S .jjjnm mwmf Jill. As VOL. III. LINCOLN, NEB., TUUKSDAY, OCT. 8, 1891. NO. 17. 1 gM v. to NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Expibatioss: Ai the easiest and cheapest leans of notifying subscribers ot the ant. of iheir expirations we will mark tbia notice with a blue or red pencil, on the date at which their auiiecription expires. We will aend the paper two weeks after expiration. IT not re newed by that time it will be discontinued. POETRY. The Little Brown Farm. A brown little farm is over the hill Where the shadows are held with a song; Where the oriole calls to Its mate by the rtU And I find peaceful rest from the throng-. O, the dear little farm, the queer little fann( The brown little farm on th. hill. Bweot children once played on this brown little farm Now answer me this with your pen. "Does a mother not feel secure from harm 'Neath the roof whence her boys grew to men?" O, serene little farm, you are queen little farm. The little brown farm on the bill. Here the daughters weDt forth, their eyes like the stars. To toll in the world's busy looms; 'Till the lights in the west from the sunset's red bats Are each a lone lamp In my rooms. O, the glad little farm, the sad little farm, The little t)rown farm on the hill. Mary Baird Finch. Nebraska's Big Crop of'gi. For TnE Alliance, by Our John. A "drummer" came into a village store, A3 dapper as he could be, From his sample pack he took out a pack To show the merchant some tea. To edify those standing by, He spoke, and thus quoth he: "Dear sir, you should make your order large, For the crops are good this year, To drying winds there is no'.hing to charge, From frost is nothing to fear. The grangers have settled down to 'biz,' To get out of last year's fix. And Nebraska's big crop of 91 Is death to their politics." A granger sat oa an apple barrel. As sunburned as he could be; With a sounding slap like a thunder clap He smote the patch on his knee. Touched to the quick by the drummer chick. He spoke and thus quoth he: " 'Tis true that the crops are good this fall, Our prospects are better, but that's not all; To holp us out of last year's fix, Our best crop is our crop of politics." The granger in politics came to stay, We've followed too long an imported way. But our votes and our corn we intend to mix, And ship out a few car loads of politics We're tired to death of extortion and lies, Of political bosses, schemers and spies We'll drive 'em across the river Styx, By means of our crop of politics. Don't insult the granger with stuff of this kind, For we aro in earnest and know our own mind. The croo that will count when election is done Is the political crop of '91. HOW STRANGE IT SEEMS! The independent candidate for county judge will Jfynn. The rppiib candidate for clerk of the court will Jl'aite. One of the chairs for a district judge will have a Zeweforaterm of four years upon it. The indenondents hav guarded neainst want by putting a Baker on the ticket. Have you read the open letter of Mr. Det'hlef s? if not take a look at it. No Germans need apply. Republican County Convention. No candidate for the legislature, sheriff, coroner or judse.has ever dared to announce himself for the office with out first asking permission of the B. & M. railroad. A non partisan judiciary is whet we want, provided we are selected as the non-pirtisan. Field and Hall. Cant. Wordvard, your republicanism is not good enough for us. F. & H. I would not run on the same ticket with Captain Woodward. Allen W. Fields. When I divorce a couple in this county xr-y voice reaches into the state of Missouri ond prohibits a marriage in that state. Hall, Judge. J. C Johnson has always been a good republican, but cannot go on the ticket with us. Field and Hall. I did not want the B. & M. to pay taxes on the Missouri river bridge to Cass county. A. Field. The meanest skunk in Lancaster county is working on the B. & M. Journal, and h's name is Ager. The independents recognized the 1.800 Germnn voters of this co'inly by giving us Elfeldt and Matt Mauel. Open Letter of Dethlefs. Gov. Thayer Has Refused to Interfere. Governor Thajer at 4:30 yesterday afternoon sent word to Omaha that he would not interfere in behalf cf Ed. D. Ncal. The following letter was sent to the fheriff: State of Nebraska. Executive De partment Lincoln, Neb. v Oct 6, 1891, J. F. Boyd, fsq.. Sheriff Douglas coun ty, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir: After the nost thorough and painstaking investi gation and consideration of the case of Ed Neal, now under sentence of death in the county jail of Douglas county, I have arrived at the conclusion that It is not my duty to interfere with the exe cution of the sentence imposed by the court. It