V THE FKMEHS' ALLIANCE. LINCOLN, NEB., THUKSDAY NOV. g(S. mi. THOSK B.IXK CIRCULARS. A an Uluslration of tha cauipai?i of lying that has just pasM-d, publish the to'lowicg authenticated fact from the Chicago Sthtinel as to the eamo kind of work that was done in former years, and who paid for it: The old party press have had the im pudence to question the authenticity of the Buell and Ilazzard circulars. Let them keep on asserting that "they are bogus;" that they are "the indentions of the hat lunatics," etc. They are simply making a rope with which to strangle their own lying gullets. The American Association of Bank ers was organized in September, 1877. Its secretary at that time was one James Buell. The association still exists. It is still at work bribing newspapers, hiring eloquent oratorical liars, bull dozing courts and congressmen. It is btill doing business at the same old stand and in the same old way. Before us lies one of the 1877 "circu lars." Perhaps the Inter Ocean will deny its authenticity. Will it? It shows how the old greenback party was made to suffer. It shows how tho third party is being made to suffer. Il accounts for the spiteful, malicious and wholesale lying that is baing done by the whole craft of prominent dailies about tfce third party. JVe ask again will the Inter Ocean deny that it ever published such an article? At all events, here it is: New York, Oct. 9, 1877. Private and Suggestive. Dear Sir: It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such daily and weekly prominent newspapers, espec ially the religious aud agricultural press, as will opposo the issue of green back paper money, and that you also withhold patronage or favors from all applicants who are not willing to oppose the greenback or government issue of money. The above circular was sent to bank ers and we have a copy received by a banker. The following circular was published iu the Inter Ocean. Concerning it the . 0. said: Tho Inter Ocean acknowledges the ro ceipt of the fallowing circular document which came to our office from New York Saturday morning: "The American Bankers' As'n, ) No. 247 Broadway, Room 4. V New York, Oct. 9, 1877. ) Dear Sir: Please insert the inclosed slip as leaded matter on the editorial page of your first issue immediately fol lowing the receipt of this and send maiked copy with bill to yours truly, James Buell, Secretary, 247 Broadway, Room 4. Comments on the slip not to exceed half a column will be paid for, if billed at the same time." The following is the document which we are asked (says tho . (? ) to insert as leaded matter on the editorial page, or in other words, as a statement made by the Inter Ocean: 'The greenback party has offered through Sis managers to sell out to the democrats and hereafter to work in democratic harness, if a place for a few of their leaders can be provided for them. This merely shows how much dependence there is to be placed on the leaders of lunatics, who clamor for money based on nothing.' We insert this, but we shall send no bill for it. We shall send no bill, be cause in tho first place we don't follow directions about leading it. and, second ly, because we are compelled to say that we don't believe a word of the statement to be true. The attempt to thus maliciously defame the character of the greenback party without submitting a word of proof is a r,iece of shameless and brazen effrontery which ought to be beneath any body of commercial gentlemen and especially the American ankers' Association." Here is another, said to have been sent to the New York Sun, which says: "The following was received yester day at the office of the Sun: Amei ican Bankers' Association, 1 247 Broadway, New York, Octobers 1377. ) (Strictly Private.) Please insert the enclosed slip as ed itorial aud send marked copy of paper with bill to James Buell, Secretary, 247 Broadway, Room 4 "TI.e prospect is that in six months there will not be a greenback leader in all the land. Overtures have been made by the leaders of the greenback movement to President Hayes to aban don the greenback as a lost cause, pro viding he will give good official posi tions to about twenty of the most blatant of the clamorous for more money that is based on nothing." Omaha Jottings. Editok Farmers Alliakch : The old party papers are making an extra effort at the present time to make the people believe that the People's Inde pendent party are advocating such a money as