n Si.-.?-' VOL. III. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, SE1T 10, 1891. NO. 13. NOTICE TO 5CBSCEIEEES.- Expibatioks: At the easiest and cheapest aaeana of notifying autMcribers of the date of their expirations we will mark this notice with a blue or red pencil, on the date at which their subscription expires. We will send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not re newed by that time it will be discontinued. SUMMER'S LAST ROSARY. Written for Tbi Farmers' Alliance. O, golden threads of silver sons; That fall across my path to-day. If I a garnered sheaf may bind Of tender trifles, light and strong. Lend me sweet words to ring along. And o'er the ways to sometimes find Where Summer tells her dreams to me. Her prosy toil It laid away. And with l.er book she comes to stay, To wake the page with golden key, And thrill us with a roundelay Of woven song where roses fine And tendrils round the windows twine. While shining bars drip mist and spray And lily-cups onoe held their wine, Sad rains rehearse their melody. Yet no tear dims this heart of mine. The leaning grasses look within The open volume In ber hand. And warning echoes from the glen Are calling all thu minstrels in, While higher notes Dot known of men Arc trilled along the prairie land. Tho' twilight falls on borrowed leaves In summer's binding, red and gold, And wheaten ears from harvest sheaves, 'Neath sunset light and amber stars A harp-like lute the blue-stem weaves. And lovers' call from pasture bars Repeats a song of rarest gold. The same sweet song the ancients told Beneath the moon's pale scimitars. That "1 jve so new Is strangely old." Tho moon's red light is growing wan, My scroll unlearned floats swift away; The stats grow dim, each voice is gone, The voices from the valleys borne To upland seas of ripening corn. I clamor vain for longer stay, "Dear guest, 'bide yet a brief delay," But Summer olosed her book to day. She takes the volume from my band Tho' few the notes that are my own. She leaves me dreams of mignlonette And b -eath of hay on prairies wet. , I see from this my morning laud Her golden boat, the morning star; Her zone has touched the autumn-strand, Her vail a lost cloud's gray cymar. Mart Baird Finch. Clearwater, Neb., Aug. 31, 1881. Where thy Footsteps led, we Follow. O.V THE DEATH Or WM. L. CROSSDALE. Not for thee the requiem strain, Friend beloved and comrade truest! Gazing upward, we would fain Watch the path that tbon pursuest; But from yearning mortal sight, Clouds of heaven, do ye receive him. Ah, the gateway opening bright, Closes dark for us who grieve hiin. Fought the fight, and kept the faith! Not for him be wild lamenting, He unrecking life or death . s - Gave his gifts without repenting. Shall we falter, shall we fail We who named him friend and brother? Still his memory shall prevail, Kindling Hunt Time cannot smother. When did Freedom's roll-call sound, That she found her son not ready, Foremost still to take the ground, ' Eye alert, and footstep steady? "Forward March !" the bugles rang; Old the fight, yet just beginning. Why the stern, relentless clang Of the "Halt!" that stayed his winning? Why! oh, why! We may not ask. Ours to tread where duty beckonB; Ours the faith, the hope, the task; God alone the future reckons. Press we where our hero fell! Fell? Nay! Hose to heights supernal! Yet, with us his thought must dwell, Even 'mid the peace eternal. Beating heart t'uat, full and warm, Pulsed with human Joy and sorrow Soul for sunshine and for storm! Not fer thee earth's brief to-morrow. Loosed the clasp of mortal hand; But the Spirit, what can sever? liife, nor death, can break the strand Love and truth have knit forever. Not for thee the requiem strain, Tho' our lips with sorrow quiver, And the tears, that fall like rain, Mingle in grief's ceaseless river. Friend beloved, and comrade tried! Hearts are faint and eyes are hollow; But, whatever fate betide. Where thy footsteps led, we follow. Frances M. Milne. San Luis ObiBpo, Cal. OUR FEARLESS AKD FORCIBLE PLEADER. We find the following gem in the New York Standard. It refers to the death of Wm. T. Croasdale, late editor of that paper. It will be s. surprise to most people that a poet at once so tender and so strong is so near us. He should be cherished. Heis dead, our defender and leader. Our fearless and forcible pleader; No more shall wo see him or hear him ; No more shall his enemies fear him: His eloquence, brilliant and clever, " Is silenced forever, forever. His mind was a mind of great splendor; His soul was exalted and tender. He loved Right and worked to sustain it; He loathed Wrong and strove to restrain it. Truth and Justice he honestly sought for, Earnestly thought for, and wrought for. He cared