f THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1891. TO UNCLE JEKRY HUSK. EXTRAVAGANCE OF THE FARMERS. Zirfety-fiv-s Cnts for Cow-hide and Three Dollar for a Pair of Shoe. Unci Jerry Invited to Visit Gosper Co And Fill Up on Soar Kraut, Biktkahd, Neb., Nov. 17, 1801. Dkak Uncle: I think it was about m year ago I wrote yon in relation to taa financial depress! jn that is raging among the laboring aad agricultural duaot throughout tho nation. Iu yonr reply you stated that extraragancs on the part of the farmers was largely the cause. At that time, Jerry, I thought that you were either mistaken or trying to fool some body, but I bare come to the conclusion after careful considera tion and investigation that you are about right. The farmers in this sec Uon cf the country ere extravagant and there U no ess for that bowling mob of Irresponsible agitators and Jabbering idiots to aay they are not. They don't get much money out here and what they do they scatter to the four winds of heaven. One farmer took a cow hide to town and sold it for eighty five cents mad then went across the street and paid 13 for his wife a pair of shoes Yes, Jerry, extravagance is what is the natter with the farmer. Many of them are paying 24 per cent for the use of money, while they (if the are the gov ernment) are loaning It to the banks at one per cent Now, Uncle, you know enough about business to know that if there were no other cause this alone would cause great suffering among them. But they are extravagant In many ways. They pay about twice as much for railroad transportation as they need to. Our R. R. tariff here in Neb. ' Is about twice as much as it is in Iowa. We have a board of trannportatlon hore, but they are republics and the repub lican party is In favor of high tariff, railroads not exoepted. After trying, but failing to reduce the H. R. tariff through the P. U. party we organized new party and made the reduction of the R. R. tariff one of the most promi nent features in the platform, thinking of course that all formers and merchant at lewt were In favor of a just and equi- ' table reduction of the K. R tariff, out Imagine our horror and chagrin, whon a great many merohauts who had done the most grumbling about R. R. extor tion, turned their backs upon us and eallod us a howling mob of irresponsi ble agitators n nd political mountebank-. Now Jvrry I do not wish you to un derstand that the farmers aro any biger tools than Thompson's colt, but I will be just grim cquizled " if some of them did not actually vote for tho re publican party and high 11. R. tariff. Kxtravagautr Yes, sir. Some farmers actually wont to the polls for the sole Purpose of voting it upon themselves, ea. Undo, there are dozuns of farmers in this state that are so extravagant that they would sooner pay a high R. X. tariff than a low one. Now they can't afford it, for I see by our countv paper that there aro 733 farms and a urge number of town lots advertised to be sold for taxes lu this county, and this h a small county, only casting at the last eleotion ebout 000 vetes. Jnst think of it Uncle, more farms adoertistd t bt sold by the sheriff than votes cast in Hit county, and when I teJ you that nearly one third of these votes were cast for the R. R. party I believe you will agree with me that the story of Thompson's colt sinks into oblivion. ' They are also discriminating In thoir extravagance, and I notice tha'; they generally discriminate against them selves. They pay Mrs. Garlield a pen aion of 15 000 per year while they ouly Eayan old hay-seed that bared his reaat to the deadly missiles of war in defence of his country, la most cases from S3 to $13 per month. I am not kicking. Uncle, about Mrs. Garfield's pension, but I do say she is no more en titled to a $5,000 pension than my wife whose father's bones lie bleaching in the swamps of Georgia. Now, Jerry, 1 trus, you will do all you can to keep the farmers from being ing so extravagant. Of course it is your buunden duty as seceretary of agricul ture to. vote and work for the agricul tural ticket. I was in hopes you would have called to see me when you were at Omaha and Grand Island some time ago, but I suppose the board of trade at Omaha toot up so much of your valu able time iu showing you the agricultu ral facilities of that Durg that you hard ly had time. These boards of trade must be awful q ieer agricultural soci eties. Hastings is ornamented with one that takes great interest in agricul ture. Last winter the legislature passed a bill that the farmers of this state were very much interested in. I think it was something about the rail roads. No sooner had ihe news reached Hastings than a meeting of the board of trade was called and resolutions passed denouncing the action of the legislature and petitioning