THE FAHMEHS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEIL THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 3891. Tb Acceptance of Wm. NerUle. We received tome time ago tb letter of tmptaiic of the nomination for Judgw in the Thirteenth D'usUictbjHon. Wm. Neville. Lack of room prevented our printing Id full. It is ft Tery able letter from a very able mn hoia we hope will be elected by ft rousing ma jority. We make ft few short extracts: Norm Platte. Xeb.. Sept. 5, mi. Hon. Chaklm Fvkkeu, Gr.o T. Ssx- una. Geo. W. Goihrkt. 11 D.Rhea. aud 0. . LiKDSTROJi, Committee: DiakSiRS: Your communication notifying me ci By nomination for Jie district judge ship by the people's independent con vention, within and for the Thirteenth district of Nebrtka has been received. I am beartily in sympathy with your reform novement,and since arriving at manhood, upon many of the reforms sited. have been what corporation news papers and tools were pleased to call an agitator. The history of the world bas been, that the people have watched with soli citade the growth of power from what ever soured, whn such powtir was not to be wielded by the people for the peo ple. Every effort upon the rt of kings to Increase the means by which they held their people in subjection, bas been met by an effort on the part of the peo ple for greater freedom, and the result a decrease in the conhdence of the peo ple ia their rulers. 80 ft is in this country, every effort apon the part of corporate capital and today the tread they shall earn to-mor-raw. will be met by an effort on the part of the people to prevent slavery Induced by poverty, and the result will ue ft decrease in the confidence between capital and labor. the ballot box and made it possible through it for tbe other reforms to pcedUj follow. Effort upon effort has been made by 'the state and general government to regulate tbe f reieht and passenger trans Donation, but to no purpose. In this state railway corporations are capital ized at about ten times their actual cost. one of them at tlOG.OOO per mile) and upon a plea for fair interest upon the investment, the profits, which should go to the producer, are taken for the cost of shipment. The combinations of railways and buyers in the great market centers, fee so sure of their ability to leave the producer oi ly tbe cost of his produc tion. that they fix the prices, and bar gain away the producer's crops months before they are harvested. . - Tbe circulating medium of the coun try should be increased per capita.uutil the business can be done upon a cash basis, fair values established and loans effected upon a reasonrble rate of Inter est. This can be accomplished by free eolnace, ana should that not itrove sur Helen t, the proper issue of legal tender treasury notes. If the government can take security from corporations, and money as a circulating medium, there - is no good reason why the government may not issue money itself upon equally gooa security. Tbe postal savings bank system, re commended by out. state platform adopted at Hasting, should be adopted by the government. It would prevent many of the great evils which result f rom the improper manipulations at the financial centres. If it wm necessary to reduce thn tax on sugar to cheapen the article to the consumer, while infant Industries were springing up in our midst, it is hard to understand why it was thought neces earr to inciease the tax on tin, when there wasn't even an Infant industry to be protected. , The issue is national, and success can only be achieved by a solid front. The man who votes against the ticket, be cause of local issues, personal prejudice or pet hobby, is not loyal to the reform movement, because he places so.l into rest above the common good. Mark him, eo that you will recognize him when he bobs up in the future, as lie is ure to Ho; the -kicker always wants an office, but never gets one. Thanking you, gentlemen, and through you the convention, for the eon lidence placed in me, I am very truly JOUrS, W'i.a K V ILLK. Phelps County Solid for the Independent Ticket. HoLDREGE,.Neb., Sept. 28. 1891 Editou Alliance : The independents ot Phelps county met at the court house, with a full delegation, Saturday, Sept, 96, and placed aifull county ticket in the field, lit is a winner. The following names were placed In nomination: Judge, 6. W. Stover: clerk, Albert Eriokson; treasurer, P, Funk.; clerk district court, L. C. Iluck sheriff, D.Connelly; superintendent, W A. Garrett; surveyor, M. W. Kedoy coroner, ir. A). 