The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, August 06, 1891, Image 4

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larrac' alliance,
Ijbiitbed Kwry Saturday ty ' '
T&k Alliance IYblkiiixo Ca
Cot. lllh and M Lincoln, Neb.
J. Brwew ... .Editor
J. M. Tioarsos Business Manager
"la the beauty of the Iillie
Christ was born across the sea.
With a glory in hi bosom
That transfigures you and me.
Ai be strove to make men bo!y
Let cs strive to make them free,
Since God is marching on."
-julia Ward Host.
"Laurel crowns cleave to deserts,
And power to him who power exert.'
TA ruddy drop of manly blood
, The surging sea outweighs.'
"He who cannot reason is a fool.
He who will not reason is a coward.
He who dare not reason la a glare,"
' MdnM all burin eommunicationi to
Zlr'tpUo, to Editor
tSKEfe. .idea of tbewer
v aaBot be utxl. Very long communications,
. ml cannot b used.
J. BURROWS, Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON. Business Ma'gr.
fiettat HM and form -eight pages, seven
column quarto. Largest weekly paper pub
ttshedln Nebraska.
Complete In Every Department.
XSvarttsfsg tu Bie k6on en applica-
' tion.
Sabseriptien, ft 25 per annum Invariably in
s Advance.
CtVB Hints. annual lubicrintiooi $3.00.
Partes sending clubs as above may add sin
syle subscription t club rates.
In Aluakc one rear and Looking
Backward post paid $1 60
" Lsbor and Capital 1 40
Cmar's Column..., 150
- "Our Republican
Monarchy...... 1 40
Cushing's Manual
psper onrers.... I 80
Cloth covers...., 1 50
" Whither are we
Drifting 8 8
" " Smiths Diagram
and Hales 1 50
m " " Brioe's Financial
Catechism 1 50
- Baker's Money Mo-
I no poly l 85
Richard's Crown..,. 150
Tme above books for t ie at this office and
eat post paid on receipt ofprioeas follows;
Looking Backward ...50ots,
Cesser's Column....,..., Mots.
Xaboracd Capital jScta.
Out Republican Monarchy ,.,,.25ots.
Costing's Manual, PrperooTers acts.
Cloth covers........ iDcts.
Bnith's TJlagram and rus .....Mcts.
Whither are we Drifting .il 5a
Brlce's Financial Catechism ..SOcta.
Baker's Money Monopoly atcta.
Bichard's Crown , BOcta.
Address ALUANCB PUB. CO., Litcoin. h'fl.
Call for People's Independent
State Convention.
The People's Independent Party will
meet in convention by Its regularly ap
pointed delegates,
Tuesday August I8th, 1891, at
at 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
placing In 'nomination ono candidate
for associate justice of the supreme
court, and two candidates for Regents
of the State University, and to transact
any other business that may properly
come before the convention. The ratio
of representation in the state conven
tion will be one delegate for every one
hundred votes or major fraction thereof,
cast for Hon. John H. Powers for
governor in 1890. Counties will be
entitled to representation as follows:
Adams 5Johnon 9
Antelope 13 K earner 9
Banner 1 Keys Paha 4
Blaine " 1 Keith s
Boone , It Kimball 1
Boa Butte 2 Knox f 7
Brown 3 Lancaster 3tl
Buffalo 23 Lincoln 10
liutier 8 Logan 1
Burt 11 Loup 8
Osws 11 Mad Hon . 11
Cedar 4 Merrick 8
Chase 4 McPbersoa " ' l
Cheyenne 1 Nance 7
Cherry 8 Nemaha 11
Clay H Nuckolls 13
Coifax 7 Otoe - 13
, earning 9 Pawnee . 5
' Custer 26 Perkins 5
Dakota 1 Pierce 5
Dawes 6 Phelps 16
.Dawson 18 Platte 13
Deuel ' 1 Poik 14
Dixon 4 Red Willow g
Dodge 5 Richardson 11
Roup as 12 Rock 3
Dundy 4 Baiine 8
Ttlimore 17 Sarpy 3
Trankiin , 8 Saunders 84
Frontier 10 Boons BiuS 1
Tunus 11 Seward a
Cage S3 Sheridan g
Garfield 8 Sherman f
Gosper 7 Sioux 2
dreeley 7 Stanton 8
Fail li Thayer 6
Itaulltrn 14 Thomas 1
j-arian 15 Thurston 1
J-ayt .. . - 3 Valley 8
Iniicooock 7 Washington 7
, Hooker ... .., 1 . yna . 8
Holt 1J w,vtf is
Howard . 9 Wheeler 2
JetTerson 7 York 14
Arthur 1 Boyd 3
(tract , 1 Unorgan'd territory 1
The state committee would respectful
ly reeommend that coon y conventions
for the election of delegates to the state
convention be held on Saturday, August
15, 1891, and that the primaries for the
section of delegates to the county con-
-notion be held on the preceding Thurs-
where arrangements have not al-
nmdj been made to hold them on other
slates. - "
Xb State committee would also rec-
lainiT that no proxies be admitted,
tut tUt the daJeates present be per-
xzZZiA to cast the fall rote of their dele
-5n . . GEO. W. KlsABJW
Cfota State, Cen. Com
gee" State Cen. Con.