there is at present in the Ar gentine Republic, and I would like ft few lines of space in your paper to show how far that is from the truth. The Ar gentine currency is the product of a plan by the aristocrat class of Europe to rob the people of that country of the product of their toil. It has been truly said that that country has been for years the pasture ground of the British money power. They have had their own way in almost every thing regard ing the finance of that country, and the result is the same as they would do for us, only probably in a different way if we continue to let them handle the lead ers of the law-making powers in this country. Tbey have in tho Argentine Ropublic $190,000,000 of currency based on alleged coin wheu there is no coin. They also have $100,000,000 of currency which they call land or mortgaga loan currency. It is not redeemable only by foreclosure which is very expensive and assists very little at keeping it at par. Not a dollar of this money is receivable in the revenues of the government. It is not a legal tender, aud there are very few of ti?e debts that are not payable in coin. So that the debt is doubled and trebled, and is made that much harder to pay. Any sane man must know that we are not advocating such a money here, for we ask and demand that all money shall be a full legal tender good for all debts. We demand that the gov ernment issue the money, and not the private banks. That it be issued at a much less rate of interest than the banks charge at present, or in a word that the government treat all alike. But through the insatiate greed of the monev power they try to convii t us of tbh-ir u. I m y call it a ri line lor u to rrit ci- the act ons of the office holder. They say we are fanatic, calamity liowlvr, demagogues, etc., if we fck Lr a t haujw. The;' do not mean whrt thev say. tor they know we are right. They tire some one who has iu fl jence to do their dirty work, such as writing lies fjr tho newspapers, etc. Any man who w ill lecome their tool i a hvpori'e every inch of hiui, and the barbi of ridicule, tre Javelins of wrath ami the d iggersof truth harm htm ouly a little He never heard of any bad legislation against the people, and every truth that is told him he will deny with a loud husk? voice. We will have a good chance now dur ing the next session of congress to let the whole people know what we believe, as our worthy congressmen will make themselves heard in Washington, and no sooner will our principles be under stood than there will be a universal de mand from every honest heart that they bet enacted into law. Next fall we can rill the White House with men pledged to our principles, and then we can have some legislation for the peo ple. D. Vl?:. Deavek. Some Facts From McCook. McCook, Neb., Nov. 15, 1891. J. Burrows, Dear Sir : Now that the fight is o' er and the result known, lot us try aud find our mistakes and avoid them in the future. In this county Boodle of all kinds has been used with a lavish hand, and the influence of the B. & M. was used for all there was in it. That has been the stock in trade of the Reiublican party, and with it they have won. Yes, they had one otler weapon, aud they used it well through their papers and on the streets. Lies, Lies, LIES, of all kinds. They did not dare to meet the Independents and discuss the issius fail 1 v. I enclose ouieial returns of county and make a few explanations. Last year Richards had 713, Powers 000 aud Boyd 392, or a total of 1703. This year is folly 125 less. Tho vote on sonator and surveyor is probably very near the actual pxrty vote, as there was no elec tioneering done iu either office. The larger vote for senator being done in this county. I refer especially to clerk and treasurer, two as good men as there is in the party. Wo iulepeudentswould like vou to give us digest of election re turns from other states as you get them, as there is but littlo faith to be put iu the old party press these days. 1 waut to say a few good words for your paper, The Farmers Alliance. 