The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, October 15, 1891, Image 1

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NO. ia
?t f "I ft 4 4 w-
Xxpibatiom: Aa the cvlnt and cheapest
want of notifying- subsc-ribers 01 the dm
or Ibeir exptraliou wiil mark tbU Dot Ice
wlihablueorred pencil, oo the dale at which
Uieireyhocription expiree. We will tend the
" wper two week after expiration. If Dot re
ted by that time it will he ditooatinned.
Answer to Jay Uould. "
They built a fine church at hi very door
He wasn't In It.
They brought htm a acbeme for relieving the
waan't In it.
Let them work for themselves aa be had done:
"They wouldn't ask help of any one
If they hadn't wasted each golden minute
He wasn't In It.
So he passed the door with haughty tread
He wasn't In It.
When men In the balls of virtue met
He taw their goodness without regret
Too high the mark for him to wlu it
He wasn't tn It
A carriage crept down the street one day
He was In it.
The funeral trappings made a display
; He was in it.
St. Peter reocived him with book and bell;
" My friend you have purchased a ticket to
Well, your elevator goes down In a minute."
He was in it.
Mrs. M. L. Payne, Detroit Free Free Press.
Governor Pattison Demands the Re
moval of Many Officials.
Harrisburo, Pa., Oct. IS. Governor
PattiHon issued another proclamation
asking the removal of certain magis
trates and constables of Philadelphia.
The paper alleges: That many of the
magistrates of courts, not of record of
police and civil cause, in Philadelphia,
have been faithless and dishonest in the
performance of their official dnties; that
many of said magistrates, together with
the constables attached to their courts,
have been participants in a conspiracy
to cheat and defraud the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in connection with the
collection of delinquent mercantile
license taxes in the city and county of
Philadelphia, from which large sums
of money have been lost to the common
wealth; and that many of said magis
trates and constables have been guilty of
bribery by the payment of money to
John Bardsley, late treasurer of the
city and county of Philadelphia, in
order to influence the official action of
the said John Bardsley and others for the
the purpose obtaining control and juris
diction of the suits against delinquent
dealers in Philadelphia, it be
ing alleged and believed that the
sum of (350 was paid by
eich magistrate before whom such
suits were brought in the year 1889 and
in the year 1890 to the said John Bards
ley, for the personal use and private
gain of himself and others; whereas, in
the year 1889, the sum of $31,811.85 was
paid to Israel W. Durham, Horatio B.
Hackett, William H, List, James S.
Neall, Johnson Boney, Benson O.
Severn, Robert R. Smith. Thomas W.
Bouth and John T. Thomsen, magis
trates of Philadelphia, as magistrate
constables' costs in suits against delin
quent dealers in Philadelphia, on which
no collections were made for the use of
the commonwealth, and in the year 1890
the sum of $31,195.2U was paid to Will
iam B. Ahem, Israel W. Durham,
Horatio B. Hackett, James B. Neall,
Ambrose P. Hullinger, Thomas Ran
dall, Johnson Roney, Robert R. Smith
and Thomas W. South, magistrates of
Philadelphia, as magistrates' and con
stables' costs in suits against delinquent
dealers in Philadelphia, on which suits
no collections whatever were made for
the use of the commonwealth.
Cowed by Moonshiner.
Atlanta, Qa., Oct. 13. Seven mem
bers of a secret assassination society
known as "The Honest Man's Friend
and Protector." who were on trial all
the past week in the United States dis
trict court, were acquitted. The so
ciety was formed in the fall of 1889, and
had for its members notorious moon
shiners whose object was to intimidate
United States officials, witnesses and
informers. Their first effort was the
merciless whipping of one John R.
Aiken, who had some time previously
, testified against one of their members
in a moonshine case, They afterward
burned Aiken's house. Numerous
other outrages were committed before
the United States authorities finally lo
cated the criminals, nine of whom were
indicted. Two of these turned state's
evidence. The jury refused to believe
the informers and rendered a verdict of
acquittal. The strange contradiction
of tins verdict is that Bix colleagues of
these same men were tried in the state
court for ar.;on under the same evidence,
were convicted and sentenced to life
A Desperate Woman.
Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 13. Mrs.
Fannie Hoffman, postmistress of
Coalburg, attempted to shoot J.
F. Hill, manager of the Sloss
Iron and Steel company, and
Deputy Marshal Schenfield. Mrs. Hoff
man met the men on the street and fired
three shots. None of the bullets took
effect. When arrested she took another
pistol from a basket and again tried to
shoot the two men. She was finally
disarmed and jailed. Later she was re
leased on bonds. She claims the men
have been trying to traduce her.
Break Up the Gang.
St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 13. United
States Marshal Craig arrived here with
Edward Duncan and wife, arrested near
Parnell Citv. charged with counterfeit
ing. The capture of the couple and a
man named McCarty, arrested Friday,
' breaks, up the gang.
Sam'I o' Posen Held.
San Francisco, Oct. 13. In the su
preme court Maurice B, Strellinger
(Curtis) was held for the grand jury to
answer to the charge of murder in kill
ing Policeman Grant. Henrv Gard
ner, a former employe of Strettnger,
tesunea mat tne latter Habitually car.
tied a pistol.
Charge! with Harden
Colorado Springs, Oct. 13. Alfred
Rn6sel and Thomas Lawton are under
arrest charged with the murder of John
Bemig Aug 17. IJoth have made par
tial comessioas or toe ueea.
rerrible Sufferings of the Czar's
Starving Subjects.
"heir Train Collide with Baggage
Train, but They Escape Uninjured.
Bough Fauag r the British
Steamer Storm King;.
Los don, Oct. 13. Advices from Ten
ses points in Russia state that great
uasses cl peasants are flocking into the
tiwns from the country districts,
perishing from want of food. At least
550,CK0 have passed through Tuinien
alone seeking food. Many are falling
by the roadsides and . dying in their
tracks. The wanderer haw no fuel
and the cold is intense. Incendiarism
and pillaging are spreading. The desti
tute Jews expelled from Kiev.Astrachan,
Moscow and Odessa are swelling the
ranks of the famished thousands. The
local authorities every where are paral
yzed tor the want of funds. The or
ganization pf relief committees for the
distribution of corn to the sufferers has
been suspended.
Many Cattle Killed.
London, Oct. 13. Further evidence,
if such were necessary in support of the
argumont that the government should
establish more stringeut regulations
to protect the cattle which are Bhipped
from various parts of the United Slates
and Canada to Great Britain, was given
upon the arrival at Dundee of the Brit
ish steamer Storm King, which sailed
from Montreal Sept. 20. The usual
heavy weather which prevails at this
season of the year was experienced by
the Storm King. She had on board 630
head of cattle, stalls for which
had been erected between decks
and ou the uiuin deck. A heavy
sea was encountered and much
water shipped, necessit ating the closing
of the ventilators leading to the between
decks and the battening down of the
hatches. This of course, prevented, the
air access to the hold and the cattle in
the stalls, there were many of them suf
focated. The stalls on deck were of the
usual flimsy construction, and somo of
the seas which boarded the ship tore
them to pieces and carried them and the
cattle that was in them overboard. Oth
ers of the live cargo were so badly in
jured by the rolling and pitching of the
steamer, it being impossible for them to
keep their feet, that it was expedient to
kill them to put them out of their ago
ny. Out of the total consignment of
630 head of cattle, 152 were lost.
The Stanley In a Wreck.
Rome; Oct. 111. The Brindisi express
train, on board of which were Mr. and
Mrs. Henry M. Stanley and Mrs. Ten
cant, mother of Mrs. Stanley, has been
completely wrecked at Carovigno. nine
teen miles from Brindisi. The Stanley
party were on their way to Australia,
where the explorer is to lecture. They,
with all the other passengers on the
train, escaped without injury, though
they had a narrow escape from death.
The express dashed into a baggage train
that was on the track near Carovigno.
The Chestnut Harvest.
London, Oct. 13. A telegram from
St. Petersburg says a conspiracy to as
sassinate the czar has been discovered
at Kieff. A printing press used for
printing seditious matter has been
seized. The students of the university
have broken out in revolt, and the agi
tation is spreading.
Francis Joseph' Assailant.
