -.. '
Mrs. Bessie Einbree, the wife of a stu
dent of the Wesleyan university at Lin
coln, has become insane from overwork in
trying te give her husband a ministerial
education in the university.
James Dailey, an Omaha man who has
been at Blair undor treatment for the
liquor habit, escaped from that city and
was found in Lincoln fu a sad state of in
toxication. He will be returned to Blair.
Great preparations are being made at
Fremont for the annual convention of the
State Editorial association, which takes
place Jan. 18 and 19, It is exfectod that
about one hundred and fifty editors will
be present.
A B. and M. freight train was wrecked
near Culberson, and the caboose, in which
wore thirty Wht laborers and the train
crow, was thrown into the ditch. Al
though a number of men were cut and
bruised none were seriously injured.
A wholenalo job of stealing was done in
Todd Creek precinct. Johnson county, the
other night, in which J. E. Simmons lost
a team of horses, Dan Morgans tain a set
of double harness, S. Sams a pair of horse
collars and D. C. Yanlandiugham a lot of
Alexandria citizens are agitating the
question of erecting a roller mill on th
banks of the Big Sandy, jnst one ha"if
mile south of town. Tire wealthy farmers
are also taking a great interest in the en
terprise. The mill is a sure thing and
will be commenoed some time in the
Lancaster county has two clerks of the
district court, each with a full comple
ment of deputies, stenographers, etc.
Messrs. Baker aDd Waite both claim to
have been e'eeted to the office and both
have taken tueir paths of office and filed
their bonds. Baker holds the certificate
of election.
Nick Fos. the Omaha man wlo killed
his wife and then tried to end his own
life, was assured until Saturday that his
wife was all right. The deceptiou was
found necessary to keep the fellow from
self-destruction. ' A watch has to be kept
over him constantly to keep him from
killing himself.
The fast freight, westbound, struck a
team and wagon driven by Clarence Cliff -man,
aged 14, near Overton. Cliff man was
thrown about 39 feet, landing at the side
of the traok on his head. He was brongli t
to Lexington by the trainmen. His injur
ies are serious bun not necessarily fatal.
One horse was killed and the wagon de
molished. Governor Thayer and Labor- Commis
sioner Eudden are actively at work in se
curing the proposed trainlood of corn to
be sent to the 'amine sufferers in Russia,
and from dozens of points in the state re
sponses are coming to the proclamation of
the governor. Mr. Ludden estimates that
200,000 pounds of breadstuffs will be do
nated by Nebraskans.
The Falls City canning factory has
closed business for the year. The output
for the season was as follows: Tomatoes,
72,000 cans; com, 55,000 cans; peaches, 15,
000 cans; pumpkins, 18,090 cans: beano,
23,000 cans; apDlcs 38,000 cans; total, 200,
000. The compaay paid for wages, fruit
and vegetables, t0,000. Next year the fac
tory will be worked up to its full ca
pacity. Burglars made an attempt te crack the
safe In tho county treasurer's office at
Schuyer, but did not succeed in getting
it open. The outside bolts, bars and com
bination timber were all wrenched and
brpken off. A hole was drilled in the
door, but before reaching a sufficient
depth the driP broke in the hole and made
further atlesr pt useless. Though thehole
had been charged with powder, a quantity
ujftcient to open the door could not be
Unqualified Expression of Eegrct for
the Baltimore Affair.
Bamor that the Pope ITilt Eimmmaal
cate President Fleaetto and Bit Cab
inet Separation of Church and
State the Cans.
Valparaiso, Jan. 5. The Chilean gov
ernment has cabled orders to Minister
Pedro Montt at Washington, making a
sincere apology to the United States for
the unfortunate and deplorable attack
upon the Baltimore sailors on Oct 16
last The apology is unqualified in its
character. Other matters which have
been in dispute between Chile and the
United States are to be speedily con
sidered by the new administration.
From semi-official sources it is learned
that the reason why the Santiago police
are kept in the vicinity of the American
legation is that the intendente of the
city is in constant receiptor letters con
taining threats to burn and sack the le
gation. The government desires to
have the police near at hand so as to
prevent the execution of any such
threats. It is no secret here that many
of those whe cherish the idea of war be
tween the United States and Chile are
friends ol Bulmaceda.
Brazil and the Vatican.
