The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 23, 1891, Image 7

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blrt Work ta I Keeey Day In Uie
Year PulrerlM th Soil The
Work HoeeeThe Milking
UmI .d Uinta.
Opportenlte In Farmlof.
Th c68 factor of success in any
branch of business is constant employ,
meut It is mora profitable to wear
out machinery in lucrative employ
ment than to leave it stand idle and
rust out When you make a survey
of the farms and tho owners in a lo
cality, and see the amount of work
waiting to be done, and then notice
the number of days idled away by
their owners, it is no great wonder
that men are finding farming poor pay.
You don't find a thriving merchant
sitting out in the field of a farmer
whittling a stump and complaining to
bis neighbor of dull times, and re
suming this occupation the bxt day,
and week, p.nd month, until the farmer
has made thut field yield him a hand
some profit On the other hand you
will find every section and locality has
iU population of furmors who make it
their business to put in just as many
days at the village store as they possi
bly can, and many of these farmers
complain of scarcity of money, while
they leuvo hundreds of dollars beneath
the surface of their fields every year.
Jt is truly astonishing how little in
terest many farmers manifest in their
own prosperity. Good farms well fenced
and out of dubt are left to many, but
daily loafing at the village store while
the busy nionliant thrive! soon finds
the farm run down, the fence rows
brushy, and owners hopelessly
swamped with debts. The thrifty
merchant or banker who stays at his
business every day becomes the landlord
arid the once "well-fixed farmer" be
comes the tenant. I have seen men
with two or three grown boys living
on farms from KO to 100 acres have no
employment half the time. Their
boys work by the day, and the father
whittles store boxes and smokes cigars,
whim they could all he making money
at home.
Although living on a small farm,
says a farmer writing to the National
fttockman and Farmer, I find that I
could keep from two to three hands
busy all the time could I
get them, and some seasons we could
employ a dozen with profit. Hummer
and winter I never saw the day when
1 hod nothing to do, and the more I
get done the more I have to do tho
next season. Sly wife says we hire
the whole community in summer to
have something to hire them to work
at in winter. And it is virtually so.
And not many days go by without we
have help. Hut every year has shown
us some profit; and success has only
been attained through close application
of bead and hunds, and a fair arrange
ment of the hired work done.
In making money on the farm don't
go by spurts like a wet weather spring,
but hustle along all the year. Have
something of many varieties to dis
pose of. Have everything done at the
projier time. When once you have a
crop raised secure it in the best possi
ble manner, no matter what the ex
pense. If your good wife cannot get
through with her work, hire enough
help so she can. Don't sit around and
wait for better times, but get to work
and better tho times, and when better
times come you will find yourself far
ahead of your grumbling neighbor,'
who has lost his money by not grasp
ing opportunity that were as fair us
Whey Far 1'ig:
Trot. W. A. Henry, of tho Wiscon
sin experiment station, gives the fol
lowing summary of four experiments
to determine the feeding value of
1. We are not successful in main
taining pigs on whey alone.
2. Tigs fed on cornmeal and shorts,
with water, required 52 pounds of
the mixture for 100 pounds of gain.
8. When whey was added to tho
cornmeal and shorts mixture, it pro
duced a marked saving in the amount
of grain required for good gains. This
was true for mixtures varying from 2
pounds of whey to 1 pound of grain,
up to 10 pounds of whey to 1 of grain.
4. It was found when using whey
as a partial substitute for grain, that
760 pound of whey effected a saving
100 pounds of the cornmeal and shorts
fi. Using these figures, if cornmeal
and shorts are valued at (10 per ton,
then whey Is worth 8 cents per 100
pounds; at (15 per ton for tho corn
meal and shorts, wboy would be worth
10 cents per 100 pounds.
6. Shorts, pea meal and oil moiil,
or like feeds, should bo mixed with
whey for growing animals. Some
corn may he fed at all times, the pro
portion increasing as the animal up-prom-bus
maturity Coleman Kural
Tli, liruii'i Aeeouiit.