Vienna, Oct. 13. The Australian
police have arrested a man named Stein
art, who belongs in Cracow, Austrian
Poland, in connection with the explo
sion of dynamite at Rosenthal, before
the passage of the Austrian kaiser's
Offenders Against the Sunday Laws.
Baltimore, Oct. 13 The police
handed to the grand jnry a list of 176
persons who were guilty of offenses
against the Sabbath laws. About one
half are charged with working on Sun
day while the others are accused of sell
ing goods.
Clerk Charles Mann, of the Johnson
Eostoffice Btation, was informed Sunday
y a policeman that he was violating
the law in selling stamps. Postmaster
Johnson says, in regard to the matter,
that he is going to sell stamps at this
and every other branch office until or
dered to stop by the postmaster general.
He adds that he never heard of a case of
this kind being brought to the attention
of the courts, and would like to have a
test case made at once. Marshal Frey
says he has selected violators In each
branch of business to be used as test
cases. '
The Cricketer.
Boston, Oct. 13. The English Crick
eters, managed by Lord Hawke, began
a game with a team selected the Boston
Athletic association. The home eleven
played well in the field and their bow
lers, among whom was the veteran
George Wright, did very good work,
but they were lamentably weak at the
bat and were retired in their first in
nings with a score of 29. They had
also kept the score of the Englishmen
down, the latter only scoring ninety
runs in their inning, and when stumps
were drawn for the day they had scored
53 runs for the loss of one wicket.
President Hoey Kemoved.
New York, Oct. 13. John Hoey,
president of the Adams Express com
pany, was removed from his position as
president and trustee by the unanimous
vote of the full board of managers. Mr.
Hoey was charged with malfeasance in
office. Clapp Spooner, vice president
of the company, tendered his resigna
tion, which was accepted.
Clemency Asked for Williamson.
SedJ.. Mn Oct 13 Attorneys E.
J. Smith and John Cashman forwarded
to Governor Francis a petition asking
for executive clemency for Thomas A.
Williamson, sentenced to be hanged
Oct. 31. The petition was numerously
Is Maa Trying to Fat forty-Si Oayi
for Tin Thousand Dollar.
Niw York. Oct 13. George H. Strat
ton. William Saubran, the pedestrian
nd diver: John Manning, John Nio
Klenieh, George Francis Train's pri
vate secretary in hit recent trip
around tire world; William Kirby, an
Englishman, and Elmore A. Collins are
fasting in a museum here. Today wat
the eighth day. They are trying to
earn 1-5.000 offered by George H. Huber
to the man that wil beat the forty-five-day
fasting record of Giovanna Succi.
Saubran has fasted fifteen days before
and Collins fasted thirty days in Pitta
burg last winter.
Warrants Issued for Twenty-Five of the
Omaha Rioter.
Omaha, Oct. 13. Jimmy Cannon, an
old government scout, who led the
lynchers Friday night, was arrested, as
were also two civil engineers who took
part There are twenty-five warrants
all told. Nearly all give bail as fast aj
they are arrested. . The inquest will be
long and exhaustive.
Found Sixty Thousand Short.
St. Louis, Oct. 13. New develop
ments in connection with the sudden
disappearance of William Evans, secre
tary of the Morse Wool Scouring com
pany, which occurred several days ago,
place the amount of shortage discovered
at $60,000. Evans' friends deny the de
falcation and claim that Evans will ap
pear in good time and explain the de
Horrible Death of Dr. Joseph Benson, a
Prominent Physician, at Cas
per, W jo,
Casper, Wyo., Oct. 13. The sheriff
of Natrona county incarcerated Dr. Jo
seph Benson in the county jail for pre
scribing medicines while intoxicated.
The sheriff arrested Benson about 8 p. m.
and he was very noisy and commenced
soon after being locked up calling for
help. Thinking that it amounted to
nothing, no one paid any attention to
bis cries.
About 4 o'clock a. m. the jail was dis
covered to be on fire, and citizens tried
to put it out. It was beyond their con
trol. It is supposed that Benson tried
to burn his way out aud that the fire
got beyoud his control.
Before he could be gotten out he was
suffocated. A bole was chopped into
the jail and his body taken out in a ter
ribly burned condition ana totally be
yond recognition.