1 have lounU it at all tunes a fair, hon est aud truthful paper, ready to ac knowledge a wrong, to recognize hon esty in an honorable opponent, and to strike hard for the right. In fact it is what we tarmer3 want a paper that wo can rely on. The facts are the best weapons we can have, and there are plenty of them if tho people ouly.see them right. o give us tacts ana let the other fellows print the lies, aud we will hopo that like chickens both will come home. I am yours, very respectfully, Henry II. Pickins. P. S. Don't make mistake and pub lish any of this. We really cannot see that publishing the above will be n mistake. We want facts, and we want every one to know how our people feel since election. We have yet to find the independent who is faint-hearted or cast down, or who pro poses to abandon the fight. We beg Mr. Pickins' pardon for disobeying his injunction. Ed. Alliance. , A Trick That Didn't Work. Battle Creek, Neb., Nov. 8, '91. Editor Alliance Now that tho election is over, and tho enemy claims a victory, we can see where we have been over -confident, and consequently careless. While on the other hand both old parties watched every chance and tried every scheme to defeat us. We had an illustration of this election day. An old man known ns Undo Billy Smith wanted to vote the independent ticket. Not being able to read or write, he took a sample ticket to a democrat neighbor f.sking him to mark the inde pendeut names so he could vote as he wished. But the wily neighbor marked all democrat caudidates and sent the old man to vote. The judge, however, knew Billy to be independent, and ex plained the fraud. So that little trick did not work. But it teaches a Ictson we should learn well before next November. Nancy Hanks. From an Anxious Democrat. Union, Neb., Nov. 19, 1891. Editor Farmers' Alliance: Please tell us democrats what we shall do to bo saved. Our nominees for state officers left ks without a state ticket. Can we afford to give up everything and go over body and soul to the party of protection and railroad monopoly? Moi.ey was brought down to this town from the county seat and put into the hands of democrats to vote Post, and succeeded in polling at .least two-thirds of the vote for republicans. Boyd failed to capture the railroads, but the railroads captured the democrats. But I cannot believe the rank and file have gone there to stay. When they come to consider the situation they must see that they have piaved a game of give' away, and so far as the old organized democratic party is concerned she has gone up. iu Nebraska at least. The money loaners, railroad men and hangers on will of course stay with the republicans where they belong. But the farmers ought to have more sense thau'to fall down ana worship monopo lies instead of finding a home anion" justice and reform. Respectfully, Old Democrat. Resolutions of Condolence. Plum Creek, Alliance, Nov. 7, '91. The following resolutions of respect were passed at tlw regular meeting held November 7, 1891 : Whereas, It has pleased a Divine Providence to remove by a very sudden and unexpected death our most highly esteemed and beloved brother, F. 0. McNair. Resolved, That in thedeathof Brother McNair there has been removed from our midst one of our best and truest members, an accomodating neighbor and true friend. Resolved, That while we mourn his loss to our order we also extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved friends. Resolved, That a copy of theso resolu tions be tendered his friends, a copy be placed on our records aud a copy be lurnished to The Farmers' Alliance, People's Banner and Ulysses Dispatch for publication. W. N. Cheney. . T. A. KlKKl'ATRIC'K, D. M. Fry. Committee. CARNETS FOR RUBIES. 4 rVladnliihU L1r' lUrent rarebits In P.iri. A sister of Pr. Samuel G. Dixon, of tho Ac:ulemy of Natural Sciences, and daughter of Isaao Dixon, recently walked into the establishment of a lapidary on Chestnut street, says tho Fhiladc-plua Press. She had on one of her lingers a very beautiful ring with t'.reo precious clones, one of which was a water-whito diamond. Tho other two precious stones were what she supposed were pigeon-blood Oriental rubies. A pigem-blood Ori ental ruby is tho most costly gem in the world. A five-carat ruby of this kind is worth ten times ns much as a live-carat lin-t-water Brazilian dia mond, which Is tha most precious spo. lea of diamonds in the world. I wi-h to show you two superb rubier which have just been pureba ed for mo in lWris," su'm tho youn? lady to tho man skilled in discerning tho qualities of precious stones. She took the ring oft her linger nnd hnnded it to the lapidary. 