THE FAIOIERS' ALLIANCE, LISCOIaIS, NEIJ., THURSDAY", JUST 1G, 1891.. PRIMROSES. Primroses hgh'Jf that seiaf Delicate. aaTroaly P! lowly thir ibmujs tjriaz. Bare, wW U dank imm ci Aft Filmy with dawn's &mj -aO. BeaootbJT brook's ripples lin Voice of pebble aad UaK Eehoee tbat seen to ear "HaO. 'PrUarwa." rtordoff old winter's too mail. Flower -abatta, fair aad so trail BMKkW 'aeata April's soft wtaff; Vainly toe rads winds assail These, tbs tret baralds of spring, Prlaarosss. THE GREAT FLOOD TIDE. Out Biormr nlfiht in November, dripper Colby (rsrs an extra, turn to he stout rape wmen raneaea nis ooat to the little wharf. Then be looked up the revolving liffht ia the nigh tower. "Aye! - Flash way! Do your beet to tell the poor fellows out yonder to keep sway from such a treacherous coast as this!" Before be started for the little weather-stained bouse by the tower be turned hit taoe once more toward the black, tossing water. "It's going to be a wild night " be muttered. He turned way and had nearly reached the little bouse by the tower when the door was thrown open and the ruddy firelight streamed outside, showing the figure of gray-haired woman and of a slight young girl peering out anxiously in the fast-gathering gloom. "Where's Meg?" broke from their lips at the ame time, . "Safe aod sound! For some reason the school board put off. examining tho teachers until to-morrow and Meg con cluded to slay over eight. W'bow! lfr h lnl hnarl'" "Meggy" and ''Peggy were the light-keeper's twin daughter. Bo much alike were they that atrangors could scarcely tell thorn apart, but on watching them closely one could see that Meg's laugh was the merrier, and thtt she carried herself a little more proudly than shy little Peggy. On the day following the storm the kipper sat by the firo mending some tieU, while Mrs. Colby and Peggy be gan preparations for the slmplo even ing meal, The fury of the wind bad pent itself during the night and the dangerous waves had subsided. Peggy glanced often at the little clock on the helf, "Will you watrh the coffee, mother, white I sea if Meg U coming?" She threw a shawl over her should ers and ran down to the wharf, whore he stood watching a small blaak spook off the "point", , It a few moments be was able to mako out Mag who was pulling for the shore with strong steady stroke. The boat shot up to the land ing and the young girl sprang out One look at her sorrowful face an swered the question trembling on Peg gy's Hps, "O, Meg! You doar.dar. ling Meg! You didn't got it after all." "It Un't only losing the place It's the unfairness that hurts me so. Ber tha Day's papers were the only ones that had a higher mark than mine. You ree, they had an examination down at the city about a month ago, and they used the same set of papers that we did. Bertha found it out and went there and took the examination just as if she was trying for a teacher's place. She didn't pass, but she knew Just what the questions were to be and ah', been studying on them all this while." 'And you need the money and she doesn't for her father Is well off. Oh, the meanness and dishonesty of the rich! Why, Meg. ever since I can re member she's always been saying or doing some hateful thlug to us." Meg rose to her feet "I was so sure of the place," she murmured brokenly. "Oh dear! Everything looked so bright when I went away yesterday morning and now its all dark and dreary as it is out yonder." and she pointed to the dull, leaden sky and gray stretch of water. Peggy crept close to her side and threw one arm around hor in clone embrace. "It can't be all dark and dreary so long as we have each othor," he said. "I am only sorry for your sake, dear Meg. For my own part I am Rind oh, so glad! I shall not be awake any more nights dreading your going away.. There's nothing now to come between us." The long winter had passed, and bow the warm April sunshine had come again, and the white sails once more dotted tho blue water. One morning word was brought that the lljht-keopor's mother, good grand mother Colbywho lived several miles down the coast was ill with rheuma tism. The skipper and his wlfo pre pared to go to her at once. "It looks