The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, December 31, 1891, Image 5

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    Lol M (
Local Editor and Advertiaing Solicitor,
ryOne cf the saddest event It has
been our lot to chronicle occurred
Christmas day la this cUy-the burn lug
to death cf little Bessie Howard, the
two-year-old daughter of W . A. How
ard, advertising solicitor of the Cull.
Though in the city at the time, Mr.
Howard did not learn of his baby's death
for three hours after it occurred. Two
sisters, the only other members of the
family, were away and returned to find
only the burned and blackened remains.
Ore of the sisters hiving occasion to
leave the house at 3 o'clock, locked up
her little sister, expecting the other sis
ter would come home at 5 o'clock, and
the tire occurred in the interim. It
should be a warning to all (and there
are many who feel compelled to do it)
not to leave little ones locked up in
homes with lights and tires while their
elders are away. The deeply a fllicted
family in this event have the heart-felt
sympathy of many friends.
HTSonie charitably disposed ladies
gave a Christmas dinner to one hundred
of Lincoln's poor children Christmas
day. A city paper reporting says:
'There were g'rls and boys of all sizt-s,
tattered and ragged, and upon all their
faces was the impress of poverty." e
wish not to say a word in criticism of
these ladies for their one good act. But
what does one good dinner amount to!
Is it the way of love to work only one
day out of 363? Whose fault is it that
in this state, which this year sends a
free car-load of corn to Russia, people
are out of work and suffering? Whose
is the ciime of branding the faces of
these innocent chiidrsn of Lincoln with
marks of poverty? Tens of thousands
of children in New York are similarly
branded, and at the same time a baby
is born among them whose clutch of
title deeds draws annually from the
laboring classes of the country $9,000,
000! He is the heir of $150,000,000 of
tribute enforcing power.
KW O. Hull, state lecturer, will ad
dress the people at Ricing City on Sat
urday, January 2nd. He had an ap
pointment there last week, and tnere
biing but small attendance owing to
short notice, decided to return on above
date. This will be an open meeting
and we hope all will come out to hear
him. J. B. Romine will accompany
him. Bro. Hull has just returned from
a series of meetings among the Alliances
of Lincoln county, and reports a good
degree of interest manifested in Alliance
work, and speaks very hiehly of the
courteous treatment receive i from the
new members of the various Alliances
visited. Our state lecturer has done
ffood work for the organiza
tion the past year, is well informed and
can ably discuss the Alliance principles
ty The publishers of Scribner's Mag
azine place at the head of their prospec
tus for 1892 the announcement of a
series of articles on "The Poor in the
World's Great Cities." They "proposs
to publish n series of articles upon a
Bcala not before attempted, giving the
results, of a special study and work
among the poor," written "by authori
ties so experienced in their respective
fields that the series will appeal to civi
lized people the world over." The pa
pers will be elaborately illustrated. We
mention this series of articles not to ad
vertise, but to indicate the commanding
interest of social questions, the interest
which leads popular magazines to
gather the facts regarding the poor and
place them before the reading, thinking
jgTOver four hundred teachers had
already reached town Tuesday evening
and were in attendance at the opening
exercises at the university chapel. Prof.
Austin of the Lincoln high school de
livered the address of welcome, and
Prof. O. C. Hubbell of Fairfield college
responded. The Adelphian quartette
furnished excellent music, and Prof.
Andrews of the association delivered
the annual address. It was pronounced
by those present an able address. The
chapel was filled with the teachers and
interested citizens. Among those at
tending the association are, President
pri v nf Donne college. Crete: Presi
dent Hubbell of Fairfield college, and
President Andrews of Hastings college.
Iffi" The editor of the Omaha Ben is
unrinnslv endeavoring to keep the
farmers and the working men of the
cities apart.and antagonizing each other
at the polls. Kosewaier ueciares mm
the interests of the producing class in
town and country are not one, that it is
the interest of those working in town to
get more than justice out of those work
in in the country, and vice versa. So
he would haye all .working men by the
ears in order that capitalists, corpora
tions and the old political parties might
make tools of them and plunder them
at wtl), as they are now doing.
The 20,000 Indiana miners who
have been on a strike for six weeks are
on the verge of starvation, and it is re
ported, are ready to resort to violent
means to gain the end which they see is
not possible by peaceful means. The
miners want an advance in wages, and
the owners claim that they cannot pay
hirhr wRores and mine at ft profit.
They must nave a profit over and above
all expenses even u ine uiiuuis bh yd.
Thn miners' watres. which they struck
against, were, reckoning lost time and
cost of tools, not over one dollar a aay
rw Julian Hawthorne in the Indeven
dent of two weeks since turns poet and
searches "The Ancient neavens,
TTmni4flllv where dwell
God's first Imagined souls, brought forth ere
nail wmmrht the awful - hollo wn ess of hell,
Or corrow ud disease had spread their giB."