not for creeds, cliques, nor classes; He trusted and toiled for the masses; He sacrificed self for all others; He looked upon all men as brothers: He labored to have all wrongs righted, And have all the nations united. The selfish and ignorant sneered him; The proud and the opulent jeered him; Old friends and companions denied him; Herce loes and opponents defied him; Still he preached from humanity's altar As unmoved as tho rocks of Gibraltar. Ho died fljfhting wrongs, grim and hoary; Passed from lite to a death of true glory. But the cause that he nobly defended Will survive until all thltigs are ended. Wrong withers, but Right remains vernal; Truth, Justice, and Right arc eternal. Omaha, Neb. J. W. Evans. Hon. R. M. Pritchard, residing in Cum ing county, near Pender, died. He was a member of the Illinois legislature during the great Logan fight, and held other offices of prominence in the same state. His health has been failing for the last MOVEMENT OF GRAIN Western Baihvays Embarrassed to Care for the Enormous Shipments. THE WEST BOUND BATE WAB Another Redaction in Lake and Rail Bat.. The lows Central Election, 1 The Clover Leaf All Right Jay Could In New York. Kansas Cttt, Sept. 7. The unprece dented movement of grain from the west has choked the market. There are mil of sidetracks fall of loaded ears here, and the grain men and railroad men are working night and day to clear the jam. The necessity for mills, for transit work, and more elevators was never more severely felt All of the thirteen ejevator at the mouth of the Kaw are crowded to their utmost ca pacity. One hundred cars of wheat were turned over to a Chicago road to be shipped direct from Kansas through Kansas Ciiy to Chicago. Owing to a new practice the railroads have adopt ed, the danger of a car shortage is greatly reduced. Each road now uses its own cars exclusively. No cars from the west., a roads can go farther east than St. Louis or Chicago, unless an equal number of empty cars from the receiving road replace those taken loaded. This plan is proving successful. It keeps the cars well scattered over the western territory. The Union Pacific not being a through road is ehoving the grain into the city. The Chicago, Santa Fe and California road cannot furnish enough engines to haul the cars alrea dy here to Chicago. The Santa Fe yards as a consequence of this are stuffed to overflowing. There are now over one thousand cars loaded with grain in their yards. There are 7U0 cars in the Mis souri Pacific yards. The West-Bound Rate War. Chicago, Sept. 7. The war in west bound lake and rail rates from Boston to Chicago continues. The Union Steamboat company ,in connection with the New York and New England and Fitchburg railroads, has announced the regular weekly reduction of 3 cents. The new rate is based on 30 cents first class. The dry goods rate is made 19 ceuts, by far the lowest rail and lake rate ever made from Boston. When in formed of the latest reduction of his ad versary, D. B. Linstead, agent of the Ogdensburg Transit company, said: "We have dropped out of the light." Tho Iowa Central Election. Chicago, Sept. 7. At the meeting of the Iowa Central in this city, Jthe fol lowing wereelectod airectofs: Eussell Sage, H. J. Morse, G. F. Taintor, E. E. Chase, C. Ackert, George Morse, Dun lap Smith, Russell Sage Jr., Rufus H. Sage. Kussell Sage was re-elected president, Edward E. Chase vice-president and Geonre B. Morse secretary and treasurer. The report of the year ending June 30, showed gross earnings $l,699,74tf, increase, $110,779: operating expenses $l,23l-, 383, increase $03, 163; net earnings $ 47(i,iie2, increase $17,5bo. Traffic Keinmcd. Reading, Pa., Sept, 7. The first train to reach Reading over the Reading and Columbia branch of the Beading road since the cloudburst Aug. 21 arrived here. The road between Denver and Sinking Springs has been placed in good condition. A large force of men has been working day and night einc;e tho storm. Mr. Jay Gould's Return. New York, Sept. 7. Mr. Jay Gould, president of the Missouri Pacific, ar rfved home with his family from a so journ of seven weeks in Idaho and Col orado. He appears to be in very good health again. He went to his suburban residence at Irvington-on-the-Hudsou. The Clover Leaf All Right. New York, Sept. 7. A director of the Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City stated that the company had just paid up loans, aggregating $200,000. This takps the road out of the courts and ob viates the appointment of a receiver, leaving the property in the control of the present management. Huutingtou Gets Another Road. Astoria, Ore, Sept. 7. C, P. ilunt ington has purchased the Astoria and South Coast railway. The sale was made to B. Koehler and J. C. Stubbs, who acted as agents for Huntington. The road is a valuable piece of prop erty. Thirty-four Stories High. Chicago, Sept. 7. Plans for the Odd Fellows' Temple, to be erected in this city, have been prepared. They provide for a building as high as the Washington monument. The entire ground space is built up to a height of fourteen stories. Above this the building ex tends six stories in the form of a square cross, the four spaces at the angles of the main building being left vacant. Above this is a tower shaped structure fourteen Btories high, making thirty four stories altogether, with an aggre gate height of '.56 feet. The estimated cost is :3,:.PO,000. 