the Irishman to veto said bill. Well, Jerry, the power of the board of trade and the Irishman was greater than the legisla ture, so the bill was not placed up on our statute books. These boards of trade may be jery profitable to them selves but they are wonderful expensive to the farmers. I hope the next time yon come soaring around in these parts yon will come and see me, and if one of those boards of trade should fold you in its loving arms again just tell them that you are the secretary of agri culture on your way to Gosper county to see a man that is engaged in raising corn and pumpkins, and that they will have to nnfold. I live in a sod kouso, but of course that would make ne dif ference to you providing you had plenty to eat. I have just opened a fresn bar rel of kraut and if you will come vou shall have all you can hold if it takes the whole barrel. This of course is a very liberal proposition for me to make but 1 am a farmer and you know the farmers are rather inclined to be libe ral andjextravagant in th?ir habits, so come rignt along ana 1 will keep my proposition if I have to dine on horse radish and pursley. Hoping to hear irom you soon l am one ot your obedi ent subjects. W. Wixslow. Lower Waxes In America. Politicians work many schemes. In this country it is claimed that the tariff keeps waes higher in America. It may keep up the wages of politi cians, but the .following figures will how that children and adults in free trade England are paid better than they are here, and will also show that we can afford to reduce the tariff far below the present figures: Children in England are paid in the Vines 62 cents er dry of 9 hours, while la Wert Virginia they only get 60 cents for a IO-hours day. In the cotton goods industries chil dren In England get 45 cents for 10- hours dsy. while in ew jork they get but i 1 cents lor ao 1 1-hours day. la the following states tbey also vet leas than the English rate, beside working one hour longer. Connecticut, North Carolina and Georgia. The rate paid to adult male hands in the cotton goods industries in England avcragM 1.17 pr day of 10 hours each, while in Vermont the rate is 1 1.15, in North Carolina 96 cents, and in Georgia fl.Oi The rate in Dela ware is f 1. 19, just two cents over the English rate, and In ew York it is tl.23, but all the American rates are for an 1 1 hours day. If the New York operative workrd 10 hours, or one- eleventh less than ho does, and if ho was pit Id that much less, ho would get but 1 1.12 per day. - In other words, while the English operatives average fl. 17 per day, the New York operative averages only $1.11 per day, which shows that tho Englixhman actually gets over half a cent per hour more than the New Yorker. The English rate of wages In metals and metalio goods is $1.34 fcr an 11 hours day, while for a 12 hours day the rate in Maryland is $1.21 and in Alabama $1.29. Those facts are from the report of the United States commissioner of la bor. Progressive Farmer. BRITISH COLD. It Power Menace Co llie Frundoin Oar For-tal here Won. Tho Influence of ISritlxli cold in tlio affairs of men and nations has long been a subject of remark and study, but tho avurage American citizen scarcely allows hitnsolf to think, whllo reading of some wonderful conquest men .ngusn capital has made, that this country can nnvitr 1m nfTwtnd thereby, and ho somns perfectly obliv ious to tho alarming facts that sur round him. It was the Pbylocic of Lombard street, London, who Hint sug gested a bonded war debt. Ho dopro- cinloi irroonbiU'kn hnlnw irnlih hn In company wlih his Wall street cousins inuu Douni greenbacks wltn gout at from 47 to HO eonf on Ihn ilnllur nml Immediately n Invested tho depreciated groenimcKs in i mtou Mates bonds dol lar for dollar. Tbuso bonds were pay able in legal-tender uolos tcrreon- backs) interest and principal. The money sharks, not content with the profit nindo in buying green backs at a discount and not content with their success In trangfonnW non- interest bearing notes Into Interest- Dearing bonds, set themselves to work to chance tha contmct m ant fm-th In the face of the bonds themselves, and they actually succeedf d In inducing tho SO-called representatives of tlin unnriln , , j in congress to pass an act making these very nonds purchased with depreciated greenbacks payublo principal and in terest in coin. And It has beon freely charged, and the churgo is backed by much direct and circumstantial nrnof. that some of the money of a London Jew went to pay Amerlcun statesmen tor mis sorvico. jNot content with his success in doubling his wealth, while at the same time ho doubled the burden on our agriculturists and laborers, the Lombard street banker scores another triumph ovor Amorican productive labor and in favor of shrewd flnnn. clal