The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, November 05, 1891, Image 1

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iA fCy (V v
NO. 21.
!xpibatiok.: As easiest and cheapest
means of notiHlnr t-.rlberB ot the data
of tbeir explrak' , wjii mark thte notice
wiib ablue or . iun the dme at which
tbeir micrih. -aies. We will fend the
paper two vrKwxplration. Knotty
Dewed by that kue tl will be discontinued.
Don't Stop at the Station Despair
We must trust the conductor, moat surely;
Way millions of millions beroie
Have made thli lame journey securely
And como to that ultimate more.
Ar.d we, we will retch It In season;
And ah. what a welcome Is there I
Eefloet then, how out ol all reason
To stop at the itaOon Despair, .
Ay. midnight and many a potion
Of little black water have we,
Ai we Journey from ocean to ocean
From tea unto ultimate sea
To that deep sea of seaa, and all silence
01 passion, concern and of care
Thai vast scaot Edtn-tet island !
Don't stop at the station Depair!
Go forward, whatever may follow,
Go forward, friend-led, or alene;
Ah me, to leap oft In some hollow
Or fen. In the night and unknown
Leap off like a thief; try to hide you
Frcm aogels, all waiting; you tHerel
Go forward I whatever betide you
Don't slop at that station Despair!
Joaquin Miller in the IndependeuU
Higgins & Tucker's elevator as Ashton
was destroyed by fire.
Charles F. Hammond of Lincoln was
convicted of outraging his 13-year-old
daughter and sentenced to life imprison
ment. , It is estimated that 1,800 bushels of ap"
pies were grown within the city limits of
Edgar this year, and the quality Is the
very best.
The Alma Tribune newspaper office was
entirely destroyed by Are. James Piper
was seriously burned in helping put out
the flames.
The elevators et Wallace are taking in
8,500 bushels of wheat dally, and yet the
farmers say that thrashing is only fairly
commenced. -
A. A. Richardson, architect of Lincoln,
has sued the city of Lexington forfJu2,his
price for drawing plans and specifications
for city water works.
The Nebraska Manufacturing company
reports orders for cob pipes lAx weeks
ahead, although they are now turning out
pipes at the rate of 6,000 daily. -
Hog cholera is prevalent in Lancaster
county. Mr. Alfred Peterson has lost
over fifty head of fine shoats. The disease
will probably exterminate his entire hog
The patients of the Keeley Institute at
Blair gave a literary entertainment. The
proceeds will be used to create a fund to
aid Impecunious inebriates in taking the
' Blood poisoning caused by wound on
the hand from a piece of galvanized wire,
resulted in the death of Ezra White, a
well known business man of Crete. He
was 72 years of age.
Charles Golley, a saloonkeeper of Hart
well, has finished eleven months imprison
' ments for selling liquor without a license.
When the town went "dry" he refused to
discontinue the business.
Domestic trouble in a couple of families
at Salem terminated in the shooting ot
Thomas C. Brinegar by James Hurley.
The shot entered the fleshy part of the leg.
The injury is nptof a severe nature,
Patrick Egan.minister to Chili,appealed
to the supreme court of Nobraska the ac
tion of the district court of Lancaster
county in giving judgment against him for
t595."l) in favor of Bishop Bonacum in his
suit to compel Egan to pay 1500 subscribed
by him to the St. Theresa Catholic church.
Jack Davis of Omaha and Abe Nixon of
Butte, Mont., met on the turf on Cut Off
Island near Omaha with bare knuckles to a
finish. Five fierce rounds were fought,
Davis having the best of the fight all the
way through and knocking Nixon out in
the last round. About $500 was secured
by the winner.
The fruit evaporator at Brock, Nemeha
county, has shipped about 20,000 pounds
of evaporated apples, 7,B00poundsto Oma
ha, 7,500 pounds to Denver, besides some
small shipments. It has now on hand
about 12,000 pounds of white stock, and
40,000 pounds of peelings and cores for
sale; they have more apples than they can
Frank K. Keesher, a Union Pacific pas
senger conductor appeared in justice court
at Schuyler and pleaded not guilty to the
charge of assaulting Joseph Shulz and
James Gadson while on his train Oct. 22,
os claimed by them, for refusing to pro
duce tickets or pay fare while en route
from Fremont. Shulz is a heavy cattlo
dealer and Gadson a private banker of
Contractor W. C. Smith, who has the
contract for building the two new $7,500
school houses at Beat rice, has thrown up
his job and to all intents and purposes
left the city. The buildings were to have
have been completed by Nov. 25, but there
is no prospect of their being done before
Jan. 1, if then. Tie school board will
complete the work and look to Smith's
bondsmen for recourse.
