-tow l1f VOL. III. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, DEC 17, 1891. NO. 27. EXACTLY OF A SIZE. Bt Hit. P. J. Bru. ut The Voic. Have joa seen a sort of puzzle They are giving at the (tore? Two little card board pieces Three inches long or more; So shaped with c nin es and angles, Almost any one would swear That this ticket here is larger Than its fellow over there: But 't is simply an illusion That deceives the best of eyes, You put 'em both together They're exactly of a size. . ClIOKCS: Exactly of a size, boys, Exactly of a size; Don't jump at a conclusion Xor always trust your eyes; For things may seom as different As solid truth and lies, Yet be, when put together, boys, Exactly of a size. You have seen the two old parties, There's not a doubt of that; The woollej-eyed republican, Arid moss-grown democrat; With histories so different They stand out side by sido, One looking pusillanimous, The other grand and wide; But appearance is deceiving. And, to your great surprise, You put 'em both together They're exactly of a size. (Chorus.) Those parties build their platforms Of old worm-eaten plank3. Expressing, quite ambiguously, Anathemas and thanks On ill-assorted entities, From silver down to sin, All worded most adroitly To draw the voters In; There seems to bo soma difference, But if you 're sharp and wise, You put 'em both together, They're exictiy of a size. (Chorus.) And then how soon there follow The candidates of each, . To fill the streets with torchlights, Tho atmosphere with speech, To tickle all the rabble With their antiquated straws, And crack old mildewed chestnuts 'Mid the wildest of applause; You think they differentiate Between their party ties, But put 'em both together, . ' They 're exactly of a size. (Chorus.) Is not this the greatest puzzle, Yes. the most satanic game, ' " " ' That things can look so different And yet be just the same? That Christians are so blinded As never to compare The license that they sanction With the whiskey that they share! Let us leave the league unholy, And combat it till it dies, For, put 'em both together, They're exactly of a size. (Uhjrus.) NEBRASKA NOTES. Seward's electrio light plant has been old to Lincoln capitalist! for $8,000. Platte county farmers will have their corn cribbed before the end of the week, Ed. C. Corrigan of South Omaha, diefl f pneumonia while being treated at the Blair Keeley institute. Track laying began on tho Republican Valley nnd Wyoming railroad at Palisade. The people are jubilant. Mrs. Charles HLnman of Newman Grove, waa probably fatally burned by a gasoline stove exploding. T. H. Wilson, a wealthy farmer of Otoe county and a resident of Nebraska since 1S56, died of heart disease. The Polk county poor farm buildings were destroyed by Are, caused by a de fective flue. Nothing was saved. Nebraska City is suffering from an epi demic of la grippe, which physicians say is increasing to an alarming extent. The next meeting of the Northwestern Nebraska Editorial association will be held at South Sioux City, May 5, 192. The superintendent of the state fish hatchery has been at Atkinson secnr ins spawn to restock the ponds at South Bend. John Anderson of St. James, Cedar county, has started for his old home in Sweden and will return with a bride in the spring. The general store of C. P, Kreischer & Co. of Gresham has been closed on a chattel mortgage. The liabilities of the firm are $0,000. .The Elsie Opera company, composed of home talent, is preparing a new drama to be presented to the people of that lown about Christmas time. Two hundred dollars' worth of goods wwe stolen from Kalstedt's tailor shop at MeCook and James Pat terson has been arrested, charged with the crime. The Central Nebraska Medical society has concluded an interesting session at York. The next meeting will be held at Aurora the second Tuesday in March. A Norfolk mancabled to Paris the other day and received an answer in two hours and a half. This is better time than is madeusually between Norfolk and Omaha. Several of Seward's young bloods were arrested for indulging in the festive game of draw poker, but they were discharged with the admonitien to go and sin no more. , North Platte business men are organ izing an active board of trade and will make a strong pull to secure a sugar fac tory and other manufacturing enter prises. John Nixon, the Dakota county farmer who notified the sheriff that ten of his steers bad been stolen, found the missing cattle quietly feeding on his own farm the next day. Dakota City has secured an injunction, restraining the removal of the con-aty records from that place to South Sioux