will, therefore, beoome your pain ful duty to carry that sentence into effect on the day heretofore named. R 'apectfi'lly yours, John M.Thaieh, Governor. NEW Y0RKP0L1TICS. Empire Democrats Entertain TUeir Candidate for Governor. QEOVER CLEVELAND TALKS rt. EoPreeldeat Refers to a Recent Do lestle Episode Lieatenaas Governor Job..' Bolt Herman Oelrichs St.pt Out The Ohl. Campaign. New York, Oct. 6. The reception at the Democratic club rooms in honor of the Hon. Roswell P. Flower, marked the re entrance of Orover Cleveland into the political arena. After a silence un broken since the opening of the present campaign in this state he made a speech clearly defining his position, and his de sire for the success of toe state ucitei. Shortly after 9 o'clock the guests and members of the club began to arrive at the club rooms. Mr. Flower was one of tbe early arrivals. As he entered he was greeted with hearty cheers. William E. Curtis, secretary of the club, introduced Mr. Flower in a short speech in which he referred to his record in congress, and commended him to the support of all true Democrats. Mr. Flower responded very briefly, thanking the club for its flattering re ception. He said thai he would con tinue to protect the interests of the Democratic party. The Hon. Amos J. Cuinmings inade the longest speech of the evening. There was a commotion near the en trance which deepened into enthusiastic cheers as Orover Cleveland, leaning on the arm of F. L. Stetson, entered the club room. He was escorted to where Mr. Flower was standing, and the cheers broke out once more. Mr. Curtis immediately introduced him as the next speaker. Mr. Cleveland began his speech as follows: Gentlemen: I find that you members of the Democratic club are the greatest gourmands for speeches I ever saw, When ever I have visited you I have been asked for a speech before I got anything, else out of you. You may be are surpriseda t seeing me here tonight, as for the past few days I have been more interested in nominal politics. Cheers and laughter. I can say that I have been especially interested, although the subject of that solicitude on my part will never be of any especial ben efit to the Democratic party laughter. unless there comes a time when prohibi tionists correcting himself I mean the woman's suffrage, passes. Roosevelt on New York Politics. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 6. Hon. Theo dore Roosevelt of New York, civil ser vice commissioner.was in St: Paul, hav ing arrived from his western ranch in Montana. "It seems to me," Mr. Roose velt said, "that the finances are tbe meet important questions in this par ticular election in New York state. Moreover, the Republicans everywhere seem to me, I am happy to say, to be living up to their record in the matter of honest money. I shall probably not take any pari in this fall's campaign, but I will be on deck for next year's campaign if things remain as they are at present. I will then in all probability take the stump. But I would like to have my say this year in New York and Massachusetts." Is there any truth in the rumor that you have resigned from the civil service commission?" asked the reporter. "None whatever," replied the commissioner. "I have not only not resigned, but have no thought of it." Mills Mass Meeting at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Oct. 6. Much enthusiasm was manifest at the Mills mass meeting at Music hall literally the opening gun of the Demoracy in the notable state campaign now on. Half of the hall was occupied by the 1,100 vice presidents and the campaign clubs who marched gaily in with stirring music and banners flyitg. Tne remainder of the auditor ium and the balconies was closely thronged with the populace. Ex-Con-gressuian Mills of Texas was ardently welcomed, the chairman introducing him as "the probable speaker and leader of the next congress." Herman Oelrichs Steps Out. New York, Oct. . The resignation of Herman Oelrichs as member of the Democratic national committee was re ceived. In his letter of resignation Mr. Oelrichs gives as his reason for with drawing that the action of the New York Democratic state convention in having indicated by its nominations that Tammany hall was to be tbe ruling spirit in the state does not coincide with his views. Mr. Oelrichs is in Europe. Jooet Bolt. New York, Oct. 6. Leiutenant Gov. erncr Jones has issued a card in which he says that Flower's election would rs sult in bis (Flower's) nomination for tbe presidency, which would put the na tional government under the control of Tammany and make Sheehan governor. Those who do not desire that consumma tion of events Mr. Jones cautions to pause and think. ISarkodale Not a Candidate. Jackson, Miis., Oct. 