-THE FAKMEKS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., THUltSDAY JULY 10. 189L - . - M1STJIE I.Y JUDICIAL DISTRICT In our list ct Judicial District Ham ilton county is omitted. - It i the 5t Diitrict, which elects two judges iustead of. one. Ijr- Thii office had a pleasant caller in the person of Mr. A. L. Bixbit, editor of the Columbia Sentinel, on Tuesday last. Mr. Bixby is one of those editors Whose conscience drove him out of the republican party. He could not subor dinate his convictions to railroad ma chine politics. By the same token his paper is one of the most honest and able in the state. - May his success co ntinue ty Of the person who coo is np the Lincoln correspondence for the Omaha Bte we will say that we have "never known a more contemptible, malicious, meaningless liar in all our experience of nearly sixty years. Much of the stuff he sends to the Bet as news from this town is pure invention, without a scin tilla of foundation in truth. And in ad dition to being false, it is maliciously false. I ; Says the Omaha Bee: "A great grain market involves some thing more man an open board for trans actions. It involves mills, warehouses, elevators, malt houses, and distilleries. These must come before the market can be great, and these should be looking longingly at Omaha to-day. " They are, they are indeed they are! They are longing lor Omaha monied men to "put up" something beside con solidated boards of - trade and wind. They are longing for a slight glimpse of Omaha cash. Signs of Decay in the Old Country. The N- Y. Sun of a late date bad an interesting article on the above subject. In a recent number of a Paris periodi cal.the Seme Liberate, an American con tributor, Mr. Simon W. Hanauer, con trasts the economical and political pros pects of Europe with those of the United States. He starts with the assumption that the best way to determine a nation's grade oi civilization and possibilities of progress is to compare its annual out lay for the education of the masses of its inhabitants with the other expendi tures provided for in its : bndget, and especially with the sums disbursed with a view to war. He then proceeds to lay before us some very interesting sta tistics, showing how much is expended by European countries for public in struction on the one band, and for the nstiocal defence upon the other. Beginning with Germ my, we find that to schools (exclusive of universi ties, which are to a large extent main tained by private endowments and fees) only about 110,000,000 re devoted by the state. Against this insignificant outlay we are to set nearly 1185, 000,000 ennually disbursed for military and naval purposes. In the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary the army and navy cost 164,500,000 a year, while only 96,' 250,000 are allotted to education. In Italy the condition is still more deplor able, for the subjects of King Huoert have to pay almost 190,000,000 yearly for the protection of their country, and can only afford to spend 14,000,000 on the system of public instruction, exclu sive of the universities. France is do ing more for the next generation, al though the sum annually allotted to public schools (121,000,000 in round numbers) is very far from being ade quate, and contrasts strangely with the (151,000,000 called for by the military and naval estimate. The data present ed by Russia are less discouraging than might have been expected, though they are suficiently unsatisfactory to the so cial philosopher. .Russia assigns to edu cational appliances nearly 117,000.000 a year, or more than four times as much as Italy, though, on the other hand, she spends yearly for her army and navy $209,000,000. Even in England the dis proportion is striking, for the army and navv cost $150,000,000, while less than 124,000,000 are laid out for public edu cationexclusive of the universities, most