policy by sending his atrent to this country with half a mill inn in his pockot with instructions to secure the demomrtizntlon of silvoi' and thus establish his bonds on a cold himla The scheme, bo it told to our shame, succeeded, and uUhough it is trnld thoro is not nor nor nm-op w. n. Hnif o.i States bond sold by tho government lor goici, every ono hold by a broker or money changer in any part of the world Las to bo paid in gold. Tho British financiers have not utmmnri here. To-day they own land onotigh in this country to make threo such states as Mississippi if it lay in a body; they own largo interests, and in soino instances controlling stock in many of our most important railroad linos and other industrial enterprises in this country. They ate suid to fiavo almost a monopoly of tho grain olovator busi ness, rcquiring-alup're amount of o ini- tal: Ih vv have our pountrv n,v,.ui with mortgage and loan associations, through the operations of which they are rapidly acquiring control of largo amounts of land in evory stato almost in the Union, nmf v;mi bids fair to absorb in a fow years our entire landod entate. They dictate eviction laws of manv of thn Kt,Htn now, and they are so summary that it is easier to evict a famiivln Knn so to-day than in Ireland. A little nioro man luu years ago our fathers whipped thoso follows and for us tho grandest country on the globe, but at the rate they have pro gressed in the pat thirty years in tbo business of corrupting our legisla tion with their gold, it cannot be long before they will own our people body and souL When the power of money to oppress is extended a little further the conditions above foreshadowed will be reached, and thon tho poople of this country become serfs and slaves, nnd the British bondholders, land speculators and usurers are our masters. This is no fancy picture, but the inevitable result of tho outrageous Bystem of finance and legislation which has cursed this country for tho past thirty years, and which must ero long ovei throw tho liberty of the poo ple if not speedily checked. Tho farmers would do it if aided, or even let alone by the business and profes sioual men of this country, but unfor tunately many of them seem to have a prejudice against auythiug proposed by a "'hayseed." and in a financial in dependence with tho foreign plutocrats they throw thoir influenco and votas against tho interest of their mea Whether the organized wealth ! pruuurcr? 01 me country will be p. lie to pre-ervo a government of the p.. pie, or whether the hireling, tools of New and Old England will hold them in subjection and finally overthrow the liberties of the masses, is a queition to decide much sooner than the corrupt politicians will admit, or many good and patriotic men supposa Tho Now Era. . ..: . A Yolo. Cal., farmer turned a band of mules and horses Into a patch that had been planted to cantaloupes. There was quite a quantity of the fruit left and the animals took a great fancy to It Asa mult there were seven dead mules and one dead horse. - Iron is to be mads at Chattanooga by an electrical process. THE ALLIANCE. The Farmers Union: Although the different mercantile agencies report prosperous times the facta warrant that statement only so far as it relates to coupon clip!ers and loan brokers. From all over the land comes the re ports of failures, and in many in stances even banks are included. The Southern Mercury: To demand of a member of the Farmer's Alliance that he renounce the piinciples of the organization to which hn has volun tarily attached himself before he will be recognized by the bosses of any political party, is an insult to his man hood. (Such a demand never emanated from a Democrat nor was submitted to by one worthy of tho name of a freeman. The Virginia Alliance News: A half do, en men have been running political conventions end dictating to tho peo ple whom thoy should vote for in the past and now when the people see fit to name their own candidates, these solf constituted leaders get way up in G, and say that it is preposterous for several hundred voters to dicta to to the majority. Oh! come off and bo consistent. rionecr Exponent: The Alliance and the people have everything to gain and nothing to lose by a full fair und honest Investigation of the Oonla demands in broad open daylight with open doors, and it courts such an in vestigation. Ihe Alliance supporters In Comanche county have done more in ono month to promote full, fuir and free discussion than the so-called democracy ever did. The Iowa Tribune: An Idea of the small amount of money really in act ive circulation among the poople may be gathered, whon it is known that the amount of standard silver dollars outside of the treasury Oct 1 was $00, 194, 175 subsidiary silver, fto'j, 661,. 