TJ1EFAKMEIS5' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB. THUKSDA Y, JULY 10. 1891. LABOR NOTES. Br iuD H. B ffi-iw. Secretary ef the State Atmb j, Ka.ttXM of labor. Dakota ccunty i organnitg lor tie light and mean business, too. A lirm nartw of Sioux City Knights 0-, rf - - came across the Missouri to attend toe ; organization of a local assembly at bouth bioax Citj, on .W edneeday of last week. - Evidence still multiplies that the con dition cl the town and city laborer is worse than at any time lor the past 23 ears. There is not a town or city in Nebraska that can furnish its own la borers with work sufficient to purchase the bare necessities of life. Certain cappers of Norfolk connected with the beet -a ugar fiasco are bending every energy to the destruction of the Knights of Labor organization in that TI.AV L.v. a nnu.uil a r m that the third local assembly of the or der was instituted this week with a Urge membership. The Knights of Labor of Long Pine joined with the Alliance of that vicini ty in the largest Independence day celebration ever held in this part of the state. It waa estimated that 8000 peo ple were In attendance. The scene of the celebration waa a beautiful little prove situated near the new bridge across the Niobrara. Merchants of Norfolk are complain ing of the policy of the sugar beet men in importing laborers instead of hiring those who live in their city. They claim that if home laborers were employed the money ex peoded would be spent in their stores, while those who come froa other towns carry it away with them. , . -.- Tli aejMaiAA snii ! nnt ret f hrnnoh with its series of falsehoods concerning the Knigbts of Labor of Norfolk and the Indian boys which were hired to weed sugar beefs. The reports thus far sent out are absolutely without a vestige of truth. Never have the Knigbts protested against the hiring of the Indian boys as aliens, but they did protest, and earnestly too, against Su perintendent Hack us' charges to come into Norfolk, displace home labor, and ; force down the price of weeding beets from ll.SO to ?6cts and 11.00 per day. Their protest wss backed, too, by the best citizens of Norfolk and the best sugar men yielded to the pressure. The Idea that Lucie 8am should support a half hundred Indian bojs and then send tbem into the labor market for the sole purpose of forcing down the scale of wages seems to have been a pet scheme of the Oxnards and the rest of the sugar leeches, but Knighthood stepped iu and maintained the dignity of labor. And yet the public is toldtbat the position of the knigbts was not sus tained, by public sentiment, and ac cordingly they backed down. This is but another sample of the base purposes to which the associated press has tor years been catering.. , Timely Texts for Fearless Pulpits. "Hear this, O ye that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail." Amos, 8:4. "No extortioner shall inherit the kinadom of God." I. Cor. 6:10. "He that oppresseth the poor re proarbetn his Maker." Prov. 13 31. "Thou shalt not covet.'V-Exodus 20:17; Dent. 0:21. - .' "VViioeo steppetb his ears at the cry of the poor; he also shall cry himself and shall not be beard." (Addressed to ministers and churches). Prov. 21:13. "Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousncss to bis house, that be may set his nest on high, that he may be de livered from the power of evil!" Hab. akkuk2:t. "Is not this the fast that I have cho sen r to loosen the bands of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yokef Isaiah 58:6. , "He that oppresseth the poor to in crease his riches shall surely come to want."-Prov. 22:10. N. H. B. Peoria, July 2. Resolutions. ( Resolutions passed by Lancaster Co. Farmers' Alliance in cession July 10th, 1811. 1st. The industrial system of a na tion as well as its political system ought to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. 