City. The injunction expires with the present year. A stock company wa organized with a capital of fjo,000 to prospect for coal at Tecumseh. Last spring a find of a six foot vein of good coal was reported and this is the result. To the Honorable the Senate assembled: The undersigned, citizens of the United States, would respectfully represent: That the business of option sllifgand the selling of products which have no existence ii a great and growing evil, and a menace to the prosperity of the American farmer: That these option sales, and offerings, are prodigious, and exceed the entire products of the articles dealt in many thousand times: That it is not unusual for as much wheat to he sold in a day as there is of actual wheat received in a yer: That these enormcus sales of products which have no real existence have the same tendency to reduce values of actual products as would an over production of those articles, if such over production were possible: That the losses inflicted upon thi agriculturists of the country bj these sales are enormous, and are placed by the most competent and best informed men at from f 100,000, ooo to $150,000,000 per annum. That the effect of these option sales is to reduce the value of all grain, cotton and swinegrown, by mor: than ten per cent: , Tfcat the sum of ten per cent on prosperity to the American farmer: i That these option sales, or sales of products which have no existence, and are never delivered or intended to be deliyered, are cot in any manner necessary to the sale or marketing of actual products that the system contra venes honest business principles and methods, and is used to enable ldlespeculatorsand traders to absorb the profits of others without labor to themselves that it is opposed to the commercial genius and spirit of the age, and not in harmony with Christian progress and civilization, as it tends to make the masses the unwilling servitors of the classes, and to unjustly deprive producers of the fruits of honest industry. t Your memorialists would further respectfully represent that the depression of the value of farm products from these enormous sales of products which the value of. farming lands in the United States, and is thus doubly an injury to all engaged in agricultural pursuits. That there are no means of ascertaining the exact loss in value in agricultural lands, but that areduction often per cent on the lands devoted to the production of corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley and buckwheat for 1S88 would amount to the gross sum of $438,843,000; and that the same per cent of loss on the hay and pasture lands for the same year would amount to 54,367,61 2, or a total of $593,210,612: That your memoralists have no doubt that these estimates are largely within the sum of the actual loss from the cause named. Your memorilists would also further respectfully represent, that the business of option selling is of the nature of gambling; that it is demoralizing in its tendencies, and that it dots not produce a benefit to the class engaged in it at all comparable to the injury it inflicts upon the agricultural classes and the community at large. ' Your memoral.-sts therefore respectfully pray that you will pass into law what is known as the Butterworth bill, for the prevention ot such option dealing, or that you will in your wisdom devise some preventative measure equally as effective as said Butterworth bill. And your memoralists will ever pray, etc. NAME. FRANCE AND BULGARIA. Diplomatic Relations Severed tween the Two Countries. Be- POLITICS OF THE POPE. Leo XIII. Disconcerts French Radical by Declining to Take the Aggressive. Rough Trip of British Steamer. Other Foreign New. Sofia, Deo. 13. The French diplomat here has broken his relations with the Bulgarian authorities to accede to tho demand of France that a journalist named Chadonine, who was recently ex. polled from the country, be allowed to eminent, protested against the expulsion return. The French charge d'affairs, M. Lanet, in a note to the Bulgarian gov- of the journalist as a flagrant and pre" meditated violation of the treaties ex isting between France and Bulgaria. In reply the Bulgarian government sent a note sayin? that Chadonine had been systematically sending tho French press lying and calumnious stories about Bul garia, and that the Bulgarian govern ment was unable to rescind the order of expulsion, but hoped that the incident would not disturb the good relations existing between Bulgaria and France. The French government then ordered M. Lanet to sever diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. The event has