4 Hi; total, silver in circulation, $119, 85H, 621. less than $ii per capita Whon it is considered how large a per centage of the daily transactions of the people nro conducted with silver coin, the real state of tho money fnmino will be understood. The Monte.uma Record; Don't bo f aught by the "State bank" fraud pro posed by eminent Democratic states men and pretended friendly papers. Our money must be full legal tendor gnvnrnmont. money. Tho national bank system is fur prcforable to Stato bank frauds. The state bank cry is a side issue to catch the Alliance with and thus enablo the money power to keep its death hold on the poople. It is such a palpablo fraud that wo think it will not deceive many, but its inten tion is to dccelvo and rob the poople. The Teninsula Furmor: There is now on open field in tho cause of true journalism for a rival to tho Associated 1'ivss in the matter of nows dispatches. It Is not only untrushs about tho Alli ance that is circulated by the associa tlun, but a vast mass of sensationalism and manufactured incidents, which era pure romance and never happened, are palmed off upon the public. Our big dailies had better publish with loss pages and more truth in thoir make-up. or thoro will come a journal istic cyclone one of thoso days and paralysers of truth will get sent to kingdom come by a popular revolt against fiction for fact in thoir news papers. "AH people can't bo fooled all the time." Tho Alliance Vindicator: In spite of the opposition to our order nnd tho war upon its oftlcors by the politi cians and the plutocratic press, tho Alliance still lives, and moves, and grows, and is destined to make Ihe world feel the weight of its mighty tread. If ono wore to believe what be reads from tho partisan press, ho would think the Allianco had fullen to pieces, by reason of the heavy woights about its neck, and tho corrupt, do signing, thieving, schooling, unprin cipled demagogic oRIcers nt its head. We hear them say tho sub-treasury scheme is dead, the Alliance had to drop it The facts are: Every state Alliance thut has convened this fall has adopted it with practically a unanimous vote. They say the officers aro corrupt but the Alliance don't bo liove. There has not beon a resolu tion passed in any state Alliance con demning any officer whom they have pointed out; but tho very men thoy lauded to the skies have been con demned as unworthy of our trust and confidence. The Alliance Herald: The Alliance is composed of machine Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Third Party men. As an. organization it is not in partisan politics, that is to say, it does not espouse any party. It es pouses measures and advocates pur poses. It has aims, and seeks to ac complish them. It has a mission, and expects to fulfill it It came into ex istence at the demaud of inexorable necessity. It continues in existence and will ever continue to live, because the urgency of the necessity is so great and exacting that the members who compose it are bound- by the ties of in terest they are fasten! to it by a con dition that compels them to stick, to persevere and to make any sacrifice for its success. This condition has jeopardized their homes, has imperiled the liberty of their children and has rendored it impossible for them to at tain prosperity. The census report on the mortgage indebtedness of the coun try shows the condition that has jeop ardized their homes. The fact that they are compelled to sell products at cost of production shows the impossi bility of extricating themselves from this condition, without a change of systems. Tho change of systems is the purpose. The change of condition is its mission. Tno Alliance Advocate: When America is made the dumping ground for tho world's supply of silver, the world at large will take an even ex change therefor in American products at our price. By all means let the silver come, and let it bo coined into honest dollars, and the farmers will use them in paying off their mort gages and restoring their heritage to its former eminenco in American af fairs. 1 . The average French family embraces three members and the average Irish fam ily five. In England the average number of membsrs of a family is four. THE FARM AM) STABLE INTERESTING MATTERS RURAL READERS. FOR Sowing After PlowingManuring tho Cardan Charcoal In tho Poultry Yard Be Cntl With tho Cows Faam Hlnta. Sowing After Plowing, Land needs rest. Boil requires stir ring and then absolute rest. This is one of the secrets of successful farm ing. Business men of this century never take rest, and the farmers wish to run their land along in the same aay. They demand that it should be paying all of the time, and it seems only to be paying when it is growing something. Now land is often paying the best interest on itself when it is