He reads at last in children's trusting
eyes "the long lost secret of that Age of
Gold, which seer and sage in vain
sousrht to unfold." and only those
"whose hearts as little children's are'
can find "those gates ajar."
rar-Terence V. Powderlvin his week
ly letter to the Journal of the Knights of
Labor thanks the Alliance for its Indi
anapolis resolution to assist the Knights
in their boycott against the Rochester
clothing manufacturers, and siys, "Let
us work, think and vote with the farm
ers. The laboring producing classes
have one interest and should be politi
cally united to secure the repeal of class
fry Passers by Burket's, the artist,
witnessed the closing act of a calamity
Christmas eve which had some elements
of comedy in it. A blazing Christmas
tree was suddenly thrust from the upper
windows and fell, presents and all, to
the street below. A woman's head fol
lowed past the edge of the window and
in befittlnsr tones came the words.
"Every one of those presents is gine."
The tree had caught fire from the
candles and had to be ejected.
tyThe big strike of the Indiana
miners has been declared off, and the
men go back to work under more favor
ablo conditions. The cost of the strike
in loss of wages to the men, loss of
profits to the operators and business to
the railroads, amounts to at least oue
and three-quarter millions of dollars.
This is one little item of the immense
waste of the individual strife and or
ganized war of our present industrial
iy Governor Thayer and Mayor
Weir called a public meeting for lt
Sunday at Funke's opera to consider
what con Id tie done fur the poor of Lin
coln. The call signed by these officials
ami by Key. Llovd Skinner, says:
"There Is much suffering now in this
city, and relief mut be had immediately.
The poor must be pro
vided for. the necessity is imperative..
And this at a time when the broad
acres of Nebraska have yielded an im
mense surplus of food products and the
state is proposing to send grain by the
train load to the starving Russians.
How can such a state of things as we
have here, starvation in the midst of
plenty, be explained? Easy enough.
The farmers must sell their crops to
pay interest which is sent east and have
but little money to buy goods aad move
the wheels of business here. So the
poor are out of work, and are cold and
hungry. The money loaners and mo
nopolists stand between the city and
country workers force inequitable ex
changes, and keep both classes poor
and dependent. The poor want work
and justice, not charity.
Furniture, carpets, stoves, crockery,
tinware and everything you use in your
house you can get at Meinzer's, 127 and
129 North Fourteenth, at Rock Bottom
Prices. 29 2 w
tyGoorge W. Cablo, editing letters
given him by one of the census clerks,
siys of them. "Why is ho rich while I
am poor."' was the perpetual question,
not easily answered from a distance."
The letters were in response to a census
circular sent out asking questions of
the people. "One strong impression
produced on the reader," says the clerk,
was of a general, wide-spread, queru
lous unrest; a pertertious accent such a
comes at times from the great spaces of
nature when elemenatal forces are
preparing a ehange. Another that al
most took the form of a conviction was
that in the year 1890 and 1891 they
were the most unhappy and discon
tented people on the planet, living &s
they thought under a land money and
railroad, let us add editsr system
which makes them the slaves of specu
lators. New York and Illinois oftenest
sousded the note of prosperity, says
the census clerk; but "Kansas ran the
whole gaunt of misery and rose into a
tempest of agony."
Learn Telegraphy at the Lincoln
Business College. 2Gtf
ty The mechanical power of Eng
laud is estimated to be that of 1,000,
000,000 men. That equally divided
would give to each man, woman and
child services equal to those of twenty
five men working by hand, as formerly
It would command for the support of
fliifth family of live the same as 125 men,
in addition to the work done by the
head of the family. Each family should
therefore surround itself with all the
comforts and enjoyments of civilized
life. But they do not, for the leason
that a fow have monopolized the land
f.nd nfLDital. and. making the rest de
pendent, strip irom tnem me surplus
products of their labor p.nd tM entire
product 01 mecnrojcai power.
Alliance men attending the meeting
to be held in Lincoln the 12 of January
are requested to call on A. J. Rigby &
Co., and look over their bargains in
real estate of all kinds. Don't forget
tho place. 1025 O St. room. 21. (27tf
i-The inmates of the insane asy
lum were as far as possible gladdened
by the return of Christmas day. A
musical entertainment was provided
for them at the ch apel, and a beautiful
Christmas tree loaded with gifts, one at
least for each inmate, was prepared for
them. After these were distributed
they sat down to roast turkey, oysters,
etc. Formerly the insane weresupposed
to be possessed with evil spirits, and
they were treated in the most cruel
manner. As a class they call for the
greatest sympathy, and with the dis
coveries of medical science have re
ceived it.
Hnn't full to call at Meinzer's on Satur
day next and see their fine display of
household gooas, ni ana izu norm
Fourteenth street. 29-2w
r-We notice that nearly all the hor
rible crimes are connected with, being
induced or made possible by, whisky.