8. J'almer. Tbe Lord took a hand in the matter by sending a drizzling rain so farmers could attend the caucuses and the con vention. There are no dissensions In Phelps county this year. Put her down lor 1,909 votes out of a possible 2,000 for Hon. J. W. JSdgerton and see how far we miss it. The following are the resolutions adopted: Resolved, That we, the delegates of the l'eopie's independent rarty, of l'helpi county, in convention assembled. hereby announce-our unqualified en dorsement of the platform adopted the People's Independent National Con ference, held at Cincinnati May 18th and 19th, 1891, also at the state conven tion held at Hastings August 11, 1891 as well as the candidates nominated at tho latter convention and at the judicial convention held at Alinden August 28 Resolved, That while leading men of the republican party have declared that tne decalogue ana tne Uolden Rule bav no place in American politics, and the late democratic state convention, by ap plauding the name of Cleveland and at the same time endorsing the idea of the free coinage of silver, has shown the in herent dishonesty of tho leadars of these parties, we postively assert the stabil ity of our free institutions demands that tbe decalogue and the Golden Rule should not only have a place in, but should be the corner stone of, American politic. Resolved, That in order that political corruption way be kept out of our party, we declare ourselves opposed to assess menl of candidates for political pur mm and we believe that no person is worthy of onr support who takes a part in any doal or makes a promise to fur- tber anyme's political aim or a vira tiona. Resulted, That tbe candidate for coun ty treasurer shall pledge himself to give a complete account for the credit of the county of all interest received on sur plus funds deposited in bank or banks, and that he further undertake! to dis tribute such funds as near as possible equally between or among two or more county banks. Whereas, We believe the salaries provided by statute for the cflices of county clerk and county treasurer are exorbitant under the present conditions of the purchasing power of money, ba it Resoired, That the candidates for said offices pledge themselves to return to the county general fund all sums earned by fees and salaries over f 1.200 for coun ty clerk. 11.200 fof county treasurer, also 11.200 for county sheriff; and that tbe deputy clerk and deputy treasurer receive tiwQ per annum etch. E. P. Montgomery, Secretary. Their Time 4a Short. There is a favored class of mortals to whom this life is a beautiful dreamland. Tbey know nothing in their own per sons ' the bard toil and stern denials which everywhere hem in tbe lot of the lowly poor. To these petted children of fortune money comes without labor, and to wish is to bive. We heard of a wealthy family the other day who were in much trouble and worrlment over where tbey should go to spend the summer months. Eu rope bad been traveled over and over again. All tbe fashionable resorts in our country are familiar to them. California was long since done, ana Mexico re peatedly visited, so they per force went to Alaska. In their iourneyings all the comforts and luxuries obtainable are at their dis posal. 1 hey nave no earning areau oi uie evil days when money shall be scarce. so without aught to bother or mar, they can enjoy all the beauty of (Jod's beau tiful earth, anu live in an uieai reaim, where poetry, sentiment and song held Derpetual reign. is it any wouoor matauinecnarming graces of existence bloom out unuor these favoring conditions? It is the tilting ana sublime tasK oi phllantroptu reformers to strive and so change this world that the humble masses who create an tne weaun may have an adequate share in the spiritual and material blessing which can be its accompaniments 7'A Farmers loice. Municipal Lighting Ajain. ' Walla, Sept. 23. 1891.! MYDEUtltliOTIIKU: IuThkAlL ANCE of the iOth int is a communication re garding the electric liput supply at Lin coln, by N. S. Iiaird, followed by the same writer in the Issue of 17tb. With the particular condition at Lincoln I ain of courso not familiar, but there is much in Mr. li s letters that is misleading, and shows clearly that he knows little or nothing about the business of which he writes. It Is not probable that any of tho towns he tabulates get the light at the cost given at least it would be difficult to make any man who has ever run an electrio plant believe it. The table car ries its own evidence of error, for why should tho light cost in Aurora, 111.. $07. 