TI1KFA1UJEI.S' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEH. TIIUHSDAY, JULY 10 1801. "X--- MMIB1 Having every thing The following quotations will give some idea of the efforts being made to tell goods at lire and let lire prices: COFFEE. Wetvll veaaeeodSamoe end Wo coffee, erutaed, lie. Muca and Java coffee, crushed, Sic - Our Par Hoc and Java, rotated fresh GROCERIES. Ik sorted flreea (litres. c Derouart. ' Vtry to evaporated Caaforula peaches lae, worm Zuc Verr toe evaporated blackberries H Worth Purefruh iellr net pall sae. worth IIJO. Very lu 2 lb cu al.-yeUow table peaches Ma. All kinds of I lb ran California plums lis. i)-ib can California black cherries lie Imported Valencia raisins, very Site. fHC. 1 lb can California peacbes. Sue. Thlt Is the beet peach too ever bought. Weeelleliklndt of California plums, 11. Imported Ena-Uah eurraats, : BveeS eboeolate, o. - - Premium ckoeolaie, 174. Sugar cured bauit, 10. Ploalo hams, 7c. bone.rts bam. c Bologna sansaire. Sc. Liver sausage, Sc. Bead Cneee.te. Frankfort ssuage,;vo. Dried beef. Kie and li',a. g-lb caa black berrle 'e. .." praerved raspberries, put up (n u ear syrup. 1'e. it tetard &e per bottle. Absolutely pure basin, powder 35c. OU sardines ic. ... Mustard sardine, 1K pr!re. iarserubblnr, c - S per eeat If e, f or soru bbioi. So, , Beet granulated sugaring per lb. lag bt C tugar, to. TEAS. . Green Japan, a food Tea. ISo. tic, So, s. Una dried Japan Tea.-!. l, SU. , , s. We solicit your patronage, and after examining the above list pick out what you want and send in your order. We will treat you sugars. Send to us for prices on anything you want. You can pay railroad fsre for a hundred miles or more and then girt) money on a 150.00 bill of grtds. Give us a trial. ltf HAYDEN BROS , Omaha, Neb. Notice. , All Farmers of Lancaster county who are Interested In the Farm Mutual In strance are requested to meet in K. of L. hall on Monday Aug. 8, 181)1, for the purpose of organizing a Mutual In surance Co. Would like to have a rep resentative from each Alliance present J, X.M. SWHMBT, Chm'nCom. Pawnee County Farmers' Alliance. The rerular quarterly meeting of the Pawnee County Alliance will be held in hall over court room in Pawnee City, (Saturday July 25, 18V1. commencing at 10 o'clock a. m , to elect officers and transact other important business. J. L. Clash, Secy. AUood Resolution, Sesoktd.'Thkt the members of Ploas nut Valley Alliance, No. 981, deem it necessary to use all of tbe means in our power to keep traitors out of our camp, and thut we will not support any man for office who was not connected with tbe Independent movement at the last general election. C. L. Watkixs, I W.Clemxoks, Secretary. President The miners' strike in Iowa has been declared off, . Richards St Co., building contractors t Omaha, nave made application for a receiver to be appointed by the court. Grasshoppers are reported to be very vlentlful in Eastern Colorado, destroy- lng vegetables. ' ' Notice. -The rerulsr meeting- of the Perkins County Alliance will be held at O rant, on Saturday July Kith, at 10 a, m. All members who can ' do so are earoeatly reuqested to attend, ai Hro. Hull, State Lecturer, will meet with us, Secretaries will pleat forward reports and duea promptly. T. A.Cwomok. Blf Springs. Neb., June Si, 191. NEBRASKA NOTES. John Heath and wife of Blair were pois oned in Home mysterious manner. A physi cian and a stomach pump tared their lives. Suoplciou rested on a daughter who ran away with a circus and was re turned home by ber father, but she stren uously denies any knowledge of the crime. A circus vlnited Cbatlron. Tbe audience at night was small but enthusiastic, and growing tired of the delay iu starting the performance, opened up the show by the music ot their six-shooters. The lights were shot out and the show people fled to the police for protection. No performance was given that night. It it estimated that the Norfolk beet sugar factory will pay the farmers on an averape of 180 per acre for the crop they are now raising. Twenty thousand acres have been planted In the territory tribu tary to Norfolk., and the factory will pay out this year for beets and labor in work ing them up the sum of tam. Vm, WiUiarna of Chadron Is In Jail at Omaha for giving an Indian whisky. The Indian, Little Thunder, demanded a drink from William, who was a tender loot, and