The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, October 01, 1891, Image 8

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Fremont Normal School
Business College.
it Pi in II1 in (i ill ft i
ib a a m m m m
roundings homelike the moral qualifications are carefully guided and protected,
tions for all who come. Uur stuttents cress plainly; tneycouie uere ior worn ana noiior snow, xiu u.nmiuui,iuu . muu
tbe rich and the poor meet on the same plane and receive equal attention. The acquisition of knowledge is the objective
point hence, teacher and pupil work together for one common good, namely, the promotion, upbuilding and true culture
of the race. j ,
One of the most complete Businew Courses for one-half usual rates of other institutions. Ollice books t ttfch.
Whiio in many schools yon pay from 813 to $15 for your books, your outfit for the linsincs Courso here is $1.05, mak
ing a total gain to you of at least 810. This, together with your net savings cf tuition, will amount to 10. Is this worth
saving You can pay vour tuition in installments. Tbe instructor devotes his entire time to the commercial work, gives
both private and class 'instruction, and is ably assisted by Prof. Geo. II. Mohler, who teaches plain and ornamental pen--Clanship
free to business students.
The regulation are not severe, but are in keeping with a proper guide for the right. Believing that virtue and knowl
edge are the safest passports throughout life, our aim is to govern and direct with these ends in view.
Second Fall Term opens November 10, 1SU1. Second Winter Term opens January 18, W3- Yoc can enter at any
time. Address, , W. H- CLEMMONS, President. .
Ft r the largest list of subscribers for Tun Farmkks' Alliance at our club rate of eighty
i a ear, received by January 1st, 1892, we will give Ti ition, B
Yjcaij, in the Fremont Normal School and Business Institute.
For the second largest list
Relief Commission Report.
Lincoln, Nob., Sept 27 The fol
lowing is tbe report of Rev. Luther P.
Ludden on the work done for the re
lief of Indigent farmers last winter and
spring, the report being completed
last evening:
To the Members of the Nebraska
State Relief Commission: Gentlemen
I beg leave to submit the following
summary of work done by our comml
Total receipts for tbe
month of February $ 50,047 69
Total receipts for the
month of March
Total receipts for the
60.1C6 70
month of April....... 100,807 00
Total receipts for the
month of ftjay
Total receipts for the
month of June
251 63
13 00
Total 1200,783 01
The disbursements are as follows:
February................ 19,170 15
March 23,827 89
AprU 99.893 79
May 39,233 40
June 10,363 25
July 1,120 70
August 2,886 82
September 693 66
Total $195,687 67
Balance on hand to date. 5,098 24
There remains yet to be paid bills
amounting to a little over f 100. This
delay is caused by the fact that the
bills had to be returned for corrections
and hrtve not yet been preseutod in
propor shape. '
We have filed with the secretary of
state, as required by law, 41.663 indi
vidual recoipts for provision distribu
ted and 13,662 Individual recoipts for
grain distributed for seed.
The commission distributed the fol
lowing amounts of grain:
Wheat, 57,696 bushels and 45 lbs.;
corn, 88,445 bushels and 15 lbs.; bar
ley, 10,818 bushels; oats, 12,779 bush
els and 8 lbs.; potatoes, 6,680 bushels
and 18 lbs.
Of the above the .following were do
nated, the committee paying the
freight: Wheat, 1,200 bushels; corn,
3,750 bushels; oats, 987 bushels.
Taking the estimates furnished us by
the county clerks of the numbor of
bushels raised from one of sowing: and
using tbe market price as given by our
dealers, we have the following results:
Cash value grain
raised from seed
Wheat ............$ 1,471,218
Corn.... 6,651,415
Barley................. 297,495
Oats..: 89,453
rotatoes...., 50,080
Total $ 8,559,691
In this accounting none of the sup
plies received or distributed prior to
the passage of the law creating the
commission are included. Nearly
$100,000 worth of grain and provisions
and clothing was thus distributed.
Nor do we make any account of the
large amount of garden seeds distrib
uted. A glance at the book also shows that
four out of every seven families re
ceived supplies cf provisions but twice,
while the other three families received
more frequently.
