The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, September 17, 1891, Image 1

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YQL.III. LINCOLN, NEB., Tlll)ltSDi SEIT17. 1891. NO. 14.
Bxpibtiok8: Ai the earieet and cheapest
nm f notifying subscriber ot the dat
of their expiration wo will murk tbta notice J
their puhecnpnon expires. e win wuu uw
paper two weeks after expiration. If not re
newed by that time it will be discontinued.
Written for Thi Farmers' Aixiakce.
The swaying blue-stem shakes Its golden
powder down.
And drifts of yellow dust are floating here
and there,
A thousand 'dashing tremors, tawny, red and
'Till 1 wonder prairie grass ceuld ever be so
I listen to t'ue murmurs soft as a silver luto.
Sweet melody chat lures me far from tie
busy crowd;
Tie waving pointed ccnes, each like a shep
herd's flute,
Re-echo now the summer's harp light as the
misty cloud.
On all the emerald billows I find t'ae crowns
of gold.
Where tluy jewels tremble, so lightly are
they huug.
And other beaded sprays their crimson glories
While everywhere this azure morn the
mower's song is sung.
Mart Baird Fikch.
Cleirwater, Neb.. Sept. 12, 1801.
The Omaha Coffin Manufacturing com
pany failed for 180.000.
Win. Rutter has been bound at ovei
Chadron for selling whisky to Indians.
Eleven hundred scholars were enrolled
in the Nebraska city schools the first day.
Miss Laura Ricard would like to be sup
erintendent of public instruction in Keith
At Bloomfield W. F. Seidell shot and
mortally wounded II. J. Paulsen, a hotel
Box Butte county farmers report yields
of wheat from twenty to forty-five bu3h
els per acre.
The horseshoers' strike in Omaha has
ended, the employers granting the demand
for eight hours.
The Nebraska City Hospital association
has purchased the old college building foi
hospital quarters.
Ernest Lindwell, 14 years old, was run
over and killed by a freight train while
switching at Oakland.
Rev. J. F. Dilges of Rapid City , S B.
has been Installed pastor of the Kearney
German Lutheran church. : i
There were no fatal results from diph
theria at South Sioux City, and the dis
ease has entirely disappeared.
Mary E. Cook of Nebraska City seeks a
-divorce from her husband for the reason
that he refuses to pay her board.
Elias Stein;er was arrested at Stanton
for bnrglarizing a hardware store in Am
ington, Ills. He admitted his guilt.
O. P. Chapman ot Exeter has 850 peach
trees so prolific with fruit that many of
the limbs are breaking with their load.
Mrs, Swan Larson, living four mile9
.south of Craig, was thrown from a buggy
by a runaway team and instantly killed.
A man employed by S. R. Lewis of Hold
redge to break prairie near Atlanta, stole
the team, wagon and harness and skipped.
Arrangements have been made for a
.grand time at the Boone county reunion,
to be held at St. Edward Sept. 10, 17 and
Mrs. James Matthews and Miss Gertrude
Robinson were painfully injured in a run
Away accident by being thrown upon their
The $15,000 of school district bonds voted
by Beatrice have been sold to Scott &
Wrigley of Wyoming, Ills., for $450 pre
mium. A 3-year-old child of William Zike, liv
ing near Edison, was drowned in a rain
barrel. The child was in the water but a
short time.
Mrs. F. F. Johnson, living five miles
east of Oakland, was thrown out of
buccv and instantly killed. Her neck
was broken.
A safe in the office of Cornutt's lumler
yard at Nebraska City was robbed in
broad daylight, but the thieves ouly se
cured a little cash.
Joseph Troop has applied for a divorce
at Lincoln, from a wife he supposed to be
dead when he married his present wife.
She disappeared while he was in the war.
Rumors are rife around Fort Robinson
that the troops which left for Hot Springs,
S. D., are ordered to return immediately
in anticipation of a visit from the secre
tary of war.
Edward Lickey, arrested at Calhoun foi
horse stealing and incarcerated in the
Blair jail, is deliberately starving himself
to death, refusing to take any nourish
. ment whatever.