'J ho latter adjusted his monocular and went to the light of the window, lie looked intently for a minuto or so and then returned. "Were those Btonos bought for rubies?'' queried ho anxiously. I "Yes. I wanted two pigeon-blood Oriental rubies oa either sido of this water-white diamond, and. not being able to get tho finest in this country. I sent to Paris for them. hy, nron t they pigeon-blood Oriental rubies P" was the troubled reply. The lnpidiil'y looked at them once more tind seriously said: "No; they aro not. They are, however, tho liu est kind of Oriental garnets and are worth about $20 apiece." The young lady stepped back in sur prise. ihe gems mm cost about 2, 000. Ono of tho best jewelry lirms in Tans had recommended tho house from which the alleged rubies had come. The lapidary was positive that his decision was correct, und he advised them to bo returned to tha Parisian jewelry firm. l'ho young lady went to a notary with the lapidary. Tho two garnets wei'0 removed from the ring and care fully sealed in a package. Tho lapi dary niada an affidavit that these stones wefe Oriental garnets and not pigeon-blood Oriental rubies. This affidavit was inclosed in tha package nnd tho package shipped back to tho Parisian jewo'.er. Tho noxt maU steamer from France, after tho receipt of tho allogod rubies and the affidavit brought 2,000 from the jewelry house and a letter ac knowledging regretfully that the stones wcro only Oriental garnets. J. he Pursian firm pleaded in excuse that they had been deceived them selves in tho stones. Jewelry firms in this city report that impositions upon Americans by European housos aro of frequent occurrence. The paso just cited is, however, the most fla grant that has ever come to the knowl. edgo of Philadelphia jewelers. Artificial Vs. Natural Ice. The icemen in New York City who got up a "corner" and squeezed con sumers terribly wnea ice was scarce two Tears ago, are wishing thoy had not done sa now. Taking advantage of tho situation several companies were formed for the purpose of manu facturing ice, and they seem now to bo in a way to drive the natural ice dealers out of tho market completely. They aro making ico in blocks of ,100 pounds from distilled water, which is therefore pure, and they are selling it at wholesale for twenty cents a block. They have already captured tho trade of the great hotels and mar kets, and the scales which used to be made iho of to weigh tho natural ice have been given up. No Reduction. Mr. Bookkoep I have now been, Air. Duste, in your employ exactly threo years. I have worked industri ously and taken a lively interest in my work. My salary now is Mr. Dusto Have no fear. Mr. Bookkeep; if you continue in the same path your salary will not bo reduced. Jewelers' Circular. PLEASING TRIFLES. Marriaffo is a divine institution, tint it is hard to divine ome people's reason for ever having entered it. liostou Tran script. If only she Ins a soft voice even a home ly girl looks eiitraucingly pretty tit the other end of a telephone wire. Somervillu Journal. Poet "I have a little poem here, sir, that has been indited " Editor "Well, sir, I would be glad to see it convicted, but I can't try it." Life. "Money is trouble," sighed old Banker. "No, it isn't, cither!" exclaimed yonug Banker. "Yon can easily borrow trou ble." Baltimore American. Ujisou Downes '- l.uist evening I was in troduced to a girl worth threo millions." Rowne du liout "Ureut Ca-sarl What did you do!" Upson Pownes "I asked her if she believed iu dove utlirst. sight' " Puck. "Do you understand how to fix up my hair?" asked a lady of her newly-hired colored servant. "Yes, ma'am, I kin fix it up in ten minutes." "You will never do for me. What would I do with myself all the rest of the day?'' Texas sittings. ETCHINGS FROM LIFE. An American on his first trip on an ICnrrlisb. railway imito hell his breath at the rapid running. When bin nervous ness rather overcame him ho approached the guard: "1 w:y, guard," ho ventured, "this is pretty fa-it travel fur Fnfety, isn't it?" "Oh, no, sir." lep.ied tho guard, "we never rua o t tlio line here, sir.'' "But." faid the Yauken quickly, resent ing the patrona?, "it i ii )t iho lino. I'm afraid of miming oil your blanked little island." A rancher from a backwuoJs district en Raged a room nt a hutel in Seattle, W. The house is lighted by electricity, and the bell boy tinned en the liht iu the newcomer's room. Tho farmer diiu't know how to qKtiugnish tho light, and, after exhausting his ideas, uncoiled the length of wire by which the light hung nnd s1nekthe lamp in the bureau drawer, smothering it under his