'The ground space covered is to be 177x233 feet. Iowa Methodist Fpiscopal Conference. Muscatine, Sept. 7. The ministerial delegates elected by the Iowa Methodist Episcopal conference are: Dr. C. L. Stafford, president of the Iowa Wesley an university, Mount Pleasant; the Rev.Ura O. Kemble, presiding elder of the Muscatine district, and Rev. T. J. Myers of Centerville. Reserve dele gates: The Rev. J. P. Teter of Oska loosa and Dr. J. C. W. Cox of Wash ington. On the eligibility of women as lay delegates to the general conference the completed vote was as follows: For, 70, against, 33. Sioux Indians Join the T. M. C. A. v Mitchell, S. D., Sept. 7. The first state convention of the Young Men's Association of South Dakota was large ly attended. The reports show that there are ten active associations among the cities of the state, and that the Sioux Indians on the reservation have formed fourteen associations. TO WATER THE WEST. Plant for the National Irrigation Con gress at Salt I.k. Citj. Salt Lake City, Sept. 7. The nat ional irrigation congress to be held in Salt Lake City, Sept 13, 16 and 17 promises to be the largest and most successful convention ever held in the western country. Thousands of del egates have been appointed and have promised to attend. Half rates have been granted by the railroads to the public as well as to delegates. Hotel rates have been reduced and ample ac comodations arranged for all citizens. Mormons as well as Gentiles have united to promote the success of the congress. A unique program of entertainment has been provided which includes a grand musical festival in the Mormon tabernacle, besides visits to the beet sugar works, to Garfield Beach and mining camps contiguous to Salt Lake City. The rain-makeri will also be present. (Irnham of Texas. . Galveston, Sept. 7. Hon. Walter Gresham of this city was enthusiastic ally endorsed at a meeting of citizens for appointment to the position made vacant by the death of W. L. Bragg of the interstate commerce commission. LABOR DAY. Working-men All Over the Country Cele brate for their Honored Cause How the I)v was Observed. Chicago, Sept. 7. Between thirty and forty thousand workmen marched in the Labor Day parade to the music of forty brass bands. There were open air meetings at several parks, Jerry Simpson addressing the largest. At New York there were two parades and at St. Louis, St. Paul, 'Minneapolis, Boston, Pittsburg Detroit, Cincinnati and ot:r points the day w& observed by the workingmen. Ohio'a Celebration. Cincinnati, Sept. 7, Quite a number of people from the surrounding country, far and near attended the great celebra tion of Labor Day. The celebration was a great mass picnic at Woodsdale, on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Day ton railroad, thirty miles north of Cin cinnati. The principle speaker was Hon. William McKiuley, the Republi can candidate for governor. Governor Campbell, who was expected, was not present. Several labor orators made speeches. Over 10,000 people were present. At Sioux City. Siocx City, la., Sept. 7. Labor Day, legal holiday in Iowa, was appropri ately observed by the laboring men of "Sioux City. "Nearly all the factories, mills, builders and other labor employ ing industries gave their employes a holiday. The programme consisted of a parade, speech making and a picnic at Riverside. At Omaha. Omaha, Sept. 7. Labor Day was cel ebrated by a big parade in the morning. At the fair grounds at 1 o'clock p. m. General Van Wyck and Congressmen McKeighan spoke. A barbecue, Japan ese fire works, races and games and a concert by the musician's union band followed. At Wichita. Wichita, Ean., Sept. 7. Labor Day was appropriately celebrated here. Grand Master Workman Powderly, of the Knights of Labor, was the orator of the day. Prohibition in Maine. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 7. A large temperance meeting was held at the Pine street Congregational church, at which measures were taken to organize a county temperance league for the en forcement of the prohibitory law. Con gressman Dingley presided and intro duced Senator Fry, who spoke at length. He vigorously denounced the rum seller and said that if every rum seller were in jail today the country would be ten thousand times better off than it is. The senator claimed that the law was the only remedy for the evil of intemper. ance and closed with an exhortation to the people to stand by the prohibitory laws of the state. A Bitch in the Arrangements. Springfield, O., Sept. 7. As soon as the order of court was issued some months ago directing tho sale of the East Street Reaper works they were widely advertised. A number of cap italists purchased the works for $300, 000, about two-thirds of the appraise ment, for the establishment of immense car works. The first payment was to have been made Saturday, but either the deal is off or there is some hitch in the arrangements, for the option under the receiver's contract of sale expired without any payment being made. The works were again offered for sale Sept. 14. Singular Suit Against a Clergyman. ! Philadelphia, Sept. 7. A civil suit for $300 damages was instituted by Joseph G. Ray of Camden against the Rev. Charles D. Sinkinson, pastor of the Memorial Methodist Protestant church. The suit is based upon a state law which provides a penalty of $300 for any minister marrying a girl under 18 years of age without the consent of her parents or guardians. General Grulib Returns. New York, Sept. 7. General E. Burd Grubb, United States ministerto Spain, arrived from Havre on the steamer La Touraine. He was met at quarantine by a large delegation of Grand Army members from New Jersey. Colorado Republicans. Denver, Sept. 7. At a meeting of the Republican stato central committee it was agreed to hold a stato convention for tho nomination of a candidate for snpreme judge at Glenwood Springs on Tuesday, Sept. W, The President. Cape May, N. J., Sept. 7. The heavy xain storm prevailing all day kept the president in-doors. In the evening George W. Boyd and wife took tea with the president and family. HOST GOJO WASTE. Settlers Unable to Secure remission to Cut Damaged Timber. MEETING WITH SUCCESS. America Driving Competition front the Field of Spanish-American Trad. Tho Remodelled White House. Ilawley to Succeed Proctor. Washington, Sept 7. An unfortun ate condition of affairs has just come before the interior department. The forest fires which have swept oyer many sections of the northwest have partially destroyed large tracts of government timber, which must go to waste unless it i saved this fall and winter. Much of the land is in contest, and the people who hope to secure title are anxious to save the timber before it is lost, but they are debarred from doing bo by the timber laws, which prevent the cutting of timber while contests are in prog ress. Many applications have been made to Land Commissioner Carter for permits to cut the partially burned timber, and thus avoid the waste. The commis sioner says, however, that he can give no relief to these applications. It would be unwise, he thinks, to let aside the law protecting government timber whenever there was a forest fire, for such a precedent would induce fraud and there would be forest fires started all over the country in order to base an application for a permit to cut timber. Ji! a case of impending waste is made very clear to him by affidavits showing the exact amount of timber to be cut the commissioner says he might grant a hearing, although the proof would have to be so elaborate that the waste would occur before the permit could be grunted. In view of this feel ing at the land office much of this tim ber in the northwest, which has been partially burned, will be a total loss. The Remoiloled While House. Washington', Sept. 7. The president and family will be back in the White House by the middle of September. At least such is the notice that comes from Cape May to those in charge of improve ments. It has been many years since the living part of the mansion has been given such an overhauling. When Mrs. Harrison retuns she will scarcely recog nize the beautiful room at the south west angle of the White House, which is devoted to ber use. Silver and gold abound in the decoration of the apart ment, and her boudoir adjacent is fitted up in a style and with n taste which could not fail to satisfy the most exact ing of her sex. Just across the hall, in - what used to fe Mrs. Cleve land's charming morning room, the children of the family will hold high carnival with their dolls and toys, a new dado and draperies at the north west window being conspicuous among the new features. President Harrison's bed room is the one known as the Prince of Wales apartment from the fact that his royal highness slept in the room during his short