George Nicholson, who went to Grand
Island f rem Clay Center about a week
ago, went madly insane. He was taken
to the Lincoln asylum. It required the
united strength of six men to dress him.
Ora. the 14-vear-old son of Colvin Hall
of Sterling, had his lag run over by
freight train in trying to get on the freight
cars. The physicians amputated the limb.
but the liov could not recover from the
shock and died.
C. D. Cooper of Sterling while mowing
weeds got a nest of bumblebees roused up
and before he could get away was stung
badly by them. He suffered considerably
from the effects, which threw him into
spasms that night.
The Lincoln branch of the Irish National
league elected delegates to the Chicago
convention. Resolutions of regret at the
illness of President Fitzgerald were
adopted. Fitzgerald's physicians report
him somewhat improved.
A.C. Turner, a pioneer resident of Piatt
county, died at his home in Columbus at
the age of 82. He came to Nebraska from
Ohio in 1871 and founded the Columbus
Journal, with which paper he was con
nected, at the time of his death.
Two cars loaded with lumber went up
in smoke at Wallace. They had been side
tracked, and it is thought that the fire
was communicated from a passing loco
motive. The loss falls upon the Burling
ton and Missouri, as the cars had not been
A special train bound for the state fait
collided with a regular passenger train on
the L nion Pacific near Beatrice. Both en
pines and a mail car were wrecked. Victor
Orton will lose a leg, II. T. McKiuney, ex
press messenger, G. F. Harding, brake-
man, and George liaird, conductor, were
The Alliance Call to the Farmers of
the Xorthwest.
Europe's Shortage and America's Sur
plus Id Cereals At Least Sl.SO aud
I'robably S3 Per Bushel Is Prom- jQ
Ised Later in the Season.
St. Pacl, Sept. 11. Theodore M.
Mueller, editor of The State,. the Alli
ance newspaper organ ct the northwest,
has issued a second circular following
upon the suggestions of the first, with
figures and arguments in support of the
proposition that wheat is bound to ad
vance to $1.50 or $2, and farmers should
profit by it. One million copies of this
circular are being mailed, besides the
60,000 copies of the current issue of The
State, in which the circular is reprinted.
The circular opens with the statement
that the farmers will be saved millions
of dollars if the advice given in the
document is followed. Alliance secre
taries are instructed to give the circular
as wide a distribution as possible,
while newspapers are requested to pub
lish the same. Continuing the circular
Europe's Shortuge.
"We do not believe a majority of the
farmers are foolish enough to co-operate
with the speculators to depress' prices
further. There is no question but
prices will take a turn upward in a few
days. The shortage in Europe cau now
be figured with accuracy. About
week ago a congress of grain-dealers
irom all parts of Europe met at V lenna,
Austria, and computed figures about
the crops in Europe., These figures are
the highest - which well-informed re-
Dutable men could furnish, for. if in
famine year like this they should give
lor the crop of any one. country lower
figures than circumstances justified, the
government of that country would cer
tainly remonstrate. It is surely the pol
icy of Europeans not to exaggerate their
disaster. .The fignres of "the Vienna
congress show that Europe raised 258,
000.000 bushels of wheat and 490,000,000
bushels of rye less than last year. Last
year it consumed all of its ' own wheat
crop and at least 50,000,000 of reserves,
100,000,000 bushels . imported ; from
America, all that other countries could
supply, and all its rye crop.. -. This year
it will have from America liiO.OOO.OOO
bushels more than last it we take the
extreme figures which any : reputable
authority has made tor our really splen
did crop. .v,v;" V.-. ..
'- "It will have as usual what other
countries suppiv, which is insignificant
out it will have 74S,uuu,ouu bushels less
of its own crop and 50,000.000. v bushels
less to be drawn ' from reserves. In
short, it will have 120,000,000 ; bushels
extra from America to make up a de
ficiency of 798,000,000, and. must conse
quently eat 678,000,001) bushels lew
Higher Prices for Wheat. "'-
Rye being dearer in : Europe than
wheat, the latter becomes a substitute.
and is equally affected by deficiency in
rye or wheat supply. When it is en
tirely certain that Luropeans will have
to economize in bread to the extent of
678,000,000 bushels, and when the sit
uation is aggravated by the partial fail
ure of the potato crop, it is to be con
sidered what prices they would pay for
American wheat. The shortage in
Europe being four times as large as the
American 'surplus, there is no doubt
that the price of wheat will reach the
highest figure ever known before this
year is up and will exceed it by far be
fore the new crop conies in.