6. In an inter view with Hon. E. Barksdale of this city he denies that he aspires to the presidency of tbe National Alliance, as stated in a telegram from Washington, and says he wonld not accept the posi tion if tendered him. Senator Sherman. Zanesville. O .Oct. 6 Senator Sher man spoke at the opera house here to a large and 'attentive audience His re mark; were in support of McKinley and protection, and also upon the silver question Hs goes from here to Wash ington A Treaturer Resigns. New York. Oct G. James W. Wads worth, treasnrerof ths Republican state committee, sent hit resignation to' the committee A C Cheney, president of the OarSeli National bank, has accepted ths office Republlraas Capture Waterburv . Waterbury. Conn.. Oct 6. Ths Re publicans were victorious at the polls, electing their candidate for mayor and gaining control of tbe common council The Tlrket Will n. Acephalous. Omaha, Oct. 6. The Democratic stete central committee met and de cided not to fill the vacancy caused by the declination of Judge Broady. DUBS AND ESHEft. A Cooseatttee Appointed ta F.rmnLU 8ent.no in E.n.r'a Case. Philadelphia, Oct. . At the session, of the Evangelical association the case of Bishop Esber, which has been under consideration for several days, was again taken np. The conference thor oughly reviewed all the proceedings of the trial conference in the bishop's case, , and came to a vote on tbe qneetion whether the evidence justified the find ing of the trial conference. A ballot was taken and all the ballot were cast In the affirmative. A committee of nine was appointed to formulate a sentence in the case of Bishop Esher. In the afternoon the case of Bishop Dubs was taken np. The bishop made a statement, after which it was resolved to review the case as reported from the trial conference and to listen to the de fense which defendant would have offered at the time ot his trial if hit reasonable request to have a correct record of the trial proceedings furnished bim bad been granted. At the close ot the day's session the case of Bishop Dubs was still under consideration. Bishop Dubs Summoned. Indian apolis, Oct. 8. In the German Evangelical conference inquiry was .made for the report of the committee in the case of Bishop Dubs. Members of the committee said the body had been laboring day and night since Friday, but was not yet ready to report, and might not be for a couple of days. It was then decided to summon Bishop Dubs to be present at the investigatior of the charges against him. NEW YORK PRESBYTERY; It Notiflet Dr. Brl(f to Appear for Trial on November 4 and Adjonrns. New York, Oct. . The New York Presbytery met again this morning, Moderator Bliss presiding. After rou tine business Rev. Schiland, of the com mittee appointed to answer Dr. Briggs' protest ot May 11, offered bis report. By request of Briggs the protest was first read. It demurred against the ap pointment of a prosecuting com mittee for several reasom.Among otners, lie was not given sufficient 'time to answer charges. The answer of the state committee was on the inquiry only. Dr. Birch, chair man of the nrosecutinir committee, an nounced he was about to serve Briggs with a copy of the indictment setting tne trial tor .Nov. 4, at 10 o clock. After formal notice was served on Briggs to appear for trial Nov. 4 the presbytery adjourned. Hopkins-Senrlet Estate In California. San Francisco, Oct. 6. Judge Coffee has been asked by the public admlms trator to settle his final account as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Hop kins-Searles. The estate in California is valued at $3,000,000 and brings in rental of $5,000 a month. Mrs. Harrison's Return. Washington, Oct. B. Mrs. Harrison, accompanied by Mrs. Cheney.wife of ex Governor Cheney of New Hampshire, and Russell Harrison, returned to this city at 9:30. They were met at the station by tne president and were driven to the W hite House. Will lie Reappointed. Washington, Oct. 6. The four-year term of Commodore Melville, engineer-in-chief of the United States navy, ex pires next January. The secretary has signified his intention of reappointing Commodore Melville for a second term of four years. Secretary Noble. Washington, Oct. 6. Secretary Noble left for Chicago? where he will take part in the reunion of the Army of the Tennessee and the ceremonies at tending the unveiling of the Grant monument. Father of Thirty-one Children. Eldon, la., Oct. 6. Sanford Dowd, an old settler of Iowa, is dead at tbe age of t7 years. He is tbe father of five children by a first wife, ten by a second and sixteen by a third, making thirty one children in all. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS A recently arrived steamer at New York from Europe, had on board $3,488,000 in gold. The entire telephone system of Racine, Wis., was burned out by an electric light wire dropping across a telephone wire. At Memphis, Tenn., two freight cars ran off the transfer steamer and four tramps, who were in the cars, were drowned. Ex-Governor Creneyof New Hampshire, so it is said, has been offered '.he port folio of war, aud will accept the posi tion. Dryson Harris, colored, wanted at Du rant. Miss., for tbe murder of Lee An drews, colored, has been captured at To peka by Police Captain Donovan. The Alaska Packers' association, com prising the controlling interests in tbe thirty-three salmon cauneries of Alaska, has been formed at San Francisco. The immense packing establishment of John P. Squire & Co., in East Cambridge and Somerville, Mass., was partially de stroyed by fire. Loss about $130,000, full insured. The body of Engineer Moore, ono of the victims of tbe tug explosion on the Chi cago river, has been recovered Eight victims of the explosion have so far beec accounted for The Greenlee and Forst oil well at Mc Donald, Pa., was drilled deeper anJ the flow increased to 14. 4'X) barrels a day This is the larzest well ever stra;k la America and is believed to be the largest in tbe world. Reports are coming in of a hurrtesas in the northern pineries Tbe best cslcu's tion to be had shows twelve to fifteen townships devastated and the los cf tim ber is now sure to run Into the hucdredi of millions of feet A confidential circular bts been sent ti to ntmclos abroad from Rome, explaining that owing to the disturbance at tbe tomb of Victor Emanuel in the pantheon last week the pope will be unable to receive more pilgrims. The Ohio river is nl most dry. and navl. gallon of that stream has been all but suspended, between Cincinnati and Point Pleasant, W. Va , are eighteen steamer' loaded with passecgerj and freight stuck in the mud. A RATE WAR LIKELY. Deary Grain Movement from West to East Causing Trouble. RAILWAY TRAINMEN MEET The Brotherhood Bold Rather Brisk tost toe, at Calosborf Jay Goald Again at His Desk Lake Bates Dropping O IB cert Re-elected. Chicago, Oct. 6. So far from insur ing stability of rates, ths heavy grain movement from the west to tbe east is likely to bring the demoralization that has been successfully staved off dnring the dull portion of the year. This, of course, will not be dne to the increase of tonnage, but to ths fact that all other outlets to tbe seaboard seem to be in greater favor than in Chicago. While the east-bound shipments of grain seem to be very largs by way of St. Lonis, Duluth, New Orleans and Galveston, the movement by way ot Chicago ii lighter than it has been for years at this season. Ths traffic officials on the lines entering Chicago from ths west are beginning to grumble and even to make threats. These companies have been extremely conservative during the present year ignoring the cut rates that were known to have been adopted at times by some of their competitors, in the belief that such practices wonld be discontinued as soon as the bnsy season commenced. They now say for bearance has ceased to be a virtue and that they cannot afford to stand by and let other roads absorb their share of ths traffic, on which they have depended to retrieve the losses of the year. Complaints are made that the Mis souri Pacific cutting grain rates from the Missouri river, and that the Great Northern and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha are employing unfair means to divert traffic to Duluth. It is even intimated that one or two of the Chicago lines have taken steps to meet this competition, and that in a few days they will be engaged in a scramble for busiuess. A Rock Island officer said the Chicago and Alton had undoubtedly cut tbe rate from Kansas City to Chi cago to meet the rates ot the Missouri Pacific and the Memphis line, but the only evidence offered was a sudden in crease in the Alton's business and a cor responding falling off in that of other roads. The Alton Deotile sav that thev have not reduced the rates as yet and that wben they do it will be an open re duction. It is generally conceded that me rate Buuauou is critical. The Brotherhood of Railway . Trainmen Galesburo, Ills.,' Oct. "8. The ha tional convention of the Brotherhood ot Railway Trainmen opened here at 0 o'clock behind closed doors. Four hun dred delegates are in attendance. The afternoon was taken np mostly with hearing addresses from the grand lodge officers. Secretary Sbeeban stated that during the last year be had been subjected to much abuse both from those connected in an official way with the order and by individual members. He then turned his attention to the trouble on the Northwestern road and told of