resting absolutely. One great fault of Eastern and Western firm lands is not lack of rich ness and fertility, strictly speaking, but the lack of readily available plant lood. I lie food is in the sou in auun dance, but it is not yet ready for the plants to use. All vegetables have to decompose and then pass through chemical process and mix with the soil to be in the best condition to feed the plants. This process is performed by the air, rain and sunshine. These three must combine to bring the land into the proper condition for seeds. In the fall the corn-stubble held, or the grass lot is turned over with the plow, and the wheat sown upon it immediately. In the first piace the corn lias made a heavy demand upon the strength ot the soil, and has prob ably exhausted all of the available plant food in it. It is not reasonable then to suppose that the wheat can be crown immediately on the same land. More manure and fertilizers? o, that is not what the soil needs. It is rest. A t wo weeks' rest will do more good to it than tons of fertili sers. Plow the soil thoroughly, and then let it rest so that the action of the sun, rain and air may go on un interruptedly, The particles of soil are loosely thrown together, and the air gets far down into the subsoil. The rains soak through it, and the sun warms and heats it by turns. No time is so good for this as the September sun and weather. The sun is still hot, and even during the early part of October, and the cool, moist nights give the necessary moiature. Decomposition and nitri fication go on rapidly, and ths soil improves as rapidly under this rest as a worn-out bookkeeper does when left in the country to do nothing but rest in the summer time. Even grass land is greatly improved by this process which makes food available to plants. Above all do not plow to-day and sow to-morrow. The soil is given no chance then to re cuperate. Manuring tha Cardan. It i$ very necessary to keep the gar den rich, and if properly managed two crops and sometimes more can be raised in one season; it is important that care be taken to fertilize if neces sary every year. While commercial fertilizers can be used to some extent, yet well rotted animal manure must be the principal dependence, especially on the farm. It is not good economy to use fresh manure for two reasons: One is that it contains more or less weed seeds, and the other is that it is not in an available condition, and will be of little benefit until rotted and it will interfere more or less with the preparation of the soil and the cultivation of the crops. When it can be done without interfering too much with tho other work, fall is a good time to apply manure. Unless the ground is bc sloping that it will be injured considerably by washing during the winter, it is nearly always best to clear up thoroughly in the fall after the crops have all ma tured and then plough deep and thor ough. Then late in the fall or early wintor, before the ground freezes too hard to work well, have out a good application of manure, having it well rotted and fined and scattering evenly over the surface and then with a good harrow or cultivator, working well in to tbo soil. This is a better plan as there is less loss by bleaching or evap oration with tho manure worked well into the soil, than if left on the sur face. Ordinarily there is little risk ot gettinx ths soil too rich in the garden, bo mat a, good application can nearly always be given with benefit; and by spring a Rood per cent, ofthe soluble portions will bc taken up and retain ed by the coil iu a condition to be used by the growing plants, much more so than will b done if the manure is not applied until in tbo epriug and with varden crops it is quite an item to have ths manure worked thoroughly into the soil.- 8e to the Farm Implements. Now the working of farm crops are over the implements should all be collected and put under shelter. One month of exposure now is worse and will do more injury to farm tools than three in winter. Decay takes place faster now than iu winter, as the change of temperature and other con ditions are not so great or frequent in winter. It is not at all times con venient for the farmer to care for farm tools at the proper time, and the time spent in taking care of them might sometimes be more valuable than the loss by exposure, but this is the exception not the rule. Not only is there a loss by exposure, but many times these implements are unexpect edly needed ana are to be hunted up, wnicn consumes when found are for use. valuable time, and in a poor condition Collect them all up and see that they aro properly arranged, the parts all well adjusted just ready for use. cleanse them from dirt that may be adhering to any part of them. The wood parts will decay more if the dirt is left