The twine storehouse of the Fremont
Hemp and Twine company, containing
twine manufactured and ready for use
was burned. There was about 240,000
pounds of twino stored in the
building, and the loss will be total, ag
gregating about $21,000 for twine and
$500 for the building. The propert y was
fully insured, as well as the building, so
that the loss to the Fremont company,
will be light. .
Near Havelock, trackmen on the Bur
lington and Missouri found ten spikes
driven in the ties inside the rails in such a
manner that the spikes were on a level
with the rails and would have thrown a
train into the ditch. They were removed
just before the morning passenger train
passed, and John Andres, a lad of 14, who
Iwlonged to an emigrant outfit that had
passed the night near theplace.was arrest
ed for the crime. He was taken to Lin
coln, and owing to his extreme youthful
ness and ignorance was allowed to go free
with a reprimand.
The business men of Columbus met for
the purpose of taking some action toward
securing a reduction in freight rates.
After a few speeches on the subject were
made, a committee was appointed to con
fer with officials of the Vnion Pacific and
Burlington and Missouri River railroad
in regard to a reduction of rates on
grain and merchandise. In case these of
ficials give no satisfaction the committee
was authorized to appeal to the state
board of railroad commissioners that their
wishes might be granted.
Three of Our Vessels Bonnd for South
Atlantic Waters.
rnder Order for Long Cruises, but on
ltor.Us Which Will Not Take Them
Out or Beach or Cable Com
anuuteatiou. New Yoek, Nov. 8. Tha corvette
Kearsage, under command of Captain
Horace Elmer, left her anchorage in the
East river for the West Indies. She is
bouud first for St. Thomas. Just where
she will sail then depends upon circum
stances. She is attached to the South
Atlantic squadron. Admiral Gherardi's
flagship, the Philadelphia, also 6tarted
for St. Thomas. The Philadelphia, it is
expected, will reach there as soon as the
Kearsage, and Captain Elmer will then
report to Admiral Gherardi. If the
Philadelphia be too late, Captain Elmer
will rejiort by eiible to the navy depart
ment. ' The Bitty ought to reach St.
Thomas next Sunday. Developments in
the Chili quarrel may lead to one or both
the vessels being ordered to Valparaiso.
If this be not necessary and if uo other
complications arise it is quite likely that
the Kearsage will follow the sailing
orders issued some weeks ago. These
are to cruise among the West Indies and
call at points touched by Columbus.
A naval officer, whose rank entitles
him to the confidence of Commandant
Ei-ben of the navy yard, said: "These
warships are not being ordered to Cliili
simply to scare somebody. It cost more
than $15,000 to fit out a ship for a voy
age of 14,000 miles, and they are not be
ing sent away merely to keep them mov
ing. Diplomacy forbids that a govern
ment should show its hand too strongly.
We Jiave seen the Petrel sailing from
cue navy yard ostensibly from China,
but there is cable communication to St.
Thomas, and to Gibraltar, at both of
which places she will touch. The Kear
sarge sailed for the West Indies, where
she also can be reached by cable, and or
dered to continue on to Valparaiso. The
Philadelphia sailed for St, Thomas.
Keep your eye on the navy department's
orders to these vessels within the next
two weeks, and see if some of them are
not ordered to follow the Yorktown and
Boston to Valparaiso, to say nothing of
the Chicago, Atlanta, Concord, Mainto
noiuali. and Bennington, still at the
Brooklyn yard. After election is over,
we may hear some interesting Chilian
news from Washington."
Admiral Brown's Orders.
, Washington, Nov. 3. Secretary Tracy
has niadeipublic,,the instructions sent
last spring to Admiral Brown, command
in? the Pacific squadron at the beginning
of, the Chilian disturbance. "These in
structions," Secretary Tracy said, "have
been rigorously adhered to throughout.
