The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, December 31, 1891, Image 1

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COS wts.
Far the Fabhcrs' Aixiaxck.
The Tennessee Miner.
I visit bit kennel In dreamt,
Tbe miner of Tennessee,
A very kennel it teems,
Tho' a home to such at he.
On a bar, pine table I tee
Soi e toup in an earthen bewl, -Some
coarse oorn bread and tea.
To feed this miner of coal. '
In the dusk the father somes;
All day he has been in the mine:
On a remnant, the rich man's crumbs,'
These partners in poverty dine.
The miner's wife Is wan.
And wan the babe that creeps
Out to the man of brawn
From the rags on which it sleeps.
A young lad follows behind
The father; the curse of ihe craft
Is oyer blm, with itt grind:
He early went into the shaft.
No pride of dress has he;
His mind is blunted by toil,
This lad of Tennessee,
For the rioh man's son a folL
The fear of a falling roof,
The dread of choke-damp and lire,
Of serve-strain leave a proof '
Alike on child and tire.
. The jewels that glitter and thine
On he hands of wealth ana power
, Are the crystallized tears of the miner,
The delving poor man's dower.
By Mary L. Underhtll in The Voice.
Fanatic I" they said; yes, he stood for the
Defended it alway by day and by night;
He wrowrht for the good of the children and
Well knowing tho worth of their souls .in
Ood's sight.
Fanatic was he? Tcs, he spent time and
In labors of love for the tempted and tossed,
No toil was too great, no trifle too small
To offer to Him for the aeuls that were lost.
Fanatlo was he? Vet he oheerf ully gave
Of his income so small, to those who had
, And the poor and the lowly, the sad ones of
Had cause this " fanatic " to love and to
Fanatic was he? Yes, the world flitted by,
With its laughter and song, its jest and its
Thoy pitied him so. e they said as they went,
For they fanoied his life bitter, cheeriest
and drear. .
For they had their pleasures, their wine and
their glee. .':'.: , :; ,
' And life was to them gay, and merry, and
They lived for themselves, while he toiled for
Whom, born in the darkness, he brought to
the light.
Ah I little they know how the peace Ood doth
Dwelt deep in bit heart, sweet, abiding and
And how, when In sorrow o'er those whom he
Ood gave in the night-time Hit presence
and song.
And ono day be died and they laid him to rest
On the sunny hillside, 'neath the grasses
and flowers
In the sorrowful hush of a heart-broken
Where lovingly God keepeth watch through
the hours.
Ah! happy forever, no longer to toll
Alone, and in sorrow, and misunderstood,
No longer "fanatic," but heir to a throne,
With all the redeemed, the rejoicing and
O Soul! thou bast won and thy hard race is
Time's years are but few, and Eternity's
Thy service of love for the tin-stricken earth
Shall blossom for ever In gladness and song.
IhokJj Seqnel to an Unsavory Family
Scandal Tho Murderer Etcapes.
j ash ville, wee. x'j. iNews comes
froia Fentress county of a triple trag
edy in which Edward Harris killed Ma
rion and Dave Beatty and Gwin Bowden.
Harris escaped to the woods and has not
yet been captured. The shooting was
the outcome of an unsavory family
scandal, in which Mary Beatty, sister of
two or tne murdered men, was the prin
cipal figure.
Oliio Youths' Fatal Fight.
Columbus, Dec.. 29. Gallipolis, Ohio,
is vtiy much excited over a fearful trag
edy. Harry Bayes and John Eadds,
neither out of his teens, - quarreled over
a girl, Miss Little, to whom the former
had presented a ring, and the latter was
wearing it. In the scuffle Bayes drew a
knife and slashed Eadds about the limbs
and body. Eadds used a hammer with
telling effect upon his adversary's head.
llie knife proved too much for Eadds
and he fell tainting. A physician pro
nounced his wounds mortal. Bayes is
in jail. It is feared his skull is fractured
and lie is in a serious condition.
Lrncher Gates ArreMed.
