THE FA KM hHS' ALLIANCE. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY NOV. ft 1801. In lfe I PATERNALISM. ll 1 M4 i . Uoo tatofwt M bow Meg taken la what U terrtu-d paternalUm. The fmoplf are being warned of the bane tut HeeU of paternalism and the im plication goos that paternalism U alt wrong. ratnmaUm U for protection. Tb prime purpose of government ia for protection. This Involve an inti mate acquaintance with th condl ttou and need of the peopla. I', require and even demand a strict and thorough consideration of the in terest of the people. No paternal ism; no government; no protection; bo prosperity or oven existence iUelL The organized purpose of government Is to protect the people in their per sons and their property and maintain oca conditions as will secure the largest measure of human happiness. The object of the government is to protect the weak by restraining the strong; "equal rights and equal priv ileges should be guaranteed to alL This involves incessant paternalism; ternal vlgilence is the price of liberty." Since government is for pro tection its functions are to determine what are the most efficient means to Insure that protection. It is a recog nized principle of justice that labor should have its full reward, and that essSitiess subversive cf this prisciplo should be removed, and that whatever stands in the way of justice should hare government correction. This correction or supervision of govern agent (paternalism) should be made without any unnecessary drain upon fha substance of the people. The right and duty of the general government to furnish something to represent the surplus products of the people as a me dium of exchange is recognized and approved by all, and that representa tive (money supply) should be ample la volume or quantity to do the busi ness of the country without loss or detriment to the producers of the country, and that a volume of stable currency should increase or decrease according to the demands of trado; in other words, keep pace with the busi ness interests of the country. As money is the representative of the val ue of products, and as a medium for the exchange of products, it should have volume or quantity adequate to this exchange of products, and have it too without needle dolay or cost, Why should not these pro ducts themselves bo made the basis for such issue of money, or such of them as are of prime necessity and of universal demand, have durable quan tities and groat uniformity of produc tion; such articles cf prime necessity are furnished by. the producers and of a non-perishable character, that they may be held until needed for con sumption. Why not moke these rep resentative products of prime necessity the basis lor the issue of money, and that, too, upon the products furnished by that class who compose 44 por cent, or noarly halt the population, rather than base the issue of money upon the products of gold and silver nines of an uncertain quantity, and not at all corresponding to the prod ducts of the farm or the needs of com merce or trade, and such basis of is sue (gold or silver mines) owned and controlled by 1 per cent of the popula tion? If the issue of money based upon the products of gold and silver mines of this and other coun tries, and that product owned and con trolled by a few thousand porsons, is not class .egislatloa, how can the issue of money bated upon the products of 80,000,000 of people be class legisla tion? No legislation that benefits any class and does no injustice to any other class can be called unjust or class leg islation. Louisiana Alliance Farmer. An Fxample, A farmer in Michigan sold his farm of 100 acres in 1861 for $100 per acre -sot an extravagant price at that time and received (10, 000. With this he bought $1 0,000 of U. S. bonds, bear ing 6 per cent interest in com. These bonds furnished an income of f 600 por annum, and loft him free to dispose of his own labor as he saw fit Ills labor, tog-other with the Income from the bonds, supported his family without adding to or taking from the original amount received as proceeds from the sale of the farm. In 1S73 the 6 por cent bonds were exchanged for 4 por cent bonds due In 1907. At present rates of premium his bonds are worth $15,000. How is it with the pur chaser of the farm? For the first few years the business of farm ing paid him a profit, but since 1873 his profits have been less, until a stale of positive loss has boon reached. As it it now stands, he Is an old man; his best energies gone. His farm is less fertile, his buildings old and weather beaten. He has no more stock than when he began, and the farm that cost him $10, 000 twentysix years ago, upon which ho has expended all the labor of the best yoars of his life, can not be sold for $4, 000. But the money with which it was purchased has in creased in its power over values until