The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, December 10, 1891, Image 7

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. Brawl far Char Kae-t
Y.aac Bn( far yrt ! mm
Frail TrS raraa siata.
ud Pmncatla Dot.
T-a Baat Bracd far Cha!ca Baeaav
, X believe much greater quantity cf
bsuson it consumed in tireat Britain
pad Ireland, and perhaps also on the
Continent, than of fat side pork, both
treah and salted. It is quite impor
tant; therefore, to the American farmer
srbo withes to export writes A. li.
Allen in the Country Gentleman, to
grow that breed of swine which shall
produce the most desirable quality of
flesh for smoltinsr. A bog for this
Imrpose mubt abound in terder, lean,
uioy meat rather than fat, as the lat
ter quality is entirely unsuitable for
bacon, and fit only for salting to pack
In burrels for commercial 'dealing.
The shape of such swine should be
rather long than short in body, full on
the back of extra depth, wide shoul
der and broad thick bams, bead and
Deck of moderate length and fin.
tai?s the same, active in movement,
and completely free from all blugj-ish-nsss."
Swine destined for bacon ought to
have moderate exercise in the open
air. In summor a gras i or clover pas
ture with pure water running in it is
preferable; in winter a dry yard with
warm, room, well bedded pens at
tached for shelter whenever desired by
the animal to resort to them.
For feed, aside from pasture, give
wheat bran or shorts, or oat or barley
meal, as required, mixed with a pint
to a quart of flaxseed or cottonseed
' meal, according to the size of. the ani
mal, niornshg' and night. Early in
autumn add supar beets or other roots,
or pumpkins, as much as will be eaten;
and three to four weeks before slaugh
ter, give Indian corn cr maul, from
one-third to one-half the proportion of
their other food. More of this grain
should not be used, as it wvtld tend
to make the flesh too fat
The lato opening of European mar
kets for our hog products will require
an immense additional quantity of
live and dead meat to supply them a
rich boon to our farmers, of which
v they should make haste to take advan
tage. Swine of medium size are de
cidedly preferable, and cheapest and
quickest to breed and rear. These
may be grown suitable for market in
nine to twelve months' lime from
birth. This is bo much faster than
rearing cattlo. that it enables small
farmers and those possessing little
capital to go into the business as well
and as profitably as those of much
larger meanB; in fact, gives the poor
man as good a chance to gain a fair
percentage in his occupation as the
In regard to the best breed of swine
which is possessed in America to pro
duce choice bacon and hams, the
Berkshire is superior, as he turns out
the largest percentage of tender, lean,
juicy meat His nearly equal, per
haps, is the Duroo or Jersey Red, or
what is called the Tam worth in Eng
land. This is supposed to be descended
from the old unimproved Berkshires
of the present day, for some of them
are nearly spoiled by breeders in the
quality of their shoulders, hams and
side-pieces. They have shortened the
head, length and depth of the body,,
given them a pug-nose and fat jowls
like the Chinese, and fed them almost
entirely on corn. The result is that
the largest percentage of the fleeh is
fat, instead of tender, lean, juicy meat,
totally unfit for bacon. All such breed
ing should be stopped at once, not
only in Berkshires, but other classes
of swine that are reared expecting to
make bacon of them.
Most of the portraits of swine ap
pearing in our agricultural papers are
of this very fat shape mere carica
tures of what a good bacon animal
should be, and the additional misfor
tune is added at the shows of agricul
tural societies in appointing judges
who know nothing of the desirable
points necessary to form suitable bacon
animals, and the result is prizes are
awarded to unsuitable animals, .to
the injury of breeding good ones that
will sell more quickly a', a higher
Young lSeef for l'roflt.
