The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, August 06, 1891, Image 1

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    vol. in.
no. a
Rxfibatioks: As tbe easiest and cheapest
enenni of .notifying subscribers of the a ate
of their expirations we will mark this notice
wit ti a blue or red pencil, on the dale at which
their subscription expiree. We will lend the
per two week after expiration. If not re
newed bj mat tune it win be aiaeontinuea.
Written for Thx Fabmers' Alliasci.
Putting the Cold Bugs Down.
O, labor-eons and daughters trje,
firhir honest hands and brawn.
For we have let so much to do
To put these gold bugs down.
Help dash these gold bugs down I
0, pull these gold bugs down! ,
From every hamlet. Held and farm
We'd stamp these gold bugs down.
We claim the proceeds of our toll.
Just that and nothing more,
We wage no war for place or spoil.
But Justloe for tbe poor.
Then get these gold bugs down I
O, tear the gold bugs down 1
.' Tbe starving millions cry aloud,
"0, keep these gold bugs down 1"
In poverty our midnight tears
Row bitter have we shed.
Our mortgaged farms these weary years
Our anxious hearts have bled.
Then tak e these gold bugs down I
O, throw the gold bugs down!
Have we no rights you should respect,
0, gold bum coming down?
Mabv Baird Finch.
Clearwater, Xeb., July S3, 1891.
Baron Globo.
Thoi B. Eng lleb In Auckland (New Zealand)
On the banks of the Bbico, the bold bsron of
Lite a spider enwebbed, sat alert In bis bold;
And when burgher in tunic, or clerk In his
Jogged along on the highway to abby or
Impartial to all who were able to pay.
Down he swept with bis stout men-at-arms
Some parted with sliver seme parted with
But all paid their toll to the baron of old.
To tbe Emperor Conrad, who sat on the
. throne.
Came burgher and priest with a pitiful moan ;
Conrad heard with knit brows, and with evi
dent ire,
And cried' "ibis foul robber is playing with
Cood knights, and brave vassals, this fellow
shall know
That tbe la bears alike en the high and tbe
And widely the Justice of Conrad was praised
When tbe baron was hanged and his castle
Now, we have a baron Who plays tbe same
t.stoainigi methods .asygri -fcU-eBde-are-tee
Poor pay to bis hard-toiling wage-slaves be
While with papers and parchments their pro-
' duce he steals:
He reeds theia asunder at will or in whim,
All the strength of their sinews is now
"owned" by bim; ;
Our farmers and laborers all are laid low
To swell the fat purse of the Baron Olobo.
Is Justice a farce, and are Saws but a jest?
Co our courts only act at tho baron's behest?
' And have we no Conrad, no monarch, whose
' sword
Can reach in bis stronghold this baron ab
Ah I yes, in the People. Once roused for the
They are potent these cogging forestalled to
And woe to the wretches who waken their
Baron Globe, beware! you are playing with
The Republicans of Sioux county will
bold their convention at Harrison Sept.
The Thayer connty teachers' institute
will convene Aug. 10 and continue three
SomelKxIy tried to blow up the mill dam
at Wymore with dynamite. The dam
was damaged (800 worth.
The Stanton postoffice' was burglarized
the other night lor the third time and two
registered letters stolen. ,
Kearney has a public library containing
1,200 volumes and which has been patron
ized by 1,800 persons during the past year.
After a very brief service as clerk of
Stanton county, Louis Smithberger has
resigued and has been succeeded by A. W,
Thomas Pattersou of North Platte was
the successful applicant for a West Point
cadetship from the Third congressional
A couple of Scott's Bluff connty boys
paid f I and costs each for the privilege of
. assaulting several ladies with decayed
hen's fruit.
Blackleg has appeared among the cattle
on hnake creek, Cheyenne county, wit h
fatal results. Thirty-five head have died
in a month.
While leading a colt Jesse Otto of A u
burn was kicked just over his right ear.
and died seven hours later in spite of all
the doctors could do.
Blackleg has appeared among the cnittle
cn Su.ike creek, Cheyenne county, with
fatal results. Thirty-five head have died
during last month.
A portion of a fit-Id of oats belonging to
Sir. Selky, west of Tobias, was burued by
(ire set by the lightning striking a shock
of the harvested grain.
The tramp who burglarized Parkinson's
hardware store at Madison has been cap
tured and part of the stolen goods were
found on his person.