now it will buy more than three just such farms. Is there not something beyond free trade and protective tariff In this example? Alliance Tribune. Arranged to Suit. When it suits the purpose of the middlemen they toll us that the farm ers are all rich and prosperous. When they wish to bear the market for grain they tell us now, that Prominent wheat dealers on tho Produce Exchange say tho Alliance wheat circulars will have little or no effect The farmers, with few excep tions, they say, are bound to sell at once in order to liquidate certain dobts. The poorer farmers, who largoly out number the richer, cannot afford to hold their wheat or speculate with it They are receiving good prices for their product and it is doubted whether the majority could effect a combino if it was desired." Sentlnf l What Hien? Suppose the people of Kansas should take it Into their heads to elect a pure judiciary men who would con sider the claims of justice rather than musty precedents of a forgotten past, or a stretching of the law to cover the demands of corporate influences in short, men who entertain ideas in harmony with the Alliance de man da, and this in spite of tho cry of the old party political hacks that the good name and credit of the state is in danger, what then? In other words and direct to the point what will yeu Republicans and Democrats, wh srs fomMnlrif Ui dofeal ths r. pl' party ia M'rnl judicial district la this slaw, do if ths JVopls party Ipct their candidate? Ths rank and CI of your partla would submit, but we'll tell you what your loader ars fully capable of doing. If ths worst come to the worst to this country In which the content for the supremacy comes to a final Imu between the peopla on the one hnd and the money power on the other, there are hundreds of leaders ia both of the old parties that would be the faithful allies of the money power. It i entirely possible for tha peo ple in their aggressiveness, in this work of overthrowing the plutocratic influence in bringing this country to it present condition, to bring down upon themselves the dangers of armed intervention from Great Britain in obedience to the demands of the Eng lish money power. When we consider that 55 per cent jf oit railroads. 45 per cent of farm mortgage indebtedness are owned by English capitalists, with millions up on millions invested in mines, manu facture, state, county and municipal securities, it is possible that the time may come when England may be call ed upon to protect British Interests in the United States, as she has done on several occasion in other countries. and we have men here in thia country American citizens, leader in tha two old parties, who would prove themselves tories and aid the English money power. We have had men in congress for a quarter of a century soiling them selves for British gold, with more treason in their hides than was ever conceived by Benedict Arnold. Benedict Arnold, if he bad succeed ed la delivering West Point into the hands of the enemy could have not entailed more injury upon his country than John Sherman has done in the laet twenty years. We are not an alarmist but we want to say that if we ever have war in this country between labor and cap ital and statesmen have prophesied as much for fifty years, English Influ ences will bring It about and it will come under the guise of protecting vested rights and the blow will be struck against and to suppress the clamoring of the common or laboring people, and whon ib comes all snob ocracy will be arrayed against the people. Alllanco Tribune. Government Loans, Frequently the question is asked, "How will loans from the government assist the mechanlo or day InborerP" Let us investigate this matter a little and soe. To-day in this country one of the greatest evils that common la borers and mechanics are reaping from the present financial stringency is ths lack of employment To-day thou sands of willing hands can find nothing to do, and their families are suffering for the want of even the simple neces sities of Ufo. Now let us see a little further. A direct loan to those who could give imperishable seourity would relieve this , financial stringency by groatly augmenting the amount of the circulating medium, and reducing the amount of interest The trouble is that the rate of interest is so high that money is withheld from needed im provement and extensive repairs. Bays the Workman and Farmer. Those farmers who own farms are compollod to hold their expensoa down to the lowest possible ebb, thus employing the laboring man only when it is impossible to dis pense with his services in the crop soason. XI the amount or monoy could be increased by a direct loan at a low rate of interest, tho farmer would fool that he could pay that small rata of interest and expend the money on the Improvement of his iarm. Those thickets that have for years