We Waal ! K.las. fl wiser I will, I fl eon4 like lo tb under tbake tae (froani. And as I lUten. half in fear. Tit eoonJ swells louder u4 mora Btr Jl aoan-J of protest from tht throtur Grows weary from their cruel wrong. Afsia I listen; thrilled d4 stirred, 1 catch its purport word for ord. X km J aid loader yet It ring- "We want no King, we want no Kings!" The world hat grown too viae and old Tor monarch with their crowns of gold. And commerce hat too many porta Tor noblemen to mince through Court. Humanity baa grown too wide To let xa now for Queen provide. Too weighty issue are at hand To maintain Prince In the land. And Thought has grown too bold and free To let a longer bend the kne To any man, unless be fights For Justice, Truth and common rights. The rights of lalwr to its hir The rights of toilers to aspire To something better than befalls The burdened oxen in their stalls; The right of all paid s'avea to rise Against all crowned iioaojx lies. That rob the tillers of the soil Of honest proceeds of hi toil ! That ateal the poor man' flour and sack; And grind him, till he buys them back At twice thoir value. Pown, we say, With these false Kings who rule to-day. tTith Freedom's voice the welkin rings, "We want no Kings, we want no Kings!" Ella phonier Wilcox. Win The Day, Boys! VwTl)lPy. a Campaign 4ono fob lSol Xibcrty lies crushed and bleeding, Woepiag for the Nation's blight; Servile at the Shrine cf Mammon, ItQSt ft fiuey ose oi right ch'obCS. Ivery honest toiler gather In your might, fromecery way! Onward with undaunted valor! Win the day, boys! Win the day! Cast aside old party fnUy. Know so othct kw llian tight; Down with usury, deals In "realty," Smlto thoui now with all your might. Chorus: Xatient and long suffering people Like "the trodden wore will turn:" Tent up wrongs aflame rekindle r Tfeedoui'i fires, to brighter burn. Chorus: Tearless raise our glorious banner To the sunlight and the breeze! "With a fervent loud Hosannat fealty swear on bended knees. Chorus: Hise, ye Freemen! Round our ensign Kalty as in days of yore! This, is a nation of tho people, Not of Millionaires and poor! CHORUS. Tall in toilers! Earnest gather, Armed with right, from every way! Onward with undaunted valor! Surely we will win the day! !Wbat, though tyrants build their ram Massive, towering to the sky! parts Freedom's valiant sons can scale them Sure as there's a God on high. CHORUS. Eighteen ninety-two, our watchword! Shout it loud on e vory way I JBravely, firmly pressing forward! Win the day, boys! Win the day! The Original Communist. "R. L. Coleman, editor of the Dallas Hercury, stated in a speech he delivered at Sulphur Springs, that Jesus Christ was the originator and tirst president of the Farmers' Alliance, and that lots of bis modern ministry are drones in the church, aud Christ ought to kick out hundreds of them. It Christians can endorse such stuff, then there is an end ,to such a thing as blasphemy." Ex. The abovo was cut from, some local paper, and sent to a gentleman in the Great Jfiwfoflice probably as a "stunner" for the somewhat live y BtafI conducting this sheet. Possibly, the author of the above Is not well posted on the intrinsic charac ter of the Christ's mission on earth, or of the peculiar nature of the early churches. We can assure him, how ever, with reverential words r.nd feel ings, that it is a part of the ecclcsiology of the Church, the Church total, that Jesus of Nazareth was a communist taught its great essential doctrines, and left his apostolic agencies to complote the work. Of the seven churches of Asia there are distinct lines of history pointing to their communistic nature. And even in the New Testament wo find that all woods were placed in common owner-' ship. Annanias and Sapphira were struck dead because they falsified as to a part of their property, in bringing in their wealth for common ownership, We do not present tnls idea as new nor do we believe that there is any elo jnent of technical "communism" in the Alliance. But there is "paternalism and "nationalism" which are higher type of communism and Jesus Christ .was the essential advocate of theso lofty principles. JS or is this fact at all strange to any one who distinctly understands the na ture of the mission of Christ, his prophetic outlines to all peoples, or the promises of some great, shadowy, ill- defined "good" to the race where the term "Christ"' was unheard of . Itisthe ' character of Fo, of China, the Fut of Abyssinia, the