99 for seven hours ten minutes, while at Faris in the same slate the cost is but (25.00 for nine hours. The conditions, cost of fuel, 00., must be about the same in the same state. Not long since Dun kirk, N. Y., was held up as an example of cheap municipal lighting. An inves tigation showed that the heaviest part of the expense of the light plant was charged to the water works department. I can name somo notable examples of municipal management on the Pacific coast, which to me is nearer home. A city in British Columbia enjoyed electric street lighting by a private party for for about a year at a cost of $500 per month. The owner of the plant induced the city to buy him out. The lirst month lighting after the purchase cost the city $1,500, and I am informed that the monthly cost has not been materially reduced yet. A city in this state erected a. plant to do public and private lighting and tor some months this plant has been on the market for sale or lease. Another city in this state bought the plant of the local light company ami were not long in concluding they had a "white ele phant," aud succeeded iu leasing it to a private party. The fact is the officers of a municipality that have Induced the erection of a city plant must tustifv themselves to the voters for the expend- iture, and so manipulate accounts as to make tbe cost ai pear much less than it really is. Moral, if the electrio people oi.Lancoin nave - got to your collar" on .the city contract, re adjust the contract on business principles, but don't try to remedy the evil by buildiug electric works, l'robably the city supports all the bums it ought, but the number would be multiplied when your city ligni worss are startsa. As to incandescent lights.. I do not be lieve thre is a place in the United States where a 16 o p incandescent electric light can be furnished at a cost of $3 15 per year, J. he best results obtained in practice is 10-16 c p lights. to one horse power. Jf the mayor of some Iowa city ha counted on say 1,000 lamps where only 100 or 200 are in use, he mav be able to reduce the cost to a low figure The fact is, the proportion of exclusively electric light companies that pay a din deed .(other than Irish) is very small, so small that tfce electric journals make prominent note of such cases. 1 here is no more reason for the state or municipality running electric light wonts, man tor tneir aeauog in boots, dry goods, drugs, livery or any other business. Of course if you are a na tion- anst you must favor ail such Uunsrs. My own opinion is that it will be time enough for such doings when the gen eral government has taken possesion of the transportation, telegraph and bank business. Yours truly, C. E. Burrows. Cheyenne County Independents. Sidney, Neb., Sept. 29, 1891. Editor Alliance: The independent party of Cheyenne county met in conven' tion at Sidney, Sept. 26 tb, and nominated full county ticket. The delegates in convention subscribed money enough to assure us of an independent paper being started here at once. The nominees are county judge, H. R. Aycrs; clerk. Geo, Lmgenfelter; treasurer. F. A. Rowan; sheriff, J. E. Hebert; coroner, S. H Oi- oorn; supenntenaent of public schools, Flora A Wllcot. Bro. Powers and Bra. Pratt spoke for us on the 12th o Sept., convincing all that the questions of re form are demanding the attention of all true citizens of a free country. I. A..W. OUR MONEY. Wb.r. I lb. CJrr.ner W Ar Told W. rM,ai.r It is very difficult at the present time to pick up a city aaily without finding some sneoris remark about the Alliance. And of all tbe demands that our grand organization makes, says Wm. tfeer in the National Econo mist, that for direct loans to the peo ple must Uke tbe brunt of tbe attack. They ridicule it to their hearts' con tent. They tell us that in a country of practicable men such a scheme is an illusion an a enara. They even go so far as to say that it would finan cially ruin the United States, But the mot audacity is exhibited when we read that there is plenty of money in the country, and to increase the currency now would be utter folly. But let us see who ha? and owns this greut abundance of currency. 