pleasant enough now," he said to Meg. scanning the sky anxiously, "but I shouldn't be now days surprised if it blows pretty lively afore night And it's about time for the big springtide. It it should come you'll get along ail right; its never but onoe blew high enough to cover the path Hwlxt here and the tower, an taw t noways likely that 'twill now, but in case It should happen, all you v got to do is to waU'h, and take a bit of food and go into the tower m that you can see to the light and then wait till the tide turns." In the momlog the girls busied IhetneelvM with the housework. About 8 o'clock the sky became suddenly overcast and little puffs of wind came akurrylng across the water. During the two hours that followed the wind tadily increased, driving the wave with a sullen roar on the little beach, When Mf went to start the light she found that the mist had give plat to rain, and she heard the thunder of the surf on the IWkboW h had lust returned, to the kluUen when a ltd kaM It was hoard, and on opening the tw girl . with pale rw and eluthlof dwabed with rain, crowded shivering Into the roura. The ware fturth lay aad the daughter of wwaUay fnt'tttn who had boardm! with the Uar M- two nn pt. f rvy' Ve hurry and get us ro dry curtain," said iWna. Ha gr l4ty. U4' bfw e!-KJi Ut aha aeltber aUrrad wf . ttoat e4 staring tt.;ra! It's attt4' t'aa't the wa'ra Wf g4 with th mHf f Mr4 aar aad to evwie to Kat Trawls ea VUta rt"j4 wiitk U aaw rail tuad ral he brought her wWt alar. It lal taie aoralai that two a tr Is rw4 vr to h eliS, I dua l M ra ssi4 av ittt U tt 4 the Unt rate "'twur hat wUMr house on the whole road. Thoee glHo." and she turned toward the twins con temptuously, "are tho light-keeper's da.ightera. I uod to go to school With them." : ' Tho Insolent words brought a flush to tho stranger's cheek. "I am sorry to trouble you." she said touching Meg's arm gently, "but I should bo so glad of some dry clothing. I take cold so easily." Meg's face cleared Instantly, and In a few momenta tho two v 11 tors, in dry garments, sat by tho (fro eating the food which Poggy placed before them. Meg started quickly for the door. "Hand me my waterproof. Peggy. I'll run into the tower once mora to make sure that everything la right for tho night- la few momenta she came back palo and breathless. - "The water la nearly up to the doorsteps. I nan't get to tho tower, and Jt's overflowed Whlnd tho bouse, too. If I had only watched as father told me."' Under her directions tho three girls hastily gathered the few valuables of tho house and carried them up to tho sis ters' room on the second story. And they did not get to work any too soon, for by the time they took up the last load a small stream or water bad forced Its way under the door and ran gurgling across the room. The hours of the night wore wearily on. but Meg was so hopeful and calm (hat she helped to koep up the courage of tho others. . She paid several visits to tho hall and each time came back more sober and thoughtful, but she said not a word. Tho water was al ready half way up to tho second floor. She remembered with a shudder now old and frail the house was. "If It will only bold out" she thought The Iat time sho went out she found that the water had gained on them. Slowly but surely It was climbing up ward. But there was this to be thank ful for the wind hod abated some what and the rain had ceased. Whon she returned she suld to bcr guests, "Lie down; you need rest more than we do.' If there Is any danger I will coll you." Rortba and M!s Howard soon foil Into a light do,e. Meg sat quietly, holding Peggy's hand In hers. "Peg gy," she said earnestly, "if the water gots much higher we must go up on tho roof. It is about on a level with the second landing on tho lower stairs. The window Is never fastened and we ranopon it easily, from outside, and tho window ledge is very broad. You know the ladder that leads tip to the opening In the roof? It's long enough to roach across. You see, don't you? Wo must use it ai a bridge and crawl over! Once in tho tower we are safe from the highest tide. I wish we could have got there before." Peggy started, as a strange quiver