An itemized financial exhibit for
each month is herewith appended,
Luther P. Litoen,
Owiecul Manasrnr.
Assisunt-Lectuier Pratt's Appointments.
Broken Bow, Custer " Oct. 2.
Calloway, , g
Central City, Merrick" " 10.
Gandy, Logan, " 5.
Tha members of the Alliance in the
several counties should make everv
effort to have these meetings successful.
oecure iue auenaasce 01 as many as
possioie, iTing your wives ana children
and thus encourage onr workers.
I Want Money.
And m I have more clothing than I
can use myself I will exchange clothing
for money and jrive boot. From and after
Octobor 1st I will sell any thing in my
stock for cost. Men's, youth's, boys'
and childrea's suits and overcoats at
manufacturer's prices. U&ts, caps, and
gents furnishings at same rates actual
cost. This means business, as I wish to
go out of the business by January 1st,
and so commence this sale at once be
fore the people are supplied with their
fall and winter clothing. Call and see
our prices. A.Hcblbut.
Corner P & 10th Sts. Lincoln, Neb.
received by the same date we
This Department will be edited for the ben
efit of Mutual Insurance Companies through
out the State.
Lancaster County Company.
This company now has on file In this
oflice about $00,000 in applications, so
let the good work go on, and if those
who should be interested will help us a
little we will have a Quarter of a mil
lion by January first.
riease tell the secretary of your Alli
ance when you want some insurance,
Give section, town, range and postoilice
address, and ask him to notify me.
l am now quite certain we will have
tht required 4100,01)0 by November 1.
I will be in the ollice on everv Satur
Cyclene Insurance.
In the Cyclone Company the charges
are: Membership II; survey fee, $1, and
ten cents per hundred dollars (or frac
tion thereof.)
We now have over 150,000 written,
but the Insurance will not take effect
until we havo 1150,000 applied for.
mere are some combinations coming
up against this company as well as all
other purely mutual companies, which
must be met.
We want good mon from all counties
in the state to represent us, and that
right away.
Baker s Clothing House.
Ella'. Baker, the clothing man, 1125
O street, is very busy, and has not had
time to write an add., but he is selling
gonts' famishing goods, hats and caps,
an cheap as the cheapest and as good as
the best. Don't forget the placo, 1125 O
street. It
In another place in this imner will be
found an item in reaard to the Western
Normal oollrge that is worth II to any
one desiring to enter that school. This
pavs the subscription price to The
Fakmeks' Alliance.
Catalogues will be mailed free to any
one addressing William M. Croan,
Shenandoah, Iowa. " 10t4
The Meeting at Aurora Last Saturday.
Gkand Island, Neb., Sept. 27, 1891.
Editor Alliance: The picnic at Au
rora yesterday was not a success, as
Uncle Sam and Melbourne and Foster,
with their sinister experiments and in
cantations brought on a drizzling rain
during the previous night which con
tinued all day. Of course that ren
dered an outdoor meeting impossible.
But the farmers of Hamilton county are
too much in earnest to bo entirely baf
fled by rain, and although they reported
asthcy came in that processions from
every direction had turned back when
they found their picnic was Impossible,
enough of them reached town to fill the
Opera house and to have an earnest and
enthusiastic meeting. J. P. Sovereign,
master workman c f the K. of L. of Iowa,
was on hand and gave an ablo and elo
quent address. He gave us pure and
unadulterated "people's independent"
doctrine, and the audience showed
their approval by frequent applause.
The Old Farmer then addressed them
for about an hour and the marked favor
with which his remarks were received
was because the audience knew he was
one of them.
The Edgerton badges went eff like
hot cakes, and the applause with which
every allusion by the speaker to ' Our
Joe'' was received showed plainly
where their votes will be east in Novem
ber. J. II. Powers.
Cold Contracts.
Hartisgton, Neb., Sept. 23, 1891.