The progress of ideas as connected
with farm practices is far more rapid
than farmers get credit for as the
workgoes along, says the Texas Live
gtook Journal. We have only to look
back over a few years of time to learn
that great changes in methods and
practices have taken place and have
settled down into the position of com
mon practice. This change has been
very marked in the business of grow
ing and fattening beef. This change
is more plainly illustrated in the West
with their large operations, though the
change has taken place here as well as
there. It was but a few years ago
that it was the general understanding
that an animal must be four years old
or more before it was fitted for the
butcher and for the consumer. Pro
fessor anborn showed that a pound
of growth could be made on less food
and at far less cost on a growing ani
mal than on an old one; in fuel; that it
wa3 a law of growth that the younger
the animal the greater the growth per
day, and the less food per day callod
for. He further showed to the satis
faction of all feeders that the growth
of tters the third year and later on
did not pay its way. The Chicago fat
stock show soon adopted the then re
markable plan of offering no prizes on
beef cattle so old as four years, thus
taking the ground that there should
be no encouragement given to keeping
fleers up to that age. Growers soon
caught up with the idea and came to
accept the action as wise and proper.
Scab on Fruit Trees,
To prevent the scab on fruit trees
the Ohio experiment station recom
mends the following:
Formula No. 1. Copper sulphate,
4 pouiiAn lime, 4 pounds; water, 1
Formula No. 2 Copper sulphate, 4
pounds; parls green, 4 pounds; water,
1 barrel.
No. 1 is used for apple and pear
scab and to prevent the leaves of plum
and pear trees from dropping prema
turely; also for raspberry cane scab
or anthracnosa Apply once before
the leaves open and about three
times thereafter. Not to be used on
plums and early fruits later than i
Jul 1. Tt Is net Bcsr7 to use it
on sny fruit later than August 1. It
should cot be used on raspberries after
the blossoms open and car should M
taken to direct the spray to the young
growth and avoid the old canes after
the first application.
No. 2 is used on the pear, apple,
plum and cherry trees after the blos
soms fall for the purpose of destroy
ing insect. . On plum and cherry, trees
the applications should be made once
in two weeks, and oftener if the weath
er is rainy, up to within six weeks of
the ripening time. For the last appli
cation on these fruits, it would be well
to dilute the mixture one-half, or
more, so as to avoid lime coating; or
the following may be substituted:
Paris green 2 ox., copper carbonate
2 oz. ; dissolve in three pints of am
monia; add one-half pound lime and
one barrel of water.
. Ira Not Waatatl.
A noted butter maker who lives 600
miles wet of New York, said to the
writer, "I now no longer use ice in
butter making, relying upon an abun
dauce of cold spring water, and have
stopped working orer butter; packing
at the time of churning, and my but
ter now ViKicbca New York in fine con
dition, which it would not do when it
was iced and re-worked. I believe
that it is a positive injury to re-work
butter, if it is to be kept any lei.gth
of time." An out west expert lays
it down that "letting butter set" and
then re-working it does injure the
grain of the butter, and any injury
causes it to more quickly go off flavor. "
There is much to be understood about
these disputed points. lias the grain
been broken down and injured, or is
it simply pressing out more moisture?
The, dryer butter having this shiny
look, owing to the absence of a cer
tain amount of moistura and the
"stick" or salvy quality arises from
the same causa. Is it not a fact that
butter when worked should bo submit
ted to pressure, rather than subject
ing it to the operations of any machine
that has rollers or levers with sharp
edges, or a eutting process of working.
The butter should have its buttermilk
washed out and the surplus moisture
pressed out That these cornered
level's and fluted rollers should be used
very little, if any, in butter making,
is the opinion of the dairy editor ol
the Practical Farmer.
FaeJ Aloro ISran ami Lu Corn..
A mess of bran is always beneficial.
Bran contains more phosphates and
mineral matter than ground grain,
and it also assists in regulating the
bowels, especially when a small quan
tity of linseed meal is given with it
but in the summer season a mess three
times a week may be-allowed only. It
may be fed by scalding it and feeding
it in a trough, or it may be sprinkled
over potatoes or turnips, cooked. No
other grain food need be given if bran
is used in the summer season, if the
fowls have a range. In fact no grain
is necessary at all; but should such
food be given, let it be bran. Farm
and Fireside.