Christmas day. the day of " peace and
good will," was converted by it into a
day of human carnage at Scribner, Neb.,
two Drainers uuiuir mo uiiniMunuuj u
the fray. Charles Belirendt, after
drinking heavily, quarreled with his
brother and disemboweled him with a
butcher knife. The wounded man died
in a few hours, and the excited neigh
bors turned out in a posse to hunt for
the murderer.
A. J. Rieby & Co. say it pays to ad
vertise in The Almanck. Write them
for bargains in farm property of all
kinds, luao u at.
rCol. T. J. Pieket, a life long
journalist, and the man who first sug-
gesiea Aoranam iiui'oiu iui tiimiuui
(a delegate then of the convention in
1860 which nominated him) died at the
residence of his son, T. J. Pickett, Jr.,
at Ashland, Neb , Thursday last. Col.
Pickett lived in Lincoln a number of
years since, and was engaged in pioneer
newspaper wors. anu oue oi ma uaugu-
ters. Mrs. E. K liutnne, sua uves nere.
Three of his five sons are puonsners or
newspapers. ,
Will retail 200 photograph albums at
wholesale prices. C. M. Leighton, 145
S. 10th st. 25 tf
tyMrs. Russell Sage has made a
record for bravery which places her
infinitely above her millionaire hus
band. When Norcross threatened Sage
the coward siezed an innocent clerk
and held the man between him and the
bomb-thrower. But when lunatic num
ber two went to Sage's house and de
manded money or the choice of dyna
mite Mrs. Sage, though a little woman,
quickly collared him and crowded him
out of the house.
John Hoge of Rushville, Neb., wishes
to be directed to some firm or person,
that he may correspond with, engaged
in building and equipping starch fac
tories. 2
nsrA not her Lincoln man has disap
peared and no trace of his whereabouts
can be found. This timo it is John L.
piomo whnsn family reside at 707 South
Ninth 'street. He left Lincoln six weeks
ago seeking work, and after leaving
TOrnt his wife one letter from the east,
a not very encouraging letter. Nothing
mn has hpfin heard from him. It is a
most trying situation to be out of work,
and a million in the nation are in that
ryA writer in the Kansas City
Journal, introduced with flaring ncaa
lines, makfs an attack upon the ac
curacy of Senator Peffer's book, "The
r armers Siue," juggling wun mo iig
ures therein given. But his tricks are
thoroughly exposed in a page article
reply iu the Kansas Farmer written by
H. B. Skien. The trnth pricks sharply,
as is evidenced by the way they kick
against it. The book is for sale at this
oflico. .
ty The Journal of the Knights of
Labor thinks, as the organs of the
spoiling classes have not yet corrected
their misstatements about the people's
party vote in Kansas, that they have
adopted as their motto:
A little If ln Is a danirermn thin;
Go tue whole hug, or never make a sjiri ng.
tlT The state bureau of industrial
aumics has been sending out blank
specially prepared far the collection of
statistic regarding the rot of living in
Nebraska. But few hare been returned
tilled out. Comparatively few people
take the trouble to put on paper item
ized statements of expenditures. And
many anting three who do would not
caro to have either their poverty or
private niatien given to the public.
fcaTThe nitbual banks have taken
from the toiling class since 1(64 $5,243.-
590 000. a sum equal to $4:17 from every
toller. And for this they have given no
exchange value. They have simply
loaned us our own money ana money
given them by the government. The
government would have saved us the
whole amount if it had issued iu own
money and loaned it to the people at
3 The sudden death of Mr. Samu
el G. Thomas, cf this city, stricken
down in a moment by heart failure on
Friday last, brings grief to many who
kT.ew him personally and calls forth
from all acquaintances tho deepest
sympathy with tne alllicted family.
Tee writer knew him and was greatly
shocked by the news of his unexpected
fj"E. B. Lanin, writing in the Fort
nightly Review, says: "Not a year has
elapsed this century in which extreme
distress in some province or provinces
of Russia has not assumed the dimen
sions of a famine, while scarcely a
decade has passed away in which the
local misfortune has not ripened into
a national calamity. Nor is the nine
teenth century an exception in this re
gard." Meinzer's Furniture & Household
Goods Store will open on Saturday,
January 2, at 127 and 129 North Four
teenth. 29-2w
ty The census repot ts show the ex
isting mortgages on Kansas land to be
$258,146 820, of which $174,000,000 is on
farms. The existing debt of the state
secured by mortgage on land, not in
cluding the debts of railroads, the state,
counties, cities, towns,and simple prom
issory notes, anounts to $195 per head
of population, or $975 for each family of
five. ...
rw- Bro. C. M. Hubbard, Oakfield,
Wis., renews bis subscription and says:
"I am much pleased with the paper,
and am rooted and grounded in the
principles of the Alliance. Send The
Farmers' Alliance another year, also
cduv of L. C. Hubbard's book, "ine
Coming Climax."