Two thoroughbred bulls belonging to
Buffrtht Hill were killed by lightning on
bis North Platte ranch. One otitis ani
mals was valued at t-Vfl,
A prlenurr named Myers,"" who was la
jail at l!i-miiif.rd, broke jail and U at
Urge, although the sheriif took the pre
caution to hw:kle him every itirfbt.
dJKt county PriihiliUiouUta held a eou
vvntiun at lit-alrine and nam ml delepnu
to the tte convention Ths nomination
of a county ticket was deforrud Hit rpt.
Ths TVnipater company, whkb mmv
fv turn wlmlinUU at IksttriiM, has d
W it ioteuthiH of removing to soars
other tut on aveuunt of the sight hour
Th Fin? Nt tonal Bank of Si union has
r.n mx by .Vis. Annis M. KUritus for ,
t-i.KI 17, which he aWtv- U the amount 1
of timirtttu tutvitftt e!i h pal 4 th in- j
The Postoffice Authorities Expose a
Clever Canadian Fraud.
Poetmaeter General Waaamaker A wait
lag Further Information from Chica
go Carious Belle of Wooaded Knee.
Investigating Immigration
Washington. Aug. 4. The officers of
the Assistant attorney general for the
postoffice department have at last adopt
ed p'"", approved by the postmaster
general, wh ich, it is thought, will break
up a very novel and extensive fraudu
lent enterprise, that of The Home Fas
cinator company, of Montreal, Canada,
which by the aid of the mails has been
working very successfully upon many
credulous people in the United States.
This concern, it is stated, publishes a
monthly journal called The Home Fas
cinator, alleged to be devoted to useful
knowledge, romance, etc. The ''etc."
seemed to cover the greater part of the
paper and consisted of an adver
tisement of fonr prizes, to be
awarded to persons sending in the
largest correct list of English words of
not less than four letters,- constructed
from the letters contained in the words
"the world's fair," each competitor to
send with his list the sum of $1, the
subscription price of the paper. An
enormous circulation has been acquired
throughout the United States upon tbe
basis of this offer. Prizes were adver
tised to be awarded on June 29, 1831,
the first prize consisting of $1,000 in
gold, the second prize a grand piano
valued at $400, and the fourth a sewing
machine estimated at $05. As to tho
third prize consisting of a "silver tea
set, gold lined and valued at $120." the
clever and unique plan was adopted of
awarding it to thousands of persons.
Circulars asking for remittances of
$4.90 to pay for packing and shipping
tbe prize, it is stated, have been freely
distributed throughouot Kentucky
Missouri, Iowa and Pennsylvania, so
far as advices have been received In
one small town in Missouri six persons
were notified that each one had been
awarded the silver tea set, and six
money orders amounting to $4.90 each
were promptly forwarded to The Home
Fascinator company at Montreal.
The department seemed powerless to
avert the consummation ot a great
wrong until it was suggested that all
American terminal postomces designat
ed as exchange po3tomces with Canada,
should be treated as offices of destina
tion, and the postmasters there in
structed br wire to refuse to certify to"
money orders or forward registered let
ters payable and directed to The Home
Fascinator company, but to return the
same to the offices of origin marked
"fraudulent." It is expected that many
thousands o! letters containing money
will be restored to the senders.
Investigating- Immigration.
Washington, Aug. 4. Dispatches
from the United States immigration
commission now in Europe to the treas
ury department state that the chairman.
Colonel Weber, and Dr. Kempster have
gone to Germany, where they are now
prosecuting their inquiries. Commis
sioners Cross, Powderly and Schultz
will carry on their inquiries in Great
Britain and the southern portion of the
contineut. The dispatches indicate
that a large amount of valuable infor
mation is being collected, no obstacles
being interposed officially or otherwise
to the investigations which are being
In an interview between therommis-
sioner-i and the Mormon elder in charge
of Mormon emigration at Liverpool that
official, who is acting in the place of
Brighatn Young. Jr., stated that he and
all Mormons believed polygamy to be
right, yet as the United States supreme
court had decided the anti-polygamy
law to be constitutional the Mormon
church had adopted a rule against its
practice in the United States and that
all Mormon converts abroad are so in
formed before their embarkation for
America. He further stated that when
ever the' question was asked converts
were assured of the rightfulness of po
lygamy, but of the legal impossibility of
its being practiced at present in the
United States or Great Britain and
that they must not go to America if
they do not intend to obey the law and
abstain from polygamous marriages.
Mobile's Plea for Subsidy.
Washington, Aug. 4. -Postmaster
General Wanamaker is awaiting further
information before deciding the appeal
of Mobile to be included in the subsidy
provisions. The appeal of the Alabama
senators and representatives was not
witnout weight, but the postofhee de
partment put more confidence in the
representations ot the financial stability
made by business men of prominence.