It is a duty the farmer owes to him
Suit and to his family to keep his ac
count systematically, and to properly
record all contracts, verbal or written,
that no room may be loft for trouble
some disputes and that his lin.!o may
always bo "lu order," so that when the
summon come his executor will have
no dlitU'tilty lu adjusting his affair,
and making a final i uU'iimnt of the
estate says ilia Country (ifiitlemnn.
Moreover, it the wifu hn kept, m
faithful rwocd of receipts and fipcnd
Mures lor butler poultry, gro.
reria, dry gixnL, U, she will not
flint it nHt,ry to rait In stranger
tit act as tuiitittiLtrnlttr. llr snow.
h'd of butl'.io i iiuuntt iiiii.t will
rittli hrr M aditiluUter tu-r ia af
fair Urn saving to hur!f ami hr
ilttUirvii the fruit il msiiy year toll,
Wlmt Uy or girl will nl be the more
j rmli nt a, in hi or uituu. a'ur
wUliijT a tr fid drill In ktjUir
wiU? til h nt ilr it the
M'tue Uutiv of l'f U'ttor tHjulp-4 t
b't) 8fctWi Uf rm ririHiim8tm
Nd fdt'tti t t. U.-hI wRU It
a.t u,utj lr ilviiw ,f iM. 5a
Kliil t u reveW a tx twr ! ''! that
(hi sMUty t tli !, 1 1 l s t U'
et for M,f lam li.uUifvfet m.a
fcaaUfefe e r
Pol' imav Us frwr4 bl la
ieiiM; ti. .i . .j .i
lliiivr or f nana U ol UtHi l bt,
A i .l tl is lH !. t'Jf
eatkj in It iMuil ;nl l tra -tt( It
levee dm!. kvi H-U.nrf it lu m tt
f ta asiHfliftrwl YWi nn Upa ni atv ln,lia
over the top of barrel tnen press the
bead into p!ae with a barrel header or
lever, and tighten up the hoops. Place
the barrels so filled in the cellar and
you will have green feed for youtg
fowls in winter and early spring. This
is worth trying.
A Mellow StiiL
Many farmers have not informed
themselves on the full value of a fine
ly pulverized soil for hoed crops, m
compared with a surface of clods. It
would be well worth while for them to
try a few experiments. An intelligent
farmer who cultivates his corn once a
week from the time it is up till it is
higher than the back of the horse
which works tho cultivator, estimates
the gain at 22 per cent, as the result
of this work, the soil being dry
It is important that the operation be
repeated many times, as the results
vary under changing conditions and
circumstances. ' One of our experi
ment stations tried cultivating corn
often, and gave an unfavorable report.
It was found that the weather was un
usually wet for some weeks while the
cultivation was continued, and the
tread of the horse and the weight of
cultivator pressed the earth and made
the soil more compact than before.
Another used the plow, and it went so
doep as to tear up a portion of the
It Is well for farmers to see what
they are doing. The soli or the clods
should be dry enough to crumble to
powder, instead of being worked into
plastic masses, to bake hard when dry
weather comes. Much depends on the
kind of implement used, especially
with an adhesive soil made up largely
of clods end lumps. The old square
harrow with square teeth, aids some
what in reducing tho cloddy soil
through which it puxses, bi:t its work
in this way is imperfect. A leading
object in the operation of the smooth
ing harrow, is to cut downwards and
chop up and grind up the clods. Other
harrows, like the spring-tooth, tear up
tho earth from a' greater depth instead
of cutting down, but have less action
on clods. The owner should examine
and decide what kind of an implement
is needed and act accordingly. And if
by a fow limited and measured experi
ments, he can ascertain what tool, what
treatment aid what condition of the
weather he should use with the best
results, the information he thus ob
tains from experience may many times
repay his care and lubor. Country
The Work Hor.ll.
The horse is about the most neg
lected domestic animal, says tho Na
tional Stockmun,, wo have on the farm.
I have known farmers to say that it
was a waste of time to clean a horse.
They would scrape the manure off
them and work them all the time.
Ten minutes each morning spent in
cleaning a horse will make him look a
great deal better, and as if some one
owned him. This winter grain is
bringing a fuir price and a great many
men think they can't afford to feed the
horseS grain, and think they are econ
omizing to keep the grain and sell it
for a good price. Now I can't see
where they are economizing, for their
stock will be skin poor all the time
and it costs more money fo keep a
horso poor than it docs to keep them
fat. I think it is cheaper t feed up
and get horses fat before . spring work
commences, and then they can do
more work on less , feed and a great
deal easier.
