The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, September 17, 1891, Image 4

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Elje Jarmn' 2Uiiatur,
Published Every Saturday by
The Alliance PrBUsnrxo Ca
Cor. lit and M Lincoln, Keb.
J Brno . Editor
J. H. Iufn Bualneas Manager
"la the beaut j of the lillies
Christ was born across the sea, -
With a glory in his bosom
That transfigures you and nw.
Af he strove to make men holy
Let us strive to make them free,
Since God is tnarebinj on."
Julia Ward Howe.
Laurel crowns cleave to deserts,
And power to him who power exerts."
A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs."
"He who cannot reason is a fool,
He who will not reason is a coward.
He who dare not reason is a slave."
' Address alt buslnesa cemmuukalions to
at:: U.. Htiahlncr i
AddreM matter lot publication to Editor
Tanners' Alliance. .
Articles written on both sides of the paper
otvanot be used. Very long communications,
a arulo cannot b men-
Independent Peoples' Ticket.
Independent State Ticket.
For Associate Justice of Supreme Court,
Douglas County.
For Regents of the University
A. D'ALLEMAND, of Furnas Co.
E. A. HADLEY, of Greeley Co.
'? ' Independent County Ticket.
For District Judges
For County Treasurer
0. HULL, Mill Treclrct.
For Sheriff
For Clerk of District Court
ELIAS BAKER, of Lincoln.
For Cuinty Clerk
Saltillo Precinct.
For County Superintendent
Prof. H. S. BOWEItS, Lincoln.
For County Commissioner
Little Salt Procinct.
For County Judge
W. S. WYNN, of Lincoln.
Fcr Coroner
DR. IIOSMER, of Lincoln.
For County Surveyor
J. A. ROBINSON, of Llnuoln.
For Justicfli pf tb Peace
J. C. McNERSf Y-,
For Constables - " !
Assessors, First ward, Wheatley Mick
elwalte; Second ward, C. H. Waite;
Third ward, John Currie j Fourth ward,
E.E.Kemp; Fifth ward, II. L. Ktock;
Sixth Wium, c Maranali Seventh ward,
Chm n State Central Com.
Sec'y State Central Com.
Lancaster County Central Committee.
W. F. WRIGHT, Chairman.
S. S. JONES, Secretary.
J. BURROWS, Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON. Business
Present size and form eight )&gea, seven
column quarto. Largest weekly paper pub'
Uahed In Nebraska.
Complete In Every Department.
Advertising- Rates made known on applica
tion. .
Subscription, $1.25 per annum Invariably in
Advance, :
CLUB RATES. Fve annual subscription $5.00.
fartles sending clubs as above may add sin
f-je subscriptions at club rates.
fca AbUASca one year and Looking
Backward post paid $1 50
" - Labor and Capital 1 40
' " - Ctesar's Column.... 150
; " M Our Republican
Monarchy...... 140
" " Cuihlog's Manual
( paper covers.... 180
Cloth covers 150
" " Whither are we
Drifting....... S3
BmitVs Diagram
.' ' . and Rates 160
" " Brlcc'a Financial
Cateohistr. 1 50
" Baker's MoMy Mo-
. nopoly 135
" HIcharfl's Crown.... 150
' The above books for Balo at this office and
ent post paid on rece'.pt of price as follows;
laookmr Backward SOjts.
Cesar' CoIubb . ..... .1 .-..;.... , .SOcts.
Labor and Capital....; SVta.
Our Republican Monarchy .....Z5cts.
CJuabing'l Manual, Paper covers.. ...,.S5ct8.
" " Cloth covers....... iOcts.
Smith's Diagram and rules 50c ts.
Whither are we Drifting.... ....,.., .$1 50.
Brioe's Financial Catechism 50c ta.
Baker's Honey Monopoly IBcts.
SJUehard'S Crown 50cts.
Address AUJHCt PUB. CO., llHCOl. HtB.
Under the above title the B. & M.
Journal is publishing a lot of rot from
stinkers who think they are republicans,
Tbe tariff racket has beet hooted out
of Ohio. The attempt to nationaliz
it in Nebraska will be a dismal failure.
The people prefer to talk about some
tking that is of interest to them.