Indian apous, Dec.29. David C. Gate3,
under indictment for leading the assault
npon the jail in tho attempt to lynch
Charles Besso, was caught near the city
iui placed nmier arrest. He gave boud
in the sum of f 1,000. He boasted of his
attempt to get Besso and says the only
regret ne nas is tnat tne moo did not
Keeure the prisoner and hang him.
A Robber Leader Shot,
Lniontown, Pa., Dec. 29. Frank
Cooley, leader of a gang of robber in
this county, was shot and perhaps fa
tally wounded by one of his band during
urumeen row. the people herealiouts
only hope the shot will prove fatal.
Ooley and his gang have robbed and
terrorized the people around here lor
Electrocution Victims.
New York, Dec. 29.-Judge Lacombe,
of the United States circuit court, signed
the mandate to the warden of Sing Sing
prison commanding him to proceed with
the execution of Murderers McElvane
aml lrezz-.a. The condemned men will
be brought to Brooklyn to be sentenced.
5umcrous Candidates Anxious
Succeed Senator Tlumb.
Ei-Corgretimaa Frrklna Strals a March.
Crawford Drops Out in Favor of Ed'
Itor Hudion Senator lagalU
Topeka. Kan., Dec. 29. Governor
Humphrey, in an interview, stated that
h6 did not think he would appoint
successor to Senator Plnmb before the
end of the week. The governor has
been importuned and harrassed so per
eietently by delegations which urge the
claims of the different candidates that
he is about losing patience,
The claims of J. W. Ady, United
States district attorney for the district
of Kansas, were first presented to the
governor. Ex-Congressman S. R.
Peters of Newton, Kan., backed by fh
entire Seventh congressional district.
made the presentation. He occupied
the governor's time from 3 o'clock until
8 o'clock in the afternoon.
Ex-Consrressman Perkins was fifth on
the governor's list of candidates, but the
. . . .
delegation wmcn is wormng in tne ex
congressman s interest stole a march on
the other candidates and secured a sec
ond hearing. The delegation is from
Humphrey's district, and had simply
called to pay respects to the governor.
They were ten in number, and after
they got into the governor's room thev
took it by storm and the governor with
it. State Senatoi Kirkpatrick made the
nominating speech, and was fol owed by
ouage j. a. west or Bourbon county
ana J. a. Zelgler of Indeimdence. The
governor had announced that onlvoffi
cial office hours would be used in "hear'
ing the clnims of the candidates, and
wnen 4 ociocK arrived he shut up shop
and went home. ' -
Of all the candidates for the aDtxrint-
ment ex-Senator Incalls eniovs the dis
tinction of being the only one who has
no lieutenants on' the ' ground working
for him. In fact, he is not even an
avowed candidate. His friends, how
ever, say he would accept the appoint
ment if it were tendered him. but he
will not go into the scramble for the
honor with the common herd. The ex
senator has nearly all the 'ra-actical"
politicians against him. They"urge that
&a TtVii fcfJ IW v ?-he reWHns4Qfr' h-failed to trace
lena mem nis vamauie aid m reclaiming tho rmmrf onw fni;v,u oniiVAA Paw.
the . state from the Farmers'
Alliance. But the ex-senator
is not without backing. All
the work that is beta? done in his in
terest, however, is unsolicited and has
the merit of spontaneity. He is unani
mously endorsed by the people of his
own town, Atchison, has an enthusiastic
following from the Grand Army of the
Republic, and is the idol of the young
Republicans of the state. He is also in
a position to be settled upon as a com
promise candidate. He is making no
fight and therefore no enemies.
Another candidate dropped out of tho
race. He is ex-Uovernor Crawford,
who is in Washington. He telegraphed
the governor that he was not a candidate
and urged the appointment of Major J.
n. .nua.son.
Annual Klectlon of Officers
in a Meeting
at Chicago.
Chicago, Dec. 29. The annual meet
ing of the Northwestern Association of
Trotting and Pacing Horse Breeders
elected John L. Mitchell of Wisconsin
1 resident. Among the vice presidents
are: J. D. Creighton of Nebraska. Walter
I. Hayes of Iowa, W. A. Sanborn of Illi
nois, J. L. Case of Wisconsin. The treas
urer is H. D. McKinney of Wisconsin.
and the secretary Robert Allen of Joliet.