the abuse that had boen heaped upon himself and the grand master. Referring to Editor Rogers, of The Railway Trainmen's Journal, he said that during all the conference Mr. Rogers had been lukewarm and had then and since tried to shirk the respon sibility of what wus then done. A stormy scene followed the secre tarv's 8Teech and the lie was cussed. Mr. Rogers got tip in his seat and, wild with rage, said all tne charges made by Mr. Sheehan were false, and he chal lenged the gentleman to prove his asser tions. He was called to order by tbe cbair and for the present the mattei was hushed up. Grand Master Wilkinson also ad. dressed the convention on the trouble that had been made during the year. The reports of the grand lodge officers were distributed among the members before adjournment. Tne secretary's report showed that the Brotherhood was in a nourishing condition, tne pres ent membership being 20,499. Jay Gould. New York, Oct. 6 Jay Gould has recovered sufficiently from his collapse of la6t week to be able to attend to busi ness again. He came down from Irvington and reached his office in the Western U.don building at about 10 o'clock. J r. Gould declined to recetve any callers during the morning but sent out word tbat he was feeling better than nt any time for a week. Mr. George Got. Id, who was also in town, ridicules tbe idea tbat bis father's health is in a critical state, and says he will pick up strength as soon as cold weather comes. The heat and sultriness of the past month have been very wearing on the elder Mr. Gould's nerves. A Seven-Year War Ended. Pittsburg, Oct. 8. Tbe fight that has been in progress seven years made by the holders of Allegheny Valley railroad income bonds, to prevent the Pennsylva nia from getting hold of the Allegheny Valley.will now be peaceably settled. An agreement has been prepared and will probably be signed by oil the stockhold ers, whereby the Pennsylvania company will get entire possession of the roa .. Outside stockholders will be allowed to continue their stock in the new organi zation on the payment of $5 a shsre The road is to be mads a freight routi; to the east. Railway Officer Ue-Elerted St. Paul, Oct. 6 The annual meet ing of ths board of directors of the Chi cago, St. Paul and Kansas City Rail way company was held here The pres ent officers were re-elected. The execu tive committee selected is composed of the following: A. B. Stickney. chair man; C. W. Benson, A. Kalman. A Oppenheim, J. W. Lusk, A. M. Drake, William Dawson and J. M. Egan. Freight Rates Dropping-. Chicago, Oct. C The freight rate by lake on corn to Buffalo dropped toll ents. This is a redaction of one-half Df 1 cent since Saturday, and the pres ent rate is just half of what it was when White & Co. were running their special corn deal and pushing shipments. Unless shipments increase materially, vessel men expect the rate to drop to 1 :eut. MOBBED IN THE STREETS. Am Aeeallaal of Remaaleat Rooghly Traotod by a St. Joseph. Mo., Crowd. St. Joseph, Ma, Oct A man giving the name ot T. F. Lyons, and claiming- to be an ex-Catholio priest, ap peared a few days since and announced that ha was a member of the Patriotio Sons of America, and wonld lectors on "Romanism." Ha endeavored to rent a hall for that purpose, but in vain. He mounted box at the corner of Fifth and Edmond streets, and afcer a crowd bad gathered around bim began a fierce denunciation of the Roman Catholio church and its clergy, He had hardly gotten well into his sobiect when some ons in the crowd threw rock, wbich struck him on the head. This was a signal for a volley of stones, decayed fruit, and other missiles. Lyons drew his revolver and threatened to shoot into the crowd. At tbia bis en tire audience broke for him, and, jump ing from bis box, Lyons fled for his life. He took refuge in a building after a short ran, where be was beseiged by the crowd and would have probably been lynched but for the arrival of aquad of police. Although badly injured by the stones thrown at him Lyons managed to make his exit from the rear of the building an ddisappeared. THEIR FATE UNKNOWN. SOTtntr Foople Thought to Have Beet Lost by the Blaklnc of the Bark Sllaolo O. Elkla. New York, Oct 6. Newt of the first iitaster as a resnlt of Monday's gale came in a dispatch from St. John, -N. B. It was to the effect that the British barkentine Minnie G. Elkin was wrecked and that her crew it undoubt edly lost. The barkentine bad en board about seventy people, including the officers and the captain's wife and baby. On Aug. 19 she left St. John and that was the last ever Been of her until sbe was passed, bottom np and abandoned. What became of those on board is not known. A Human Monstrosity. Portland, Ore., Oct 0. The