fearing the )oa of his sculp complied with the requeat. Little Thun der then Informed an offlrer, and as a re nU-Wllllame Is compelled to appear in the federal court, A ghastly discovery was mads In tie power bouse of one of l!ie elevator at Chapman Q.I opening tbe door Mr !. t Ht-ra found tbe body of a diad man. about 43 yearn of age. lying in the smith wet corner of the rouni In bl right ban J be held a revolver A little to the trft of h right eve wa a ghatly wound It u appoc4 '.bat be hot uimw'.f A year agu )en Owt-a. the bead of a family rwidtuif near Wymore, wasltlnl. toavtctedaud -tt to the penitentiary t ,t l term ot year lur an alWd crime it tare!. Heitittly t!i supreme ntr Pm vm the and rI4 thai the e. truce did not Uin the terdui. Jud A plaie uuli prowmt'iiej tbe v au I wrdrr4 that U te rH'aed trwtti tbe aetill.ittiary Ibrtecti Ptunea a brought suit ag4ib.t Mr br4r t Liatula ut w.-Urw liultfru.tii tut u Mr Pinow m lht thrutigh hu service Xr Hhwtty Url ewaned Wiaa hnag acd that the iatlttdea swt imlf his fee fur Ihe wojk dotte by bias ia the .p4 mi t. mwmt th; wunid pruv4 f ul .i Mr Kawedy, mi aUu iuter sxra. bait lre444atrapM ; : ," A ,wwry f wry pevuHat kte, m ttfea tbliet are d 1 at, , jmt b. f I aurart the aiiK uf 4 s 'isf I'm tt ra the nt rae af tba t4riv) Ww it W Its bstetkTtt a il SJMMle aw atNk,apt iv aa tlfMuf s4rtia it Tay reertt ! a a fwul tar :rih ftf fumwr aaxl talbist 14 "pet tAt-et ir4tt" nM m k rt rwHMiiaa Mure taaa ajrtiViic tl trier tub only mm STORE 1 5 I1T THE WEST a Farmer uses in S, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, fncolored Jspan Tea.-M, , . 43. SO. Wc Kasket fired Tea VMs. 10. 2Se. "Be. 3o, 49a, Young Hyson Tea - Sic, 4(ic. 4c. SOo. Endlsb Breakfast Tea je to Wo. Oolong Tea.-tfe to 4o. This I the Bneat line of tea that was ever offered la Omaha. Do not ssy to yourself that we cannot sell good tea for these prices. Bur a pound aod be convinced. If you do not like the tea we will refund the money. They are all worth two and three times the price. WASH DRESS OOOD3. Kew summer styles In Dress Gingham :-Sc, SVte.se aad We pec yard. Meat Sheeting Pnnts;-JI'4e per jo. New styles in Cballlee:-i!!4e,o. 10c. Bo. . Fancy flgured Sateen :-&o. se, lc and 15c. Pialn black eateen: So, 10c, Ke. Uo le. Sic. and Vie per yard. - Plain Fast Black Lawn In remnants. So, Se, and loo per yard. . . Plain Fast Biack India Linen. lOo, 13!c, 16c, Sue and Sc per yard. , Plain White Inula Linen, 5c, 7c, 10c, 12'4c, ISo and l'Jo per yard. Fancy Check. Stripe and lace atrlped In white or ant black lawn from 5o a yard up. An Inch wide be Batlatl, Vie per yard. New tutenrer stylet la bathing flannel, 6c. Sc and Wo per yard. Good apron checked ainiratu. So per yard. feinting price on M inch wide serges iVi yd. All color in Boyal serge, dark tbadet 8'o. Double width Beige Bulling o per yard. The largest stock of table linen. Napilot, towels and whits bed spreads Id Omaha, at treatly reduced prices. All leading- braud of muslin and double width tbeetln at leas than wholesale price In order to reduce Mock. , v , 1 Important Notice. . The date of the meeUngoftbe Lancaster Conatjr Central Coromltteeof the People's Independent party hat been obanged to Mon day July 8th In K. of L. hall, at p.m. Committeemen notice change of date. O. H ott. Chairman, FOIt HALK:-1!0 acres, ll miles from Lin coln. N acre under cultlvatlon-13.500 oath 7 per cent Interest on balance. Addrett owner care this ofllce. It. Ooeper County Farmers' Alliance. Tbe O o per County Farmers' Allianoe will hold a regular meeting Tuesday July Cist. Tbe time Is ohanged from the Wth to agree with the appointment of State Lecturer O. Hull, who withes to meet lbs member of tbe Alliance on that day. The meeting will be called to order at 10 o'olock. The reports and election of otBoert will occupy the morning so Hon. Bro. Hull will begin bit address at 1:30 p. in. It will be followed by a ditcuitlon of the living iMuet of tbe day. This meeting will be of great Interett to all member of tbe order. W. H. 8tob, Co, Secy, Women and Baseball, We are slways glsi to obronlcle a new Idoa, especially when It Is postetsed of tuc 4 great merit as that which It now presented to us In ths August number of Demorett's Family Magsilne. which has just arrived. One of tbe leading articles Is a game of baseball all played out oa paper by meant of finely