THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NER, THURSDAY, OCT. 22.1891. Haw Vtaa Is Dsf About ono year ago railroad tooks ere very high, when Jay (JouM ani a few others forned a pool to brin thum down. Mr. Gould went to ov ral of the banks and told them that he would Ilka to borrow 173.000,000. The banks informed him that they h4 bo doubt but what he could furnish ample security for the loan, but that they did not bare the money to let him have it He replied that he did not want the money: all that he asked was that when be deposited the security they should see that no other fellow should get the money. They agreed to this, but when the fellow who were carrying railroad securities wanted the loan of money they were informed the money market was so tight that they were not doing any discounting. The plan worked like magic. The fellows who borrow money upon stocks were compelled to throw them on the mar ket in order to realize upon them. The result was that stocks took a tumble and the list of leading securi ties shrunk ovw $150,000,000 in less than thirty days; among them. Union Pacific, which fell so low that Gould was able to buy in enough of the stocks to turn out of the presidency Charles Francia Adams, and put in his personal friend who is in the pool, Sidney Dillon. But this was not all of the transaction; this little trick of Gould and hid friends caused such a stringency in the money market that a howl went op from the bosses of Wall street that reached the treas ury department in Washington, and the secretary was so affected by it that ho at once went to Wall street in person and upon the request of the representatives ot the national banks, he'paid them over 21,000,000 of interest upon their bonds. So as the matter now stands the United States is not compelled to pay one cent of Interest upon their bonded debt until July. 1892; neither is this advanced interest ever figured into tire secretary of the treasury's monthly statement There never has yet been a secretary of the treasury that ever left his oRice to go to the plains of the west to relieve the cry of the distress of the mortgagod farmer of the west National Citizen's Alliance. Need of a Better System. London has 40,000 young seam stresses under 20, who come from the country, live in homes for working girls, and with their utmost efforts can only earn $1.12 a week. The London Daily News has undertaken the hopeless task of benefitting their condition. New York World. America has hundreds of thousands of the same class who, in proportion to the cost of living here, are no bet ter paid. So long as present indus trial and financial systems persist the number of these half-living workers will increase rather than diminish. In the face of this awful disparity be tween work and , wages, between the needs of workirrgwomen and that which our government monopoly cursed society gives them, how foolish and futile appear the child's play Teforms" of increase-the-age-of-con-sent-and-moral-purity people! So long as women are inadequately remuner ated for useful work, so long will the ranks of prostitution be filled to over flowing, even though you make the age of consent thirty years and preach the crucifixion of love until the grave seals your lius. It is time that the truth were unflinchingly told. Under existing economic conditions the childless prostitute contributes infin itely less to the degredation of woman kind than does the wife who reckless ly ushers into life a large number of children. Liberty. Reduced to the Lowest Point. The wages of the male workers are reduced to the lowest point by the avarice of employers, who take the ad vantage of competition of women and child labor and the reserve army of destitute, unemployed men, ever ready to take the place of the dissatisfied workers at any price or risk. The general average of wages given by the best authority, the United States cen sus and the various state reports are as follows; Industrial workers $1.02 pen each day in the year, farmers 82 cents, miners 71 cents. That the declara tion 'that all wealth and power cen ters in the hands of a few" is true is shown in the following table: Table showing the progressive in crease in our national wealth and its division between the producers (work ers) and the non-produoers (rich parasites. ) Workers' Non-producers1 share (parasites) Year per cent, share per cent 1850 $8,000,000,000 62)i 87! 