The capital of tbe company which pro
poses to build a line ot steamers from
Mobile is $10,000,000. and of this it u
claimed that $1,000,000 is paid in. The
Chicago and other capitalists who are
back ef the enterprise asked the post
master general to delay his decision un
til they should present some memoranda
showing the scope of tbe project and
the influences which were promising it
success. If be decides to include Mo
bile in the ports getting tbe benefits of
the act of congress, a supplementary ad
vertisement may te published by the
poatofflce department which will cover
the case.
Carious Hello f tVennded Kaee.
WiawMOTOM. Auff. 4. Maior John
Van R. Huff, nost sarireon at Fort Rih-v.
Kan., has sent to the war denartmnnt a
battle-marked rvlic of the late campaign
against the Indians in booth Dakota.
i ia an araouianue guiue wuion nas np
on it field of white the sign of the lied
Cross. According to the terms of the
properly displayed, is respected hv all
combatants in civilized warfare. Tlu-ro
are more than a durcn IIm In tua
ratde made by tbe shots from the1
inmaus weapons, ana Major turn m
his letter accompanying it cxprt-aset
the opinion that the Grnv convention
cuts no figure in Indian wirfar. The
guide was one ot those displayed In the
Vouuid Knee fiht.
lrivai Ku-bard Coatnr and WUliatn
Girard wre granted crritnoates for en-
auiry uui i)e-: in inn rum at w;i at
in the nut at Watts Clay m4.
The Slows Commluloa Aeeoaaplieh Little
at the Lower Ageay.
Cham3Eiu.aix, S. D., Aug. 4. The
Sioux commission left Lower Brule
Agency for Fort Keogh, going by way
of St PauL At Lower Brule the only
thing accomplished was in securing the
views of tho Indians themselves regard
ing the point to which they wish their
agency to be moved. The majority of
them, it was shown, were in favor of
going below White River to the Rose
bud Reservation, but as the Rosebud
Indians positively refuse to sell auy part
of their reservation at this time the
Brnlea will have to remain where they
now are. Tnis is very discouraging to
the Indiana, as many of them wish to
take their lands in severalty, but as
matters now stand they will refuse to
do so until they know certainly where
their permanent home is to be. This
is a question that cannot possibly be set
tled before at least one year, as the
money appropriated for the use of tbe
commission is nearly gone, and they yet
have some difficult questions to settle
at the.Cheyenne Reservation in Mon-
Eoglnoor Klllad sad Four Parsons Seri
ously Iiijarod While Thrashing Grain
Near York, Mob.
York, Neb., Aug. 4. At 3:30 p. m.
a threshing engine blew np while
threshing grain at the farm of Thomas
O'Brien, six miles north of this city.
Tbe engineer, John McCulloughly, was
killed and four other persons were
wounded. The injured are:
James Houston, internally injured
about the stomach.
William Turley, hips and right elbow,
"i I: i . n i i
vurueuus jxeuu, ngui eioow uro&uu.
Forest Smith, left shoulder.
The separator and all the stacks of
grain were fired by the explosion and
completely aeetroyea. -
The men had just commenced to
thresh a small stack or rye and bad only
been running a few minutes when the
explosion occurred. The engine was
standing seventy feet west of the sep
arator and the flues and main part of
the boiler were thrown about ten feet
north of it, landing seventy five feet
from the engine. Another large piece.
weighing about four hundred pounds,
was thrown over several trees and
landed over two hundred feet away.
The force of tbe explosion was terri
ble, and the engine was scattered over
the held in small pieces.
A Startling Discovery Near Arkansas
Cltr-Iovestlgatlng the Kilting-. .
Arkansas City, Kan., Aug. 4. J. H.
Donnelly and wife were found dead in
their home three miles west of this cit.
About 7 o'clock a. m. their son, Henry,
went to a neighbor's three or four miles
distant on an errand for bis father. When
he returned be opened the door leading
into the kitchen and found his mother
dead in a Dool of blood. In an adinin-
ing room be found his father's lifeless
body with a revolver by his side.
An investigation is now being made
by Acting Coroner Scott. Mrs. Don
nelly was shot twice in the breast and
beaten over the bead with some blunt
instrument. Mr. Donnelly was shot
through the heart. It is said by those
who have been intimate with the fam
ily that they have not lived happily for
years ana the impression is quite pre'
valent that Donnelly murdered his wife
and then committed suicide. They were
universally respected here.
Married the Tattooed Han.