Dr. Benson was an old-timer and
when sober was a phytician of consid
erable ability, but when drunk was a
dangerous man.
l'lis Dig C'niiBj fjjal fouipjr.j Ccuilk.
raises with the Striker.
Fort Dodge, Oct. 13. TheBigCorrey
Coal company, that was closed by a
general strike of the miners last spring,
has been reopened. A few of the old
miners have returned to work and ne
gotiations are now in progress that will
probably bring back the remainder.
The company offvrs a compromise that
is practically all the men originally de
manded and it is probable that the mines
will be running in full blast iu a few
Tlie Fire Uncord.
Kansas City, Oct. 13. The Cottage
House, a hotel at the corner of Walnut
street and Missouri avenue, was burned,
causing a loss of $8,0t'0. Patrick Ki'cy
of the lire insurance patrol, was thrown
from a truck which was making a run
to the tire and was run over and killed.
Salina. Kan., Oct. 13. The barn of
Michael Wise, who owns a farm several
miles from here, was burned to the
ground. Twelve valuable horses wen
burned to death. Several outhouses
were destroyed and much wheat was
Held the Fire in Check
Huron, S. D., Oct., 13. The town of
Hitchcock, twenty-two miles from here
on the Chicago and Northwestern rail
road, came near being swept out of ex
istence by prairie fires. It was saved by
the arrival of a special train from here
with forty firemen and apparatus. Sev
eral farmers suffered the loss of build
ings. The wind is blowing a gale.
People are greatly alarmed about
prairie fires and a careful watch is be
ing kept.
1 he Depot at Hoi tun Burned.
Holton, Kan.. Oct. 13. The Rock
Island depot was burned. Most of the
valuable papers were saved. All the
freight and baggage was consumed, in
cluding the paraphernalia, alligators,
snakes, etc., of a circus which had been
attending the fair here. The tire is
supposed to have been caused by the ex
plosion of a lamp.
Jumped from a Burning Ilulldlng.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 13. Fire part
ly destroyed the three story brick build
ing, 833 and 834 Kjnt avenne, occupied
by J. W. Lyons & Co., dealers in rags
and paper. Eight women were at work
in the third story of the bnilding and
four of them were injured by jumping
from a window. Loss, $40,000.
Cattle Man Killed.
Rapid City. S. D., Oct. 13. Algernon
L. Holcomb, better known as"Bud"Hol
comb, was thrown from his horse and
received injuries from which he died in
a few hours. The accident happened
while he wa rounding up cattle on the
reservation-sixty-five miles east of here.
Mr. Holcomb was one of the most prom
inent and wealthy cattle men In South
Investigating the Cause.
Rushville, Neb., Oct. 13. Senators
Pettigri and Manderson, members of
the equate commission to inquire into
the 'n8ei of the late Sioux uprising,
ar"fed hero and are at Pine Ridge eu
g4?ed in the discharge of their duties.
L. D. Richard accompanies the party.
Eeciprocity Agreement Between the
United States and Germany.
Census Bnlletla aa the Eitaat of That
Industry la th Cnlt4 StaUs Re
dacd ra.lon-.s Beceipta lh !
patch Ooea to Piece.
Washington, Oct IS. The negotia
tions for the commercial treaty between
the United States aud Germany have
been completed, but under the law they
cannot go into effect until Jan. 1, 1813.