Cara of tha Eyea.
Avoid reading or sewing by twilight
Beading in a moving car is a great
strain on the eyas.
The best turkeys for breeding are those
that are 2 years old.
Diseases of the eye aro often the result
of general weakness.
The eyes are often troublesome when
the stomach is affected
Do not read or sew' when recovering
from illness, especially fever.
When the eyes are at all defective,
avoid working at fine needle-work, draw
ing, etc., longer than half an hour at a
Slippery-elm water is very soothing
when applied externally to inflamed eyes.
A sty on the eye will sometimes yield
to an application of very strong blocs
Domestic Dots.
Ammonia is excellent for cleaning the
spots off from clothing. It should be di
luted with a little water before using.
Baliies sack and wool shawls and fascin
nators can be cleaned by rubbing through
cornmeal several times and shaking out in
the wind.
Embroideries should be Ironed on the
wrong side after laying them over a pieee
of white flannel. This brings out the
pattern distinctly.
A mild white soap is considered the best
for washing white silk handkerchiefs, tray
cloths, doilies und center-pieces that are
embroidered in wash silks.
Babies bootees and socks should be
washed in warm suds and dried over a
last made for that purpose as soon as pos
sible, so that they will not shrink.
In washing laces fasten a piece of white
muslin around a large bottle and baste
your lace on to it, catching the points
down. Make; a suds of fine toilet soap and
soft water and rub on the lace until clean,
then rinse well and dry.
Lemon juice will frequently remove iron
rust After applying it thoroughly place
in the sun and let it stand. If one appli
cation is not effectual repeat it two or
three times. Ink can be taken out of
cotton goods by washing it in milk im
mediately after it is spilt on the garment
Gasoline will clean white wool goods so
it looks like new. It is also much used for
cleaning kid gloves.
Farm Note
Sheep give back to the soil as much as
they take from it. More, indeed, since it
is a well known fact that they enrich th
pastures in which thoy feed. ,
"Farming for a living" is a poor way.
Make a business of it. Head, study,
think, experiment, practice. Tho way to
make a success of anything is to be earnest
and energetic, and to learn as much about
it as circumstances will permit, and then
to put into practice all that you learn.
The broad-headed horses are the clever
est. In the army cavalry the horses with
broad foreheads learn their drill mora
quickly than others. A gentleman meas
ured the heads of all his hunters, and
found that their intelligence and good
s?nse was in proportion to the width ol
thoir foreheads.
If all those who hare made money with
sheep were to give the reason for their
success, they would say that the duel
factor was the cars they gave the flock.
Successful sheepmen are a unit in saying
that no matter what breed is kept or for
what purpose kept painstaking care in
great and small things is the only way to
make Sheep husbandry prolltable.
Many a man is farming a half sectioned
land, who, if he put tho sami energy and
same amount of work on an eighty, or at
most a quarter section, would take a great
deal more pleasure in living and every
year lay by more of this world's goods, to
insure rest when stilt joints and weak
ened muscles make rest grateful to the
most industrious. Among the many
things which havo conspired to make farm
ing unprofitable in the past the practice
of running a large farm has been one ot
the greatest
Tits raraaei Olala.
Sothlng will be gained torus, either
from an eonum'.o or poMtirnl point of
view, ssjrs Prol E. J. James in bis
address be'ore the economic sectlou of
the American association, by boiittUng
or deriding the views of western farm
ers on the money que.tioa. on the
tariff, or on railroad policy, taxation,
and other topio.
The American farmer has a griev
ance a real and true grievance one
that will not become less by pooh-poohing
it but one that must be.crj-efully
studied by students of economics and
statistics to ascerta'n. it passible, how
far it is justified and whether it can be
remedied, and if so bj what means.