One great mistake is not keeping
horses warm enough in cold stables,
where the snow blows on them, with
very little bedding under the in. Why
do such men's horses look hard and
they complain it costs so much to
keep their horse? If they would fix
their stables, use more bedding for
their horses and good warm blankets
on them, and a little more feed, I
think their horses would look 50 per
cent better. A warm stable and a
good blanket will save grain, and the
horses will have mote "get up" to
them. I think a good feed for horses
that is cheap is to use more oil-meal
oil-meal, corn-meal and bran mixed,
equal parts, that is pound for pound,
as follows:
100 pounds oil meal $1.40
10J pounds corn meal, wortb 1.36
10J pounds bran, worth
A mixture of this kind will furnish
feed for two horses about three weeks,
and they will thrive on it
Every owner of a horse should dis
continue the use of blind bridles, and
there would be fewer skitt'.sh horses,
The Mllkini moot.
Don't disturb the milk after it Is set for
cream ruining.
It aUo tiwan lest labor than if pans or
crock are used.
And inoro cream raised unless ereat
paiua I taken with the ps:ti or cro.'U.
"Cairn" means dep can set lu tank
of ice water or cold well or spring water.
Htrsiu tbs milk into the can, pan or
crock s aoou after it com J from the cow
as M'.iUe.
If you Uli to baotrn the cream raising
add Mima cold water to tli uttlk a skii
a it I ktrnlued into lb ran.
You ran put In from 10 to M) per rtit
aad lb ouly HI effort it lll have will b
to tliin tbs .kiuiuwd milk
Hint for the ItuHa.holJ.
To five creaiu bad tu Iw dip it ta
ivvnk I'.
Nutbiiig mad with Mttnr, rysstil milk
biiuld rvat'b tb Uiititig Kiul,
The ntulswM ta l um (or gltiavrttread
U frailly titiprovd by luij f.rl bulled,
tUu kiumi4
It b I4 tt.t !! I may m euml by
' lin ruiMii ttt flutter vt tuljlur
t.i lb sffihi.-a tlmli.
l:)iltt sad fur wl sway well
lrlukM UI U.tas sad dn up air
ligbt ittll aetrr l iruMt4 nit axttb
la evver )nia wf pi.v,..n' ry
one or too tat ieaituMttlul t ut g.Jetr
ItM mitnl llh ure but, rl a rreatu it
I Mkl lu (IVe aWot lu.iullla relief.
I'klUJteit (MkM ibuuld ta a liM
a4 ttt a tlle. SKb Hiulue w4
ket lu ibe i.m, ur t.ttmt m Hutu
j aul r4 vsl 4auaf. bul sad rt
1 vuV.,
I A f)v .aa t trU4 title ! s4
. ( nn.tul h lii Ull l tilth ,ud
lu altkla ! b i.r lu uf lb !;, i.
j Ika telle ar, H. Ifee .ab4. IU llt..f,b'
j I l the fl ttb m.i. Salr Cute
j lb U St HSt lie US Ma -
I t ika Sik beta
I f u lt ) Kel lak lt taU f4l
11 aad a.b a laUmf r at l ff t.
! mm ai l let ai4le snimi-ui,
I Ik 11 bwM be ut ttt hi l
) u. 1 1. 1. 1 ILiuAUid 1 L. u l. .... ,J ...
Ike ke . b tot ub lb West,
aa! Ik rft itit t4 V ..
Tli FamoiH . MlMioaarj ef Ik Creat
Deaert Will diva HI rrivata lor
tune Aad All Hie Energies
to th Taak.
Cardinal Lavigerlo, the famous mis
(lonary of the Sahara, is pushing for
ward bis remarkable enterprise of ."O
deeming the great desart He aims
not only to civilize the roving tribes
oi savages but to make whet Is now a
pnrchoJ region a productive and hub
itublo land. The old man in his home
at ftlskra, talks confidently of success,
lie has Organized an aggrossive army
of volunteers for peaceful conquest
known as the brothers of the Sahara.