The proviso under which President
Harrison has been acting ia contained
in the tariff of 18!K), section B, schedule
N, "with a view to securing reciprocal
trade with countries producing the ar
ticles named therein and for this pur
pose," etc. Under this section the pres
ident, about Jan. 1, can impose the duty
on German boet sugar, which finds ex
tensive market here, Germany has
been aud probably is anxious to make
a treaty, since one bat been made with
Spain to allow Cuban sugars and other
products to come in. Up to Jan. 1,
the United States can do nothing
in the matter, but Germany at
once sees its advantage in making
a treaty now so that it can go into effect
on the first of the year. Count Von
Mumm began negotiations- with the
state department and through Secretary
Rusk and General J. M. Foster, acting
for the state department, the treaty has
been brought to a successful comple
tion. It was signed last month at Sar
atoga, whin General Foster and Count
Von Mumm paid an unexpected and
hurried visit to that place when Presi
dent Harrison was there as the guest of
Mr. Arkell. The papers at that time
mixed General Foster up with Secre
tary Foster, and made the visit appear
as one to consult on bonds. One pro
viso in the treaty, which has prevented
the publication of Hie treaty and which
will delay the promulgation of the full
contents, is that Germany claims the
right to first announce the signing and
promulgation of the treaty. At present
German beet sugar comes into the
country free under the new , tariff law,
and nothing can prevent it until Jan. 1 ,
when the president is given power to
shut it off, on the ground that Germany
iuiiiotes duties on agricultural and
other products of the United States
which, in view of freo introduction of
sugar, etc., into the United States, he
deems to be reciprocally . unequal and
unreasonable, and therefore he suspends
by proclamation the provision granting
free entry of German sugar. ;
Just at this time, Germany with its
short wheat crop, finds that a free entry
of its cereals from the United States will
be benelicial and besides she must have
a Diarkut for her enormous beet sugar
output. The majority of her exports
it W TTaton fas; tii Tu
nt tint? ysilU!! itui turn soia
hng into Ameea frs will low Ger
mCT her fcttt mtrkst, mi to she is
obliged, to save herself, io make the
present agreement with the United
Range Cattle Industry.
Washington, Oct. 13. The census
office issued a bulletin containing statis
tics of the range cattle industry in the
United States, not including cattle on
farms. The bulletin Fays that since
the census ot 1880 great changes have
taken place in the industry of range
cattle. Lare ureas once used as
ranges are now inclosed as farms and
the cattle are driven to new and dis
tant feeding grounds. A large portion of
Texas, Colorado, Oregon, Washington
and California, one third of Kansas and
one half of Nebraska have been con
verted into farms during the last de
cade. Owing to the difficulty in exactly de
fining the lines Of range and farm stock
and to avoid duplications, only the
stock known to be outside of that
taken as farm stock is included in the
tables of thici bulletin. It is found that
in June. 190, there were upon the
ranges 5l7,l.'8 horses, 5,4i?;i mules 14,109
assesor burros, 6,8!f,188 cattle. 6,070,
D0I sheep and 17,270 swine, with sales
of horses in 1809 amounting in value to
f 1.418,205; of cattle, $17,013,712; of sheep,
12,609,603; of swine, $27,132. fcThe total
number of n.en reported on ranges in
charge of stock is 15,390. The industry
is found to bo more generally prosper
ous at this time than for several years
The .Methodist.
Washington, Oct. 13 The afternoon
session of the ecumenical conference
was devoted to essa s on the roligious
press and the religious uses of the secu
lar press. Rev. H. P. Hughes of the
London Mission Wesleyan Methodist
church, was the essayist of the after
noon. He spoke of the origin and ob
scurity of the press and of its gigantio
growth. The earliest English journal,
tie said, was a small pamphlet printed
in the time of James I. He spoke of
the enterprise of the great journals and
the expense connected with it and the
profits of journalism. The religious
press, he said, should work for Christ
and not for gain. Newspapers, he ad
ded, have an ambition to influence pub
lic opinion. Every editor has opinions
and endeavors to convince his readers
to his way of thinking. The power of
journalism when used on the right side
is iinmirse. Religious journalism
ought not identify itself with politics,
bnt should hiM aloof from tolitieal
bonds, so it could regard all questions
from a religious standpoint. In con
clusion, he said the church had learned
much from eecular journalism and
hoped they would learn much more
from them, and if united, conld do
much toward hastening the building of
that city of justice, puiity and piety in
which there would be no room for sin or
Reduced G'ltittonis Kerelpts.
Washington, Oct. 13. The customs
receipts at the port of New York for
the first ten days in October were $2,
884,530. For the same days last year
they were $7,572,942.
Th lf .patch Got to Hi-fes.
Washington, Oct. 13. A dispatch
from Assorteagae station says the Unit
ed States steamer Despatch is all broken
np. The officers and crew are at tho
, station and being cared for.
The Aathor ofth Ilomesuad Law Loft
to Die la a r"oor Hons.