of which have funds of their own Should, however, the education bill now pending become a law, the sum annual y devoted to the public school system will be greatly increased. The most mel ancholy exhibit is made by Spain.wbere the army and navy cost upwards of 100,000,000 a year, whereas the gov- government can only spare 11,500,000 for the liberal and technical education of her citizens. From these facts Mr. Hanauer draws the inference that in the twentieth cen tury Europe cannot hope to cempete fcr economical preeminenee and politi cal power sgalnst the United States, which are not crushed with the burdens of enormous armaments, and which re consequently able to devote an ade quate amount cf their resources to the education cf the people. Compared with the auspicious prospects of the American republic the position cf Eu rope may be ilkeoed to that of a som nambulist who, unconclous of hi dan ger, It walklisfc on, the steep rod ol a house. Appalling will be his awalen log, for it will be Impossible to ewld lluD(ing into the abyss ol war upa tne one side, crlotothe uchthcmst.le gti'f t f the soelal mlui'.co upon the thr, M,ti in the Lata Judicial DtMitt, The state veetfal cvwtuitteeiiiea ot tie l0ii' lB.UndBt party tf the .u&tlr ft I be HUth Judicial dUtrict ef NtlxMk owprWls the rouet'e of f, ttf, Piatt, Naac and Wr ri.k, ere, rite'sd to meet at the i t L AI'H, in t 'oluutus, UH , i ft m e July 81, lui , fr the ur powsot Mleg tie ratio ulrpruUa a4 Baa'aUg a call t r a hhuU.o in ti4 4 sirkt furtae Beru.atwM tt tee ra! titles M Mflt I vrt a pea at the tvitM !. aid t. tisotaitui vl mkr 4r ew..ei, lt (ulr l iUit'u',n Ue4 eltUe state etelfsl ru'td i v khumi cf k j t ia HuUtt.te tvf Alalia a. ALL SORTS. After the Fourth. We pet kin to bed io bis tittle aisotffowa. The wont battered youcjrtttr then tu In Ike town: : ret he said as he or-ened kis only veil ere: -Hah, "rah, for the Jolly aid Fourth! July !" Two thumbs sod eight Snrers with lint were tied up, .. -. 4 On his beee was a limp like an ppiide-down cup. ; i ,: f !;; And his smiles were distorted,' his sots all awry, I rom the joys of tbe ftortous fourth of July. We were fled; be had started abroad with th ana. And ail day he bad lived ia the powder aad fUBt ". While the hoom of the cannon roared np to the sky. To salute fount America's Fourth of July. I said we were srlad all the piece were there, As we piss tered and bound them with tbe tendereet care. But out of the wreck came the words with aslrh; "If to-morrow wai only the four! h of July I"' We will trow all together acaia, never fear, And be ready to celebrate freedom neit year; Meanwhile all his friends are most thankful there lies A crsckerless twelve-month 'twist Fourth of 'Julys, f"". -.'' 7r " ' W kissed him good cifht on his powder specked face, r a - . We laid his bruited bands softly down la ' tbeir place, sr- -"" -' Aad be murmured, as s:eep ciosed bis one open eye: "I with every day was tbe Fourth of July. Hundred suits at 15 each, all to go this week as they nust be closed, at once. Several lines are worth $12 and more but odd suits must go and now is your chance to get a good suit for almost nothing. Th sale is strictly for cash. None of these suits will be charged at less than regular price, so please bring the cash for a $5 suit. Just look over straw bats when you are in the store, Nobby and nice, and they can be used for a fan in real warm weather. Come one and all. ; ', :. C- A.HCRLBCT. ( "Mother may I so in and swim?" "Yes my darling flirt! Take your last year's bathing suit And lengthen out the skirt!" - Children's knee pants 33c each, sizes from four-years-old to twelve. These goods have been selling for 50c each; also a large line of knee pants at 3e and $1 each. Call and see this line. A. Hl'HLBlT. Tbe Alliance Members are entitled to 10 per cent discount on all sales except s oeclals at