tate paper- pieate copy
We have been carefully watching the
dsvelopment of the sentiment of the in
dependents throughout tbe state as to
their choice for a candidate for the of
flee of associate justice of the supreme
court. We have made no effort to make
sentiment, as our readers can bear wit
ness; and we have no bias which would
induce us to misrepresent ll We sim
ply desire to truthfully report tbe fact
at we find it. That fact is that Hon. J.
W. Edgerton, of Dong! as county, is tbe
almost unanimous choice of the inde
pendents for this position. Oiher good
men have been named, among them
Hon. Wm. Leese, of Lancaster, and
Hon. B. I. Hinman of Lincoln. But the
preponderating sentiment is in favor of
Mr. Edgerton. Several of the large.
delegations will be instructed for him,
and unless some unusual and remarka
ble change takes place, he will be the
unanimous choice of the convention.
This is not surprising. Mr. Edgerton
is a favorite wherever be is known
Wherever be mounts the rostrum be
wins the hearts of his hearers. Another
came of his popularity is tbe fact that
it is venr general)? known that he is
no new convert to tbe people's party.
He has led many a forlorn hope. lie
has accepted nominations when be knew
that only defeat awaited hfcj.
It is also known to most of his party
associates, thai, ho is pre-eminently a
self-made man, and a man of the peo
ple. In an early day he was a pioneer
in the western part of this state, and
engaged in a laborious occupation that
of a well-borer. But while working at
this business from twelve to sixteen
hours per day, tbe ambition to achieve
somethieg higher seized bim, and like
Lincoln in the early Illinois days, he
was giving every leisure moment to
a course of reading preparatory to the
study of law. And be succeeded, and
has won an enviable and honored place
among the legal fraternity. But more
than that, he has won a place in tbe
hearts of all who know him as a man of
unimpeachable honesty and integrity.
We are aware that there are some
among the legal fraternity who object
that be his not bad sufficient legal ex
perience for the high place for which
he is destined. Well, these men have
voted for Messrs Cobb and JJorvaL As
lawyers they are not distinguished. In
fact they are mt than third-class. But
the mistakes and crimes that have dis
graced the supreme court of this state,
and made it a stench and a by-word,
have not been caused by ignorance of
tbe law. ' It is moral turpitude and dis
graceful partisanship that has brought
our supreme court to its present low
position. Edgerton is as superior to
these men as Hyperion to Satyr, If we
mistake not, Gen. Wm. Leese was
olected attorney-general of this state
when he bad tilled 10 higher cilice than
justice of the peace. ;'
In printing this article we wish it dis
tinctly understood that we are not as
suming the position of an advocate or
striving to create political capital. Mr.
Edgerton is not specially our candidate.
He seems to be the spontaneous choice
of the peopje of all parts of the state;
and from present indications will be
nominated by acclamation, without
even the formality of an infermal ballot.
We have received a very suggestive
communication under the above cap
tion which is printed on the other side
of this issue. It appears to have been
written by a young man who has pene
trated through the outer crust of prev-
aleut political methods and discovered
the hypocrisy acd rottenness within.