caused great uneasiness in political circles. The Pope's Politics. Paws, Dec. 15. The silence which the French bishops have maintained since the question of the separation of church and state in France was raised has caused much amazement in political circles, and greatly disconcerted the Radicals. It was expected that the re cent prosecution of the archbishop of Aix would have led the clergy to take some rash and foolish step, but they seem to have discounted events and are acting with remarkable coolness. This is. of course, largely due to the circular which the pope has addressed to the French prelates, enjoining them to re frain from comment on the action of the government and censuring anti-ministerial utterances. The members of the triple alliance have been considerably surprised by tho firmness of the position adopted by the Vatican. It was supposed that the pope would have taken up an attitude dis tinctly hostile to France. A Ghastly Incident. Dublin, Dec. 15. A ghastly incident is reported from Bessbrook. Theodore Ford, tho Protestant rector of that place, was opening his door, when he was hor rified by the spectacle of a coffin, con taining a dead body, on the steps of his house. The reverend gentleman sent for the police. The body proved to bo that of Patrick Kenny, who had been buried a fortnight before in a Catholic church yard at Mullagloss. Kenny was a Catholic who had married a Protestant woman and joined the Protestant faith. His bnrial in the same gronnd with the Catholics excited much bitter feeling, and in consequence the body had been resurrected by parties unknown and taken to the house of the minister who hail performed Kenny's marriage cere mony. When the widow heard of the affair she went into convulsions. Tho police caused the remains to berein terred in a Protestant churchyard at Carnlongli. Rnngh Trip or a British Steamer. London, Dec. 15. Tho steamer Gleo more, from Cork, arrived at Plymouth and reports a most extraordinary rough passage. In fact she came within an ace of foundering, and her officers and pas sengers aiiree that their deliverance from death was almost miraculous. The Glenmore had on board a nuinberof cat tle, and the poor beasts suffered the most horrible torture. When the steamer MEMORIAL, and House of Representatives of the value of these products would be an have no existence must necessarily arrived at Plymouth fifty of them were dead and 100 others wers so badly muti lated and otherwise injured that it was necessary to kill them. Wrecked a Depot. London, Dec. 15. A serious railroad accident occurred at Accrinton, Lanca shire, on the Lancashire and Yorkshire railroad. A freight train jumped the track and burst into the wall of a freight depot, which collapsed, burying several persons in the ruins. One dead body has been taken out and the search for others continues. - Argentine's Presidency Buenos Ares, Argentine, Dec. 11. The contention between the political parties contiuej unabated. The adhe rents of Guerro Milre favor Dr. Ed wardo Costa for the presidency. Presi- aent reuognni wanc3 ueuerai noci chosen as his successor. Chilians Blame Mr. Ggsn. London, Dec. 15. The Time' Sin ago correspondent says the Chilian pre- blame? Minister E,jan for tas tone o' President Harrison's mease. None of the papers blame President Harri-on. whom they believe to have beenmls'.n formed. Fought a Bloortjr Dael. ' Paris, Dec. 13. M. Charles Solbr and Colonel Andruzzi fought a d lei at Men don. M. Soller receive! a thrmt in tin left arm. while Colonel Andrueii was severely wounded in the breast. Ths quarrel was a political one. ) Tranquility Ke.tored. Rto Jaxeiud, D?;. 15. The pani3 on the bourse is at an end. The trouble? over the LeDpslilica railroad have alsy been terminated successfully. The en tire republic of Brazil is now enjoying qu-.9t. i Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone. ; London-, Dec. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Glad stone and party have started for Biarritz. A large crowd gathered at the station to see the ex-premier off. The Usual Ron-. , Dublin', Dsc. 15. There was a riot at Ennis between the McCarthyites and Parnellites at a county convention. Many were hurt, amomr them Mrs. Dillon. Blaine Divorce Case, Deadwood, S. D., Dec. 15. In the pe tition of Mary Nevins Blaine vs. James G. Blaine, Jr., in the circuit court of South Dakota at Deadwood the court ordered that the said Mary Nevins Blaine be allowed the sum of $.500 a alimony pending suit and expenses of this suit, and that she also be allowed the sum of 500 as attorney's fees in con ducting this action. The trial is set for the