Des Moines. Ia.. Aug. 4. Two yean
ago George K. Grant, known to the cir
cus world as Karlavaghn. the "electric
tattooed man," met at Pittsburg, Pa ,
Lillian Schaffer. a Gas City society
belle with a fortune and only a wealthy
aunt as her protectress. The girl fell iu
love with the tattooed man and was
sent to Europe by her aunt. She re
mained away a year. Two weeks aeo
while Forepangh's show, with which
Grant is exhibiting this year, was here,
Miss Schaeffer suddenly appeared and
applied for a place as a jockey rider.
She "vas tried and did well, and was en
gaged to ride. At Sedalia, Mo., the
girl and her sweetheart were married
by Justice Elair. Miss Scheaffer's annt
has discovered her escapade.
Riot in Louisiana.
New Orleans, Aug. 4 Dispatches
from Lake Charles say that the fight
ing at Lotkmore was worse than at first
reported. The trouble was between
imported laborers and the native work
men. Sunday forenoon the former
armed themselves and deliberately shot
down all ths local workmen they could
find. A wounded man who escaped says
fourteen were killed and many wound
ed. Officers and physicians hav;
left for the scene of tbe riot.
Rev. Williams Burned to Death.
Bostos, Aug. 4. The Rev. Francis
F. Williams, who is supposed to be the
unfortunate victim of the fire In Palmer,
is over 60 years of age. He war or
dained a minister of the Orthodox Con
gregational church in 1 S53. Recently bo
nau uren in lempier oi me Massachu
setts Home Missionary socipty. at Hol
land, Mass. finishing his labors at that
place last May.
Drnmflelds Not Murdered.
Hpsttvotox, W. Va., Aug. 4. A
farmer living near Shoals declares that
tbe story of the Brumfield massacre is a
fabrication. He left Shoals Batardav
and says nothiug was known of it there.
The story, he thinks, bad its origin in
the fact that one ot the BrumSeli boys
shot an Italian about a week ago. An
Italian foreman who is in from Wayne
county alto declares tbe story to bo
A Depot Murglarired.
Niw Have.. Conn., Aug. 4, The
depot of the New Vork and New nvon
road at New Haven was broken into
Uat ni-ht, the ?. blown open ani
robbed of l00aaj l.'O tickets.
Collision In tonaeatleet,
Nw LUvt., Aug 4.-ln a collision
here between freight and pssseago?
(rains several cars wre smashed and n
number of pMienger tnjand, bat not
National Encampment at betroit
Opened With a Big Parade.
Numerous Candidal la tho Field C
oral Welseert a Slight Favorite.
Llaeoln's Strong Bid for tho
Mast Knoempment.
Detroit, Ang. 4-With Its streets
full of marching &eu. with every house
quartering a veteran, with the strains of
music floating on every breath of the
wind, and with the sound of the drum
and shrill note of the fife in tbe air, De
troit is experiencinf a time the like of
(Commander-Ui-cblef of tho G. A. R.)
which it has never seen before, and will
never tee again. I
All day yesterday squads, companies,
divisions and regiments of men were
marching from the depots to the hotels
assigned to them. A hotel room is not
now obtainable at any price and the
owners of houses in the near proximity
to the centre of the city are letting cots
at a rate per night that would more
than satisfy them for a month for tbe
room in which three or four of these
cots are placed. - i
Tho Politics of tbe Grand Army'-:
were an object of . much importance,
first on the selection of a place of en
campment, and second for the choice of
commander-in-chief. While Washing
ton has the lead in location, the cham
pions of the capital cannot rest on their
oars, as hustlers from Lincoln, Neb.,
are here, and when hustlers from that
talTsitpneMiJin ftpm first to
last. They are waging a losing fight,
an up-hill fight, but are doing it with
so much good will, so much vim and
almost in tbe face of defeat, that old
vets, many of whom have led a forlorn
hope, cannot bnt admire their pluck,
although they do not want to go there,
should Washington let up on its ex
ertions. Washington won't do any
thing of the kind, however, and Frank
Hatton, who is head and front of the
Columbia warriors, will win and cave
the pleasure of getting an affirmative
answer to his invitation of silver on a
platter of gold, with the key of the city
of Washington surmounting It.
t or Commander-in-Chief
a new feature has sprung in the person
of S. Medburg of California, who hiu
the sure backing of New England and the
Pacific coast, while Hedges has Penn
sylvania ann Rew
York. Still the
Wisconsin men
are doing groat
battle for Weis
sert and with ap
parently good
chances of success.