like a tromor ran through the house. Iu an Instant Mg was by the bed arousing the sletipers. ' 'It Is the house. Peggy! I thought I felt It before, but I was not sure. One or two more rock lngs like that and It will 1 be all over with us!" The four frightened girls climbed up hurriedly through the skylight and drew up the ladder after them. As they stepped out upon tho roof, the moon struggled through a rift in tho clouds and the flashes of the great light showed them on all sides a droary waste of water. I Nothing else was vis ible save tho tall white tower close be side them. ! Meg crept to the edge of tho roof and with Poggy's help shoved tho lad der out by the fitful flashes until It rested firmly on the stone ledge of the towor window. "Now go," she said reassuringly to Miss Howard. "Don't be afraid! Hold fast to the aides of the ladder and feel your way on your knees from round to round! Then wait for fin ash and raise the window," After a few moments of simpense the young girt roacned the rower saruly. Then It wai Uorthn'a turn, but she had to be urged and scolded and threatened by turns, until Meg lost patience "You are wasting precious time and perhaps lives." she said solemnly, a there was another quiver ing of the hoime undor them. "Mog, go yoursolf. Don t wait for hor; she isn't worth it!" cried Peggy. beside herself with tear. But Meg solzod Bertha by the arm and forced her out on tho ladder, and she too managed to mako the passage safoly. "Now, Peggy, It's your turn." The young girl drew back. "Not before you;" but tho sound of Mog's voice silenced her. Unutplng the sldos of the ladder she worked her way cautiously over, but as hor feet touched tho window ledge she felt a sudden dipping of the frail bridge, and house. ladder and Meg sank out of sight In an Instant and the only answer to hor despairing cry, "Meg! O! Meg!" wa tho mad rush of the cruel waters. . In the handiome new stone church In the vlllige is a magnificent stained glas window, placed there by Mr. Howard in memory of Meg. A small marble tablet underneath tells the simple story of tho young girl's horolsm. At tho bottom of the win dow, in quaint lettering, are the words, "iiroater love hath no man than this. that a man lay down hta llfo tor hU friends." ! ry lua. A few nights ago a polloemaa hatted a uplcioua loosing colored maa who had a trunk on his shoulder. "Where are you gdng with that trunk asked tho minion at the Urn, Her family I has boon botrding wld has been axing for money, an4 as dor was done gone cut tr-nlght 1 tuck ad vsaUg at do opportunity to got Inter soma family what has some oonltlr atloa lor do pankky condition ob d atoftriy inarkjk"wa the reply, Texas HttUua. , , ' ' Mwaksad a a IWraaa A otra bank oashter married r tvaily a handom woman, ay profe io a dooior. They had a,ar"oly rh4 aotaa Um vhva, waaa a aumnoasrame (or tho briia lo vUlt a paiWat Hhe aaWa4 away, and IV- k. ..t.... i it... - and Ult alriaaat What It Ul I . MtataU aatle teak Thay w at Philadalaal syt that ft avMi aa legally tita pattad Vaw aU Ma t4 W tnt ad U ftoaplUl, If Rat siaaU. a r trite ouaiauua at, t U UartK al lU rai t M U U W FOR OUB LADY HEADERS. MATTERS THAT WILL. INTEREST THI LADIES. Slack Lao Dreaooa Now Stylo Mldwmmsr Millinery To En caao Pratty Feat Woman as Poet-prandial Spoakora Women at the World s Fair. Black Laoo Dresses Now Etylo. Some of the newest black lace dress es are made up over colored silk a very sheer dotted Brussels net made up over Spanish yellow, mignonette green, or crimson, u very effective. It may be trimmed with rosette of vel ret or of satin ribbon, forming a girdle or plain, high collar. There are other gowns, trimmed with Marquise lace, which come in pretty renaweance pat terns, in flower festoons and baskets of flowers, or bow-knot designs. These drowse are simply made straight full skirt over satin, and a round waist or bodice, with the skirts so concealed under drapery, that the drees bos the effect of a Princess design in which the waist and akirt are in one piece. Nar. row passementerie of gold cord ore used extensively on these dresses, as well a lot cabochons. The satin skirt of such a lace dress u cut