Bhood of Thibet, the Fboot of Ceylon, and Buddha, of India All these were the same person none cMier than Phut ("u" not pronounced) tbe immediate scriptural descendant of Noah. The prophesied Cr.nst of Fo, Bhood. Buddha, etc.. was transposed back into the poetry of India as a Christ -who bad come, rattier titan a Unrtst to come. And the mission of the Christ, as fully portrayed by the four evangelists, was to teacn tne worm one powenui incea tiva to action, thoucrkti and deeds and that was love. Love, of the type prevalent in the modern church (or an cient), is selfishness dressed in a cloak of trauzr partial public charity. The sublime love of the Christ was the THE sacrificial love which clothe humanity r;U divinity a love which said, "Thfre is no Joy. no hsppine io a human heart except it be the product of a good act to another." The church during all aires has done great and majestic gooo. intermingled with evil, in preserving the naked truths of the Christ gospel even while itself arrayed in tbe cold and pulseless formalism! of a practically heartless organism. We utter this singularly barsh sen tence with a full and earnest apprecia tion for the church vhich we do not believe could be destroyed to day with out crushing out tho great mora! agency in human history, liui until tho 113, OOO steeple ends of the church are re placed by a free bakery on on 3 side and a free hospital on tbe other, and until the acolyte of Christ can love his neigh bor at himself, the dream of tho apostles and the trenchant gotpel of the Christ will be but a barren platitude. Christ was a commoner. He came to the by-way si'lforer, and the alley-way cripple. He thundered at tho gateway of human power througheleven ignorant men nslieis. lid declaimed against wealth. All the eloquence of a Bossuct and p'uilosopliv of an Aquinas cannot modi fy by one jot or tittle the appalling fact fact FACT that not one rich man can enter the kingdom of heaven! All tne tremendous aopaistry oi cnurcniy l trends, or altar clotas of princely tab ernacles cannot change one letter from bete fau-ful words of the Christ: "Go sell all that thou bast and give to the poor." Hie ceniu.i of undiscovered realm in the empire of thought may pile treatise and apothegn and logical corollary upon the altar of human reason againHt the bo n. fly truths of IheCurUl but iieilker wiles of bell nor thunderbolts of coun- e Js can soften one rugged corner of that ultimate truth Ivloz in the breast of Jefiutlie Christ! J'uq soft and gentle zephyr which conies to us ontlie rht- wings of history. Is human love; and UW tho awful wrecks which hiiEun sclllshnesl hath nlled uo in everv avenue of life. it. anu H j alone, funs the fevered brow and balm? the suffering heart. And ages may come and go revolutions mark the blunders of human philosophy empires of reason erect baM framids and waste with years but novel' will the cold earth bloom with Eden'a promise or hu manity draw near to Christ until the heart of man accept the law of lore and Love's Righteousness. Jesus Christ may well be termed, s he has been known in all ecclcsiology, as the first socaiist in numan nistory. ureal II est. Reckless Major McKinley, If it Is indeed true that a cheap coat means a cheap man inside tne cont, Americans are cheaper than ever, for, according to Major McKinley, in his speech last week at Columbus, Ohio, clothing was never so cheap in the United States as it is to day. The Mc Kinley law seems, after all, to have been very ineffective, In the same speech the Major made another bad admission Askei if a tariff was not a tax, be re plied that a revenue tariff "is always paid by the consumer, because if you put a tariff on a non-competing foreign product, a product we cannot produce in this country, then the price of that product to us is tho foreign price with the American tariff added." As to a protective tariff he said, "it may for a time be paid by tho consumer while we are building up the industry, but when we have reached the successful manu facture of any product in the United States under a protecting tariff, com no tition at homo fixes and regulates the price, ani tbe American consumer does not pay the tax." Sothlsmuch-vauntod clap-trap that "the tariff is not a tax,' is admitted to be, as we have often tie scribed it, meroly a play upon words. As 'here is no tariff on domestic pro ducts, you pay no tariff if you buy a do mestio product! But what becomes of tho protectionists who, not