A. Hurlbut's. and with every $10 sale all members get a ticket on the trotter Sir. Albln. Tax Inheritances. W call particular attention to the ex tract printed elsewhere, from Prof. Richard T. Ely's paper, on the taxation of inheritances, in the .Yorth American Reiiew for July. The Xeu Xalion has frequently advocated tbe taxation of inherited property, as the fairest, least burdensome method of raising the nec essary revenue of the state in the pres ent condition of society. "' We believe that tbe tax might properly be placed at such a proportion of tbe amount in herited as should produce a fund en abling tbe state not only to dispense with many present forms of taxation, but to adopt a more liberal public policy in various directions, and especially in the extension to tbe masses of the peo ple of facilities for a higher education. As a starter, we would propose a tax of say 5 per cent on all estates over $5,000 and less than $10,000; of 10 per cent on larger estates, with not less than 20 per cent on estates of $1,000,000. This can not be regarded as a very radical propo sition, when no less a millionaire than Andrew Carnegie is quoted by Prof. Ely as proposing that the inheritance tax be placed at 50 per cent. It is a curious illustration, we may say in passing, of the confusion of men's standards, in this wonderful period of transition, that a man like Mr. Car negie, while defending on tbe one band an iudividual license as to methods of acquiring wealth which nationalists ut terly condemn, should go quite beyond the average nationalist iu the drastic quality of the methods by which be pro poses to enforce the distribution of that wealth for public purposes, when once acquired. It would be strauge, indeed, however, if he did not, in common with all thoughtful persons, recognize that the transmission from one generation to another of vast and constantly accu mulating estates, is a peril to the repub lic which demands a vigorous remedy. Prcf. Ely advocates the idea that the tax should be light in proportion as the relative is near tothe deceased. It seems to us that he and the authorities he follows, are wrong here. The effect of this dU-riuiiuatiou would be to ills- courage the distribution of estates, aud cause them to be left en masse in the direct lio. which is against public poli cy, as tending to the permanence of gteat fortunes.,!; .Vation. TTrOBDS AND ENDS. " , ''I if U Hi Aralo? ; ' J Ion t utake an open handed amult upon the Alliance. Senator 4. Call Out the Millt'a. Aetlof Uoveraintf Thayer Is eon (routed with tht charge ol having sys tematically and wrongfully pocketed thefeesacrruiiirt the it ate for com Mieiuiaa deed eotuittietiouers aad U sulett requisilions It wilt now be In ordr fur htm tu clear hiiuwll or cli out the HttiiiiA aad s.leoce ais atcuwt. 1,1) ffWfl Against the Law t Iheet Buiii Tee la old parties are so tut'.ea thai all the bumrdi ta the land have IUh I4 about them to e)y the agreeable stittit tut esllwlaw has a penal'? tr BoU! ts Wird. I u do the tit bt thU-i-bury the t!4 rsr rae out f JM la Irj, l as gre is dug aal the etfka i wads, uik Wt ua r;ia te hirenl erea ad tarry aloe cur soels. t snh to tank and iuh tt ahee ' Aad itm bu-rd nm lire re U wt the Nor sail i(e thesr js i !. A tterceia, Hviuie aa4 Wt. oa e :?: ear l.te, it l.ls.-o 8. I 'f t!ecep f wl l nchuSge f vaitte it v'r akd K A. fktsla, I at Cdf it,d. Nth FREE To YGDDoLafly enfl GenUcmen CANVASSERS. 