1800 16,000,000,000 43 56ft' 1870 80,000,000,000 S'i 07 1880 48,000,000,000 24 76 1890 61,500,000,000 17 88 ITIore money. Thomas Jefferson was an advocate of a large circulating medium. He advocated a volume of $200,000,000 when the population was less than 8,000,000. At the same ratio to-day we should have a volume of over $1,600,000,000 instead of less than $400,000,000. Now the Alliance and many others demand an increased vol ume of the currency, and we are con stantly met with the argument that it is undemocratic. Jeffeorson was al ways a Democrat and he wanted full legal tender notes, issued by the government, without the intervention of banks, and if the Democratic party of the United States would go back to the old party of Jefferson, Jackson and Calhoun they could sweep the country. But they must divest them selves of the Wall street incubus that holds thera down. The country must have more money and less misery. The question is one of more vital im portance than all else, and the Demo cratic party can not allow it to be sldo tracked by any little side issue. - Exchange, The Sentinel: The people know that tt-ey are paying the Vanderbilts $13,000,000 a year salary; and mill ions of them are quite tickled at the idea, or at least they act as if they were. Such -Tite Barnacle, patri otic families among us, serve as a no bility, and quite reconcile many of our rich to living in America, As fcr the poor, bless you, they seem to feel only envy for those more successful people, but they are willing to do a little starving to keep their ludships and 'ladyships in good trim and fine feather. AUSTRALIAN BALLOT STEVE JONES TELLS NOW TO VOTE IT. A Complete Kiplanation of the Man ner of Condact tag the Election How Su-Te Will Check Hi) Ballot on Flection Day. Lincoln, Neb.. Oct. 12, 1891. To the Independent voters of Lan caster county: The republicans of Nebraska have entered into an agreement to say as little as possible about the Australian ballot, and then a few days before elec tion send out an army of paid work ers to instruct tneir fellows alone. They hope thus to leave the independ ents frustrated while they will be fully equipped and organized. We oust head off this plot by a campaign of ed ucation. I here give you full instruc tions in regard to the manner of vot ing. Take this paper and explain it all to your neighbors. Be sure to ex plain to them that they must make no mark or scratch on the ticket except the cross or X. At a city election the other day, in one ward, out of 97 votes cast 26 were scratched, L e., the re verse of the way they wanted to vote was scratched off and the other left on the ticket and then X made opposite. All these votes were illegal. I have gone to the county clerk and I here give the form of yeur ballot as I shall vote it November 3d. It is a straight independent vote: 1. Persons desiring- to vote must procure their bullou from a member of the election board. 2. They must then, without leaving the poll ing place, pnx-eed to a compartment and pre pare their ballot. 8. The ballots are prepared as follows: Make a crots mark (X) with ink in the right margin of the ballot opposite the name of each person for whom you wiah to vote. Be careful that you do not mark the names of the persona for whom you do not with to vote. Do not make any mark on the ballot, save as above directed, or the ballot will not be counted. 1 f you spoil a ballot return It to a member of the election board and obtain from him a new ballot; take thii to a compartment and mark It properly. 4. Having- marked the ballot, fold It mi at to conceal Hie names and murks on the face and U) expose the names on tho back. 6. Take it to the Judge of the election be fore leaving the enclosure and tee it deposited In the box. a. Immediately leave the railed inclosiire. 