In no single instance have they been de
parted from. They prove conclusively
that the charges of partiality made by
the English newspapers are untruths,
and that they have been invented in
order to prejudice the Chilians against
the United States for commercial pur
poses." Montt Offered the Presidency.
London, Nov. 3. A dispatch to The
Times from Valparaiso says the presi
dency has been offered to Jorge Montt,
and that congress will re-open Nov, 18.
All political prisoners have been re
leased. The excitement is fast dying out
r.nd it is lie! ieved that the government
is new willing to settle all claims made
by the foreigners who have been in
jured. What Secretary Tracy Snys,
Washington, Nov. 3. General Tracy
said: "There is nothing new or alarming
in the Chilian business. Everything
will, I think, be satisfactorily settled.
This is the general impression in this
city. Our government, however, will
be as conciliatory as possible in conduct
ing the negotiations with the South
American republic."
Egan Is All Right.
Washington, Nov. 3. It is authorl-
tjvcly stated that no complaint has been
received by the state authorities from the
Chilian government of the conduct of
Kgnn. and his recall has not been con
sidsml by the president or the secretary
if state.
Reversed the Decision.
Chicago, Nov. 3. On April last Spoon
si' Howell, a big lumber merchant of
this city, with branches at Omaha and
elsewhere, turned over his property to
the First National bank of this city to
which he was indebted to the amount
if $200,000. Later the North Wis
consin Lumber company brought
suit for $."0.!64, claiming that the
transaction withthe First National bank
was collusive and to the detriment of
outside creditors. Judge Brown, before
whom the case was tried, decided in
favor of the Wisconsin company. The
case was taken to the appellate court,
which reversed that decision. The de
cision is a set-back for creditors of the
First National bank.
Business Blocks Burned.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 3. Fire destroyed
the buildings on Cotton avenue occupied
by Carpet & Co., boots and shoes; Dady
& Co., dry goods, and T. W. White,
hardware. Other buildings and stocks
were damaged by fire and water. Loss,
$100,000; insurance, $80,000.
Mown Over a Cliff.
Denver, Nov. 3. While blasting rock
at Morrison, a suburb of Denver, Lee
Scuulau, aged 27, accidentally exploded
eight pounds of giant powder. He was
blown over a cliff ninety feet and parts
of his body were found 300 feet distant
from where the accident occurred.
Georgia Murderer Lynched.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 3. Larkin Nix of
Thomas county, who had murdered the
father of the girl he had ruined, for
which he was under indictment, was
taken from jail at Meiggs and lynched.
All parties were white.
Farmers of the Northwest
liar tha i
Craln in Stack.
St. Pacl, Minn., Nov. 3. The Great
Northern railway company issued a
fpeciul bulletin announcing that there
was no further need for threshing outfits
in northern Minnesota and North Da
kota. Farmers with large crops in shock
have taken advantage of the favorablo
weather to stack tho grain. It Is now
comparatively safe and can be threshed
any time during the winter. A. C Lor
ing, general manager of one of the big
Minnesota mills, said: "Of the 500 cars
of wheat rocived in Minneapolis daily
50 per cent contained damaged wheat
from North Dakota. There has been
just about enough sound wheat received
in iuinneanous to supply me
mills and
the rejected wheat has made tip almost
the entire built or tne gram snippea via
Duluth and other points to the eastern
market. There has been a strong demand
for this wheat from the east.
Ban Francisco' Uid.
San Francisco. Nov. 8.-Mayor
derson has called a meeting of proud,
nonf TvVHtir.i'ono n tuVa Bolw tn KWlim
one or both of the national conventions
The railroads promise to make a round
trip fare of $50 from all point3 east if
Sun Francisco is successful
The Australian Ballot Proving Satlsfac
. tory, but a little Difficulty Re
ported at Some riaces.