2nd. When in the course of business k consolidations in the form of trusts or 'urivate avnaicateg. it Decomes eviueui ' that any branch of commerce is ued fnr tha liphnnf and nrntit of a few men at the expense of the general public, we believe that the people should as Btime charge of such commerce through their national, state or municipal ad ministrations. 3rd. ,'tsolvfd, That the Lancaster Farmers' Alliance hereby request the Fakmeks' Alliance and the Indeptnatnt of Lincoln to publish resolutions one and two. and request all the Subordi nate Alliances, Knigbts of Labor and Citizens' Alliance assemblies of the state to take action as soon as possible upon said resolutions adopted by this Alliance, and also request all the re form papers of the state to publish the same, calling the attention of the peo ple to instant anion. V. W. Kerlik, 8ec'y Lancaster Co. Alliance. Another Bright Latter From Our Ohio Correspondent. i , Midhlktowk, Ohio. July , I'M. r'.Mrtift Fa hu tits' Aliiakce lfr Sir; Believing that, good news is al ways arcpptable, and (hat the member if the people's party in the wt are In lorentiti In the progrets and sureties of their brother of tha aM. I write to say the prmj'tru for success la Kentucky re axcepUtivallv get. The election tftktf plate August 3, and It rult will to a groat Mnt eCset tha Ohlot!e lion this tall, so that the National Com utile is dt!ig vr)talBg in Ita power lo a d our lnviher In th (44 rreuiuoa. wealth, Incwirg that if Ksatm-ky speak cut la a loud voice, that Ohio will do the in. Hundred prkr are going Into Kmtu'.y l th Ik tr dtrla, and la veii.a'ga w:U Us the M t em fuutfUt tttr. II ftvpi t patty UU rga'd last, , I bat a !ii4;4 .UmUivl Ur - a the pern W. W. fciw'a. it m ftr )ar iaaapl.4 t tbe i 1 I psvpj if!.:at it. pluUHirau. aid ke tsatild UiiesU! gvitrtvr, wi N Jaivct'v' n. t . I the ktftl ItHflof iu u rraaiUit. while the republican candidate simply a bluff, for they are not on tte map this 1 an ccecdent the peop.e's party wul poll from 50,000 to 100.000 vote in Ken tacky text month, and it is more likely to be 100,000 than 50.000. It is exasper ating to the old fire eating politician to see exiederal and ex-confederate clasp inghands in old Kentncky, butthe magic elbow touch of the farmers and working men is kindling a lire of brotherly good feeling that is melting away the moun tains of prejudice and ignorance, that have kept them apart, and prevented them from securing the product of tneir labor. The county conventions of the people s party have been very largely attended, and straws serve to now how the wind blows. Of conne the capitalistic press endeav ors to belittle the movement, and moan' tain are made of mole hills, bnt they are beginning to realize the truth. The Cincinnati Commercial Gaiette, in an editorial, saystne Alliance bids fair to break up the solid south, at an early date, and says the republican party could have doue the same thing if it bad not been hoodooed by the colored man, so you see they begin to realize that their day has gone by. The capatalistic pre concede us 50,000 votes In Ohio, and 20, 000 in Kentucky; so if you multiply tnose figures oy you win arrive ai a probable vote. The people' party has not yet played Ita hand In either state, and there is no telling what the result miy be, you remember bow it was in Nebraska, last fall. You can count on the following state ments as being forgone conclusions. I. E.: That John Sherman will not be re turned to the house of lords, that Mc- Kinlev will not be elected governor of Ohio, that the people's tarty will secure a strong foothold in the state legislature of both Ohio aud Kentucky, and that both states will be in tne people s col umn, in 1W. When the tide rises high enough, the drift wood flows along, so it win oe witn tne peopie party, some