The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 23, 1891, Image 8

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Having everything
The following quotations will give some idea of the efforts being made
to tell good at live and let live price:
We tell you a rood Samoa an Bio coffee.
,i iieai i1. 1i Muca aJ Java coffee, cruabeo,
"tiw Pwre Mote aad Java, toasted freth
every ear.
Itaported Ore a Olive, ire prr quart
Very tn eraporeled CaiHoruia peaebes
aryterajiorated bleckberrte7!t Worth
fruit jolly (Mr Mil Ko. wsrtk !..
WaryloeSlbeaa ail-yellow table peeche
AH kind of J Ibcan Cillfornla olum 15o.
a-lk can IVifornla black ebarri lite.
Imported Valencia rauin. very an. W.
a ib caa California poach. o. TM la tb
bi peer ru ' ixui.
We oil all kind of California plum, IVA.
taportrd EnglMk curraau,
Mart eaooolate, to.
Pmalua chocolate, ITS-
Sugar cured ham, IU. Plonlo bama, 70.
oioraa eaueea-e. Sc. tlrer aug. Sc.
4 t.'aeee. to. Vrankfort aauatf , 70.
Drtad beef. I"e ana I .'la.
Hfc eoa blaekberrlee
- pre'erred raspberries, put up la
a. u lard So par botile.
Abeolutely pre baking powder So.
Oil eardlnee to.
Maetard sardine. KK
per eant 1 a. 'at aueubblng, lOo.
m par aanl Ira. for rvMiog, So.
Boat granulated auarla per Ib.
fcigkl C (uaar, to.
9 Japan, a food Tea. !9c. Mo. Vto. 9o.
thin dried Japan Tea.-!. 1, &. S. 85, .
We solicit your patronage, and after examining the above lUt pick out what
yon want and aond in your order. We will treat you a ugare. Send to u for
triosa on anything you want. You can pay railroad fare for a hundred mile or
aaora and then live uiooey ou a I50.00 biu
Notice. .
All Fanner of Lancaster county who
are interested In the Farm Mutual In
etrance are requested to meet in K. of
h. hall on Monday Aug. 8, 1801, for
tba parpoae of orgtnizlog a Mutual In
aurance Co. Would like to have a rep
vrsentative from each Alliance present.
J. Y. M. Swioart,
Cnm'a Com.
Pawnee County Farmers' Alliance.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
pawnee County Alliance will be held
in ball over court room in Pawnee City,
Saturday July i", 1891, commencing at
1 o'clock &. to elect officers and
transact other important business.
J. L. Ciahk, Sery.
Mokice of Summation foe Appointment
to Military Academy.
On Friday the 31st day of July, 1801,
a eiaminatloa of candidates for ap-
jintBtent a cadet of the United States
Military Academy will be held in Broken
Bow. Nebv, at the hour of 10 o'clock a
as. All candidates must be residents of
the Third Congressional District. The
one passing the best general examina
tion will be nominated as cadet, the
ext best as Alternate. Successful can
didate will bear expenses of examina
tion, and will have until June, 1803, to
prepare for final examination before
entering Academy.
O. M.Kem.M.C.
Tb regular meeting cf the Perklnl County
Alliance will be held at Grant, on Saturday
July Ktb, at 10 a. m. All members wbo can
do bo are earnestly reuqetted to attend, at
Bro. Hull, State Lecturer, will meet with us,
Bacratarie will pleate forward report and
due promptly. T. A. Cllohton.
Big Bpetag. Neb., June 85, 1891.
A comp.fny haa boon forfeit at t'ouca
with 110,000 capital to establish nntl main
aain a mile race truck at the fairground
iim pmce. i uiny utuinew men or
tDcluded in the comjiany.
The men employed in the beet field at
Minden baveatruck for an increase in
waea from f l.M to tl The company hat
refused to grunt the demand and will try
to aeenr new html
ellh will bold special eiactton U
wot 1,',.VM bond aud the towDKhip fM.-
900 to aid in the coaatructioa at the Du-
kith and Put bl railroad, the cnnni.lrra
lioabeinRthatth eompnuy shall build
tt road throush and tnuiuuio divialua
and repair ahou at Neligh.