1 if tbe husband man that toils from early dawn until late at night, striving to earn an honest livelihood in the sweat of his face, and not of somebody else, as these gentry do, that look down on the horny-handed tillers of tbe soil? It most certainly can not be this class of people, as there would not be so many foreclosures of mortgages; or is it the laboring man that wends his way home from the place of his em ployment? is it the mechanic or artisan, that enters the shop in the morning and sacrifices bis brains and muscles to receive as an equivalent tho wherewithal to surround the loved ones at bis bumble dwelling with whatever comforts he may afford? We must emphatically deny it is not. And the bure fact will bear us out The very men that come forth and in struct the publio how to obtain the means by which every creature called man may ourn a comfortable exist ence nre laughed at and what is still worse, they ure slandorcd with the foulest epithets our language contains. Who does this dirty work? In every instance it is somebody interested in it. The upper ten that have control of the finances of this country know well if the peoplo are once enlight ened their roign will cease. Conse quently they employ every means within their power to prevent the spreading of this now gospel of truth. They will endeavor to make the peo plo at large believe that to become a rich man or woman, all thoy have to do is to work hard and save all they can, and, last but not least, vote tho old party ticket. -But tho time is past when people believe everything they bear. The era of cool and deliberate judgment is at hand when every man weighs carefully every statement of consequence he hears uttered. Slowly the people aro having thoir eyes opened. The teachings and writings of those wholo-soulod noblemen of na ture that have warned the country of the danger ahead, are at last listened to very attentively, and what is far better, they are heeded. They domand a change of condition. The powers that are, and will bo, per haps, are racking their brains to in vent some scheme by which to avert the public mind from grasping the real condition of affairs. Aye, they go further than that; they offer a sub stitute for our demands. Is this not a silent; nay an open acquiescence that there is something wrong, and that something must be done to satisfy the public to some extent? And if this is to be, why not como down altogether and do what the people demand? Yes, we are told, but it is not practicable! Not practicable, when a system of loans on land security has been in suc cessful operation for nearly half of a century! When the old adage that history repeats itself is again proven true, what will the opposition, say? The Sub-TrnMiry plan. The enomios of the Farmers' Alli ance when they first enter the lists, by what appears like a fatality, direct tlioir attack upon, tho swb treasury plan. Evidently they think this the weak and easily pierced joint In the Alliance armor; but as one ufter another their Bjiears shiver to pieces while they fall to pierce the joint, they realize that if the sub-treasury plan is not invulnerable, at any rate the enomy has not yet forgod the weapon that can pierce it So far all the attacks upon tho sub-treasury plar. have only resulted in making converts to tbe idea and in confirming tho faith of those who already believe in it. Essentially it is tbe sanie system aa was in vogue in the old common wealth of Pennsylvania boforo the revolution, of which Edmund Burke said, on the floor of the British house of commons, that under it the commonwealth had enjoyed a prosperity greater than that enjoyed by any other community in the world. It is not cause for wonder that tho money power and all who dc its bidding denounce the sub-treasury plan and rail against it. It would permanently retire them from the business of devouring industry and compel them to live by their labor or starve. Journal of the Knights of Labor. Perhaps the following is also n satis factory reason for tbe change of heart by the Citizen: ith tho crops of this year, Kansas farmers could, many of them at least, again get on thoir feet did not legisla tion indirectly keep the prices down so low, that little is left after paying their expenses and taxes. Wore we permitted to exchange our grain in the markets of the world for those things the buyers of it have to sell, wheat would be worth to-day in Kansas much moro than it is, and had not tho legis lation of the past twenty-five years been such as to appreciate money and depreciate farm property and products of tho soil, ur corn, cattle, hogs, in fact every tiling that we have to sell, would be much enhanced in price. As it is, however, we have to bike what ever we can get; and Uod knows that is little enough. Tbe Advocate saya,: Republican