00 TOn T71fT AI EODCATIOI? Special Premiums.' TTITIOX. Board and Room rest la the Fremont Aormal School and Huni Inttltut. For the laivest Hit of subscribers for Tns Farxirs Alliakcs at our club rate of one dollar a year, received by January 1st, IKS, we will gire Tuition, Board and Koom Rent for one Year in the Fremont Normal School and Business I mtttute. . For the second largest list received by the same date we will give Tuition for One Year, This oiler of tuition Includes tbe fnllowing courses: Preparatory, Teachers, Elective, Scientific, Classic and Business course. Terms in this school open as followi : Fall term, September 1st: First Winter term, November 10; Second Winter term, January IT; First Spring term, March 00; Second Spring term. May 00; Summer term, June 00. Tbe cssh value ef the first premium is One flandred and Eighty Dollar. Of tbe Sec ond premium Fifty Dollar. Tbe president of tbe Fremont Institute Is W. H. Clemmons. Subscriptions can be sent In at any time, but persons intending to compete for tbe premiums sbonld notify ci so that proper credits can be given. - . See advertisement of the Institution in an other column. Happenings in Omaha. , At the last meeting of the Omaha independent club Mr. G. W. Brewster read a paper be had written for the Bte in answer to an art hi e on the gold standard by Andrew Carnegie. The article was well compose! and the lite of course, refused to print St. Mr. Brewster stated that he was a republi can, but his financial views were with tbe independents, lie further said if the republican party did not change its financial policy he would leave it, as many others would who had not al ready. The next speaker, Mr. T. C. Kelsey, warned him by saying if he laid down with hogs be would get up with fleas. We think Mr. B. is already , ao independent, but don't know it. As Congressman Rem says, "he is not yet quite weaned." There will be a mass meeting of all labor organizations at the Grand Opera bouse Monday evening, July 20th, for the purpose of discussing the eight-hour law, There is do doubt but a gr?s.t many of the corporations cere are guing to try to evade it. Billon & Douk, mat tress makers, started tbeir men on eight hours lat Monday. Tbe boys are well-pleased with the change. Mr. EJgerton is the choice of the in dependents of this city for supreme Judge. They know he would give us equal and exact justice as well as trust worthy law. ' The independents of Omaha have had tbeir rights trampled o a by Thayer re fusing to appoint one of their number n the fire and police , commission. There seems to be no way to compel him to observe the law but when we elect a real governor be can follow the precedent set by Thayer and appoint the whole commission from the inde pendent ranks. I expect about that time they will be shouting around want ing a non-partisan commission. (Rats!) The effect of the present commission is plainly seen. Quite a number of po licemen have told your correspondent on the sly that they would vote with us, but that they dare not be seen at our club meetings or our labor meetings. They dare not even ask the commission ers to obey tbe eight-hour law. Is not that nice lor a free country; Time and Place of Holding Precinct Primaries. PRECINCT TIME. ' PLACE. Centerville 2 to 5 p.m. Centerville North Bluff H to 5 p. m. Babcock 8. U. Little Salt 3 to 5 p. m. Uist. No. 127 Highland 3 to 5 p. m. reg. vot. place Elk -2 to 5 p.m. Malcolm S.H. Nemaha 2 to 0 p. m. Bennett Gartield 3 to 5 p. m. Belt Line S. H. Waverly 2 to 6 p. m. Oak , 2 to 0 p. m. reg. vot. place Buda . 2 to 5 p. m. reg. vol. place Yankee Hill 2 to 5 p. ni. Alliance Hall Precincts not named above please seed time and place to this oflice at once. Copy of Address Delivered by the N. C. I. A. of Kearney to the Farmers' Alliance of Buffalo County. The following communication was read at the meeting of Buffalo County Alliance held al Kearney July 9, 191, and on motion the secretary, Peter O' Brien, was Instructed to request the Cltiguns' Alliance to publish the same In the Independent, State Faumhui' Al liance. (Jlbbon Reporter, and State lib erty ' I To The Farmeks' Alliances or Btr FALO CtH'XTr "CiREtllKii." , We your brothers of Mldwav Assem bly No. IS National Citizens' Industrial Alliance of Kearney, Neb., bt-rcly pledge oar earnest support