As a matter of fact the wealth of
the I'n.tod States Is flowing away from
its forms into factories and railroads;
from the country into the city; from
the rural into the urban districts.
The policy of our railroad companies
has borne hard upon the individual
farmer and upon the farmers as a
class. It has altered all the conditions
of agriculture in many sections of the
country, and in nearly all of ihem
in such a way as needlessly to burden
and embarrass the farmer.
Our system of taxation rests most
heavily upon him; and there U no
doubt that the financial policy of the
the country, including the whole a? s
tem of monetary transactions built up
by the combination of governmontal
and private initiatives, discriminates
directly and keenly against the farmer
and farming class, by discriminating
in favor of other classes.
Nor can it be said that the tariff
policy of the country has been man
aged as much to the farmer's interest
as to that of other classes. The way
to improvement lies, in the first place,
in the direction of altering these ad
Terse influences,.
This policy, however, is merely pal
liative, and does not go to tho root of
the matter. The forces that are
crowding the American farmer to tho
wall are world wide.
Thoughts of Tblokcrs.
The attitude of capital toward labor
is a gigantic blunder because Is is op
posed to Christianity, which most
capitalists profess and which few of
them, or any other class practice.
Kate Field.
A crank is always the other fellow.
Wendell Phillips said: "The men who
cannot be answered are mobbed." So
to-day the men who cannot be an
swered are callod cranks and anarch
ists and fanatics. George C. Beecher.
Most of our so-called public teach
ers, ministers, authors, editors and
college professors have slipped into
sloek and rotund lives by accepting
plutocracy's retainers and becoming
its sophistical apologists or lying pan.
egyrista, Lester C Hubbard.
Within a short time, and happily
before the energy of youth Is past I
have been awakened from a statu of
aristocratio prejudice, to the clear con
viction of tho equality of human
rights, and of the paramount duty of
society to provide for the support
comfort ar.d enlightenment of every
member born into it Harriot Mar
tineau. Civilization recognizes the necessity
and rights of every child to the means
of developing intelligence and the
training of a few faculties. It is be
ginning to recognize the necessity and
rights of tho child to industrial train
ing. But it is equally important that
the structure of all social and eco
nomic systems should furnish equal
opportunity to each and every unit to
achieve both subsistence and integral
development Lucinda B. Chandler.
Signs of tbe TUnea.
One of the most striking and con
vincing facts of the solidity of the Al
liance that impresses a reader of as
large exchange list as the Herald pos
sesses, is the remarkable change In
tone, style and expression of the Alli
ance papers of the union. One year
ago most of them seemed to be feeling
their way to secure a prudent and cau
tious position on the Alliance demands
from which they could repel attacks
easily and without danger of much of
a conflict Now the sume papers, with
hundreds of others added to them, are
so bold, aggressive and anxious for a
fight on tho demands, that one can al
most fancy that he can seo tbe editor
prancing around bis sanctum begging
some fellow that opposes the Alliance
to please step on his coat-tail and
accommodate him with a discussion
on anything about the Alliance. This
change illustrates tho prevailing sen
timent among Alliance men. Tho
more the demands are discussed, the
stronger they appear. The more
they are studied the deeper the con
viction that each and all of them
aro not only right and just but the
very best that could be adduced as an
answer to the problem the condition
of the people presents. The fact, that
the opposition does not attack the
great principles involved in these de
mands, and the equity and justice of
tho basis upon which they rest shows
that tho conviction is also pressing its
way into them that this answer, or
something better, must be assured in
the policy of the government No
other plan or policy seeks to answer
the questions, how shall tho three
billions indebtedness of the farmers
be wiped out? How shall the country
be furnished a safe currency on a
solid basis? How shall that currency
be made sufficiently large to meet the
demands of the countryP How shall
trusts and combines bo destroyed?