editors should get together and corae to an understanding. While the Cap ital is telling its readerg of the solid ity of the Democratio party of the South and the futility of the hope of northern Alliance men that tho Peo ple's party will gain any strength south of Mason's and Dixon's line, the Clay Center Dispatch correctly sizes up the situation and shows that there is the same danger of the overthrow of Democracy in the South as of Re publloanism in the North. This will never do. Get together, gentlemen, tmd arrange to all tell the same story. CLA33 LEGISLATION. DiS Jvhm Sh.rma Alva tka Cots, a of auvMf Having succeeded in stopping the coinage of ailver, tbe price of silver bullion in consequence having fallen, as it was claimed that it did, although I contend that tbe claim cannot be maintained by fair argument, because there being no unfluctuating standard by which to measure values, the differ ence between the two metals may as readily have arisen from a rise in gold as a fall in silver, and it is as reason able to suppose that the increased de mand for gold iO fill the place from which silver has been displaced would cause it to rise, as that silver would fall in value owing to there now being a smaller demand for it. Be that as it may, we have two standards of value, gold and silver; measured by the gold standard silver was worth 80 cents, and measured by the silver standard gold was worth $1.25. Now which was the correct measure? Should we decide it by comparing the value of each with other values? We nhould decide in tavor of silver, for measured by that as a standard other values had changed but little, but measured by gold there bad been a universal fall of 20 per cent, which to an unbiased mind would indicate that in gold was the change. But it was unquestionably to the interest of the plutocracy nurslings of our (?) congri-ss to decide that, the gold stand ard should be maintained. Where one dollar was 20 cents more valuable than the other, any creditor would prefer to receive his pay in the larger, and any debtor to pay in the smaller. The con test, . therefore was directly between the debtor millions and the creditor thousands, and the congress by wblcb. it was to be decided was supposed to represent the whole and to act for the greatest good to tho greatest number. Let us see how they really did act; but to understand the question we must know a llttlo more of its merits. For three or four years preceding the year 1791, tho question as to what should be our standard of value was thoroughly considered and discussed by men, among whom figured Wash ington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Morris, Adams, tho Masons, and the Lees, men who gave to America tbe well deserved credit of being the nursery of statesmen; and the result of that thorough and full consideration was the law fixing 371 grains of pure silver as the American unit of ac counts, and naming it the dollar. The weight of the eagle at that time was, in pure gold, 247 grains; the ratios between silver and gold was 15 to 1, and thus it continued to be until 1834, when, after a discussion of six years in congress, when that con gress had as members Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Albert Gallatin, John White, Thomas Benton and their contempor aries, it was determined that, "The act of congress of the year 179 1, which declared that the dollar of the United States should contain 871 grains of pure silver, has irrevocably fixed that quantity as the equivalent of a dollar of account, - and as the permanent standard of value (standard ptiyment), according to which all contracts must be performed." They acted in ac cordance with this decision by changing the quantity of gold in the dollar, or tenth-eagle, from 24 $ grains to 23.2, making the ratio 16 to 1 instead of 15. By 1837 it was dis covered that a little too much gold had been taken away, and the error was corrected by putting back to the gold dollar 2-100 of a, grain, making it to contain S3 22-100 grains of pure gold. and the ratio a little less than 16 to 1; and thus it remained until 1874, when to make tbe dollars in which thoir ill gotten bonds and the interest thereon was to be paid represent more of the people's earnings, the bond-holders, assisted by English tricksters and Brit ish gold, contrived (fer Ernest Seyd, the Eoglish banker, boasted that he had drawn the bill which did it, and with $500, 000 of English gold secured its passage) net to increase the amount of silver in the dollar of