exe cuted Illustrations with explicit deteriptieas of each move. Those who have attempted to explain a game of baseball tt a sitter, wife, or wife-to-be. know what an almost hopeless tatkttwat. Kow here is the whole tbirg done for you, and so cleverly and clearly that after reading It a woman will be as anxious as any one of tbe other sex to see a match, a id she will never again say, "Weill tihat Is there In baseball, anyhow t" The article will save you hours of explanation, and thowt tbe enterprise of tblt progressive magazine. which ttrlvet to give the p ibllojutt what they want. Tblt August number it certainly very attractive, and contain! over SOO fine Illustrations, including a beautlfl wator col or of "twallowt." It It published by W. Jen nings Demerett, at 15 East ltth t., New York. Price SO cents. Any of our local dealers will be glad to supply It. it The Union Party and the Parties of Dit- union. The Farmers' Alliance, south and west, did more last fall in one campaign to bring the people of those sections in to sympathy, avd to heal the breach of the war. than all the oolitic ami riit.tr.. rio of the live an d twenty years since 1803 had effected. The new-born neoule's party, while cementing the union of the people of the west and smith U to unite with them the people of the east. "Divide and ennnuar" has lwn ths ruin of thn nnlltml inaanlln. t . Ik. Interest of the money power, and hith- cnu iubj nave succeeded, oy tiieir poli cy of inciting sectional jealousies, In Dreventiuir the nwinla frnm Aottino to gether in defence of their common in- icrrsta. "Uuited we stand" is the motto of the people's party, and in Its spirit they will surely conquer. Let those who are doubtful of the quality of the new party movement bear in mind this most ob vious fact upon which we have com mented, that the people's party is the party of national uuion, whilo tbe part ies to Which It Is nnmuil llva nnl l. appeals to sectional jealousy. The pvo- pib a party win unng the union back, for good and all Xtir Xation. DEALERS IX Dry Goods, Carpets, lotto!, Shoes, Croceries, Etc. DEPARTMENT STORE JLargest Siock In the City. Tn: Odd Coontry Prxlure (butwr a4 egg) taken td exchange lr u.rt bandit. Our aiure I ke.i uattert fur tbe Urmenof LsarseterOuaty. a.tt Ce IdiN an 4 r Streeu. HI1 m CALL FOR INDEPENDENT COUN TY AND JUDICIAL CONVENTION. The independent county and judicial convention will meet in Lincoln on Sat urday, the IStb day of August, la Bo hauan's hall, at 1 a'clock p. m., for the purjtoie of placing in nomination can didates fcr three district judges for tbo third judicial district; county treas urer, sheriff, clerk of tbe district court, county clerk, county superintendent of public schools, county commissioner, coroner, surveyor, county Judge; to se lect delegates to the statu convention, choose a county central committee, and transact such other business as may properly come before tne convention. Toe number of delegates from each ward of the city of Lincoln, and pre cinct of the county shall be as follows: First ward Second ward , Third ward Fourth ward Fifta ward Hxta ward Seventh ward 0 A 11 10 V 0 0 9 Little Salt prec't Mill . Nemaha " North Bluff " Oak Olive Branch " Panama " Hock Creek ' Saltillo South Pass " Stevens Creek Stockton : " W'averl7 " Wes: Oak " Yankee Hill " West Lincoln" Buda precinct Centerville prec't 8 Denton Elk tirant (iariield Highland , " Lancaster " Middle Creek" No proxies will be allowed, but tbe delegates ptesent will cast the full vote of the delegation. Primary elections for delegates to the county convention shall be held on Thursday, Aug. 13th, at such time and place as tbe eommit teeman from each ward or precinct shall designate. In tbe country the polls must be kept open at least two nours. In cities of the first and second class the new election law require that the polls shall be opened at 13 o'clock noon and closed at 7 o elicit p. m. stan dard time. Such call from the precinct committeeman should be issued at least two weeks before the primary, 1.' not so made tbe chairman of toe county central committee mar designate time and place for noldlng tne primary. In case of challenge at any primary election to be held in this county of the People's independent party, the judges of said election shall require tbe party desiring to vote to answer the following questions under oath; 