in the fash ionable bell slmixj, with a thin hums of cambric, or without a lining. These skirts are made with a simple seam in tl center of the back, with dart taken in below the waist to fit the fig ure below the waist around the hips, but no other seams, though there are some lell skirt with gored seams flu either side the front, and it is considered by some of our modistes that these skirts fit more Bracefully. Two or three rulHes, not over two ot three inches wido, are set on the bot tom of this satin skirt, and there is a balaveuse of pleat inn act under the edge, which gives the desired bouffant effect to the edue of the skirt. The popularity of skirts of black or color ed ailk, trimmed with scant flounce of Ctiantilly lace, extending from the edge of the skirt to the waist in a suc cession of three or five, is a feature of the season, when worn with Louise Quin.e coat of Pompadour brocade. Thus a pale yellow watin, flounced to the waist with sheer black net, figured with baskets of (lowers, in made up with a Louise Quinzecoatof bengaline or satin, powdered with tiny yellow cowslip. This charming lace gown is designed' especially for a matron' afternoon dress. It is of heer block net, figured with leaf spray in black chenille. It is trimmea with light fig ured silk and black and gold galloon. The kilted flounce at the foot of the dress i of figured silk, headed by ft band of galloon. A narrow vest of the figured silk, strapped by three bands of galloon, furnittlie the bodice. The high full sleeve are of figured net, and extend nearly to the elbow, where they are held by a baud of galloon, ana the rest of the arm in covered by a close coat sleeve of figured silk. Oood Housekeeping. To Encase Pretty Foot. In shoes, our elegantes now wear square or rounded toe for the ball; as for walking, no other style is now considered chic or comme il faut, Now the pointed toe are out of factliion, it is discovered that they made the feet look larger, on account of the extra length they were compell ed to be. Square toes also make the foot look longer. The mont becoming shape is the round-toe shoe audi as ballet girls wear, and which fits the foot to perfection, without making it look extra long or extra wide. Heels, though still low, are shaped a la Louis XV. There is no harm in thiw, so long as they are not too pointed or too high. It would be better to have no heels at all to the shoe. The foot would then remain clastic and the walk more graceful; but alas! ladies will not understand this, and I can only record fashion without any hope of seeinit any advice I may give or sug gest followed. As for stockings, when not of the same color as the dress, they are still worn black, when thedress is of adark color. Black stocking), however, are having the sides embroidered to match the color of the dress or else to have them open-worked for home and walking. , Evening stockings are either lace or so richly embroidered that they al most defy the pen to describe them. Garters also, when worn, are really too rich for their object. Their clasps are of real gold, with the wearer's initials in diamonds on them. They are attached to an elastic ribbon to match the stockings in color. Young Ladies' Fashion Uazar. For a Olrl' Summer Trunk. If you wear a fluffy bang, you want your alcohol lamp. If you wear laced shoes, you want a doen pairs of shoe-strings. If you varnish or polish your shoes, you want anew bottle of blacking. II you are liuUnii to sunburn, you want a pot of strawberry crea'u or some cold i re.tnt. If you are fond ot reading, you want your favorite books. II you ever u pins, you want a block of black one and a ' paper of white on, If you are a goodjirl and mend your rlothea, you want soma spools f thread, y'Mir need.ea, tout thimble and some buttons, It you make yourwlf sweet with Infant powder and a ti(T, you want a aealed kir of todr. Il you us bonnet ptna to f.iateit on your hat, you want a dou'it of them. II you are inclined la le ill teuiperml and petiiUm, you want unlimited tiit teinw. If yt a ret vllnad to be earelea and inoni,rK ot want a very Urge facias M euervy ail iin uuim. An i u you am tar mj m MUiiene, , then