Coixmbus, O., Oct. 13. Superintend
ent Filler of the infirmary of this county,
is in receipt of many letters from peo
ple in different parts of the Union who
cava read in the newspapers of the
placing of "Land Bill" Allen in that in
stitution, asking if he is really the man
who fifty year waa widely known
by his advocating the passage of the
homestead law; if he ia really homeless
and friendless, and proposing to raise
funds for him. To a correspondent who
visited Allen at th in"rmary he said:
''I was the first to auvocate giving to
each man 160 acres of land. I urged it
for years, traveled over many states and
addressed many legislatures. I also
urged setting aside lands for the sup
port of the schools and churches. The
substance of what I preached was incor
porated eventually into the homestead
law passed in lt-6L While traveling
about urging this plan I spent the for
tune I made in trade $50,000. In t hose
days we had no railroads in the west,
and I went about in my own wagon.
On each side of my wagon I had caused
to be painted the words; 'Land Bill
Allen. f The letters that Superintendent
Filler is receiving now from every state
east of the Mississippi doubtless come
from people who attended some of my
lirewer' Convention.
St. Louis, Oct. 13. The second day's
session of the fifth annual convention
of the United States Brewers' associa
tion began at 10 a. m. National Presi
dent Louis Frisch of Chicago delivered
his annual address. He recommended
that the association hold no convention
in 1892, bnt instead hold an interna
tional convention in Chicago in 1893.
The reports showed the association in a
prosperous conditiou.
General Manager Clark, of (lie Missouri
Pacific, to Lighten tb Hls
ard'i llurden.
St. Lons, Mo., Oct. 13. A report ia
current here that Jay Gould has de
cided to turn over the bulk of his ex
ecutive duties to S. II. II. Clark, vice
president and general manager of 'the
Missouri' Pacific railway. It is said
that since Mr. Gould has taken an
active personal interest in the affairs of
the. Union Picitic as well as those of the
Missouri Pacifio, the tax upon him has
been so great that he has finally been
compelled to take a rest. Mr. Gould
determined to call upon Mr. Clark to
relieve him of the bulk of his burdens,
at least temporarily, and hence the re
cent summons to New York received by
the latter. While Mr. Gould will be
in constant communication with Mr.
Clark and ready to give advice at any
time, ho will leave with his lieutenant
the transaction of the bulk of executive
business, and especially Union Pacific
atfairs. Mr. Clark in turn will call up
on Assistant General Manager Smith to
lighten his burden, while lieorge Gould
will represent his father in the east and
Edwin Gould will give his personal
attention to the coal properties in
which his futher is so largely interested.
Iowa Crop Report.
Des Moines, Oct. 13, The Iowa
weather and crop service has completed
the tabular on the October crop reports
from over 800 correspondents. The
average condition of corn is estimated
at 03 per cent., Irish potatoes 108
per cent., sweet potatoes 102,
sorghum 03, apples 81, grapes
103. The estimated average
yield of corn is 87 bnshels per acre giv
ing a total of 300,000,000; loafs 41 J per
aero, total yield 120,000,000 bushels; po
tatoes average lo9i per acre, total yield
28,700,000; winter wheat, average 211
bushels; spring wheat, 1,'iJ. per acre,
total yield of wheat, 34,000,000; flax
average lit per acre, total 8,314,000
busheis; barley, average 29 per acre,
total yield 4,7u0,000 bushels; hay,
average 1 tons per acre.
Farnell'a Sympathizer.
Chicago, Oct. 13. Sympathizers
with Parnell attended a meeting at the
Grand Pacific hotel and decided on hold
ing solemn memorial services in the
Auditorium or Central music hall next
Sunday if tho necessary preparations
can be perfected by that date. Colonel
Burke of the Parnell League, presided
and Bernard McMahon acted as secre
tary. A committee of arrangements,
consisting of forty-five was appointed.
Ringing applause greeted an announce
ment made by Secretary McMahon to
the effect that the Gaelic athletio clubs
of Chicago, with a membership of 2,000
had just decided to hold a mass meeting
of their organization next week in
honor of Parnell's memory.
Zine Glance Discovered.