Seventeen hundred Frenchmen, most
of them of the educated class, respond
ed to his call. They will bo trained
by him for thoir novel and arduous
duties and equipped as fully as an an
nual income of 100,000 will ullow.
The bulk of this money comes
from private sources, the Ftvnch
government giving only $1,000.
Tho cardinal say of tho present
condition of the Sahara that it is a
dead waste, inhabited only by tribes
who live by rapine. The Saharans
make the rieh Koudun their prey, says
the Cincinnati Times. They gather in
hordes and raid the country, commit
ting a thousand atrocities, and return
with droves of slaves, whom they sell
In Morocco or Tripoli, whence the cap
tives are sold into Kgypt and all ever
the Turkish empire. These man-bun-ters
in the Koudun, the cardinal says,
can best to stopped by fertilizing the
Sahara by restoring tho fruitfulnoss
which it once enjoyed, and of which
the traces are how found. lie holds
that there is plenty of water in tho
dessert but the wells have been left t:
choke up and the oases to fall out t f
cultivation. "Water everywhere," he
asserts. "Once brlr.g it to the sur
face, and life will reappear where we
have known nothing but sterility.
Then the wandering nomands will
become rooted to the land. They
will derive from husbandry that
substance which to-duy they can
only find fn murder and pil
loge.n It is the cardinal's convic
tion that trained men inured to the
climate can penetrate the Sahara and
in a few years accomplish a marvelous
development of productiveness and of
civilization. At the beginning the
Brothers of the Sahara will reclaim a
waste track near UUkra bought by
the cardinal under which water has
been reached. They will harden them
selves to the climate, devote them
selves to gardening, study the Sah&ran
and Soudanese dialects, and be trained
inarms for defense. Their. clothing
will bo the tunic of the Tuaregs and
the wide trousers fastened above the
ankle. They will wear veils to ward
of the sand-storms. Their food will
be dutes and hard biscuit In summer
they will work at night and sleep dur
ing the day. At the end of fifteen
months they will be sent into the heart
of the desert In sections, establishing
themselves at points where there
is water. Thus thrown upon
their own resources they will found
agricultural communities. Mission
aries and doctors will bo sent with
each detachment. Tho Satmran tribe
will be welcomed ns brethren in these
communities, their ailments treated,
and the possibilities and advantages of
ugriculture impressed upon them. The
old cardinal's confidence in his ability
to carry out the great project evident
ly shared by thousands of hia country
men, challenges tho attention of the
world. This prelate 03ms to bo a
man of notable personality and force
of character. By one who" recently
visited him within the four bare walls
of his apartment at Biskra he is de
scribed us an importing figure, with
lustrous eyes, fine, serious features
and a whito beard flowing to the
breast His conversation is both
brilliant and profound,, and bis mind
now wholly wrapped up in tha grand
antl-slavery-pro-civilization crusade.
The Art of Kelvins.
Tho useful art of sewing has ocen
known from a very remote period, as
is shown by the fact that bone needles
have been found among tho oldest re
mains of the Swiss lake-dwellings nnd
in the caves of Franca nnd Great Brit
ain, which were frequented by man
during the reindeer age. Some of these
early needles were perforated in the
middle, which was the thickest part
and others were pierced ut the larger
end. A French cavorn has yielded
needles much superior to those of the
ancient Gauls, and tlo to tho ivory
needles of tho modern Esquimaux spe
cial skill having been applied to the
boring of the eyes, which mut have
been done with a fine f.lnt drill. The
Swiss lake-dwellers used linen thread
or bark fibre for sowing, and mnde gar
ments from woven fabrics of linen and
bark&as well as from the skins of ani
mals. The cave people employed a
thread made from split tendons, and
perhaps string of gut; and suggested
the probability that tlisy performed
some more delicate work thun the sew.
log of skins.