Editor Alliance: There is one dan
ger ahead, a fearful breaker on which
we may be dashed in pieces. The num
ber of mortgages made payable in gold
are simply frightful. This is in antici
pation of the free and unlimited coin
age of silver. The capitalists believe
that the moment the free and unlimited
coinage of silver comes in operation
Gresham's law will take effect. This
law is named from its first expounder,
Sir Thomas Gretham of England, the
celebrated diplomat, who lived between
the years 1519 and 1579. This law is
that whenever two metals are legal ten
der, and there is a difference between
the market and mint ratios, '.he cheaper
metal drives out the dearer. For exam
Ths Largest and Best Equipped Pri
vate Normal School in the State.
School the Entire Year. Students
Crji Enter at any Time. Select
Their Own Studies and Advance as
Rapidly as They May Desire.
This school gu' tains tbe following
course of study: Preparatory. Teach
ers', Elective, Scientific, Classic. Math
ematical, Commercial, Musical, Elo
cution. Art, Law, Stenographic and
The Faculty Is composed of twelve
experienced instructors. Men and
women who sre specially fitted for
their work and believe in true culture.
The school is equipped with one of
the useful libraries for thorough
investigation of subjects. Students
are given every advantage possible for
improvement. Tbe recitation rooms
are large, nicely lighted and well fur
nished. There aie two large two
story brick dormitories, one especially
for ladies and one for gentlemen.
Every precaution is taken tor the
moral wrotection of the students.
Hence, parents and guardians need
have do fear sending their daughters
and sons to tbe Normal School Ev
erything ii done to make their sur
and we have twe ample accommoda
oAitu ani Boom Hunt fok
will give TriTiox for one Yeah.
ple, our present silver dollars are coined
in a ratio to gold of 15.938 to 1, 16 in
round numbers. Suppose the ratio in
the bullion market U 20 to 1. Now
when free coinage goes Into effect,
man wnn an ounce 01 cold can take it
to toe mint and exchange It for sixteen
ounces of silver.or take It to the bullion
markot and exchange for twenty ounces
of silver; thon taking sixteen of these
ounces to the mint to be coined, he can
have four ounces of silver left. The
bullion value of gold being greater than
its mint value, gold will be driven out
of circulation. .Now, if Gresham's law
continues to operate, in time the $700,
000,000 of gold In the country will be
driven out of the circulation; and the
demand for gold to satisfy trust deeds
and mortgages payable in that coin will
place gold at a premium, perhaps as
high as during the war ($2.85 to $1.00)
or higher. The enforcement of these
contracts would make us a nation of
serfs. I told that these contracts paya
ble in gold are void as contrary to pub
lic policy, as they discriminate against
the legal tender of this country. 1 have
a caso beforo the district court in which
I have raised this question. I shall take
it to the supreme court of the United
States if need be, as it Involves a federal
question. See, farmers; by one stroke
of the pen you can be made a nation of
serfs. How important are our InriioUl
elections. Wilber F. Bryant.
An Enterprising Firm.
Our readers have all heard of the re-
liable firm of N. P. Curtice & Co , of
this city, but not all of them know that
they are one of the largest dealers in
musical instruments in the west. One
ts a better idea of the magnitude of
their business on Investigation of their
mammoth store aud ware-rooms, on
South Eleventh street. From thegenial
manager, Mr. Curtice, we cot the fol
lowing facts coHcerning their recent
importation, the largest by the way ever
brought to Lincoln:
Their ware-room was shown us full
of cases, consisting of Violins, Violin
cello's, Guitars, Accordions, and all
kinds of stpinged and reed instruments
exespt pianos and organs. Also fur
nishings for all instruments. "If any
of your readers want a violin we can
spara one or two" said Mr. Curtice
pointing to the shelves where hundreds
of them had been placed on removal
from the shipping cases. The firm
made their first importation about a
year and a half ago, and as stated above
they have increased with each shipment
until the lait which amounts to over
$5,000 and is the largest ever entered
through the port of Lincoln. The
freight aud duty amounted to over
$700. This firm carries a stock valued
at over $20,000 and do a large and in
creasing business.