February term. Tho plaintiff is now taifing depositions m JSew York. End of the Brigm Case. New York, Dec. 15. The presbytery of New York met to hear the report of the committee appointed by the moder ator to answer tho protest presented by Dr. Henry Van Dyke against the moder ator's rulings in the Briggs case. The committee reported that they found up on examination that the protest was in adequate and that the rulings had to stand. Suing for l,O0O,00O. Cincinnati, Dec. 15. A suit was en tered in the United States court by J. S. Pogne, agent for the shareholders of the late Metropolitan bank, against the late president, cashier and directors of that institution for alxmt a million dollars, which, it is alleged, was lost by the willful negligence of the defend ants. Fallnre of a St. Louis Concern. St. Louis, Dec. 15. The Levison & Blythe Stationery company assigned to Francis W. Palmer. Assets, $40,000; lia bilities about the same. The failure was caused by the demand for a settlement of a note for $10,000 held by the Conti nental Imnk. The creditors are princi pally in the east. ('oDsirt'SS enormous factor in the restoration of result in a corresponding depression of POST OFFICE. EXPORTS AM IMPORTS. The Dalance of Trade Still Setting Strongly in This Direction." Our, Foreign Trade for November Condu . clve of flood Market and Befr -: Prices ITeai Ing of Important Case ' in tho Supreme CourU' Washington, Dec. 15. The bureau of statistics issued its Nummary statement of imports and exports for the month ending Qct. 31, 1391, and for . the. ten months ending the same date, at the same time giving a comparison with. the corresponding periods of 1890. From this summary it appears that the Value of the imports of merchandise dur ing the month of October was $80,835, 589, as compared with $72,550,279 for October, 1890. The value of the imports for the ten months in 1891 was $093,981. 691, as against $098,377,317 for tho ten months ending Oct. 31, 1S90. In the matter of exports the summary shows that the total value of the exjwrts during the month of October, 1891, was about $102,000,000, as against $97,000,000 in the same month of 1890. During tho ten months ending with Oct. 81.1 W) I, tue value ot onrexports was $720,555,511 as against $000,529,999 for the corre sponding ten months of 1890. There is an increase in our exports since Jan. of this year of $69,000,000 in round num bers. Of these total exports during ten months the agricultural products were or tne vaine ot f.)j,4,4ia as compare! with $181,285,253 for the ton months of last year. The value of the manufac tured products was 141.07fi.aS3 us against $129,403,760 for the ten months ot last year. It will bo observed there has been an increase of over $17,000,000 in agricul tural products, and over $11,000,000 in the exports of manufactured products. It shows a very gratifying condition in our foreign trade. During the ten months mentioned the excess of our exports over our imports, or balance of trade in our favor, was t35,'70,850. The increase in our exports has been in breadstuffs over $22,000,000. in cotton about $20,000,000, manufact ures of cotton about $3,000,000, in manu factures of iron and steel over $3,000,000, in leather and manufactures of about $1,500,000. At the same time there has been a de crease in the exports of mineral oils of something over $4,000,000, of $10,000,000 in the exports of provisions and $3,500, 000 in the exports of wood and manu factures. At the same time the condi tion of our foreign trade in the way of exports is very encouraging, as the indi cations now are that the exports during the month of November will be largely in excess of what they were in Octoiwr, and this large excess is mainly of agri cultural products, all of which is condu cive of gojd markets and better prices for the fanner. In the Supreme Court, Washington, Due. 15. John II. Ames of Lincoln, Neb., moved in tho United States supreme court to dismiss, on a technical le.d ground, the suit of James F. Hilton, appellant, against James E. Jones. The motion was opposed by W. Hallera Phillips of this city in behalf of Hilton, who also moved to get the case down for a later day, to be heard in connection with another case. The suit involves the title to a large tract of land in the vicinity of Lincoln said to be val ued at $300,000. Chief Justice Fuller of the United States court dismissed, for want of juris diction, the appeal of David L. Ham mon et al. against Walter S. Johnston, receiver of the National bank of tho state of Missouri, and Clara A. Baker. Tho suit involved title to a large amount of property within the city of