to you by ail the means In o tr power to mm you with other organisations in right th wrongs that have bera heaped npttn the people through the c'aeirg:srtl)Gt thai have Leva enacted. I The ot jrt ot our order is to unite the j Industrial class tl cities and lowos to work ia harmony with the agricultural aud other org and tuna. V e are ready at all tlaiss to co operate with you. And if at auv time we tin I uust rupulou un attemptls t ute the laduurtal orgaai latiuas U seltith motives tr tu thwsrt the det'fae I the laring i : if comUaiiig with ring ofKorporaikmsto ecur the ooniaaus of uavotlhr turn we will rlft with iwu to defeat suob ua hoiv towuiN or ueig ns, ha-a swar be ! g ttso up kq tbe lUers it i f corfra' '' j ikl.eUbg that the ul,c should eeefc li e i hs te a safe tatxiai i stand And j ISM tbe r-lrlee shall hot t f tea t any I waa as he hs prated i f lo U j staeereiy and a r!y a fied u ih , br.aopiee vIoh-i4i tfce In.leeadf nt art and lie iUtial !, aad has Ur4 l a- , rd, m I h.'e (a adhere I ia tan Mli !i4ts wiihvst tear er 1st or W e a aaihl4 it yr haaJ twi yar ua.im egttrt a a iissi .isr erni stuas U hand tie a this i a total t ' iMr c h.Mtea. In fiery eie tie fui eteateat ide. A II r -tm .reieijr .S,t'. A AJi p 4 b tfc !,! av tti4f 5 ti, . C, I A . J'f ! J C hiisiti, '!.Ultt The BeaaUiul LaaWI. rhers'sa beautiful country that lies far away Prom tbe earth with Ita burden of tears. Where night never enters, but shadowless day Fhine on througn eternity's years; W here tbe wail f tbe mourner is heard , nevermore, And tear neverfall for the dead; But life's waters wahto(t on tbe heavenly shore, Where the sorrows of earth are al) fled. And angels of beauty with faces that shiue, Iyook down from tbe heavenly land; They are minuter tent by the feuvlor di vine, Though we see not their welcoming bund : Out we feel tbeir sweet presence as dew on tbe flowers, And as streiisrlb to the sorrowing soul Tdl we yearn for that Eden with beaveuly bowers, Where tbe waters of life gently roll. From the shadows are lifted our sorrowful eyes To the bills where the anceli have trod, And our hearts ever yearu for our boiuu In tbe taie, Our home In the Harden of'Ood. And on some glad moiiilng- shall shades flee away, And the ransomed of Zlon shall stand, In ibe rapture and glow ot a sbadowlsis dv, -At home In lbs beautiful lsnl. , , CTeaCloM of she World. In a recent address before the st ite association of Congregnlionalcburdics Dr. It W. Raymond mentioned as a sample of the courageous and consist ent literalism of the last generation one of the introductory notes int'ru den's concordance, discussing tbe sea son at which tbe creation occurred, and favoring the conclusion that it whs BUluron, because, (among other reasons) apples were ripe. Heveral persons have since made inquiry as to this passage, not having found it in Cruden under the word Creation. It will be found (we tbink In all editions of tbo concordance, though we have examined only the American edition of 1841, from the tenth London ell tion) under World, as follows: It is alto inquired at what reason of the year tbe world- was created. The generality of the futheri thtnlc it was created In tbe spring. But a great number of others, among whom are the most learned cbronologlsts, contend t$ the world was ccea'ea in autumn. The urge: 1. That the Hebrews, the Egyptians, and nMt ot tbe Orientals began their year at autumn, which custom they bed re ceived from their ancestors, and they from the first men, who would natu rally commence their year lrotn tbo time when the world began, it. When Cod created Adam and Eve, and all other animals, He was to provide them with necessary nourishment. 