Cropi of all kind in. Sbarman art tin
pracedented in Ha hiatory. Wheat la yield
a twenty Are buahel tha acre; OHta,
aiity, rje, thirty Ave; barley, thirty-five,
and eorn, flax, nutate, atul k I.tct awry
anui.w protiucand ail kUia uf eg-
SBbiea were new so proruUing,
Wra. J. N. Ik'wen of Fairhury, waa Wt-
l iwtt by a aattleaiutk. Vlia wa in
laaorvhanl piikin rherrtea and waa
eumpaiiied by two childxra, Heelng tha
aM ah atttapt4 to protect tha i liil-
iwa and waa bitten. Iter recovery ia
SaraUf ul on acreunk of her aJvaa. eU aa
rVbtt dl-triiit No in Cim eiiuntf la
ts a ttimitiiU A mrttn waa hold 111 tha
mhoei tb other night to cnMr
tba jimlwl. of r-tovinit ue att of trnli.a.
rVrrw ttare two (act lout, anj they luht
bit with their Mtauitt aad n.-vl,y
with diuba. Heerat atmla have imru
A Laavr a4 aai nit atifwi Uti
pttp IUiu b ak4 k uau. ail roliw.l tha
Ml lud Harf wbt ttii, UrM
aiel f t m. lj U ltt . k t t.rn
a Kreaily Uant.afd ( a..y bl i f
h wra i)nr t.y tuttaiag tat
it, fttu. In tt.M r a
awttH fruaa Mt, k ie atlhw wll
Jm tUltau. J li MuWenbry, Tkona
f ettit h aad tint Hiv, tm Km
aw, aa. ! lri4 aa4 fuat suitty
af Betjar In aaeattaa tkl tha tathiaf wf
taw Kaaraa-r Naiwa! tkah aH tn Ika,
ty a M wa, swwM la t4 b-a t,
s the aU . r a-l Itbxh II U
satisaat. aa4 (a vl laaaa K l
fwtva Nkia
; At iir-aayMww a"! d'
t-.taatlat M-rff wiaaa wk-
! f faw4 t tSi ta t.av--Kjt.
1 i.r i la tie ti "w '
Oliet "iiMrlrr lw4
t?e-l j,' I taarefoea It tut .- M-,-J
tiat " atalMt ta i.4,
tJt;i'm..(l -
IRMrWi k4 (tad aa4 -4
1 1 M t "la tM reilaw IWtwl full I f
an ith.lW
t ,.; ? r, t ri 4s "
t; VOT-"
a Farcer use in
raoolored Japan Tea.-. . SO. So.
Hatket flred T-a -. Sao. ST. Ste. 30c, tW,
Young Hyaon Tea -ific. too. We..
Boaiisb llrrakfaai T' -i-e U wlc.
tnninir Tm .4Lk! to ttflO.
TtalltheBeat bneof tea that wai ever
offered Id Omaha. Do not ay to jrouraaif
taatw cannot sell rood tea for the prtoe.
Uuyapound and ba eonvlnoed. If you do
not Ilk tba tea 7e will refund tba money.
Tbay are all worth two and three time tba
New u a tner t y le In Dree Dingbats : &u.
6Ho. Me and I'tc p-r yard.
Beat (Sheeting Pnntt;-He per j a.
New etyllnt:halll-:-SHo.5o. Mo, IJSe.
Fancy aVured Sateeu:-&o K, lo and 15c.
Plain black Sateen; So, Wo, li'tfo. Uto Wo,
Sc. Bdio per yard. ....
Plain Fart lilack Lawn la remnant, to, la,
end Mo per yard. . ......
Plain Vaat It ark India Unen.lOo, U'4c, lie,
ftc and c par yard.
Plain while India Linen, to, Co, lOo, IS'io,
IJc and It per yard.
Pancy check. Biflne nd laoe atrlped la
white or lt b eck lawn from So a yard up.
S Inob wide beat Uatittl. H per yard.
Near manner ttylr In fctblng flannel, 6c.
Do and KM per yard.
Oood apron checked fine, So per yard.
t loalng prlne nn Jfl loch wide aerirea yd.