Roanoke, Vo., Oct. 13. A remarka
bly large vein of zinc glance has been
discovered in the mines of the Wash
ington Zinc company at Bonsocks. The
iuc ores usually assay 80 per cent.,
while the glance runs as high as 65, the
purest in the country. The lead was
found on a nine foot level and is nine
feet wide, thirty feet deep and extends
indefinitely in line with the main ore
body. This discovery of inc glance
adds greatly to the value of one of the
best ore properties in Virginia.
Hanks and City Funds.
West Superior, Wis , Oct. 13. The
nine city banks of this city have agreed
to form a trust and hereafter a maxi
mum rate of 2 per cent interest is to be
paid on city funds. The city council
has accepted the proposition and will
divide the funds proportionately among
the banks according to the capital of the
Kansas Firemen In Annual Session.
Abilene, Oct. 13. The State Volun
teer Firemen's association met here.
About one hundred delegates are pres
ent. The chief business before the
meeting is the election of officers, the
consideration of charters and the selec
tion of a place for the next tournament.
Friends In Annual Session.
Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 13. The So
ciety of Friends began its annual meet
ing with 500 members present from
different states. The meeting will
close Thursday
Ribbon Dealer Assign.
New York, Oct. 13. Kronthal Bros.,
ribbon dealers, aseign- d.
1141 AND 1143 O STREET,
GOL.fl. PHD.
Commencing: Thursday and continuing: for
one week we will put the knife still deeper into
the Dress Goods Department and make a spe
cial run on the stock at greatly reduced prices.
54 inch Fancy
PlaidFlannel, cut
from 91.10 to
45 inch English
Serges cut from
85 cts. to
48 inch English
Serges, very fine,
cut from $1.25 to
40 inch English
Serges cut from
65c to
You Can Save the Cost of Making a Dress by Buying lov.
fllven a nigti Test a to Arallablllty
fur Dally Paper Service.
Chicago, Oct, 18 Tha type setting
machine contest nnder the auspices of
the American Newspaper Publishers'
association began in the Chicago Even
ing Post bnilding. The machines in
competition, the Merenthaler Lino
type, the Rogers Topograph, the Mc
Millan Type-Setting Machine and tha
St. John Type Bar, are undergoing a
rigid test as to their endurance, speed
and availability for daily newspaper use.
They are being operated eight hours a
day, and careful watch Is kept of tho
work of each. Copy of every descrip
tion that a printer is called upon to set
in manuscript, reprint and telepraph
is being given to the machines. Their
product is carefully read by proof read
ers, and tho time taken for correction,
repairs and stoppages of all kinds ia
charged np against each ma
chine and deducted from its
time. Letters and telegrams of
inquiry from publishers in every
quarter of the United States evidence
the interest felt in this, the first type
setting machine contest ever held.
Visitors are excluded this week, but
commencing Monday next, newspaper
men will be shown the machines by the
operators and those interested in their
Tornado Damage Iu Minnesota.
Grand Kapids. Minn., Oct. U.
County Surveyor E. R. Lewis, who was
supposed to have been lost in the torna
do in the upper woods, has returned
safe. He says the townships devastated
cover about 400 square miles, 25 per
cent, of the timber in this area being
R.rolutlonists Open Fire Cpon Troop at
Montevideo Attempt to Kill
the President.
Montevideo, Oct. 13. There was a
serious attempt at revolution here. Tha
members of a revolntionary clnb in the
suburbs of the city fired upon tne troops
stationed near at hand. The latter re
turned the fire with deadly efiect. Sev
eral persons were killed outright and
many wonnded. Many of the ring
leaders of the a.sanlt,including a priest,
have been apprehended. Attempts
were made to assassinate President Obex
and to capture the members of the junta
but they were unsuccessful. Subse
quently the insurgents were dispersed
and the city became quiet The troops
in the neighborhood number about 8.000.
Later information is to the effect that
the political outbreak originated with
the Blanco party. The rising seems to
have extended everywhere throughout
the country districts.
Discussed Reciprocity.
Washington, Oct. 13. The cabinet
at a meeting today discussed in detail
several reciprocity treaties that are now
in conrse of negotiation between the
United States and Europe and South
American countries.