Disgusted with this corruption and hol
low pretense, yet realizing that there are
imperative duties connected with poli
tics, he looks about him, not only for
congenial political association, but fora
field where application and study may
pay aud talent have room for expan
sion. " r
It is the shame of our day that poli
tics has come to be synonymous with
jobbery and corruption, and that suc
cess in public life has too often been
achieved by methods that would make
any honest man blush. Yet it is a
healthy sign that the Quays and Dud
leys are sometimes forced to resign.and
the Bardsleys sometimes get into the
With all the vileness that clusters
around the word, it is still undoubtedly
true that every American citizen should
be a politician. Politics, in its pure
meaning, is the science of government,
and every free American citizen carries
an integral part of the government in
his vest pocket And while we cannot
advise any young man to make politics
a profession, in the sense of securing a
livelihood from it, its punuit offers a
career in which any talent may find an
ample field, and any ambition complete
gratification. Such a career involves
profound study and laborious investiga
tion. : It involves a cosmopolitan edu
cation. It involves the graces of the
orator, the erudition of the scholar,
the varied accomplishments of the
statesman. To the silvery-tongued ora
tor all doors unbidden swing. But ora
tory embraces scholarship. To teach a
man must first learn. No man need
try to talk unless he has something to
say. No man can be a leader unless he
has a high moral aim, and unless he
gets upon the plane occupied by the
multitude. Rare is the man who
stands upon that plane. There is a pro
found philosophy in this fact, fox pop-
ulitox Dti. .
To our young friend, and to all young
men, we wouia say, reiormers are al
ways in the front, ' The men. who
face he prejudices of the majority
the men who refuse to go with the tide
unless they believe that the tide is right-
have a moral and intellectual fibre that
achieves heaven in the long run. ,. The
history of the politics of every free peo
ple demonstrates this. The history of
or.r own politics most forcibly demon
strates it. The men who have been
I most maligned are highest in tbe tem
pie. The most sacred memories of the
dead are of Chose who were most abused
and insftlted in their lives. Eat it is also
true that honesty and integrity may
find an ample field in any party, and
that the majority of the men of all par
ties are honest and true.
While we do not specifically adrUe
our friend as to he shall go, we
will say to him that wherever he goes
let bim take honest politics with him.
The one great need of our public life
today is morality and honesty. The
Tile distinction between political hon
esty and business honesty must be
obliterated. The act that would stain
the honor of a business man should also
be the ruin of the politician. We shall
never have pure government or honest
politics until this principle is estab
Nor is any man capable of his best
work unless he is battling for bis hoaest
convictions. The man who for pay, or
power, or popu arity, advocates princi
pies or policits which his conscience
does not approve, stains his soul and
dwarfs his brain. This is a law of com
pensation that cannot be overthrown or
long successfully violated. Truth re
fuses to surrender her impregnable cita
del. That soul, which within us is a
sentiment, outside of us is a law. No
man receives more than he gives. If be
seems to, the seeming Is a delusion.
Deal out sophistries and injustice and
lies, and the fruit of sophistries and in
justice and lies will inevitably return to
us. In silence and certainty every crime
is punished, every virtue rewarded,
every wrong redressed. The problem
of separating the sensual from the
moral the function of reward or re
venge from consequence has neveryet
been solved by man.
We repeat in conclusion that politics
is the science of government, and that
every citizen is a part of the govern
ment. The world is wide, all oaths are
open. Wherever we go there is good
work to do. But carry the banner if
you can, and have Excelsior" in
scribed upon it.
We have received from Mr. Rose wa
ter a copy of the Paris edition of the
New York Htrald of July 19, contain
ing an interview with Mr. R. on tbe
subject of government-telegraphs.
From every point of view Mr. Rose-
water is in favor of government owner
ship of telegraphs. We give a few ex
tracts from the interview;
"In reply to a question, he said that
he was moro thau ever confirmed in his
opinion tha; tbe effect of government
control was to produce a very superior
telegraphic service
He said that London employed no
no less than three thousand persons in
its telegraphic service, whereas in New
York there were only 1,200 employes.
It had been said, he continued, thit a
government would be slow in adopting
new inventions. As a disproof of that
was the fact that there was an Ameri
can sextuplex machine in use in Lon
don, so that three different telegrams
could be sent in opposite direc
tions at once, while there was no
such perfected machine in use in the
United states, in Liondcn tbe system
of pneumatic tubes was excellent.
In Paris he had found the Baudet ma
chine superior to any other he had seen,
as it prints tbe message direct, and the
slip is then pasted on to a form. Here
ail facilities were given to the press, and
the government would let out wires for
two or three hours daily, or even for
five minutes. .Further, m London and
Paris the wires were laid underground.