clothing, The next day the lamp was found Btovved away there nnd slilihuruin.?. Farewell of a plain-spoken pastor: Dear ly beloved, our purting t'.oes not seem hard to me for three rensoas: You do not lovo me, you do not love, each other, and the Ixird does not lore you. If you had lovod mo you would hnvo paid mo for my serv ices during the past two years; yon do not lovo each other, otherwise 1 should bavo more marriages to celebrate, and the Lord does not love you for otherwise Ho would ( all more of you to him. and 1 should have mora funeral services to conduct Not To Be Read Unless You Have Time to Think. If You Would Do Yourself a Sfrv.ce and Us a Favor, Study These Points Carefully. When the working voters of the coun try come to fully understand the money question '.hey will do this: Demone tize silver and gold, aud by constitu tional amendment provide for the issue of such au amount of non-redeemable treasury notes as shall raise the price of goods iu general to a level previously determined upon, this level to bo main tained bv a reeular increase of the cir culation to any amount that may lie necessary; this currency to be a lull, :ind the only legal tender, and ieceiv able by the government for all dues. ' Is the present standard dollar a just dollar? No. A just dollar is a station ary dollar, ono that neither appreciates nor depreciates. Our standard dollar has been steadily appreciating for the past fifteen years. It will never bo a just dollar until it has depreciated to an equal exteut. It can only be depreciat ed by what is called an inflation of the currency. Inflation U the natural and only remedy for appreciation. Remem ber that money Is not wealth, but only the tool that exchanges it. How much money is required by the people of this nation for tho most eco nomical exchango of products, aud for all business pjrposes? Xo living man can tell. How shall we find it out? Hy experiment. Determine first what shall be tho pur chasing power of a dollar as measured by all staple commodities. Then turn on a supply of legal tender treasury notes until the nrooer level is reached, and maintain it iu the same milliner. Thus and thus only can this most im portant fact be determined The advantago of money is deiivcd wholly from the using of it. It is worth less as a possession; of no use to him who cannot spend it. Thereforo, all that wo can desire in money is that its buying power shall be constant and continuous. If money bo redeemed we loso the use of it. Redomption is not the life of money, but the death of it. If we can be assured that a certain piece of money will never be redeemed, but will be renewed when worn, and that its buying power shall neither increaso nor grow less, but remain constant, we have then a perfect piece of money, no matter wnat it is luadu of. The buying power of money cannot remain constant unless there be a gradual, lawful and systematic increase of the quantity in circulation equal to tho increaso of business transactions; that is, occasions for the use of money. Silver and gold coins manufactured nt the mint of required weight and fineness, are a constitutional currency. United States Supreme Court. Except in speculative and gambling transactions, all loans are loanr of wealth, accomplished by means of tho instrument called money, and all debts paid aro paid with wealth, money being used merely to transfer tho wealth from the debtor to the creditor. So long as the debtor class confines itself to the labor of producing the wealth out of which it must pay its debts, and leaves to the creditor clacs the business of making tho money which must be used in cretit-pavinir, tho aggre gate amount of their debts will never be smaller. It has been found necessary for those who vote to attend also to the counting of the ballots. It is just as important that those who pay the debts should also attend to the making of the money. The most momentous fact in the world. It is entirely within the right and the power of those citizens who Owe THIRTY BILLIONS Of DOLLARS, to make the money which they shall use in paying this enormous sum, and to de termine its purchasing power. How to do this at one and the same time pre venting extortion and doinz justice can be learned by reading The Farm ers' Alliance. NOTICE. A company has been organized at Kearney known as tho Nebraska State Hail asf ociation, mutual. Its object is to insure tgainst loss by hail at actual cost. Alliances nnd other organizations should instruct their secretaries to cor respond with J. M. Sanford, Fairfield, Neb., general state agent, for partic ulars, special iates to members, aud copies of its by-laws. 4t For cheap money on real estate, call on or address A. J. Kioby & Co . 