Rome, Jan. 5. It is rumored that the
relations between the Vatican and tho
Brazilian government are so .strained
that a rupture is imminent. , The pope,
it is said, has intimated that he will ex
communicate President Piesotto, his
cabinet and the members of the Brazil
ian congress unless measures are taken
to renew the former relations letween
the church and state in Brazil. The Vat
ican has received numerous complaints
from the Brazilian clergy of the disas
trous effect upon church interests of tlw
policy of separation adopted by the re
public. It is said that many churches
are withont pastors, and the seminaries
are being dwarfed, because the govern
ment refuses to continue contributions
for the maintenance of the clergy and of
chairs in the seminaries.
Heartless Conduct of a Ship's Captain.
Dublin, Jan. 5. A Iwat's crew of six
men landed at Gronore at 2 o'clock a
m., after tossing on the waves of the
Irish channel all Sunday night. They
were from the steamship Eleanor. Sun
day night a crazy passenger jumped
overboard and the boat's crew was sent
to pick him up. When they found him
their ship had disappeared, and soon
after the rescued man died.- The sailors
had a fearful night's experience, and
when they reached shore were badly
frostbitten and completely exhausted.
Great indignation is expressed against
the captain of the ship for deserting the
boat's crew in the midst of storm and
An Unruly Prisoner.
London, Jan. 6. Mr. Shaughnessy,
the New York detective who is here
looking after the cases of the American
sriminals, O'Brien and Ashforth. whose
extradition will probably bo completed
wiuuu a iui 1 ujjit, in eii'it ttueu wiiu in
fluenza. O'Brien is justifying his repu
tation for ugliness by uttering threats
that he will kill District Attorney Ham
ilton of Albany on sight st the first op
portunity he has. Hamilton, who has
sailed for home, was untiring in pushing
the proceedings against O'Brien and
conducted the case in a most masterly
Antipyrine Proscribed.
Berlin, Jan. 5. One of the most ex
tensively need medicinces in cases of in
fluenza has been antipyrine. The phy
sicians uttered repeated warnings of tho :
flnncrm-fl r,f rmro-rtfacsinrial fldiiiiniofri- !
tion of this secret drug, but apparently
without much effect It is now
announced by various doctors of un
questionable reputation that several
deaths have occurred . which to their
positive knowledge were due to the ex
cessive use of antipyrine. It is strongly
urged by some that the government pre
vent the sale of the drug except upon a
physician's prescription.
De Maupassant Mad.
Paris, Jan. U. Guy de Maupassant,
the famous writer, is mad. He was at
Cannes at the time his case grew desper
ate. But before leaving f aris for that
city he had an outbreak of insanity. H'j
imagined he was a duke and c humored ,
for the baroness. He tried to murder .1
servant, who was making efforts to calm i
him. A fortnight after this attack of in- i
sanity he disappeared. Some time after j
he was found on the top of a mountain, ;
quite insane.
Missing with Many English Marines.
Halifax, N. S.. Jan. 6. No word has
been received here yet of the arrival at
Plymouth, England, of tho troop ship
Tyne, which sailed hence on Dec. 14, ,
and is now nine days overdue. She had
on board the old news of the war ships
Champion and Pheasant of the Pacific
squadron, who were brought here by
rail from Victoria, B. C, and numbered
over 300 men, besides her own crew of
- Embezzler Arrested.
Berlin. Jan. 5. Herr MnlleT, apastor
of Goldenstedt, Oldenburg, who'recently
absconded with about 60,000 marks after
embezzling hundreds of thousands of
marks belonging to confiding friends,
relatives and clients, has been arrested
at Bremen, to which city he had escaped
in the disguise of a cattle dealer. -
.. -
Aimed at British Trade.
Paris, Jan. 5. The French will in
crease the duty on cotton goods admit
ted to the Gaboon region in Africa 45
per cent, ad valorem. The increase !
will take ettect in r ebruary and is chiefly
aimed at British trade in that quarter,
which has heretofore been considerable.
Bnrlal of General Meigs.
Washington, Jan. 5. The body cf
the late General Meigs was interred in
Arlington cemetery with military honors.
The Washington Home Inenmhered The
Keokuk Property t'nproduellre.
Keokuk, la., Jan. 5. Many friends
of the late Justice Miller at his old boms
have received copies of the appeal for aid
for the widow Bent out from St. PanL
It u understood that its circulation by
mail is confined to the eight states which
composed tho circuit of the dead Jurist.