Shot Himself Accidental!?.
Mason City, Ia., Oct. 13. Frank
Haunches, living near Plymouth, was
instantly killed by the accidental dis
charge of a gun.
54 inch extra
heavy Twilled
Plaid Cloaking
j- j oti ffr a
cut iroui cii. ,u iu
24 in Plush all
colors cut from
$1-25 to
20 inch colored
Faille Silk cut
24 inch Black
Faille Silk cut
from $1.50 to
Mrs. General Terrence of Chicago .
thrown a buggy and sustained injuria)
which have proved fatal.
The railway mall service is contemplat
ing giving the towns and cities near Chi
cago better and improved mail facilitiam,
The gentlemen appointed to negotiate)
for the purchase of the Cherokee Indian
landB will commence their labors in a few
Andrew Wlcklund was shot and killed
and Ed. Jonson wounded by a Chippewa
Indian at Shell Lake, Wis. The Indian a
Julian Flares and Felllppe Selina,tw
Mexican revolutionists, have been hung
and their bodies riddled with ballets by
Mexican soldiers.
A rranirrmr.nt are nnder war for IwiM-
lng the meetings of the Pan-Americaa
congress and Humane Freedom league ia
the city of Philadelphia.
The Alamo Electric company of Saa
Antonio, Tex., of which J. B. Sheppard of
Denver is the president, has been placed
in the hands of a receiver. The liabilities
aDd assets are not given.
The German Evangelical conference as
Indianapolis established a couit of ap
peals. The salaries of the bishops were
reduced from f 1.800 to 11,600, and the al
aries of the other general offices corres
pondingly. -
The British steamer Norwegian, which
arrived at Glasgow from Montreal, had on
board the crew of the British steamer
Devonshire from Barrow, Sept. 80, for
New York, . which was abandoned 550
miles west of Troy island.
The regular freight on the Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad
going south set a car in motion and it rum
off the switch at Bancroft on to the mala
track down an incline about a mile. Aa
sxtra freight going north a few minutes'
later struck the car, causi g a serious
wreck. The car was entirely demolished,;
rod the engine and eight nine ears of
the extra were badly wrecked nd throw
from the track. - -
Chicago Qrain and Provision.
Cricaoo, Ot IA.
WHEAT-December, 99c; May, SUl&ja-CORN-November,
Sic; May, 4Hc
ATS-November, 8c; May, 31?e.
VORK-Deeemljer, i.T?4: January, fllAQt
LARD-December, 16.45: January, SS.52.
RIBS-Kovember, $aJ.T; December, fAU;
January. $0.10. .
Chicago Lire Stock.
Chicago, Oct. EL
CATTLE Estimated receipts. 12.0)0 head.
Natives. tS 7U$IS.5;cow8 and bulla, 1 7.W4.i;
Tezans, 1.UUO&T5; western beeves, fl.l3i33.7a
HOG 3 -Estimated receipts. 27,(100 head.
Heavy, 4.3i4l..i; medium, U.34.90;bgb,
S4.inieo4.A5. Weak.
BHEEP Natives, S3.2&35.!5; westerns, UB
Qi.OS; Texan. t3.4U4.50. Firm.
Kansas City Liv? Stock.
Kansas City, Oct 11
CATTLE Estimated receipts 9,170 head;
shipments, 6,710. Steers, $3.35.73; cowa
liv&!B&; stockars and feeders, t&OOO&Z.
Market steady.
HOU a -Estimated receipts, 1700 bead: ship
ments, 2. m. Bulk, ? 4.3i44.5; all grades, fait
a,l.i5. Market &c to 10c lower.
Omaha Live Stock.
Union Stocs Yarns, I
Omaba, Oct. ia
CATTT.F.-EiitimaUJ receipt. SlMI
Stairs, mmmon to rood. S3.oO.Ai.50l COW.
mou to good, tl.Utlfri.MI: feeders, common
good, z.&Xjpura aiaraes ateauy, omana
ana weaa.
uno Itatlmatad reeeldta. A 900
Light. $4 2S t4 4i; mixed, tV36$t.SU; heavy.
H.t'Ji0i.ou, diara?i mo lower. - - .