21U) Newman blk, r 21, Lincoln, Neb. Utilizing Mill Waste. Useful products from bleaching pow der dregs nnd lime mud from paper mills can be obtained, according to a patent taken out by Mr. Hutchinson, of Manchester. It is the usual custom to wash tho bleaching powder drcs bo as to yet all tho bleaching powder out of them, and 1 hen throw away what is left. Ac cording to this patent these dres con stitute a milk of lime, and may be used to causticize carbonate of soda. If they cannot be used for that they are to be filter-pressed at. 1 used in any convenient manner; bu. if used for causticizitiR, the carbonate of lime produced is pressed and washed in the filter press, mid may be compressed into bricks, which may be dried and burned into limo again. So far an this process prevents a nuisance and the pollution of water-cours3 by bleaching powder or caustic soda bot toms it is good, but the lina bottoms themselves Are to be valued nt a ycry low figure. Uritish Pniiermaker. No Frost Or Wilzzarrts In South Florida. Ornnire, lemon, pineapple, banana and vegetable land In email tracts, on Iwnir time. Send lor copy of Sub-Tropic Grove City, Flo. tf rp..., 4 ...... FOK 19i. SIX GOOD REASONS WHY Every mlmtr of tho FARMERS' ALLIANCE hould luk THE AKEKA FOB 1892. I. Durln Th Arrf wtil eonUIn r pTS on the KrnwiV Alllnn-r unit t lrl r. invinr an Hiithoratlttrr history nt;1 h rise ot the movement, nnd 1'OKrilAITM of the It-tiling cpfriu In Hub (rival uir.t iir or the people RjHl-Kt !ikii'oimIi , truhU, plutocracy and official corruption. II. It wilt contain anthoistl!vpitT,rct tin forth the central ciaitn of each of lh Brent parties of lo-daj. and drnwlnir Nearly and shurnlr the line of ilemnrkxtlon on all KreM political, eeoiicinicHl aud social prob lems. III. It will contain papers aptt'nir forth the eanllna1 demnds of the peoplp In their or (runlzfd movement airtintt !d-tlme ron and In just ice, and the reiuon lor each d uiand. IV. It will lw an encyclopedia of political and (octal Information, irlvlnir Ha reader a mitsterljr t-xpoMiion of tho true condition at.d iieen of tlie prwnt, doptottnir t be evil of the hour, and uiriritltir rcmeillo ca:mi latcd to M"cur a wider need of Justice and lltiorty for tho trwut toll'nir million of our Innd. From It tTircprlnn. Thn Arena Hn been TIIK KTtvAliFAMT ( HtMI'IIIN UV T1IC I'h.ori.K, ahtolutely ffHrlnHH In ita denuncia tion of p'tiioora-y, monopoly, and nil mean and mcftfliucs that wronir the muHftitd" or lnfrlnire upon tli HtieMv of the huinblcot clti7.cn. In Ihe future The Arena wtll be con aplctious for it irirr Mlvc and b ld drronie of the r'srhisof tho murac agulust the prlvl- 1CU VICt$S. V. It will contain frcat pnper by the (mutest thinker hi the At. 1.1 AM ai d all tho kind red onranlxntlon which ar working fora radical reformation of exittlug abuse and unjucit condition. VI. It will oontnln Tlamlln ftarlnnd'i powerful Alliance dtory, ' A Ppoll of IMIIcp," which will be the moot irraphic picture of the modern West and tneoc.ial and political con dition wh'uh called forth the Alliance ever presented. THE ARENA PORTFOLIO lea beautiful collection of twenty-nit steel cwhtii.uts of dlHiniruJehcd author and leadora of thought 111 this uheat uprlclnif of tho people. ThoArcnaone year, price ....f5.00 Tho Portfolio, price 4.00 The Fanner' Alliance ouo year 1.00 nu.uo All for I J.20 Adilroet ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO. 2,'ltf Lincoln, Nebraska FREE! FREE! FREE! EL1 CANVASSERS. E9 YOU WAST &H EDUCATION? Special Premiums. TUITION, Hoard ami Kooul rent III the Fremont No i nut School unit ISuiiUietui Institute. For tho larjrfirt list of ubt'rlbera for The Farmeub' Ai.i.ianck at our club rate of Btlots. a year, received hf January 1st, 18B2, wo will give Tuition, Hoard and Room Kent for ono Year In tho Fremont Normal School and Buelneca Institute. For the iccond larsrest ;tBt received by the same dnto wo will give Tuition forOne Year. Thin offerof tuition include the following courses: Preparatory, Teachers, Kleotlve, Scientific, lasslo and R usluosacourRe. 