"The political question" said Mr.
Rosewater.has been held up in America
as the great objection to postal tele
graphy. It is said that it would increase
tne patronage 01 tne government and
become too large a political machine.
1 made a special inquiry on this point.
The managers and operators I met were
very much surprised at the idea of an
interference with their political opin
ions. At one of the largest cities of
England an operator said tome: "lam
a radical, and 1 am voting against the
government every time. If the post
master or any other olhcial should at
tempt to Interfere with me and my pol
itics, 1 should soon have the question
brought up by a radical member of par
liament. In this office there are 300 per
sons employed and we are all divided.
There are libeials, conservatives and
radicals. We are not allowed to take a
prominent part in political gatherings,
out tnat is au the interference there is.
"Moreover," resumed Mr. Rosewater,
a telegraph operator requires mechan
ical skill. It would be impossible for
any party in power to supplant men on
account of their political principles.
That idea is all nonsense.
"Here in France there has never been
any question as to the political views
of the men.
"The postal telegraph is a practical
thing for public use. A government
can manage it better than any other
"My opinion is that the American
government should buy up all the com
mercial wires ih the country, compa
nies are trying all the time to make big
profits at small expense, and then, what
with buying up new lines at almost any
price, and the consequent watering of
stock, the public suffer."
With these views of Mr. Rosewater
every independent will concur. He
will also add that all the reasons which
justify government ownership of tele
graphs, apply with still greater force to
the government ownership of railroads.
Would a free pass te investigate that
subject in Europe also convert Mr.
Rosewater, or will he continue to advo
cate one and oppose the other!
"A wagon load of Omaha citizens ar
rived in the city yesterday chaperoned
by Sheriff Boyd. They were conveyed
to the penitentiary, where they will join
the Chautarqua circle for a term of
years." State Jturnal of July 3 1st.
The above extract shows the low-down
character of journalism adopted by the
B. & M. concern on the corner ot 9th
and P. streets. Nothing is sacred from
its vile Inuendoes. , To associate the
penitentiary with the Chautauqua cir
cles, and convicts with the ladies and
gentlemen who attend them, must be
flattering as well as edifying to the en
terprising gentlemen who manage those
A Prepeteren and Arreg aat Asmubp-Ueal
John M. Rsgan Controls the Adam Coun
ty Convtnticn.
At the independent county conven
tion held at Hastings, Aug. 1st, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
"Inasmuch as Mr. Jay Bur
rows has ued the columns of The
F a km e 11s' Alliance to interfere with
our rights and assail and misrepresent
the character and standing of one cf the
faithful workers, and also to call into
question the judgment and intelligence
of many of the hard-working indepen
dents of Adams county, therefore be it
Eiimttd, Thai, it is the sense of this
convention Mr. Jay Burrows stepped
beyond his legitimate sphere of action
by prostituting the columns of The
Farmers' Alliance for such purpose.
Rtsolttd, Further that this convention
has nothing of a personal nature against
Mr. Burrows, and all that is asked of
him is to mind his own business while
we attend to ours.
Tbe resolution was unanimously
adopted with an order that a copy of
tbe same be sent to Mr. Burrows. Bur
rows' attack on Rigan last week pro
voked the above resolution."
The above resolution is based upon
the preposterous assumption that a
leading state paper has no right to crit
icise casdidates for nomination for
judges, or the action or proposed action
of county or district conventions. Oar
amazement at such a gross assumption
by a reform convention is only equalled
by our surprise that a majority of the
delegates of the Adams county conven
tion would support an ex-railroad cap
per and a democrat for the office of dis
trict judge.
The character of John M. Ragan is
fully illustrated by the above resolution.
If he would attack the liberty of the
press ih a convention he would attack
it from the bench.
There is not a paper in the state but
which has a perfect right to criticise
any candidate for any office in any
county.and we have only exercised that
right within the lines of editorial pro
priety. And there isn't a paper in the state
but what ought to be indignant at this
gross attack upon the liberty of the
Apply the restrictive rule of these
resolutions and what would be left of
the rights of the editorial fraternity ?