been neglooted will be cleared up and put under cultivation, thus adding to the productiveness of the country; those low swags in tho fields that have for mnny seasons boon worse than use loss will be undordralned and mado to be the most productive part of the farm; tho old barn will be repairod and a bettor result from tho wlntor feeding will be attained, the houso will bo workod over and additional con veniences and ornaments added. This will cause a general awakening in tho industrial pursuits. Tho day laborer will bo in domand every day In the year, and tho skilled mechanic will find much additional work to do, and as the domand for labor to a great ex tent governs the prices, wages would bo higher in all the industrial pursuits. Thus tho country would be greatly im proved and adorned, and the laboring classes would indirectly share tte pros perity. Tho Plow and Hammer: Benjamin Franklin said: ''When you are in debt you give anothor power over your liberty." The Republican league manifesto says: "Our debts stand for our investments and not for our losses. They represent our enterprise and not our misfortunes, our property and not our poverty." We don't know how ) you feel about this, but with Frank- lin's reputation for honesty and integ rity, aod the Republican party's rec ord of dishonesty and infamy, we pre fer to think Franklin is right Tho Milton Star: The idea of a partisan press withholding any favor able Alliance news from tho masses, in the hope that it will Inure to tho in jury of the organization, is just as mean as it will provo futile. The va rious state annual meetings as they are being held disclose the fact that the growth of the Alliance still con tinues phenomenal. Thousands of sub Alliances and several states have been organized during the past year. Tho older organizations are increasing in numbers whera the material has not all been exhausted. Better still, tho i membership Is daily growing more de- termmed to have at all hazards relief from moneyed oppression. , The Cotton Plant: The News and Courier evidently thought it had a vinch'1 on tho Alliance whon it re published an alleged expose of our se cret work. We dislike to spoil its fun; but truth compels us to say that this office had copies of that expose sont in several weeks ago, clippod by wide-awake Alliance men in remote soctions of the state, from the New York Sun. The Alliance has been smiling over tho matter all this time; and now after so long a time, ' when ; our "live" con temporary publishes it as news, the Alliance is smiling again. THE DEAD ALLIANCE. Jm SM What f'or It !- arrhr dm. IVrtalnly I Dover was a happy but twlrs before in Ufa write W. F. Wlna la ths Economist and that wm when I got religion and when I rot married. I am jut ia receipt of a partial list of ths reform newspaper of tho United States. Paper ia Eng lish, paper in German, papers in Spanish. O that I could speak all tho languages at once, that I might do the subject justice! Just think of the dis turbance these tarns journals are rais ing! Sheol in liquid Spanish, gehenna in gutters! German, old-fuahloned hell in plain English. No wonder the Bar ing lirot. became dUcombobarated and the Salton Lake makes it lively for a cr rtain railroad. What is the country coming to, when the farmers are print ing papers by the hundreds? One each in Connecticut South Carolina, Ver mont and Wyoming; three each in New Jersey, Oregon and Alabama; four each In District of Columbia, Florida, Maine (how yer was. Brer Blaine?); Maryland and Oklahoma, I.T. ; five each in Georgia (same to you. Bra Gordon), Massachusetts (yea indeed Brer But ler, ) the climate of New Orleans i shockingly salubrious) and New Mex ico (here's looking toward you, Vox del Pueblo); six each in Mississippi (Urer George's state, yer know, and Bro. Burkitt's), North Carolina (my heart and all the balance of my anat omy is with you, Bra Polk) and Washington; seven in Wisconsin; eight each in Tennessee (Bra McD. ttill holds the fort) and Virginia; nine in Kentucky (just now the great summer resort of reformers and the home of Brer Walterson, than whom there's no whomer); ten each in Louisiana (the farmer ask no 2 per cent bounty, only a loan on a low rate on good security) and Pennsylvania (they want no tariff for protection, either); eleven in Ar kansas; thirteen each in Colorado, Michigan and Minnesota (Bro. Ma cuno. you will ploase give meaning of Dor Forttschritt and Bond me a copy); twenty-one in California; twenty-two each in New York (the habitat of Wall street and the man who holds dyna mlto convictions on the silver ques tion and who seems to be the left bower of the monoy power, Brer Blaine is the right bower) and Ohio (tho icicle state) ; twenty-four in South Dakota (whose blizzards, like her Al liancemen, are immense); twenty-six in Texas (may your shadow never be