'rms in this school open a follow: Fall terra, Beptomber 1st; FlrBt Winter term, November 10; Second Wlutei? term, January 17. The cash value ef the first premium la One lliinilrf l anil ICIghty Dollar, Of the Ico" ond premium nrty Dollar. ' Tho president of the Fremont Institute it W. H. Clomuions. Subscriptions can be nnt in at any time, Vut person intonins; to compete for the premiums should notify us so that proper oredita can be given. See advertisement of the Institution in an other column. Ei. I INGRAIIAM k CO. Will Furnish Gliddeu Barb Wire at 3ie per lb., nnd Staples at 3c per lb. or per keg. Ten-penny Wire SteelNails $2.75, a:-.d eight-penny J3 per keg. Car of Fic-Nlc and Snowllako Flour. Granulated Sugar at $4.40 per 100 lbs. Golden Sugar 3.75 per 100 lbs. White extra C 84.20 per 100 lbs. A fine Sewi-ng Machine for $19. A good Singer Machine- for $14.!i0, at tho factory. Purchaser to pay freight. Good bulk Coffee 20 cts. lied Cross, packago, 20 cts. Java and Moca 80 cts., in two lb cans. Smoking Tobacco 15 cts. Let-Go plug in 24 lb. butts, 19 cts. Horse Shoe 87 cts., 12 lb. butts. Horse Shoo Laundry Soap, 105 bars in case. 83.25. White Russian $3.85. Finest Tomatoes 00 cts. per dozen. Table Poaches $1.50 per doz. Alaska Sainton $1 .35 per doz. Parlor Matches $1 .20 per gross. Dandy Matches $1.15 per gross. Mu'.o 'Matches $1.30 per gross. (tent's Undershirts, good, 33 cts. Camel's Hair mixed 50 cts. Drawers 40 and 50 cts. per pair. Overalls, good, 55 cts. Best 05 cts. White unlaundred Shirts 20 cts. Flour at 75 and 90 cts. per sack; the test we have ever offered for the price. Farmers, Attention ! T. W. LOWREY PROI'RIETOH Lowrey Mills i Elevators LINCOLN. : : : NEBRASKA, Has the best of cleaning machinery. Will buy or clean your grain or handlo it on commission. He will gladly quoto prices j on grain to all his Alliance filuds If they will send him their aiulress. Ho sure snd write him for terms and quotations. As for bis responsibility he refers you to any bank here, and Bradstrect's or Dunn's reports. 2!tf -FOR- GENUINE CANON CITY COAI 1 Write to or call on P. BARTON, STATK AGENT. 18l!l3 r.O. Box 148. Tele. 710. t Cor. 10 and O St. Lincoln, Neb. I HAVE GOT TO HE SO WE OFFER The Following Inducements: ROUND OAKS. 1 COOK STOVES. AT A LOW PRICE. BASE HEATERS. J ffAH MACHINES 4.50 EACH. WE HANDLE THE AMERICAN ROUND OAK AND Red Cross Stoves and Ranges. "We ask you to call ami be convinced that we can sell you goods CHEAPER than any Itody. 1210 O St 3?. S. WHITE, (Successor to Kruso dc White) LEADER IN LOW PRICES. MIDI IDS., Having everything KonsdId Goads, Groceries cnJ Previsions. GROCERIES. Apricot preserves, in pure rrauu'.ated sugar 8"io pur lb. Y lum preserves, ui pure ktuuuimwu sugar 8',ie per tit. Oiiinrc preserves, in pure granulated sugar 8'3o per ll. MuNiiimvry preserves, in pure irranuiaica siigr, K'no per pound. rruon preserve, in pure grauuiaiea Bugar, SJje per pound. Btrawln-rry preserves, In pure granulated suimr, b'ao per pound. This 1 a gpeolai sale on preserve. Absolutely pure apple butter, 6o per pound, put up in pure tipple cider. hllver Hake hominy So. You can use It for pudding, lor soup aud for fritters. It makes a delicious dlh. Now evaporated raspberries, lTtfo. New evaporated ('allieriila apricots, 12V4o. New evaporated California peaolioa, 8'c. New California ml sin cured prunes tHi. Imported coiiiniou I'urklsb prunes, 6o. California pitted plums, UK), (.alil'ornla dried grapes, lie. Ualit'orula musouted mlslns, tflc. These aro all new and the fluent that'uioney can bur. 3 pound can new California apricots, put up in pure granulated sugarsyrup, most delici ous fruit, lTVio. We have cheaper apricots, 12H aud 15o, If you want them. Very flne blood red salmon, 100 per can; they are delicious. Sardines, Bo. MiiHturd sardines, Wo. pound cau very flne Gooseberries, 8 l-3o. i pound can llli ckln rrlen , 7'io. pound can rasberries put up iu pure gran ulated syrup KHu. 1! pr und cau at -aw berries in pure sugar syrup, 1 1 Ho. a pound can all yellow Baltlmoro peachesln heavy syrup. Inc. 3 pound cun now California egg plums, 12H. A WORD TO FARMERS. . tr.X"L,, ?SZSy'Z2JT A (yonu1emiaUawarat. Uu to w lot pin m aaything ysa waat, Havden Bros,, Daalers JOHN It. WKIGI1T, Pres. T. B. SANDEKS, Vloe-Prc. J. H. McCLAF, Caahior. THE COLUMBIA NAT'L BANK LINCOLN. : .': -CAPITAL A. S. R S.YMONT). . JOHN B. WHIGHT. HANS. P. hV. THE LEASER WHY Do our Patrons feel Hate in trading wiu 1211 O us? The Great Everything sold from 25 to 49 per cent Ions than