understand lng tuft word-play, have said that "tho foreigner pays the tax," and argudd that he pays it rather than lose his American market? That argument has always seemed like the business reasoning of the apple woman who could afford to sell apples for less than cost because she sold st many: but now, with ono sweep of his tongue, our Homo Market Major washes it altogether out of the protec tlon philosphy. Xen York Standard. A "Standard" Mistake. Under the head of "News of the Farmors' Alliance." we find tho follow' ing in the New York Standard: At the Alliance meeting In Snrtncflol.l Til., J. H. 1'owern, President of the Northern or open Motional farmers Alliance, opposed third imrtv and ah moddltnir with nnlitlos David (toss, labor leader, oieated a sensation Dy queetioninK tne poverty of farmers. ine meeting reierrea to wras not an Alliance meeting, but a Grangers' en campment. Members of other organ! zatioDs -were present by invitation and delivered addresses, among them Mr. rowers. But he did not oppose a third party, nor did he opposo meddling with politics. On the contrary, the burden of his address was that the evils which the farmers and workers suffer could only be remedied by very effectual and do termined "meddling with politics " Mr, Powers would be the last man to oppose a third party, having himself been the third party's candidate for govornor of his state an office, by the way, to which he was duly elected but shamefully counted out. Instead of being, as the Standard represents it, a condemnation of the third party movement and of "meddling with politics," Mr. Powers' speech was a thoughtful, able, eloquent and statesmanlike appeal to the farmers to tight their wrongs by political action, oubide of and independent of the tw old political machines, that are neither more nor less than two rival servants of one master, and that master the enemy and robber of the farmers and all other wealth producers Journal . of L. An Ananias Cyphercr. "To assume that the United States alone can maintain silver at the old ratio of sixteen to one is a wilder delusion than ever tilled the brain of a believer In tiat money. The fear that we would attempt it carried seventy millions of geld from the country in four months." In the above the cyphering Ananias of Chicago Tribune gets off "two more." There U no wild delusion in the United States thinking it can do with silver at 10 to 1 of gold, what France has, solitary and alone, done for many years, with silver at 15.5 to 1. "Fear of free coinage." Bosh! All tha bigwigs, here and abroad, are scratch ing their heads as to why the goli went abroad, ; No two of them agree. Most siy it was European and especially Russian government need. Express. FAKMEKS' ALLIANCE. LINCOLN, XER. THURSDAY . SEPT. 2-1, A TRUST CHAMPION. Wlplaf Oat the filmy Arcomnt of I utera Journal. The Albany. N. Y., Evening Jour nal is making a persistent tnougb rather belated assertion of its unshaken loyalty to trusts by referring to the present low price of sugar as an evi dence that the trust is all right and never had a monopoly. It asserts that the ' -demagogic outcries'" have led the people to believe "it bad monopolized the sugar refining facilities of the land, but that Spreck'.os has always com peted with it." To which it adds that the trust wa organized as a re action from tho excossive competition which had rendered ugar refining un profitable." A person of very moderate intelli gence would find no difficulty in ask ing bow, if the trust did not suspend competition which forms the essential feature of a monopoly, it would do any good a a reaction against tne alleged excessivo competition. The inquiry, however, is rendered tho less important from two facts which tiie trust organ carefully suppresses in its advocacy of tho sugar trust The first is that Spreckles did not compete with the sugar trust east of the Kocky mountains during the period in which its control of tho market was most absolute and extortionate. His estab lishment of a competing refinery in Philadelphia was a result of the high price which tho trust established, and illuhtrates the principle which The Champion has always maintained, that unless the trust possesses, as the Standard Oil company has heretofore, some lever for choking off competition. they will bring at once their own remedy and their own punishment by calling cow establishments into ex lstonce. Tho Other fact this champion of the trueU suppresses is no less significant