abbreviated, Bro. Jonos); twenty-nine in Illinois (the Big Three State); thirty in Indiana (a word signify ing in the original tongue "blocks of five," its modern significance is a bandbox, inasmuch as it Is the re pository of grandpa's hat) ; thirty-seven in Ohio (whose Liberty Bell lacks a blamed sight of being cracked) ; forty nino in Missouri (on passant Brer Hall, if Newspaper reports and Local News be Truth, you Advocate strange doc trines as a National Reformer and Al liance Defender to tho Labor World to expect to be the Nominee of the Inde pendent party at least so it seems at this Crisis to an Alliance Watchman; you write with tho wrong end of tha Quill in giving Alliance Pointers and Farmers News through the Weekly Mall those perilous Times, and un questionably you Ledger self strike with tho wrong edgo of tho Blado in your Appeal to the Weokly Unions to uuiko W eekly Progress among Inter state Echoes, so to speak) ; eighty in Nobraska and 187 in Kansas, aslato familiarly known to all school boys and girls as the Sockloss State," it being against the religion of Kansas to wear soaks. It is said that the defeat of Ingalla Is wholly attributed to his disregard of this custom, which, it seoms, is peculiar to Kansas; however, Ingalls and hU kind seom peculiar to Alliaucomcn all over the United States, llgures Tell the Story. In England and Wales om hundred persons own 4,000,000 acres. In Eng land In 1887, one-thirteenth of tho peo ple owned two thirds of the national wealth. Seventy persons own one-half of Scotland; 1, 00 own nine-tenths; twelve per cont own 4,016, 000 acres. In Ireland loss than eight hundred persons own one-half mombers of tho houso iuo mnu; ivs of lords own 14,250,012 acres, which rents for $57, 864.630. Tho total number of tenant farmers In England, Scotland and Wal9 is LOGO, 631), and of these Ire land furnishes 674,222 and England 314,800. England's war debt is $3, 600, 000,000 and the eastern bond holders fatton on an interest of $313,001, 360 annually drawn from the industrial population of that country. In London relief was given to 88, 16 i paupers in one week. It takes 14. 000 policemen to guard London's popula tion. In tho United States seventy persons are worth $700, 000, 000-and less than fifty of these can control the currency and commerce of the country on a day's notice. Ono hundred are worth $300,000,000 and 24,000 own over ono half the total wealth. Tho census shows that the railroads of the coun try own 231,000,000 acres of land and foreign and domestic syndicates 84, 000.000, making a total of 365.000, 000. In New York city 10,000 of tho 2, 000,000 inhabitants own nearly tho whole city, and only 13,000 own any real estate. In Chicago population 1,200.000 less than three and one-half per cent own all tho real estate. Total number of millionaires, SO, 000. " Total number of people out of work, over 1.000,000. The number of tramps, 500,000. Ex-soldiers in poor houses, 60,000; bondholders, tiono. Estimated that 10,000 children dio from lack of food in this country an nually. There were 57.000 homeless chil dren in the United States in 1880. In New York 400,000 working wo men are so poorly paid that they must accept charity, sell their bodies or starve. In one precinct twenty-seven murdered babies were picked up; six in vaults. New York has 1,000 millionaires. Cleveland Citizen. Xne People's Forum: Protection protects the wrong man. Witness tho wealth of Carnegie, Rockefeller, et ai, and the pittance paid their labor ers who produce their wealth. A DUAL SOUL 5 the night of the 16th of June, 188-, I awoke with a loud cry, went over to the mantel-piece aa well as I could in the darkness, and lit a match. My nervous terror had peo pled the room with all kinds of hor rible mental images, which, wrought to a high pitch of excitement, my im agination had conjured. I was glad when a flood of yellow gas-light dis sipated them, and showed to me the remotest corners of my bachelor quarters, with a glimpse of myself, in the big mirror opposite, with a face as white as the sheets of my deserted bed. I looked at my watch. It was ten minutes after midnight. I took a cigar from the mantel piece I am a great smoker and sat down for a moment to try and collect my ideas. I had had u hor rible dream. The taking of the cigar, the lighting and the smoking of it were all mechan ical actions which I performed readi ly. W hen, however, I began to try and recall some particulars ol my dream, my mind displayed a sluggish ness in grasping the salient points of the mental vision which had come be fore me in my sleep which surprixed me. And yet my dream had been most vivid and most terrible. My mind had been wandering a long way off iu that fitful unrest. I had dreamed that I had been in Paris, and that I had seen a murder. I had never been in Paris. Where had I heard of the Kue de Keverdy? It