All color In Koyal aerire. dark aliadta a'io.
Double tr Kith Beta Bullln t per yard.
The laraaat itock of table linen. Napkin,
towel and whit bed cpread la Omaha, at
freatly reduced price.
All leadlo brand of muilio and double
width (beeUn at lea tbaa wholesale price
In order to reduce UMik.
' gx)d. Give u a trial.
Omaha, Neb.
The Independent central committee
of Adams county have completed the
arranghments for the stale convention
to be hold at iiaatlog en Aug. 18th.
The order ol the day now seems to
be notices of primaries, judging from
the independent exchange of the state.
Since Alliance No. 2110 has set the
example, let all others follow suit.
There should be six or seven large Alii
anee gatherings iu at many different
r laces in the couuty betore November
, These picnics raunot help but be
beneficial aud instructive. Madison Co.
It wrier,
Se:ond the motion)
A national political party cannot be
permaueut which proposes legislation
principally for the producing or agri
cultural classes. While t bey are eutitled
to legislation and laws fully protecting
their interest, so are all of the people
composing all the other classes beside
the agriculturist. Class legislation will
never result in political stability.
Kearney Xtu Kra,
And that Is just why the republican
party is on Its last trip. For the last
twenty-live years the republicans (by
the aid of bnough democrats) have been
passing laws that are strictly class, and
of the worst kind at that. Our new
party will have its bands full for a long
time after It gets Into power in undoing
the many unwholesome laws passed by
the old frauds who hare been the tools
ot ools ana combines.
TheUebron Journal objocts to the
paraphrasing of national and patriotic
airs for political purposes. We will
suggest that if he does not want to hear
such soags he will stay away from inde
pendent meetings tins fail, lie may
hear something that will unnerve him,
poor fellow! I
Twenty local paoers which wont with
the Alliance political craze a year ago
n Kansas liavo slimmed thoir dincnut
by returning to the republican ranks
which is another si gnlrtcttut straw show
ing that the tide has turned.(Vanci
limes (Sep )
Why don't you name a few of them!
We do not see what good such lying
tlush will do the g. o. p. It Is strauge
that all the calamity to the Alliance is
awny on at some remote u ace
'(0 Tha
fact is that new independent papers are
born every week.
Congressman Oates of Alabama, a
dyed m the-wool democrat, in a recent
conversation expressed the wish that
the party would make war to the kuife
with the Alliance, lie said: "Ws have
got to fight the Alliance right out with
aii our might or it will get the best of
us In the south. No man can believe in
the sub-treasury and loan scheme and
be a democrat. The lines must be
drawn at once. What wa must do is to
orgauia against the Alliance aad beat
It out of existence, it we do not It will
beat u, though we art In the majority,"
m is a? not sound llkt the Alliance
was a tall to the democratic kite. In
Nebraska the Independent have no
tight with the democrats simply becauie
they are not in it. While la Atalmma
thy have no trouble with republican t
for the same reason.
It there It any difference between the
two old parti, why da the New Yvrk
Suk, B'aild aad h'tnln: Charleston
and Vvtfkt; New Orleans Timet Ikmv
erat all favor the return t. the L'site,
!! t.t (the m- botnau John Sher
tjttt LeeatA btewsrt, 3l S m 8;.
ApwRt(iatSwf Sttt lecturer.
tWu, Ha-it Mala tiur, er4t a .i
I ifee aai-ag aprt4ieei, utra f
Cwmiy Altiaaay til b acraosa I Wit
auuatf to Mrr,eM4 n tkia
. A I w.takaf, eat set are t-itmt4
ffttatt rtMt'rft en Hk
BMWtS UikMha tt,
.. ".
ft .' fj. ' v
May '
raiw kwk
lied, h e
f !
. t
V .-.; .! atitf at at
mt r.aaat, am; be aad lie taitata
naiii4M. U kMtUwt41.
TbetalorfdntUfBS ef Liacala Held a
Mam Set-flag an Break Away Frant
Crrapt LVpnbliraa Denlaatlen.
aad Ia luYotallj .Score Net
era! lily aad leant ef
firls'a. The B.1H, Mouthpiece Refuses to Pub
lish the Rcaolutiona.
