The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, September 24, 1891, Image 7

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Changes In the Sun A New Light
housePreparation of Blue
Prints Watch Making In
France The Boomer
rang Myth.
Changes In the Sun,
But we cannot rest with the as
sumption that, since the sun is evi
dently no Mira and no Sirius, there
fore it is practically an unchanging
radiator which for an indefinite period
will continue to cause the earth to
bloom in the beneficent effulgence of
its life-inspiring rays. A sun may ef
fect the welfare of its planets either
through the gradual mutations which
it undergoes in the course of its evolu
tion, or through the more rapid and
violent changes that characterize the
stars that are ranked as variable.
We have seen that most of these latter
belong to the third and fourth classes,
but there is reason to suspect that
the majority of all the stars are vari
able to a slight degree, and evidence
of variability in the case of the sun is
furnished by the phenomena of suu
bots. A spectator, viewing the sun
from a distant point in space, would
perceive that its brilliancy was
slightly increased once m about
every eleven years. These ac
cessions of light, should correspond,
not with the periods of fewest spots,
but with those of most spots, because
the energy of the. sun's raditiou is
greatest during the maxinja. At pres
ent a sun-spot maximum is approach
ing, and since last winter the face of
the sun has frequently exhibited
startling indications of the tremend
ous disturbances liOvv affecting the
solar clobe. Our
naginary observer
in spice would probably behold at
the present time a very slight Increase
in the sun's brilliancy, and this in
crease may go on for three or four
years to come. While we, dwelling up
on a globe that is bathed in the sun's
rays, may be unable to perceive
these variations directly, yet their
effects have long been recognized by
the changes that they produce in ter
restrial magnetism. It is also highly
probable that a perceptible influence
upon the weather is exercised by
variations in solar radiation corres
ponding with the presence or absence
of sun-spots. The Popular Science
A New Lighthouse.
Mariners on the Pacific coast are re
joicing over the rapid progress of work
on St. George lighthouse and fog-signal
station on Seal Rock, about eight
miles from the shoro of Del Norte
County, Cal., near the Oregon line.
This point is ono of extreme danger.
The deep channel between the reel and
mainland is lilled with treacherous
rocks, submerged beneath rapid and
powerful currents. In winter the
shores are lashed with huge waves,
making the scenery the grandest on
the coast. It was here that the ill
fated Brother Jonathan went down a
few years ago with its freight of hu
man beings and gold and greenbacks.
The lighthouse was begun ten years
ago, but, owing to the difficulties en
countered and the slowness with
which Congress made appropriations,
work did not proceed as fast as it
ougnt. In cutting off the top of the
rock for the foundations several lives
were lost, and in the rude winter
storms the fruits of a summer's
hard toil were swept away
several times. The granite
blocks used in the construction
have to be brought from Mud River,
near Trinidad. In their original form
they are huge boulders, which have to
be blasted. These are taken to Trini
dad, cut to the desired size and form,
and transported by the schooner
Sunol to the lighthouse. She anchors
off the rock in 120 fathoms of water,
being made fast by four huge cables
on each side. These are anchored to
the rock and to sunken anchors. A
derrick is raised amidship, the granite
blocks hoisted in strong nets to the
top of the masts, carried to the rock
on a line attached to a derrick on the
pier, and placed in position. Each
one is marked, and sr. carefully has it
been cut that there is not an eighth
of an inch between it and its neigh
bors. Although the tower now is forty
feet above the water, tho workmen are
constantly drenched. The fifty-three
men now employed will have the stone
and brick work clone by September.
The number w ill then be reduced to
ten, and they v ill complete the iron
work, which is being made in Trenton,
N.J. When finished the lighthouse
will be 140 feet above sen level and
cost. $750,000 New York Evening
Tha Boomerang Myth.
It is amusing to people who
know Australia and the aborigines,
says an old Australian in the St. Lou
is Ulohe-Democrat, to reau m maga
zines and newspapers scientific disser
tations on the construction and pe
culiarities of the boomerang, based, 1
suppose, on tho tales of travelers.