was in that street that my dream had been located. It all came back to mens I sat there pulling away. I could see the victim of my nightmare lying upon the hearthrug of a rather foreign-looking room, well furnished, with paintings and other art objects upon the wall. The murdered man -for I had "een a man stagger and fall in my sleep presented a dreadful sight. Blood oozed from a terrible gash in his throat. Through the open window the yellow glare of the street lamps flickered feebly in the light of the early dawn. Around me I heard the rush and roar of a great city awakening toanotli-erduy. Altogether I had had a horrible dream. I am, as you know, an artist. Be ing a Chicago man, I prefer to paint Chicago pictures. I don't believe all this humbug about a man not being a prophet in his own country, A paint ing of one of our railronti depots at night, almost finished stood on its easel in an adjoining room, which I used as a studio. I had gone to bed the night before, intending to rise early and throw in some more figure work in the mid lie distance. There was just space enough left for a man and a woman. I thought I would throw in one of those parting scenes which we casually see in railroad de pots, and which are sometimes so affecting. I went out and stood before the picture, a little drowsily; but soon wide-awake, and staring open-mouthed at my canvas. The man and wo man, just as I had conceived them in my mind when I lay down to sleep the night previous, had been painted. I looked long and earnestly at the picture, and felt my senses beginning to leave me. The features of the man i had painted must have painted, unconsciously during the night were the features of the man lying murder ed in my dream, in the Rue de Kever dy, in the City of Paris. The most remarkable thing, how ever, about this sleep work was thai I had entirely altered my plans regarding the two figures. In stead of placing them in the middle distance I had brought them boldly into the foreground. There they stood, the man and the woman. He, a tall, dark, rather handsome fel- ; KA(i ,Pfm.l f. rf ,), wUn.-h nrr.isr. tvne. an-J stronc. well-knit limbs, and . altogether a hopeful, brave bearing wmcu seemed to say: "Lournge, we will meet again." She, a woman not over 20, with a tender face, on which were traces of lecent tears, with red dish, Titcianesque hair, blown in graceful confusion across her charm ing eyes and low, white forehead, as she stood with one tiny, gloved hand in his, and held up tho other with the finger-tips just resting on ins siiouwer, I stood for fully five minutes looking at these two figures. There was one more remarkable thing about them Not only were they different in stylo and treatment from anything I had ever painted before, but they were ab solutely faultless in drawing and col oring. It was tho finest bit of figure work I had ever done in my life. I was absolutely dazed, confounded. If I could paint like that in my sleep, the sooner I discovered the receipt for do- ing it bad dreams or no bad dreams -tho better lor my reputation as an artist. It was undoubtedly the finest bit of worK l naa ever accomplished, it was the making of the whole painting; and it at once suggested the title. Seizing a brush, I painted it in one corner of the canvas, with my name and the date. I caHed the picture "Good-bye." It was only 1 o'clock in the morning. I was getting drowsy again. I went back into my bedroom, cot into bed and slept soundly. it. I take my breakfast at the Cafe Mazarin, on Michigan avenue, every morning. It is handy and close to my studio. I do not, as a usual thing, sit down to it before 9 o'clock, which is a late hour to breakfast m Chicago The waiter, however, always keeps a copy ot the Jailv Trumpet forme. He sees that I have it, clean and free lrom cofice-stainsand ot her objection able reminders of breakfasts which have preceded mine, clos alongside my plate in the particular place bv the window he always reserves for me. The "Daily Trumpet" was there that morning as usual. I ordered my breaktast ana ocean to read. Almost the first thing my eye fell on was a foreign telegram, bearing a Paris date: "A horrible murder was committed early this morning in the RuedeRever dy. An artist named Guisac is the vic tim. Guisac was found in his studio by the conclerce with his throat cut from ear to ear. Deceased wa3 a man ranking WcH ia th rrfrMiofi, Hi pir tnre "L Bernhardt," hum in the last year' salon, brought lum prominent ly into notice. The murderer is still at lan. The p per fell from my hand. I l-aiii back in my chair a prey to a variety of the strangest emotions which eer agitated the human breaxt. I cannot convey any idea of the ex traordinary impression produced on my mind by the reading of the para graph. I hung around town in a morbid condition for two or three days. At the end of that