7. If you wish to vote for any man whose name does not appear upon the ballot, write or insert his full name in the blank space on the ballot under the proper office you wlh him to bold, and make a cross mark in the proper margin onDosite the same. 8. Do not take any ballot from the polling' place; you thereby forfeit the right to vote. tec. a). (Offenses relating to certificates of nomination and ballots.) No person shall falsely muko, or make oath to. or -fraudulently destroy any certificate of nomination or any part thereof ; or hie, or receive forming any certificate of nomination, knowing the same or any part thereof to be falsely made; or sup press any certificate of nomination which has been duly tiled, or nny part thereof, or forge or falsely make tho olhciul endorsement on any ballot. Every person violuting any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof In any court of competent jurisdiction shall be punished by Imprisonment in the peniten tiary for a period of not less than ono year, nor more than five years. Sec. 27. (Same supplies.) No person shall, during the election, remove or destroy any of the supplies or other conveniences placed In the booths or compartments for the purpose of enabling the voter to prepare his ballot. No person shall, during an election, tear down or deface the cards printed for the Instruction of voters. Every person wilfully violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof In any court of competent Jurisdiction, be fined iu any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol lars. BeC. 28. (Offenses by public officers. ) Every public officer upon whom any duty is imposed by this act. who shall willullvdoor perform any actor thing heroin prohibited, or neglect or omit to perform any duty as imposed upon him by the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit his office, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county Jail for a term of not less than one month nor more than six months, or by u fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than five hundred dollars, or by both such tine and Imprisonment. Sec. 2. (Electioneering Obstructing voting removing and marking ballots, etc ) No officer of election shall do any electioneering on elec tion any. mo person whomsoever simn no any electioneering on election day within any polllneplHee or any building In which an elec tion is being held, or within one hundred feet thereof, nor obstruct the doors or entries thereto, or prevent free ingress to or ogress from said building. Any election officer, sheriff, constable, or other peace officer is hereby authorized and empowered, and It Is hereby made his duty to clear the passage ways and prevent such obstruction, and to arrest any person so doing. No person shall remove any bal ot from the pot ling place before flic closing of the polls. No person shall show his ballot after it le marked to any person in such a way as to reveal the contents thereof, orthe name of the candidate or candidates lor whom he has marked his vote, nor shall any person solicit the elector to show the same: nor shall any person except a Judge of election receive from any electora uai lot prepared tor voting, iso elector snail receive a ballot from any other person than one of the judges of election having charge of the ballots, nor shall any person other than such judges of election deliver a ballot to such elector. No elector shall vote or offer to vote any ballot except such ashe has received from t he Judges of election having charge of the ballot. N'oolectc-r shall place any murk upon his ballot hy which it may afterward bo iileu- t Hied as tnc one voted oy him . fcvery elector who does not vote the bollot delivered to him by the Judge of election having charge of the ballots shall, before leaving the polling place, return such ballot to such judges. Whoever shall violate any of tho provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof in anv court of competent jurisdiction, be fined in any sum not less thmi twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, and adjudged to pay the cost of prosecution. Now, look at the next column and see the ballot with tho manner of my markings on the ticket. Yours for vtctorv Novembers, 1891. S. S. Jones. Labette County Statesman: The owners of bonded whisky owe the gov ernment $10, 000, 000 in taxes and they are asking to have the time of pay ment extended. As a presidential cam paign is coming on tho request will probably be