The resolutions are not only an out
rage on the liberty of the press, and on
the freedom of speech and criticism
which is its glory and the best palla
dium of the liberties of the people, but
they are an outrage on Mr. Burrows per
sonally. He, more than any other man
has made an open and above-board
fight against the railroad capping fra
ternity and in favor of independent
principles; and now comes an indepen
dent convention, men who ought to be
his friends, and "unanimously" adopt
resolutions which place them squarely
among the gang that has for years been
trying to hound him down. ,
The action of this convention is cer
tainly instructive, not to say amusing.
If there are any men who feel a foolish
patriotic impulse to sacrifice their
wealth and ease.and subject themselves
to the abuse of the railroad gang in de
fense of the rights of the people, Mr.
Burrows would say to them.if he would
permit himself to speak from the bitter
ness of his experience, "don't."
It must be borne' in mind that at the
time the criticisms complained of were
made, Mr. Ragan was purely a private
candidate, not having received even
the endorsement of a county conven
We have so high a regard for the ma
jority of the Adams county delegates
that we predict that every man who
voted for those resolutions, except the
little clique which "fixed" things for
John M. Ragan, will be heartily
ashamed of them when they fully per
ceive their tendency aad scope.
Next week the independent primaries
will be very generally held throughout
the state. A few counties have already
selected delegates to the state conven
tion and nominated county tickets.
It hardly seems necessary to urge
upon members of a reform party the
duty of attending the primaries. It is
at the primaries that the schemes of
self-seeking candidates are set up and
delegations packed. These schemes are
made possible by a large number of
voters shirking their duty, and leaving
a few tricksters to run the most imnort-
ant part of the election machinery, viz:
the pnmary. We hope no such schemes
will find place in the independent port v.
If the voters attend the primaries in a
body honest politics will prevail. So
"attend the primaries."
We have little more to say about the
judicial contest in the 10th district. We
sincerely regret that we may have of
fended some staunch friends by our out
spoken sentiments in this matter, which
we consider is of 6tate interest. But
our sentiments remain unchanged. We
are happy to s:ate that John M. Ragan
is not in it, which is a justification of
our position.
But there are those in the district who
fear that Judge Gaslin may be tbe inde
pendent nominee. This would seem
ludicrous if it was not so serious. That
this sly old fox, cunning at all times and
smart when sober, who has four times
consecutively gerrymandered his nomi
nation and election in the republican
party, should now stand even the most
remote chance of a nomination by the
independents, is certainly a dampener
to the enthusiasm of those who hope for
reform by new parties. Tbe nomina.
tion by us of a confirmed drunkard who
has for many years been the pet of a
party dominated by the railroads would
be a calamity that would be felt by the
party throughout the whole state. The
papers in his district seem to be afraid
of hla. The voters rarely see him ex
cept when he is on the bench and sober,
so they do not know what an old bum
mer he really is. -
There is no need whatever of even
talking about such men. There are
numbers of men in the tenth district
who would make good judges, and be
creditable to the party that chose them,
and a selection should be made from
among them.
A Speaker's Exchange.
The demand upon this office for speak
ers exceeds the supply. This demand
will greatly in crease as the cam paign ad
vancesThere is now hardly a locality in
tbe state that does have one or more able
speakers, and certainly not a county out
that has many. The educational work
of the Alliance has been developing tal
ent in this direction. But whenever a
large meeting is to be held speakers are
called forrom abroad. This is natural,
and illustrates the philospby of the text,
"a prophet shall not be without honor,
save in his own country." We want
something out of the regular order we
want speakers whom we do not Know.
Now, to meet this case, to further de.
velope our home talent in the line of
oratory, and to furnish a supply of
speakers for the coming campaign ade
quate to the demand, we propose the
organization of a "Speaker's Exchange."
We ask the local committees and officers
of Alliances to send to Secretary Thomp
son the names of all able and well posted
speakers ih the different counties, who
will go away from home to speak, for
their actual cash expen sss. By this sys
tem exchanges of speakers can be ef
fected, speakers can be sent from one
county to another at trifling expense,
and the demand for speakers from
abroad can be supplied. We hope this
proposition will be adopted at once. No
one has so good facilities for carrying
out this plan as tbe Secretary of the
State Alliance, and probably no one
else has so many applications for speak
ers that he cannot fill. To be successful
only creditable and able speakers should
be presented. But do not overlook ris
ing young men because they have not
had experience. A boy must go into
the water to learn to swim. Give the
young men a chance. Don't doom them
to "blush unseen, and waste
their sweetness on the desert air."