The talk that for si wheat m Chicago
is a high price under present circum
stances is absolutely idiotic, for the
average price in England being $1.41,
no one in Europe dares expect to eat
wheat 21 cents below an average price
this year. Wheat will soon be over
$1.50, no matter how much farmers and
speculators work together to keep prices
down, and we would advise those who
can comprehend the situation to hold
their wheat for $1.50 and add for every
month they keep it say 5 cents to the
price. Hold your wheat. You cannot
get left."
Jockey Club and Pool Kooms.
New York, Sept 15. The battle be
tween the Brooklyn Jockey club and the
city pool rooms began in earnest yester
day. The association erected high
fences all around the tiravesend track.
so as to shut out the view which was
formerly had from the tops of the sur
rounding houses. The pool room men,
however, rose to tne occasion, and
erected on the top of the highest of
these buildings a tower from which
they could look over the fences into the
track. Mr. Dwyer will play his trump
card today, and the pool rooms may as
well give up tne right, tie intends to
withhold all entries from the newspa
pers. This will hurt the attendance
somewhat, but President Dwyer's aim
is to break tip the pool rooms and this
last step will probably prove effective.
All of the pool rooms in this city were
in full blast in the afternoon, being able
by means of the tower to get the re
sults. The news from the tracks came
in a little slowly, hut this did not deter
the putrons of the rooms, which had the
regular attendance.
Federal and State Courts Conflict.
Dallas, Tex., Sept. 15. The state
court instructed Sheriff Lewis and
Receiver Maroney to hold on to the
Texas Trunk railroad and not to turn
it over to Receiver Dillingham, as or
dered Saturday by the United States
court. He also instructed them to ap
ply to the United States court for Dil
lingham's dismissal. The conflict be
tween the state and federal courts is
likely to lead to trouble.
A nogusMhit In Kansas.
Kansas City, Sept, 15. A gang of
counterfeiters have been arrested in this
city. Ceorge E. Neel and E. S. Wilson
were taken Saturday morning for pass
ing spurious coin. Neel lives cm a farm
near Lawrence, Kan. The sheriff of
that county was telegraphed to search
the farm house, and doing so he found a
complete outfit of dies, furnaces, cruci
bles, acid,, etc., usually used by
counterfeiters,- Charles Chipwood ot
Lawrence was"- also arrested as an accomplice.
nominee Growing Out ef the Park
Place Disaster.
New York, Sept. 15. -At the time of
the Park Place disaster, Sherman Cnra
min. a popular "comp" on The Mail
and Express disappeared, and as he was
known to be a patron of Peterson's res
taurant in the ill-fated Taylor building,
the conclusion was reached that he had
perished. His wife haunted the ruins
for days ana at lengtn wen tinea one or
the recovered bodies as the remains of
her husband. The body was taken to
her home and buried with due cere
mony. Mrs. Cummin received $ 1,000
from the mayor's relief fund and then
moved from the home in which she and
her husband dwelt in order to find for
getfulness. Mrs. Cummin received a
message which took a load off her heart.
It was dated at Halifax and announced
that her huSband was alive and well
there and was coming home as fast as
steam could carry him. It also stated
that on the day of the disaster he started
for Peterson's restaurant, but fell by the
wavside and entered a saloon instead.
He was soon in a condition in which he
neither knew or cared what he was do
ing, and when he came to his senses he
found he had snipped on a sailing vessel
bound for Halifax, which place he
reached Sunday.
A Fiendish Attempt to Wreck the ritt
burg Cannon Hall Express
in Indiana.