None of the theorizers seem to have
found the most obvious explanation
that the travelers are simply roniane
ing. The fact is that the boomerang
is the black fellow's tomahawk
Sharpened on the outer edge and
made of iron-bark wood, it is indeed
a. dangerous weapon as a club or
1 have lived tor twenty years m
Australia, and have hunted for days
jn the bush with parties guided by al
original blacks. Not even the all-po
tent inducement ot brandy or rum will
persuade a black fellow to give an ex
hibition of his skill with the boome
rang, for the plain and sufficient reason
that there is no skill about it. The
popular belief that the boomerang in
an expert's hand may be made to
utrike an object with unfailing precis
ion, traveling in a curve and returning
by a circuitous flight to the thrower's
leet, is pure nonsense.
When a traveler says he has seen a
boomerang thrown so as to circle
about a tree and strike an object be
hind it, he lies; that is all there is to
it. At close range the boomerang
can be thrown with effect, but no
more accurately than a stone. I
have seen a black fellow administer
the roup ! grmi to a wounded kan
garoo with his bomeralik.', uaingit AH a
in certain Australian tribes the
form of the boomerang i such that it
could not poK-ihly I made todescribe
a complete curve, being a curve on the
inner side anil a sharp-edged perfect
right angle on tho outer. When the
black fellow is at war or on the chase
his killing weapons nro his spears a
long, heavy shaft, with a jagged point
for war, and a light, throwing javelin
for hunting purposes.
Dr. Koch's Researches In Tuborcu
ar Disease.
According to a Berlin telegram, the
appointment of Dr. Koch as director
of the Jnstitutefor Infectious Diseases
and honorary professor of the medi
cal faculty has been gazetted. With
regard to the report recently published
by some Berlin papers, that Dr. Koch
had voluntarily resigned all his ap
pointments, the real facts of the case
are as follows: Dr. Koch was original
ly professor of hygiene in Berlin Uni
versity, and as such was compelled ti
lecture regularly. The recent research
es on the subject of tuberculosis hai
convinced the Government of the a J
visibility of founding a bactereologi
cal institute, where tle professor
could devote the whole of his time to
his speciality. Notwithstanding the
gasco in relation to the cure of tuber
culosis, theGovernment kept its word,
and the institute being now completed,
Dr. Koch has been released from his
professorship, and has been appoint
ed its director, it is still believed that
the University will iuvite him to lec
ture occasionally, but Dr. Koch is dis
pleased ""ith theGovernment reference
iS lf""-'i'n's. and lias coniided the
continuation of hts rerrshes in re
gard to the cure of the disease to Doc
tors Botker, Kitasato, Pfuhl, and
Dohnitz, in whose name? the result
will be published, Dr. Koch not wish
ing his name to appear.
Watch Maklr.i In France,
It appears from a report made by
the Besancon Chamber of Commerce
on the operations of the French w atch
industry, that tho anticipations form
ed in 1889 of an improving course of
business were fully realized in 181)0.
Out of 404,430 watches of French
manufacture delivered for consump
tion in 1800 of which about 30 per
cent, were gold and 70 per cent, silver
no.fewer than 401,430 were passed
by the Besancon Control Office. For
eign watches to the number of 40,-
911 were passed, as follows: At Pon
tarlier, 22,537; Montbeliard, 10,980;
Bellegarde, 3,859: Paris 2,031; Besan
con, vvz; and all otner omces, ao.
Of the total foreign watches, 8,515
were cold and 32.390 silver. As
2,050 out of tho 2,743 gold watches
passed by the Paris Control Olhce
were of Besancon thus appears
that the extraordinary number of
404,089 out ot 404,430 watches,
partly consisting of precious metals
manufactured in France last year,
stand to the credit of Besancon. A
comparison of the French watches
witli the foreign article shows that
Besancon supplied 90.70 per cent, of
the general consumption in 1890,
against 89.51 per cent, in 1889, and
8a. 4o per cent, m 1888. London
Preparation of Blue Prints.