Haw lbs I'arrel kavid the Kltlrn,
A parro. tr;d kitten whkh livid In
(he aaiue hte were prrat frleri 1. and
umh) to play together of leu. One di.y
they were plnyit g tou. U" when t?ie
kitten aimed a bhtw at th purr t that
kntK'ki'4 lu-r c!T hir pnh Into a Mg
tub full uf water thttt si'Hxl cioo by,
but the (-) il tli blow aimiu li thttt
puy wm lu t'-ii ri 1 with it '.i t t the
luU Ulh rrwtturei we .t undr, ImI
the parrot mm r lua'. to the o tv.uit
Uraiitg t,th w.e t;Vw the el t?f
tho lut w ith tho tillier h t i I lr
playuiu'n, lifted It out of tl.a l-.iK and
!)t II to ttui tl'mr with a Hivu t.iat
!ttxk a lut uf Water I't.t ut It aln.
The tMid tilth1 Kb nil I'll t it. .1 ttt
ttmt w n i(u.ti tr l,i t'.ei
kllivq would r $rd l ee f -i.ti $
itit.ii. Al ail t,a f . t.t
b r K-etget fir a bU lu u .' it ta bo oat
lf l!te r.a b of snj y '
Mill Lie) ,
Vlli,'tO ISt.l! "Vo .."i"
I4 l!l'l Asijl't iMti Hli SfH9
t ike tuuir ami itttiSi !
Wttal tbt U.I '
Why, tbi h im t M.Ik "
. IH 9l Ml t,vultfV'
litt'1' said Amy, ba, "
4 it ltW a .n it
Tit Popnlar Edible of Rome. Now the
Free Latch Adjanrt.
S'.ntd tho days of Ancient Rome sau
sage has beea a popular edible. When
tho Goths, and Visl-goths. and Vandals,
and other tribes from thi north swept
down on the abnormal civilization of
the great empire, sausage maintained
its hold through the turbulent middlo
ages, and the famous ausagcs of Lu
cania were supplanted by a variety of
Tho Lucanlun sausages wat mae'e
of fresh pork and bacon, chopped fine,
with nuts of the stone-pine, and fla
vored with cumin-seed, pepper, bay
leaves, various pot-herbs and ti e sauce
called garunu- In spite of a a occa
sional death or two from Indulgence
in tho sedmtive comhiuutioti sausage
will live, and many times the Ungc-r it
lives the. more alive it got.
Bologna sausage is still otw of the
national emblems of sunny i'oly, and
the smoked sausages of Geruany are
almost as famous as lugcr be r.
A person can easily study tfcarncter
and a man's business at the ttne timo
if he will stand close by a fieo-lunch
counter any morning between the
hours of 10 and 1!J o'clock, and wat.-h
the way tho different habitue take their
nius.i;'e, says the Milwaukee Sentinel.
Tho firit one who come along orders
a beer in an apolegctlcal tone, Vh row
ing down a nickel at the sumo time,
and then wanders toward the sausage
plate r.s though he ha1 just seen them
for the first time. lie hesitates a min
ute and then as his nerve braces up he
starts in and takes a slice from every
plate In tho row. You wouldn't have
to be told he wai one of that leisure
class known as fiends.
Tho next man who comes in is bare
headed and in his shirt sleeve. He
walks rapidly past the bar, holds up
one finger to the gentleman with the
white apron as he pue), takes a slice
or two off the first plate within reach,
walks bock ana drinks his beer be
tween mouthful of sausage, throws
down his nickel and departs. Nine
chances to ono he is in business for
himself, and money-making is bis
chief end in life.
Another man, or a party of men,
come in. They leisurely quaff their
beer, and. having half consumed it,
stroll over to the lunch counter, and,
after an inspection of the different
varieties of sauvuge, select a slice to
thiir fancy and walk back and finish
thoir beverage. The chanc?s ore the
same that they are lawyers or persons
of leisurely habits when .out of tho
o.tlee. .......
When a men comes in and takes his
beer oyer to the lunch counter and
picks out a piece pf sausage after a
critical inspection' of every plate, put
him down for a person who works on
a salary in som store,
A Great Benefaction.
Netf York city is making a deter
mined move to ettablirth cheap lodging
houses for women, and seems likely to
succeed. House.) not managed on a
philanthropic but on a purely business
basis are to be established throughout
the metropolis. For from 15 to 80
cents a woman can secure in one of
those houses a decent and private
lodging for the nlgbt, and can get her
breakfast for 10 cents in the morning.