Chicago, Sept. ID. A- bold attempt
was made to wreck the Cannon Ball
. . . . Mr
express on tne nusourg. ri. wayne
and Chicago railroad last night. When
the train was two miles east of Whit
ing, Ind., Engineer Pierson saw an ob
struction on the track, and reversing
the lever, the engine came to a stop
just as the pilot pushed its nose against
a barrier of railroad ties. While the
passengers and trainmen were standing
about the engine discussing their nar
.raw escape from death, Charles How
ard, of Whiting, an employe of the
Standard Oil company, camo running
up ond said he knew all about the at
tempt to wreck the train. "There were
fcve of them," Howard said, excitedly,
"and it as there intention to wreck the
train and then rob the express messen
ger and the passengers." Howard then
told how he met the five men at Whit
ing during the afternoon and that they
invited him to walk down the Pitts
burg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago tracks
after darkness had set in. It was about
7:30 o'clock when the party reached the
spot where the ties were placed on the
tracks. Howard says that all of the
men were armed, and pointing their re
volvers at him, they compelled him to
aid in nutting the timbers across the
rails. He attempted to run away and
warn the trainmen, wnen tne roDuers
threatened to shoot him if he moved.
His storv was not believed and he was
arrested on suspicion of being one of
the wreckers and brought to thin city,
A score of officers from South Chicago
are hunting through Indiana marshes
after the eve men.
A Daring- Escape. . ,
Pittsburo, Sept. 13. Frederick C,
Fitzgibbons, murderer and highway
man confined in jail on the charge of
murdering Dorothy Gilkinson, escaped
about S o'clock. He sawed off the bars
in his cell in Murderer's row and scaled
the walls of the cell room to the win
dow, where he also sawed off the bars
standing on the window sill. He risked
his life bv a daring leap to the root of
tho warden's house. Thence he de
scended to the jail court yard by a light-
nine rod and scaled the high stone wall
bv means of a rope, which must have
been furnished by some one outside
Once on top of the wall he fastened the
rope to an iron spike and lowered him
self to the street oeneatn. nis escape
was not discovered until 6 o'clock and
so far there is no clue to his where
abouts. The escape is considered one
of the most skillful and daring known
to criminal records.
The Old Lmly Stuck.
Beaver Falls, Pa., Sept. IB. Grand
mother Douglass, one of the Rev. J. W,
Bristol's flock, made information against
her shepherd for assaulting her by chas
intr her through a barbed wire fence.
Several days ago she said she went to
call on a sister who resides next door to
Mr. Bristol. She strayed over into his
pasture and began a lively tirade against
the preacher when he appeared. She
claims he shook his fist at ber and
scared her so that Bhe tried to crawl
back through the fence. Being 70 years
old and weighing 200 pounds, she stuck
fast and almost broke a leg. Kev. Mr,
Bristol will have a jury trial. When
asked about the charges. Rev. Mr
Bristol laughed and said there was no
truth in them.
Ilaiut-Hnunegan Murder Trial.
Hampton, Va., Sept. 15. The sixth
day of the Hains-Hannegan murder
trial opened here. The prisoner was
brought in and Lawyer Lipscold arose
to continue the argument for the prose
cution. In his remarks he declared in
an impressive manner that Ed Hanne
gan could not be slaughtered and Hains
acquitted of the crime. He eulogized
Hannegan and took up the evidence link
by link until he had spoken eloquently
for two and one-half nor. 8. Mr. bhill
ington for the defense then spoke
Lawver Goode and Senator Voorhes
will close the case, and it will probably
be given to,the jury this evening.
Ilain and Cyclone.
Ashland, Wis., Sept. 15. A heavy
rain and hail storm fell. It is estimat
ed that thousands of dollars of damage
has been done to, crops throughout tl;
district. A heavy wind prevailed and
several boats on the bay were capsized
No lives were lost.
A special from Iron River says a cy
clone raged there. A number of trees
were torn up by the roots and the roof
of the hotel was smashed in by falling
trees. The total damage by tho storm
cannot be estimated.
Four Men lrowned.