How shall robber syndicates be an
nihilated? How shall railroad barons
be stopped in their robberies
by watering stocks and bonds
and exacting exorbitant tolls from
the people? How shall tho
people be raised from the slough of
despondency and dispair and be placed
on the high road to prosperity and in
dependence? TheOcala demands an
swer those questions. That is what they
were formulated to meet to answer
the problem the situation presents. It
is the only answer offered that bos
any practical or possible chance of
success, even if all that is claimed for
it should be accomplished Those
who are studying these questions are
becoming stronger and more zealous
in this faith. The country is fnst
realizing tho justice and equity of tho
demands, and the people are growing
in tbe faith and becoming more earn
est and zealous in pressing them. Let
every Alliancnman feel encouraged
and know that his causo is daily grow
ing In strength and tho principles and
policies it embodies aro founded on
justice and equity and that God Is on
the tide of the right Alliance Herald,
Feapla Tk H Kiqulalta Taata la
Arraiigaat a.l Catara,
In Lafcadlo Iljara's paper in the
Atlunllo, -The Chief City of the
Province of the Gods," be describes a
Japanese flower show. He writes:
Often in tbe streets at night espe
cially on the nights of sacred festivals
(matsuri), one's attention will be at
tracted to some small booth by the
spectacle of an admiring and perfectly
silent crowd preselajf before it As
soon as one can got a chance to look
one finds there is nothing to look at
but a few vases containing sprays
of flower or, perhaps, some
light gracious branches freshly cut
from a blossoming trco. It is simply
a little flower show, or, mora correct
ly, a free exhibition of master skill in
the arrangement of flowers. For the
Japanese do not brutally chop off
flower beads to work them up into
meaningless masses of color, as we
barbarians do thoy love nature too
well for that; they know how much
t natural charm of the flower
depends upon its setting and mount
ing, its relation to leaf and stem, aud
thoy select a single graceful
branch or spray just as nature made
it At first you will not as a western
stranger, comprehend such an exhibi
tion at all; you are yet a savage in
such matters compared with the com
monest coolies about you. But even
while you are still wondeuing at popu
lar interest in this simple little show
the charm of it will begin to grow
upon you, will become a revelation to
you; and dosplto your occidental Id.a
of self-superiority you will fool hum
bled by the discovery that all flower
displays you have ever soon abroad
were only monstrosities in comparison
with the exquisite natural beauty of
those few simple spray. You will
also observe how much the white or
pale blue screen behind the flowers
enhances the effect by lamp or lantern
light For the screen has been ar
ranged ' with the special purpose of
showing tho exqulslteness of plant
shadows, and the sharp silhouottes of
sprays and blossoms cast thereon are
beautiful beyond the imagining of any
western decorative artist
But If the Barer Object She U Fie
qu.uttjr Culled a Craak.
"I am perfectly willing," said a
practical housekeeper, "to pay rea
sonable price for goods. I very rare
ly question or dispute about the mar
ket price of an article. Especially is
this true of supplies for the table. I
hold that cheap food' that is cheap be.
cause of inferior quality is unlit for
decent people to eut; therefore, my
marketing is what might be called
gllt-odged. But whon 1 go to buy
butter I have to take with me not only
a comfortable supply of the coin of
the realm, but a supra extra stock of
The grocer takes a tin -bound
wooden dish, dips it in a pail of
water until it is thoroughly soaked,
places it on the scales,. sometimes
lays a sheet of waxed paper inside of
it and then puts in the butter. I
have unquestionably paid dollars and
dollars within the past year for water
soaked wood, tin bindings and paper,
and I don't like it
"It seems to me to pay thirty cents
a pound for the amount of wrappings
that somo grocers find it necessary to
put around butter is something of a
stretch of the courtesies of life, if not
actual dishonesty.
Families who buy butter bf the
pound unquestionably pay one quarter
more for their butter than those who
buy it in quantity. There should be a
law forbidding the weighing of some
of these heavy dishes and including it
in the prico of tho butter. On one
occasion I took pains to weigh a pound
of butter done up In this fashion, and
found that it weighed seurcoly thir
teen ounces, including the bit of fine
paper necessary to wrap it" N. Y.