Des Moines, Nov. 3. Interest in the
state election is at a white heat. The
registration in some precincts in this
citv has been so lartre that it is almost
impossible to poll the vote before closing
at i o ciock. uemocrats taut or gerang
out a writ of injunction to restrain the
election board from closing the polls
earlier than the latest hour named in the
statue, which is 9 o'clock. Advices
from leading cities show the existence of
the same feeling that is here. Demo
cratic leaders claim they hold the high
water mark of two years ago in the
river counties and they will make ma
terial gains in the interior. Members
of the Republican central committee are
equally sanguine and say there is no
doubt of Wheeler's election. They say
the Republicans will gain in tho strong
anti-prohibition counties.
At Mew York.
NewYobk, Nov. 3. The weather is
perfect and voting was done more rap
idly thr.n last year, as the new ballot law
.. .
is better understood. - The election in- continuance oi uiai, rate, ami soon uxwr
spoctors state that the vote up to noon wards bought two entire sections of land
has fallen unmercifully far behind what from the defendant and commenced his
had been up to that time at other elec- , farming operations; that in the
tions. year 1888 . he raised a crop of
Fifty persons were arrested for at- barley on the land with a view to mar
tempted illegal voting and taken befora keting the same in Chicago, but when
Commissioner Davenport. IntheEigh- he offered to Bhip the same he found
teenth precinct, out of 326 registered that defendant had m September pre
voters, 200 had voted by 2:30 p. m. ' vious advanced the rates from 40 to 50
A gang - from - Fiftynsixth street cents per 100 pounds to St. Paul; that at
descended on the Republican
booth in the Nineteenth assembly dis
trict and lugged off and wrecked the
box. They proceeded to the Thirteenth
election district snd stole the Republican
box. Republican workers are bitter
against the police for not protecting
At Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Nov. 3. The weather was
cold and cloudy. It was apparent that
the heaviest vote ever cast in the conn-,
try would have been recorded if the old
Bystem of ballot was in vogue. Many
working men who were at the polls could
not vote without loosing half a day and
dropped out. There is intense interest in
the election, but the votes fall short
nianv hundred from the registration list
in this county owing to the process of
At Omaha.
Omaha, Nov. 3. The state, county
and city elections aro passing off quietly,
although trouble may occur liecause of
the religious feeling. The anti-Catholics
are allied with the Republicans. The
Democrats endorsed Edgerton, Independ
ent candidate, for supreme judge, and
l,ia oliwHm-i ig almrwt. ndrtiiin TVia ritv
vote is very close, but the Republicans
have a strong majority against them to
At C-hleago.
Chicago, Nov. 3. Election day in
this city, which is for county officers only,
introduced the Australian sj-stein of
vrvtiTifT fVtTiKiflpriTiff flip f:ift tlijit. it wfia
tho fii-Hf trial tliPinoth! nrnvpd all thiit
was claimed for it. There was an utter
absenc of scandalous character.
At Columbus.
Coixsrers, O., Nov. 3. Up to 10 a. m.
an unusually large vote was polled. In
most cases more than half of the enti a
registered vote was cast at that hour.
The new law is working satisfactory.
A IIiiKhand's Revenge
Peekpkill, N. Y., Nov. 3. Charles
Blisch, proprietor of the Eagle hotel, in
this city was shot and almost instantly
killed by Betts of Brooklyn. Betts gave
himselt up.
It appears that Blischknew
Betts in Brooklyn. As the story goes
more than a year ago Betts transferred
$100,000 to his wife. He says that Blisch
alienated his wife's affections and she
left him taking with her his children.
It is surmised that part of the $100,000
which Betts transferred to his wife was
given to Blisch and used in purchasing
the Eagle hotel. Blisch bought the ho
tel alKut ten months ago.
Terrlhle Fight ut a I'nlitlral Meeting.
Boone, la., Nov. 3. At a political
meeting in Grant, one of the outlying
townships of Boone county, about twenty
miles from this city, vesterday, the
Swedish Democrats were holding a polit
ical meeting, which was disturbed by a
lot of roughs who came for that purpose.
The Swedes attempted to eject the in
truders, when a free fight ensued and
knives were drawn. Several persons
were stablied, Charles White fatally.
Fifteen of the thugs were arrested. '
Shot, on Arronnt of Politics.
Xenia, O., Nov. 3. J. C. Meyers' an
ex-convict, shot L. C. Cline. The wound
is supposed to be fatal. Meyers is a
Democrat and it is stated was abusing
Republicans along the street when Cline
took the matter up and
followed Mevers
own an alley for a tew feet when the
I it was fired. Meyers escaped.