Persons here familiar with the widow's
affairs say the death of her husband left
her practically penniless. The home
that the couple occupied in Washington
is heavily incumbered, while the prop
erty of the estate in this city is nonpro
ductive, consisting largely of unim
proved real estate. The report has been
extensively circulated that the real es
tate holdings of Judge Miller in this
city were valuable, but men m a position
to know say that it is not true, and that
the rentals are not sufficient to keep up
repairs and pay taxes on the unimproved
Eastboand Freight Shipments Material
ly ImproTed Bedneed Bates for the
. , St. Leu is Convention.
Chicago, Jan. 5. East bound ship
ments of freight from Chicago last week,
exclusive of live stock, aggregated 131,
676 tons. During the corresponding
week last year shipments only footed up
'i 7,837 tons, so that by comparison a
marked improvement is shown over tlie
business of a year ago. The grain ship
ments alone amounted to 75.903 tons.
The movement of flour, grain and pro
visions from Chicago to the seaboard by
the lines in the Central Traffic associa
tion reached a total of Oo.Tflt tons,
against a total of 09,201 for the preced
ing week, a decrease of 9,1'27 tons, and
against 4(i,759 lor the corretpomlin-'
week lafat year, an increase of 49,01)3
tons. t
ItKlncnit Rntes for the Convention.
St. Louis, Jan. 6. The Chicago and
Alton railroad announces that it will
make excursion rates of one fare for the
round trip for the People's Party con
vention, which is to be held here Feb.
23. The time for which tickets will be
good will be announced later. Tho con
vention will embrace delegates from the
following organizations and it is expect
ed that fully 10,000 people will be liere
to look after tho work of the convention
and the interests of the party: Farmers'
Alliance and Industrial Union, Knights
cf Labor, Farmers' Alliance, Fannera'
Mutual Benefit Association, Patrons of
Industry, the Grangers, Cily Alliance,
federal and trades unions and Colored
Colored People Want Better Conches.
: Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 5. The 'rail
road companies of the state have thus
far failed to comply with the statute re
quiring them to provide first class
coaches for colored passengers. In view
of this fact' the colored people are plan
ning to hold a state convention next
month to devise measures for compell
ing the railroad companies to carry out
the provisions of the law.
The Georgia Central.
Savannah, Jan. 5. The new members
of the board of directors of the Georgia
Central railroad elected were General
Henry R. Jackson, George J. Mills and
G. M. Sorrel of this city and J. C. Maben
of New York. Sorrel is the general
manager of the Ocean Stoamship com
pany. Drowned While Crossing a Stream.
Springfield, Mo., Jan. 5. A few days
ago two young women registered at
hotel here as May Morton and Mollk.
Farlow of Sedalia. Thoy obtained a
buggy and drove fifteen miles in the
country to visit relatives. On returning
the next day they attempted to crocs
Little Sac river and as the stream was
greatly swollen they were both drowned.
Their bodies were not recovered until
last Sunday. It is thought their real
names are Olivia and Mollis Blue. They
were buried in the same grave.
Verdict Against a Corporation.
New York, Jan. 5. Verdicts aggre
gating $119,941.40 were given in the su
perior court against the Grand Rapids
Hydraulic company in favor of Coffin &
Swanton, bankers of this city, and Wood
bury & Monlton, bankers of Grand Rap
ids, Mich. The suits were brought on
promissory notes given in a consolidation
scheme of two water works companies
of Grand Rapids.
May Belay the Cruisers.
Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 5. Commodore
Folger made an official visit to the Beth
lehem Iron company's works. Owing to
unsatisfactory test of the curved armor
plate at Indian Head, Thursday last,
work has been suspended on the remain
ing five plates to be used to form certain
parts of the Monterey, now building at
San Francisco. One plate weighs 40,000
For Injuries In a Wreck.
Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 5. In the suit
of George Ilerstine against the Lehigh
Valley railroad an order was entered
directing that tho plaintiff accept $13,000
in lieu of the damages awarded him or
the defendant be awarded a new trial.
Herstine several years ago sustained in
juries on a Lehigh passenger train, and
upon bringing suit was awarded $19,800
damages by a jury.
Stock Canceled.