our ancestors, but actually to demonetize it, and with so much secrecy and stealth that even the presidontof our nation, the speaker of our house of representatives and the respective leaders, to whom our parties pay such servile homage, were not aware of it. Fellow-citizens, how are our laws made and who interprets them? Is the privilege of making them bought by any schemer who has gold enough with which to pay, and is the secre tary of the treasury, also tair hire ling, the only interpreter of these? And is congress only there to eover up such villainy? Sure it is that the sec retary alone seems to have been the interpreter of this law. else why was the coinage of silver stopped? John Sherman seems to have been the only man in congress who know of it. The people's representatives allowed 20 per cent to lie added to the people's debts, and did not even know it, ami it was no thanks to them that years after tho people found it out They did not make of it a campaign issue; all their talk was the abuse whioli cither party heaped upon the other, and both made haste to do the bidding of their plutocratic masters. IL B. Turner, in Nat Economist L for the Individual und I'rlvllose for Corporations. In his lecture on "The Problems of the Second Century," delivered re cently in a half dozen different parts of the country, ex-Senator Ingalls re ferred to the unequal distribution of wealth as one of the threatening evils of the day. Having said this, he pro ceeded to show how little he really know of the causes which produce the great inequalities of wealth by the fol lowing utterances not new to Kansas, the same thing having been repeated by Mr. Ingalls verbatim, et literatum, et punctuatum, a number of times in his public addresses in this state Mr. Ingalls believing that a well con structed paragraph suffers nothing from iroquent iteration: I have searched in vain to discover any legislation that did not bear equally upon Jay Gould and mysolf and the other citizens of tho United States. All have equal claims, as far as I know, and the only reason I know why I am not a millionaire is because I had not brains enough to become one. The famous picture "The Angelus" brought $100,000. No citizen was prevented from painting it It only required a few tubes of color, a cara elshair brush, a small square of can vas and brains. The paltry dauber who paints pictures for f 2.60 apiece thinks be is a victim. The New York Tribune, in quoting the above from Senator Ingalls' speech, referred to it as 'a whole truth under tbe half jest" Yet the Tribune, in a moment of unwonted frankness, not very long ago, exposed in a few lines one of tbe abuses of the railway man agement of this country, by which promoters of new lines load down the companies with watered stock and try to sell the inflated securities to invest ors who, as the Tribune said, really pay for the road. If that journal had stopped to remember in its interval of ouUpoken truth it would have realized that there is one case in which the effort to make immense fortunes is bj hoodwinking the public into investing In securities representing two or three times the actual cost of securities. It is true the law that is, tbe theory of well considered and honestly admin istered law does not give one man ad vantage over another. But to stop there is to tell a very small part of the truth. For the nullification and do fiance of the law have afforded too many opportunities to pile up immense fortunes at the cost of the people to permit that feature of the day to be overlooked in considering the causes of the unequal distribution of wealth. It is against tbe law for great cor porations, or individuals either, to combine in order to suppress compe tition, and enhance the cost of staple productions; but fortunes have been and are made in that way. It always hag been contrary to the law for rail way corporations to discriminate in favor of one shipper and against an other, but that sort of a thing has been done in Kansas for over twenty con secutive years, is done now by every railroad doing business in this state, and by every railroad doing business in every other state, and probably will continue to be done just so long as corporations retain their present form of power, and a large share of the great fortunes of our time have their root in that abuse. The Tribune remarks that "law does not enable ono man to project or to build a railroad rather than anoth er." It is true but there are other in fluences than law at work. It is not so many