3. There was (ruitupon the trees in the Garden of Eden, Gen. ill, S, 3, It was therefore autumn, tbey say, in what ever place we suppose Adum to have been created." - - ... ' Those who have felt incredulous that such reasoning as this should be found in books of Biblical study still in common use, may be Inter. uted to know that tbe Rev, Dr. Tnlmaje. of Brooklyn, in a sermon preuched May 24, 1801, narrated the Creation at length, upon Scriptural author, ity, with running comments, and (as the newspapers reported him, and as we are assured by per sons who were present) declared that it took place in May, beginning at 4 o'clock on Monday morning! We suspect that Monday must have been a slip of the tongue. If not, the doc tor is a heretic, and in danger of the Presbytery. But correcting that slight error, he is In accord with '-the generality of the fathers," though not, as Cruden says, with "the most learned chronoloyists." As to hi further reported declara tion that light was lirnt created, in order that the admiring hosts of heaven might have the opportunity to see the glorious exhibition that fol lowed, we do not feel so sure that tbe generality ot tbe fathers would be with him. Possibly they would find fault with hi m for adding a ploeo ot purely human speculation to the In fallible record. But something must be pardoned to the contagious spirit of the ti co. t.lvlnir and Taking OOeiiae. Everybody admits the sinfulness ot giving offense, because be t un do that while still thinking of his neighbor. Hut comparatively few refieot upon the impropriety of taking o!Ttnit-e, because to do that wou.d involve self-condemnation- Yet they are kindred fuults, . and commonly also neighbors. Ho who Is slow to put a wrong construction on the words or a'-tlons of another will ceneraSly be tender in bis dealings with hi fellow men. Hut the umn who rules rough shod over lUw tf el lugs of others will tie the first to make aa outcry If one wounJs hie senmbillt.e. The root ot both evils is self ma. celt, la giving ofTeusHhe m.n is enamored f hi own way, and to hue It, that he la, uno iicl ius'y It may bv vt utterly obUrious ol tho r gh of o.here to have op.nuii of their B, ami to set them lrtli with n luut'h earnelovMi a the at vo n. Btibd. It n.4 I trun tbitt his way Is tha txrt wnyt but it they ar mprntcr t the so.'latUin equally wt'N lira tt or have a ilwhl t tta erai,!id ni4 u.y ne4 io 1 0 p iuadisi. Ni w uVmatUrt I I ruai04 aud dU't'-i I Kot one ot tbe hum! !fruvc4 nth(d of run vttrink-; m4 e-t when a e,-!t that tt f)i-re I'DU.r.tf Vl.ni,..-h of hi s hwiM is ah that I t.t lue ar4 for ho casaut bkt Eire oeasi all a-Mui d lb has fi'gtitt ehat eat d i to i(t.e In the tiu'I'-athl eM'iasiw mh i he Me turn,.4 ol lh f tie 0 p.o.e s. klet' rtlSM4ee) I'alversity tiiaka ts a mipfii alls SHeaat ta rrvef.t !. : ).! pa4t tu f iitefibt eu tuiw ' front tli average WeUbMd line ol HU f.-at ra -e. I He U !'m'v to. r j aa art'.. si ) mi ti.n-:., thtu4 be ctet as Sii ; as t lessen)) Waerd at rtwfay ol a.. It establbhed, it becomes last as op pressive to mental aspiration in the lowly as the presence of a wealthy privileged class is to the social aspiration e he - Foor the -' elevation of the ' few to lordllnesa, but tbe elevation of the many to manliness and womanliness, is too great end in view, and that end becomes a vanishing quantity when power of mind or wealth segregates with a comparatively small class, which Is removed from an intimate knowledge of, and sympathy with, the life of the tmusee. If higher education sublimes to lofty heights, in colleges and universities, without diffusing in to tbe general lite,-and forming the upward extensions of that life, the peaks and pinnacles of the generic mind, then the formation of an intel lectual clafs seems to be unavoidable; for if education is cut off from a re actionary effect on tbe general state it becomes at once subjective and self-contemplative. That is not exactly what .we want. That is not Hercules, tbe giant armed, annihilating human disabilities. It is not Christ, tho spiritual magnet, drawing