The Admirable uses of Politics.
Edward Rosewater, "founder of the
Omaha Btt" is in Europe, presumably
with government transportation, "with
official letters to the beads of the tele
graph service in England, France, Ger
many and Austria," to investigate the
government telegraph systems. We
have in our desk, and Mr. Wanamaker
has in his office, official reports of the
English postal telegraph which give
every fact in connection with the sub-
jest in quite as clear a way as Mr. R.
can do it. But to go to these reports
for information was not politics, though
it would have been business. Mr.
Rosewater wanted a European tour at
government expense. His is a fine Ital
ian hand, and no mistake, and great are
the uses of politics.
The laborers of Omaha have been see
ing some interesting times the last few
days in connection with the difficulties
attending the operation of the eight
hour law. . Meetings have been held day
and night to discuss the situation, the
employes of the smelting works having
been shut out with nearly all the print
ers and several other trades. At a
meeting held last Monday night one of
the speakers referred to the fact that in
order to secure the enactment of an
eight hour law the laboring men had to
appeal to the farmer legislature that
convened last winter, and then had jus
tice done them, while men elected from
Omaha by the votes of these same
laboring men were arrayed against them
in the legislature. Representative
Brennau, one of the men who mis-represented
Douglas County last winter, was
present, and at thispoint shouted "rats
This direct insult to the farmers was
resented by every one present, and Mr.
Brennan barely got away with his life.
In the efforts of the crowd to reach him
chairs were broken and a genuine riot
occurred that only ceased after the of
fending party had left the hall. The
Alliance is entitled to the respect of or
ganized labor and will receive it in the
It is of the utmost importance that
good selections for those offices should
be made by the state convention. The
regents not only need to have qualifica
tions as educators, but they need to be
first-rate business men, as the business
interests of the university are large.
We have received a letter from a lead
ing independent of Johnson county,
naming Hon. J. E. Lam asters for one of
the regents, and enthusiastically urging
his fitness. We fully agree with our
correspondent, as will all who know Mr.
Lamaster. He is a successful business
man, and able in all directions. From
all parts of the state come many good
words for Hon. A. D'Allemand, candi
date for state superintendent of instruc
tion on the independent ticket last fall.
This selection would also be first-class.
With such men named we are sure of a
good ticket, which is all the interest we
have in the matter.
The conference of the friends of pro
hibition and the Farmers' Alliance,
which was called to meet at Staten Is
land, N. Y., on Aug. 10th, Las been in
definitely postponed.
A Warming te the Independent State
Csadilla, July 29, 1891.
Editor Alliance: The county Alli
ance of Uioe county met at L'nadilla on
the 29th of July. During the meet
ing the question of what became
of the state dues was brought up
as a great hindrance to the order, as the
old party politicians were telling among
the Germans that the dues were used
to keep a few men at Lincoln in line
offices and pay them large salaries; and
it was stated that no Clear statement
had ever been made. Gen. Van Wyck
made such a statement at the meeting.
He made an attack on the executive
committee; said that while there were
five men on the committee it was very
easy for one to control the other four.
He said there was undoubtedly high
living at Lincoln at the expense of the
He was answered by Brothers Camp
bell and Masters in a manner that
knocked him out of time. They said it
was not for the purpose of hurting the
Alliance tbat such charges were made,
but to kill the people's independent
party. They said that Van Wyck knew
to their certain knowledge that the dues
in lots of cases were remitted, and at
the state meeting every cent was ac
counted for; and further that a large
portion of what was in the treasury was
given to the western sufferers, and that
none of the western part of the state
had paid any dues for more than a year.
Yours fraternally, H.
The above might well be passed in
silence; and were it not for evidence of
the complicity of Van Wyck in a
scheme to destroy the independent par
ty of the state, we would so treat it.
Mr. Van Wyck knew that a full state
ment of the finances of the Alliance was
made at its annual meeting, and might
have known that it was furnished with
the proceedings in pamphlet form to
every Alliance in the state. His state
ment that one man could easily control
the other four members of the execu
tive committee must be especially edi
fying to the four men alluded to. Bro.
Root is an old member of the cc mmit
tee, and especially particular in all
money matters. Brother Allen is an
expeit accountant, and also a careful
financier. Perhaps Mr. Burrows might
steal all the money of the Alliance, if
he only could, and perhaps he might
not. We will not discuss that point.