stay at the White House early in the '60s. A cardinal silk canopy, with drawn folds, surmounts the splendidly carved walnut bedstead, and above all is a new gold shield bear ing the coat-of-artns of the United States, the eagle seeming to spread his outstretched wings protectingly over the president while he slumbers at night. During President Cleveland's adminis tration a wooden partition was con structed in the large corridor, but this has been removed and the family will have a clear range of the big room thus created, and which was such a source of pride and decoration for the la to Presi dent Arthur. Meeting with Success. Washington, Sept. 7. The consul general of Germany at San Jose, Costa Rica, has made an official report to his government, under date of June 30, 1891, in which he says: "There is no doubt that the extra ordinary endeavors which the American industrial world, backed up by the government, is making to increase its trade with Spanish American countries are meeting with success. The differ ence in price, if any, is more than com pensated for by the attractive and handy get-up of American goods. Ger many, however, plays a large part in the import trade of this country having shipped $179,367 worth of merchandise in 1890 us against $175,621 in 1M81. Still our trade is closely pressed by Great Britain and the United States. "The German, American and British industrial worlds are now doing their level bust to crush each other's trade in ironware of ail kinds, cotton shirts, underclothing, preserves and the like; this is more especially the case as re gards cotton piece goods, cheap calicos at about 7 pence per yard and common handkerchiefs cannot be got from Ger many, owing to the great distance; but in tho dearer qualities we compete suc cessfully. Proctor' Successor. Washington, Sept. 7, Private ad vices received here state that Senator Hawley of Connecticut has been offered the war office, to succeed Secretary Proctor. General Hawley is at Cape May conferring with President Harri son alwut the matter. Friends of the senator's who are familiar with Con necticut politics, and informed as to his chances for renomination as again'i, Governor Bolkeley, and re election to the United States senate for the term beginning in 18915. think it very probable that ho will accept the offer and be the next secretary of war. Ganging; by Weight. V ashingtox, Sept. 7. Commissioner Mason of the internal revenue bureau has been considering for some time the ad visability and practibility of adopting wh.t is lenown a the weighing .system for the official determination of the quantity of spirits placed in casks and packazes. This system, if adopted, will take the place of the present one, by which the contents of a cask is determ ined by the use of gauging instruments as now practiced. Released the American. Berlin, Sept. 7. Carleton Graves, the American arrested at Mayence as a spy, has been released, the authorities having no proof against him. DEATH OF AN OLD JURIST, Iteajamla Ilall, Ei-Chlef J as tic of Cat orado. Diet la New York. Ai'bcrn, N. Y., Sept. 7. Hon. Ben jamin Hall died here after a lingering illness. He was born in 1814.' In 1850, by appointment of President Fillmore, ha made a compilation and revision of the accumulated official decisions of the attorney general of the United States. In 1861 President Lincoln appointed him chief justice of Colorado, a position of great peril in the days of the break ing out of the rebellion, A conspiracy was formed to kill him and other federal officers and secure the territory for the secessionists. The scheme failed, and nothing went further to defeat the plans of the rebels than the ruling of Judge Hall, originating with him, to the effect that in the cases of armed rebellion against the government the conrts could suspend the issue of the writs of habeas corpus. Canght by the Undertow. Ateastic City, N. J., Sept, 7. Bar ney McLaughlin, aged 45, and living in Philadelphia, while bathing, waa caught by the nndertown and before help could reach him, was drowned. The body watf recovered. POISONED BY WATER. IIto Die and Treentr flte Sicken at Dun dee, Mich., from Well's Impurities. Dundee, Mich., Sept 7. Five people have died in this vicinity from the poisonous effects of water from a well on the Gilsen farm, near Deerfield, Something over two weeks ago a thrash ing crew was at work on Gilsen's place. The well is not an abundant one, and as a result of the unusual demand upon it the water becamo very low. It was ob served to be rather muddy and repulsive to the taste, but it was the only water on the plactrand everybody drank of it as usual. Those who have died are three children of Gilsen and two farm hands. Twenty-five others