In a communication to tho Engi
neering News, F. H. Latimer states
tiiat he has found that adding oxalic
acid to the ordinary blue print mix
ture materially lessened the necessary
time of exposure. The solutions used
were: (1) Ammonia citrate of iron,
120 grains; water, one fluid ounce, to
which are added a few drops of strong
ammonia solution till the odor is
quite perceptible. (2) Potassium
ferricyanide, 105 grains; water, one
fluid ounce. (3) Saturated solution
of oxalic acid. Equal quantities of
the first two solutions were mixed to
gether, and to ten parts of this mix
ture from one to three parts of the
oxalic solution are added just before
use, with the result that in cloudy
weather the solution containing three
parts of oxalic acid prints about ten
times as quickly as the pure solution.
For ordinary purposes, however, it is
better not tc add more than 20 per
cent, of the oxalic acid solution, or
difficulty will be found in getting the
lines to wash white.
The Speed of Bicycler
Tlu Kolnischo Zeitung gives an ac
count of some interesting experiments
which were tried by Major "Brix, the
commander of the Militar-Tunian-stalt
in Berlin, in order to test the
speed of bicycles as compared with
that of horses, for the purpose of con
veyingdispatches to Berlin and Weis
sensee. The distances attempted
were, from Strassburg to Weissensee,
a distance of just under 24 miles, and
fromEberswalbe to Weissens-jt 52
miles. In the latter journey two cav
alry officers rode against two infantry
officers mounted on bicycles. Tho
latter accomplished the journey in
215 minutes and 210 minutes re
spectively, while the two lieutenants
on horseback arrived at their destin
ation seven minutes before the first
bicycle rider. In the shorter distance
the same result was obtained, the
riders arriving a few minutes in ad
vance of the bicyclists. In both eases
t he cavalry officers only rode at a gal
lop for the first 15 minutes of the
journey while the bicyclists went at
'full speed all the way.
Can Kill at 200 Feet.
Augustus J. Bowie, of San Francis
co, the author of a standard book on
hydraulic mining, estimates that the
stream from a six-inch nozzle, under
450 feet vertical pressure, delivers a
blow of 588,735 foot-pounds every
second, equivalent to 1,070 horse
power. "It is absolutely impossible,"
Bays Mr. Bowie, "to cut such a stream
with an axe, or to make an impres
sion on it with any other implement."
Mr. Bowie adds that although never,
to his knowledge, has a man been
struck by such a stream as it comes
from the pipe, several r.ccidents have
occurred where miners were killed by
very much smaller streams at distan
ces of 150 or 200 feet from the nozzle.
The Eureka.
Tha Spirit of Kansai: The wealth cf
the country Increases fast enough.
There is no complaint on that score as
the plutocrat paper want to make it
appear. The complaint is that tho
people who create it do not pet the
benefit but that it nearly all goes into
a few hands, by methods that are no
better than roboery.
Tho Allianco Vindicator: The tariff
is not the only wrongr under which the
American citizen has to labor. The
national banking system and the want
of a larger circulation of good, cheap
money, are two of the greatest evils of
the urosent day, and every farmer
should bear this in mind'and in cast
ing his rote should support the map
who offers relief along this line.
Farmers Advocate: Tho Alliance
has done more to educate the people
than any other organization in this
country. Men who took but littlo
interest in tho affaire of the country
in the past are manifesting great in
terest in them now. Then again, to
show its power as an educator, you
will find mora men who woro entirely
ignorant on important questions, who
now understand tacm very welL
The Alliance: If any man thinks
that all the Tories are dead the men
who fought our forefathers, he is
badly mistaken. They are liore to-day
and as active as they ever wore.
Whenever you hear a man talking
about tho "necessity of a strong gov
ernment;" the inability of people to
govern themselves and that "God
Almighty made tho only money," you
can set that follow down as a Tory
he is built wrong.