Tho article Is based on the statements of B Aw 4 urn teie'Kruiu wivn rcjjuru x . . i . : . L. .1 prlcus of rouned suifoj TJiat t'. grguj ata;( SS :rrj,t truft organ Bcrtipuloualy oflriits to menjlfln, that two yonrs ago sugar told at HJ cents, whle now it is a fraction below 4 cents. The reduction in the duty on raw sugars used by the rsfineries aver ages about 2 cents. This leaves the margin of 2 conta as tho extra prico which the trust levied on sugars while It had a monopoly of the trads. This represented a burden on the people while it lasted of a little over fRO.OOO, 000 a year. With that fact before us the 1 hreadbaro claim that trusts do not enhance prices to the consumer is shown to be a shallow fraud. As to the claim that there was "ex cessive competition" in sugar refining prior to the organization of tho trust, two facts furnish a complote reply: First, there was not as much competi tion as there is since its operations have had their full rosult; second, the sugar industry prior to the trust was well known to be a solvent and pros porous interest Its members, when the market became overstocked and unprofitable, had the same liberty as farmers and the groat mass of other producers of suspending operations or seeking some less crowded field of in dustry. The Name Old Trick. As soon as tho Farmers1 Alliance mado itself a power in the land mys terious whlspors and charges concern ing its lenders and prominent members began to be heard. Generally theso charges took the shapo of vaguo horosay testimony, coming from no responsible source, and too thin and indefinite to bo run down and promptly squelche! All groat reform movements hove been attacked in the same way. :i!iys an exchange. Their opponents iiave always attempted to weaken tho in fluence of the leaders by making all sorts of charges against them.- The surest way to defeat a reform is to make its friends distrust each other. It is au old trick, and an easy one to work more or less frequently. A wink: or a shake 01 the head when a man's name is mentioned, an inquiry about his financial condition, a ques tion about an alleged rumor, an inti mation that much might bo revealed if certain persons were willinjr to speak all these are familiar dodges, and sometimes they accomplish their obioct. And yet it requires verv lit tle ability, mid simpiy a lack of scruple to work them. When everything else fails, a pretense Is made of sympathiz ing with the objects of tho reformers, and surprise is expressed that tho merits of some of them have not been recognized, and tho question is asked why they have been kept in tho back, ground. Tho Alliance is going through all of these direct and indirect attacks, and its membors seem to thoroughly understand the tactics employed against them. The enimles of this grout re form organization will have to revise their plan of campaign. It is useless for them to continue making charges if they are not going to prove some thing. The old common law maxim that a man is presumed to be innocent until his guilt is proved holds good in these matters, and the Alliancemen are not such greenhorns as to pull down every triod and trusted worker for their cause the moment the tongues of idle gossips begin to wag against them. There is a secret and sel fish motive back of all theso at tacks, and the Alliancemen know al about it PATERNALISM. How It Exists In the Management of Onr Ita'.lwar Stock t. Of the millionaires in the United States there are thirty -five worth over thirty millions, and the highest is placed at ono hundred and twenty-five millions. How were theso stupendous sums obtained? A large proportion by watering stock of corporations. A large proportion by forming combin ations or trusts, acquiring all that is purchasable of an article of general utility or necessity, and advancing the price so as to compel consumers to yield to them the amount exacted as pay for tho trick or scheme that was worked. These two means represent how over two-thirds of this wealth was acquired. Is lt legitimate? Is it right? That is not business, nor is it legal management It is true, that if acquired, there is no law that can be practically applied to compel them to refund, and in that tease u is legal; but it is contrary to the pirit of law and equity, add if proer remedie rould be applied it could be stopped. J It not the duty of the government to provide for easier, les expensive and practical remedies that can be ap plied? Most assuredly it