, Baltimore, Jan. 5. The governing
committee of the Baltimore Stock ex
change ordered the City Passengers
stock to be stricken from the list. This
action was taken because the company
refused to acknowledge orders for the
transfer of privileges to receive the new
A New York Blaze.
New York, Jan 5. Fire in the five
story building at the corner of Murray
and Church streets caused a loss of
Death of Ei-Mnyor Campbell.
Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 5. John Camp
bell, formerly mayor of Carlisle, died
here. Aged 65 years.
Arrived from Chile.
San Francisco, Jan. 5. The United
States cruiser Baltimore arrived from
Tho Ohio Senatorial Contest Closer
Than Ever.
Bnt Foraker's Friends are 81 111 Hopeful.
The Republican Caucus Called for this
ETenlng -Seven Legislators Classed
as Doubtful. '
CoLUiisrs, O., Jan. 5. At last th
date of the senatorial caucus has been
set and at 8 o'clock t Wednesday night kt
the hall of the house of representatives
will be fought withont glove. Senator
Ohl of the caucus committee and Mr.
Dougherty of the house with President
Harris of the senate and Speaker Laylin
met and agi-etd upon this step. The
Foraker men have made a desperate
fight to put off the caucus as long as
possible, preferring Thursday, but with
good grace they take the decision. Tho
contest remains about the same as since
the legislative caucus, or if there may
be any favor, Sherman has gained it.
Senator Rawlins of Clark county, who
has been classed as a doubtlii i oraker
man, has announced himself for Sher
man. Foraker feels as confident as ever,
saying that he has enough to win, but
the desertion of Senator Spencer during
the past few days should give him no
cause to feel jubilant.
Doubtful Members.
The members yet considered doubtful
are Representatives Clapp, McCoy, Des
sincer, Lutz, Dunn and Pudney, and
Senator Lampson is also yet claimed by
the Foraker men. Most of these doubt
ful gentlemen are, indeed, claimed by
both sides, and the fight is so close that
there may be some embarrassing situa
tions before the end is reached. It is
not impossible that Messrs. Welch and
Dicks, who announce that they will vote
respectively for Governor-elect McKin
ley and Secretary Foster, may hold tins
key to the situation. While a deadlock
is not probable, it is not by any means
impossible that the contest may drift
into a condition by which neither of the
pronounced candidates can secure a ma
jority of the caucus. 7. , ,
New York Assembly O rganlcatlon.
Albany, Jan, 5. The Democrats of
the assembly met in caucus. Galen B.
Hitt of Albany, presiding. Dr .Robert P.
Bush, of Cheming was nominated for
speaker by . a unanimous vom. The
Democratic senators also held a -caucus
and nominated Jacob A. ;C'anter for
president pro tern. The Republican
assembly cuens was held in the assem
bly parlor in the evening and was very
brief. James W. Hunted was selected
for speaker. ' ' . "'" ' . " '
Bynum In State Poll ties. r
I Indunapous, -Jan. 5. It . semi,
officially stated that Congressman By
num will soon be annonnced as a Demo-'
cratic candidate for nomination for gov
ernor. It is known that Mr. Bynum ia
very much disappointed over the defeat
of Mills for speaker and the appointment
of committees which bronght new men
to the front, to his own disparagement,
and this is said to be the chief reason
why he is now disposed to turn bis at
tention to state politics.
New York's Senate.
Albany, Jan.' 5. The senate met at
II a. m. and organized by the election of
the Democratic caucus nominees.
A lively Contest at Chicago and a Heavy
Vote rolled.
Chicago, Jan. 5. The annual electioi
of officers of the board of trade was ono
of the most exciting of recent years.
The vote polled was the highest ever
reached on the board. The opposition
ticket headed by Charles D. Hamill,
polled 735 votes, and the regular ticket
headed by Jeremiah G. Steever, 551.
The regular ticket was said to be in fa
vor of the "close corporation policy,"
while the opposition was believed to bo
more liberal and likely to favor a free
use of continuous quotations.
The Wolf rest in New Mexico.