you want tu riit it wr that ."''IV 'm,! taker manners, i'rvm The d 1 1 nai Jvif ft!. Miitiun.mar Mti:ry, TsWrat a4 Uhtaat malarial ar Hr( (or the mi Wumnwf bonnet Il U a franniMirvfti rmfcitot of aua U or . k IiUrt ver i frame of ornamental wire, and it dis dain even lining, though, aa a matter of fact, no wire bonnet without the lining caa be make comfortable, if the heal is at all sensitive. For this rea son many ladies prefer a hat of lre, straw or chip, in which a lining ia per missible. There is certainly a great deal to be said concerning the fit of a bonnet. Very few people are aware that it require nearly a much skill to fit a as it does to St agown. A well-fitted bonnet sets in place. It does not wabble uneasily and fall back and get out of place. It doe not require pins, or device of any kind, to keep it on. A properly filled bonnet does not hurt the hVad, but it requires an expert milliner to make it. Good Housekeeping. Woman as Post-prancyal Speaker. We are assured that the after din ner speeches o' women upon those fes tive occasions at which speech making is in order are becoming worthy of the ex. V ar assured that the speech' ea made by the members of the Feder ation of Women' Clubs - after the luncheon inven to them by Mr. x nomas A. Jvliaon, at Orange, on Thursday last, were fine in their rhetoric, elevated in their eloquence, and captivating in their melody. Re sponses to ten appropriate toasts were mode by as many women, and each speaker seemed to be the best until the next was heard. One of the speak er was compared to Dr. Chauncey M. uepew, and others of them were brought into comparison with other masters of the fine art of after-dinner peaking. Truly this is a progressive world for both of the sexes of mankind. New York Bun. Women at tho World's Fair. According to Mrs. Jonas French, our Massachusetts representative on the board of lady managers of the World's Fair, the Fair promise to be of "immense value to women." 8he ay that Mix Potter Palmer, ' of Chicago, "may be credited with very nearly the entire scheme of work as thus fur laid out." One idea of the lady managers is to create funds that will enable worthy young workinggirl to visit the Fair. Another idea is tc form a body of guides to do duty at the Kxposition. These guides will be educated young women, and expert linguists will be given the preference. Everything possible will be done to represent American womanhood, and especially industrial womanhood, at the coming Exposition, and fully awake to the optwrt unities of the situation, the lady managers are throwing themselves heart and soul into their good work. Boston Travel' ler. A Few New Thing. The newest color is golden yellow shading into mauve. The newest combination ia old rose and dim blue. The newest bonnet is a small jet coronot with a tiny bunch of flowers in front and a laiger one behind. The newest hat is the Hat picture shape of black horsehair trimmed with yellow llower. The newest parasol handle is in black wood with pierced monogram in gold. The newest way to arrange a lace flounce is to festoon it twice across the front of the skirt, first half way down and then near the edge, turning over the top in a hem and running in a ribbon. The newest millinery flower is the yellow primrose. 'I ne newest sleeve is wide ana tun at the top, but is' nob nearly so high ar formerly, The newest shade in straw is beetle wing green. Expelling File From Room. It is stated that if two and a half pounds of powdered laurel-leaves are macerated or boiled in two gallons of water, until their poisonous quality is extracted, and with the solution a whitewash is made, by adding as much quick-lime as can be slacked in it, and a room be whitewashed with this preparation, flies will not settle on the walls for six mouths. It is also assert ed that if paste, made by stirring to gether one pint ol the powdered laurei- leaves with one-fourt h pint ot glycerine, be applied to windows and door cas ings, a room so prepared will soon be emptied of Hies. Two applications of this paste are said to be enougn even to keep a kitchen clear of insects for a fortnight. There is nothing disagree able or