Ilandling the very best makes of
pianos and organs, sheet music, band
instruments and all kinds of musical
The Farmers Alliance takes
pleasure in noting their enterprise and
wishes for them abundant success, lw
Sheriff Sate.
Notice i hereby (rfvon that by virtue of
12 execution! Issued by tbe clerk of the dis
trict court.. t the Third Judicial District of
Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
six actious wherein Arnott C. Kicketu is
plaintiff, and in Saotions wherein Levi P. M.
Easlorday is plaintiff, and in 8 actions where
in Andrew J. Sawyer is plaintiff, and In all of
whicU Lincoln Canning and Provision Com
pany is defendant, I wlil, at 3 o'clock p m. on
tbe 3d day of October. A. I). 1WU, at the east
door of the court house In the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Neb , offer for sale at pub
lic riioUoh, the least bold interest of th I in.
coin Canning and Provision Company in the
property hereinafter desert bed, running- until
the 8th day of July, A. X). 1SW5. together with
11 rights of the Uf see, the Lincoln Canning
and Provision Company, thereunder as ap
pears from their lease or record in the office
of the register of deeds of Lancaster county,
Nebraska, and recorded In book "H." of Mis
celluaeous Hecord. at page 438, which prop
erty is a part of the s. e. a of seet'on 15,
township 10, ranges east, in Lancaster co ln
ty, Nebraska, bounded and described as f-l-lows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of
block twenty-four (24) of the town of West
Lincoln according to the recorded plat there
of, and running thence south on a continua
tion of the west line of Norman street of
West Lincoln, eleven hundred and forty (1140)
feet, thence east at llgbtanglet with the west
line of said Norman st re-t eighty f0) feet for
a starting point thence eart five hundred and
thirty (Aik) teet. thence i.rtb three hundred
(SiOi feet, thence west Ave hundred and thirty
(5.i)feet thence south three hundred (300) feet
to place of beginning, all lines being parallel
to or at right angles with Norman street. In
West Lincoln, together with all buildings
thereon except a little frame feed house, and
inoltidtug the engine,boi;ers, fixtures and ma
chinery therein and thereon situate of every
kind and nature, comprising everything be
longing to and connected with the canning
and vinegar factory of the Lincoln Canning
and Provision company. And on the game
day at 3 o'clock p. m.. under and by virtue of
said execution I will offer for sale at publio
auction at the premises ef tbe Lincoln Can
ning and Provision company in the town of
West Lincoln, Lancastvr county, Nebraska,
thefollewing described personal nronertv.
to-wit: Ten hogsheads catsup bottles. 110
earryinf orates (galvanized lro), 25 large
shipping crates (galvanized iron), 29 craus
porous DottouMgaivanized iron), 1 lot or wood
en orates, I lot of boxss In knock-down, 1 to
mato cleaning vst. S trucks, etc., etc.
Given under my band this 2Pth day of Au
gust, A. D , ltl. SAM McCLAY, Sheriff.
1036 O STKEET.
Dress Goods.
Double width half wool Cashmere, our 15c quality for 10c.
3-4 in. American
quality for..
JJG in. English Cashmere, black
3G in. Wool Plaids and stripes,
54 in (l yards wide) dress flannel, our 50ct quality for 39c.
40 in. French Cashmere al1 pure wool twenty live shades
to choose from, our 65c quality, for.... 4c.
Samples of these items sent on application. Send in your orders
now. You won't buy these goods again at these prices.
The' Popular Low Priced Dry Goods Store.
For Sale.
Improved farm of 160 acres 1 miles
east of Trum'jull, being 8. W. 54 Bee. , T. 8,
R. 8, Clay Co. Title good, no encumberanoes.
For particulars apply to or address
Fred It. Kkull,
Trumball, tb.
Prompt Service Assured.
All kinds of light and heavy draylng, piano
moving, etc., done safely by tbe Su'.livan
Transfer Company. Household goods and
furniture handled carefully by experienced
workman. Large covered vaus especially
designed for this work. Call at office corner
11th and O under State National bank, or
ring up Telephone 111. Satisfactory service
guaranteed. Bulivan Transfer Co.