Leader: Let's see doesn't. Missis
sippi have to eloct sevon congressmen
next year? It seems to U3 she does,
and when that time comes, some of tho
present incumbents and some of those
aspiring gentlemen who have sided
with the oppononts of tho Alliance
this year, will be found calling upon
thb hills and mountains to hide them
from the indignation and wrath of a
bolrayed people. Tho fight hasn't
ended yet It has just fairly com
menced. The Farm Ranch: The object of
the sub-treasury plan is to store tho
grain and the imperishable products
in the section where thoy are produced
until demanded for consumption, in
stead of crowding them into two or
three grain centers to be controlled by
grain speculators. By this means 'we
will avoid the depressed price causod
by throwing the crop onto tho market
after harvest and the farmers will get
the benefit of the rise" in the price in
stead of the grain speculators.
The Oxford: Homes under mort
gages, ootton below cost of produc
tion, our children in rags and out of
school, public fund concentrating, tui
tion climbing, twenty-five years broken
promises, lower wages, more officers,
higher salaries, no money, no effort
for relief, public works closing up,
banks breaking, officers fleeing, cor
porations and syndicates forming, poli
titions fighting, parties dividing while
the wealth wafers are demanding
"equal rights to all, special privileges
to none."
Atchison Champion: Since neither
of tho two old parties are entitled to
any credit whatever for the improved
and improving condition of agriculture
in Kansas and the west generally
tho improvement having come despite
their obstructive policies, and through
causes that lie wholly outside of parti
san political action, it is certain that
neither of them will be able to make
any capital out of the situation, and
that politically, tho farmers will feel
under no obligations whatever to eith
er of them.
Industrial Union: Let us suppose,
for the sako of the nrgument that the
proposition of the Democratic party,
that the nine million mortgages on thj
homes of the people are the result of
the "robber tariff," the question then
is, how many mortgages could be paid
by a 5 per cent reduction? This is
the relief offered by a party that
stands and howls that the country is
going to the devil through a "robber
tariff," and when asked what it pro
poses to do about it says: "Oh, we
will reduce it o percent" Great re
form that
The Elk County Citizen: Several
times a day we hear the remark, "You
can not legislate money into a man's
pocket" The fellows who so f-ee!y
use this expression are the ones who
are opposed to an expansion of the cir
culating medium and who tell us that
we have plenty of money cow if "peo
ple would only work more and talk
less, " and so earn it. Tbo people have
long ago learned that it is very easy
to legislate money out of a man's poc
ket, and several of the fellows who
talk so much about the present "good
times" are so reduced financially by
pernicious legislation of the past thirty
years that they are unable to pay us
bills of long standing. It becomes
very tiresome when you have to listen
to this cant about the excessive pros
perity of tho country from men who
are unable to live and get enough
money ahead to pay what they owe.
The people are oonvinced that con
gress can, indirectly, "legislate money
into their pockets." An increase of
the circulating medium to a point
where it will be amply sufficient to
meet the agricultural and commercial
wants of the country will at least give
tho producing classos a chance to get
soino of it while, under existing cir
cumstances, they are practically de
prived of that chance.
Oh, It's Mo C omf qilonco.
Over one million children in mines
and workshops: more than a million of
I mon tivimninrr thft vmnf.rv ti finI
work; seven million women keeping
death at bay with their needles and
other handi-work, or, worse still, com
pelled to find their bread upon the
streets and on tho other side half a
dozon men approaching the day when
they will be billionaires! These are
the conditions in which wo find the
Un!ted Stales to-day, and in tbo face
of all this tho plutocratic anarchist
smilingly declares that this is a --free"
country, not in need of political and
social reform. Machine Woodworker.
SoUce U (sal namrr.