is. Is there any law to prevent a corporation like the Richmond & Danville system from issuing twenty or fifty millions stock or bond? Certainly not If these bonds should be issued simply to divide among its directors or stock holders is there any law to prevent it? Thore is not Then after issued and made part of its indebtedness, is there any law to prevent the tariff and passenger fare from being fixed so as to pay the interest on this batch of watered bonds? There is not? Why? Because the corporations control con gress and congress controls tho coun try. But it is patcrna!ism to control the corporations. Yes, that is paternal ism in one sense. Anything is pater nalism that interferes with the right of any man or set of men to manage IheSr business as they please. Strict construction of paternalism would not permit a railroad to be supervised by a railroad commission, the toll of a miller fixed by law, the ferriago at a public ferry fixed, a letter or package carried by the government All these acts are paternalistic. Yet how many bowlrs against paternalism will deny that this protection of the publio against individual greed has been wholesome, advantageous and pro fitable. Yet on the same principle, for the same purpose and with tho fame ends in view that each of the paternalistic provisions above enum erated were intended to subserve, all tbo demand of the alliance are de nounced as paternalistic. Some wise acres go so far as to declare that bo cause they ara paternalistic that tney aro un-democratic Now put your faith and your work to a test Thos. Jefferson was tho founder of demo cracy. Was not the mail servico es- tnhii!,i riiii-inr the iivtt r a iT.:...jAiflr ann fun n . a . . i . v. iV3 a M'lr. nut i jumuu nnco'and encioumge that, ns we.l ns all the other paternalistic measures in ox istenco in every state, which are enuin erated nbovo? It is undeniable that they did. Then why should they bo so obnoxious to democracy now, when they were endorsed by the founder of the party? There is no sound reason for it Alliance Herald. How to diet Itld of slum. In a letter to the Boston Transcript, suggested by recent shocking disclos ures as to the condition of the tene ment districts in Boston, Mr. Edward Atkinson points out difficulties in .the way of reform, and sneeringly sug gests that tho editor of this paper can probably tell the public how to solve the problom. Wo certainly can and wuL The only way to abolish wretched tene ment houses is to abolish wretched ness. So long as there exists a class of the abjectly poor in aeommunity, so long will you find them living un der abject conditions. Wo have sym pathy with tho motives of people who build model tenement houses for the poor; but tho people who need them most will not go into them nor would they be received into them, and even if they were their finer surroundings would only mock their wretchedness in all other respects. Municipal reg ulations, sanitary inspection, etc., are all well and , proper in their way as palliative measures, but to expect them to cure an evil of which they do not touch the root and cause is ab surd. Tho same argument applies not only to tenomont house uses, but to the sweat ing system, to the abuse of children's and women's labor, to crime, insanity, and to tho thousand other forms of man's cruolty to man, which makos this earth an ante-chamber of hell. They are tho necessary products of the prosent social industrial system, or rather chart which, instead of re garding the earth and the products of civilization as tho common heritage of all, to bs administered for equal bene fit of nil, subject to a common social duty, leaves them to be fouyht to tho death, and for the most part to be wasted in the fighting. To peek to cure any particular evil of tho present social order by local or special treatment without recognition of tho constitutional character of tho disease is a sort of child's play, which would bo ludicrous if the occasion were not so tragical. To return to tho scientific question which prompted these words: The only way to get rid of tho slums which aims at anything more than merely changing a symptom of the disease they indicate is to substitute for the present industrial chaos a system which shall guarantee the means of a decent livelihood to every man, woman and child in the nation. We nationalists have set our hands to accomplish just this, but wo want all the help we can get Will Mr. Atkinson tako hold with us? Now