ty Judge J. H. Broady has retired
from the bench of his district and located
in Lincoln. He has shown himself a
man ef marked ability as well as a just
judge, and the peeple of Lincoln extend
heartiest greetings in welcoming mm
to their midst.
tyThe Womens' Christian Temper
ance Union of Nebraska are sending out
Invitations to many hundreds to attend
a public social meeting at ;tne Lin
coln hotel Friday evening uext. It is
to afford an opportunity to meet and do
honor to their state oiucers.
tyA decision in the case of John
Fitzgerald of Lincoln, versus the Mis
souri Paclfio railway was handed down
Saturday by Judge Tibbelts. Mr. Fitz
gerald is given judgment in the sum of
$475,000. The case will be appealed.
ty Prof. Wolfe, son of the chairman
of the State executive committee of the
peoples' independent party of Nebraska,
has been promoted to the full professor
ship of philosophy in the State univer
sity. tyThe census statistics of New
York just completed show that 276,0(0
families containing 1,225.000 inhabi
tants, live in tenement houses in that
city, and in the same district there are
850 stables and 4,800 horses to pollute
the air.
ty The person or persons who lost a
package out of a buggy near West Lin
coln on Monday, December 21st, can
find some trace of its present where
abouts by inquiring at Wm. Bring's res
idence, one mile northwest of West
ryiudcre Broadv is preparing an
article on the life and public services cf
Judge o. V. Mason, to be reaa at tne
forthcoming meeting of tho State His
torical society,
ty Coneressman Bryan Is cutting a
large figure for a young man. He has
managed to get on the Ways and Means
committee and has introduced (even
bills in the house.
3?" The railroads are making a de
termined effort to crush out t he oruer
of Railroad Telegraphers. The order
is an organization of mutual protection
and benefit.
tyThe subscriptions for the Lincoln
Labor Palace now exceed $15,000. As
soon as $29,000 are pieagea tne worn
will begin.
twJ. G. Smith and Prof. Bruner of
the State university left last week for a
two month's tour of Mexico and Central
tyThe American Federation of
Labor and the Knights of Labor have
taken the first step toward union, hav
ing written a ba'-isof agreement.
MT Prof. Hunt of the "English" de
nartment of the State university has re
signed on account of poor health.
r" Tolstoi says truly, that rich men
are willing to do anything for the poor
except to get on tneir oacits.
rsiTho annual meeting of the Ne
braska Sheriffs' association was held in
this city Tuesday of this week
See elsewhere in our columns the ad
vertisement of S. B. Morehead proprie
tor of the South Albion Poultry yards.
Mr. F. G. Yule, of this city, adver
Uses his Lieht Brahmas in this issue.
See his ad. elsewhere.
Attention is called to the new location
of the Jennings hotel now at 9th and
Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb.
tyThe coal miners of Brazil, In
diana, are out on a strike.
A Good Example to Follow. .
Amelia, Neb., Dec. 21, 1891.
Mr. J. M. Thompson,
Bus. Mg'r. Farmers' Alliance.
Dear Sir You will find on the list I
send you five subscribers for your pa
per, The Farmers' Alliance, l can
tret more subscribers by and by. I find
a great many that want Tue Farmers'
Alliance but haven't the money now.
I will keep right on working to got
your paper into every house in my
neighborhood. I could not do without
The Farmers' Alliance myself. Hop
in? to send vou another lfct soen, I am
0 V . U 1
lours f it:..
S. B. B.
ty What Is to be thought of the ad
ministration that will make Steve Elk
ins a cabinet officer? Is the next elec
tion to be carried by fine-hand political
working? If so, Dudley should have a
nlace. And Bardsley would, no doubt,
take a position. True, these fellows
have been caught, and Elkins hasn't
That's all the difference.
For Sale Cheap
nOneO hole mounted Sandwich Corn
Shelter, but little used. One Ottawa
mounted Corn Sheller, second hand.
Frank I. Lawrence, Lincoln, Neb.
Bkktband, NeW., Deo. 14. ltl.
Me. 1'BtsiiHLSiT It may be a bule
out of the regular order for a private
citizen to undertake to place himself in
direct communication with one so
highly honored as yourself; but I will
make my letter open to the public so
that no one can say that you and I are
secretly working to bleed them.
Of course you would like to know
how I am getting along out here. I
left our native state of Indiara seven
years ago, and engaged in farming and
stock raising in Nebraska. At that
time I paid $33 and $49 per head for
cows. I have just shipped a load of
corn-fed cows that were better than the
ones I paid $40 for teven years ago,
and they sold in Omaha for $12 85 per
head on the 9th day of this month.