time I determined to start for Paris, 1 took with me in my mind a photo graph of the picture which I had fin ished in my sleep. I was profoundly affected by the whole affair, and said nothing to anybody. The ocean trip somewhat restored my mental equilibrium. By the time 1 arrived in Paris I had persuaded myself that I had added the two fig ures to the picture in my waking mo ments, and that over application to my beloved art had brought on a temporary lapse of memory. I had even persuaded myself that my dream and its confirmation by cuble in the morning paper were mere coincidence. Still I was possessed of an insatiable longing to solve this mystery. I put up at a little hotel off the Rue D'Antoine, and slept soundly with the roar of Paris in my ears. Next morning I sent for a commis sionaire. I am a very tolerable French scholar. "What is your best paper here?" was my first question. "There are several," was the reply. "The Gullois is a good journal as good as any, in fact." "Go and get me the Gallois of date June 17." In half an hour it was in my hands. I soon found the account of the mur der. And enormous headline called attention to it. It hadbeen evidently the sensation of the day. There was a column and a half of it, as well as an editorial consisting largely of hints to the police as to- how they should best discover the murderer. By reading these, I found out that the murder had been commited shortly after 5 o'clock on the morning, the body having been found at a little after 0 by the concierge, when it was still warm. Roughly estimating tho difference in time between Paris and Chicago at five and a half hours, Mon sieur Guisac must have met his death at about the time when I dreamed I saw him lying with his throat cut, upon the hearth-rug Impelled now by an irresistible im- Eulse to sift this mystery to to the very ottom, I called upon tjie Prefect of Police, and persuaded him to permit me to visit the scene of the murder. I told him nothing. To this day he believes I was impelled to it by mere curiosity. The body of tha dead artist had been removed, of course, but nothing in his rooms hadbeen dis turbed. I trembled violently as I en tered tho vestibule, and turned some what pale. The officer who accompanied mo no ticed that I was visibly affevted. "Monsieur finds it to warm," he said politely and threw up a window. winch room was the stumor' 1 asked, my voice strangely thick and husky. Instinctively I dreaded to enter the apartment which had been the scene of that horrible nightmare, the influence of which was now begin ning to reassert itself strangely. My heart almost ceased beating as the officer threw back the portiere, and passing by him I entered the apart ment. A small painting stood unon an easel near one of the windows. With uncertain footsteps, and a brain whirl ing with the strangest emotions which every man experienced, I approached it. 'ihere was not quite light enough to see it distinctly. I drew up the curtain and let the sunlight stream in to the darkened chamber. The n-ext moment I had uttered a loud cry, tottered and fallen hepless upon my kness, at the foot of the easel. There, upon a small canvas, was a sketch in oil, colored and drawn with a master-hand. It was a study of two persons, in the act of leave-taking. They stood bodly in the fore ground of Hie picture. A tall, rffk, handsome man, the counterpart, of the figure in my Chicago picture, with tho same sad and striking expression on his face with the brave soul shin ing through it; a woman, the very reproduction of this conception and execution of my sleeping moments, on whose tender face, the trace of re cent tears was marvellously delineat ed, and about whose low white fore head and over whose charming eyes her hair, of Titiancsque red,' was blown by the breeze, leant with one hand upon the man's shoulder and the other hand clasped m his. I looked at the title, and amazement grew upon amazement. It was also tho very counterpart of my own. The pic ture was named "Les Adicux." The voice of the officer aroused me: They say there is a romantic story connected with that picture. You see it ia tho portrait of Monsieur Guisac painted by himself. The woman he was to have been married to, but they quarreled and parted just a week before he committed suicide." "Monsieur Guisac was not murdered then?" "No. That was the theory nt first, but it was afterward abandoned. Mile. Helene Michaud that was the lady's name came forward and threw an entirely new light upon the subject. A more through search ot Monsieur Guisac's eificts revealed a small package. It coivtained his will. in which he stated his intention of taking his own life and bequeathing to Mile. Helene Michaud everything ne naa in tne world. I had been captivated by the picture of the woman with the tender face and Titi.anesque hair. I souaht her out and spoke to her concerning 1.U A-..