will bold back until others have made the first fight, and then when it becomes a cower and public opinion drift in its favor, will go into it with a rush, so western moo, wnen you meet in con vention in the future, beware of these late comers, and select men who went in and made the tight when it cost some thing to stand up and say that you were men and were there to plant yourselves in the way cf legalized robbery, and corporate wrong. Alo remember the lesson of the greenback party, that is stick to your convictions, an analysis of the green back vote shows that those who went into it at the first did not stick, and that the vote the following years was cast by new recruits to its laitn, ana mat nau all stunk together, the country would not now be in the condition it is in. bo see to it that you elect Mr.Edgertoo, or whoever your candidate for supreme judge may be in Nebraska, by a rousing majority over an parties, anu ujiuuj ing discredit the lies in the capitalistic press to tne enect mat tne wensrn states have repudiated the movement. Once more I say stand lirm, frr the day or reckoning is at nana, me ground has slipped out from under the feet ot;t be plutocrats, and from the present outlook tbey need not trouble themselves about the billionaire, for it looks a little bit as though he would not arrive. Your Respectfully, E. F. Leavekwokth. Practical Nationalism. New England Magazine; Socialism is asserting itself in all sorts cf war in this time, however men may quarrel over tbe word the principle, that is, of public management of what concerns tbe public good. Twenty years ago people would have laughed at free fer ries. It is a poor creature that will let us pay Li fares, they would have thought. Today all sensible people see plainly enough that a ferry boat is only a moving bridge and toll bridge are pretty generally recognized as belong ing to the dark ages. This ,wa recog nized of the tollgate on the turnpiko be fore it was recognized of the bridge, and tbe public took into its own con trol what was so clearly a public mat ter as the roads. To day, most people are beginning to see that a road is not less a road because built of iron instead of dirt, and beginning to see that in the now order of things most men use the iron one much more than tbe dirt one. Tbe railroad has become one of the ne cessary public conveniences and instru ments, as truly as tbe city street or the country road. Who can doubt that its history will run the same course as that of the turnpike and the bridge, and that we hhall look back to our present system of letting roads bo ruu by pri vate men for private gain, instead of by the public for the public conven ience, as belonging to tbe dark ages of railroad history, as we now look back to the toll-gate? Who cau doubt that we shall very soon look back with wonder and with mirh at sober argu ment in legislatures against giving a city the right to light its own streets? Most men laugh and wonder now when told that ferty or tifty years ago people fought as earnestly against the estab lishment cf publu waterworks, the laying of an aqueduct at public cost, for the public good, to Lake Cjchituate or elsewhere. What right to inteferere with ns who make money by supplying people with water from our own pond tbey asked; what right to endanger in this way our vested interest? N hy do most men laugh nud wonder at this? Kecaute It wa yesterday, and not to day, and mot men require dUtance to tee tbe ridlculou. Th Qlonou Fourth. We have toveval excellent accounts cf celebration in many pan of the it ate but they were all to late for our last Usue, and a our prewut paper i forlbewrtk ending July 1Mb, the re port art too old for this number. Mr. C. A. Patrick send a report ef the :h at Hebron, Mr. W. ft. S.ovkroil of that of Lng PUre aad Spring lew; our Custer rorrioiidnt tf ihu at Clla