A special meeting of the colored citi
zens of Lincoln was held last evening at
the Odd Fellows hall. Chas. Coil was
elected temporary chairman and W. A.
trigginton temporary secretary. A per
manent organization was effected by the
election of the following officers: Pres
ident, ThomasCarnahan; vice-president,
Wm. Frazier; aecretair. A. L. Warwick;
assistant secretary, W. A. Wigglnton;
treasurer, Jack Johnson.
The following committees were ap
On Eesolutions Messrs Elder, War
wick, Wood, Coil aud Johnson.
Executive Coil, Crampton. Elder.
Woods, Chinn, Hollenger, Lloyd, Grant
and Alexander.
The following resolutions were read
and unanimously adopted. Being with
in the newt province of the morning
sheet, they were given to that paper for
publication, but such Is its subserviency,
that ir refused to give them the limit
ed publicity at their command:
Whebeas, The republican party no
bugcr stand committed tothe principles
and doctrines originally indorsed and
advocated by It, and,
Wit eke as, The republicans in our latt
congress defeated the force bill, which
was intended to give us a free ballot and
have it fairly counted, and see that our
lives wete safe in the exercise of that
right, and
Whebeas, We have beea deserted by
the party that has stood for many years
at the champion of the negro's rights,
believing as we do that the time is now
ripe when n man's politic shall no loos
er be known by the color of his face;
therefore be it
ffetolced, That we the colored citizens
of Lincoln, in mass meeting assembled,
do hereby call upon our brethern
throughout the nation to form clubs and
unite with such party or parties whose
principles shall be broad enough to pro
tect every American citln, black or
white, iu the exercise of his elective
franchise, either north, south, east or
west, and
Eetolved, That we do condemn the
acts of the republican mem Intra in this
last congress who defeated the force bill,
as unworthy of the respect and esteem of
a just and loyal people; and
tit soi tea. inat we do hereby call urn
the colored press throughout the United
States to cease to bulldoze their brethren
for raising a voice against political
slavery; and
Rtsohed, That as we have been denied
every demand for recognition by the re
publican parly in our own state and
county, that we do hereby organize our
selves into an Independent club, and cast
our lot among the great laboring masses,
and aid in securing a free ballot to all
citizens, and an Impartial administration
in federal, state, county and city gov
ernment; and
Resohed That we do hereby condemn
the act of the three county commission
ers. Shaoerg, Dixon and brown, for
discharging one Chaa. Coil, janitor of the
county court house, for noother purpose
man to mease one Billy Hill, nn ill-bred
white man, who declared that he would
not work with a "d d nigger."
Resohed, That we use all honorable
meaus to defeat any candidate for elec
tion or re election who has refused to
give us employ ment on account of our
color, or who has discriminated against
us in any way, snape or manner on ac
count of race, color, or previous condi
tion of servitude.
Resolved, That we condemn the act of
Edson. membur of the cilv school hnrd
In declaring that no nigger need apply
tor any situation as janitor in any of the
city schools.
The Journal Refuses.
We. the undersiorned ct mmittpn tnnk
the above resolutions to Journal editorial
rooms last eveuing for publication, but
for some reason unknown tonstlipv full.
ed to appear In the mornlngoaria! Mr
Alexander, the reporter, promised us at
our hall that our proceedings should ap
pear verbatim.
J. C. Elder.
A. Warwick,
W. Chink.
C H Cook,
M. Woods.
Prompt Service Assured.
The Sullivan Trantfer Co, It prepared to
doRiikindtof light and h. tvy
ano moving, etc. Hoiittbold good and fur
niture bandied with safety by esperleaced
workmen. )lak arrangment for having
your good delivered at etat fair ground
eariy ana vo.d toe rusk of fair week. Office
corner I lih awd tt under etat National
Hank. Telephone III
It t-M.iA TataaraaCn t
Dry Goods. Carpets, lotiou,
8hoct, Croccrkt, Etc.
;Latt Uh la theCiiy.
One Fries ai9 M.
i JUtttrr rixSuta (tmittf tad
Ve IS evatuge tr
twetvk4u iK eur ts
tke4a.4tltt ki Ikefttutersof
L tt)vwi i'uaitiy,
Cemag ttfth tnj P ttwM.