Fair Warning From a Burslar.
F,obert D. White, of Goorgetown,
DeL, lately recelvod a letter from a
party calling himself a professional
burglar, signifying his intention of
entering tho attorney's houso six
months from date and carrying ol
what valuables he can safely take.
He says his intentions are merely bur
glary, and that no arson, murder or
other crimes will bo attempted. Tho
burglar coolly admits in his lengthy
epistle that it is not' customary with
him to notify his subscribers of his
actions. Ho says ho knows that if he is
caught it may be three years, to stand
one hour in the pillory and rocoivo
twenty lashes, as did John Cummins,
the Baltimore burglar.
The writer continues: "I sa
John Cummins wipped at New Castie
yesterday with twenty lashes. It is a
very barbarous institution, and I can
dofy such a barbarism and llkowiso
your law. I want to make a daring
burglary in this stato, and show you
you aro powerless to arrest a burglar
of first class, I am leaving Wilming
ton for the West and will return by
the lino of Dolmar and Georgetown.
So I select your city as the first ploco
to operate. I will show the people of
Delaware that thoro is no danger of
arrest as long as the polico of Paris,
London, Chicago and Baltimore could
not arrest mo. I m,:an to kenp my
word, and my stako is a big ona I
confess I havo not the least urn bit ion
to the pillory or whipping post. 11
you can pull me in I agree to receive
ten lashes mora I will walk to the
pillory and whipping post barefooted,
but I would adviso you not to antici
pate such a pleusuro." Baltimore
Hook aud Crook,
About a century ago two celebrated
king's counsel flourished, whose
names were respectively Hook and
Cioke (pronounced "Crook"). They
were generally opposod to each other
In all important cases, and people
said: "If you can not win your cause
by Hook you will by Croko " Hence
arose the idiom which is so Crmly
grafted in tho English tongue.
A .tllsatonary's Work.
One of tho missionaries of the Sea
man's mission lu England has during
tho year vlaited 0.0 OU vessels and read
the Scriptures in I.'nglish, Danish and
Norwegian. Ho bus d:slributed 2,900
New Testaments and 700 gospels to
English and foreign seamen and emigrants.
"Ik? In tie Middle of tie Eoid."
People's party Medal !
. Maaa of tmia Alnmlnum. th tlse of a ttlTcr dol
lar, wriftu about aauturli a a twenty aoeutpt,
Ahunlnuu i utronm-r than Iron ami no heavier
tnn wood. It U more valuable to humanity than
COM or Hirer, lit tmt In bulk ia no greater tliaa
eoposr and It la becoming cheaper f I om day to dav ,
as Improved method uf awurhig It aro devliwd.
Tbo beat lllurti at Ion of tlia hilar? of bar
ter money. Ita "tnlrlnaic value" la fargreater than
that of gold or illver. Miotic li their market value It
atelier. Tho rewrao aide of t':e medal contain! the
wordit "Comment ratlve of tho rouniilniof tho
Feoniel ratty May ItthaadMth. ll, at Clnrlanatl.
Onto. It If aotd for tho iurpoa of ralaUif caw
pun fund for lb Xallou&l Comminao.
Liberal dlacount to reform speakers and organi
sation. K ! eipeeted that manr ipeakert vUlbeableto
Mjr their w:iy by t ie i.ile of tuia lueual.
Let everybody Imom Ita mile.
In ordering atate whether yoq want the medal
tttaehed to a pin to lie wrn u a badgo, or puut. to
toft unrriiut at ..W ni..... -
a mm as tv avt w
AdareM ai orders t Aixiahcb Pet. O.
Linoola. Nob.
fi. flw Dadga.
Tbe soeompanjln g del I en
speaks for Itaoif. Peoples Partv
lor our t'ountry aud Kiaice;
America. Every retoriuer
Should bitve sue.