granted, and no penalty charged as the law does not provide for it The farmers and other owners of real estate in Kansas owe tho state quite an amount of back taxes. A re quest to have the time of payment ex tended oould not be granted under the law, but the state will bell its land to gets its money, and allow the owner of the land three years to redeem in and only asks him to pay the holder of the certificate two per cent per month until redeemed. The same po litical party made both laws. The Alliance Monitor: The Alliance comprises a majority of the voters of Alabama. These voters have a right to their opinions, to their policies, to their plans and their purposes. They are simply exercising the right of citi- , cenship in ail they have undertaken i aad all they purposo to accomplish. Ihey have all their material interests and the welfare of their children in volved in tho result It is not only their right, but their duty to do all they are undertaking. They would be recreant to the demands of man hood and every obligation incumbent upon them if they should do less. A majority of thom regard the union of flio West and South as the easiest, best and safest plan to be pursued, and those who claim to be their lead ers should seek that consummation. In this blank trill be th.e words: used only outside the polling place. trill gice you a ballot on white paper in Otis space. c , - - ,, ,, 1 , S Fob JirxiK of the Sltkexk Court. ..Vot ron ONE. Mrs. AdaM. Bittenbender. of Lincoln Prohibition . Jos. V. Kdgerton. of South Omaha People's Independent J ATliTpost, of Columbus Republican ! Fob Rkoekts or State Uniwrsitv Vote koh Two F. A. brogan ' ."Democrat A. d'AIlemande People's Independent j X "fr m. Gornt Prohibition K. A. Hadley People's Independent S. F. llenneker Democrat C. II. Alar pie, Omaha Republican H. P. Shumway, Wakefield Republican Mrs. C. MTWoodward .rrohi6itioa" 1 Fob District Jiduks Vote fob THREE' II. C. Bitten bender .TrohlbTtion O. W. Cromwell, Lincoln People's independent A. W. Field. Lincoln Republican " Chas. L. Hall, Lincoln Republican NVra. Leese. Lincoln , People's Independent C7 MrOsborno, Lincoln . . TTTProhibltion j C. MTParker. Unjoin ..Petition j J. A. Rollins, Lincoln Prohibition A. S. Tibbets, Lincoln People's Indepeudent and Democrat Fob Couktt Treasurer .Vote fob ONE S. W. Burnham, of Lincoln v Republican Obadiah Hull, of Mill TPeopleIndependent and Democrat jX Artemus Roberts, Lincoln Prohibition j Fob Sheriff inTTFrElfeTdrBudaT W. M. F. Ilellmer, Lincoln. K. Hubbard, Lincoln Sam McClay, Lincoln Fob Clerk of the District Court Ellas Baker, Lincoln C. L. Eaton, Lincoln Miss Emma Hedges, Lincoln C, E. Waite, Lincoln For Count Clerk . . , . S. Demaree, Roca. D. N. Johnson, Lincoln John YV. Keenan, Highland. J. D. VVoods, Grant Fob Suit. Public Instruction.': J. S. Baer, Waverly II. S. Bowers, Lincoln. . .People's fc. D. Harris, Lincoln .1 i ... . ,. Fob Count Commissioner It. W. Carver, Oak Democrat Mat Muuel. Little Salt People's Independent X J. II. Wescott, Mai comb Republican For County Juige .Vote for ONK J. L. Mack, Lincoln Prohibition I. W. Lansing, Lincoln ......Republican JH. J. Whitmore, Lincoln Democrat W. S. Wynn, Liucoln People's Independent X F'or Coroner. T. F. Britt, Lincoln J?. D. Crim, Lincoln J. S. Dawson, Lincoln T. E. llosman, Lincoln People's Independent X For StRVF.yoR Vote for ONE. Thomas Doubt, Lincoln Prohibition E. J. Robinson, Lincoln .... People's Independent and Democrat X W. S. Scott, Lincoln Republican Fob Justices of the Peace. .? Vote for THREE J. H. Brown. . . . ; Republican ' A. G. Borgctt TT7. Republican"! P. O. Cassidy ; Democrat C. H. Fox worthy Republican ' J. C. McNerney People's Independent and Democrat X II. C. Palmer . People's Independent X Fred Shepperd People's independent and Democrat j X i For Constables Vote for THREE E. S. Bennett Democrat 1). J. Christopher Democrat X " E. Munger Republican NVm. Livingston People's Independent j" X V. C. Mallory liepubllcan W. S. Randall?! 7.7777." 