deleterious to human beings in the odor of the wash or paste, though laurel leaves or laurel water, taken in to the stomach acts as a violent pois on. Household Hints. Ginqkh Snaps: 2 Cups molasses, 1 cup lard. 1 tablespoontii ginger; flour to make stilt, uou iiuu ana oas quickly. Lkmox Pie: I coffee cup ugar, 2 cups water, 3 eggs. 2 tablespoonfuls Hour, l tauiespwn ourier, uice anu rind of I lemon. Hake with one crust. This is sullicumt for two pies. Bkkrv Cask. One cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of melted butter, one cupful of milk, four cupful of flour, berries to suit, three eggs, one and one-hnlf spoonfuls cream of tartar, one spoohtiil of soda. Put berries in Hour to prevent settling. Lkmow Cua k:. '-"i cup granu lated sugar, 1 ctip lard, I pint sweet milk. 5 ear, 5 cent' worth lemon oil, cents' worth Imker's ammonia; flour to make it!. Halt thin an I bak in a hot, iiU k oven. They will keep ah most any length of time, and are tery nil for luiklie. lh t it tls.AiK.Pul thrwe-fourth of a pound ot eujttr with the juice and grated rm I of four lemon, mil welt with a qturl of cr-.tin. and add at f well beaten ifia. I'ut in a wtter bath, and stir m some graied rk IKtl4 rk U tha beat atir till it is t the ion.!eiw y ot 4 thick batter. When it w quite ! I, free it. it i daluK u Willi Jraeh or canned Iruit. l.KUo l -.TIieUvirite,imdby taking th hU of ait WmtMK and the graUl iw4 of thra, and the jus and rind tf kim lss ( ortn ivp all UwMf bouf.aiid Hum straw tt4 all miui pint of 'r and' ant ttitit ol ttitfttr. itir ll until the ii la all Jihet. and then Ireaw II iwi op jour fiar three Urn dHiaj Hi wtfatU', and r up the rutitettt w4, it U4 ttprt lis fwauit. K:ndns Misconstrued Nowadays the uncharitable and the vil-minded are prone t9 suggest some ulterior object for deeds of common kindness. Little courtesies from man to maa are magnified into attempts at shrewd diplomacy, and even the motherly car of a woman extended J to a girl is credited with a sordid mo- tive. The case ia poiat is that of ' Julia Marlowe, the Cincinnati oirl wbe ha nia.d.9 fuch signal success on th stage. When Mixed recently ia Phil adelphia with an illness that almost insured fatality unless a dispensation of Providence should intervene, the sufferer was taken into the horns of Mr. Alex. McUure, and treated as a daughter. 8h was the personal at tjntion of Mr. McClure, and physi cians of noted skill were called in to preserve the life that promised - so much for dramatic, art. Mis Mar tow was nursed back to recovery, but the kind - friend who so tenderly eared for her have become the victims for the ramUI-monger. The neces ity for a denial plea it own apology. Cincinnati Inquirer. An Infuriated Bear. A large black bear entered a tunnel in the Santa Maria mine, in Tuolomne County, California, and attacked several miners. A the men realized their danger, which was made appar ent only by the dim light of their randies, they grasped their pick firmer and attacked the brute. The foreman struck the bear first and drew blood; this infuriated bruia and ht made a resistless charge n the men, extinguishing nearly all their randies ana laceratingevery on more or lesa. On man named Dougherty, had his scalp torn off by one blow of the bear's paw; others had the flesh of their arm laid bare. The contest in the darkness and close atmosphere lasted an hour, when the bear was killed, more by good luck , than by skill. Exhausted as the men were. they dragged the bear out of the tunnel and took it to their station on a car. J. 11. McMurtry. real estate and loans, abstract and notary. McMurtry block, adjoining Alliance Headquarter corner 1 Kleventn i and M street. Markst and Offlct 1218 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Wa pay the blsrbest market price for Hog, Cactie, Calves and Bbetp, aod sell, at Living Prices. We Eandle lothing but Home Dressed Meat. All persons sarin fat butcher stock are requested o eive lit a call. Our mm to is to "Live an4 Let Live." A Square deal and correct weight. ltf BKKNMAN SHAFKR BKOS.. Propr's. SALARY $25 PER WEEK. WANTED! Wood Aaents to sell our General Une of merchandise. No pe-ldi-I