I have been able to complete arrang
tncnts whereby we are better aide
than we bave been heretofore to make
satisfactory, prices on all grades of
Canon City and Trinidad coal, as well
as the best grades of No' t hern Colo
rado coal, over any line of road run
ning out of Denver or Pueblo. Their
capacity is sufficient to guarantee
prompt shipment. I will keep pur
chasers posted on prices upon applica
tion. The lowest possible wholesale
rates are obtained. Cash must accom
pany all orders.
J. W. Hartley, State Agt,
Lincoln, Neb.
Fine Hog Sale.
I will sell al public suction on Tues
day, September 23, 18'Jl, at my farm
two and a half miles northeast of Neligh,
Antelope county. Neb., about 150 head
of thoroughbred Poland China and small
Yorkshire swine, joung and old, male
and female. We furnish uo fancy
pictures to iraprefs you that we own ail
the best hogs. This will be the largest
hog sale ever held ir the state and will
include many line show animals nome
of which have take's premiums at oir
state fair. There will also be our entiro
lot of Plymouth Rock fowls of both
sexes among the offerings. Early
luuch at noon. Salo begins at 12 o'clock
sharp. We will run teams from Neligh
up to 11 o'clock on day of sale. Terms:
Six months time on good security at 10
per cent interest. Five per cent off for
cash. Parties wanting time must bring
recommendations from bankers.
L. II. Sltek, Prop.
Col. F. M. Woods, Auo.
Parr Painting Company 1515 O Street.
House painting and paper hanging.
Signs a specialty. Call and get our fig
ures on work. Will trade work for
horse and wagon. tf
Lost, straved or stolon, one bav mare.
age 9 years, a little knee sprung, witn
splints on front legs. Left my place
about three weeks ago. inner win
please notify mo and I will como for
her and settle all cotts. Please address,
H. Alters, 419 D St., Lincoln, Aeb.
Improved Farm
Of fid nnrpn for aula in Nuckolls
county. 0 miles from county scat 2 miles
from railroad station. Terms Part
cash part time at 6 per cent interest.
r or particulars auuress
L. M. Hkjgins,
13 4t Cambridge, Neb.
1,000 Acres.
Several line stock farms of 1,000 acres
each In Lincoln county, for sale. Only
820 acres east of city for sale cheap.
5 and 40 acre tracts near Lincoln, for
sale or trade.
Land in Western Kansas and Ne
braska for sale or trade.
We want 80 acres east or southeast of
Room 1. 919 O street.
T-3m 315 South 15th Street,
7 3m Koom 41 Bicbard't BJorjt.
General practice. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Boom 7 BUUngsly Block.
Calls promptly attended tonicht
ordar. Telephone liSj.
TO LOAN on Farms
In South Eastern Nebraska
at lowest rates. Call or
write to Room 112 basement Richards Block.
12-2ns H. W. Davis. Lincoln. Neb
Special Premiums.
TUITION'. Hoard and Room rent in the
Fremont Morna! School and Hutii.-.
For the largest list of subscribers for Tnn
Farmers' Alliance at our club rate of one
dollar a year, received by January 1st, 1892,
we will give Tuition, Hoard and Koom
Kent for one Year In the Fremont Normal
School and Business Institute.
For the second largest :ist received by e
same date we will give Tuition for One Year.
This offerof tuition includes the following
courses: Preparatory, ieacners, ticcuve,
Scientific, lassie and Business course.
Terms in this school open as follows:
Fall terra, September- 1st; First Winter
term, tiiatir 10; Second winter term,
January 17; First Spring term, March 00;
Second Spring term, May 00; Summer term,
June 00.
Thn -Rfh vnhifi f the flrot premium Is One
Hundred and Kiichty Dollar. Of the Sec
ond premium Fifty Dollar.
The president of the Fremont Institute Is
W. H.lcmmoiiB.
Subscriptions can be sent in at any time,
'ut persons intending to compete for tho
premiums should notify us so tbat proper
credits can be given.
See advertisement of the Institution in an
other column.
All klnrti eeji
fore toa u:. K i 1
hart el-h ri-. i-
i:ik"- to Tt.t
IVwrlUt Iratrat ( u.