An Uproar in tbe Re
publican Gamp.
Wants the Reptibs U Wait for Re-j
Judge lbu Obtains the Letter and Hae
It Published.
Somebody Breaks His Word, but No
body Complains.
The sensation of the last week was
the publication in tbe State Journal of
Friday of a letter written by Hon. E. P.
Roggen, of the lite office, to Johnny
Watson, chairman of the republican
state central committee. Tbe follow
ing is the letter. Tbe italics are Mr.
lioggen's: '
Omaha, Neb.
Omaha. Neb., Sept. 8, 1891. Hon.
John C. Watson, Nebraska City, Neb.
My Dear Watson: It looks now as
though Cobb and Broady would be nom
Inated respectively by tbe republicans
and democrats this means, in my judg
ment, tbe election of Edgerton beyond
a doubt.
How would it do fcr you to assume
that a large number of republicans from all
oner the slate had requested that the state
conuention be postponed until October 7,
and issue your order amtrdingly in tho
meantime Rosewater could reach
homo and between us all we could
pick out a republican, nominate
and elect him. As it stands now,
it is very doubtful if tbe Bet will
support Cobb, and my judgment is that
the Bee can make or break the republican
nominee. I do not want to be under
stood ss speaking by authority when I
presume what the Bee will, do, as I do
not know what Mr. Rosewater will do,
as all I do know personally is that he
regards Cobb as being very weak at
points where he should be strong.
I put in the wnole of last week at
Grand Island and was afforded an op
portunity of studying the situation by
nieetiuK umuy republicans as well as
Alliance men the republicans, and I
want to say that I met several old time
machine men; all agree that there are sev
eral verj large shed breakers ahead.
If the republicans nominate the right
kind of man Rosewater will support
him, and with the llee to make tbe light
we can raise &U tho money we need to
elect our man, CTC8 t WS do not go out
of Omaha for a dollar.
If you allow the convention td meet
at the stated time tyosey cannot be here,
ud will npt reach home unif a wee
afterwards. This will plac the cam
nnlcrn he vend reach, and with nothing
to boom it disaster will follow and next i
year our name will be "pants."
Rsey can reach Omaha by th6 80il,
as he sails tbta 18tb ftoa Hamburg,
'jive this matter John wt Most seri
ous consideration and oo if it Is not a
No one Can certainly be damaged by
tho move moreover it will result In
much good, even if it docs not take the
urn I suggest.
It will not do to let everyone Into the
secret gather n few of the meet loyelh
er and make the play and all hellcan't pre
vent her winning on every turn. Come up
and see me and then let us make a little
medicine over the matter.
Sincerely yours, E. P, Rckkjen.
The appearnce of the above letter
caused great excitement in political cir
cles. It genuinenens was questioned by
some; though nn attack upon Judge
Cobb, which was made Wednesday pre
vious In the editorial columns of thence,
seemed to indicate that the letter was
genuino, as It proved to be. The means
by which it got into print was also
freely discussed, and all kinds of sur
mises indulged in. This was fully ex
plained by the following dispatch which
appeared in the papers of Sunday morn
ing. (Mr. C. S. Connor is the editor of
the Nebraska City Press)
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
, is Charged With Bad Faith.
He Obtained the Roggen Letter on the
Sacted Promisa That It Would
be Strictly Private.
And Deliberately Betrayed his Hosts.
Nebraska City, Neb., Sept. 12.
rSoecial.l In order to place Hon. John
C Watson right in regard to the E. P.
Koggun letter, 1 will say that last
Wednesdny night Judge Amasa Cobb,
Colonel W . L. Wilson, Judge Calhoun
and Mr. Watson attended the Grand
Army of the Republic reunion at Ne
braska City, where Jodge Cobb and Mr.
Watson spoke.
Judge Cobb was the guest of Colonel
Wilson, and at the solicitation of Mr.
Watson the gontlenien went to his office
after the parade to talk matters over
in general.
Mr. Watson invited me as editor of
the Press to meot Judge Cobb.and while
there Mr. Watson called me into an
other room and showed me the letter,
with tbe remark that it was rather rough
on Cobb.