- Ji .1. - H r - y-, iiieirugic ueuui oi iuonsieur uuisac. "He had wronged another woman," she said coldly. "I told him to go to ner; tnat l naa done with him for ever." She was unmoved. She smiled upon me with her charming eyes. I was disgusted and left Paris. When I reached Chicago I found an ollicious friend had been talking about mv picture. Orders have flowed in upon me since, and the name of George Courtenay has become famous in the world of estern art; but the inspira tion which was derived lrom my spiritual jointure with the man who suicided in the Rue do Reverdv has died with him, and unique among the productions of my brush stands the painting which is known to the art- j loving public as "Courtenay's Goodbye." line Yr WYATC-BULLARD LUMBER Co. Wolesale Lumber Merchants. 2Qth and Izard Sts-, Omalia, Neb Farmer and Con turner trade solicited, station. J. O. hiMM to BAOOU lAJMBtM OS. Wholesale and Retail Lumber. Telopiion TOL 0 Btroet between 7th and 8th. Ulnooln, 1tl W. 0. T. U. KESTAUKANT Has Fairly Earned a First-class Patronage. Good meals served in a quiet home-like manner with moderate prices cannot fail to please. 138 South 12th St LINCOLN, NEB. CINCINNATI SHOE STORE. We carry the best Boots and Shoes in the city. "We think we can suit you and fit your feet. We also make the best shoes in the city. Give us a call We think we can satisfy you by giv ing you good honest Boots and Shoes. VM 1228 0 StlincolD, Neb. Warner & Wolfanger. A LITTLE WHITE SLAVE. Fttlhetle Description of the Life of th Child la tha Hill. Baby Laurie had been two years in the mill, although the law of the com monwealth said she could not be em ployed there under fourteen years ot age. A convenient lie has been told the mill owners did not ask embar rassing questions, and so two years were gained by her parents ia her years of toil. She had never been a robust child, but the t wo years of con finement had depleted her still further, and to-day she hardly felt able to stand on her feet at alL She feared that she should drop down in a faint as she had done once or twice, and as girls did every day in some part of the milL But she exerted all her will to over come her weakness, and struggled on In tha meantime, her mother, nnglnct iog the few household duties she usually performed, sat gossiping with a slip-shod neighbor in the alley around the corner. Her two boys had been sent to another factory for the day even before ltuby was started. To see that they wore on time and to. cook some easy, unappe tizing dish for their dinner was her day's work. Once in a while 6he washed out a few shabby garments. Still more rarely she scrubbed out the family room. But for the duties of a housekeeper she had no taste, and of the real requirements of a healthful family life she had no knowledge. She had been a mill girl herself all her early years and like tho most of her class had been spoiled for domestic life. She had worked in the mills even after her marriage until the cheaper fashion of child labor had come in, and she could get no employ ment there. Now she idled away her days in that shiftless fashion com mon to women of her class, saw no harm in allowing her ch to be sent to the mills as soon ad the mills would take them. While she sat on the neighbor's doorstep, John Laurie, her husband, sat in tho nearest grog-shop playing cards with a group of iu'lors liko him self. Ho was one oT tho vast army of the unemployed. The mill towns are full of them. Tho closeness of com petition causes the mill owners to seek the cheapest form of labor, and ia this way tho mills are filled with children, whilo their parents spend their time in idleness. We have in this country now a million wage-earning children and a million adults un employed. This frightful reversal of the social order is seen at its worst in the large manufacturing cities. Wearily went the hours at, the milL The listless faces of tho littlo girls grow haggard. All of them were ill fed at home, some went hungry. Shift less mothers neglected to get meals ready on time, and some came to their work in the morning with nothing better than a crust of bread to sup port them through a long forenoon. The best cared for were far from healthy: tho worst were pitiful to be hold. In some homes thero was rough plenty, even wasted. Whore the mother was efficient thoro was some comfort. Where tho father was in temperate there was horriblo extremi ty. Where the mother was intemper ate, there was the desolation of death. All kinds were represented here. The heartless cupidity of tho corporation, the sordid minds of some parents and the helpless improvidence of others, had brought about a state of things wherein nature was reversed, where tho child toiled that tho parent might be idle; where the mature strength of men and women was sapped by idle ness, while