The fact is he has no access to that
money, and does not handle a cent of
it. For all his work for the Alliance in
the past ten years he has never drawn
a cent of salary. The State Alliance
now owes him three hundred dollars,
which it voted to him, but which he has
not drawn. No Alliance money is ex
pended' except on vouchers; and the
secretary-treasurer, who is custodian of
the money, is under ample bonds for its
Now, we are about to make a remark
able statement, of the truth of which we
are fully convinced. The recent fiasco
of Join H. Watson in regard to the
election of a governor this fail was got
up after consultation with, and at the
solicitation of C. H. Van Wyck. We
were assured only a few days ago by a
politician of Otoe county who is as near
to Van Wysk as any man in the state
except Watson, that he was going to
the state convention to boom the nomi
nation of a governor, and he ardently
supported Watson in the declaration
that an election of governor would be
legal. Now we have no doubt what
ever that these men intended to secure
such action, and that Van Wyck was to
be their candidate. The actim of Wat
son in exploding this bomb after his
committee had just met and passed the
subject over can only be accounted for
on some such unusual hypothesis.
The attempt by the independent party
to elect a governor this fall, which, it
successful, to hive any practical resuif
whatever would involve a special ses
sion of the legislature to pass laws that
would be in force only a short time be
fore the regular session, and aa expense
to the state of several hundred thou
sand dollars, would ruin the indepen
dent party, or any other party that
would do it. But that it is Van Wyck's
scheme his closest henchman in Otoe
county practically discloses, and
Johnny Watson tried to prepare the
way for it by saying that a governor
must be elected. That Van W. may re
pudiate it, now that it is discovered, will
make no difference with our conviction
of its truth That it is shallow politics,
and that the convention would nomi
nate Hon. John H. Powers, if it nomi
nated any one, does not signify. Van
Wyck does not see that he only sees
himself making a sensational campaign,
and making political thunder out of the
defeat of the independents last year,
which his treacheay alone caused. He
cares nothing for the ruin of the party,
and does not see that the whole thing
would be a ridiculous farce.
Should John H. Powers be nominated
and elected governor his seat would be
coutested by every possible means.
Should C. H. Van Wyck be elected he
would be seated without diffic ulty. The
capitalists, the banks, the railroads,and
the political ring have no fear of Van
Wyck. He has had lots of opportuni
ties to do effective work against them,
but has never done anything but blow.
They trust a man who "forages on the
enemy" with a pocket full of passes.
Gov. Thayer's appointment of World's
Fair commissioners, published in ano
ther column are good, as far as the inde
pendents are concerned. Of Mr. Pow
ers we need not speak. Every one
knows no better selection could be made.
Eric Johnson, his alternate, is also
well-known as the able chief clerk of
the 22nd legislature. The appointee
for the third district, Mr. Henry B. Mil
ler, o' Winside, Wayne County. (not
"W. B." as printed in the dailies.) is an
old and-respected citizen of Wayne
County. His appointment will give
satisfaction to all who know him. Mr,
J. H. Edmiston, his alternate, is the
present independent treasurer of Daw
son county, and one ot the independent
national committee of Nebraska. This
selection also is first class.
To Delegates to the Independent State
Tbe Independent State Committee
has secured a rate of one and one-third
fare for the round trip to the state con
vention to be held at Hastings, Aug.
ISth, on all Nebraska roads, on the
certificate plan.
Secure certificates at point of start
ing, and at point of transfer from one
road to another. Geo. W. Blake,
Chm'n State Central Com.
State papers please copy.