Kew Base Ball League.
Kansas City, Dec. 29. President
Speas, of the Kansas City Association,
sent out a call for a meeting of base ball
men at Chicago, Jan. 7 next, to form a
new base ball association. The call was
sent to base ball men in Columbus, In
dianapolis, Toledo, Detroit, Grand
Rapids, . Milwaukee, Minneapolis. St.
Paul and Omaha.
Sullivan and Barnett Quit.
San Francisco, Dec. 29. Jack Bar
nett became tiredu of John L. Sullivan
last week and Saturday at Sacramento
closed all accounts with the big slugger
and quit. Barnett ascribes his deser
tion of Sullivan to ill usage, but it is
shrewdly suspected that the champion
has ceased to be a drawing card since
his return from Australia.
The Steel Scale.
Pittsburg, Dec. 29. Officials of Car
negie, .Hupps & Co., and the amalga
mated association will meet in a conplo
of days to fix the steel scale for the three
months beginning Jan. 1. On account
of the low price of steel billets, the
wages of the steel workers will be lower
after Jan. 1 than ever before.
Wheat in the Krthwet.
Minneapolis, Dec. 29.
stock of wheat in the northwest is esti
mated at 27,203,570 bushels, an increasfl
for the week of 2,1.".,510 bushels. A
year ago the northwestern stock was
21,822,000 bushels.
Blithop Louglilin Slowly Sinking.
New York, Dec. 29. Tho Rt. Rev.
John Loughlin, the ve icrable bishop of
the Long Island diocese of the Roman
Catholic church, is dangerously ill. and
there seems to be little doubt that he is
r.taring his life's end.
Mud Diftposed of by Cold.
Bi'rungton, Dec. 29. The recent cold
snap has fairly raised the late serious
mud blockade that existed all over this
part of the country and cost business
men and farmers thousands of dollars.
Trade is Tapidly reviving and it is hoped
that some of the losses may be made up.
Killed Hit Companion.
Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 29. William
Broderiuk, aged 15 yeara, shot and
killed his companion, John Hollister.
while shooting at a mark.
Great Lot. of Life and Property la tbe
, South Sea I.lubdt.
; Sax Frakckco, Dec. 29. Advices
from the south seas give ttartling news
from the Gilbert islands in the Pacific
ty the niissioa bark John Williams,
now at Samoa. It seems that just be
fore the bark visited the group very
severe weather prevailed, during which
there were several tidal upheavals, the
result uouDtiessol submarine disttub
ances. Tidal waves broke high ovef
some of the islands of the btoud. cans-
iug great loss of life, and completely de
molishing nouses. At one island alone,
tne new j. w. Hills, of the London Mis
6ionary society, writes, no fewer than
eighty natives perished. The track ol
the tidal waves is not known, but as the
Gilbert group Las suffered so severely
it is scarcely probable that other island
have escaped devastation and further
information is anxiously looked for.
i Ruining th Mlaiitonomuh.
i New York, Dec. 29. The big double
turreted monitor Miantonomah will be
ready for eea Friday, or five days soonei
than expected. The work of coaling her
was finished and her stores of ' powder
ana projectiles will ne put cn board at
Catted States Troops Ordered to tlx
Scene of Trouble Creat Activity
Manifest at San Antonio.
' San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 29. The
was great activity at the military head
quarters here this morning. Tv
troops of cavalry have been ordered tc
the scene of the war on the frontier and
left this evening on a special train. The
state rangers are making ready to march
from Austin to the border at once. The
war department at Washington has
authorized General Stanley to tmulo'x
all the necessary scouts and guides, mid
everything points to active work in the
near future.
Mexican Troop to the Front.