tho immature bodies of children wero dwarfed and destroyed by excessive toil There can be but one result of such a social order, and that disaster. To believe tho disas ter already como you had only to visit the great Morton mill on tho day of which I writo and take note of tho little army of children held there in such cruel captivity. At six o'clock they camo pouring out of the factories by the hundred. Boys and girls, none over fifteen years of age. Many of them but ten. Tho all-benevolent law said boys should not work until twelve, but parents and j bosses conspired to make the law a I dead letter. Indeed, most of tho laws upon this subject are carefully framed to be avoided. From a storv of mill life, by Hattie Tyng Griswold, ia the Union SignaL .or eta a. A forty-one acre farm. All first bot tom laad, in a high state of cultivation. Good bouse and barn. Plenty of wood and water. A bearing orchard, etc. The arm net adjacent to the Tillage of fusion. Enquire of M. F. Reynolds, 6ift! M. P. f 1 C". Wr'ts u for price delivered at your U4t f 4M Notice to Coal Consmers. I have been able to complete arrang meats whereby we are better ab.e than we have been heretofore to make satisfactory prices on all grades of Canon City aud Trinidad coal, as well as the best grades of Northern Colo rado coal, over any line ef road run ning out of Denver or Pueblo. Their capacity is sufficient to guarantee prompt sbipmont. I will keep pur chasers posted on prices upon applica tisn. The lowest possible wholesale rates are obtained. Cash must accom pany all orders. J. W. Haktlet, State Agt, Lincoln, Neb. IF YOU MEAN BUSINESS. and intend that our People" movement shall triumph, you should rally to the supporter THE LABOR WAVE, owned, edited ftud pu'uil.lieJ by the Assembly of Nebraska Knighta of Labor, in tho place of all places wht're the truth, plainly and fear lessly sputiea will accomplish the most good, Omaha. B-jbscribe now and put this paper oa a sound financial basis. Address all com mHnicfttiois to Anson H. liiom-nw, State Secretary. 11 D"uglas St. Omaha, Neb. USE HOWARD'S BALSAM. 9 a For all AtMons of the TH ail Lung s Such as colds, coughs, croup, asthma, in fluenza, hoarseness, bronchitis and incip ient consumption, and for the relief of con sumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. If yourdrnfrgist does not handle, send direct to W. 15. Howard 12th and N streets Lincoln, Nebraska. lti FOR BALE BY ALL DKtfG GISTS. Parr Painting Company 1515 O Street. House painting and paper hanging. Signs a specialty. Call and get our fig ures on work. Will trade work for horse and wagon. tf Tlie Original Calamity Howler. Tho very first calamity howl ever aised in Kansas was by tho Topeka Capital when it howled long and loud about tho farmers of Kansas contem plated the repudiation of their honest dobts; when it bawled and croaked about tho financial credit of Kansas being injured because the Alliance last fall triumphed over a gang of pot house politicians and elected ma jority of the legislature; because tho machine upon which it depends for patronage got a pair of beautiful black eyes. And this calamity howl, first start ed and kept up by the Capital alarm ed eastern holders of Kansas securi ties and started all the commotion which has agitated financial circles in reference to Kansas for tho past ten months. Tho Capital for political effect, started this howl and kept it up, and did it conscious that it was misrepresenting the facta that it was manufacturing lies out of wholo cloth, and that it was perpetuating a great injustice upon tho best class of citi zens Kansas has. And yet this journ alistic Uriah Heep, this wall-eyed partisan hypocrite, now has the gall to accuse its superiors of being calamity howlers. However, it makes no sort of differ ence one way or tho other what tha Capital says or does; its influence, political or otherwise, is about as po tent in shaping public opinion and di recting public affairs as is the bnyir of a frightened whiffet in determining the course of the full-orbed moon. Atchison Chamnion. Why Kot f Why do not the honest dollar howl ers import some Mexican silver dol lars that contain, by their standard, six per cent more silver than the dol lar is worth, so that they can handle a piece of metal that comes up to their standard? They can procure them, and have their wants fully satisfied. But that is not the point they are driving at They do not want the- sil ver dollar at all; because free coinage would rob them of the' power to con trol the volume of the currency as. fully and thoroughly as at present. That is the point They can regulito the price cf silver and make tha quan tity of silver worth less than a dollar so long as the government shall not interfere; but when Uncle Sam puts his fiat of "one dollar" on it, their game ia at an end. Alliance Herald. COUGH