After my commission merchant had
disposed of the rattle I was walking the
streets of Omaha, feeling very much
discouraged and down hearted, when I
heard a small boy hallooing at the top
of his voice: "Esening World Herald,
the gnat eastern fire and President Far
rUon'i me-vage." Thinking perhaps
there might be a spark of hope in your
message for my aching heart I bought
a paper and sat down to read. My at
tention was very naturally attracted to
that part referring to American meats,
especially the following: "The grain
crop of this year was the large it in our
history, 50 per cent greater than that of
last year; and yet the market that has
opened and the larger demand resulting
from short crops in Europe have sus
tained prices to such an extent that tho
enormous surplus of meats and bread
stuffs will be marketed at good prices,
bringing relief and prosperity to an in
dustry that was much depressed." O
what solace and comfort I got from that
message cf yours. Those great mar
kets that you have opened up are scat
tering depression to the four winds,
and are crowning the once down trod
den farmer with relief and prosperity.
Two years ago I sold the same class of
cattle in the same market fer twice
what they sell for to day. But reci
procity was then slumbering in tho un
known future, and the great statesman
ship of James G. Blaine had not fully
expended itself upon the markets of the
world. 8even years ago cows sold here
for four times more money than they
will sell for to-day; but what matters
that to the American farmer so long as
be can feast upon the words above:
"Great market and prosperity."
I also learn from your message that
our ministers abroad and the secretary
of agriculture have been co-operating
with you in establishing a market for
American pork, which you say is very
gratifying; but of course you don't
mean tnat 11 is graurying to tne pro
ducer, for the price of pork has been
very much reduced, and we can only
use that kind of gratification to season
our prosperity.
I supporteayou wun my vote ior tne
high position you now occupy, trusting
that you would reciprocate Dy recom
mending laws ana measures mat wouui
hasten the dawn of a better day. You
say in vour messacre that beneliciai re-
suits uoon prices nave louowea mis
- . . . ,, , . 1 ,
legislation. Thus you aamit tnat legis
laticn either forms or control" prices,
You also say that an increased volume
of currency will have a beneficial effoct
upon prices, mow, Mr. rresiaent, you
have struck the key note: but when
you say you are not in favor of free and
unlimited coinage of silver and increas
ing the currency you admit that you
are not in favor of increasing prices
by increasing the supply , of metallic
money. II you win iook over tne
autobioarraphv of Dr. Benjamin Frank
lin you will be convinced that there is
another way of increasing the volume
of money that is far better than all the
metals of tho eartn. isat 1 nave no
hopes of you endorsing that because it
would stop the fruits of my toil from
flowing from 111 v wife and children in
the form of interest to the vaults of the
money loaner; and should you receive
the nomination again fer the executive
chair, whisky, boodle ana tne money
lnaners would array themselves atrainst
you in a solid phalanx, and you would
be reiegarea to tne snaaes 01 private
life. If office is all you want I would
advise you to be kind to them, because
you will get more votes with your
whisky and boodle than from your re
ciprocity on American meats.
I'erbaos 1 snouia not write sucn ft let
ter to one is so high a position; but 1
can assure you that it will come as
near receiving your approval as your
mesRge did mine. Perhaps you will
think that I am possessed with more
gall than brains; but what shall I think
of you? who receive $50,000 per year
salary, and aaother $50,000 for your
expenses, congratulating me ior my
prosperity and the great market where
can get 1 cents per pound ior my
beef? No doubt some people prefer
your flattery to their own prosperity;
out 1 nave iauea to una a piace wueio
I can exchange it for shoes.
If all other things spoken of in your
messatre areas srroundless and visionary
as your price on American meats, the
people would have been more enlight
ened had that message never been
Hoping to live to see the day when
truth and patriotism in our republic
willoverru e sophistry and flattery, 1
am very respectfully, W. " inslow.
Open Letter to the Iowa Homestead.
Mineola, Neb., Dec. 21, 1891.