Nation. The Troublesome Alliance. The following is from an Ohio cor respondent to the New York Press: 'The Farmers' Alliance, which the Democracy believed would be a power ful ally in this campaign, now turns out to be quite as dangerous an ele ment to them as to tho Republicans. This is due to the fact that tho Alli ance, or as they call it here, "tho Peo ple s party," is crow ding tho finance question in season and out of season. The half dozen women which this now organization has traveling through the state locturing at farmers' nicnics deal almost exclusively with free sil ver, and do not seem to see any other question in the fight In fact all thoir speakers, and they have a num ber of them canvassing the state, are pressing the seductive cry of more money upon every audience they ad dress." The Press correctly sizes up the sit uation. Phe battle cry of the People's party is more money; the politicians of Ohio are learning that they cannot cover up this question with tariff dust and there is not the least doubt that one party would be as glad as the oth er to be rid of this new element in politics. Topeka Advocate Vice President Lane, of the Union Pa cific railroad, was in Boston. Ho reports that the refunding plan is progressing slowly but surely. Two thousand men, mostly French Canadians, employed in sawmills at Otta wa, Ont., struck for a reduction of hours and increased wages. AN ORDER OF EDUCATION. Tb atreafta of thm All aac Is la This lira Prise lp. The Alliance is founded upon edu cation. All it is and all it ever will be must emanate from that source. Its strength, vitality, success and fu ture prominence depend entirely upon the result of education among the peo ple. That this Lt true the past and pres ent of the order is ample witness. 6ays the National Economist That it has begun the great work of reform in a proper manner, and is using proper methods, the growing interest among the people and the rapid increase of the order is convincing proof. The manifest duty of the Alliance, there fore, m view of ull the fact? and cir cumstances is to continue as an edu cator of the people. In this it has been successful beyond the most san guine expectations, and has touched a responsive chord in the hearts of tho people that no other organi zation has heretofore been able to find. Under its kindly and intelli gent direction tho people are reading, investigating, and better than all are forming individual conclusions. It is molding public opinion toward more liheral consideration,' and implanting within the breasts of its adherents an independence of thought and expres sion that is sure to be followed by that independence of action which alone is the insignia of true manhood. The Alliance predicates its hope of success upon the following proposition: If one hundred men are taken without re gard to selection and educated plainly. honestly and fully as to their line of duty, that ninety-five out of that num ber will perform it By this method the results are not seen at once, and to many earnest people it appears slow and tedious; but when tho tide does i turn the fruits of long continued efforts are found to be both satisfactory and abundant The Allirc0 k wining; tTust ine human' fatally, and bo llevcs that educated manhood . and womanhood are the two safeguards: for civilization ani future progress.: lt does not believe with tho politician that a majority of men can b3 bought. coaxed, or driven, lo tho contrary,, it stands squarely upon tho proposir tion that education can be made the one great factor in controlling the ao tions and directing the aim 3 of tho people. No nation evor went down becauso of too much intelligence, and no people were ever cursed because of too much knowledge. Having hap pily discovered the method by which education can be given to tho people in an agreeable and appreciable form, it is the highest duty of the Alliance to continue in that course. Let noth ing, therefore, interfere with tho edu cational propaganda of the Ordor. Let its earnest aim be first to educate the people and when that is done have an abiding faith not only in its own labors, but the integrity of the peoplo in living up to the full measure of the light as they have been mado to see it Let tho work of education con tinue untrammeled by any other re quirements or anxieties, and lot the peo ple in their individual capacities live up to the teachings received from the Order. If, after receiving the edu cation given out