on, lor though the dirt be dry when put away it will absorb moisture and rot the wood. Give all the iron parts a good oiling and wash the wood parts and give a coat of paint. This will shield the wood from all atmospherical changes through the winter. All the scrows, nuts and other parts that may be wanted to mave, or any part that wears bright from rubbing in use should be oiled so that the atmosphere will not have any effect. Implements treated this way will last louger and do better work than if put away just as last used. It is needful that the fanner lessen his expenses as much as pof si bit in farm .implements. ft Be Gentle With the Cow. w A cow is largely a creature of habit, and will readily accommodate hersell to the conditions under which she is placed. It should be borne in mind, however, that any undue excitement tends to-lesson her butter productive ness, and therefore should be avoided. If a cow is chased with a dog, hounded here and there, continually bothered by steers or mischievous colts, or by both, and confined at night in a small yard, and devoured by mosquitoes, a small pail will hold her milk. But place the same cow in comfortable surroundings, amongst companions of her own gentle kind, away from the annoyance of other animals; put her in a clean stable, out of the reach of lues at milking time, and then turn her out to enjoy a hearty meal of dewy crass, nnd see if, under these altered conditions, the same pail will hold what milk she gives. Lows should be treated with the ut most kindness. The man who, on the slightest provocation, will strike or kick a cow, is more deserving of the same treatment than of being paid wages, in lact an ill tempered man or woman is a decided damace around a cow yard. Even when a dangerous cow is found there is no occasion to raise a disturbance with her. Dry her up and prepare her for the butcher; life is too snort and precious to both er with a mean cow. Caring for Seed. One of the most important items with seed during the winter is to keep it dry. Nearly all kinds of seed will withstand considerable cold without injury if dry, but if wet, the vitality will often be considerably injured. In nearly all cases corn, cane, or other kinds, whether garden or field, it will be found a goodj plan to spread out and dry thoroughly before storing away, and then, by storing in a dry place, they can be kept in a good con dition. It is not dry cold, but wet cold that injures In nearly all cases seed should be selected in the fall and kept separate. A better quality can nearly always be secured and this is impor tant. And after it is selected, then it should be stored in a way to keep it in the best condition. It is better to pur chase seed than to risk the crops with tliOso of an uncertain quality; but if they are to be sowed from what is grown on the farm, select in good sea son and store so as to keep in thebesf condition at least. Skill In Feeding. There is much in a farmer knowing when a pig is well ted. It is very con- enientto have a pig fed in such a way that it will not gorge itself, al though feed is lying by it all the time. But we are satisfied that there is no profit in this sort of convenience. The hoggets tired ol so much sameness; food always at the nose becomes stale. If fresh at every feeding, and appetite prompts, it is eaten with a relish. It equires much practice and skill on the part' of a farmer to know when a hog has the correct ration. Th e most successful feeder we know notes the changes in the weather and its influence on the appetite, and portions out the feed accordingly. On a rising tem perature the ration is decreased, and vice versa. Failing to do this his hogs have cloyed when the temperature ran high, causing a loss of thrift and gain for a few days. This should al ways be guarded against .National Stockman and Farmer. Charcoal In the Poultry Yard. "When freely used in the poultry ard, charcoal is of great value. If ground or pounded fine and fed to the fowls in their soft food," says one who has had experience, "it ma terially aids digestion and cleanses the system of impurities. As it acts upon the blood, it acts upon the life of the fowl. When tho blood is thick and clotty, a dull, sick chicken will soon follow. Thin blood always means vicorous circulation, and on good circulation of the blood health largely depends. If your fowls lack activity they need something to stir the blood from its sluggishness. We have every confidence in charcoal, and advise the farmer to barrel some for feeding to his poultry. Keep it in a dry place, and when needed, grind or pound fine and mix with soft food," Farm Hints. Do not sell the best pigs. Do not let cuckie burs mature seed. Mulch only after the ground is frozen. Do not leave cabbage or turnips out too late. Be