If well carriei out this will be one of
the grandest . of benefactions. The
want of decent surroundings drives
more women to crime than any other
cause. -
He Would Be Fool.
A Philadelphia surgeon says that by
three strokes of the lancet he could
paralyze the nerves acted on to make
a man get mad, und thereafter any ono
could pull his note, cuff bis cars and
spit on his boots, and he would simply
smile a soft, bland smile.
Prompt N'elKhbore.
A tornado at Trenton. Ga., carried
off the roof of a house, leaving a sick
man in bis bod. unharmed but shelter
lest. The neighbors at once built a
temporary shelter over him.
Nobody (area. t
A wearily wan little face,
A feeble, forlorn little sinilo,
Poor faltering feet,
That must pace their beat
For many aad many a mile
A lamp that luridly flares.
In tbe wide city's wbiil
Just a nameksi girl,
Noldy cares 1
A dewilate, death stricken room,
A pillow pusiifd up to tb wall.
A flicker tbat sbow
A face in repot;,
Fllence, and tbat is all.
Have Juiit on tbe wot-begone cheek
Tbat look which ucb raptuess wears,
Tbat libt on tbe brow
Ah, who shall y now,
"Nobody rarest"
After a Beaver county, Pa , man bad
burned a log he found la tbe a lump
of silver wortb
Iu Cowley county Kan., latt werk, out
of twi tity farms Suld by tb be riff seven.
teen of them were mort;agi for awr
tbaa ttiey were worth and abandoned.
Tb "scboul 'hi!t!ren of New York city
have det tared luiavoroftba golden rod
over tb roes for Ibe italo flower by 1 V
4 ft u majority to a t tal vote of UI,.VJ
Wllle Mi.. TUHUm. of Ktttfla I'oitit,
Ml' b , foudltug a Jit ilg, lnr rat be
came t overcome by ialiuy tbat It
lrn u i.a tb holy sad erly l it her
iu Ibe aim,
A icilM'in Iwinte a a M,t aad an emut
b.n ta M'luelt.tUj rata, but fl.e J'l.l !e
or'td ttt .it lUnd -ii. Tb 'bun una
ir..lii btid'eud lb veovl .,i4 btr
it t.iii Into . I .it ti.iloly a butt,
lb link uf 1 it I l.u.d la tl eta ii .
.le- li'ar lu ei al. It lakia ell
tbe al' i l I t 4 ..d ar t a La Be
fiotu tt ter irnta lb r. .',
t! ,le u I lt du Ibe m o tbm, aad i. . I
lb,- k 4ie wi'.b
i MKltbt I a; ii I, i f lt.. ini..i
'I.imw n!ir and aa h. hii to le b r
tjn'jj,,- rt.i asd itst.tiiif tin iw Ik
l-etl b'-iil..l :eiM ate lt,.e t ! ISe
t.tb al t f Ike kbaiul r fl iN Ike
t ..!. at wf tb tHa' aa I t a vr'.f
ft A tvl tt-o tbi "' it Itiiti4
, ! tar i b II lt!t
it t'.ol 1 1 .Nea V-'i. kl I t 4. t.. by
ft Til aVAl;s mitt i''.t.' f.l.VM
III VV'!'I A i f f a. cue tl
lt ... mvmm e ; a, tiU.I t )"
ttvirri. tt ., il I !..,- t . a vi
k,W tl 4-1 ,1 t-,i t.4 il i ir b
). m, . t'l it fc- . tat .(i.r
k-4 lk . id bv .tt,. t Si
.TtNt si.f ' Ibe k . t Ik l':.
l In I t it tM S'J I f"-ie 1 1 li t
tbt li,t Atl t.t t! t- lb. ut
It .tot. 11 !' tti'4 IS Mt'itb
italttaii tii til'' I m !;
I tho Mchteat Raanlof
Wtad MU1 auw Matte.