the whole world up Into matchless perfection. It Is rather a dapper Adonis, gathering up his dainty skirts and saying: ' Keep away; don't touch me; you arc ignor ant;'! am educated; I am better than you." Unless I am much mistaken, there is thla tendency in higher education; not enough to worry about; only enough, perhaps, to furnish- amuse ment to tho general eye. Wealth pushes the tendency forward faer, but mind culture goes the same way with slower steps. When it ceases to be a world-inspiration, it begins to weave an environment of Inaccesslt bility about itself and declines to use its force in tbe struggle with human limitations. From "Alms of Univer sity Extension. " by fcllney T. Skid more, in May LIppincolt's. niajMdged. -Dear me, I wonder bow It is," said ao Impulsive woman, who wm constantly misjudging people, "that everybody is so much better tban I tbink them?" Tho sweet, motherly face of Mrs. B , who always wore decorous black, appealed on tho promenade lately in a Bubens hat Twenty years too young for her," ejacula'ei one friend behind her back. "Did you seo Mrs. at cburcb to-day?" atkod anothor lady of her htfsbar.d. . Yes, ibo o;vcr misses morning sorvice," he replied. "And did you notice her but?" Why, no. I suppose it was the same one she always wears." "It was a round hat,'1 announced tbe lady, in much the same tone sbe migbt have used if the headgear in question had been n washtub. "That woman will wear a crown some day," answered her husband. "I do not know her equal in good works." "1 urn tilk'ng about eirthly milli nery now," answered hi wile, as ahe picaed up tbe discussion again. Meanwhile Mrs. B bus returned home and taken off the offending hat, which she handed to her daughter. "Thank you, . Kuby," she said. "I suppose my bonnet bus come back." "Yes, dear," answered her daugh ter, "and Mrs.. - was so grateful because you lent it tb her. She said sbe could not afford to bjy mourning for her boy," . -It was a small favor to do for ona In trouble," answered the mother, gently. And the wagging tongues never reached her. Hilling tbe Tongue. Do not talk too much. Learn bow to be silent. There is nothing like the man or woman that can keep the mouth shut. Not that people should always keep the toncue mill; it is made for use; but tbere are times wbon silence is the best and most ef fective reply. When a boor speaks roughly or uncivilly to you, when you are asked an impertinent question, when a sneer Is conveyed under cover ot an inquiry of information, or when, having appealed to you on a ques tion of laste, your opinion is met with ridicule, the best answer in theso or like exigen cies is masterful silence, bespeaking reserve power, conscious strength, dignity, self-command; and nothing ut times is so effective as tbe silence which springs from contempt. He who can endure reproach silently, and can keep silent undor trying circum stances, is a man ot no common char acter. He who Is irritated, and who loses control ot tongue and temper, Is at the mercy of bis opponent. He who can keep calm and cool, can mold men us he will. Tbe cold bummer bends the hot iron. "If any man of fend not In word, the same is a rr tct man, and ablo also ta bridle th whole body." hat la IVa) ert Prayer Is talking to Cod, It la the offering up of our desires to (iod In the name of the Son; depending upon the holy spirit. Some say prayer does no ginnl; but others kuow it doe. To kepgul company helps acyolj us. The moro we pray tbo more w are lUe tuxl. Much ut the Bible, I both ta the IJ aad New Testament, havw le : pray pre. 