Laredo, Tex., Dec. 2D. Thirty-three
car loads of Mexican troops, comprising
about eight hundred men, arrived iu
New . Laredo, New Mexico, from Sul-
tillo. This seems to indicate that the re
ports of advantages gained along the
border bv Garza are not altogether
wrong. These newly arrived troops
will proceed down the river at once. A
rumor has gained circulation in the city
that the three revolutionists who wer
captured by Mexican troops- in the sku
the report to any reliable source. Con
siderable uneasiness is expressed for a
company of United States cavalry which
lert last t riday tor some point down the
river without taking a guide. Nothina
has been heard from them since their
ine Mexican authorities den v the ex
istence of any serious trouble on Mexi.
can territory. Reports from reliable
sources, however, announce several
fights with results favoring the revolu
tionists. Tne officers in command of
Fort Mcintosh claim that all the losses
have been on the Garza side, but parties
wno Know tne tacts say mat tlie revolt
tionists have had the best of every en
gagement. Daniel Drew Failure,
New York. Dec. 29. The action of
Isaac H. Eailey, asassignee in bankrupt
cy of Daniel Drew, to recover certain
securities which Drew assigned to his
son, Win. H. Drew, before his failure,
nas been decided in tavor of the defend
ant by Justice Lawrence, of the supreme
court. .During the panic m 1873, Daniel
Drew became heavily involved. He
then held securities of a par value of $!,
844,000 and of an actual value of $1,454,-
000 which he assigned to his son. He
went into bankruptcy in 1876. Mr.Bailey
began action against his son individually
and as executor of his father's estate, to
recover these securities, alleging that
the assignment of them had been made
in view of the pending bankruptcy and
that it was in fraud of creditors.
An Atlantic Steamer Lost.
Norfolk, Va., Dec. 29.-Captain Hop
kins, of the British steamer Ocean
Queen, reports having encountered a
terrific gale in mid-ocean on Monday,
Dec. 21. Four of the crew were lost.
Captain Hopkins reports that on the
next morning he sighted a large ocean
steamer flying signals of distress. The
vessel to ull appearances was a passenger
steamer bound from Liverpool to New
York. Owing to a dense fog the Ocean
Queen was unable to go to her rescue.
When the fog lifted nothing was seen of
the distressed steamer. A ship's com
pass, encased in cork, was picked up
afterwards. The initials "J. P. C. oi
England" were engraved on the case.
Captain Hopkins is positive that th
bteaiuer was wrecked.
'f . ,
i .Diphtheria Kpldnmic.
KiirANixa, Pa., Dec. 29. Owing tc
the number of reported diphtheria cases
at Eethal township, the school directors
at a meeting concluded to close the
schools until the spread of the diseast
ceases, beven cases were reported with
in three and five deaths have been chron
icled within two days.
Violated the Banking Law.
New York, Dec. 29. Charles H. Un
versaght, treasurer of the Union Square
bank, was arrested charged with a vio
lation of the banking law. He was ar
raigned in the sessions court
and held in $1,000 bail for trial. He
furnished the amount in cash.
Crazed by Fear.
Newark, N. J., Dec. 29,-Anthony
Schlothan, a farmer living a few miles
from this city, who last week shot an
Italian who was trjing to steal a calf,
has become crazed by the feat that the
man's friends will kill him.
A Shortage of 100,000.
Warrentown, Va., Dec. 29. A state
ment of the affairs of Rosenberger,
Splendler & Co., of Newmarket, Va.,
the bankers who had branches here and
in two other towns, places the combined
shortage at $100,000.
Death of Trainer Prior.
Repeank, N. J., Dec. 29.-The veteran
race horse trainer, J. B. Prior, died at
his home in Holradel. As a trainer ol
fast horses in his day Prior had few
equals. He was 80 years old.
British Capture Another Fort
Take Many Trisontr?.
A ftrrrt League In Poland Which I Plot
ticg for Bis Overt n ro A untro-Hungary's
Commercial Treaties,
Kcs From Abroad,
Simla, Dec, 29' Advices from Gilgit
say say that fifty Kashmirs, under
Lieutenant Manners Smith, supported
by fifty other Kashmirs, uccceeded in
scaling the precipice opposite FortNilt
and captured the stone breastworks after
a desperate engagement in which ser
enty or tue enemy were Killed, many
woundea, n captured ana the re
mainder put to flight. Captain Mac
kenzie pursued the fleeing tribesmen bo
closely that they could not make a new
formation, and were completely routed.