dir. Above salary will be paid to " live" agents. For further Information. addM, IHII'AUU IiK.IISKAI, HUrrLI CO., ITS Watt Vaa Buran St.. Chicago. III. A BETTER DAY BY J. A. EDCERTON, Consisting of thirteen Poems Suitabl for ".citations. Every Alliance should have a copy. Price in leather 25c. Paper 20c. 4D-I Address this office. Forest Tree 8eedling8. Ked Cedars, Fruit trees and tlants. Largest Stock, Lowest Prices, Mammoth C.ewberry luscious to the oore, best berry for the prairies. Black Locust, Kuanlas Mulberry, Tulip trees, Box Elder, Alb, Elm, Walnut. Cottonwood, etc. Hetail at whole sale piioe. Save SO per cent and write far my price usi. Acarem ueu. c. mahobd. 314m Mukanta, Jackicn Co., IU. MentlouTH Axliahcs when vou write. is? plaints! AfBaasataaSef . Forest and Fruit Trees, riaata, viaea,' ne., at aena tar awraaha. twealBl wMaaa U AUlaaee aaeletlaa. iaa fee arloa Bet Uff Pvaerlewje. THE MONEY MONOPOLY! earea and dear meney fhar4 money) mklua cheap labor, wage elavery, falllas prleaa, biulaeae paralyla aad eaforeed Idle neea, dunbllns be Volume aad Value al muaer obllntlune boada aad mertneael reauof a land lord tysteoi. A TraaUas on Money aad Flaanss ST SI Z BAXCEXli IBM ST, IOWA. lit Larva Closely printed paces, Large type aa aaa Wok paper. "W kearttly raeeoaiead tba 'Mnaer Ha- opoljr' to all who would lores a eeSalUt ua deretandin of tha XV leaneial plaukefeui Order, aa It IS wltbeat eieeptlaa the aeet aitxiaiuoa of thai plank It ha aeoa oar uo4 fortune to aw. Woaderf ullr ataat aad forvt. bte invaluable on the plaifornt aad la lb aaaeathlr phiui, -The Moaef Mootpolr IS a book whwk ao labor raformerakeuld ta with aut. "-Joureai of K uf L. Hal i a . fa., Jaa, n. t'oL Jva.a MariMir, ika old war bona of the teeabavik sjuvvaeat aeeaks aa follows of IkiSi " I have ri auk rt eara the "M aer Moaupuiri" need It ail laeaugh ika laal eaiaaalaa and aaa aef that for kraetwai ua It it Ik heal bowk aow la arlat The farai irvaiajeat of tka sraaoarly rfieaew laea aj aiaeletle. aad Ike aeottUi tupitt f ka auitiaa hf esuania frai kuaanrf at ealuaiea iue Ike keel mn at the aeas aa tka tfciea treat fueetloaa at Moaef, Traaeeortaiioa sad Lao, ia tti aad a W five Ike ful. fwva ml Ike kaiuae. laauuiuawaraf pMiita iiiui fiiaeat, bat paia trwb'e aad leteueeainsl So full a aieaaoraaa toetee ika bun reedTna; ita iiia awd pleaems. fa ike puklie et aad write It a tf-t eeia Maitia prtuat if. It aeeura-'i I vaaJetfvtl. It M baafc tfcfi aa eneit efaea, but kfPeaM at the KeSWeat aad tae mwkh Ii i area arueai f kiftet etetlrMb Wa, a wr thHetiaalty, If H was real hf ika te at feje, b ait ailada, M wu4 a tetotuiie t lkasalta4 Weu4 a'uue4l ua. U.M hhI ill aa ft pea pee wa at M atia ,1m eeMr M aw tka bead the ik i kweaed It.' J.Htaeae, kh ef ih -O. J.tiea a aaa wwjt it alwb r Ike aiaMt aw4 at a awstv 'ad ie aea aapia with aa ttea ike We ui amnaill." k4 w J PJ oa.vsa. Newe l , Dwaeaa. tlL Tha ieknaak Cttf aeajbt aeaaet S) PM1b- iVIw tea' M tal aSM ee ka ta A4ia tataet, wa, rva pvwe ef ika kwa ! v..4t re) t, fee eke bast iwaki J dreaa ike auM M, kUkav wakthOMevarf AUaA NEBRASKA HEAT GO HHRees The Boot and Shoe Man NOT ' FORGETTING r.iY $2.50 & $3.00 Shoes Short Tods Hiarh enough easy oa and they wear good. I have sold them for four years. Long enough to find oat whether they are good for anything or not They are Good. ED. G.YATES. O Street. 112Q The Lightning Hay Press. "aw r i i Trli ' A. H. SNYDER, STATE 807, 809 NORTH I6TH 8T. We Handle Bale ties, Coil Wire and a Full Line of Repairs Always Kept on Hand. Mm Hy Afid Qraip flapdfed Ip Gar 1-ois A. 31. DAVIS, Leading Carpet Dealer or LINCOLN. Get hi prices before ptuchasiDg else where. He will save you money. 43 an iseritcts or rnaiifuiir, S bore Sand, nl rpcrrlt:ni, U the bM and laraeit College la tim Wt. un Stu'Jmiu in atiandamx Uc yeir. Hivdi-iiU prprd for Urf.lnM lo from 2 lo 9 month. KxperlnncAl faculty. rvraal ln.tru-tli,ii. Bau'irul llliutrtl e.taluue, collnr- journal., aod peuimaoe of o-amaiublp, .eat f rw by aililm.ui LUliBKIDUE A RUORB. Llnaotn. Mob. ODELL'S DINING '-.HALL 1528 O Street. MEALS 25ct. CAN SERVE 500 AT A SINGLE MEAL Carter & Bailey, Commission, 125 ai 121 fl(1H6l. St., Uccili. Kil, DEALERS IN Batter, eggs, cheese, potatoes, poultry haj, graia aad L1t stock. Fail Produce a Specialty. U ReUrenc: First National Bank. Telephone 470 303 8. 