Ruin Mrrrl,
A namnhlct nf InfnrmnMon and Ah-
v siracu.l ine iaws,snuwing now lo
r--.---- -
ObUtm fnicnta, :nTeius, i 'race
Mark. O.pvrtfhts. tent free.:
New Yrk.
To Members of School Boards
We agree to sell you all School Booksat 7 percent above Publisher's contract prices. In
asmuch as we make no charge for boxes or drayage we believe you will save money by placing
your orders with us. Rememler we are 500 miles nearer you than any publisher, therefore you
not only save from four to five days time after ordering books, but great expense in freight and
express charges. We also wish to call your attention to our school supplies etc., and we guar
antee the prices to be as low as you can buy elsewhere. We trust you will correspond with us
before placing your orders.
Books, Stationery, Wall Paper and Window Shades.
C. E. SHAW, Profit. P. A. WELLK. Cash.
D L. is HACK n,n,i4iuin,
Vice Pres. Astt. Caen.
Capital, 9100,000.
Transacts General llankirg Business. Inter
est paid on iK-potiis.
C B Shaw, J Z Briscoe, P A Wells, n H Dean,
C White, D L Brace, J Albort Weill.
S7 y7 It you contemplate at-
L l SI') 'tandlng a busmen
-ZZrJwyrTH schol. it will be 10 your
yyrs(ties ,n,erer.t to correspond
with the Lincoln Busluess t ollege.
It stands at the htad of toe Hat of schools
for su-oij-lng the business men of tho coun
try it i capable naslttautneleetcd from Iti
weii-na ilea stuueniB. n. prupiivnir um
nnatcu aiouaanda of amblUoni young won
and women ana placed them on the blRhroad
manor an. 'iirnnl(-l liutlneai. Hhorthand,
Type writing and Penmanship Couroa are
tauubt. ror lliuMratra i;hihhjk ire
D. K. LILL1 U U 1 1)G B, Pre ,
Lincoln, Nebr.
unit Intend that our Peonlo' movement shall
triumph, you r'uould rally to the support of
owned, edited and published by the Assembly
of Nebraska. Knlirhta of Labor. In too place
of all places where the truth, plainly and fesr-
lessiy speaen win auuompiiMi mw muob uiu,
Omaha. Subscribe now and putthls.paperou
a sound financial basis. Address all coin
raunlciitlo'is to Anson H. Bioilow, State
Secretary, liHlt Douglas St. Ouiabu, Neb
Monuments, Grave stones, Etc.
8210 Cuming St . Omaha, Neb.
Correspondence respectfully requested. Or
ders filled by mall. 13-lm
L. W. Dhiskill.
Geo. P. Duiskell.
Plans and estimates 1 urnlBhed. Will take part
trade for work. Address h. WtDni8Kai,t.
Kuclld Ave. 12-lm Llnooln.Nob.
in ill Lalor Songster!
The demand for the little book was so very
heavy that, tho publishers have now tomplot
eda beautiful
Revised and enlarged, in superior1 Myle, and
furnished in both paper and board oovors.
This is far the largest songster in the market
for the price, and tne carenuiy preparuu in
dex enables boih word and music editions to
bo used together. TheMusio Kdltlon resem
bles In appearance and size Gospel Hymns.
More of these books arc In use than any other
Labor Songster published. The demand Is
simply wnnderiull. With largly liicroasod
facllllles for publishing, all orders can bo
filled the same day received, whether by tho
dozen or thousand. Price, single copy, pa
per 20c: board. 2oo. post paid, l'er dozen.
$2 00 and J2.50 pest paid. Word edition, 80
uagCB 1UC. I to. V".,
2-tf Lincoln, Neb.
Arrangements are now made wltl B. Fowl
er & Co., at Omaha, Chicago ana si. louib lor
handling Alliance grain. Will also buy on
the track subjettoinspection and shrinkage.