The British occupied Mayun, Sulmit
andPisan. They had only four men
wounded and none killed.
Throughout the engagement such was
the wild firing on the part of the tribes
men, tne untisn loroe only had four men
wounded. A later dispatch says that
the khan of Nagar, utterly discouraged by
his defeat, has submitted to the British
military authorities and that he will be
taken under escort to Simla.
Famlahlng Russians Robbed.
Sr. Petersburg, Dec.29. The author'
ities are appalled at a display of enter
prise on the part of a Russian newspaper,
It appears that the urban como of St,
Peter sburg recently bought with city
money, for the benefit of the starving,
800,000 pounds of barley flour. The
newspaper. Novoe Vremva. havinsr sus
picions as to the honesty of tho transac-
a? i: i " ......
non, investigated ana louna tnat the
purchase was fraudulent, the greater
part of the flour being dust and other re-
ruse, i ne paper puuiisnea tne story ana
there is widespread indignation airainst
those responsible for the purchase and
who are- supposed to . have divided the
larger part of the money among them,
The paper is applauded for its course.
and, while the authorities have not in
terfered to stop the exposure, it is said
mat tne action or tne JNovoe Vremva is
regarded in high quarters with consid
erable aversion.
. - Plot Agaln.t Cfjir. 't
London, Deo. 29. A dispatch from
Warsaw says a plot against the life of
the czar has been discovered. Many
I'onsn ana Kussian students and mm
tary and civil officials have been arrest
ed. It is said by the police that they
are mem Ders or a secret league. A strict
system of espionage is being enforced by
the Ruosian officials along the German
and Austrian frontiers.
All bnt One Man Drowned.
jtaris, uec. xiJ. An account of a
wreck and loss has been received from
Arcachon, a fisheries port thirtv-five
mnes irora .Bordeaux. The Bremen
steamer Albatross, engaged in the oyster
fishery, was wrecked and the whole
crew with the exception of one man,
was urowned.
Carnot Sends Away His Linns.
Paris, Dec. 29. The two lions which
King Menelik has presented to President
Carnot have arrived at Marseilles and
the president, havinsr no nrrmnmruln.
tion for his royal guests, ordered quar
ters to oe prepared ror them at the
Jardin des Plantes, where they will hold
court ngnt regaiiy.
Auatro-Hungary's Commercial Treaties,
Vienna, Dec. 29. A dispatch from
Buda Pesth says that the upper house of
the Hungarian diet passed the commer
cial treaties recently negotiated between
Austro-Hungary and Germany, Austro-
uungary and .Belgium, Austro-Hungary
and Switzerland, and Austro-Hungary
aim nmy.
Cast Away.
Quebec, iue., Dec. xa. The marine
department has been notified that a
ship's crew has been cast away on Bird
Rocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It
is supposed they are the crew of a French
lugger which is reported as having left
St. Pierre a few days ago with a cargo
of proof spirits.
Will Be Tranaferred to Washington.
Berlin, Dec. 29.-The North German
Gazette says Dr. Von Hollebein, Ger
man minister to Japan, is to be trans
ferred to Washington.
To Restrict Undesirable Immigration.
Pittsburg, Dec. 29. -The Junior Or
der of American Mechanics, under the
auspices of the advisory council, held an
open meeting in Carnegie hall, Alle
gheny. The meeting, which is prelimi
nary to a series of meetings throughout
the country, was in support of measures
tending to restrict undesirable immiGrra-
tion. A bill for this purpose has been
drafted by the advisory council and will
be presented in congress at an early
The Maverick Receiver Restrained.
Boston, Dec. 29. Judge Aldrich, of
the United States district court, has
granted an order restraining the receiver
of the Maverick National bank from pay
ing to the officers of the Progressive
Benefit order any funds deposited in the
order as passed in connection with a suit
brought by the holders.