The independent county and judicial
convention will meet in Lincoln on Sat
urday, the 15th day of August, in Bo
hanan's hall, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of placing in nomination can
didates for three district judges for the
third judicial district; county treas
urer, sheriff, clerk of the district court,
county clerk, county superintendent of
public schools, county commissioner,
coroner, surveyor, county judge; to se
lect delegates to the state convention,
choose a county central committee, and
transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention-
The number of delegates from each,
ward of the city of Lincoln, and pre
cinct of the ctuniy shall be as follows:
First ward
Second ward
Third ward
Fourth ward
Fifth ward
Sixth ward
Seventh ward
Little Salt prec't T
Mill " 7
Nemaha " 7
North Bluff ' 6-
Oak " ft
Olive Branch " 5-
Panama " 7
Rock Creek ' 9
Saltillo " 9-
South Pass " 5
Stevens Creek &
Stockton " 5-
Waverly " 9
West Oak "
Yankee Hill " 5
West Lincoln" &
Buda precinct
Centerville prec't 8
Denton " 5
Elk " 5
Grant " 7
Garfield " 5
Highland " 5
Lancaster " 10
Middle Creek" 5
No proxies will be allowed, but the
delegates present will cast the full vote
of the delegation. Primary elections
for delegates to the county convention
shall be held on Thursday, Aug. 13th,
at such time and place as the eommit
teeman from each ward or precinct
shall designate. In the country the
polls must be kept open at least two
hours. In cities of the first and second
class the new election law requires that
the polls shall be opened at 12 o'clock
noon and closed at 7 o'clock p. m. stan-'
dard time. Such call from the precinct
committeeman should be issued at least
two weeks before the primary. If not
so made the chairman of the county
central committee may designate time
and place for holding the primary'.
In case of challenge at any primary
election to be held in this county of the
People's independent party, the judges
of said election shall require the party
desiring to vote to answer the following;
questions under oath:
1. Do you intend to vote for the nom
inees of the convention, delegates to
which are being voted for at this pri
mary election.
2. Are you now a member of or do
you intend to affiliate with the people's
independent party of Nebraska.
In addition to the above the voter
shall be required to sign the declara
tion of principles upon which the call
for the state convention of 1? 90 was
made. O. Hull.
Ch'nCo. Cen. Com. '
J. A. McNab,
Sec'y Co. Cen. Com.
Time and Place of Holding Precinct
pkecinct time. place.
Centerville 2 to 5 p.m. Centerville
North Bluff 2 to 5 p. m. Babcock S. H.
Little Salt 2 to 5 p. m. Dist. No. 127
Highland 2 to 5 p. m. reg. vot. place
Elk 2 to 5 p. m. Malcolm S. H.
Nemaha 2 to 6 p. m. Bennett
Garfield 2 to 5 p. m. Belt Line S. H.
Waverly 2 to 6 p.m.
Oak 2 to 6 p. m. reg. vot. place
Buda 2 to 5 p. m. reg. vot. place
Yankee Hill 2 to 5 p. m. Alliance Hall
Denton 7 to 10 p.m. School house
Rock Cr'k 8 p. m. Melick S. H.
West Oak 2 to 5 p. m. reg.
Lancaster 2 to 4 p. m. Uni'sity place
Stev'nsCr'k 2 to 4 p.m. Knight's S.H.
Grant 2pm Cheney.
Precincts not named above please send
time and place to this office at once.
The appointment of O. P. Mason, of
this city, to be deputy Labor Commis
sioner, is an insult to the word labor.
and to any man who in any way attach
es it to his personality. Such appoint
ments as this are the strongest argu
ments that can be presented for an.
election of governor this fall. Mr-
Mason, more than any other man in the
state, has prostituted great intellectualt
powers to the greed of gain, and to the
service of corporate monopolies. With
ability equal to the highest, his deserts
are of the lowest. His life has beent
devoted to ministering to himself. His
death will have but few sincere mourn
ers. The office conferred upon him is a
personal reward and carries no honor
with it. His selection has been in utter
disregard of any obligations to the peo
ple. -
ANCES. 1. Haa a pnnntv AlllnnnA In enlafinw
officers the right to elect a president
wuu uoes not Deiong to tne county
2. Ilnps nnvnriA hplnnrr fn tha r,r,
Alliance except delegates elected by
suuoruiuttie Alliances 10 tne same?
C.L Cook.
Answer. 1. The County Alliance
has no right to elect a person for resi
dent who does not belong to it. or is not.
a delegate.
2. No one belongs to the county Al
liance except delegates elected to the
same by subordinate Alliances,
VYe will add that the clauses to the
constitution governing eligibility to
membership are altogether too loosely
construed and many men have been ad
mitted as members who are not eligible
under a proper construction of the con
The K. of L. Executive Board
determined to start a paper in Omaha..
This is as it should be. There isn't a
place in the United States that needs the
regenerating innuence of the truth
bravely stated more than Omaha. The '
paper will probably be under the edito.
rial supervision of State Secretary Bige-
iow, wno cas nao experiance and pos
sesses ability in that line. We wish it a.
successful career.