7 7 . .Democrat" " R. D- Spelts Republican A. J. Warwick People's Independent X For Assessor Second Ward Vote for ONE Frank Kokesch People's Independent and Democrat x Harry Stine Republican" I nate Plata. The famous Washington woman cor respondent who only a little while ago could hardly find words to express her contempt for the ragged paupers who were making so much noise, has re cently been moved to say in one of her letters: It scorns to me that those political optimists who have been hoping that the new party movement would be dissipated into thin air as soon as we had one season of good crops, must begin to doubt their gift of prophecy. Instead of vanishing in the face of tho most abundant harvest that hns been known in this country for manyycars, the farmers' party appear to consider this stroke of good fortune a special mark of the favor their budding revo lution finds in tho eyes of heaven. They have takon fresh courage from it They argue with much logic that if they could accomplish what they did last year in spite of poverty and r'di cule, they can do vastly more this year, wilh money pouring in upon them and the nation at large thor oughly awake to a senso of their power. They are increasing, rather than lessening, their demands. It will not do for politicians or law makers anywhere to ignore tho agita tion of live questions which has begun among the farmers. Even thouga the forms the movement takes at first are crude, their essenco is substantial, and a class of mon who have heretofore lot politics almost alone are coming to feel their own strength. HUtary bits told us what that means; and exped ience warns us that it will be wiser to "Sample A'afoT' on tiuttd paper) On the inside polling place the judges, with the words Official Ballot " hen .Vote for ONE .People's Independent Prohibition Democrat j Republican Votb for ONE .". .People's Independent Democrat I Prohibition Republican . Vote for ONE .People's Independent j Prohibition . Democrat I . Republican , , , , Vwnt fohONE Republican Independent and Democrat jf Prohibition I .. . ...I. ' i i j I Vote fob ONE . Vote fob ONE Democrat Republican Prohibition open a few straight channels for the coming flood than to try to dam it with obstructions which will only increase its force when it finally sweeps them away. The Alliance Bulletin: The effort to divide the Alliance forces upon the sub-treasury scheme is proving a dis mal failure. Tho plan is ono of the soundest.financiul measures ever placed before any people, and tho time is not far distant when this, or some other equally as good plan will be cnactod ! into law. The Oregon Alliance Herald: If the Farmers' Alliance had collapsed half as often as tho newspaper opponent have given out news to that effect it would long ago have been forgotten, but instead of being forgotten it is being remembered in a very lively way, and tho remembrance promises to become even livelier as tho presi dential contest approaches. e Wilton Star: The insinuation that ft hns boen on account of a lack of in dustry, frugality and system that has in the past fifteen years, more than ever before engulfed the farmors in mortgage indebtedness, is wilfully false. And no ono knows it better than many that make tho charge. There is no class of people that works Harder and practices more economy and enjoys less of tho comforts and luxuries of lifo than tho fanner. Mo nopoly, contraction and rascality in high places have done it. "Iwplnllie EidtotitluRoad." People's Party Medal ! Made ef !!d Alnmtnnm. tha ! of a silver dol lar, wrigliiahouliuinwhua twenty lient idem Aluminum Is aironic-r than Iroa and no heavier than wood. Ills mora vmluuMa to hamanlty than (old or dlvrr, Iti el In liulk ! uareaur than copper and Ills hemming chojter front day todav, aa Improved niMluxla at warlna It are drvtaro. The best uraitiral IIIuki ration of tho fallacy of bar ter money. In -Inlrlimk' ilur" l.far irratcr tl-:m that of gold or allvrr, thounu Ibelr market iu it olitHrr. The rrvrrwt milt, of the medal rontatiK lb worda: "Ooamwni.nuireof Hie Founding of th Irol1 Parly Mv r9i li an Kan. 11, atClneianMI. Ohio." It It sold forth purpose of ralalog cam paign fauda for (lie National CoionilUee. JPHIOE BO OENTS, LliMtraldlKount to reform speaker ana organi sations. It Is n ported that many awaken will beabl to pay their way by t ie mile of iliu modal. Let everybody boom Its 4le. In orderiiis; stale whether you want the medal tttached to a pin to lie worn as a badge, or plain, to M carried as a ueeket pteco. Address si orders to Alliascv rra. C v. I.lnw.ln. Neb. Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gardens and and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear River Valley on the Main Lines of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R. near Ccrinne and Ogden, Utah. Splendid location for business and in dustries of all kinds in the well known city of Corinne, situated in the middle ot tlia valley on the Central f acinc It K. Tha lands of tho Hear Kiver valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction ot, the mammoth system of irrigation from the Bear lake and river, just completed by the Bear Kiver Canal Co,, at cost of 8,00',000. The com pany controls 100,000 acres of these line lands and owns many lots and business locations in the city of Corinne, and is now prepared to sell on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, aad irrigating facilities are pronounced unsurpassed by competent judges who dedal the valley to be the Farad iso of tho Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock Raiser. N ice social surroundings, good schools and churches at Corinne City, and Home Markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt Lake, and in the great mining camps. Lands will be shown from the local of fice ot the Company at Corinne. 15tf PfiO SESSIONAL. JJK3. LEE ft BE 0 BUT, SURGEONS AND THYSICIANS, T-8m 315 South 16th Street, OMAHA, i : : I NEBRASKA, y O CHOMWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 7 8m Room 41 Richard's Block General practice. Lincoln, Nebraska. yy L. CTJND1FF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 7 Milling-sly Block. LINCOLN. f i ; t NEBRASKA, 0. A. 8HOEM AKEK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly attended tonts-ht or day. Telephone tui. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. T) "7) w T0U contemplate at- i iMiiauiir m uuiinvii 5fcUftyS?Sl echo.l. It will be t o your ' Interest to enrretDnnd with the Lincoln Businena College. It stands at the head of the list of schools for supplying- tho business men of the coun try it ti cnpanle assistants selected from Its wcll-tia ned students. Its proprietor has ed ucated thousands of ambitious young men and women ana placed them on the hlirhroad tosucrexa. Complete Business. Shorthand. Type writing and Penmanship Courses are taugnt. f or illustrated I ntaiotnie address 1). It. LILLIBKIDGB, Pros . Lincoln, Nebr. ARE SINGING FROM TUB Man ail Labor Mi! The demand for the little book was so very heavy that the publishers have now tomplet- eaa ueautitui MUSIC EDITION Revised and enlarged, In superior style, and furnished in both naoer and board covers. This Is far the largest songster in the market for the price, and the carefully prepared in dex enahles both ward a no music editions to be used together. TheMuslo Edition resem bles in appearance and size Gospel Hymns. More of these books arc In use than any other Labor Songster published. The demand Is simply wonderful). With largly Inoreaaed facilities tor punnsmng, an oraera can bo filled the same day received, whether by the dozen or thousand. Price, single copy, pa ner2ue: hoard. 2.'ki. Doat naid. Per dozen. tzuu ana -.ou pist pais, wnra tuniou, w pages luc alliance ru. jn., 2-tf Lincoln, Neb, COL. JESSE HARPER Says "The Money Monopoly" i for utility, the best book now in print a cy oloptdia almost priceless. HON. D. C. DEAVKR, of Omaha. Neb., writes to The Kabmrrb' Alliancis:" "The Money Monopoly has made many conveits here. I give my word and honor that every man whe reaf.s it has become an Independ ent." The Journal of the Kniahts of Labor savs: "Wo heartily recommend '-The Money Mono poly, as it Is. without exception, the best ex position of labor financial principles we havo scon. Wonderfully clear and forcible." 