While I was reading it Colonel W llson
came into the room and he, lieing a
warm personal friend of both Mr. Kog
iren and Mr. Watson, was allowed to
read it.
After consultation it was decided that
if Judge Cobb was allowed to see it he
would take a tumble and not jeopardize
the party's interest by Insisting on being
a candidate.
As Judge Calhoun was tben talking to
Cobb, Colonel Wilson agreed to let him
see the letter later on, and so he did.
Cobb, after reading the letter asked
if he could make a copy of it to show
(iere and his personal mends.
Colonel Wilson allowed Judge Cobb to
do this upon the strict promise mat it
wonld not be made public.
The matter slipped Colonel Wilson's
mind and wben Judge uodd went away
he carried the original letter with him.
Colonel Wilson supposed Cobb to be a
gentleman and being the guest of Mr.
Watson a ad himself he did not suppose
that Cobb wo'jld betray his friends
hile in their hcues.
The matter slipped Mr. Watson's
mind for the time being, but when he
minced tbe letter be so tit for it and Col
Wilson then reinemliered that Cjbb had
carried it away. Cobb handed it to
(iere and ranted it be made public in
tbe hope that it would help his chances
in tbe state as against uougias county.
Colonel Wilson is decidedly angry at
the betrayal by his guest and presumed
As for Mr Watson be pleads only the
betrayal of bis confidence by a bosom
friend. , C. S. Conxok.
This is all very rich. It is very likely
that when Watson save the letter to
Cobb he knew it would be published
When he made his fool break about
the nomination of a governor the Bee
was very severe upon him. This letter
gave hiui a chance to get even, and we
have no doubt he smiled audibly when
hs lent the letter to a man whom be
knew would make it public. Of course
it was peaches for Gere. Ed. Roggen
put bim out of aclerkship on the boodle
board of transportation, and this was a
line opportunity for a slap back.
Tbe whole thing gives tbe public a
poep into tbe inside workings of tbe ma
chine called tbe g. o. p., which cannot
fail to make an enormous accession to
the independent ranks. It throws a lu
rid glaio on Nebraska political methods.
That the imposition to postpone the
republican convention till Roscy's re
turn was inspired by Rosey himself we
have no doubt. Think of tbe gall of
it. With all of tbe Rosey'j cry about
"a pure candidate, free from any taint
of corporation affiliations," his desire
for purity only extends to bringing out
an Omaha man who has a "bar'l."
-With tho Bee to
make the fight we can raise all the
money we need to elect our man, even if
we do not go out of Omaha for a dollar."
Here's "purity" and "freedom from the
taiut of corporate affiliation" with a
"Gather few of the select together and
make the plan, and all hell ean't prevent
her u inning at every turn.'"
"The select!" People of Nebraska,
how do you like that? Tbe rottenest
combination of immoral forces ever
brought together, embracing whisky,
beer, the saloons, brothels, and gam
bling dens just the organization that
Roggen and Rosewater marshalled lust
fall to elect Boyd and defeat prohibi
tion! ''The select " It's a satire on poli
tics and decent government.
For tbe independents there is every
comfort la this letter, and the revela
tions that have followed it. Tbe last
year's breach in the republican camp
has changed its form. Then it was Rose
water trying to organize tbe anti-monopoly
element as a fighting force. Now
it is Rosewater and Roggen, leading
the wilJ8sy crhOila to secure a victory
for an QmIj with a "bar'l."
RcQ?e U oot 111 ik. Without Rosewa-
ler's backing ho had lio strong
in the
I party. Rosewater is not backlog him.
tie has no "bar'l." Rojewatef, uotm'.n
standing the Bee's talk about purity.will
be found supporting the corporation
andidate the man who can "ralso a)l
the money we need" in Omaha.
Independents, stand by your candi
dates and your guns. Hon. J. W. Ed
gerton, God permitting, will be the next
supreme judge elected In this state.
Though Gere is known to be a monu
mental liar our reporter, inter, iewed
bim the other day whhout having him
sworn. However, he thought it bast to
swear Cap. Hill. So after Hill was duly
sworn the interview began.
Reporter. "Captain Hill, are you a
member of the G. A. R.V"
Capt. Hill. "Well, y-e s, I used to
belong to a post down in Gage county;
but I don't care much about'the con
cern. There's lots of bad fellows in it,
you know."