11th St. A. L GUILE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming 43tf . . . .Lincoln. Veh K. S.NEIR, Druggist & Pharmacist lit South ioth St. A full and complete Una of Drug. Patent . Medloluee. Toilet Articles and t'ertumery. Choice Cigars a Specialty, The trade of the farming fraternity U respectfully solicited. i'Jit GaTT P3 C5 jam. 0 ALUlXCi MtADQVdiTttl laMHfwstr- leawlej rata ta waea Cirurletl i:,ijStrA lawj MwMwl PMB BwaW ttwlaV . JsWl & jsyyztros, JPnp'r, 0&&AXXA Ncn Ntw ta r1oaRsi4t. rlea a v tela. 4efeaaal. will lake a Ilea ta.tea the Crl4aref AueuM. H. 4. Mvrtlil. p.ataii. 4 si ptttu la lae tlmnvl loui m l.ate.l.r enar. M.Nraa. ka aeainti mi 4(.. UhI. faiiea . rH.a Hiapiadr4 wii J. I mm HarrikeutijM aa4 raftt at wbloa ire M lunDi'W a ilea fue lat.t aa even aie af 1st aaie. msu.4 a ta.liuai. treeaurae a( taaeanee eunair, N.r,ra.4, eirvarf l, te. H alal t- t : (ut ! -I !. aa east k( af taaS A Vh at. kit . iatr at l.iaa.a la i4 wwnif, aaa aa lae lii.awias lleiae t 4.1-.I letee ka kA l b aiai wama ea ia. .4if late t., mt K mm ev.a4 t4..f tlt le! 114 .lh V aet t ! ae l ki; I V.4f a waatitaiM l4'taM M kav a. kea reJw fexa aHt ea , aaaa 4e4 la aaivti il taaea awt a. memif iki ihi aw-4 m wi mi e-eieit eieett Um a a.w aa a ei mk M. . aaua iae wna w a. t4 ea iae turn Pntm . at a aeal. la Vt aal eeea.4, r u e-i at ea4 raktea rM ea (ui t r ai taiereet i 4 m, aa ae . we'n aia- i a4 ua Ua et,iaate4a a txwHf fee i4 tu ae gnat til fiMthl 4 ay aa i.iiilkllf,l l4 I .i.tiwav aa ae is r.a i el J f t ! JERK HOTEL STILL THERE IS SOME THING ELSE. DID YOU EVER WEAR A PAIR OF UT PLOW 000TS? to keep dirt oat: light single sole. AGENT, OMAHA, NEB. DO "-.YOU Want to tare front 25 TO 60c. 0a ererr Dollar joa spend? If so, writ ta our Illustrated oatatafue, oontalolng ill is Irstions ana prices of ererrtiir.- uanuftot ured 1 th Dnlte States, at manufactur ers' prloee. 1DJ0W illustrations, All lines represented. Catalosu mailed fro on ap plication. Address, tf C'HICAOO OEMKBAL UPPLT CO. IT West Van Buren St. Cbloagti, 111. CARR SOAP'-.WORKS, WEST LINCOLN. UaupdrT Ooapsi (JOLDEN 8HEAF. -PRAIRIE ROSE. YELLOW RUSSIAN. Toljet Ooapsi HARD WATER COCOA. MEDICATED I AR. 44tf They bare no eoual. Patronize a home factory, none better in tne world. $500 REWARD will be paid to the atrent of any scale com pan jr wbo wlUeajr over hleown name aaaeDt,thatllieJoass ' 5 TON WAGON 8CALE, $60 Is not equal to any made, and a standard reliable scale, ror particular, audrms only Jones of BlDghmton, Binghamton. ET. Send for Circular. Addren KATHBCX, EWINQ CO., ' OMAHA, NEB. V A pamphlet of Infomatlwi and ab. V r.W ... ,k. I . .1 I V Oblaio hateute, t 'araula. Trad. "'m m vv, ;al sreaawar. . .w l .ra. 200,000 ARE SINGING raoa tbs Alliance and Lalior Songster! THarfamaa4fA.kalu.u wi har taat ta pubiuhert davt now tomitu Hl at IMkSallltrtti 3IUSIO EDJTION HavlaiHl and Hlifwi 4m Hdt.. i . turn ah In hnik n., k.A.i ' Tbleis far tke laraeai e,inir in ike market for the artce, and the carefully prepare in. Set enable hut word ee4 atiitlo eaitMina to be ueed toeoiher. TheMuale K.lltlun reai. Hls la apaearanee an eiaa Ooepel Hyrnae. l.ak.woer p.ibluk.3 The dewaod ia Haply .ie4-rfall, uk arwt. inor-l f.-tl ilea for pubiubln. : arder eaa he Riled the aata 4a rvira4. whether by tea 4aa r ikmiaanl ,... , p b-r wj b"r.t, fm. p.i b,4. far J.mbh. IJiM ad 4 W stat pail. ,.r. lil'oa. a S i11 la.S a . . . . at.. PENSION TUK Pll .IIUJTT Bill. It A tW, leW.trt HUM liM f3 W ' f attlhsaj tt.aaa4eNt wl tnw aa l paraa aiw 4uen4, i wa ee enne 4hhI I mot futa Ma tmrwu aM la.M44. If )l i.a mr e'ai a Hi" a4 ae rw-"" - immxikI, aJ.iM. la lir Viuurn ItMime'Miowr lrMt3 lAnKLn t y M MaaAlaat.a, U e , Wbl Catawaa , t.i" ow. K ,. a -14. ti, im Curat. JUauaa, Haeil I iea r.!ie. WIM rall , tara ai'-t kof K-Suamaiuw bv iu of AeU Kae timet luiiMMlr aatiM oalt swall u,rttoa Df u,,, k4, ae4MHa! u, U4 m vut tare ert aM, Uwl VaU WUI aUby DtwM A itil Bejeae ea ww rmm , .. .Hal Ci.ij ii 11 . n a, aaaaii B M r Mva. AU.,