Their campaign
ing is of the ef
fective sort and
their capture of
the solid Indiana
delegation yester
day has helped
Wisconsin man is
matters, while the
said to be tbe residuary legatee of Col
onel Lincoln of Washington, who is a
The Parade
I The great parade started promptly at
noon with all the concomitants of
beautiful weather, large crowds and
lavish decorations. Commander-in-Chief
Veazey led the parade. The
Illinois camp came next and the posts
of the prairie state presented a fine ap
pearance as they swung down Wood
ward avenue. Next came Wisconsin
with Wolcott post in the van. The
Hawkeye state maintained ks reputa
tion by its rf presentatives. It was late
when the last post passed the reviewing
The column moved from the junction
of Woodwai i and Adams avenues in
the following order:
Comander Veazey and staff.;
Illinois Department.
New Vork.
Jew Jersey.
C ...,..
Rhode Island.
New Hampshire.
'.. Maryland.
', ., Nebraska.
Indiana, .
' Wromin ,
MUsoii-t, "
' , Oresou.
West Virgin!.
:ith Ditkota.
Washington and Alaska.
New Jlnxloa.
Louslan and MnU!ppl,
Florida Mini Mdiituttd
Texas, Idaho, ArUmim, fiearght. Alabama.
rort! DakiU sua Oklahoma,
ludun Trritjry
Nat jiial fckits of Vetfrau.
tnases Alliance Opposition to tho Sob
t reaeory Scheme.
Tofeka, Ang. 4. The agitation
within the Alliance ranks over the sub
treasury scheme has brought forward
opposition from unexpected sources.
Colonel W. A. HarrLj ot Leavenworth
connty, candidate before the People's
party caucus for United States senator
has written m long communication op
posing the scheme, and C. W. Shuil,
candidate for lieutenant governor on
the People's ticket last fall, has also
come out against it. It is known that
President Frank McGrath of the Alli
ance does not regard it with favor, and
the prospect for a big fight is imminent.
The sub-Alliances throughout tbe state
take action upon it this month, and
their decision will settle the question ss
to whether there will be a sub-treasury
plank in tbe People's party platform in
this state. If Kansas repudiates it U.
& Hall, president of the Missouri Alli
ance, will receive a great vindication in
the fight being made upon him by Dr.
The Now Cooslltntlon Adopted Canal
Oemoeratle Majority Tbe Alli
ance Vote,
Louisville, Aug. 4. This was the
last election by viva voce rote that will
7T be held in Kentucky. The new'tution, despite the powerful op
pos tion of railroads, banks and corpor
ations generally, was carried by an
overwhelming majority, and the last
state couniii.ui.iuu U recognize slavery is
a tning or me past, i ne new constitu
tion will tax railways, banks and stock
companies, abolish the office of public
printer, provide for a secret ballot sys
tem and municipal government reforms
and also carries an anti-lottery clause
which will wipe out the half dozen lot
tery charters now being operated with
semi-daily drawings at Covington and
Louisville in tbe interest of "policy4
games throughout the United
btates. Reports from the cities
and towns ' throughout the state
indicate that the Democratic ticket has
about the usual majority probably
20,000. Indications are that the Alli
ance or People's party vote is very
small. Despite the fact that every ef
fort was made for two months preced
ing the election to organize the Alliance
men in this state all tbe leaders of that
movement ot national reputation, in
cluding Senator Peffer and Jerry Simp
son of Kansas, Taubeneck of Illinois
and Davis of Texas, having stumped
the state thoroughly. The greater part
of tbe Alliance vote sesuti to have been
drawn from the Republican party. The
vote for and against the new constitution
was without partisan significance.
Later returns indicate that the vote lor
tbe new constitution is fully five times
as great as against it.
lie Declares the Wool Schedule Dai Been
Pittsbcro, Aug. 4. Major William
McKinley, Republican caudidate for
governor of Ohio, accompanied by his
wife and a party of friends from East
Liverpool, were in Pittsburg. In an
interview Major McKinley said that
when he left General GofTs at Clarks
burg a few weeks ago a squib (cot into
the papers saying that lie had been
called away by the dangerous illness of
Mrs. McKinley, and consequently his
mail was deluged with inquiring letters
from friends, but he was gladto say
there was nothing in it.
"What about your wool schedule." "
"The prevailing prices' of wool are
lower because tbe price of wool is. down
all over tbe world. The wool schedule
has not had a fair show, because before
tbe bill went into effect the market was
glutted with foreign goods."
"Will the People's party injure you?"
"No, I think not. They will draw as
heavily from one party as from another.
We are in the fight to win."
Drawing Two Pensions.