R. When you join it do you take
some sort of an oath to be faithful to
your brothers?"
H. "Y e s, I believe we do. But
that's just aforruygu know. I suppose
its about tbe same in the Alliance."
R. "Well, don't you consider G. A.
R. men under obligations to stand by
members uutil they are proved guiltyof
1L "O certainly, of course."
R. "Youwouldn't coudemu a brother
on a mere ex parte statement, then,
would you?"
H. "Of course not."
R "Do you remember the Journal
reporter coming to you about your bro
ther McCall and the Calamus flag busi
II. "Oh, that Journal; Cap. Burrows
knows I don't take much stock in that
concern. 1 used to know Cap down in
Gage county. He's a square fellow.'1
R "But you remember about Mc
H. "Well, y e s, I remember some
thing about it. McCall is a very nice
man, they say a good soldier and G
A. R. man, and all that."
R. "But didn't you say he ought to
be expelled from the G. A. R ?"
H. "Ob, you can't tell anythingabout
what thai. Journal says."
R. "Captain Hill, did you inquire in
to the truth of the charges made against
McCall before you said he ought to be
H. "What? Oh, McCall's a first-rate
fellow. I saw him here in the Senate
He looks like a first-class man."
R. "Do you think that's a fair way
of treating a comrade."
II. "Uh, that tiere! He'll do any
thing. Cap. Burrows knows I don't take
any stock in him."
R "But, Mr. Hill, what we'd like to
know is what you think about that mat
ter yourself."
H. Well, now, I'll tell you, I'm pretty
busy to-day. and I'll see you some other
time. But McCall's all right, and Bur
rows is all right, you bet. Good day.
R. Good day."
Last year the independents noralra
ted, and by that act secured the election
of Mr. Snell to the office of county at
torney. The platform upon which Mr.
Snell was elected demanded honest
county government and a retrenchment
of expenses in the interest of tbe tax
pavers. Mr. Snell ha more than justi
fied the confidence reposed ia him by
the voters of this conoty. Up to the
time of Mr. Snell's election, tbe county
attorney had regularly appointed udeo
uiy at a salary of $000 per year, with of
course the incidental expenses inevita
ble to an additional county office, which
might amouut to $ '00 per yesr. Wben
aked to appoint a deputy Mr. Snell in
quired into the matter and found that
there was no law authorizing one. In
this item alone he has saved tbe county
about 1 1000 during his term. At the
same time it is seen that the republican
county commissioners, with the aid and
sanction of the republican county attor
neys, have for years been approving an
expenditure in this matter which is en
tirely without the warrant of law.
Another point where Mr. Snell has
saved the county a large sum is as fol
lows: Policemen receive a salary from
tbe city. It has been their custom to
charge the county fees in all cases of
arrests for felony. In other words, they
have been charging the county for doing
a duty as policemen fer which they were
paid" by the city a plain case of double
pay. And the ring commissioners have
been regularly allowing these charges.
These costs anount to $5.00 or tC.OO in
each case, and there may be fifty cases
in a year. Mr. Snell stopped this busi
ness, as the charge was entirely illegal.
Tbe commissioners have also been
paying coroner's juries and tbe fees of
witnesses in Inquests, without authority
of law. Most people will think that
such fees should be paid; but if paid,
there should be a law authorizing it,
which there is not. Mr. Snell was un
doubtedly right in requiring legal au
thority before such bills are allowed.
The ring commissioners have also
been allowing special fees to the clerk
of tho district court without authority
of law, which probably amount in the
aggregate tb $2,000 per year. There
are now claims before the board amount
ing to $500.00 which have not been acted
upon. Mr. Snell has filed his opinion
against these claims, stating the law to
the board.
Another contemptible steal has been
allowed by the ring board, viz: double
pay to tho jailer. Tnis official receives
a regular allowance for boarding the
prisoners, and has at the same time
been allowed his coal bill. Probably
the board would have allowed his gro
cery and labor bill if he had made the
claim. This allowance was stopped on
Mr. Snell's informing the board that it
was illegal.