way, Jeffoitl. .ee Park, aud Brows lire, II 8. Keller ct that at Warren Urovo, Cuming county i (J. W, Pain of thai at mlra (irvre, ( lay euo tyt Mr (2. B Weil tf that at WlHiam tiro, aeat IU tr, a4 Brother. toyd itiuU an account tf th cvlebratlua at Broattifut. Th, tado.hcf a.couut rctt4 woa'4 more tb tilt a pft of TlltAUUMtl, 19f were ail Kf.,l and (Mimnt thtia. fJUaee )Utti'fte att ifeat t'tewY MWir tHKiwM i wit t 'Ml M at b tM4 Ui an nt 'i-k!tf fu la 1U Wtt vl I'vuvnt SCII.NCE AXD TECGBESS WHAT THE INVENTIVE MIND IS DOINQ FOR HUMANITY. A Novel Burglar Alarm System pQrtelectrlo 8ytm ef Trana ., portatton Motet and Dry Heat and Cold How a Toad Changse Ita Skin. ' . A Novel Burglar Alarm Syatem. Electricity is so mercilessly pressing the burglar that it look as if bewoufd aoon be driven out of busmese. lkors and windows are now rendered aa sen sitive as electric . batterie can make them, and two method have been de vised to prevent a pane of glasa being cut out and an entrance made without moving tbe window sash. One is to sink door spring into the floor un der the carpet directly in front of tbe window, and at niht to place a rhairsothat one leg stands on the projecting brass rod, forcing it down and keeping the alarm circuit open un til some on movea the cna,ir, wlucn it would be impossible not to do in climbing through tne windows. An other, and a very effective way, is to lay a piece of burglar-alarm nintting under tne carp ?t in tront of any win dow to be protected. Burglar-alarm matting consists of tlun strips ol wool and springs, so arrcnged that any pressure on them clocet the circuit. These mats can be flaced on the stairs or Mattered about the house, and as the carpet cover them and titer is not means of detecting their pretence it is nearly an impressi bility for anyone to move about the liotme without ringing the alarm, even if be could uitinage to effect an en trance. The latest alnrm system makes these varioua devices active or inoperative by the simple prewure of a button. This ojierates a drop that closes the necestary circuits for put ting the whole ty&tem of alarms in working order for the niht. After this lins been done no one can enter the building, even if the wires leading to the door and window springs are in full sight. There is W a silent alarm connected to the police station, but ehould this circuit become broken or cut an audible alarm on the out side of tfie building still insures pro tection. Tli is alarm is so arranged that it will ring if tampered with from the outiiide. Verily, the cracksman hath fallen on evil days. Th Portelectrlo Eystem of Trans portation. Much significance at todies to the recent trials of the portelectric mode of rapid freight transmission. This is an electric automatic sys tem specially designed for carry ing on and maintaining communi cation between cities for the trans mission of mail and express matter at high rate of spend, probably at about 160 milesan hour. Prof. Dolbear's in vestigations show that the system is thoroughly practicable and reliable, both as regards speed and steady work. The actual cost of the electric power required to propel the carrier at this rate is not more than 5 cents tier horse power an hour, including cost of attendance at stations. The mere cost of power for 'Propelling a carrier from lioston to ew York would, t herefore, not exceed 75 cents per trip. Excessive estimates of the cost of a doubfe-trock line, ' making libera) allowance for all contingencies, do not exceed $33,000 per mile, or about $7,000,000 for a line between Boston and New York. The track consists of an upper and a lower rail fastened by countersunk screws to strincers. The carrier is a hollow cylindrical projectile of wrought iron with pointed ends. It is tea feet in diameter and has an extreme length of twelve feet. It weighs obotit 500 pounds, and