St. Louis. The decision of the court is based on thy ground that the state court's decision covered the case so as to leave no fed eral question necessary to be passed upon. the United States, to ar;use enthusiasm. Tho Kauai Alllaae Loctore Scheme and Its Political Object. TorEK,, Dec. 15. S. M. Scott, Alli ance state lecturer, is in the city and will at once begin work on the course of instruction prepared for the congres sional and county lecturers. At the last meeting of the state and congressional lecturers, the work was so systematized that the same subjects will be discussed all over the state. With each of the sub- Sects for discussion in tho Alliance there i a text-book which the lecturers are expected to niastar and propound. The subjects for the first quarter in the new Sear are as follows: January, loans and fe insurance: February, fire insurance and cu-o)eration; March, grain and live stork business. The state lecturer will fill appoint ments in the various congressional dis tricts, beginning next week, as follows: (Jirard. Doc. 17 ami 18; Topeka, Deo. 1U; Cherryvale, Deo. 21 and 22: Fredonia, Doc. 8:1: Augusta, Dec. 24; McPhorson, Dec. 25 and 20; Clay Center, Dec. 21) and 30. This work outlined by the Alliance lecture bureau will le aunnlnmentod by the executive committee of the People's Party. It is a united effort on the part of all to arouse enthusiasm iior to ths inauguration of the state campaign. A FORAKER MOVE. His Friends Plan to Captnre the Ohio Seuator.hlp Stealing- a March on Sherman. ' Columbus. O., Dec. 15. Information comes to us from various counties In the state and from such sources as to leave no reason to doubt the entire correctness of the report that has been In circula tion that the tealotts friends of ex-Governor Foraker are now engaged In or ganizing an exition to visit this city a day or two before the organization of the two branches of the legislature. During the last few days, or rather nights, the leaders in the movement, to force the election of Foraker to the sen ate, have held secret meetings and con sultations for the purpose of arrang ing all the details necessary to the suc cessful carrying out of their plans. A large body of instructed boomers are to be dumped into the city for the avowed purpose of influencing the members as to the organization of both branches, hoping thereby to make a point in favor of their senatorial favorite aud carry off the honors. e In all of the strong Sherman counties petitions are being circulated by those most interested and signatures obtained requesting members to vote for Mr, Foraker Toi' the WHata;-"'" " " " r" The plan is to overawe the friends of Mr. .Sherman before they can fully con eider the real wishes of their constitu ents and before Mr, Sherman's friends can be heard. A DENIAL BY MR. CLARKSON. Be lias Declared for Neither Blaine Nor Harrison for President. Chicago, Dec. 15. James S.Clarkson, chairman of the Republican national committee, demolished the story tele graphed from Washington recently that Mr. Clarkson had declared for President Harrison for renomination. Said Mr, Clarkson: "I have not declared myself for either Mr. Blaine or the president. I have not any preference and I do not knowanything about the intentions of either. I saw Mr. Blaine several days ago anu ne looKeu as wen ana nearty as ho did when he returned from the In dian territory. I have not the least doubt that the relations between Mr. Harrison and Mr. Blaine are cordial and as friendly as they have always been." NEBRASKA SCHOOL FUND. The Serai-Annual Apportionment Soon to Be Made. Lincoln, Dec. 15. The semi-annual division of tho school fund will be made in a few days. The collections for this fund have closed and the total is $371,- 557.35, one of the largest in the history of tho state. It will be apportioned among the several counties about Jan. 1. Major McKlnley Improves. Canton, O., Dec. 15. Major McKin- ley continues to improve, but will be unable to attend to any business for a week yet. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Pueblo, Colo., has been visited by a se vere wind storm. Two buildings were blown down. The Missouri and Mississippi river Im provement convention met at Kansa City. - A passenger train on the Santa Fe roa l has been wrecked near Gainesville, Tex. Many passnngers were injured. Frank Chau ex-sheriff and collector of Snnta Fe. N. M., is short in his ac counts 145,003. Suit has been broughs against his bondsmen. Indictments forcriminal libel have besn found against ths Post Publishing com pany of Pittsburg, Pa , for slandering Senator Quay. Seventeen Chinamon sneiks-l acmes the border near Port Townseud, Wain. Ton of them have been arrested. The otlier-t escaped. Kev. Sebastian Messmer has bejn ap pointed bishop if the Green Bay, Mich.. dioce-ie to till the vacancy caused by the elevation of Archbishop K.tUer. A temporary injunction has been issued Riftinit the New York stock exchange for bidding it to remove or interfere with tickers of the Gold and Stock Telegn;!i company. One hundred citizens of Mil waukss, rep resenting a capita! of several million dol lars, have signed their names to a guaran tee fund of 1 100,000 to pay the expeusei "of the Democratic national conreatij:i should it be sacutel for that city. Daniel Vaughn, a negro who had been arrested for petty larceny at Springfield. Ills., broke away from Officer Brown, who was taking him to jail, and ran. The offi cer Hred. the bullet striking the fugitive in the bask of the head, killing hi:n iu- slant ly. J. Perkins Shanks, nn American who has been in business for a number of year In Chili, in an interview at Port Town send. Wash., says that the presence of Bcilmaoeda in the consulate of the Argitn tine Republic was betrayed to the Chili ans by Mrs. Walker Martiue.. Make every one of your family hap py on Christmas morning by presenting them with a to- 1 ken of love and esteem. A- BLOCK 1141 AND 1143 0 ST., LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Is now offering a useful and desirable assort ment of the most essential Xmas gifts it will be possible to give to relatives or friends. See if there is anything in the list you want. HOSIERY. 100 dozen Ladles extra heavy all wool hose, ribbed top; worth 33o a pair. We are now offering them at 25C. 87 dozen Ladies full regular made, all wool hose; regular price 25o. We are now offering them at I7C. 60 dozen children double knee hose, all sizes. The best wearing wool hose made; worth 40c. We are now Belling them at 25C. UNDERWEAR. Child rens Merino shirts and drawers white or grey, reduced from 15c, for size 10 with a 6c rise to lOo for size 10 with 2jc rise. Ladies natural wool mixed vests and pants; worth 50c we aro soiling them at 39C. TLsvU natural wool veata and regular 11.00 are going at ' " 69C. Pa.U, ' Men's underwear at half price, mueh of It, we must get rid of It. Come and get it. Too J. TIE HUB ALLIAWCE FOR 189S. BURROWS, : : Editor. J. M. Thompson, Bus. Mg'r. BETTER THAN STRONG! FEARLESS! The leadina Independent Paper of the in its advocacy of anti-monopoly principles and its championship of the rights of the world's toilers. It receives no corporation patronage, and its eaitors never use free passes. Its Editorials are Clear Cut and Clean and IT IS COMPLETE IN Several First-class SERIAL the Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Clubs Unparalleled Offer. THE A REX A. The Arena Macrazlne of Boston has taken the verv highest rank as a liberal People's Monthly. Its corps of contributors embrace the verv ablest writers ol America and Europe. THE ARENA Is a beautiful collection of twenty-six of The Finest Steel Plate Portraits of distinguished Authors and leading spirits in the great uprising of the people against monopolies and the plutocracy- We have arranged with the Arena Publishing Company for the exclusive sale in Nebraska of The Arna and the Portfolio as a Premium wit i ns Alliance and now make the following unparalleled offer: The Arena one year, price. . . . .$5.00. The Portfolio. 4.00. The Farmers' Alliance one year 1.00.-$10.00. ' All for $5.20. Address, ALLIANCE PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb. REEFER JACKETS. i Look at our elegant line ot fur tnm ed reefers, the very warmest and nob blest jackets In the city. It would be an Injustice to your self to buy a ooat of any kind before first looking at oar line. A few plush coats left to be closed out at actual cost DRESS GOODS. Dress patterns of 10 yards of double fold all wool dress flannels only 01.03. Dress patterns of 8 yards English Henrietta, black or colored; worth 60c a yard for 02.20. Dress patterns of 15 yards colored Faille silk; one dollar quality, for 010.00. Dress pattern of 13 yards of our ele gant $1.25 silk marbelized plush for , 010.00. Tctli-4isil-lattery prise, style and quality with napkins to natasv at prices you never dreamed of. Blankets- Our blanket sale Is go ing on; grey mixed 10-4 for 11.87. Alt wool scarlet 10-4 for S3.5C cut from $5. California 18 50 blankets for $300 grey or brown mixed. EVER BEFORE. TRUTHFUL! RELIABLE! west uncomDromlsinz and unalterable Convincing. Its News Service Reliable. EVERY RESPECT. STORIES will be run through year - of five for $4.00. Send for Sample Con. PORTFOLIO