PmsBCRO, Jan. 6. Paul Hacke of
this city, who has a kennel of wolf
hounds at Greensburg, received a letter
from a nuuiljer'of planters in a remote
section of New Mexico asking him to
send five of his wolf hounds to that ter
ritory. The letter states that during
1891 150,000 calves and cattle were
killed by wolves, which entailed
a loss of $1,000,000. Every rem
edv which - the planters havo
thus far tried has failed in the ex
termination of the pest, and the planters
request Mr. Hacke to send a pack of hU
hounds to them in the hope that through
them the loss of cattle and money will
be lessened. Mr. Hacke erdered hi3
keeper at Greensburg to put five of tho
hounds under training for the Mexican
planters. Mr. Hacke is certain any ona
of his hounds can, singly and alone,
tackle and kill the largest and most
vicious wolf.
Six Persons Killed and Many Injured la
a Wabash Collision.
Jacksonville, Bis., Jan. 5. Six per
sons were killed, two fatally and many
Vadly hurt in a collision between east
bound nnd westbound cannon ball trains
on the Wabash road at Addington, Mo.,
a small station near Hannibal.
A Famos Scout Dead.
Newark, Jan. 5. Captain William F.
Meeker, a famous scout on the Black
water during the war of the Rebellion
and a body guard of Eutler in New York
at the time of the draft riots and the at
tempt to burn the city by southern in
cendiaries, died on Saturday at the Na
tional Soldiers' home in Virginia, aged
- Half a Million for a Library.
New Haven, Conn., Jan. 8. The Chi
cago university has purchased through
its president, Professor Harper, a library
which, it is said, consists of 200,000 vol
umes. It is stated that the price ia
Arrested for Violation of Election Laws.
Decided They Could Not Be Held.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 5. In the United
States district court indictments against
nearly one hundred Mormons accused
of violating the election laws by regis
tering and voting in 1883 were dismissed
upon motion of United States District
Attorney Woods. The indictments in
volved the construction of the Idaho test
oath law, which provides that so long as
the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints recognized and encouraged polyg
amy no Mormon should be entitled to
the right of suffrage. Woods claims it
would 1m jtnnoi;ib!s for the Uaited
States government to prove that Drevious
, to 1888 Mormons had not at the meeting
of state presidents and apostles enjeined
mrtuer practice ana teaching or polyg
amy not only in Idaho, but throughout
the jurisdiction of the church.
Sews From Fort Ringgold A rain Corn
lug by Wire The Garsa Bands
San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 5. The offi
cial reports received at military head
quarters here concerning the movement
of the United States troops in the border
section, where the Garza revolutionists
have their stronghold and are commit
ting depredations, were very encourag
ing to General Stanley. The vexations
delay caused by the telegraph wires be
tween Fort Ringgold and this city being
cut is now over and frequent telegrams
are received at the department head
quarters concerning the progress of tho
1 worg or putting aown the uprising.
'me roiiowmg dispatch was received by
Colonel J. P. Martin, assistant adjutant
general, from Captain William B.
Wheeler, of tho Eighteenth infantry,
who is now in command at Fort King
gold: A courier is jast in from First Lieuten
ant Wm. Beach of the Third cavalry
who Is at Pieneo ranch. He passed Cap
tain Francis T. Bardie at Saleno. All In
formation from that direction and from
scouting parties in the vicinity of this
post indicate the breaking up aud scatter
ingot the bands of revolutionists that
had begun to form into Garza's largor
forces. ,
Troop D, Third cavalry, under com
mand of Captain George F. Chase, left
Fort Mcintosh for the supposed rendez
vous of the principal forces of Garza at
Pulito Blanco in Duval county. They
are supplied with rations and expect to
spend several weeks in the field. Captain
George K. Hunter in command of troop
I iv aiso leit ort Mcintoan ror urn Ange
I jes, a Mexican village about one
! hundred and twenty miles from Laredo.
', There are said to bs a num
ber of bands of revolutionists in
that section and he has been or
dered to disperse and capture as many of
theui as possible.
Funds Furnished by the Clerical Tarty.
Laredo, Tex., Jan. 5. It is declared
that documents captured on! the person
of one of Garza's men show beyond a
doubt that the revolutionists are being
supplied with funds by the Clerical
party in Mexico, and tliat Bishop Mowtes
deOcoof Monterey is the disbursing
agent. The Ithurhido family is also be
lieved to be in the plot. It is known that
Prince Ithurhide is an avowed candidate
for the presidency against Diaz.
The express messengers on the Illinois
Central road are on a strike.
The New York failed firm of Henrik,
Titns & Co., js found to have $5,000 assets
and 2(0,000 debts.
The Mexican states of Cheopas and Pu
eblaare ripe for revolution, if reports
from there are to be credited.