by the Alliance, the peoplo cannot be trusted, lt follows that such education is deficient and greater care is necessary. In fact the province of that Alliance is to instruct to make that instruction so complete that it will permit of no evasion of duty by those who have received it When men go out from the Alliance, thoroughly imbued with a knowledge of Its principles, filled with, a deter mination to see these principles en acted into law, and; thereby become prime factors in the' economic condU tions of the people, these men can be trusted where their political affilia tions may lead them, or in whatever po litical preferment they may select. If neither of tho two old parties furnish congenial relations, if their principles are at variance with tho doctrines: taught by the Aliir-hcO, it is not only their right but a. solemn duty to seek further and rest not until such condir tions are either found Or founded; In the meantime, let the Alliance as an organization continue to send out men full in tho faith Of the ordor, amply qualified to defend its principles, and it will have discharged its full .duty. Educate, educate thoroughly,' and trust to that education for results, should ever be the object of tho Al liance. One or Many AVronss. Over 300 old men responded to a re cent advertisement of a New York firm asking for threo old men to do easy work. The reporter's heart was touched by tho stories and appearance of the 297 disappointed applicants, 'i have searched for employment" said one, "for two years, and with the'ex ception of a few odd jobs I have utter ly failed. I now have poorer health, poorer spirits and less money than when I began to work for my living, and I see nothing before me but in creased suffering and smaller prospects every day. There is no place in our civilization for old men. I blame no one. I simply recognize the fact that I am not needed in the world, and it is best that I leave it" The old man may not have been responsible for his poverty, but somebody is. This is a brutal civilization of ours. Tho worthy are often tho weak, but the weak are not wanted. Society reserves its crown lor inose wno can mate money buckets of it New Nation. -and Who l the Fool? Laboring Man. --Mr. Banker. I tvant to deposit $100 for a year; what interest do you pay? Banker. If you leave it a full year will give you four per cent. L. M. All right,givemo the check. B. Certainly, my noble fellow, here it is. I M. Now, I guossthat I can loan some money out hero to a farmer, and at a good percentage, and as you are paying me four dollars for the use of my $100 I will leave this check with you as security and I wnnt you to lend me tUO on it at one per cent per annum. B. We don't do that kind of busi ness. You must think we are fools to let you have money and then pay you for the privilege of doing so. L. M la that the name you call fellows who do that kind of business? Why, old fellow, that Is what Uncle Sam has beeu doing for you these many years past Do you mean to say that he U a fool? Farmer's Gazette. 181)1. ALLIANCE STATE BUSINESS AGENCY. STATE AGENT'S OFFERS FOR THIS WEEK: Holler Mill Flour per 100 lbs. tl 50 1 California dried Peaches perlb12r Snow Flake " " " 2 00 " Prunes " 10 20.C00 lbs Pic Mc " " 2 20 Breakfast Coffee " J:1 10,000 " Minn. Patent Lily Gloss Starch " ? best in the city " " " 2 80 Elastic " "10 Bran " " " 60 Pepper " 18 Shorts " " " 65 Cinnamon, Cloves, Mustard Car Gliddea painted and Cream Tarter per lb. 25 hog and cattle wire " " " 3 35 Baking Powder 5 to 45cts. Staples 31c per lb. Finest 3 lb cans Tomatoes per doz. ICC Granulated sugar " " " 5 00 " " Sweet corn " 1 CO Spreckles C " " " 4 00 " " Bl'k berr3 " 1 75 Extra. C " " " 4 75 " " Cal. grapes " 1 75 Fine uncolored Japan Tea per lb. 25 " " Pie Peaches " 1 50 Corn Chop " " " SO " " Table " 1 7- Finest imported 45 " ' G. G. plums " 1 75 Silver Rice, a new article " " Succot-ish " 1 25 very nice " 5 " " Salmon " 1 50 Flake Wheat " 4 Eockford one-half Hose . " 75 ' Oats " 3i " very best ' ' " 1 10 Michigan Dried Apples " 6 The best Sewing Machine in the State The Farmers AIliaPCB at io.oo. or fio.co at factory. A good one at $15.00. Fully warranted. Our inside prices are for members of Alliances only. Write us lor any thing you eat, wear or use. . W. HARTLEY, State Agent. Cash to accompany all orders. 4-it Lincoln, Neb. S.B.NESBIT'S -THE NEW SHOE STORE FOR BARGAINS -IN- AND THE BEST LINE OF SCHOOL SHOES IN THE CITY. 1015 O STREET. 