Philadelphia, Sept. 15. Four labor
ers employed by a junk dealer were
drowned in the Delaware river opposite
the navy yard, by the upsetting of their
boat. I hey were in a small skiff when
the frail craft upset. They were nn
able to swim and as they wore long
rubber boots not one of thetn rose
the surface.
Flower's Nomination on tie
Ballot Claimed.
I srs
An Address by Temporary Chairman
Raines After the Appointment of
Committees the Convention Ad
journs I'ntil 10 a, ni.
Saratooa.N. Y.,Sept. 15. Chairman
Murphy of the state committee called
the Democratic state convention to or
der at noon and introduced George
Raines as temporary chairman. Raines
addressed the house at considerable
After the appointment of committees
the convention took a recess until 10
a. m.
The state committee by a vote of 24
to 8 decided not to admit representa
tion from the County Democracy in the
The resignation of Voothees of New
York as a member of the state commit
tee has been accepted and he has been
re-elected to fill a vacancy.
There is no doubt of the nominatio
of Flower for governor on the Erst bal
lot. D. J. Griffin, who is Mr. Flower's
personal representative, said to a cor
respondent of the United Press last
evening that Mr. Fowler would have
every vote on the first Daiiot excopt tne
thirty-six from Kings county. Air.
Griffin puts no faith in the threut of a
second" convention. He says it is a
bluff." "When men are beaten they
must take their medicine," he said. The
Chapin men would like to see a second
convention organized. They were feel
ing very blue yesterday. No one out
side Chapin's headquarters would talk
anything but Flower. Hugh McLaugh
lin, the leader of the Kings county dele-
ation, who had come to a convention
'or the first time in years to give a per
sonal supervision to Mr. Chapin's cam
paign, was especially uiBgrunuua. i ne
Chapin men gained some spirits when
the Kings -county Democratic club, 700
strong, marched down uroadway, nvo
abreast, headed by a big band and
wheeled Into the Grnnd Union hotel.
The arrival of this delegation of Chapin
Bhouters did not give them any new
courage or deceive them about the pros
pects, but it gave them company in
their miserable condition, and was very
welcome. It was 5 o clock when the
King s county people came in.
The Sheehan Controversy.
The Hon. Wilson S. Bissellof Buffalo,
in discussing the trouble in Erie county
with a United Press man, said; "We
are in very bad shape in Erie.
"Do you refer to the Bheenan contro
"Yes, that is the tronole."
"What effect will Sheehan'i nomina
tion have?"
'If he is nominated for lieutenant
governor it will mean a loss of o,000
votes tn2o.iat.n. ...;,. ..; ,
"Who do you prefer for the second
'AnyDoay wno can neip tne ticKei 10
victory; anybody but Sheehan. With
Sheehan on the ticket we will suffer
terribly. We are here as Democrats,
and in the interest of the party, and we
hope to prevent what in our judgment
would be a great mistaKe.
"There has been some talk about the
withdrawal of the Cleveland delegates
from the convention in the event of
Shcchan's nomination. What is there
in that story?''
'Oh. 1 don t thinK that can lie done.
There will be no second convention."
Angusta Exposition Missionaries.
Lowell, Mass., Sept. 15, The An
gusta exposition delegation arrived in
this city and were welcomed by a com
mittee of prominent citizens. They
were driven about the city and shown
points of interest, after which there was
banquet at mecnanics nail. ice
mavor welcomed the visitors and ad
dresses were made Dy iresiuent w aisn,
of the Augusta exposition, Hon, John
C. Davidson and taitor stovill, or the
Augusta Chronicle. The laKer, an bs
half of the representatives of Geortria.
repudiated the"New Heresey"in its last
phase, which seals coalition of the south
and west in an absured and wild cat
nolicv. and declares Georgia to be heart
and soul with New England for a sound
financial policy and solid business reci
procity. Anti-Frize Fighting Legislation.
Nashville, Sept. 15. -The lower
house of the general apsembly passed the
anti-prize fighting bill. There was a
red-hot discussion, but it went through
by a largo majority. The senate bill
making it a misdemeanor was substi
tuted for the house bill making it a
felonv. Senator Stroud's bill prohibit
ing the whipping of convicts was killed.