After 1 year of tuere la th msocssv
rcreof W ind Mills, e have late r made a
complete cbanee loourn.111, ail rati being
bunt at roofer and better pmaortlnned and a
elf lubricant buahln piaoed In all boxe to
eavti tb ourcbMer from cambln' hih tow.
er tool lit, Tb time prtnelT! of (elfrov
trntnir retained, if ery part of the Mill, rub
ly WARRANTED, and U run witbout ma.
In a none.
Tbe reputation rained by tb Perkins Mi:
In tba past kastuduced acme unaorupulous
person to Imitate tb mill and even to lak
our name and apply It to an Inferior mill B
not deceived, none genuine unlet tiamped
MOeiow, We manufaotur tMitfe pumpltif
and reared mill, tank pump eto., and cn
eral Wind Mill (upplle. 1m1 A (em want.
d. end for rata crue and price. 41-ut
MtebawaSa, lad.
Mention Farmers' Aluahcr.
nrents for th Mteodard I'erkln Mil.
I'arcrupuloui pari let are clalmlns to bandi
the Standard Ferkl- but bay only an imi
tation of tb Peril mill, fee Uarber
Pi.wier. til, North W t, I lucoln. Neb.
American Live Stock
Room H Exchacr bulldlcr.
Alliance '-. Stock.
15tf Care of A. L. S. CO.,
It Will Prevent Hog Cholera.
Western Stock Food
Is Ut -rtt Iseovsr f tb at for
Ksrtsi, bltti, Sfeitp. Hep mi Piaitty.
II Is s natural rMMdr sad prTenttl of
J!! !sssss cf tb i'.ooi azi i!;i:!!rs crssss,
tcu freely on tb llr and kidney; (and
to ton p tb wbol aulmul ytm and I s
suit, rBtaUof Hog tkicra. I lb., IHIb
aod lit. boxe at Me, Iba. aad IM rwpe
tlly. Manufactured only by
wsanuur stock voodooxtavt,
BloomBald, Iowa.
th Iowa It
Tb most prertfcal. mort
ccnvenlmt, moat econom!
cel. red In every war tho
EH MAIiK. A flaoo at
tb tf ntructlf n of It It
sourb to tnnrtuce any
Din bat It U tar (uperloi
to nr otber. Ferdetcrin.
tlv circular and prices apply to Mantis
Steam Fecd Coomb Co., Omaha. Neb. MU
Breeder and ship
per of record Vo
land China bog".
Luoiee Dreem ni
dock for sle,
I Write for want.
Mention ALU a slr.
V. J. TBOBP 00..
Masttfastarsri of
Rubber Sumpt, Seal
Stescili, Budget uA
Baggage Checks
ft Rvr liescrlstlen. ErtsblH bed ISM
fttk Sf r tlMfVI.N. Win
omotbinf Nw. A NcMit to Many ,
Useful to AIL
Smith'! diagTam to parliamentary
rules, showing the relation of any mo
tion to every other motion, and answer
ing at a glance over 000 questions in
parliamentary practice; together with a
Itey containing concise hints and direc
tions for conducting the business of de
liberative assemblies.
A work designed for students, teach
ers, professional men, all who may be
called upon to preside over business
meetings, all who ever have occasion to
take part in business proceedings, and
all who may wish to inform themselves
on tbe important subject of parliamen
tary rules. The subject is here pre
sented under an entirely new arrang
ment, by which a great amount of in
formation is presented to tbe eye at
once, in a marvelously condensed form.
By an ingeniously devised system of di
verging and converging lines, all the
rules applying to any given motion,
and all the motions coming under any
given rule are presented at one view,
facilitating immensely the acquisition
of a general knowledge of this subject,
and furnishing to a chairman Instant
information on any point upon which
doubts may arise.
It is to the study of parliamentary
practice what n map is to the study of
Hear in mind that every member of a
deliberative assembly should under
stand parliamentary rules as well as tbe
chairman, to avoid tbe mortification of
moving out of order.
Size of diagsam, 12) by 6 Inohet
printed on bond paper. A key la ap
pended to the diagram, containing full
explanations, hints, anil dlrectious tor
conducting deliberative proceedings,
printed on fine calendered paper, with
ornamental colored border. Tbe whole
put up In neat muslin covers, embosssed
in jet and gold, convenient and durable
for pocket use.