1. Do you Intend to vote fur tbe nom inees of the convent! tn, delegates to which are being voted for at this pri mary election. a 2. Are ycu now a member of or do von inteud to affiliate with the people's independent party of Nebraska. In addition to tbe absve the voter shall be required to sign tbe declara tion of principles upon which tbe call for tbe state convention of 1-UO was made. O. HtXL, t'h'n Co. Cen. Com. J.A-McNab, Sec'y Co. Cen. Com. Notice of Examination for Appointment to Military Academy. On Friday the 31st day of July, 1891, an examination of candidates for ap pointment as cadet of the United States Military Academy will be held In Broken Bow, Neb., at the honr of 10 o'clock a. m. All candidates must be residents of the Third Congressional District. The one passing the best general examina tion will be nominated as cadet, the next best as Alternate. Successful can didate will bear expenses of examina tion, and will have until Jane, 18'J2, to prepare for final examination before entering Academy. O. M. Kf.m, M. C. , Old Settlers' Picnic. . On account of rain, the old settlers picnic for Lancaster county was post poned to Wednesday the 23d inst. at Cushman Park. Hon. L.C. Pace will give an address, followed by several other speakers. Let tbero be a good turn out. Everybody can afford to give one day with the early history of the county. By order of executive committee. H. VV. Habdy, Secretary. Labor Day Notice. There will be a meeting of the com mittee of arrangements for L&w Day on the 17th at 8 p. m. inK. of L. Hall. Would like a report of all sub-commit- tees. J. y. M. Swigabt, Chairmen committee. Railroad Pssses and Politica. The spell of a corporation over the minds of public men is a mystery not yet fully comprehended. The favor of a railroad pleases men of a certain grade, just as the smile of a prince might please a lackey. It is very difficult for Americans to appreciate such an un manly weakness. Gov. Tillman, the former governor of South Carolina, is a case iu point. Tho aouse of railroad passes was one of his favorite topics when a private citizen. After his dec tion the Richmond & Danville road sent him a pass. Ills tatter of acknowledge, ment could not fail to Interest any psy chologist in the land, and Is quite sure to be poudored deeply by the governors constituents, luluiau savs: "My tit st impulse was to return lt.be cause in tbe past I have criticised mum bers oi the legislature lor accepting free passes, aud I do not care to be placed in a false position. Hat, after thinking over tne matter, 1 nave decided to ao cept It iu the spirit in which I am sure ycu offered it; because you know me loo wen to suppose lor au instant i could be lulluem-ed by so small a thing. 1 do not want to appear churlish or pleayunUh by mUtaking courtesy for a 01 tiMi. 1 will therefore keep il aud use it a occasion ouers. This letter will fall with a "dull thud upou many a hi have followed I iilmati's short carrer. in rose suddenly from the rank. ed led a successful assault upon an ancient political ring, lie may kuow the (litfereuce betweeo courtesy aud a UiU, but he compromised his position aot bis etituluistraUuti when he at'c-pttd the btiim with the tpr protUo that he was not to give a fnki Iu the natural tmlrr of things, the Ihk toes o trntMriatla will be con ducted ly the public. When that nh time come coieraore wl.l am be called upua la S'.rike a baltnce sheet between persons) grel and public duty, a (io , Vl.linaa has dm. A rsllft' to a pti)Ui! fiiueiluuery I u.i only a ltl,.e, but It t a Its upua ike reel el ths pub l.c We nut ad I. lufideaially.tast the ee pua.ee of rlifoad pae U very b.4 pIU!c ",V sawi.iijiasiiiim sta- seai iwinsjmj,eei Fes Sale atMurol ftn (4 u , miM east .f ?wi, betee- a, f . a. a.tiaef. Ttu. f4, aeiVHaes' loe parties ai app., mer( 4 f aaw a. Btsptti, fmiabe-sj Keb. J.!. CASE !.. . Hi3 L s- I Center CrsOnk Stationary and Traction Engines. Oend for Catalogue. QUA. STATES General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, 17cb. Appointments of State Lecturer. , Bro. O.Hull. State Lecturer, sends notice of tbe following appointment. OSoers of County Alliance are urged to arrange their county meeting to correspond with tbete dates, All members who can are requstted to be present; Fillmore County July 4. Clay - is. Adams Kearney Pbelp Gosper ' Frontier South Lincoln Perkins Chase Hayes Hitchcock Red Willow Furnas Harlan Franklin Webster Nuckolls Thayer " 17. " W. . 