Messrs. Publishers of Iowa Homestead:
Dear Sirs: For some time you have
been sending me a copy of the Home
stead which I have been distributing it)
acquaintances. I am obliged to you for
the free cepy; but I don't wish it longer
I have not had time to read it and have
given it out notknovtiag what was in
it. But I learn that you are opposing
the new party, and I don't want lonirr
to help defeat my own party, luu
have the right to wear the old party
collar whether it galls or not. I don'i
wear it and I won't work for it. If you
ati Htill stored hv tho sectional buir-a-
00 vou have a ricMt to your terror. 1
have no terror and believe in the short
" . . I L..1! I .1... -1
cut for refoim. The way in which you ,
are flooding Holt couuty with sample
copies leads me to think that the money
for tnia sort of work, which work is
probably being done in all strong inde
pendent counties iu Nebraska comes
from the treasury of tha republican
national central committee, and that
the operation is au effort to win the
farmers back to the old party whose
incompetent, cowardly and treacherous
leaders, by courtesy called statesmen,
criminally neglected their interests
which they were in duty bound to re
gard, and allowed monopoly, that
oreedv oiaut. to fonre his fetters and tit
hfem tn thn furnmra' llmln. You invite
the farmers back to the grand old back
1 (didden republican party which claims
eternal reward from tU nation for Iht
.cal of lu youth. What lit that party
don lately to show that .1 it worthy c f
ihefarmem" conlidenre? Uont praU
of new promises; it has pr miel for
fifteen years and done nothing. And
this i the boaited "party of progre
and of moral ideas " 1 fail to aee the
progress and I cannot see the morality
of republican-allowed oppression. To
my mind the Utter U Just as wicked as
the devil's own oppression. I am tired
of the masterly inativity of this "pro
gressive pnrty." it is time something
was done, and done with a big 1). I am
disgusted with the heartlessness of the
politicians and with the cowardice of
the statesmen, falsely so called. My
sympathy goes out to a party which
means to Immediately right the crying
wrongs of our time, which wroegs are
generally admitted and only r.etd a lit
tle agitation to be crushed out I am
in for this new party. I want to see
something done. I am not affrighted
because the movement can possibly ga
too far. Time euough to call halt
when the party has done tho needful
thins. The American people are not
fanatics; the mass advances slowly; it
does not follow every voice that calls to
it. Those who cry horror of the "dread
ful" results of the Idea of the new party
are largely the oppressors, the spoilers
and the abusers of the masses, and those
who live off the roiruos. receivers cf
stolen Profits, and those others who
have good reason to fear loss of ofl'ioe
in the change. I meau to help the peo
ples' party; and I shall not circulate
your paper whijh opposes it.
Stop my copy and oblige me.
Yours truly,
lUv. N. II. B
Johnson County Alliance will meet
ntTecumseh Saturday. January 9, at
1 o'clock sham. A full attendance is
desired, as election of officers and other
important bnniness is to be transacted
John Williams, County Sec'y.
Tho Perkins County Alliance will
meet In regular session at Madrid, at
10 a. si., Saturday, January 9, 1991. A
full representation is desired, as officers
will Le elected and other important
business transacted. T. A. Cluobton,
Big Springs, Dec 10, 1891. Sec'y.
The Fillmore County Alliance will
meet at Geneva Jan. 3. 18U2, at 10
o'clock a. m. Important business to be
acted upon by the Alllauce. A full
attendance requested.
O. M PiKHSON, Sec'y.
The Clay County Alliance will meet
at Clay Center on Saturday, January
3. 1802, at 10 a. m. Let thero be a full
delegation from each Alliance as there
will be business of importance to trans
act. D. A. Mobrw, Pres.
G. A. Shiki, Sec'y.
Tke Gosper County Farmers' Alliance
will hold its next regular meeting Sat
urday, Jan. 9, 1893, at 11 a. m. The
reports and election of officers with
other important business will demand
a full representation . Delegates should
bring credentials ana see mat tneir re
spective secretaries have reported as
the constitution requires.
raiLoroBD. rres.
W. 11. STONE, Sec'y.
The regular meeting of Pierce Coun
ty Alliance will be held in G. A. R. hall,
Plainview. Neb., on Thursday, Janu
ary 7. 1892. at 10 a. m. Election 01
officers and other important business
will come before the meeting, and a full
attendance is desired.
J. tl. 1'obtkr, secy,
The Burt County Farmers' Alliance
will meet at the court house in Teka
mah, at 1 o'clock p. m., Jan. 9, 1893.
The reports, election of officers, together
with other important; Business iu
come before tne meeting snnuiu en
courage a full attendance. Delegates
will please bring the proper orvdentials.
rKtSKnUln, tf. J., uuivbiivkki
Sec'y. Pres.
Chamberlain's Academy
Of short-hand, type-writlngand telegra
phy is offering superior facilities for ac
quiring a sound practical training in
these arts. If ;'ou are contemplating at-
tendhiff a school of this kind it will be to
your Interest to call on or address them
at 1130 U street, Lancoin, xteo. mu
A Serious Fall
Innrlcesof fine stationery, albums,
soaps, perfumery and all goods, at C.
M. Leighton's, 145 8. 10th st. 25tf
Save Your Money.
Send for a receipt and make your
own blueing for five cents a gallon in
stead of paying ten cents for a four
ounce bottle, equal to 12 per gallon
This blueing is superior to any on tne
market. Tell your neighbors of this
and send for a receipt, price 25 cents,
five receipts for $1. Address
24tf J. r. Harris, rairneia, neo.
Meeting of the Independent State Central
Tho above committee will meet at
the Ltndcll hotel, Lincoln, on Tuesday,
.Tuauiirv 11. at 7 o'clock p. m. A full
attendance is requested, as important
business is to be transacted.
J. V. Wolfe, Ch'n.
C. H. Pirtle, Sec'y.
For Sale or Trade.
Several second hand horse power and
steam threshingmachlnes.