contains, my, 10,000 letters, weighing about 175 pounds. It is provided with too flanged wheels above and two underneath, all of which, being fitted with ball bearings, revolve with very slinht friction. The propelling power is derived from series of hollow coils of wire of great strength, each of which encircles the truck and carrier. A contact wheel mounted on the carrier and running in contact with the upper track rail (which is divided into sections and ultilized as an electric conductor) con nects the several coils in succession with the source of eleetric.ty as the carrier moves forward on the track. Moist and Dry Heat and Cold. A series of experiments has been lately niadoby Herr Kubner Archivfur Hy giene, with regard to the familiar fact that not only dry high temperatures are more easily borne than moist, but dry cold causes much less discom fort than inoit cold. Docs, fasting or fed, being observed in an air-calorimeter, it appeared that, in all caes, moist air increased the loss of heat by conduction and radiation. For every variation of air-moisture 1 jer cent heat was parted with to the ex tent of 0.82 per cent. In a previous investigation Kerr Kubner demonstra ed the lessened yield of water bv evap oration from aninmlx whero tlm air moisture is IncreaiM.'d. involving le- ned loe of heat. Here, then, are two antagonistic influence. He is disposed to ri-grml the increased radia tion and conduct ion in moist air as the primary action, end the diminish ed evaporation us smoudary. The colder (ling of moist cold than dry is readily explained by th liu leaned heat iHilifttion. In nioit, beat, with the fuse of oppression it brings, this factor pit.vs rstlur into the luk ground. The degree of tenimraturc, itlid sortie other i'ithleiit, of fuiuis nature, nl.o anVct the amount of mlnttion. How a Toad Change Ita Bum. It is instructive to watch' lbs pro ws by mean of whWh a toad thanks Its skin, an .()', out, I upp with all the butra. l t.v Fvutiitf one of its hind let, in ' mouth, the is oikd hi. ksrtid and forward until the Ln U tntirvly jvU lt; and ti.a li hicthod Is UMhl lo ft thr iiKMinnjt W, In d imir ti e nut ' tlm frwni, th sfruftiie i..f lb toad, mnl-u KauMutf u. old l tdvruu tvt Ut is a ttt irat I n Hi.n l be iuhUi r lh b Tt. tl ks I tf Uii, I trunk; tor I: ! .k (rH'Mttt w . lid (runt U s iivith. A'ur tu,itfc ltult( i, . moisture exudingfromtherit'r c! the i.ew .1. in wria-n is iirurr in raior in tool Kfks the refreshment of a bath, as if exhausted by the operation. The direct caui-e for tl.e transaction is the formation of minute hair between the layers of tlie efidemiis, which clusters of bnira ere said to develop ultimately, when they have accom pli bed the object, into warts or excrescences on the surface of bat rachian bodies. Three years running I have watched the same toad trans form himself, each time in the month of .March. From certain apt-flranc?s I learned to know beforehand when the change was imminent. The creature looked ill and listless, refused the choicest insect food, and became more dingy in color. . Then I knew w hat was at hand. By a Naturalist. Why Snow la White, The pure white luster of snow Is due to tbe fact that all the elementary colors of light are blended together in the radiance that is thrown off from the surface of the crystid. It is quite possible to examine the individual snow crystals in such a way ns to de tect the several colors before they are mingled together to constitute the compound impression of whiteness upon the eye. The snow is then clothed with all the varied hues of the rainbow. The soft whitene of the now is also in some degre referable to the large quantity c) airVuh is entangled amid the the frozen parti cles. 8now is composed of a great number of minute crystals. More than a thousand distinct forms of snow crystals have been enumerat ed by