years ago Bince the combined edict of the corporate magnates went forth that a railroad in process of con struction through an eastern state Pennsylvania should not bo built And although these maguates had to defy the constitution of that state, the corporation edict proved stronger than the fundamental law of the Keystone state. This was followed very shortly by a compact between the railroad magnates and the great bankers of New York, which decreed in effect that no one else should be permitted to build new railroads in the trunk line territory except the trunk lines them selves. Tho laws of Kansas prohibit swindling, fraud and highway robbery, and yet it is actually, literally and un blushingly, and in broad daylight and oftentirce with collusion of our courts practicod, and the people swindled, defrauded and robbed. With these facts on record the plea, that law does not prevent one man from building and owning railroads rrther than another, is a somewhat pitiful evasion of the real record. No sensible man objects to the wealth gained by superior skill, intel ligence, inventiveness or frugality in the legitimate efforts of life. But it is tho wealth gained by devising means to hoodwink, deceive, defray d and burden the publio to which objection is valid. In the vast majority of such cases they are direct evasions or nulli fications of the theory, and generally of the letter of the law. It is also he fact that nearly every great fortune created within the present generation owes its start or its augmentation to some such violations of justice, hon esty and la w. If Senator Ingalls and the Tribune really wished information on these points, they would find little difficulty in obtaining evidence of the rule of special privileges and favorit ism by which the colossal fortunes of our doy are made. Atchison Cham pion One of the peculiar unctions man ners in which the plutocratic press re fers to the leaders of the Alliance is to class all of them as selfish demagogues. The good and pious statesmen who have been leading this country to de struction for the last twenty -five years aro not demagogues, tricksters afid political charlatans. Oh, no! They have not deceived anybody. Whilo all this iniquitous financial system was being born, fostered and encouraged under the tender care of these states men they could foresee that it would result in 90 per cent of the people be ing placed under mortgage and 91 per cent being involved in debt They told the people all the time that this glorious future would soon dawn upon them! They were not demagogues! They just kept the peoplo watching the revision of the tariff they never made, and showed them how beauti fully they would save the country from vandal hands every two years, with punctilious regularity drawing their large salaries, and at the end of twenty-five years these statesmen are in very fine condition, financially, and the people they have been saving are awako to the fearful reality that these statesmen were saving themselves, whom they called the country, and the great mass of the people, with their great and manifold interests, had gone to the demnition bow wows. That was statesmanship not demagogy! Probably it would not be a bad idea to exchange that kind of statesmanship for its antipodes, demagogy. If that is the sense in which the Alliance leaders aro referred to as wholesale and retail dealers in demagogy, it is probable that they can stand it and the people will indorse it. The Bevier, Mo., Appeal: The enactment of good and just laws and the repeal of the iniquitous laws by which the idle few are enabled to rob the toiling millions would be a safer and more lasting protection against labor troubles and riots -than a stand ing army or gatling guns." Labor de mands the just reward of its toil, no more, and it will be satisfied with nothing lesa. aa EY IV 100 Lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for t-2 100 Lb. Anti-Trnst "C" Sogar for 8.73 (The, prices on Sogars only for orders vith equal quantity of gen eral good.) Michigan Dried Apples, per lb OS Alden Evaporated Apples, per lb 09 California Dried Apriools, per 11 09 1 Dozen 3-lb. Cans Pie Peaches for 90 1 Dozen 8 lb- Cans Apples for 5 1 Dozen 8 lb. Cans Table Peaches for 1.20 1 Dozen 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes for 90 Cream City Baron Soap, 72 Bar for 1-60 Kirk's 8von Imperial Soap, 60 lbs. for 2.40 Kirk's White Kasiau Soap, 100 Bars for 3.85 Fairbanks Santa Clan Soap, 100 Bars for 4 00 A 6 Gallon Keg (Full