I ;
lleotin" of the Trutik Line l'resideuls
to Consider tho Kate Situation.
Important Derision by tho Interstate
Commerce Commission Regarding
the Right of Railroads to Ad
vance Rate.
Chicago, Nov. 3. The eastern lines
are taking courage as the close of lake
navigation approaches. A meeting of
trunk line presidents will be held in New
Yoik next Thursday to consider the rate
.... ... . . .
situation with a vow to fixing up a
. schedule for the winter months, aud it
is understood that special attention will
, ,, , L. . .
Sa-'ven u the charges that certain
roa are secretly manipulating rates on
eUbtljOUIld bUSUlOSS. I
An important question to be considered
at the meeting of the Western Passenger
association is the establishment of a rate
( bureau in connection with the nssocia
' tion. The committee having the matter
Uncharge strongly recomhiouds thees
' tublisliinent of such a bureau.
I General Passenger Agent Pond, of tho
i Wisconsin Central, has applied for au
thority to quote short line rates from
Duluth to southern points via Ashland.
Objection is made by the Omaha line,
which holds that the Wisconsin Central
should make rates on the basis of the
Kansas City rate. Chairman Finley has
referred the matter to the Northwestern
committee for settlement.
Did Not Discriminate.
Chicago, Nov. 3. The interstate com
merce commission has just promulgated
an important opinion in the case of
Daniel Buchanan againt the Northern
Pacific Railroad company, the latter le
ing charged with making excessive rates
on wheat and barley. Tiie complainant
claimed that in the month of June, 1883,
he came from Wisconsin and looked over
the situation in the vicinity of the
place where he ultimately located with
a view to investing in farm lands,
and having ascertained that the freight
rate on grain from Ritzville to Duluth
and St. Paul was 40 cents per 100 pounds,
and that as this rate was established and
maintained in the complete absence of
competition, and in the presence of little
, business, he bases his calculations on the
. . O i t. i i'i
the same time the rSia on wheat had
been advanced to 45 cents; that at the
time of bringing the complaint the rato
on barley was 50 cents ana on wheat 50
cents; that these advanced rates were un
just, unequal, unreasonable, and oppres
sive, and absorbed all the profits he ex
pected to derive from investing in the
The commission decides that the de
fendant was justified in changing its
rates and that it is a just and reasonable
We Are a Riding People
New York, Nov. 8. The Street Rail
way News of this city, in its issue of this
week will call the attention to the re
markable increase in urban rapid transit
facilities as shown by the annual ad
dress of President Watson at the recent
convention at Pittsburg of the Ameri
can Street Railway association. These
figurs show that in 1889 only 470 cities
in the United States possessed rapid
transit facilities. Now there is not a
city with a population of 10,000 or over
without its street railroad.
Nunspiipers' Rights.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 3. In the
case of Elizabeth K. Sherwood vs. the
; Chicago and West Michigan railroad
j company a decision has been handed
down by the supreme court of Michigan.
The newspapers published the tact that
a verdict for $13,000 had lw?en given in
tho first trial of the case while the second
trial was in progress, and the counsel
for the defense moved to have the pub
lishers committed for contempt. Tiie
court denied the motion and the second
I triil1 t'nled ul a verdict for the plaintiff
for $15,000. The supreme court in its
decision affirming the verdict of tho
lower court holds that the newspapers
have a right to publish verdicts and
judgments rendered in courts, and de
clares that no matter how prejudicial it
' may be to publish them at the time of trial
no violation or tno law is committed in
ao doing. The decision further states
that that the reading of such informa
tion by jurors does not render them incompetent.-
Relllcose ltrothers-ln-Law.
Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 8. A street
; eht between brothers-in-law resulted in
the wounding of four men. The streets
were filled with people when Ambrose
Polvgroves and Jerry Williams met.
Williams married the former's sister and
the two men have not been on the best
of terms, owing to Polvgroves' treatment
of his sister. When the men rrt Poly
groves said: "Don't look at ine," pulled
a pistol and Ix'gan firing. Williams was
shot in three places and will probably
tiie. William Larkin, a bystander, was
also shot in the shoulder. Two other by
standers were slightly injured. Poly
groves was arrested, but will bo released
on bond. Ho was once depnty sheriff of
the comity.