various observers. One hun dred and fifty-one were not iced during eight days in February and March, 1(55, by Mr. Glashier, w hich were carefully drawn, engraved and printed in a paper attached to the report of the Uritish Meteorological Society for that year. These minute crystal and prion reflect nil the compound rays of which white lights consist. Sheets of snow on the ground are known to reflect beautiful pii-k and blui-tints under certain angles Mf sunsiiine, and to tling back so much li(iht as to be nainful to the eyes by day, and to guide the traveler, in the absence of moonshine, by night. An Objection to Electric Roads, From one or two New England towns comes a quamt objection to tlie over head tr Alley electric road that is now so prominent a feature in city life throughout the country. It appears that the roads have recently won un popularity because they interfere with circus parades. As the circuses visit these towns about once or twice a year, while the electric roads are "in evidence" and in service all the time, it will probably strike some of the lo cal conservatives who have been ac customed to circus xarades from their youth up, as desirable that the ueof electricity for purposes of locomotion should be abandoned. The parallel to those odd complaints is to be found perhaps in China, where steam rail road have been given up under the pressure of a sentiment that regarded them as impious, and where the tele graph is viewed with much dislike and suspicion. It is strange how these in novations arouse the hatred or oppo sition of j)eople who prefer the bod old ways. Lven Prince Bismarck has been heard to condemn .the telegraph because it no longer allowed dinloui mocy to be unctuous and deceitful. Railway Car Heating by Electricity. It is reassuring to know that the "deadly car stove," winch lias played such a ghastly part in hundreds of tradgedies, will soon be no more seen in its place in the railway car. An admirable system of electric heating forcars has been invented, which is so cheap and easily operated that its universal adoption is simply u matter of time. The railway company on whose road this system has been test ed by a course of practical work speak of it in the highest terms, and the traveling public is not jess gratified at the comfort and safety which is now assured. After thesad exnerience of the dirty and gaseous condition of the average coal-heated car, the abso lute cleaniness aud absence of odors, together with the even temperature of a car electrically heated, is a revela tion in modern car heating. Increasing the Efficiency and Econ omy of Coal. A new chemical compound has been applied with success to coal and other combustible substances. The objects gained by this treatment ere increase in heat, economy of time and find, con sumption of smoke, prevention of soot, and a material reduction in tlie quant ity of ashes. The saving in coal is said to be from 25 to JM jier cent. It is further claimed that by usingthi compound on bituminous coal from 80 to HO per cent, of thj smoke is con sumed, and that ail tho obnoxious gusts are destroyed. To Test a Diamond. A simple way of test ing a diamond It doesn't require an expert to tell whether a diamond is genuine or not. The test is veiy simple, aud can be made in any place, anu in a moment. All you need i pi ol pnpi-r and a lean imneil. With the hitter make a small dot on ti e paper; then look at it through the diamond. If you can see bntj one dot. you can dend tijmii , it that the stone is ceiiiiine; but il tl.e m.nk is scat i en-1, or MhomnreS than o you will I perfectly tut j tlutt It I a lud one.