Fire at Durango, Colo., destroyed sev
eral business houses and dwellings. Loss,
t68,000; insurance, 137,000.
A railroad wreck at Rockbottotn, Pa,,
caused the death of two men aud the ser
ious injury of many others.
May Martin and Mollie Parlin, two
young women of Sedalia, Mo., were
drowned in the Little Sue river.
The San Antonio and Aransas Pass
Railroad company have succeeded in get
ting but one train over its line siuce the
strike was inaugurated.
Representatives of France and Sweden
in Paris came to a complete arrangement
in regard to the new commercial relations
between the two countries.
The work of collecting contributions
of flour for the Russian sufferers goes on.
One million seven hundred thousand
pounds have been collected up to date.
A mob at Eastbourne, England, attacked
a party of Salvation Army people, and,
despite ths efforts ot the police, inflicted
severe injuries on the men and women of
the army. v
Edward W. Magill, assignee of John
Burdsley, has entered suit in the common
pleas court at Philadelphia against the
suspended Keystone National bank to re
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
' Chicago, Jan. 6.
WHEAT May. 95n.
' CORN -January, f!e: May, 416lJo.
OATS- January, ivc; May, i15c.
FOKK-Jnury, S1C52W: May. 810.95.
kAKD-January. .: May. f4MK
IBb-January, $A.25; May, (5.&o&&57)i
Chicago Llie Stock.
Union Stock Yabds, I
CmcAoo, Jan. 5. f
CATTLE Kstimatnd receipts, 8,101 head
Natives, W (S.W: oowa and bulls. fl.8fttcts.tM;
Teians, 1.X3.S; western beeves, UO.
HOGS-Ertimatel receipts. 35,010 head.
Heavy. M.7;.4 1n; medium. sJ3.7Uji4.U5; life-lit,
t3 VtiiA.l 0. Weak.
BUEKP-Westrns,15.OO0S.2S; natives, $3.75
0.U0, Texaus, t3.7VUi4 1.
Kansas City Live Stock.
; Kansas Oitv, Jan. 1
CATTLE-Estimated receipts, 3,.V)0 head;
Stwrs. SJi.2WM.S0; shipping steers. $5.2S;r6iiO;
cows, $2.4inH.(W; stackers and feeders, $2. VKS
4 25. Market luc to Uk higher for cows; others
HOGB Estimated receipts, 4.W0 had: ship
ments. All grades, S-'MMJitt; bulk,
f.1 i:;f.tK). Market active and 60 to Ue
Omaha Lire Stock.
TJmou Stock TAnns, I
Omaha, Jan. S f
CaTTLB Estimated receipts, 4,10(1 head,
!. to l.fiOO )!.. f8.'OS?0 2; to 1.3U0 Djs..
$2 5034. 10: ( to !, lbs, ?Mtt3 r5; ch4
cows, S2.(k33 31; common cows. S1.M1&1.73;
good ferdnrs. 2.M&8 s: common feeders, $i0
Ml MarKpt fc to luc lower.
HoGS-EHtimated receipts. U 200 bead.
Light, t3A5wJ7S; mixed, $.70&a.7o; bearr,
f&fiKifctU. Market steady.
MilMI - BROS.;
Leading Clothiers,
ur at any 01 our
- . v .... , ,,!
FOR 1892.
J. BURROWS, : : Editor.
J. M. Thompson, Bus. Mg'r.
The leading Independent Paper of the west uncompromising and nalterabla
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the world's toilers. It receives no corporation patronage, and its editors never
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Its Editorials are Clear Cut and Convincing. Its News Service
Clean and Reliable.
Several First-class SERIAL STORIES will be run through
the year- ,
Subscription price, JI.CO per year. Clubs of five for $4.00. Send for Sample Copy.
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Is a beautiful collection of twenty-six of
The Finest Steel Plate Portraits
of distinguished Authors ana lending spirits in the great uprising of the people
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We have arranged with the Arena Publishing Company for the exclusive
sale in Nebraska of The Ar na aud the Portfolio as a Premium wiu
Tub Alliamob and now make the following unparalleled offer:
The Arena one year, price. .. . .$5.00.
The Portfolio ......... 4. 00.
The Farmers Alliance one year 1.00.-$10.00.
All for $5.20. . ; .
Address, ALLIANCE PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb.
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