It will bo seen that in this one office
Jhe independent incumbent will bavv
saved the county in his term of twe
years $5,000 or $6,000.' At the same
rate, how much would t!i0 whole ticket j
1 -
have saveai
Tho simple fad 13 that the court house
should bo cleaned out from cellar to gar
ret. It has been a nest of thieves. By
the connivance of public officials on the
"you tickle me and I'll tickle you" prin
ciple, the tax-payers of this county have
been annually robbed of untold thou
sands. The robbery will never cease so
long as by political trickery a ring can
control the offices.
Our able contemporary, Col. S. F
Norton, of the Chicago Sentinel, slightly
misapprehends our meaning in the fol
lowing quotation from an ariticle on the
sub-treasury. We said:
"If money becomes so plenty that it
could be boiTowed at less than govern
ment rate, no man would mortgage his
and to the government to get it."
We infant by that simply that no man
would borrow at a higher than the mar
ket rate. We agree perfectly with Col.
Norton that increase of money volume,
making flush times, increases rate of
interest by Increasing the demand for
money for business ventures. But at
the same the burden of interest is less
in such times on account of the higher
prices of tho products which men ex
change for money, as Col. Norion states
A locomotive is being built for the
Philadelphia and Reading railroad to
run one hundred miles an hour. It is
to have four cylinders instead of two
the two extra ones to be set at an angle
to the others to overcome the dead cen
tre as well as to add to the speed.
Who wants to ride behind it? By the
time it is completed the air ship may al
so be done. Then good bye locomotives,
smas'i-ups, iron tracks, grades; rights of
way, million dollar bridges, Pullman
porters, etc., etc. Then every man can
have his own shin m his back-yard, and
every family can visit Europe every
summer. The Oregon settler can call
upon his wife's folks in Indiana between
harvest and corn,husking. Armies will
no longer be possible, as one dynamite
bomb dropped from the sky could anni
hilate a host. Protection will be effec
tually done up and free trade rsgnant,
as the air ship smuggler could laugh at
collectors and inspectors. Taking ad
vantage of air currents, two hundred
miles an hour would be easy. Uncle
Jerry Rusk must go to studying aerosta
tics. It's part of the signal service.
With the air ship completed and his rain
coinpcller finished, Uncle Jerry can put
on his spectacles and just travel around
crop inspecting, and when a dry spot is
found just let down a shower or two.
The air ship and the rain compeller may
develope great possibilities in the agri
cultural Hue.
ty Of course the Bee can repudiate
Mr. Roggen. That's very easy. Has it
discharged him from its humbug claim
"Come up to the help of the Lord
Against the Mighty."
'A successful state campaign cannot
be run on wind. The state committee
must have money. Send it along. Ev
ery dollar entrusted to C. H. Firtle will
not 0BI7 be honest'y expended, but will
be put whera it will do the most good.
There are nearly 800 independent
candidate in this state. These are all
intensely interested in the success of the
state ticket. Every one of them should
send at least $5.00 to the state committee.
There are about SbO auxiliary mem
bers of the national committee, being
three in each county. These aro also
equally interested in the success of the
state ticket, and should collect at least
$10 each for tbe state com nittee. This
would make $13,000, which is only a
moiety of what the roads and banks will
expend to defeat Edgerton. Why, the
bankers' association raised $40,000 sim
ply to defeat the passage of one bill in
tbe late legislature.
Send along the money. If you expect
the state committee to do good work
give it the tools to do it with.
ANCE. The New York Sun is one of the most
rabid haters of the Alliance. If the lat
ter is to be the salvation of the demo
cratic party it would seem as though
the Sun would look upon it with 4 friend
ly eye, instead of taking every oppor
tunity to slash it. But instead it has
kind words for its traditional enemy the
lepubllcan party. Says tbe Sun:
One of the most observed states In the Cnion
Is Kansas as she emerges 1 rum the twlstillea
lions of the Kaimors' Alliance, and It is worth
noting that a correspondent or tbe Kansas
City limes expresses theoplnfon that the man
who will appear at the head of the Kam-as re
publican party at its bollditlcation will be the
Hon. (icorae T Anthony, elected Govcrnorof
the State in 1ST8. Ingulls has not recovered
from the blew of his defeat last winter. Sen
ator Plumb exhibited far too tremulous and
compromising a spirit while the Alliance wag
fiourinii hot shut Into his party to Bene any
onger as a lender; and with these two states
men turned nside, Governor Anthony is ex
pected at the front.