areuttecled, alwut half of them seriously. Field sports at St. Louis. St. Louis, Sept. 7. A large crowd as sembled at Sportsman s park to witness the field sports of the Western Associa tion of Amateur Athletes. The Gaelic Athletic club of Chicago captured six prizes, the Missouri Bicycle and Ath letic club five, and the Olympic of St. Louis three. H. A. Wienecke, of the Missouri Bicycle and Athletic club, dis tinguished himself by winning three of the events credited to his club, while J. F. Ryan won three and Michael Ken nedy two of the six events of the Gael ics of Chicago. Ryan also broke the record for throwing the CU-pound weight. He threw the weight 27ft. 7iin., while the record is 27ft. 4in. Ripe lor Revolt, Galveston, Sept. .7. A gentleman just returned from Mexico says the country is on the verge of revolution. The people only need a leader. The op ponents of the Diaz administration are circulating reports that the president is working in the interest of Americans in granting railroad franchises, and this has stirred up a bitter feeling against citizens of the United States, and es pecially those of Texas, The success of the Chilian insurgents over Balmaceda has given the dissatisfied Mexicans great hope, and many believe an out break is not far distant, Horewhlpiel by a Woman. Dubuque, la., Sept. 7. Dr. Lambert, a leading physician of Farley, was pub licly horsewhipped by Mrs. Tucker, a woman with whom he had some trouble the day before, in which the doctor spit in her face. After a few blows had been struck the doctor seized the whip. Her husband then appeared and gave the doctor a terrible thrashing. Tucker complained against himself and was fined $1 and costs. The feeling is strong ly against the doctor. Short's Mother to Get the Reward. Guthrie, Okla., Sept. 7i Some time ago, when the Santa Fe train was robbed by the Dalton gang, the express and railway companies offered a reward of $ 000 for the capture of each one. Ed Short, who was killed two weeks ago, after capturing one of the gang, left a mother in destitute circumstances at Osgood, Ind. Word was received that the reward would be paid to her. Play-Going People Escape Shamokin, Pa Sept. 7. Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton's career has been sud denly brought to a close. Her company objected to continuing the tour unles3 salaries were paid, and as the money was not forthcoming they disbanded and returned to New York. It is said Mrs. Hamilton was compelled to bor row the money with which to purchase the railroad tickets for the company's return. Indignant Depositors. Nevada, Mo., Sept. 7. About seventy-five of the 300 local depositors of the defunct Citizens' bank met here. Reso lutions strongly condemning the offi cers, and especially those who put their property out of their own hands, were adopted. Steps were also taken to em ploy attorneys to criminally prosecute them. A committee was appointed to solicit funds among depositors to pay for prosecution. Anxious Crowds of Heirs. Butte, Mont., Sept. 7. R. G. Inger soll and daughter left for New YorK af ter a stay here of six weeks. The jury in the Davis case is closeted with a large microscope. Rumors of all kinds fill the air as to how they aro agreeing and anxious crowd of heirs are sitting up nights wondering how much of the slice of ten millions involved will fall into their clutches. Scnrvy and Fever on Board San Francisco, Sept. 7. The bark Royal Tar, which has arrived from Australia, is detained at quarantine. Fever and scurvy are reported on board. Her captain and mate died of fever at sea and the remainder of the crew are in a frightful condition from scurvy. They were for six weeks without other supplies than tea and flour. After Wisconsin's Kz-Treasurers. Madison, Sept. 7. The time in which the ex-state treasurers could make a set tlement with the state expired and no settlement was made. The attorney general says the cases will be pushed vigorously hereafter. A. 1141 AND 1143 L.lflG01&.1a FED. f I I This week we are having a Special Cloak Sale. All the very latest novelties from the best makers of the world includ ed. Excellent values at $2-75, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $10.00. All the latest effects in new Fall Dress Goods just opened. We will endeavor to show you the largest and most complete line of Dress Goods ever shown in the city. The prices we guarantee to toe lower than any house in the city, quality considered. In this small space it is impossible to enumerate a quarter of the bar gains we are now showing on our counters. When in the city do not fail to visit our store whether you wish to buy or not. Next week we will give you some prices that will as tonish vou. 1141 AND 1143 O STEEET. O STEEET, ill