1 l large pilars. Price 25c : 10 for f 1 .75. A d dress this office or B. U. IMKE.'i, Sidney, la. Tho author will send a sample copy of the book to any Alliance or Assembly at the wholesale price. PEERLESS Orinds from 100 to SOO Jr llushelaperday accor- uing to uneness. inna enr earn, outs, etc., fine emmpti for an; purpose. We warrant the PtKK.Lr.SS to ba Uie nEST and CTIEAPKST MILE ON EARTH I tar" Write us at onoe for prices and agency. There Is money In this mill. Made only by the JOLIET STROWBRIDCE CO., Joliet, III. (Oeneral Western Agents for the CHAMl'IOI WAGON, The Uontea Jt'ritMid.) JENNING'S 8 HOTEL, ALLIANCE MUDQUAtTIXS. Sates 11 sr day. Ipsetal rates by tat week. Corner 15th iniJicksoD Struts, n Oms hloaxfreas sser oa. sate JK JENNINGS, Proper, OMAHA ji N3B33 A. SSgSeRS! I. M. Ratmokd, Lxwu Grkoort, rretudent. Vioefres. AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. Lincoln, - CAPITAL, $200,000. LIABILITY DIRECTORS. I. M. Raymond Lewis Gbjeoobt. W. II. McCrkert. C. U. Morrill. A. J. Sawyer. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK. LINCOLN CAPITAL, - - C, W. MOSHER. President. 11. J. WALSH, Vice-President. R. C. OUTCALT, Cashier. J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. W. HOLMES. R. C. PHILLIPS. . E. THOMSPON. E. P. HAMER. A. 1. 8. STUART. ACCOUNTS 'tataat. olute rls tbn will toIobm also it and wu J mm mm We have opened a new Studio st U23 O street, up stairs and wilt be pleased to have rae oitlzens of Lincoln call and examine our work. We make a specialty of AH18TOTYPE8 a new process of Photography, and call youf speotal attention to the ine results we are obtain ing. With every dosen Heat Cabinet we will present customers with aiflue life sis port rate I This offer will hold rood but a short tame to introduce our work, so avail yourselves ot this great opportutvtty. ttt 8CLIPSR STUDIOS. Lincoln. Rebraaka. The Lightning Hay Press. A. H. SNYDER, STATE AGENT, OMAHA, NEB.- 807, 809 NORTH I6TH ST. We Handle Bale Ties, Coil Wire and a Full Line of Repairs Always Kept on Hand. SWm - flay apd Grain flapdfed 1p Gar lots. ELITE STUDIO. The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. All Work the finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 236 i ith street. ,otf. T. W. TOWNSEND. Proprietor. ctcci wnunrn" feiipc giLLL uvnvbii iLnuL MACHINE. Rubs easily weaves raplaiy. The beat steel machine made, w h ol es ale prices where we have no gents. Kreia-bt paid. Art's wanted. Send for circular to the Qoahea Fence Ma. Co., Mention this paper. Goshen, lud What Calhoun Says. ' Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 22, 1890. Eureka Rheumatic Eemody. Co., Lincoln, Neb. I have been relieved twice from se vere attacks of Rliuemat ism by the use of Eureka Rheumatic Rumetly, using onlr a small portion cf one bottle, have bad no trouble since the last attack, about three years ago. J. D. Calhoun, Editor Lincoln Weekly Herald. For sale by Drueo'its I2m43 Mil ni l, P,rwtf.!s,;"' $ irUSR. r-fSTOljYSr Ul0 t--h!fr. lit-;tf- tea hut , m i I s-temi rt-r ilitiffw't ! 'twrlUI OnirrHVi. llitt flstin htrrrt. k A pamphlet of Information sndab-ir1 tSlrC'lJI luw iWBnuwniK WUW Wfifcl r- Obtain Psleais, "roiit, 'l'radyAJ mMsrki, Cuert-Th:, smU jNMMgjj ; 301 Hrimdwuy. , ara. .V sm assi . r tie. (.. . .. S. II. Bckhram, D. U. Wrxa. Cashier. AMtUash. - Nebraska. OF STOCK HOLDERS $400,000. S. H. Bckkham. T. W. Lowibt. NEBRASKA $300,000. C. W. MOSHER. C. E. YATES. SOLICITED. EDISONS ENCYCLOPEDIA. AajwrnlnloamaMaBasa. Ill nana brim fall at tkssrai taformattoa. Moaiaf . Prws port paid M omts, Al this aatrsaM 14 not but lonf. uraarai oaaa saaa if yea ana. Tall oattaias a bud aad dawrititlua at anrr stats la tha anhav Jsonarjaatlon. Oirsi ososus fat IMS. If nU sailtftad with It ntar will rsturn four m it. Th iasaaos hare basa snU ea Umss wall alaassd. Order ay postal JQUM W HAtttH, nasi laoeula, debraska, PENSION THE DISAUILITV BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled. Dependent widows and parents now depend ent whe sons died irom effects of army service are included. If you wish your clalir. spoedil7 and and sticc wfnlly prosecuted, Late t'ommlsBioner JnnlCO IMnHtn of Pensions. 47-lj" Washing-ton, D. C. Nate's Natural Pan Killer. A Sure Relief for Rheumatism, neuralgia, soreness, sprains, bruises, sore throat, headache and thoct'v ache. Price SOcts Per Bottle. rrepared only by the Howard Hcdicino Go., Corner 12Ui and N street, LINCOLN, s. ! NEBRASKA. .. J. TB 1 Rubber S Stencils, THORP 0., M antsfaotucn ot Stamps, Seali, Bodges and Baggage Checks --f Bvery OetorlpUOD. BatabUshed Itss, sa o'thSuT tWCOLH. MSB. boll