Spurious Money Afloat.
Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 30. Since the
discovery of the counterfeit $5 treasury
notes Saturday it hari been ascertained
that the city has been flooded with spu
rious silver and bills. The notes bear a
poor portrait of President Jackson; the
engraving is scratchy and the seal very
dimly printed.
The Davis Estate.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 29. Application
t. r the appointment of a permanent ad
ministrator of the A. J. Davis estate
was denied by the supreme court. Thn
court ruled that as there was now a con
test over the property in the courts, ac
cording to a state statute it could not
appoint a permanent administrator.
DEC. 31, 1891.
Death of Yoang Lady May Aeeoaat for
Ills Departure.
Afbcby Park. N. J., Dec. 29. No
word has as yet been received as to the
whsreabouts of Silas Cheney, the eccen
tric old brother-in-law of the late Horace
Greeley. Cheney disappeared from this
pit ce four weeks ago and since then
nothing has been heard from him He
had ten a boarder at John Rowland's
in West Asbury Park, whose step
daughter. Miss Mamie Bishop, died un
der peculiar circumstances on Thanks
giving night, after being ill but a few
hours. Immediately after the coroner
bad taken charge of the body and had
ordered an inquest Mr. Cneney left
town, saying he was going to vinit his
brother at Litchfield, Conn., who had
fallen and broken his leg. Since his
Urange departure word has been re
ceived from Mr. Cheney's brother asking
for information as to Silaa' whereabouts.
The letter stated that Mr. Cheney had
never visited him, as he had announced
he intended to. Mr. Cheney is quite
wealthy and owns considerable property
at Litchfield and at this place. He is
also a stockholder in the New York Tri
bune. It is the general belief that the
1(1 man knows something concerning
aiiss xsishop b death and left town so as
not to get his name mixed up in the
Kothlng New From Chile Boring Roa
Arbitration In tho Railroad 81 uk.
Ing Funds.
Washington, Dec. 29. The secretary
of the treasury gives notice that there is
remaining in the sinking funds of the
Union and Central Pacific railroad com
panies the following described currency
o, viz: j4o,uw maturing February l
1896: K207.0OO maturing Junarv 1. lA?
$1 ,644.000 maturing January 1. 1898,
fOOt ,000 maturing January 1, 1899. He
will accept hereafter in exchange for
the two first mentioned amounts 553,
000 of first mortgage Pacific railroad
iionas maturing on or after January!
1867, With this exception the receint
of the first mortgage bonds in exchange
for currency sixes will be limited here
after to those maturing on and after
January 1, 1898. The terms upon which
the . exchanges will be made are the
same as those heretofore in effect npon
me oasis or it per cent, increased in
come per annum to the sinking funds.
So News from Chile.
Washington, Dec. 29. Officers of the
state department said that as far as they
were aware, nothing had been received
from Minister Egan since the innnimra
tion of President Montt The Chilean
minister also yet remains officially una
vised of anything pertaining to the inau.
guration. Secretary Tracy said that the
united States steamship San Francisco
which arrived at San Diego, CaL.was
mere lor the purpose of engaging in
target practice. He said further no
other orders had been issued to her com
Boring Sea Arbitration.
Washington, Dec. 29. It is believed
the court of arbitrators in the Bering
sea case will be announced soon. Our
government will select France and it is
believed that England will select Italv
These powers will select a third.
New Tork's Election Cases Decided.
Albany, Dec. 29,-Declsions in the
election cases by the court of appeals
gives the senate to the Democrats. The
Twenty-fifth and Twentv-seventh dis
tricts are decided in favor of the Renub
licansandthe Fifteenth and Sixteenth
In favor of the Democrats.
Walt Whitman continues to imnrove In
It has been snowing fn almost every sec
tion of the northwest. Two persons have
frozen to death in North Dakota.
Tom Mike, the Florida negro who killed
a railroad conductor last Satunlay, is re
ported to nave been caught and hung.