Leese& Stewart, 231 S. 11th St.
The Western School Correspondence.
Fairfield, Neb.
Farmer's boys and girls attention. Tou
can take lessons iu arithmetic, algebra, book
keeping, shorthand, grammar, eta., through
the U. 8. mail, Tuition only $3 per term of
twelve weeks for any branch. Send for cir
cular. Oit
On Improved farms la south eastern Ne
braska from three to five years at S per cent
Interest. I also want to purchase school
bonds. Call on or address,
Joseph J. Kelly.
Richards' Block. 9-Sm Liaooln, Neb.
Stray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned, at my farm
one mile north and one mile east of Sprague,
Lancastor oouny, Nob., on the 21st day of
August. A.D., 18)1. One bay raare about 8
years old. No particular marks or brands
easily notlcod. Owner can havo same by
proving property and paying costs.
14-3t F. W. Kiiull, Srague, Nob.
Incufcators and Brooders. -Dost
ever invented for batching and raising
chickens. Brooders only (5.00. Send for
circular. Address Geo. S. Binder,
l?-3m Cardlngton, Ohio.
For Sale.
Blacksmith shop, tools and stock at a bar
gain. Come and see me or write. Only shop
in town. Thomas Cole,
151 f Burr, Otoe Co., Neb.
For Sale.
A good six room dwelling house (now with
seven acres of land, situated in town, and a
first clues creamery outfit, cans vats, etc.,
in faot a complete outfit in perftct order.
Will soil on time or exchange for land or
Etock. Beet of reasons given for selling this
property. Address for particulars,
14-tt C. D, Ccryea, Greenwood, Neb.
We feel sure we can sell you cloaks
cheaper than you can buy elsewhere.
W e are selling dress goods, ilreis flan
nels, cotton flannels, muslin and calico
cheaper than you can buy elsewhere.
We guarantee to be always the cheap
est. J. V. WINGER & CO-
lt 110O Street.
For Sale.
100 acres, five miles west of the
improved, at a banrain.
J. II. McMurtky, lical Estate Agt.,
237 S. 11th St., Lincoln, Keb.
hereby certify that I am a regular sub
scribtr to The Farmers' Alliance pub
lished at Lincoln, Neb., and I recommend
as a young person whom I believe will be a
good faithful student.
When the above is properly made out
and signed and presented at my oflice
at the Western Normal College in Shen
andoah, Iowa, the person bringing the
paper will bo given credit for $1. on
their tuition, provided he has never
been a member of the institution.
The Western Normal College is larger
and better this year than ever before.
We are better prepared to care for stu
dents than ever. Shenandoah has four
teen chinches and no saloons.
The above proposition holds good to
Nov. 5th. 1801, and any old subscriber
or any new one can take advantage of
it. Tno school is In session now and
students will be entitled to the above
proposition any time before Nov 5th.
It4 Wm. M. Croan, Pres.
We invite the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of the Lake Erie
Manufacturing Co., in this isnte. The
goods manufactured by this firm have
an establiehed reputation for durability
and general excellence, and the "Bus?
Bee yVasher" ranks among the best of
its kind. Our readers will confer a
favor on us when writing these people
to mention this paper.a rule that should
be followed In writing to any of our
advertisers. lw
lilack and colors our 25c
and cob, our 35c quality for 24c.
our 37 quality for 25c.
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Our Constant Aim is
For Sale.
A nice eighty near Waverlv at a bar
gain; good terms is desired.
j. a. jucmurtry, KcalKstate Agt,
237 S. llih St., Lincoln, Neb.
County Alliance Meeting.
The next meeting of the Banner
County Farmers' Alliance will be held
at court house in Harrisburg, on Fri
day, Oct. 16, 1891. All delegates are
requested to be In attendance.
Wm. Lowman, Tres.
E. M. White, Sec.
The Burlington and Missouri doDot at
York was robbed. The depot was in
charge of George Wheeler, the freight
agent, at the time. He left the oflice for
a few minutes to go out in the yard and
seal a car. While he was absent two men
who had been sitting in the waiting room
for about an hour, went into the oflice
and broke the cash drawer out of the
safe, cut the combination and the money
drawer and helped themselves to the con
tents, amounting to $178.48.