A Terrible Crime at Honlder, Colo.
Boulder, Nov. 2. Boulder is all ex
citement over a terrible crime. George
i Weideiholdt took Dora Anderson, a
pretty Swede girl, for a walk, and, it is
I alleged, forced her to take poison against
' U Ill 4J1. ... 1.. J..l 1.... K
iu-i nut, om? taruiiKiv uojtrt it?i, uilt lie
held her and forced her to drink a large
vial of laudanum. The unfortunate girl
:lied at 9 a. m. Wtiderholdt was ar
rested. The Weather.
Washington, Nov. 8. For Iowa and
Nebraska: Wanner; southerly winds
I nd fair weather; continued warm with
increasing cloudiness and probably rait
I Wednesday evening.
It Will Be Taken to Chicago and Exhib
ited at tho World's Fair.
M and an, N. D., Nov. 3. Persons liv
ing here have just secured possession of
the cabin in which Sitting Bull spent the
last years of his life, and in which he
was killed List winter. It is their inten
tion to take it to the world's fair and ex
hibit it. World's Fair Commissioner P.
B. Wickhain of this county Bays that the
men who have the cabin paid for it
f 1,000, a 2-year-old steer and two silk
dress patterns. "I happen to know," con
tinued Mr. Wickha"', "that Chicago peo
ple have just offered fVHK) in cash to the
present owr.urs of the cabin." Necessary
Jeavo to rumove the cabin was secured of
the proper authorities at WasuiiiKUn,
ami it is now on wagons and is being
hauled to Mandan. It will be set up in
Maudan in the exact condition it was
when taken from Sitting Bull's lato
camp, and it will remain here uutil it is
removed to Clueago.
Recupltulallnn ut lh Public Debt Stato-mont-Iin:ra
In tli Nutlou'a
Washington. Nov. 3. Th montlhy
debt statement issued shows an increase
in tl o aggregate of the debt during last
month a mounting o $1,200,521. There a reduction of $1,027,527 in tho non
inteiiist bearing debt; an increase of
$2,000 in the inlerfst licaiing debt, and a
diK'Teaso of $r,!!lU.0i8 in the surplus cash
in the treasury. The total of interest
and non-interest Iwnring debt
less $39,071,020 net cash balance or sur
plus, ar d the $100,000,000 gold reserve, is
$SH),n;i3,0,riO. Of this amount fiWi.lttO,.
?20 is interest bearing debt made up of
$.-2!),(ifi2,220 4 per rent, and $ri,;tlit,500
4 Js continued at. 2 per cent. The cash in
the treasury ngrgegatos $7H,n::),2."H
made up of $203, 773,74 1 in gold coin and
bullion, $110,1141,1107 in silver coin and
bullion. $-13,703,708 in pniiei money,
and $20,874,702 deiiosited in na
tional banks. Against this aggregate
amount there are liabilities to meet gold
ami silver certificates in circulation, ag
gregating $.MM),370,4IQ and current lia
bilities amounting to $10,478,028. The
gold coin and bullion fund in the treas
ury aggregates $203,771,74 1, an increase
of about '$19,000,000 during the last
month: and the silver fund amounts to
$410,110,007, or about $1,(HH),(MM) more
than a month ago. Government receipts
from all sources during the month of
October aggregated $28,500,552, against
$40,215,81)0 in October, 1800.
Bonds Declared Worthless.
St. Louis, Nov. 3. Judgo Thayer
handed down an important decision in
the case of the Farmers' Loan and Trust
Company of New York vs. the Forest
Park and Central Railroad company and
the St. Louis, Colorado and Kansas City
railroad, in which he declares an issue ef
$700,000 worth of bonds, $200,000 of
which were hold by the plaintiff, to be
void. The Forest Park and Central
railroad and the St. Louis and Kansas
City railway are the same, the Forest
Park road having been purchased by the
company, which is now a part of the At
chison, Topeka and Santa Fe system.