Commieslon, Wheat 1 ct. per bushel. '
Corn ', "
Bill to AI.LKM ROOT, In care of
9 H B. Fowler Co.. Omaha. Ned.
'A MiW
I the Lightest Running
Wind Mill now Made.
After ill yoars of success In the manuiau of Wind Mills, we have lately made
complete change in our mill, all parts being
built stronger and better proportioned and a
self lubricant bushing placed In all boxes to
save thn purchaser from climbing high tow
ers o oi lit. The tame principal of self gov
erning retained. 3very part of the Mill, ful
ly WARRANTED, and wLl run without mak
ing a noise.
The reputation gained by the Perkins Mil
in the past hasiuduced some unscrupulous
persons to Imitate tht mill and even to take
our NAMKBnd apply It to an inferior mill Bo
not deceived, noae genuine unless stamped
as oelow. We manufacture both pumping
and geared mills, tanks pumps etc,, and gen
nal Wind Mill supplies. Good Agents wan
id. nd for cataioirup and prices. 41-8m
Mlshawaka, Ind.
Mention Farmers' Alliance.
Sole agents for the Standard Perkins Mill.
Unscrupulous parties are claiming to handle
the Standard Perkl's but have only an imi
tation of the Perkins mill. Sco Barber &
Fowler, 5 North 10 st, Lincoln. Neb.
rlncli from 100 to 200
Ituahein per day accor
ding u Unenem. Urtndo
ear eorn, oats, etc., tine enough for any purpoie.
We warrant the PKEKLESS to be the
tW Write us at once for prices and agency.
There Is money In this mill. Made only by the
(General Western Agents for the CLIAMl'ION
WAUOX. The Ilorsea irieud.)
The Song of the No. g.
My dress li of fine polished oak,
As rich as the Hnest fur cloak,
And for handsome design
Vou should ltut ice mine
No. 9, No. 9.
I'm beloved by the poor in the rich,
For both I Impartially itltcb;
In the cabin bahlne,
In the mau.ioa I'm flno
No. 9, No. 9.
I never get surly or tired,
Wltb seal I always am fired;
To hard work I incline,
For real I never pine
No. 9, No. 9.
I am easily purchased by all
With Installments tbat monthly do fall;
And when I am thine,
Then life li benign
No. 9, No.
To the Parti Exposition I went
Ilium gottlng tho grand prizo Intent;
1 left all liebind.
The rrand prize wai mine
8 3m No. 9, No. 9.
Besides the Wheeler & Wilson we have cheaper makes, as low
photic 586. 122 N. 14th St. Lincoln, Neb.
I. M. Raymono,
Lewis Gregory,
Lincoln, -,
CAPITAL, $200,000.
I. M. Raymond Lewis Grkgoky. S. H. Bcbnham. T. W, Lowert.
W. H. McCrekhy. C. II. Morrill. A. J. Sawyek.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
C, W. MOSIIER, President.
H. J. WALSH, Vice-President.
R. C. ODTCALT, Cashier.
J. W." MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier.
Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and best up
town hotel. Eighty new rooms just completed, includioo; large committee rooms,
making 123 rooms in all. tf A. L. HOOVER & SON, Proprs.
fii men
Wo have opened a new Studio at 1232 O street, up staiw ana will be pleased tojbave i tkj
eltizena of Lincoln call and examine our work. We make a specialty of ARI'TOTYrKS a
new procesa of Photoirraphy, and call youf sneetal attention to the fine results "areobtala
lng. With every dozen Bt Cabinets we will present outtomers with a fine life sue portratel
This offer will hold good but a short time to Introduce our work, so avail yourselves or
thia great opportunity. ittl
Genuine needles for any ma
chine ever made, 25 cents per
dozen. . ' . .
A competent adjuster to fix
any. kind of machine.
Machines sold on monthly
payments or long time.
Pianos and organs of the beat
Mail orders filled promptly..
D.G. Wrao,
- Nebraska.
of stock holders $400,000.
ECLIPSE 8TTJD103, Lincoln, geortaaa.