State Medical college is in receipt of a most singular malformation. It is a prema turely born female infant of 8 months, which has two pairs of arms and two pairs of legs. The body as fur as the navel ia tbat ot a single child. Below that it divides, and the lower extremi ties are those of two children. Tbe arms, hands and feet are perfectly formed even to the nails. The head is very large and is crowned with black hair. There is an ear on each side, while immediately at the back two ears appear close together and facing each other. Ths shape of ths head is very broad, giving a Btrange appearance to the face, the features or wnicn are per f ectly formed. This si ngular monst ros ity lived about an hour after being born. Fly In B by Rail. Baltimore, Oct. f. A royal bine train on the Baltimore and Ohio which was delayed by the elevator fire at Locust Point, made a remarkable rnn from Canton, after it had got through, to Philadelphia. The distance was ninety-two miles, and tbls was covered in ninety-two minutes, the run from Canton to Newark, Del., fifty-four miles, was made in a little less than fiftv-six minutes, including a stop of about two minutes. From .Newark to I'huadel phia. thirty-seven miles, the time con sumed was thirty six minutes, including brief 6 to Tie at Wilmington and Chester, A part of the time the train was run at the speed ci eoventy-iwo raues an nonr. Fatal to Four. Stapleton, L. I., Oct. 6. A wagon belonging to the National meat market at Erastiua, with four occupants, con' sisting of a man, woman and two chil dren, w as struck by a train on the Am ber division of the Staten Island Rapid Transit railroad at a crossing in Giffords. The man and woman were instantly killed. The children were picked np in a dying condition. The names of the victims are: John Jones of Erastlaa, Mrs. Carrie Edwards, his Bister, Blanche Edwards, aged 1 year, and Anton Banter, aged four. Farmers Use Dynamite. Anderson, Ind., Oct. 6 The Indiana Natural Gas company having refused to pay to property owners damages as sessed for crossing property with their pipe line, twenty five of their laborers were arrested and fined $25 each for trespassing, While the men were at tending court farmers hitched horses to the pipes and pulling them from the trenches broke them into pieces. In another part of the county a party of farmers blew out a section of the line through which gas was flowing with a charge of dynamite. Vail Rearrested. St. Lotjis, Oct. 6. Charles F. Vail ot this city, whose trial for the murder of his wife at Old Monroe, Mo., February, 1889, resulted in a misstrial last term, was rearrested. A new indictment, charging him with murdering his wife, was taken in St. Charles county. . An Ex-Hank Teller Sentenced. Evansvillk. Ind., Oct. 6. Judge Wood, of the federal court, sentenced Charles Ritttr, the defaulting teller of the First National bank of this city, to six years in the penitentiary at Mich igan City. His defalcations amounted to J76.OO0. hnt His Wire and Himself. Green Bay, Wis., Oct. 6. Victor Lambean, a stonemason of this city, fa tally shot his wife through the neck and then committed suicide by shooting himself through the temple. Lambeau was insanely jealous. I'eriahed til the Flames. Pittsburg, Oct. 8. Six frame houses atBraddock were destroyed by fire. The flames were caused by a lamp ex plosion. James McGuire, aged 28, laborer, was burned to death. A Poitufflce lturgiarised. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 6. Thieves broks Into tbe postoffice at Berkeley and se cured $300 in stamps and change and a number of registered letters. Hoot and Shoe Falloro. Boston, Oct. 0. D. B. Barker, man ofactnrer of boots and shoes at Abing ton, Mass , assigned. L BLOCIfe 1141 AND 1143 O STREET, UipCOUp, TIED. Blanket WEB We will have a special sale of Blankets this week. We don't mean Cotton Blan kets but Wool Grey, Sanitary, Scarlet and White Rose. In our stock, you will find the most com plete line ever city, comprising the best makes in the country, inclu ding the celebrated Califor nia and Indiana makes. Now is the proper .season to lay in your Blanket sup ply, when you can buy them cheap and get a big line to select from. PROMPT ATTENTION A. BIOCE FIELD AND HIS BOODLE. The Daily Slate Jeurnal, of March 11, 1885, contains this beautiful little notice: "The legislative party which lnft Lincoln Sunday morning was urd ubedtly the merriest committee of 'live stock' look ing after grazing interests that has gono from Nebraska to the centre of attrac tion. By the courtesy of Hon. L. M. I'cnnott, one of the finest sleepers was placed under control of Speaker Field and a colored porter whose unceasing care and attention made our compan ions happy. Before