In 1882 the directors of the Forest Park
and Central railway decided to increase
their capital stock to $1,000,000, and to
issue bonds to the amount of $700,000.
The bonds were issued and $200,000
worth of them sold. Judge Thayer, in
his opinion, states that the law had not
been complied with in vital respects.
The court dismissed the bill asking for a
foreclosure of the mortgage.
Governor Buchanan Thoroughly Aroused
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 8. Gov
ernor Buchanan passed through this city
en route from Nashvflle for Kr.oxvillo.
whither he has gone to consult with At
torney General Pickle. The governor
had heard the news of the release of 200
! more prisoners at Oliver Springs. Ho
said lie had not exhausted au tne
resources at his command and was de
termined to break up the lawlessness and
bring the ringleaders to justice. He
had done all in his power by personal
influence before the legislature to se
cure relief for the miners, but while
he sympathized with them, he could not
uphold lawlessness. He will issue an
additional proclamation, offering a re
ward for the capture of the leaders of
the new mob.
Wants the Law Changed.
Washington, Nov. 3. Second Auditor
Patterson, in his annual report to the
secretary of the treasury, suggests that
: section 277 of the revised statues be so
modified as to authorize the second
auditor to disallow claims for ar
, rears to pay a bounty in cases where the
; muster aiiil pay rolls or other rec
ords of his office show that tho soldier or
heirs have received all they aro entitled
to under the law; provided that if tiie
claimants are dissatisfiod, they, within
six months, appeal to tho second comp
troller, otherwise the auditor's action
shall lie deemed final and conclusive, and
be subject to a revision only by congress
or the proper courts.
Defaulter Morton Arraigned.
Evansvim.e, Ind., Nov. 3. John J.
I Morton, the defaulting Building associa
tion secretary, charged with eml)ezzling
$3,000 belonging to the People's Build
ing and Loan association, was arraigned
in court. Morton entered a plea of not
guilty, waived examination and was held
in $1,000 bail. Morton admits that his
shortage will be $7,200, $3,000 in each of
the associations of which he was secre
tary. Tho officers of the concerns, how
ever, believe that the amount will over
run that figure and approximate $12,000.
Trovldence Printers Strike.
Providence, R. I., Nov. 3. With the
exception of one man all the members of
the Providence Typographical union,
No. 33, employed by The Evening Tele
gram left tl.eir work. The cause is at
tributed tc partially shown towards
members of the Printers' Protective Fra-
' ternity, which is not recognized by any
i labor organization.
American Library Association.
Chicago, Nov. 3. The American Li
brary association at a meeting here
elected the following officers: President,
K. A. Lindervelt; secretary, C. F. Hills;
traveling secretary, Fredliild; treasurer,
Homer J. Carr. Chicago was selected as
the place for holding the convention of
the association in 1803.
One hundred pieces of Fall
and Winter weight Dress
Goods will be slaughtered.
No samples sent out this
week. Send in your order
mentioning the color wanted
Fifty pieces Fancy
Plaid and Striped
Dress Flannels, E n
elish Serges. Henri
ettas, Scotch Boucle lot a Piece in tb
cloth and Cheviots. Lot worth less than
All at one price. from 50 to 7Scts.
LOT N 2.
Fifty pieces best 46
English Whip-cords,
the newBedford cords,
54 in. Scotch Flannels
All to be run this
atone price.
1141 AND 1143 aST, LlflCOLIiaiEBIin.
Three Missionaries and Some Traders
Killed by Natives.
It Comes I'p In Civil Action In til.
Court of Appeals Condemning Our
rork Tim Ilealy Horsewhipped.
In Damascus.
San Fkanosco, Nov. 8. Sydney ad-
; vises state that the English ship Lord of
the Isles arrived there with important
news from the South seas. Reports
reached New Britain before the Lord of
the Isles sailed for Sydney that three
missionaries in German New Guinea had
been murdered by natives.
Another white trader has been mur
dered by blacks on the north coast of
New Ireland. The man's name is given
as Alexander Gnnderson; he was in
charge of stores. The natives made 8
raid on the place, killed Gunderson and
set fire to the building.