Since wben has Kansas began to
emerge from the "Alliance testifica
tion?" Poor Anthony! If he waits for
bis rejuvenatioa till the republican
party' solidifies he will have plenty of
time for study and recreation.
t3gDid our readers ever stop to con
sider for one moment the enormous
sum of money the telephone company
of this city is continually grinding out
of the pockets of the people? Thereare
about 700 telephones now in use. At $5
per month apiece, this would make
$3,800 rer month, or $42,000 per year.
Total cost of running is less than $700
per month, or $7t704 per year. The
balance, $27,290, goes into the pockets
of the company. Taking this into con
sideration, who can doubt that the city
should own and control the telephone
lines j3 the city, besides putting their
use down to a fair price. We could
soon double the number not ln Ue-
Prescribed by Dr. E. P. Roggen.
'And my judgment 13 that the&ecan
make or break the republican nominee."
'If the republican nominee is the
right kind of a man Rosewater will sup
port him."
"If you allow the convention to meet
at the stated time Rosey can't be here."
''Gather a few of the select together
and make a play and hell can't prevent
her winaing on every turn. Come up
aud see me and then let us make a little
medicine over the matter."
"How would it do for you to assume
that a large number of republicans from
all over the state had requested that the
state convention be postponed until
October 7, arfd issue your orders accord
ingly; in the meantime Rosewater could
reach home, and between us all we
could pick out a republican nominee and
elect him."
"I wt.nt to say that I met several old
time machine men. All agree that there
are several large sized breakers ahead."
"With the Bee to make the fight we
can raise all tho money we need to elect
our man without going out of Omaha."
"It will not do to let every one into
the secret."
At a convention of the people's party
in Boston on Monday, the 7th, the- fol
lowing state ticket was nominated:
Henry Winn, of Maiden, governor.
William J. Shields, of Boston, lieu
tenant governor.
Joseph D. Cadle, of Westhekl, secre
tary of state.
Thonas A. Watson, of Braintree,
treasurer and receiver-general.
William O. Wakefield, of Lynn, audi
tor. Israel W. Andrews, of Danvers, attorney-general.
The next issue of the Non- Conformist,
late of Wiufield, Kas , will be at India
napolis, Ind. Tho style of tbe new fiim
will be Vincent Bros' Publishing Co.
One brother is added to the firm. The
Vincents have done noble work in Kan
sas. They will have a wider field in In
diana, and there is no doubt that the
Alliance work in that state will receive
a great impetus from their advent. We
wish them the grandest success.
The harvest was grand. The weather
was Splendid. Mr. Jensen did his level
best. Gov. Furnas surpassed even him
self. The counties twenty or thirty of
them just threw themselves to . muke
exhibits that not only beat the world,
but which the world could not beat.
All these things combined to make a fair
which was the best that Nebraska has
ever had.
The press with one accord praise
Messrs. Jensen and Furnas, and in fact
the whole board, for their liberality and
courtesy. See the complimentary no
tices in siicb papers as the Farm, Field
and Stockman, of Chicago.
I2 People's tickets all over. Massa
cbutts and Maine nominated last
tjfT The Bee says Edgerton is strong
enough candidate to beat Cobb. True
tF "When loguea fall out honest
men come by their own." SeeEd.Rog
tren's letter.
tW The Bee is making a tight against
Cobb's nomination. That settles it.
Cobb will be nominated.
XW The Rum, Roggen and Rosewater
of last year is dunged this year to Rose
water, Roggen and Roguery.
Fob Scpkeme Ji dge a "pure" can
didate, without a suspicion of corporate
affiliation, and money enough to elect
him without going out of Omaha.
3 Cheap money means high prices
for farm products and high wages for
labor. Dear money means low prices
for farm products and starvation wages
for labor.