Pottstown, Pa., Aug. 4. Mrs. Mary
Hastenstein, the aged widow of a vet
eran of the war of 1312, and mother of a
soldier for the Union, has become in
volved in a novel legal tangle through
drawing two different pensions from
the government at the same time. For
over half a century she has been receiv
ing a liberal stipend as tbe widow of
John Hastenstein, who served in the
war of 1813, and in addition, since 1879,
she has steadily drawn a second pension
as the dependent mother ot Eli Hasten
stein, who fought in the suppression of
.1 1. . 1 1 : -T-. - : . n f i
mo reueuiuu. iue peusiun umciais nave
requested that she refund to tbe treas
ury about (2,000 surplus within three
Utah Election.
Oodev, Utah, Aug. 4. The first elec
tion in Utah on national party lines
came off. There were three tickets in
the field, however, the remnant of the
Liberal party being made up mostly of
Republicans nominating: a full ticket.
The Mormon vote was about equally di
vided between the Republicans and
Democrats. The former won by a small
plurality over the Liberals, who were
slightly ahead of the Republicans.
Death of Edwin C. Moore.
New York. Aug. 4.-Edwin C.
Moore, of Tiffany & Co., died at his
residence, Baitings, N. Y., on Sunday
morning. He was born in this city in
1827. He was A member of the New
York Chamber 5f Commerce and of the
Union Lestnic, Century. Manhattan
and the Aldme clulj aal the Archi
tectural league, '
l)u:nei Trouble. .
Bostov, Ann. 4. Samuel Lane, a real
estate operator at Aliston, Mais., has
assigned. His liabilities are $500,000.
and assets fJ.OCO.OOO. Inability to ob
tain ready cah was the chief ciusa of
the assignment.
New OKK. Am. 1. Abraham
Tlai-kftr. daiir in immmnniil tttM,
made an assignment without prefer'
To TaellUale Irrigation.
K4ReY, Neb.. Aug. 4 Mr. E, M.
JudJ has gone to New England tolutff
est capital iu the big forty-mile Irriga
tion ditrh whl;h has been surveyed
from a point in Dawson connty to a
point In Hill onnty. Another repre
sentative of the otrpri sa.W for
fcujUoi the etrae uuu-ose.
American Views on the Cahenslj
Question Favored at Come.
Frofoeeer Ze Claims to Have the Only Sao
eeMful Method of Treatment Bue
sln's friendly Attitude Towards
fraace Causes Alarm in Gormen
Rome, Aug. 4. The recent interview
between President Harrison and Car
dinal Gibbons created interest here as
an indication of the importance In
America of the Cabeusley question. The
pope, Cardinal Simeonl and the chiefs
of the propaganda have been much im
pressed with the declarations of the
president. Ths tributes of the Ameri
can press to the wisdom of tbe pope's
decisions are also greatly appreciated.
The holy see sincerely regrets that
the friends of Mr. Cahensly have spread
a report that Rome placed the obstacles
in the way of his schemes. From the
first the propaganda declared to Mr.
Cahensly that the holy see would never
accede to the demands of national bish
ops. Cardinal Simeonl and Mgr. Pen-
ico both assert that tbe Cahensly
scheme will never be accepted by the
propaganda. "Nvcr," the declare,
"Will it record snnh nrrniraHva to im
migrants. Mr. Cahensly committed a
grave imprudence. We can never enter
upon such a course."
The New Tuberculoid Cum.
Paris, Ang. 4. Doctors disagree o
to the value of Dr. Lauudcngue's now
tuberculosis cure.
"They know nothing about It," said
Professor Germain Ze. with a gesture ot
disgust. "It is nothing more than a big
advertisement. I knew men who were
looking upon tho tuberculosis congr,.-
solely in that light, and consequently
did not even subscribe. There can lie
ouly one treatment for microbes, end
that one I am pursuing. It is inhala
tion nndor compressed air. I am sure
of this. I was sure in November, l&D,
when I confided a sealed report of my la
bors to the academy of medicine; sure
when I allowed the report to be opened
May 18 last, and am sure now. Tar
pree has worked out to the same con
clusion, though his methods slightly
differ from mine. Inhalations are tbe
thing now. Monday was one of my
consulting days and I had twenty pa
tients. Two of tbe poor fellows are
doomed, but I am deferring the day of
their doom. Several oleeTS-ean keep
alive for years and some others I hope
to be able to cure completely,
"Injection methods are utter rot and,
what is more, they are dangerous.
Koch's lymph is a deadly poison. I have
a lot of it, but when I received it I said
to the secretary ot tbe academy I should
never think of employing it on a man."
. Germany Will Fortify.