starting thoughtful friends had stored well tilled dishes and 'so forth' in the baggage department for our comfort and safety." This trip spoken of in the Journal was a junketing trip to New Orleans. The kind attentions shown Allen W. Field and others by tho railroad was the coo ing which consummated in the marriage and which has bound Fidd to the roads ever since. FIELD AS A liUKKKlt. In 1887, Hon. Allen W. Field ran for judge of this district. At that election Maxwell received, in this county, for supreme judge 3,015 votes, O'Day (dem) 1,888, and Abbott (prohib) 680 votes; re-' publican plurality 2,233. This was- the head of the ticket. Mr. Field received 8,158 and Mr. Sawyer (dem) 2,873 votes; Fields plurality only 783. The differ ence between Field's plurality and Max well's was 1,449 vctes. So hemusthive run just that ruuoh behind his ticket then. A change of only 332 votes would have lost him the county. He will get his medicine this time. FIELD AS A LEGISLATOR. While yet a young man and in the legislature we see how Allen W. Field had an eye to business. He always looks out for No. 1 even if he has to con demn all the public roads in tho county and run a Sunday base ball club and beer garden to do it. In 1883 Field, while a member of the legislature, voted for the bill to pay tho Nebraska City National bank$13,640.50. The facts about this claim are, that the state brought a suit against the bank and recovered a judgment for $8,269 04 for state money found t. be in the pos session .of the baik, deposited there by Gov. James This suit was tried in Lancaster county, and was taken by the bank to the Supreme Court aid there the judgment was affirmed; the bank was compelled to pay the amount of the judgment, and then some years later appeared before the legislature with its c'.aini, which two successive legislatures rejected. The legislature of 1883 gave this bank $13,010.56, and for this bill Mr. Field voted aye, and worked for its passage. LOOKS LIKE BOODLE. In tho suit of YY. E. Griffith et al ts W. E. G. Caldwell et al, the county com mls'io nets of Lancaster county to Sale This Blankets in offered m the TO MAIL ORDERS. 0ST., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. enjoin the commissioners from proceed ing under their contract with J. K. Webster to refund the bonds of Lancas ter county, Allen W. Field was called aa a witness and testified as follows: "Aug. 8rd, 1884, Allen W. Field being- produced as a witness for the plaintiff and being duly sworn, in answer to , in terrogatories says: Q. Sialeyour n?me, age, place of residonce, and occupation T A. My name is Allen W. Field; age. 30 years; place of residence Lincoln; oc cupation, attorney-at-law. Q. Do you know J. R. Webstcrt A. Yes sir. Q. Do you know about the contract made with the county commissioner with regard to the refunding of the $267, 000 county fundsT . A. Yes sir. Q. What portion if any, ot the profits, were you to receive which Webster would make by virtuo ot that contract? A. We had an agreement by which I was to receive one-tenth of the profits. (Signed) Allen W. Field. . , This was the case where J. R. Web- stir endeavored to secure $14,725 for re funding bonds, that provided on their face that th'jy might be refunded at any time tho county saw fit to do so. When this contract came before the Supreme; Court, tho court said: '1 his court cn- not permit any one to speculate on the funds of a county by proffering advice on a matter of law wbich is presumed to be known to all. This if admitted would result in great abuso." 20 Neb., page 431. 3f"The Jeurnal persists in printing blackguard paragraphs about Jay Bur rows which have no point, but remains persistently silent about the facts this paper has printed as to the course of its editor in regard to D. McCall. , Comrade Gere had better either refute . these damning facts, find some damag ing facts against J. Burrows, or shut up. A Refractory Witness, ' Pittsbueo, Oct 8. James R. Tate of Lawrence county, who refused to testi- , fiy in the McDowell bribery case agains , Wallace, was ordered by the supreme court toserve the sentence ot a $300 fin and three months imprisonment imposed, . . on him by the lower court. . . . , , Bread Riots In Poland. St. Pktrsbcbo, Oct. 6. Owing to the,' 1 famine the workmen at Zawirike, ia, . Poland, paraded the streets, robbed the baker shops and other places. The troops were called out and fired on the rioters, killing one workingman and wounding several. - , ' . Sold Their Little Beet. Boston, Oct. . Captain Lawler, of the Sea Serpent, and Captain Andrews, ' of ths Mermaid, the two dories recenjUr competing in an ocean race, arrived from Liverpool on the steamer Scythiav The dories were sold in Antwerp., .