Prior, iol'd sold f 1.(0,
Soud oidrrs to
OMlgnad and i:hrana.Wimln.
f.t, by (no. mi it.;i',1.7. ""
n yuu ouuunupiabt at-
w tvnujua; m puiiuiii
ogftfe whol it will be i o your
InUireft to eorreanond
with the Lincoln Btulnee rollers.
It standi at the head of the Hat of schools
for auoBlylne the builnoa r.en of the coun
try v. led oupat'le aaalatants selected from Its
weiMia tied student. It prcpi-lutor naa ed
ucated thousands of ambitious roans men
and women ane plaoed them oti tbe highroad
toeuorte. Complete Uualnees. Hhnrthaud,
Type writing and Peumanahlp Con met are
utugnt. ror liiuatratea iataui-rueadris
O. K. LlLLlBHllKiK, Pre .
Uuooln, Nebr.
raoat tiia
lie 3Ji Lata Sister!
The demand for the little book was so very
heavy that the publishers have now tomplot'
od a beautiful
Revised and enlarged, in superior style, and
furulshed in both paper and board onver.
This Is far tbe laretut songster in the market
fortheprtoe. and the carefully prepared In
dex enaules both word and music editions to
be used together. The M into Edition resem
bles in appearance and size Goepei Hyir.B.
More of these book are in use than any otber
Labor Bongater published. The demand ia
simply wondsrfull. With largly increased
facilities for publishing, all ardor can ho
filled the atn day received, whether by tbe
dosen cr thousand. Price, single oopy, pa-
KrSUc; bonrd, &io, post paid. Per diHten.
00 and ii.W pest paid. Word edition, SO
pare lUo. AlxtAHOii Pun. Co.,
8-tf Lincoln, Neb.
eayi 'The Money Monopoly" n
for utility, the best book now in print s cy
clopedia almost priceless.
HON. D. C. DKAVKK, of Omaha, Nob.,
write to "Tbe ITaHMSHs' Alliance:" "Tke
Money Monopoly baa made many converts
nere. 1 give my worn ana outior tout every
Nun whs read it has become au Independ
ent." The Journal of the Knights of Labor says:
"We buartily recommend "Tho Money Mono
paly, as it is. without exception, tbe Best ex
position of labor financial principles we have
seen. V ondurl'ulljr clear aud forcible."
!L? largo pagoa. Prloe 25oj 10 for 1.75. Ad
drea tbi office or K. K. H tKBii, frlriuey, la.
Tbe author will tend a sample copy of the
book to any Alliance or Assembly at ths
wholesale prloe. ,
No Frost
Or blizzard in South Florida. Orange, lemon,
pineapple, banana and vegetable land in
email tracts, on lng time. Bend for cony of
Buo-iropiouroveuty, riu. it
Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gardens and
and Orchards in tbe Celebrated Bear
River Valley on the Main Lines ot ths
Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R.
near Ccrinns and Ogden, Utah.
Splendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in tbe well known
city of Corinne, situated in tho miatlle
of the valley on the Central Pacific U.K.
The lands of tho Bear River valley are
now thrown open to settlement by the
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigation from the Hear lake and river,
just completed by the Bear Kiver Canal
Co., at a cost of $3,00,000. The com
pany controls 100,000 acres ol these tine
lands and owns many lots and business
locations in the city of Corinne, and is
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and colonies. The elimate, soil.
aud irrioratinir facilities are pronounced
- - 1 l A A J...1 I-
uilhui j)U!oeu uy l-uiliprirui, iiiugt-s nuu
declare the valley to be the Paradise of
th farmer, fruit tirower ana Mock
Raiser. K ice social surroundings, (rood
schools and churches at Corinne City,
and Home Markets exist lor every kind
of farm and garden produce in tho
nei(jhbori:tp; cities ot Ogden and Salt
Lake, and in the (rreat mining camps.
Lands will b shown Irom the local ol-
tice of the Company at Corinne. 15ti
A full assortment of
Plants, vines, etc, f hardiest sorts for Ne
braska. Special prices to Alliance societies.