In the senate the reapportionment Dili
passed its first reading.
Maryland Politics.
Baltimore, Sept. IV Frank Brown,
the Democratic candidate for governor,
had a conference with Senator Gorman
and Congressman Compton. Mr, Brown
says he will have 50,000 majority. It is
understood that Senator Gorman dos
not intend to take an active part in the
canvass, as the Democrats expect to win
without putting Mr. Gorman to the
weariness of a hard campaign.
Alliance Men Capture a Conrentlon,
Staunton, Va., Sept. 15. Alliance
men captured the Democratic conven
here and nominated H. J. Williams and
C. W. Koiner for the legislature to rep
resent Augusta county. The contest
was prolonged and exciting. The noiir
inations were made unanimously.
Yonng Men's Institute.
Scranton, Pa., Sept. 15. The second
grand council of the Young Men's In
stitnte was held here. Delegates com
ing from various places east of the
Kocky mountains were present. The
day was given up to the hearing of re
ports and appointment of committees.
fonthern Tress Association.
Dallas, Tex., Sept. 15. The first an
nual session of tho Southern Afternoon
Press association was held here. The
business was conducted with closed
loors. Officers were elected.
rtaas to Arrange Its Floating Debt Be
ing Discussed.
New York, Sept. 15. The officers of
the Richmond Terminal company were
at work all day on the plan to extend
its floating debt, but at the end of the
day it was stated that nothing definite
had been accomplished. Among those
present at the meeting of the executive
committee were George J. Gould, John
H. Hiuniau. Abraui S. Hewitt. John A.
Rutherford and Samuel Thomas. It
was reported after the meeting that no
decision had been reached, that $8,000,
000 could be continued at once if tho
committee should agree on the plan to
extend the floating debts of the various
companies in this system similar to that
adopted by the Union Pacific. Presi
dent lnman says he thinks thatfKi.OOO,
000 collateral trust notes will be issued,
guaranteed by the Richmond Terminal
company, each of the allied companies
depositing collateral to secure its own
floating debt." It is officially stated
that the floating debt of the Richmond
Terminal company is $;V0.000, the
Georgia Central f:5,800,000, Richmond
and Danville ;!,2uO,tKXi aud East Ten
nessee $1 400.OW.
filtering Cloth for lieet Sugar Factories
Admitted Free or Duty The
llond Statement.
Washington, Sept 13. Acting Sec
retary Nettleton has instructed the sur
veyor of customs at Omaha to admit
filtering cloth for beet sugar machinery
free of duty, under paragraph 237 of
the act of Oct. 1, JbUO.
An Important Case,
Washington, Sept 16. A very im
portant case will be heard before Justice
Field of the United btates supreme
court, on the 20th inst. It is the first
hearing in a suit brought by the UniieJ
States government in California, involv
ing the question whether the Southern
Pacific company of Kentucky .can txer
else the geiierui corporate power ami es
pecially hold leases of railroad corpora
tions in other Btatt-s, As is well known,
the charter of the Southern Pacilio com
pany ot Kentucky was secured by C. P.
Huntington for the purpose of taking
leases on the Central Pacific, the Cali
fornia and Oregon, the Southern Pacific
of California and other railroads form
ing the so-called "Huntington system.
As the lenses involve guarantees of in
terest and dividends on hundreds of
millions of securities the great import
ance of the case will at once be seen. It
is considered by lawyers a dangerous
suit for the defendant company,
Bond Statement.
Washington, Sept. IV The 4 J per
cent, bonds received at the treasury de
partment for continuance at !i per cent.
amounted to $02,800, making the total
thus far continued $24,654,700. The 4
per cents, received at the treasury for
redemption amounted to 137,700. The
redemptions at the New York sab-tress
nry Saturday was 176,100, making the
total redemptions to date $15,000,700,
The heavy drafts upon the treasury
balance since the first of the month in
redeeming 4i per cent tonds has re
duced the net balance in the treasury
which, on Sept. 1 was $60,000,000, to
$48,000,000. Included in this latter sum
is $17,830,000 of subsidiary silver, and
$15,500,000 in government bank deposi
tories. .