sure there is -nlentv of UnVif in the horse and cow stables. Head work on the farm is as much wanted as hand work. Give the colts plenty of room to ex ercise if you want bone and muscle. In nearly all cases the most restless cow will prove the most profitable. Generally now the quicker the hogs j are fattened and marketed the better the profit. If the soil is dry, it will be a good plan to puddle the roots of the trees oeiore setting tnem out. Under ordinary conditions thereis no economy in cribbing the corn with the shuck on. In commencing in fppd in fli foil n - - - - -.. " ,. use what is most easily damaged first. Winter is by far the best time on the majority of farms to make ma nure if properly managed. Manure fern not contain anything not in the food supplied. The quality of the manure depends largely upon the feed. When the potatoes are dry is the best time to select seeds- take from the most prolific hills. Before the corn is fully matured is the best time to select seed for next year's planting. When fruit or vegetables aro stored in the cellar keep the doors open at mgoii mi com weamer sets in. OBTAIN . CHICAGO -. PRICES -. FOR -. YOUR PBODUCE. The way to da this is to ship yonr Butter. Poultry. Ezbs Veal Hay. Crain. Wool. Hides, Beans. eVoom Cm If ien and Dried Fruits. Vegetables, or anytmng you have to us. The fact that you may have Iteea seliiug these articles at home for years, is no reason that you shemd eentinae to do so, if yen can find a better market. We m-ke a s-aecialrv of receiviiw shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS. nd probably have the largest trade in t!ik wav of any house in this market Whilst you are looking aronnd for the cheapest market in which to bay your eoods. and lhnflnnnAmiffin In thol v f nr'H -v .. i " " "-".' va? juu io give seme attention to the best and most profitable way of disposing of your produce We invite eor respondence frem INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and afi organizations who de sire te ship their produce direct to this market. If requested, we will send you free of charge our daily market report, shipping directions and such information aswdl be of service to you i you contemplate shipping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the shipper with anT wholesale house in Chicago. Let us hear from you. 11-Sm Summers, Morrison & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 175 South Water St., CHICAGO, Bafereace: Metropolitan National Bank, Cklcag-o. FARMERS ! " YATES mi m mi Solid, Whole Stock Kip Boots. Name and price stamped on every Boot Evidence of faith in the quality of the goods. ED. G. YATES, 1129 O Street. 1129. O. W. LYMAN, WHOLESALE '-. LUMBER AND '-. GOAL Special Rates to Farmers' Rooms 17 and 18 Montgomery Corner 11th and N DO Y06I 61SE GATES? EUREKA TUBULAR GATE, L-A.NXJF-A.OTXTK.EID BY 2yReKft Gate Company, WATERLOO, IOWA. The Best and Cheapest Gate Ever Placed on the Market The bov cut thowi the ordinary 10 foot gate. They are alio made 12 aad 14 feet wide to admit binders, eto. Praotical tests muds during the past four years has proTtd the Eureka superior to aay gate made, notice the following points of superiority: STRENGTH Ths frame is made of wrought iron tube 1 1-2 inches in diameter, so braced (see cat) as to give great strength and resisting qualities. It is the itiffest and strongest gate in the world. LIOHTNESS The entire full sisod gate complete only weighs fifty pounds, and swings on its bineeg at the slightest teach. SUB ABILITY Being all iron and steel, it is praatically inlestrnotable. EASE OF SETTING UP The eye blts and nuts are all famished complete, also the chain, hook and staples to fasten ttie gate. All the farmer has to do is to place his gate posts the proper dist.au oe apart, bore a half ineh hole for the hinge bolts and screw np. USEFULNESS They are especially adapted for use with wire fences; catch no snow in winter, are not aSeoted by the wind, and being so light they oan be readily plaoed where most deeded. ' CHEAPNESS There is no other gate possessing all ths qualities that this one does that can be sold for the same money. THOUSANDS of these gates are in ase in Iowa, and throughout the eastern states. Flab tering indorsements received from Farmers, Stockmen, Railroad Companies and All Others Using Theni. A number of different styles made suitable for all purposes. Order a Sample Gate and You will Use no Other. J. W. EASTIET, ALLIANCE STATE AGENT HAS XABE ARRANGEMENTS FOB SELL ING THESE GATES DIBXCT TO XEHBEBS 0E THE ALLIANCE AT TACI0BT PKICES. For Circulars, Pries Lists and Full Information, Call on or Writs ti J. W. TT A TLTtt-Jirsr, Stato Affont, 0t to ths EUBEKA OATE CO, Watarloa, Iowa, . BUY BROS., " Alliance lo Car Lots. tr Bl'k. Write for Prices- St., Lincoln, Neb.