Kend for prloe list to North Bknd Ndbskhiks,
Knrtb Ueiid, Dodge Co.. Nebraska. Established
1H78. J. W. Rtrvenson. Propr.
!)" '-! """H rrom l!K to SOO
dlntf to tirransfla. ftrtiuu
etr corn, oats, etc., fine onutiuh for an puttHiae.
Wo warrant the f'UEKLKisa to be tbe
far- Write ua at chioa tup trim a.. it ,m..
Too re 1 money in thla mil!. Made only ty tat-
((rwjeral Wmtttrn AirenM for tho CQAJU'IO.N
WAIitW, The Uoracs TetiU.)
Cheap Fanner.
Hear what Jay Gould's es'.iruato of
4 farmer legislator is:
"I can buy the vote of a farmer
member of the legislature for the price
of a bull calf," say about seven dollars
and a hair.
He says again: "I can hire one
half the farmers of the United Stutos
to shoot the other half to deuth."
Farmers are cheap according to Jay
Gould's no: ion. They always will be
cheap in the eyes of these men until
tbey have the manhood to staud out on
ini'.epeudent ground. The Sentinel.
i . . - a -
.fyTt " ' t
:- i. ';' V
i H
'til i
-..Vvfc4 -j
JOHN H. WKIGHT. Pres. T. K. 8 AND Kits, Vlce-Pria. J, H. McCLA V, Cashier.
-CAPITAL $250,000.00.
H 4 NS. V. I. U7.
CAPITAL, : : :
1 1
C, Vf. MOSIIEU, President.
11. J. WALSH, Vice-President.
R. C. OUTCALT, Cashier.
J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier.
uualoal line, trie
Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and best up
town hotel . Eighty new rooms Just completed, Including large committee rooms,
making 125 rooms In all. tf A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rs. .
. tj aaa ualat tl lilmMial la U Mw tjraMW
Z&$1234567890. , t
- SKtfS. WrIIOTTOTOrSOVC;jf (I 'If - '
A wonderfully cheap, novel and useful machine, doing the'same quality ef work as tba
biff h priced type writer and with oonaidrranie rapidity, Wilte a full letter sheet, aoy
leHirtb. Will write a fast and as well as a World or Vtotor. Koetl and Inks automatically.
Well made, oarefully adjusted arM elt-irantlv flnlnhed, mount don polished hard wood base
and packed la Wood box with luk and full directions. Each neatly wrapped and labeled.
Price $1.00 Each; By Mail 15c Extra. S4tf
T- J- Torp fib Go. 320 G. 1 Gtreet,
Just the thing for a Christmas Present. Lincoln, Neb.
Eureka Gate Co.,
'-.- -
Farmers, Stockmen, Railroad Companies and All Other.
Using Them.
A number of different styles made suitable for all
. purposes.
Order a Sample Gate and You vill Uso no Other.
J. W. Hartley, AUUance State Agent bas made arrangements for
selling these Gates Direct to Members of the Alliance at
Faotory Prices.
For Circulars, Prlet Lists and Full Information, Call on or Writ It
J. W. TT A TL-T-f . t?; T, State Affent,
X-XCTOOX-N, -vr-i-a- -.b.t-Or
t. th XTTEZXA OATH C0 WsUrlsn, Iowa.
j. o. veox:3
Wholesale and Retail Lumber.
Teloplioxio 70L t
O ctreet between 7th and 8th. Ulnooto, T
The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. All Work the
finest finish. Satisfaction Guaraateed. 336 nth street,
tott T. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor.
All (train weighed, inspected and stor-
ago rates
' Write 1
established by state officers.
lyc rates and -lull particulars
consign shipments care of
KttARiK U BMKI.lMJN. 't. K. SANUiSitri.
: : : :
Our atook is replete wua everything- in tl
tat suit the times.
Waterloo, Iowa.