28-4t Frank P. Lawrence.
Lightning Hay Press to sell or trade.
Nearly new a bargain. Write to
27t2 M.'Oi'Emheiueb, Oak, Neb.
The Handsomest latly In Lincoln re
marked to a friend the other day that sbe
knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat aud
l.unir was a suDeiior remedy, as it atoppud
hor ooutfh instantly when olhr couo-h reme
dies had no effect whatever, goto prove this
and ctrnvinoe you of Its merit, any drupirlst
will irlve you a Sample Bottle free. Large
size 60o aud L 7ni
I am now able to give price of coal at
your depot en all K. K. in tno state.
25tf J. W. Hartley, State Agt.
Wanted, Stock
in exchange for city property, A.J
Kigby A Co., 1025 O St. 2itf
S. B. MOREHEAD, Prop'r.
I hold moro First Premiums than any
other breeder In Boone county and can
turn inn you with good birds. "iltf
B. 11. Mobkuead, l'rop., Albion, Neb.
Special Premiums.
TVITIOtt. Hoard ami Kanra rrat In the
fmMtl urual ferbool and UualUMa
For the !arft list of subscribers fer Tat
Fahmkiu' Alma NCI at our club rat of
HUcts. year, rccclvtd br January 1st IRC,
we will give Tuition, Hoard aad Kaon
Kent for on Year In the Fremont Noma
School and Buttnefs Institute.
Far the socond lanrestMst received by the
tame date we will five Taitlon for One Vr.
This offerof tuition Includes the followtn
courses: Preparatory, Teacoera, tiecuve,
Scientific lassto and B usinessoourw.
Terns In this school open as follows:
Fall terra, September 1st; Flr( Winter
term, November 10; Second Winter term.
January Vt.
Tho each value af the first premium la On
Hundred and Light? Dollar. Of the sec
ond premium Fifty Hollars.
The president ef the Fremont Institute is
W, H. Clemmons.
bubscripiiuua caiiWsrBi'B st azr time.
Vut persons lntnln( to compete for the
premiums should notify us so that proper
credits can be given.
Bee advertisement of the Institution In an
other column.
On the lower gulf coast of Florida fit per
month nntll paid for; lu acres equal to ln in
Nebraska. Address The tfrove City Mud
Ce., Grove City, Fla. VM
1 The Population of Llr.oo'n is about 11.000,
and we would aaj at h unt one-half are
troubled with some affection of the Throat
and Lunr. asthosa couiDiatnts are. accord
log to statistics, more numerous than others.
We wtuld advise all our readers not to neg
lect the opportunity to call on tbelr druggitt
aud aot a bottle ef Kemp's nalsara for the
Threat and Lungs. Trial sUe free. Large
bottles mm aad si. Horn ty atiaruggisis. . uui
Stray Notice. 2715
Taken up by the undersigned at his
farm on section 30. in Little Salt precinct
10 miles north of the city of Lincoln,
Oct. 81, 1891. One red and white hlefer
about 1 year old. No special marks or
brands. Owner can have same by
proving property and paylnr; all neces
sary costs. Wm. J. Bell, Davey, Neb.
Subscribe for True Alliamof..
Having vcrrthiaf
llousohold Goods, Groceries end Provi:i:.i3.
Just opened 50 dozen bed
Corafoits, the best line we ever
Large sized comforts covered
with challis at $1.35 each, big
Beautiful twilled sateen com
forts, $1.25 and $1.35 each.
A fine line of comforts cover
ed with ilkaline, only 2.50 and
Cliina silk covered comforts
at 5.75.
Down comforts 4
Anything you want in com
forts from 39c up to the best
Alamort tfl F1DUCDC f you oome
nUItU IU rAnulCnO. railroad fara
a SA0.00 bill of goods,
But it you can't ooine
Hayden Bros., Dealers
anything you want
About 300 samples of boys' suits
bought less 40 per cent discount, and a
few for your inspection to-morrow at
the following low prices:
II will buy a boys' suit worth 11.75.
$1.50 will buy a boy's suit worth S3.
2.00 will buy a boy's suit worth 14.
3.50 will buy a boy's suit worth 3.
3.00 will buy a boy's suit worth $6.
3.50 will buy a boy's suit worth 7.
Also 130 sample children's cloaks at
half price.
1.75 misses' and children's cloaks for
3.75 misses' and children's cloaks for
(4 misses' and children's cloaksfor$2
85 misses' and children's cloaks for
Very best novelty prints 5c a yard.
Good cotton flannal, 5o a yard.
Gioghams, So a yard.
All linen fancy towels worth 60 cents
for 40c.
All linen fancy towels wovth 55 cents
for 80c.
All linen fancy towels worth 40 cents
for 25c.
All linen fancy towels worth 25 cents
for 15c.
Best sperm oil, large size, 5c a bottle.