- 1 ;.e r.urtkn. f c:entifio Not , j 1'i.tmuud iin-on'JTul.!ij.uriiituio have btvu discovered in iw north f l-'tpbiul, I l IVnmriik the lift- navIng tiiii j ;ti sli mipplir ) null oil for ttiUiiijjths wnv in storm. j Iwtll ill! nlj ewt tl. h'l. atd th-io Htr the U Imr ol Imirtn u i iv t ore. To prevent tlrevtipr.ioniif water in lire prtsU it ha been vis!ed tht 1,1 to 'ti dici if wit! Iiriu io..t- liigsHiiK'ict.t taibute tf.e d.tlicuity. TL of n'iH-, In pr. I-H St Jlniif.ll lit. 1U H'Ied lu;iy on hif, and li'l, fwtlk' l ; 1,4V ! ii il luted. l,w h in atiitidl to tli iilry lv and ioitiiH-'rl th tt. y..rtintrtue. t 4t tl sfttMit -;" t-d i.iH :ipt alarm t tl.e mfl THE PERKINS WIND MIL 10 CCUBT A FACT TIIE PERKINS la tha UnhtMt Xtuhf Wted MUI M UUutm, BUT ITI TRY IT I Aftwr SI rear ef succ la lb Bantitav lrof Wind MU.S, we h lately iswlc a compel in our mill. a.i parts twins butit irotirr and better and a eit iutrimi.t busblnff placed la all boxea to tbe urch ! from cllmbinf bivh low ere to ol Jit, Ta nm prlncipei of et-.f fov- rn ln f a! ned. ixrrj ban of tb Mill, fill y 4KKASIID, and U run without ma Inr now. Tba reputation yateod t.y tbe PerkiM Mi! In tbe pun baslodueod aom unaorufiuiou penoneioluiitate tbf mill and eeea to Uke our 4i and apply It to an Inferior mill Be inn ofieiTM. none penutn unirea stamped a be.ow, We manufartur tiota pumplof and v-ared mills, tanks pump etc.. and rn era! Wind Mill tuppile. Oo4 Afeou wasv eu. reno roroata:rur and pure. 414a ftHKlNb, HTSO Mil L AX lit.. MuUwaa,liid. Mtotioa rAamas' Aluakcu. BAftDER It FOWLER, Onltasebts for the Standard rerklnaMlt. rnarrupukius partlr are cialmlnt to binil.e tor manaam rersis out nave ooiyau not tatloa of tbe Her kit mill, hre ttarlxr rwier. a, aorta ID tU Lincoln. Neb. American Live Stock COMMISSION CO. Boem 34 Exchange tulldlnf, IS CO-OPERATIVE AND BELLI Alliance - Stock. CONSIGN TO ALLEN ROOT, . 19tf Care of A.L.S.CO., SOUTH, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. It Will Prevent Hog Cholera. THE Western Stock Food I tt tTMtest discover ef tk ae for lirs.1, Citlli, Sktip. Rspul Pealtry. It Is a natural remedy and arerentatlea mi fll diseate ef lb b.ood and die eet1e oreane. t scufreelr on tbe ller and kldari teadi to ton (be whole olnel mua and 1 urcersTtstatSTs cf Bf tkviiera. 1 lb., tHib s lib. tea si aw, sua. and rwpwa- nuiaciurea ooiw dj WBITIRjr STOCK WOOD COaTPAKT, BlooniAeld, Iowa. Tbe Zewa Staa 74 Oeeker. Tbe moet practical, moel convenient, moat economl ral. and In trerywr tb ptei pi bam rtKUiWK EK MAUI. A fiance at the ronttructlen of it I nourb to oonrlnce ant nan that It la far superior tlve circular and pHcat appljr to Mastib io but orner. For aMmn. bT4M FMio Cetiasa f 4 Owaba. deb. tut J. n. ROBINSON KENESAW, ADAMS CO., NEB. Breeder and 6ln pr or recoraee to land China boea. Choice brtodlDf kki ior aaie. I Wnti fr.r wanta Mention Aluabcb. J. THORP 00 Maaafaatarar f Rabbet Stamp, Scab Stencil, Bug a mo EafgagcCbecka ..f CeserlstleB. m ribUbd M wa iu, ii. umiv. Hi' eneUtlnc New. A Neceasfty te Maay, Utcftil te AIL Smith's dlagTam to parliamentary roles, showing tbe relation of any mo tion to every other motion, and answer log at a glance over 600 questieni ia parliamentary practice; together with a key containing concise hints and direc tion for conducting the business of de liberative assemblies. A work designed for students, teach ers, professional men, aU who may be called upon to preside over business meetings, all who ever have occasion to take part in business proceedings, and all who may wish to Inform themselves on the Important subject of parliamen tary rules. The lubject is here pre sented under an entirely new arrang rnent, by which a great amount of in formation is presented to the eye at once, in a marvelously condensed form. By an Ingeniously devised system of di verging and converging lines, all the rules applying to any given motion, and all tne motions coming under any ?;iven rule are presented at one view, acllitating immensely the acquisition of a general knowledge of this subject, and furnishing to a chairman