Charles Hodge of Mankato, Minn., was
caught stealing corn. In attemntinir tn
escape from a policeman he was shot and
Fire burned the interior of a cabin oc
cupied by negroes at Shelbyville, Tenn.
Two small children locked up iu the house
were burned.
John J. Lingenmn. the man who went
to Cornelius Vandertjilt'a house on Satur
day night and wanted his brains, has been
adjudged insane.
Edwin SchalTer, convicted of bribery in
the congressional fight in the Twenty-
eighth Pennsylvania district, has been
sentenced to pay a fine of $450 and costs.
Dr. Keclcy has purchased thirty acres on
the shore of 1-nkc Michigan, a little north
of Chicago. He proposes to erect there
Beveral'innneuse structures for dipsoma
niacs. ,
The action" of Henry Sanford. as presi
dent of the Adams Express company.
gainst John Hoey of New York, was dis
continued and the attachment granted in
October has been vacated.
Michael Blake, while assisting in tak
ing out a pump at Elviuax mine, Butte,
Mont., fell to tbe lxrttom, a distance of
150 feet, and was instantly killed. The
plank upon which he was working broke.
Bert and Charles Brown, Hnivey Uier-
on and Harry Johnson, who burglarized
jewelry and hardware store at Green
wich, Knn.. have been arrested with a part
of the plunder in their possession.
Isaac Valentine of St. Louis, Mo., alias
Sheeby O'Brien, shot and killed Abraham
Brown, alias Reinhalt, a low saloon
keeper on Sixth street, near Clark ave
nue. An old grudge was the cause of the
The Keeley Institute at Plainflold, Ind.,
has something of a curiosity in the shape
of a patieot only S years old who is a con
firmed morphine eater. The chiffl has
been fed tbe poison from infancy to make
it sleep.
The new Gem opera house at Lilierty,
lad., took fire during a performance. A
wild scene followed the alarm of fire and
men, women and children rushed to the
windows and before it could be prevent
ed Jumped to the ground. Only a few
were hurt.
Grant Merty, a colored boy awaiting in
jail at Kansas City, Mo., pending trial
for graDd larceny, died from the effects of
a blow upon the skull with a soda water
bottle in the hands of his cell mate, Will
iam Wilson. Wilson has been arretted
tor murder.
Commence the New Year right, and with the
firm resolve to do your trading for Dry Goods
exclusively with us, and at the end of 1802
you will be able to say with thousands of
Readers of The FarmersV Alliance, lam well
satisfied and feel that I have had full value for
every dollar I have spent with you.
Monday morning we commence our annual
Slaughter Sale in every department Attend
if possible.
114tND 1143 0 ST.; LI
W mm M
FOR, 1892.
Burrows, : : Editor.
J. M. Thompson, Bus. Mg'r.
ine leading independent Paper of the
in us aavooacy oi anti-monopoly principles and its championshii
the world's toilers
use free passes.
It receives no corporation patronage, and. its eaitors nerer
ts Editorials are Clear Cut and
wean and
Several First-class SERIAL
Subscription price, SI.GO per year. Clubs
Unparalleled Offer.
The Arena Maeazine of Boston has taknn th vflnr Martinet ranV aa Ii'UmI
reople s Monthly. Its corps of contributors embrace the very ablest writers of
America and Europe.
Is a beautiful collection of twenty-six of
The Finest Steel Plate Portraits
of distinguished Authors ana leading spirits in tho great uprising of the people
againgt monopolies and the plutocracy-
We have arranged with the Arena Publishing Company for the exclusive
sale in Nebraska of The Ar?na and the Portfolio as a Premium with
iiiu Allianck and now make the following unparalleled olTer:
The Arena one year, price... . .$6.00.
The Portfolio
The Farmers' Alliance
All lor $5.20.
Address, ALLIANCE PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb.
f:C0LU UEDnflSi
west uncompromising and unalterable
chamDinnshin of thn ritrhhi nt
Its News Service
STORIES will be run through
of die for $4.00. Send for Sample Con.
4. 00.
one year 1.00.-$10.00.