ZW Mr. Fassett, the republican nom
inee for Governor of New York, comes
out squarely against bossism in politics;
and yet he is nothing more nor less than
the supple tool and creature of Tom
tW New York's hospitality is indeed
unbounded. The Sun names over the ac
cessible resorts around the city, and says
that the strangers in New York are as
welcome to visit them as are New York
ers themselves. Cheap cheer, sure
SW The Pennsylvania Farmer says the
Alliance storm is gathering, and it is
impossible to say whether it will be a
squall or a cyclone. All the northeast
ern states will soon join the procession,
and it needs no prophet to foretell that
the monopoly power will go down be
fore it.
No independent paper has yet said
that Edgerton is an able lawyer. No
one that knows him believes him quali
fied for supreme judge. B. 4 M. Journal.
That's another. This paper has re
peatedly pronounced Mr. Edgerton an
able lawyer, and no reputable lawjer of
Omaha will duny that he is so.
Eagle Alliance No. 21'J3 sends us
some resolutions for publication in re
gard to the action of another Alliance
in admitting persons to membership.
It is not proper to publish these resolu
tions. The general public has no right
to know about any differences in the
Alliance. Such matters must be settled
entirely within the Alliance.
"Chf.uncey Depew and the Vander-
bilts, it seems, had a narrow escape
from being kidnapped by Turkish brig
ands a few weeks ago." Chicago Tribune.
The Tribune need not worry about its
gold-bug pots; the rule of "honor among
thieves" still prevails among the Turk
ish brigands. Besides. Chauncey Depew
and the Otter New York brigands can
give their Turkish brethren points every
time Chicago Senfinet. ..-
tW Chicago promised j;,000,000 for
the World's Faif,4am nr.t to ask for a
dollar from congress "except for the
building and exhibits of the government.
A change has come o'er the spirit of its
dream. In December it will move on
congress for a loan of $5,000,000. By
the way, will it be constitutional for the
government to loan money to corpora
tions? And what security can Chicago
offer? The bonds of the government
A man who will sell six-year-old chil
dren cigarettes is a satisfactory candi
date for the position of hemp-stretcher
at the nearest telegraph po.e. Omaha
Oh, but hold on, friend Rosewater.
Don't be a fanatic. Why don't you go
to the man kindly, as you believe in do
ing with prostitutes and rumsellers,
any levy a tax on him "for the (ublfc
good," and let him then pursue the even
tenor of his way? But then, it is true,
the cases are not parallel. There is not
enough money in selling cigarettes to
six-year-old children to warrant the
dealer in buying newspaper columns at
forty cents a line. This of course alters
the case. Voice
The latest estimate of the crops this
year, sa's the Voice, as given in Henry
Clews & Co.'s "Weekly Financial Re
view," is as follows: Corn, 2,040,000,
000 bushels; wheat, 585,000,000 bushels;
oats, 700,000,000 bushels; rye, 29,000,000
bushels. The Secretary of the Treasury
last week isnued a statement of money
"in circulation," which includes vast
sums locked up as bank, reserves, and
other large sums long since lost and de
stroyed. The sum given is $1,500,007,
555. At the prices quoted in the New
York Produce Exchange lost Saturday,
the holders of the corn crop alone of the
United States will realize almost as
large a sum as the entire amount of
money now in the country according to
Secretary Eoster's figures. It is a great
year for the farmers, and that moans a
great year lor everybody.
Very well. If prosperity for the
farmers means prosperity for everybody,
as it does, why not issue money on
farming lands, asd give them the same
chance we have given the men who own
On Sunday evening last Rev. J. F.
Mmehart delivered a sermon at Red
Ribbon Hall on the subject of "Chris
tianity in it relation to labor and capi
tal." It was a very able and interesting
discourse. As we nball publish some
extracts from it next week we forbear
further notice at this time. The subject
will be continued at the same place next
Sunday evening, and we advise all to
go and beat it.
In Russia the peasants are starving,
eating grass, begging; while the Rus
sian capitalists are hoarding grain for
higher prices. The same would be true
here under the same eonditions.
The so-called democratic county con
vention met last Tharsyay. It was a
circus and no mistake. The language
of the speakers was refined and elegant
in the last degree, and the affectionate
frankness with which the members of
the two factions lavished endearing epi
thets upon each other was delicious snd
refreshing. We cannot repeat the en
deari ng tltka. They would n't read well
in this great immaculate family paper.