4 tij " 23. " 84. " t5. " S7. ' " 29. " 31. August 3. - 4. M 5. " . " 7. " 8. " 10. County Secretaries will notify me at onoe where mooting will beheld in the various counties. O. Hull, Greenwood, Neb. Tbe following offlsert were elected, at the meeting of the Lancaster County Alliance: Pre. O. Hull. Greenwood: Vlce-Pret. J. V. Wolfe, Lincoln: Sec. W. W. Kerlln, Baymond; Treat. J. MoNabb, Lincoln; Lecturer T. B. MsBride, Lincoln. Tbe Allianoe decided to celebrate Labor Day In connection with tbe varlout labor organization! of Lincoln. Etcb Alliance should appoint a committee to make arranvmenta. Go to work and make this celebration a success. The next rerular meeting of the Alliance will be beld In K. of L. naif on O street between tenth and eleventh ttreett, at one p. m., Aug. 1. W. W. KEKLIX, SCO. , i ' Notice. Banner County Alliance will hold ltt next regular meeting at tbe court house In Harris burg, on July 17th and 18th. We give two days ss there It but! nett of Importance that will occupy considerable time. Let every delegate be prompt In attendance. E. M. Whiti, See. Wm. Lowma, Pres. Prompt 8ervice Assured. The Sullivan Transfer Co. is prepared to do sll klndt of light and heavy draylng. pi ano moving, etc. Household good and fur niture handled with tafety by experienced workmen. Make arrangments for having your good delivered at ttate fair groundt early and avoid the ruth of fair week. Office corner 11th and O under State National Bank. Telephone lit it , CL'LLIVAH THAKIFKB CO, A New Premium. Mr. Marlon Todd's latest work, entitled, "Pizarro and Jobn Sherman." should be ia every Alliance library, and read by every member. Price, 25 cents per oopy by mall. We will send The Kakmkrd' ai.i.iancb one year and thin book for only 11 ii, or will sead postpaid on receipt of price. Leese& Stewart, 331 S. 11th St. Notice to Contractors. The following brldir, were ordered ad vertised by tbe county commissioners of iHrnas county: Cambridge. Bridge across Hepubllcan river, six span, sixty icet combination, with approaches. Said bridge to be bunt aoconKntr to plans and specifications la tbe clerks olllce at Heaver City, Neb. Malone. bridge across Sapoar creek 48 foot span, Iron. 14 foot roadway, 3 Inch hard pine noorlnv. approaches at each end. Neaied bids recived on both combination andiron. All bids must bo accompanied by good and sufficient bond aud Bind In tbe county clerk's olllce of ld county on or be fore noon of July S. Mm. Commissioner reserve tbe rlsht to rejeot any and ail bids. Paid letting takes place at tbe above named place July r. m. J. w. Omstkii. June H, iml. County Clerk. THE AULTMAN & TAYLOR COMPANY. JLJULJu JDJCiol ID 10TH STREET NEAR HARNEY. THRESHING MACHINE CO. WESTERN :-: MANUFACTURING :-: CO. M D. WELCH. SecTreasurer LlNCOLN, NEBRASKA, Special Inside Prices and Liber al Terms to Allianoes. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY rn qiiv conn tv ww i rnvm . US " j r ,r .Mx i Z - it 'i! n o o o i) o n n n o ii ii o No better Mower or Hay Bake in use than the above. Both are warranto! to be well made of good material, and capable of doing as good work as any other Mower or rake la tbe world. Write us for particulars. ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 O O O O Q O 1)1) OQ II o o o o o o o o WESTERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LINCOLN, NEB. fa V I V' 4 ,4 Call aud see me visitors welcome. OHEAtE ST w mWms,ts(ae sPtspstHI ammmwfl srBtw' )MMfe F. L. LOOUIS, Wootorn Ilonagor, Omaha, Neb. Vf T'stV r ,:.., i n uj THE CAPITAL MOWER. THE UNION RAKE. O. O. HEFNER, IMPORTER SfflRE AND HACKNEY HORSES. THE LARGEST IMPORTER IN THE WEST. Stock Companies can Purchase Horses Absolutely on their own time. Every horse imported registered, and guaranteed a sure foal getter. I buy the best and do not handle culls. Nor do I have a partner to sit in the corner and grin and take half the pretits. I give my customers the benefit of small proiits and first clas stock THE BEST CLASS BUYERS BUY FROM MY ESTABLISHMENT. No horses peddled. Dont run a lottery, nor drop a nickel in the slot and see what 42tf O. O. i t. :-:? 'If- j,a ,im r.. t IMI OF HEFNER. Importer, Lincoln, Nebraska. 53 GO tr-' white ron CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. i 1 i"