elsewhere. Tho recognized bargain center of Nebraska. Come and see the wonderful bargains we offer. Wc just succeeded in closing out the remnants of this season's line of boy's clothing of one of the principal eastern houses. These goods were bought for (SOc on the dollar, adu Beginning immuaj - 1 verv low prices: Boy's suits $1.00, cheap at $1.73. Hoy's suits 81.00, worm s . Bo'v's suits $2.50, worth $4 .10. Boy's suits $3.00. worth $.r.7"i. Bov's suits 53.ih, worm ao.uu. Boy's pants at 25c a pair. Pears' Soap at 10c (on sale Tuesday.) Vaseline 7c a bottle. Hooks and Lyes, le a card. rnrliitcv irnns So. Silk thread 4c a spool (100 yds). Silk twist ic a spool. Pins lc a paper. Needles lc a paper. Ag ite buttons lc a gross. Tooth brushes 5c. Hair pins 2c. Envelopes 8c ft bunch. Writ in 3 paper 120 sheets for 12c. Bay Kum 12c a pint bottle. Poker chips 25c a 100. Lace curtains at less than wholesale prices. Muslin underwear at less than whole sale prices. Fancy feathers 10c, worth 20c. Fancy feathers 20c, worth 40c. Fancy feathers 30c, worth 00c. Fancy feathers 40c, worth SOc. Good tips 30c a bunch. Uood tips at 40c a bunch, worth 77c. Good tips at 00c a bunch, worth $1.25. Good cloaks for $1.50, worth $3.50. Good cloaks fot $3. ch'.-ap at $3 50. .... i i a - r-n Good cloaks lor $3. cueap at w.u. It Pavs to Trade at the Leader. We wish to impress every one with tho fact that we sell what we advertise at advertised price no matter what may be your experience in other stores. VVe want you to cut out anything that may Interest you in this Rd. and come and 25 it, the identical article. Vben other defers telljou ,t is tepo-W?. cos more; dont believe them. THE LEADER. Cew Store.) Orders by mail witl receive prompt attention. The Great Cheap Store 1211 O St. Lincoln, Neb. THE ONLY ALLIANCE 0TOZIZ3 IN THE W JLIGT? a Farmer uses la a lb. can California Orren Gnire p'.ump. l!!'io il pound can new t'ulfioruia Dauisou ulums. liill croam morse, i&o. Itriok, l'li-. Imported Swiss cheese, 15e. Hiivair mired pic-nlo hams, 7,-4. Honeles hams, Klo. Kitgiir cured breakfast bacon, 103. Kugar ctn-cd ham heavy. H'o. St.giirourprt dried beef, V!4o. llologna sausage. Sc. Liver auustiKe, &o. tii Ml H. crackers, 6o. lyster crackers, Ro. Sweet ohocolate. Bo, Premium chocolate, l.'t'io. 80 pound pall very tine t rult jelly, BOo each. Imported chow chow, no per pound. Imported Kilned pickles l.wi per quart. latportcd olive too quart! thoy uro very fine, would be cheap a tiki. Konpmia S l-!lo por packago. All kinds of wash powder 3 1 3o a package. 7 bars best laundry soap 25o. TEA AND COFFEE DEPARTMENT. Extremely low prices cajitiiiuo to be our motto In this department. Wcsell a nice un dried Japan an elegant drinker, IHe. Green Japan, 1H. 20 and 2jo. Ilnxki.it tired Japan, new crop, 29, 35, 48o. Extra oholoe spring ieof 69c. We have a very flne Hue ot black teas. Kiie ilsh breakfast 4H and tiOo. orraoBa Oolong tiki, tliio, and TOO. We guarantee ihtho foods to be first class or money refunded.' Our ooifees are roasted fresh. Crushed Java and Moon ilia. l;(o k to 27c. Golden Uio &jc. Oest N. 1. 1o. I'oaborry ilOo. Combination Java and Mocha 27 4c llest old Oov, Java UJ l-3o. . in i Everything, T.: : NEBRASKA. $250,000.00. - DIRECTORS. CHAS WEST THOMA8 COCHRANE. JOHN H. McCTAY. EDWA RD H. B1ZBB. FRANK L. SHKLDON. T. E. SANDEU3. NEW STORE. WHY Is our house always croweded? Street Cheap StoreJ Good cloaks for $4. cheap at $8. . ...j i i i i 33 aozen ctuiareu s pir.sa noous m iu per cent less thanjwholesale prices, all bright new goods. Dress shields Bit. . Gent's wool hose lOo a pair. Ladies wool hose 25c a pair cheap at 40. Tobog;jon caps, slightly soiled 15c. Basting thread, lc a spool. v Very best prints, choicest styles, 5c. Low prices on canton flannel. Extra heavy bed spreads, $1. Tinware at lowest prices ever Quoted. Fast black corsets at 50c, woath 75c. Fast black corsets at 7oo, worth $1. Best values in corsets in Lincoln. Quilts and blaukets at extremely low prices. Ladies' fast black knit skirts 5Cc. Noyes metal baekccmbOc, worth 20c. Sample line of geuts neck ties, worth from SOc to $t, choice for 25c. All wool red underwear, very heavy, only 50c, worth $tv . Heavy grey underwear 50c, wnrth 75c. Best values in ladies underwear in the citv. Best values in children's underwear in the city. Turkish towels 4o. Towels only 24o. 2 yards all linen table cloth 90o, worth $1.50. Good all silk ribbon Co, worth SOc. J