1015. Z. S. BRANSON, S,esMade.nanyParlofhe LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER. Catalogues compiled. Write for price Office over First Mention this paper. 14 3m WYATT-BULLARD LUMBER Co. Wolesale Lumber Merchants. 20 tli and Izard. S'ts-, Omaha, 2STe"to. Farmers and Consumers trade solicited. Wr.'te us for prices delivered tt your station. A Law Library for Sale Three hundred volumes, Including 108 vol umes of N. Y. Reports, (rood as new. If not sooner sold, will be offered at public sale Sept, 30, at 3 p m,, at Mr. Marks office, 2d floor McMurtry building. 11th St. .Address or call On- J. W. H.vnTi.sr, 14-2t Cor. 11th and M 8ts. Lincoln, Neb. DEALERS IN Dry Roods, Carpets, Note, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. DEPARTMENT STOEE Largest Stc-ik in the City. Country Produce (butter and eggs) taken in exchange for merchandise. Our store is headquarters for the farmers of Lancaster County. 5'.ilf Corner tOth and P Streets. USE UNION SOAP! BEST FOB THE OUSEHOLD. Givps satisfaction in all kinds of water, and Is Made Is Nebraska by fie ttf W. A PAGE SOAP CO , OMAHA. MASON FRUIT JARS State Agent has Mason's Fiuit Jars by the case. 5 doz. quarts in case. 6 ' 4 gallons in case. $1.25 and $1. 50 per dozen. J. W. Hartley, Agt. PLANTS AND TREES. A full assortment of FOREST AND FRUIT TREES, Plnnts, vines, etc.. of hardiest sorts for Ne braska. Special prices to Alliance societies. Send for price list to North EJkkd Nukhxkikh. North Ueud, Dodge Co.. Nebraska. Established 1873. J. W. BTfcVKNPON. Propr. ' A New Premium. Mrs. Marion Todd's latest work, entitle.1, "Pizarro and John Sherman," should be in every Alliance library, and read by every member. Price, 25 cents per copy by mail. We will send Tna Farmer' Ai.i.iAwra one year and this book for only 11.35, or will lead poet paid on reseipt of price. and date. I Guarantee satisfaction. National Bank. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 14 4t "Keep in tie Middle of the Boad." People's parly Medal! Made of solid Aluminum, the size of a silver dol lar, weighs it bout as much as a twenty live cent pipco. Aluminum is stronger than Iron and no heavier than wood. Itis more valuable to humanity than gold or silver, its cost in bulk is no greater than copper and it is becoming cheaper from day to day, as improved methods of securing It are devised. The best practical illustration of the fallacy of bar ter money. Its "intrinsic value" is far greater than that of gold or silver, though their market va life is higher. The reverse sido (if tho medal contains tho words: "Commemorative of the Founding of tho People's Piirty May lf)tli and 20th, 1891, abCliiclnnatf. Ohio." It is sold for the purpose of raising cam paign funds for the National Committee. PRICE BO CHEIPTO'S. Liberal discount to reform speakers and organi sations. ' Iti9expertedth.it many speakers wiUbeableto pay their way by tMe sale of this medal. Let everybody boom its sale. In ordering state whether you want the medal attache, to a pm to be worn as a badge, or plain, to be carried as a pocket piece. Address ai ordcrj to Alejancb Pub. C Linciilu, Neb. sSi SWEEP MILL FOR TWO HORSES Fully Guaranteed. Grinds EAR CORN on Trial. AND SMALL GRAINS. Special Gob Breaking Dnrice and Deculiar dress of Grinders.! GivciB Better Work, .More" oi it, with less work to Team than any other. Send for Cati!orn9 DrtWCfJ 8 of this and ST rKJXV fetf THE FOOS MFG.CO.Springfield.O. J. THOKP & CO., Manufacturer of Rubber Stanps, Seals, Stencils, Eidges icd Baggage Checks Description. EtaM10be1 1RS0. 1th St MNCOLN. MRU THE MSAEILITV IULL IS A LAW. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled. Dependent widows and paronis now depend ent wuise sons diptl iroin effect of army fervlce ars included. 1 f you wi6h your claiir speedil- and and encc-ssfnllv proMMviW, LatefoSsioner JAMES TANNER of PenFic.ns. 47-ly Washington, U. C. What Calhoun Says. Lincoln, Keb.. Aug. 23. 1890. Eureka Rheumatic Remedy Co., Lincoln, Keb. 1 have been relieved twice from se vere attacks of Rhuematism by the use of Eureka Rheumatic Remedy, using only a small portion cf one bottle, have hadnotroublo since the last attack, about three years ago. J. D. Calhoun, Editor Lincoln Weekly Herald. Forsaloby DrueariBts. i2m43 JENNIE'S H HOTEL, ALUMC3 MSADQVASTKI3. Bates 1 r iay. laaoial rauc ky the week Corner 15tfe ani Jackson Streets, CS Obi bloak freaa aster Kb. Hts JS. JENNINGS, iVtyV, Q OMAHA, OT, Sent MILLS. J Vf Every PENSION