Price, by mall, post paid, I 60.
The above book and Fa tat t as'
AlUaMCI one year. ... IN,
A 'litre, Aixukcb Pea. Co.,
W 41 Lincoln. Neks
li;htitl.i Eiput.l
Mitlcil C)rrof!!oi Ciptsti I
Riltrsii Mcjepclf Eipotill
Ttxtttei ail Tariff (iptttll
ri:jCi,!!il imnil
Tli Prist (iisitlf
Ctajtrtt Cm Ktpa,!tc llFCSCQt
ktcvcrtsody read, read, read
Sy VtSlkR VOl.UO,
ANOMIroaMi( st T Till
vxDiftwmor uw.
aV,Tk I nib 4l tun)'! fa
ltd l ika 41, eii lu
I lb 4 iiJ aINW
ltd l ika 41, ok ett eef U -!
- I 4H a. .
sT" ! Sll t VaUkes k r4
kaevkwaa Meaankf.' I" . hi
aili si.tii
ai a M m
l'iie4 Slave u
tl l 14 !..
eoaStlMW !. t
lai'4 u .
tilt -
( 1
an s , ii ik r e ai iWK
itM ' J beauaa. a f btneaal
rttHtqa f4.aT AU4- ef
a wtti u Aw eee f A
la boot f i
" wet. mttmi.
gtandard Bred Trotting StOCk.
Home of Ihe Stallions,
44-sm MoCLURE.
N T 1 1 I S a
rl Derfertrf rtn
tVe cf3 cur tttt
In ht If the wetht. nrwti 70c ha'.f thf 1 rrtgbt. Ktifi ar.rch let xpflT tow rr to
SirrrUibainpcrcr.s t f ria put, V.U. UXJ luvt-.-t lu art sal nU tlte WiXaU
op.iciao. Motleailcsiilar.
VIII Run a Pump h i Lighter WM Tku Any Other Wind Kill Ca bt
Ut 7 ;pi
CAPITAL, : : :
C, W. MOSHEB, President.
U.J.WALSH, Yiee-FreMenr. ..r
. A. C. OUTCALT. Cashier.
J. VV. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier.
is, -.
Tbrre bitK-k ftoro Cap! ml building.
town kitl KUht y ar lovui lui cvmpWted, la.'itn(iii lart wniiiwliiee rMiiti,
making 1J r co mt i
tu ta all if
T finest grvKir.t! (lotl rrH tofnsjh CHlttf id the Kutf. All Wok U
ftnttt fifitth. iMtufuttcaGiurantefd. iithstreel.
teif. T. W. TOWNSEXD, t.tkto.
ecim mm.
T .d e 1S'l IW . )- .! f t7.?
iiit tl lit... ta : i4MtKtil i . r ' " Htwt tf
... fl rkiivk.4 elH,! f..e .w
! ana . kl t"' lit . . ika ! ' twtnel
IU i.r i , .- tMl lk U il ' vf '. -
it anl trlvil.t l' l liUt I, Jv-. t.n . .Vn.
pse'erf!! Bttre
ajxipioje to
at all carta ol
lit dlrertl orer
wtndmillillltetkepaBiprodwuli aqaal aaa at alf paru
thv.f n,km t.iellre c T Arcft to ufllna la knt dlrerOr 01
ewri i .i ment arer
wflninHi lid i:nioi inuici uMctnt ."-1
toll Tirsoearngr II t"f
AMD MAJil. .Tlat
fest c!ll to ilc fte r;rk cf kj 811 fct d
.& - .OOOPBR,
Afnt for the
Win uTD
PEr.:::s lllj,
Pump of every Seeciip.
tioo from tbe old style
plunger, wood and cbsla
pumps t th latt io
n sod doubt acting
fore pump.
DSALCal n '
Rubber Hole
Brass Lined tni
Iron Cilindarg.
At prices to salt tke pur
Gar. .a ft I ft,
Llncsl.i, : : f.'ii.
: : : : $300,000.
' ' . ,
A. 1'. S. STUART.
I.lnrola'e ewet, peat! and bl up-
A. L. IU Ki WJX. rtttfr.