Berlin, Aug. 4. The next, military
budget will contain credits for prelim
inary work in fortifying Breslau,
Grandenc, and Violabridge, near Mari
enburg. It is said that these localities
are dangerously weak and exposed, and
that this work has been contemplated
for some time. The sudden resolution
to do what has been delayed so long is
generally ascribed to the alarm caused
in Germany by Russia's friendly dem
onstrations toward France and tho
French fleet. The persistence of Hol
land in remaining unmoved by Ger
many's advances and recent expressions
in Sweden of friendliness to France
have also confirmed the general impres
sion here that Germany is surrounded
by enemies.
Retrenchment in Italy.
Loxdox, Aug. 4. From Italy comes
the news that the government has be
gun retrenching at the foot by deciding
to dismiss 3,000 workinginen from the
fmrnment dock yards this month,
he decision has aroused widespread
discontent among the workmen and tbe
large number to be thus thrown on their
own resurces are said to be ripe for
fellow Fever at fort-an-Prfnce.
New YoitK, Aog, , 4. A Port-au-
Prince special says yellow fever has ap
peared at that place, the first victim be
ing a seaman on the French warship
vigorous. Action is oeing taaen to
stamp out the scourge.
Queen Marie Dying.
Lokdox, Aug. 4. The royal house of
Belgium is agstn stricken. Queen
Marie, wife of King Leopold and
mother of the hapless Stephanie, is said
to be dying, ,.
The Knleer Homeward Bound.
Berlin, Aug. 4. The imperial yacht
Hohenzollern, with tho emperor on
board, has arrived at Berden, Norway,
on her way homeward to Germany.
Christian Workers. '
Northfield, Mass., Aug. 4. The sec
ond week of the ninth conference of
Christian workers opened with devo
tional exercises in the various seminary
buildings. Many attendants of former
conferences were in the congregation
which filled Stone ball at the forenoon
session at 10:30 o'clock. The Rev. F, B.
Meyer of London. Eng.. delivered the
third of a series of discourses to Chris
tians. It was in tbe form of a Bible
reading, the subject being "Sin and
Bins of Christians.''
Textile Workers Convene.
Fall River, Mass., Aux 4. Tbe sec
ond convention of the National Union
of Textile Workers began. The con
vention win be devoted to the discus
sion of plans for a more t boron organ
ization of textile workers throughout
the country. -
- Eleett 4 to a Mebraoka rrofeesorehln.
BiDDErcvo, Me., Aug. 4. Dr. Frid
M. Fling of this city has received notice
of his flection to the chair of European
history in the University ot Nebraska,
and will assume bis duties in bep
teinber. Chleago Cricketer Win,
CutCACio, Aug, 4. -After an txclting
game he Chicago cricket club defeated
the Belmont club of Philadelphia by five
Wicket. ,
setting Follttcal - r' '- anls
mala The People Agmine DieWeehfo
New York, Aug. 4. Newaprpsn
which hare reached this dry frees
Guatemala, in spite of the prohibition)
of the Guatemalan government iginaol
their being sent ont of the state, coateia
evidence of a very exciting political
campaign in progress in the 8oth
American republic pending the election
of a new president. Tbe rival candi
dates are .President Barillas, urged
for re-election by his adhemnio,
who are greatly in the mejoriry,
and General Jose Maria Renia Laxriue,
who is frequently styled "the peoplea
candidate." The re-election of Earulaa
is not legally possible under the line I
constitution, which contains s Hans
expressly prohibiting a second term m
president, bat it is claimed by ths op
position that tbe president is sc hemic?
to retain himself in office, by fores it
necessary, notwithstanding the prohi
bition of the fundamental law. Tho
common belief tb it their constitutional
liberties are threatened by
whose present administration is regard
ed as having now degenerated into
virtual dictatorship, has aroused tan)
population to a point of revolution.
Frightful Mneeaoro of tho F
Tillage la Paraguay Men Woneoa nsMI
Children Slaughtered.
New York, Ang. 4. The harrowis
details of a terrible massacre of inoffen
sive residents of an isolated village ia
Paraguay by halt savage natives resett
ed this city by mail. According tot he
ad vices, no men, wemen and children
were wantonly slaughtered, and th
Dutcners celebrated their victory in
wild orgies in the streets that ran red
with tbe blood of their victims. Ac
cording to the details, a band of th
most lawless natives of TJrigam, anger
ed by some political differences with
residents of the neighboring village of
Isla Pan, descended on the latter place
and began the slaughter by an attack
on the house of Judge Gauna.
At the beginning of the attack sotasi
of the inhabitants, attracted by the fir-,
ing, rushed into the streets and fired -into
the mob, but a detachment of thai
desperadoes speedily rushed npon them
and murdered them and their nelghborsv
pillaging and burning their bouses.