A farmer named Arnold Rogge, living
west of Crete, was attempting to pass ou
the Thirteenth street crossing of the Bur
lington and Missouri ahead of an extra
train. The engine struck the wagon
throwing Rogge and his four children oat.
He was badly cut and bruised about the
head. His daughter, aged 18, was injured
intornally, and the 10-year-old girl had a
leg broken. The baby was also cut and
bruised about the head. They will all recover.
100 Double Breasted Cheviot lieefers, worth $4.50 for $2.98.
200 Tight fitting Beaver Jackets, worth $5. 00 for $3. 49.
75 Double Breasted Astrachan
worth $0.00 for
100 Vest front Tight fitting Jackets, worth $7. 00 for . . . $4. 98.
50 plush Jackets, 26 in. long,
50 Long Plush Cloaks Handsomely tiimmed and lined,
worth $16.50 for $12.98.
All of the above are in sizes 32 to
cloak while they are cheap.
to Give you the Best Goodsat Bottom Prices.
A comparison of our styles and prices will
convince you that you should
trade with us-
Ca,ll stncL See
In the district court Third Judicial district
in and for Lancaster county und estate of Ne
braska. John Dswey, vs Cynthia A. Harney, ard
Harney, husband of Cynthia A., first
name unknown.
Cynthia Harney and Harney her hug
band, tlrst name unknown, will take notice
thnt on the 28th day of July. A. D. IHBI.John
Dewey, plaintiff herein filed big petition in
the district court of Lancaster cnuniy and
eta'e of Nebraska, airalngt the above named
defendants, the object aud prayer or whfen
are, to foreolosc a certain mortgage upon lot
No. eight (8) or Majors sub-division of a part
of tbe e"st half oi the south west quarter of
section 1 in township No. Kl range 7. east of
the 6th p. m. In l.anciif tJr county and state
of Nebraska; gitid Mortgage was executed on
the 12th day of May A. 0. 1887, to secure the
?aymentot three notes of ls 66. each bear
ing 8 per cent interest, payable in one, two
and three years from date.
Plaintiff further alleges tbat all salu nites
re lone-past due and ihere is due p!aint ff
tbe sum of -0u. with interest from this date.
Plaintiff prays for a deorte that the defend
ant be required to pay said amount due on
said promli-sury notes, or I hat said premises
may be sold, t- satisfy the amount fount! due.
You are required to answer said peti'ionon
or before tbe lutb day of November, 18M .
John Dkwkv, Plaintiff.
Dy his Attorney C. M. Parker.
For Sale.
The N. E. i S. 13. T. 7. R. 0, and S.
W, i S. 7. T. 7, R. 7. Well Improved,
good orchard and one of the best farms
in county; near railroad station. Must
sell; lone time given if desired.
J. H. McMcrtrt, Real Estate Agt..
239 S. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
We are making a great blanket and
woolen underwear sale and we invite
yon to call at once and secure some of
the Bargains we are offering.
It J. W. Wingeb & Co., 1109 O St
tiimmed Cheviot lteefers,
worth $10.00 for. $6.98.
42 bust measure. Buy a
OPP. P. O.
The most exquisite preparation for the
skin. Cures Chapped Hands,
Chafed or Scalded Skin.
Removes Tan, Freckles and Sun
Burn. Perfectly harmless.
Excellent to use
after shaving.
Brown County Independents.
Editoe Alliance: Tha following are
the nominees of the independent uartv
of Brown county, Neb., made at the
county convention he'd at Ainsworth
on the 12th of September, 1891:
uierk u. w. rotter.
Treasnrer W. J. St ickwell.
Sheriff Jackson Biliter.
County Judge M. K Austin.
County Supt. Miss i Unnie Jones.
uoroner ur. tarleil t.
UsBHowarfl's Cream of Roses.
Respectfully, ',. W. Potter.