Two of the crew of the schooner Glide
were murdered by natives at New Han
over. Whilo trading at New Hanover a
Imat was sent ashore, but was seized by
the natives and run on a reef. AH goods
in the boat were looted and two of the
crew, both Solomon Islanders, were
Tim Ilealy Horsewhipped.
T)mux, Nov. 3. Timothy Heoly, Mc
Carthyite member of the house of com
mons for the northern division of county
Longford, has been publicly horse
whipped in the streets of Dublin by Mo-
I Dermitt.
McDermott, who is a solicitor, espied
Healey walking through tho Four
Courts. Without delay McDermott
drew a horsewhip from under his coat
and vigorously belabored him with re
peated blows. Hctdey was knocked clown
and severely thrashed. A fist fight be
tween the men followed before they were
separated. McDermott 6ays he thrashed
Healey on accountof his "assailing Par-
nell s temale relatives.
Hearing Mrs. Maybrirk's Appeal.
London, Nov. 3. In the court of ap
peals tho May brick case was commenced.
The appeal is the result of tho assertion
of high legal authority that a life insu
rance association's refusal to pay Mrs.
Maybrick $1000 insurance on her husb
and's life, on the ground that his death
was caused by her would enable the con
victed woman to bring out in civil action
the facts traversed in the murder trial,
since she could compel the insurance
company to prove that she murdered her
Redmond Wants Another Tote.
Cork, Nov. 3. John E. Redmond says
another canvass of the election will be
; necessary, as the priests have in many
instances terrorized the electors into
I breaking promises to vote the Parnellite
1 ticket. Redmond has authorized O'Brien
ill these Goods
week iaT8 mA CttU"
$1.00 to $150.
to publish the story of" the Boulogne Btv
gotiations. He says that O'Brien'g
course throughout the, transactions waa
cowardly and dishonorable. ,
Terrible Ravages of Cholera.
Constantinople, Nov. 8. The ravages
of cholera in Damascus show an alarm
ing increase. The record for the week
past shows ISO cases and ninety deaths.
Owing to the prevalence of choler
Hodeida is in nearly as bad a situation
as Damascus, but at Aleppo the plague
has subsided.
A Blow to Our Fork.
Berun, Nov. 8. An official at Doa
seldorf claims to have discovered among
100 sides of American pork, six badly
affected with trichinosis, all tha pork
having been certified as without disease.
. Six Sailors Irowned. ' . .. .
London, Nov. 8. A boat attached to
the battleship Howe, containing a crew
of ten men, capsized at Portland. Four
of the sailors were rescued. The other
six were drowned.
British Army Officer Ends His Life.
New York, Nov. 8. Captain Alger
non Horner, 45 years old, formerly cap
tain in the British army and of late in
the employ, it is said, of the English
secret service, committed suicide in his
room at the Victoria hotel by shootinjp
himself. Captain Homer was well
known about the hotel, where he hast
stopped whenever he has been in New
York during the past five years.
Poisoned by Mutton.
Indianapolis, Nov. 3. Seven mem
bers of the family of James Douglas)
breakfasted yesterday morning on cold
roaot mutton. Three hours later all
were taken violently ill, four being de
lirious, and every one showing symptoms
of violent poisoning. The father and
one son will die, and the lives of the
others hang in the balance. The mens
was purchased from an unknown
. , t
After Losing Nearly Million.
PiTTSBURO, Nov. 3. It is confidentially
expected that at the convention of rail
road miners now in session, the miners'
6trikewill be declared off. The strike
was inaugurated three weeks ago and
has cost the miners about $750,000 in
wages lost, while the operators have suf
fered the loss of the lake trade for the
year, as the season has almost passed. .
Murderer Benson Respited. : I
Leavenworth, Kan., Nov, 3. Charles
Albert Benson, who murdered Mrs.
Therese Mettman on the government res
ervation north of this city on the night of
March 23, 1890, has been respited for
ninety days, by President Harrison. Ben-
Over an Embankment.
Lima, O., Nov. 3. Mrs. Keifer end
Mrs! Johnson were driving, when their
horse took fright and dashed down sv
sixty-foot embankment, killing both
ladies. i
An Independence Event.
Independence, la., Nov. 4. AHie
Wilkes hroke his record of 2:10, making
the mile in 2:181 and the last half in
,17. i