An attack on the home of Jndgsi
Subelpa, at the other end ot the village,
was desperately resisted and several of
the raiders were killed, the leaders.
Benitesand Martinrez. being among
tbe slain. In all, eleven of the raiders
and 150 of the inhabitants were killed.
Tbe last news from the scene of the ter
rible slaughter stated that government
. tTiCT. jrere jr-sa Cgrw.,,,.
An Offer to Hall and FitastsnaaasM.
Ban Francisco, Ang. 4. The di
rectors of the California Athletic club
voted to offer a purse of f6,000 for HaH
and FitxsUnmons to fight for.
The general election for chief and mem
bers of tbe Cherokee legislature took place.
It Is believed J. B. Mayers, the Downlng'a
party nominee, has carried tbe nation by
a small majority. . r i-
There is fear of an attack npon the Jail
at McArthur, O., to lynch Mitchell Wool
weaver and his sons Henry and Colbj.wba
killed Car Inspector Lemon and wounded
Station Agent Emory at that place.
Serious riots occurred at Caripe where
a municipal election was being held. A
mob set fire to the town hall, a portion of
which was destroyed, together with the
archives. One person was killed and
many others were seriously injured.
The president commuted to seven years
and six months actual imprisonment the
sentence of William N. Lewis, convicted
in the northern district of Texas of rob
bing tho mails and jeopardizing the liven
of mail carriers, and sentenced to life im
prisonment therefor.
King Alexander, the youthful ruler of
Servia, arrived at St. Petersburg on a
visit to the Imperial family. He was met
at the railway station by the czar and sev
eral grand dukes and accorded all honors
paid to all ruling sovereigns. '
Mr. Morley, speaking at Leamington,
England, said that if tbe Liberals dropped
home rule as the foremost plank it would
be liable -to tbe greatest split the party
had ever known. lie predicted that Mr.
Balfour's local government bill would be
an irretrievable step toward home rale
and would mean the suicide of unionism.
A meeting of tbe tube -manufacturers ot
the United States will be held in Phila
delphia on Thursday to consider a scheme)
to buy out or lease the smaller concerns)
for a term cf five years. The movers in
the project are the National Tube works,
Pennsylvania Tube works, Spang, Chal
fant 8c Co., and the American Iron and
Tube works.
The house of a Turkish family in the
Tillage of Cereames was recently attacked
and two men, a woman and a child were) . '
murdered. Eighteen Christian subjects
were arrested for the crime and were im- -prisoned
with Turkish convicts. While
in prison they were stabbed with knives
and so seriously injured that they lay for
eight days in a dangerous condition.
Chicago Live Stock.
Uino.t Stock Taans,
Chicago, Aug. 1 f
CATTLE-Estimated receipts. 7,000 bead.
Natives, Uf'tiUS); cows and bolls, SjUO&igo:
Texaua. IMZ3.M. Strong.
BOOS-Estimated receipts, 10.000 - head.
Heavy, lS.iikS 7D: mixed to medium, o.tiua
4.7A: fight, $i.t(ii.85. Strong.
SHEEP Natives. ttSV&i.:3; westerns, SUB
ei.VJ, Teaans, St W3-4.W). K
Chicago Grain an j Provisions. " t'
. Chicaso, Aug. t, t
WHEAT August ftSUe: September, 8Mi
COBM-August, SKty:; September. Ta ,
OATa-Autfuet. rH:: September, f7)a ,,
PORK-Septeniber, fU HA
LAKD-Heutember. !.&. .
SHORT BlBa-beptember, 18.808.84.
Kansas City Live Stoek Market.
Karsas Crrr, Ang A
shipments, t,W head. Steers, tl 0O$.V 71; rowe.
1i.oue.uu; siwsers ana reeaers. us-massk
larket unlet and ateadv: 'fexvuia So lo i
Buua-Fjtimatoil nwwlpta, 3.01 a?; sMn.4
neotv l,l. haik. VVS-OS; all graacttV
li.ludA.sO. Market Sohithr. ,
; Omaha Lite Sleek. ; .
UmtiX Stock Tabdc I t"
. , Omaha. Aug. if ,
CATTLE- EetlmAtel lw!pU .) bead.
l.BU to !. lb aleera, t&ulftAUil! I, Ml fct Itil
It. St.a&: to Mtoibe,, $aav4at
eltioe flows, SxVlR: o.wmjo no era Slat
lius good teeJor, laTiiAW: flo(a.n.i.e
'. Mrl slow and roeiWrs atroe-.
HOM- EstlcuMd iwoelpte. VMil. UrfUl.
t')A4J.: rtiieu. A) in-! At; aearr S