'They are written fur a ir Warning" A tew are Un, but neatly ait of them are ehort -as lh iIih- 'e when they cried, -Lord. Increase pur faith," or the uh lit en, w ho sti.obt iihb hie breast al eeianel. Miml, be merciful to me a tinner," Wbal the tt.h'e I:: )hk,, ee eufcltt tt talk al-oull ft-d 11 alka ttt . !y. we ought to Ihia aUut mmtly. ry wuhtut ees irtf UewjlMtu she th.taW Ak and ye Ua: rt,e, t'rartr H-e ins the lt..niaa ",'-! to the du i i tl ftusie tho fctMtt better, lie l.f , twttpf.it iMFf tp daHhl la ttte soul, it Halrl t( S hi gi've Wn w b"HiM. lisr u;tHUW. he want is mtu i! e'f11, nd Ui' roared t ewd s:t I mi lv j itfeijjth to t.uat ia Jve4a. Ti ms re(HUai has a sVaM ktl, It ' a ka th;t' !- wila a ! ' tb UUr ia a i fc!t t - svih. FREE SCHOOL BK IS NOW THE LAW. Have several thousand dollars worth' on hand that we will sell at from 5 to 15 per cent according to condition. Bny of Us and Save This offer Applies only to present etoclx, And Lasts tUl Sept. 1st, Only. OXj ASON 2s FLETCHER 1120 O st ', Lincoln, Neb WtE fOn PMTICUUM. TFLEPHONE 78f. Jobbers and Retailers. Desks and Stxtisnery.. RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES. UriTGTPAT. I MBKCHANDIOB. Qur stock Is replete with everrtblBf' la the ill U OlvAli I musical line. PrloeAo Stilt the times. M. P. Ctbtib. Co. H . R. E AG L E & OO. "THE MONEY SAVERS FOR THE Ftp PLC," Send 6 cento to pay pootaco Full Catalogue EverytKinu You Uoe and Wear. 83 Wabash Av., SPECIAL -. ANNOUNCEMENT. S. B. NISBET Has opened one of Boots '. and -. Sheas Ever brought 1015 O STREET, The public is invited to call and inspect this eupurb new etoci. The proprietor has full confidence that no other house in the citjr can enow as fine a stock or can sell at lower figures. The ttocx has been carefully selected and is entirely'new, M ALLIAItGE STATE DUSINESS AGECCY, STASE AGENTS OFFERS FOR THIS WEEK: Flour, good, per sack- ,....$ T5 " netter, " " Picnic ' " Snow Hake " Blue U Pat " Lyon s 1 00 1 10 1 30 1 25 1 15 1 85 Minn. Pat Sugar granulated 21 lbs 1 00 txtrauiia ids... Tea Young Hyson per lb....... " Japan " " Gunpowder " Soap, good, 36 bars " better, 25 " " White Rus.25 " Canned Tomatoes per don Corn, best " Tobacco, Horse Shoe per lb. . . . Star No Tax " .... Catlina " .... Starch, Gloss per lb Corn ' 1 00 2.1 , 30 30 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 10 40 40 28 . 20 07 0U The best Sewing Machine in the State Tat FliUfj' AIHCSCI f 10.00. or 1 1 9. co at factory. A good one at J15.00. Fully warranted. Our inside prices are for members of Alliairifs only. Write us lor any thing you eat, wear or use. J. W. HARTLEY, St lie Agent. Cash to accompany all orders. 4-tt , Lincoln, Neb. Leopold Barr, Jeweler. The farmers of Lancaster county are cordial ly invited to call on me in my new quarters, 1136 O street, where I will take pleasure in showing: them my handsome line of jewelry, watches, clocks, etc., which I offer to members of the Alliance a t discount rates. All kinds of ropairing at low rates. Respectfully, Htf 3 O, 3,qE HiT 1 TVs Wholesale and Retail Lumber. ' Toloplioxio TOL O street between 7th and 0th. Ul:.::!i, Tit) .1. cuific a oortt Fir., Ctitt Horn Shotfnej. t g-jv le.iee a I se,r. lieu m .n.atwa 1 mi Ante S4 eeeS- f aett4Ma ef k a latUHS aM f Work SpesuHy. Jr "i 2J- from Publishers SWCMI frlSSS, t . ;. . . Freiglit and SiHCOiiBis. Eat, H. B. EAGLE. Cs 00. Chicago, 111 the finest stocks ol to tbe State. Dried apples per lb 11 ' grapes " 07 Cat. raisius 8 Prunes good " 10 Cal. Prunes " 121 Peaches " 12, Black berries evaporated per lb. . 08 Vinegar in gallon jugs 25 Masons Fruit Jars, quarts per doz. 1 CO " " " i gal. " 1 75 Pepper, alsplce, cloves, cinnamon, , ginger. The best in the market. Lion. Arbuckle, lloyal and all pack age coffees 25 Maple syrup in tin cases, per gal. . 75 Parlor matches per doz. boxes. ... 10 A good overall. , W " shirt colored 90 " half hose pur doz. 75 Gliden painted wire per 100 lb. . . . 8 5 XjeoTDold. Barr. t e lADaKft LimM CO. ELI HEADACHE GORE . N Itsi fter NswaMM m io iimuTO. N'.S'.v aeme44 If a M tee lMtiai. Sw.4 af a I Sl,fie re ;t e, avat, tuf teste, , v Pt , HEGEKBAKi'SFflAElUCT. COOMth .ndOIT LINCOLN, : : NEB