instant Information on any point upon which doubts may arise. It is to the study of parliamentary practice what a map is to the study of geography. hear in mind that every member of a deliberative assembly should under stand parliamentary rules as well as the chairman, to avoid tbe mortification of moving out of order. Size of ditigsam, 12, by S Inches printed on tmnd paper. A key is ap pended to the diagram, containing full explanations, bints, and directions for combining deliberative proceedlnra, printed on floe calendered paper, with ornamental colored border. The whole fut up In neat muslin cover, emboinaed n Ji t and gold, convenient and dnrabla for pocket use, 1'iioe, by mail, post-paid, 60. The above book and r aiiiiks' Alluncb one year, ... 60. Aildress, Aluamci Pta. Co., MM Lincoln, Neks wi rnh ( lijlslitlei lipitiit PolitlcilCtrnptloiEipiii.t Rillrul KeBlr Eijimi! Tiiitliiii. Tariff Ejpusil CtelCiiltil EiPl.i.1 THi TrtlUrieS nut EimiH Buttfti OtflttpslilcEXfOSEpi MTEVIRYBODY HEAD, READ, READ 001 HEFUBLICAJ OIUCIT, By VKNIER VOLIX), AMD HI lrflHMKO At T Tflff KOISTROUS K0B8EIT CF THE PEOPli l'.M)Cat)V:K Of uw, aaTnieh) tk Berartlia a,mkeal aav t. alike , it xt e mum4 bi4 read kMS.a , tuia fr-Wa wt .l mm bav,tbee w r4 Seivk,l. MM'tXchl.4 to Wl V atb,i. aiaia ml lb avtinr , . ! WMutt evftdUlvus tlll ia te I tiled Ha-.e vau j aa tk ei ' , tk veare mt ate. SMllt iii, S Cr Hiaat A.i.aa faasae iuuaav ef t iS a, rmrsT aTt-SNii. Oe ea ta aVAAAAlVd M a 4 is be t i,a 'am 1(?HURCH fiOWE & ON WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM HOWE, NEBRASKA. -$iatancjfcj flred Trotting; Stock. Jiome of the Stallions, 1 CTIITTHOTtN, BARTON C. THORN PRINCE, 44jm STANDARD BHD MAM AND STALUONS fOR 8Al. BEConiH end rwaHsaf Im bat ta wetabi. aoeta fov CTJjin ?5Elf 4wO JeAaaXaa aw0 O1A0 0SaVwef fuV, i Mra-iiv.ti" AIL. am a,caJ242iitriac,2, POIIERENE' - ..t'ltf Iff tee, I l ' 'a CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK. LINCOLN, - CAPITAL, : : : C, W. MOSHER, President. 11. J. WALSH, Vice-President. K. C. OUTCALT. Cashier. J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier. PIBECTORfl. W. W. HOLMES. K. C. PHILLIPS. D. E. THOMSION. E. P. HAMEK. A. P. 8. STUART. ACCOLHTS SOLICITKB. iTI7T?l)C1 IJNDELL i-1 . ... I iUi VAV It ft ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS. CORNER 13TH AND II BTS., LINCOLN, NEB, Three MixV frtnn lapitet bul'.dlrf. Lincoln newest, ncateit and best up town htttl Ktghty in-w 1 w ill just ruuipluted, ladiutinf larre tMtiitiiitte roouis, Niaklnr HI rms Is all tf A. L. 1Uh) Lit 4 ON. PropT ELITE STUDIO. Tn finest frouttd floor PhctograpH CilUif in th State. AU Wavs, Kt finrl flnUh. IktufACtioa Uiuuaoteed. i6t nth itrect. totf. T. W. TOWNSEND, fropticoe. ECLIPSE STODffi. W Uitur tr ! m O IHtrt. Halt i p ed W I s Vilxtte rf lk.a ea 1 d ea.l r r A Si Mil T fa tat 4 )rak.iat . a pia. ui Iw Se ni eeet ititf ikiii .- itti tt . a .! vm ttbai .lis re.. I 7k, l It. b v-) fcn V Mt McCLURB. Wun rot CnuMix. OTEEL ""IVipodill OTCZL TO wZ. Tt C-l V-J-n bae ta a. .ed el 9w. ,A tumal a' wui)l lifu u li rd w i I , ViwMtlhiaraf U , (' picwatfef tbeliftlMtnafti laaau -taoet brertrr wndSmMtrmv '-mil isBs-'fNl 10 Ifei 1 Mitt 4PI i he) iitw & t Armt Ik. t I nvmr 'AaaTAjIS iadl L a iLL t . m ball tha frtfhu aMl a mure Urn enweaetra tower to I'"' vk( Uxurlavbrdae W art aamM tbe eaest, Km t tmt h Urttac KW Tim tl CMr W CJt U OA . G'-.OOOPBR, Afenta forth CELEIMTEI UCT CO XIIX8. Pump of every deaorlp tlou front tha old atra plueiNT. wood aud chain pump te the latest sin git and doubl actina1 j jorce pumps. 1 psaLiaj ia Tanks. Rubber Hom V Asotaa - Uc DOHALD Braas, Brass Lined and Iron Clllndert, At pric to tuft ta pur " e , lwe - NEBRASKA : : : : $300,000. Vlt C. W. MOSHER. C. E. YATES. ill! HOTEL. H S I IIIS Ji 11 iin -."Hj Hi f wi e ai i'e"w i tkvr.i. eM i, wrii ii i w, w a nwm,