Sinnx Falls' Pnblic Itnlldlng.
Washington, Sept. 15. The treasury
department, after examination, has
found that the act passed by the legis
lature of South Dakota, ceding jurisdic
tion over public building sites in that
state to the United States is ample, and
as Secretary Nettletou has approved it,
he said that the work on the Sioux Falls
building, which has been delayed pend
ing the examination, will be at once re
sumed and pushed to completion.
Death of Messenger Coleman,
Washington, Sept lo. Henry Cole
man, colored, a messenger at the door
of the attorney general's office, died
here, aged 80 years. Prior to I860 Cole
man purchased his freedom and after
wards the freedom of his wife. He had
been messenger at the door of the at
torney general's office for 26 years and
probably knew more public men at tae
time ot his death than any man in the
United States.
Denrer Claims the Pennant.
Denver, Sept. 15. President Pack
ard, of the Denver Base Ball club, was
seen in regard to the disbanding of the
Western Association. President Pack
ard said that Denver would claim the
Western Association pennant. He had
reserved all the players for next year.
Arrangements are being made by which
the Denver club will play a series of ex
hibition games in western and Pacific
coast cities with a club made up from
the best players of the National League
and American Association, captained by
Captain Comiskey, of the St. Louis
Browns, after the championship season
is over. President Packard says he will
try to organize a six-club league for
next year, to be composed of clubs from
Kansas City, Umaba, Moux city, t
Joseph, Denver and Pueblo.
A White League Monument.
New Orleans, Sept. 15. The most
important celebration of the 14th of
September anniversay that has yet
taken place occurred yesterday. After
the usual parade the cornerstone was
laid of a monument which is to com
memorate the deeds of the White
League that resulted in the overthrow
of the Kellogg government seventeen
years ago. ine monument wm ue
erected on Liberty Place, Canal street,
near the scene of the conflict.
South Dakota Tin.
Chicago, Sept 15. J. W. Fowler,
attorney for the Harney Peak Tin Min
ing company, of Rapid City, S. D.,
is in this city, ue says tne tngnsn
syndicate has taken and paid for stock
in the company to the amount of
$3,C('0,000 ot the $15,000,000 at which
the company is stocked. Fowler lays
the company will have tin on the mar
ket in large quantities within a year.
Funeral of Judge Latrobe.
Baltimore, Sept. 15. The funeral ol
John H. B. Latrobe occurred yesterdav.
The interment was in Greenmount cemetery.
,Spl a I tessMv
1141 and 1143 O
This wt ek we will have a special sale of Mack and colored
Dress Goods and Silk. We are showing all the very latest
iu Camel Hair and Boucle Cloths in Plaids, Stripes and I lam
colors of every description. Here area few prices on goods
you cei-tainly know the value of;
36 in. English
Henrietta, black
and colored cut
from 40c to
40 in. black and
colored serges all
wool, cut from 55
42 sc.
42 in. English
Seree, all wool,
cheap at 75c, this
week at
40 in. black and
colored Bedford
Cords.. The new
cloth, cut
60c to
46 inch Serge
black and color
ed, cut from ol to
Fredrick Ar
nold's very best
46 in. Henrietta
in black and col
ors. This week at
Black and col
ored Failla De
Francis Silk cut
from $1.15 to .
In sending for samples mention the color
you want otherwise we might leave out the
very shade you would like
1141 AND 1143 O STEEET.
kVfeoi.rii fed-
St., Lincoln.
Double fold all
wool flannels in
grey and brown
mixed at
Double fold all
wool flannels in
black and colored
worth 35c at
54 inch dress
flannel all colors
all wool worth
40 inch fancy
plaid flannels
worth 65c at
40 in. Camel's
hair plaids in
gray and brown,
worth 75c at
40 inch Boucle cloth
in the new shades
worth 75c at
54 in. English Broad
Cloth in a full line of
colors, worth $1.35 at
54 inch Fancy Plaid
Flannels reduced from
$1,00 to
slightly hurt.