I have bought the Maxwell, Sharp & Ross Company
Stock at Receivers sale for less than 50 cents on the dol
lar, and I am now offering it at about the same to con
sumers. The entire stock will be closed out during the
next 30 days for what I can get for it. If you want
or Crockery this is an opportunity that only offers once
in a lifetime.
1532 lo 1538 OS!,
Call far Judicial Convention in the
Tenth Distriot.
The People's independent party of the
Tenth judicial district of Nebraska will
meet In convention at Minden, Kearney
county, Neb., on Wednesday, Aug. 20,
1891, at 10 a. m., for the purpose of
placing in nomination one (1) judge for
said district, and to transact sue h other
business as may properly come before
the convention.
The basis of representation will bo
thessmeas the state convention, to
wit: One delegate for every one hun
dred votes cast for John H. Powers for
governor, or msjor fraction thereof.
The several counties in the district
will bo entitled to the following repre
sentation: Counties. Delegates.
Kearney ..... , H
Phelps 16
Webster , 13
Harlan. in
Franklin 8
Adams 15
It is recommended by the committe)
that no proxies be allowed, and that tie
delegates present be allowed to cast the
full vote of the county.
J. N. Wolf.
, H. B. McGaw,
A.J. Shapes,
Johh Dldek.
H. L. Hopkins,
Theo. Mahn,
independent paper in the district
please copy.
Call for Peoples' Independent Judicial
Convention for tbs Fust Judicial
Whebeas, There having been no
regularly constituted authority to call
a people's independent judicial conven
tion for the first judicial district; and,
Whereas, The call for the judicial
convention in that district has been
made without consultation with com
mittees or persons authorized to act in
such capacity; and,
Whebeas, The date for said pro
posed judicial convention has been
tixod at a date so early, and occurring in
the midst of harvest, that It will prob
ably be impossible to make it a repre
sentative convention; and so great
dissatisfaction having been mani
fested at the hasty action taken;
Thereforethe Indep endent State Com
mittee by its Chairman and Secretary
hereby directs that said Judicial conven
tion for the First district be postponed
from the 25th day of July until Tuesday
tho 25th day cf August; that it be held
at Beatrice, and that the county conven
tions ol the counties of the f trst district
select delegates to snld convention.
Mho ratio will be the same as for the
people's independent state convention,
which gives the counties the following
number of delegates
Pawnee -Richardjou
The same rules as to proxies applied
to the state convention will apply to
this judicial convention.
Ch'n Ind. State. Horn.
CHAS.H. riltTLE.
Sec'y I nd. State Com .
xaHj I . v--' s jjr-i-"'. " ' a.'-S S
I . r -
aaV MU
Come and see
Lincoln, Idnvb.
J. H. WALSH, President
M D WELCH, Sec'y-Treasurer
Special Inside Prices and Liber
al Terms to Alliances.
O O O O ( O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q u o
No better Mower or Hay
Rake In use than the above.
Both are warranto) to be
well made of good material,
and capable of doing as
good work as any other
Mower or rake la the world.
Write us for particulars.
O O O O O I) it (H O O O O O rt o o
a Ml?
:((,(! 'Jifii ''-'''Si
titu sua k us, t miui Mtict me.
F. iL. LOOUIS, Woatorn Mttnasor, Omnha, Nob.
what I have
W. H.
JO) .
ifc' W
I' f&
"-";!'''' r,.rV"fc .."Vi:.;"'
,k IMPORTER of .
Stock Companies can Purchase Horses Absolutely
on their own time.
Every horse imported registered, and guaranteed a sure foal getter. I buy the best
and do not handle culls. Nor do I have a partner to sit in the corner and grin and take
half the profits. I give my customers tho benetitof small profits and first clas stock.
No horses peddled. Dont run a lottery, nor drop a nickel in the slot and see what
you get business. Horses of tine style, action, bone and pediaree for sale.
42tf O. O.
to offer.
Lincoln, Nebraska,
!.l .I... .' r i'Jli,-Fl;li;-li.-;i!'!- tab."
HEFNER. Importer, Lincoln, Nebraska.