The convention endorsed Mr. Tibbetts
for district judge, in which it did a good
thing. And it then adjourned to meet
again oue week from next Saturday,
wben it will have made up its mind what
to do about the balance of the independ
ent ticket.
The only right thing to do is to en.
dorse it. That is at this time the only
way in which the county democracy can
put itself on the side of good government
and tbe people. Should it nominate
candidates it will simply be asking men
to act as stool pigeons for tbe republican
ring nominees. There are no reputable
men who will do this, and there is a very
respectable portion of the democrats
who do not wish to nominate disreputa
ble ones.
Aside from a number of honorable
gentlemen who are really devoted to the
old time principles cf democracy, the
name democrat is a misnomer. There
is a certain clique in this city of as cor
rupt scoundrels as ever disgraced and
aided to misrule a community. Some
of them call themselves republicans and
some call themselves democrats. But
they are birds of one feather. Their
merchandise consists of offices. Their
counters have consisted of the votes of
reasonably honest and altogether simple
voters who have persisted in thinking
that there was still some difference be
tween republican and democrat, and
have used the counters as this hybrid
ring have planned. This ring is now
trading on the, office of sheriff so as to
elect tho republican nominee. There ia
no man on the independent ticket more
unexceptionable and more worthy of
endorsement than Mr. Elfeldc.
But we do not want the democrats to
endorse part of our ticket to the exclu
sion of part. This i not now a question
of individuals or patronage. It is a
question of principles and good govern
ment. While it is possible some changes
may happen in the make up of the ticket,
none should be made as a bribe for
democratic endorsement.
Both old parties entered the contest in
Ohio with the intention of making the
tariff the leading issue. The Farmers'
Alliance has forced this issue aside and
compelled those parties to accept and
discuss tho real question, viz: finance.
John Sherman has declared that this i
the first issue in the campaign, and that,
the friends ot honest Htoney must har
monise their differences on the tariff and.
present a united front on this question.
Tho nioiiey question is to day the
great and only important question be
fore tho American people. That the
Alliance is strong enough in Ohio, where
the organization is new, to compel its
discussion to the exclusion of the issue
the old parties are anxious to discuss,
argues well for its success. As far as
the money question is concerned both
old parties arc in the same boat both
are under the domination of and toady
ing to the money power. John Sher
man relies on the blind votinsr of
the past, on the bloody shirt principle
and ignorant parly devotion. But be if
counting without his host. The people
aro studying finance, and they are learn
ing the politics of the Shermans and
Goulds, viz: loyalty to their own inter
ests and the interests of their children.
and their children's children. Sherman,
will join In galls after the idesof Novem
We have received advance sheets of.
tho House Journal of the 22nd session,.
which has been in preparation by Chief
Clerk E ric Johnson for some time past.
This is the most perfect and complete
Legislative Journal ever issued in Ne
braska. The record of every member
can bo learned from it. , It hai a com
plete index referring to house rolls, sen
ate files, concurrent resolutions and
records of members, in addition to the
general index.
The Journal of the Senate, prepared
by Secretary Plrtle, is of the same gen
eral character. In tho past the Legisla
tive Journals seem to have been com
piled to obscure records and cover up
information. These are in exactly the
opposite direction, and signalize the ac
cession of the independents to power, as
well as reflect great credit upon tho of
ficers who prepared them.
The Adams Co. fair association an
nounces some rare attractions for their
fair which will be held at Hastings,
Neb., on Oct. 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1891. The
exhibits of county products will be
worth going mies to see, and the entries
for the speed ring5 promise some rare
sport. We bespeak for them a good at
tendance. A. H. Brown of tho Inde
pendent is the secretary, Isac Boyd
Mrs. Fowler Seriously Hurt.
As Mrs. Fowler, of 831 K street, was-
driving Wednesday morning with two
lady friends on O- street, near the
Elliott school house, the horse became
frightened and started toiiun. A wheel
of the carriage broke, causing an over
turn, and throwing the ladies out. Mrs.
Fowler was very seriously injured, hav
ing her arm broken afld a severe gash
cut in her chin and neck. The ladies
were taken to Mrs. Fowler's residence.
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