Slata pencils, 10c for 1C0.
Busting thread, lo a spool
It Pays to Trade at the Leader.
Wo wish to impress every one with the fact that we soil what we ad
.ifoMiuui nrionnn matter what may be your experience in other st
want you to cut out anything that may Interest you . in this sd. and come
see it, the identical article. Vhen other dealers tell you it is ?
more7dontbeUevetbem. THE LEADER, (Xew Store.)
Orders by mail wm receive promps
The Great Cheap Store
The Arena
FOE 18M.
Bery wetnher of the
should take THK ASZHA
FOB 1803.
f. Durln ISW The Arena will oontaln f-
pt-rson the r'arrnvni Alliaix-o and Its ImH
i. giving an autnoratlttv nmtorr ov.ine nw
nf the movement, and I'llKTKAITt ef the
leading sptrttt lathis great aprtstng r
people aniltn monopolies, irunta, plutocracy
aad off eta! corruption.
II. It will contain authmatltlve papers set
ting forth the central cairn of each of the
gnt psrtlee of to-day. and drawing clear y
and sharply the line or demarkktion on ail
mn at political, economical and social prob
lems. II. It will contain nanera setting forth the
cardinal demsnds of the people in their or
gnniKed movement ar'inet old-time wronra
and injustice, and tne reason for eaca de
mand. IV. It will he an enoveionedla of political
and social Information, giving itn readers a
neuter v exnoi lion of the true conditions
and needs of the present, depicting the evils
of the hour, and suggesting remeoiee calcu
lated to eecure a wider need of Justice and
liberty for the great tolling millions of our
land. From Its inception. Tho Arena has been
Til K MTh.AIH'AK r t ll AMI'lOX OK THK
rKori.K. absolutely fearless In Ha denuncia
tion of pi ulocrany, monopoly, and all means
and moasurcs that wrong the multitude or
Infringe upon the liberty of the humbles
citizen. In the future The Arena will be eon
snlfuotis for its sggresslve and bold defence
of tho rights of the masses agaiust the privi
leged olass.
V. It will contain great pspera by the
greatest thinner in the ALLIANCE m,S 6l
the kindred organisations which are working
for a radical reformation of existing abuses
and unjust conditions.
VI. It will contain Hamlin Garland's
powerfbl Alliance storj, " A ttpoil of Ofllce."
whloh will be the most graphic picture of the '
modern West and the social and political con
ditions whloh called forth tho Alliance ever,
Is a beautiful collection of twenty-six stcki,
p rthaits of dlM'ngutahed authors and
leader of I bought In this GKXAT uprising- of
the people
The Arena one year, price W-OB
The Portfolio, price 4.0O ,
The Farmers' Alliance one year 1.00
All fortS.W
23tf Lincoln, Nebraska 1
Light Brahmas.
I have this season the
At our late Bute Fair I took premium on
everything entered. At our December show
I took 1st. 2nd and 3rd on four birds entered.
Write for price on birds that will rcorevO
or better. Eggs In season. F. O. VULE,
Box m. Ptf) Lincoln, Nob.
a Farmer uses la
Just received, 10 cases of
cheap cotton flannel blankets.
On sale this week. 104 white
cotton-flannel blankets 75c per 1
104 silver gray cotton-flan- ,
nel blankets, one dollar a pair.
104 strictly all wool red
blankets only $2. 50 a pair.
We carry the largest line of
blankets from the cheapest up
to thw best California blankets.
Unbleached cotton -flannel 3 Jo
per yard.
.Eitra heavy cotton flannel 10
cents per yard.
tothe olty drop in and see us. You oan pay
for a hundred miles and then save money on
mail ua your ordar. Scad to us for prices on 1
In Everything,
Silk thread 4c a spool (100 yds).
Silk thread, 8 for 5c (50 yards).
Silk twist lc a spool. ,
Very best values is ribbons; in this
examine our lines before buying for the
Gent's wool hose lOo a pair.
Ladies wool hose regular made, 20c a
pair worth 35c.
Ladies' wool hose, regular made, 25o
a pair, worth 4l)c.
Special values in ladies knit under
wear this week.
Ladies' knit skirts only 50o worth 85o.
Ladies' knit skirts only 85c, .worth
Ladies skirts only 90c, worth $1.85.
Extra heavy bed spreads, $1.
Bates' quilts only 91.
Writing paper, extra quality, 10c a
box, worth 20c.
Sample line of gents neck-ties, worth
from 50c to $1, choice for 25c.
Curling irons 6c.
Pins lc a paper.
Vaseline 7c a bottle.
Pears' Soap at 10c.
Bay Rum, 10c a pint bottle.
Quilts and blankets at special prices.
Agate buttons So a gross.
Envelopes 8o a bunch.
Writiu paper 120 sheets for 12c.
French shoe polish, large size 2 for 5o.
1211 0 St. Lincoln, Net).