Meanure) F.ue Table Sjrnn for 1.60 A Good Green Rio Coffee (no bad beans), per lb 19 After Dinner Jaa Coffee (this is the best), per lb 25 Japan Tea, from 19o. to 44o. per lb Good Japan Tea Dust, pir lb 09 P. J. Sort's Soear Head Ping Tobacoo, per lb 36 Lorillard's Climax Plug Tobacco, per lb 36 OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE And Grocery List furnishes practically everything yon eat, nse or wear. W mailed a copy to oar regular customers free of cost. Send 6 oenti to pay the postage, with yont request for a copy. As we furnish the book free, yon ought to be willing to pay post age to get it. Yon cannot afford to be without it, H. R. EAGLE & C2., Wholesale Farmers' Supply House. 68 4. 70 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. S. B. NESBIT'S - NEW SHOE STORE FOR BARGAINS AND THE BEST LINE OF SCHOOL SHOES IN THE CITY. 1015 O STREET. 1015. WYATT-BULLARD LUMBER Co. . Wolesale Lumber Merchants. SOtti and. Izard Sts., Omaha, Nolo. Farmers and Consumers trade solicited. Wr?te us for prices delivered tt your station. 14-4t ELITE STUDIO. The finest ground floor Phctograph Gallery in the State. All Work Y finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 236 nth street. ,otf. T. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. JENNING'S 0 HOm, ALIUXCB MKADQUARTWRS. Kates S. par say. Ipeoial ratel r tae week, Corner 15th anl Jackson Streets. &J Oat Slock frea aetor Una. Mt K JENMXrGS, PropV, Q14AHA, z PLANTS AND TREES. A full assortment of FORSET AND FRUIT TREES, Plnnt. vines, etc.. of hardiest sorts for Ne brgRka. Special prices to Alliance societies. Send lor price lift to North Bund Nursehies. North Bend, Dodge Co., Nebraska. Established 1873. J. W. Stfvenson, Propr. "STEEL WONDER" FENCE MACHINE. Runs easily weaves rapidly. The best steel machine made, w h ol e s ale prices where we have no afrenls. r'reinrht paid. Art's wanted, send for circular to the Mention this paper. tiosheu Fence Ma. Co., Goshen, Ind Notice to Coal Consumers. I have been able to complete arrang ments whereby we are better ab.e than we have been heretofore to make satisfactory prices on all grades of Canon City and Trinidad coal, as well as the best grades of Northern Colo rado coal, over any lino of road run ning out of Denver or Pueblo, c Their capacity is sufficient to guarantee prompt shipment. I v?i!l keep pur chasers posted on prices upon applica tion. The lowest possible wholesale rates are obtained. Cash must accom pany all orders. J. W. Hartley, State Agt, Lincoln, Neb. Parr Painting Company 1515 O f trsit. House painting and paper hat gin Sicns a specialty. Call and getioi r fi ures en work. Will trade work f r horse and wagon. tf muni jo. W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT Has Fairly Earned a First-class Patronage. Good meals served in a quiet home-like manner with moderate prices cannot fail to please. 138 South 12th St. LINCOLN, NEB. CINCINNATI SHOE STORE. We cany the best Boots and Shoes in the city. "We think we can suit you and fit your feit. "We also make the best shoes in the city. Give us a call. We think we can satisfy you by giv ing you good honest Boots and Shoes. 1W5 1228 0 St. Lincoln, Neb. SAVERS THE - -IN- PENSION TIIE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled. Dependent widows and paren I s now depend ent wbise sons died lrom effects of army service are included. If jou wish your claiir epeedil-" and aud snecf eofully prosecuted, address. JAMPQ TANNER Late Commissioner 'HItO I HUNCH of Pensions. 47-Iy Washington, U. C. What Calhoun Say3. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 22, 1890. Eureka Rheumatic Remedy Co., Lincoln, Neb. I have been relieved twice from se vere attacks of Rhuematism by the use of Eureka Rheumatic Remedy, using only a small portion of one bottle, have had no trouble siuco the last attack, about three rears ago. J. 1). Calhoun, Editor Lincoln Weakly Herald. For sale by Dr ovists. i3m43 . J. THORP ft CO., Manufacturer! of Rubber Starips, Se&la, Stencils, mages end Baggage Checks VT Every Description. Established 828 8. Ilth 8t.. LINCOLN. NtS DOUBLK Bmch-Loader S7.99. RIFLES Al! arirnli eheaner ithan elsewhere. Be fore jou buy, wu'l Catalogue to Th IIJcClrineBtCe. PISTOLS 75' vT?TCH5riiict?aJ.. Cinolauatt.01uo. ttol Main 8lnt-t, A pamphlet of Information and ab-A L sLracLuf the iawa.lltaawiliff How tt, kj VOl"'" Puteats, Carents, TiwleSKX JL Marks, Copynshts, er.t fru.mSBf , Addr MUNN CO. -361 Broadway. Mew l ork. Warner & Wolfanger. OI IMP 11 ll.l A UUIVU