THE FMOIERS' ALL1AKGE, LINCOLN, JS ED., THUKSDAY, JUY 9, 1SU1. ALWAYS THE SAME. r Sha'dSmJied In tli German -chool. And woes ah Oailf piayea upw T)i frni piano, ! That inttrtmient ah mad upon. , . To easpa l planiinjo, , 8utJuf,andlu- thlorl y in sturdiett fertiieinio. ( Iorf channel of her lif - J . Hrr lendeodaa were thunderous, Err drama war o loud, tight Of them rrom tlwp would aundar 8 And lin ber lover came, md ah la Uiro of love would 1 him, eu, Xh welkin would trer berate With echolnp (ortmiroo. She's marrll now and bai a brae , , Of very Bolt little ODe, And fortunate It la for them That they war not mad blitu ones, For whan they do offend, at once. With movements allerliituo. She hammer on their netlwr part la niuaeulw fcrtiatinio. Boston Courier. A DUEL Tlier ere no real duel now day," Mid on of our party. 44 A cratch, three drop of blood, and the antitgoniatfgo off to breakfast to gether." "Bwidet," ald another "It ll al way to arranged that no on shall be killed. The second throw up the word and prevent fatal thrust, or if pistole are used, load them with cork balls." , , The duel, at (t la practiced at pre sent, ia a Joke." , "Say a caricature. ' Dr. Grabriel, who had listened until then without taking part in the con volution, which astonished nobody, for he was not talkative raised his Lend and murmured: "Do you think eof " Tor my part resumed the first speaker, "1 have several times served as a second to tell the truth, I have been an accomplice to more than one pleasantry." "The same way here," said the other, "and really I don't complain, for I confess I should have been great ly embarrassed hod acorpse remained on my hands. A body dosen't dis appear; the authorities Invariably find It.", Again the doctor said: V '' 1 "Do you think so?" 'Do you duny, Doctor, that His impossible to withdraw a corpse from attention of the police? They Inow at one, if a, man disappears, especially if he occupies a position In ociety, There Is always some one to give notice of his absence, 'Now, if you refer to some vagabond, without friends, family, or residence, the case is different." "I tell you," said the Doctor, this time very emphatically, "that there are exceedingly serious duels, that a man may be Killed, and that, further, though belonging to an excellent family, having friends, even being hand in glove with magistrates, he may disippear forever without any one knowing what has become of him." "Hut the corpse is somewhere!" Of course," The Doctor passed his hand across 111 forehead. He looked very calm and a trifle pale, and did not scent to notice the lightly Ironical smilo which had settled on every face. "Well." sola he. "how lona auo was it! I don't remember exactly, but it was a long, long while, sny twenty five or thirty years. Where did it take place? Among the savages of Nyan.a, among the redskins of North America? No; in France. Hut 1 shall keep from you the name of the little tow" Hvnrrli the map of France the littk- town is very near a medi cal colluse. It is surrounded by im portant villages, one of which bears the name of a battle, a sadly celebra ted Imt tie. in the little town in question, two . students of the same Age and brothers through friendship were toiling ussid. tiously, Impntient to win the title of doctor, which, surround ed by the halo of distance, seemed to them a sure warrantee of rapid fortune. "There was, besides, within them a more honorable desire than that of creating for themselves a lucrative practice. They were laborious en thusiasts, who Aspired to discoveries and made intelligent researches that they might conquer some of the dis eases which overwhelm humanity. Hut they were pot rivals nor jealous of each other. On the contrary.they mingled their intelligence, energy, and hopes, and each was ready to shar with the other the glory he counted upon acquiring. "They were, a you see, two chil dren. "The last year of their studies was drawing to ft tlomt; their examina tions hml been brilliant, ami but a aluiht ertort would enable them to rch tli goal; that is to say, the C0fqut of the diploma which would twrmit them to work without tn niiiv trance, in spit of routine professors. who, for the moat part, are adversar ies. irrtwatto you they were friends, "Mow hitptwited it that In a day that (rlndliip was transformed into ntr jiow, auto lite hijitt benr, dut they txM'oiitv liuilcab! utum;a? A protutind nteraltai liateail, 'iuok for th nutitan!" "Th'- time, at uauat, you would Late found her. "Who as slwr Was sh wort h th (miou rivalry for hr wbh-o had mi arstvd th-e tao) brothers? Sa niV tr! A woman for iboa ha ltt Kr, I al) th bit iuiportaut vf "And Wtlt IokI lf to th Hii.t J hta4il4. "In fsit, tbr wr twad, lor only '. inadMwMi Mul4Va-" 10 !, to Ww f a hnimnt and dranil a hwut Katt m win. II fHiwi singularly stisky, but ii WS Bfiiwf It rviitvl, "A tiiwua f airl t . Ot ila ef IM-f tiMHi 4uq. ' a sH 4 14 it MMntndi lty tvM'lulily ktl t ItvUtt '" ! Al4t Br, ibaf llnvi P Ut UtnfkitM)ii to- ... 9 the !wf lt4 tl UutK'. , i iht ity a4 trl tul'4 lolvMt f tWf TOWtfclH sUi trtll I fc'lvs, a4 i4uii tbt r tKewt l lr h4 h M M-a w a w wo t smow ta 4 UUa&ti'Att) k ioj4 i then like incurable lunacy; one of them aupertluou upon this earth;tbey bs4 resolved to fight each other to the death. '. "Don't imagine that the four stu dents raised any objsction. For a very long while, the romantic, driven from Pans by scepticism, had found refuse in -the povinee. The people there still believed in the heroes of George Band, the truculent of Uautier and the Treice of Balzac: A duel to the death. It was a rare windfall! "Nevertheless, among these hair brained fellows, one, more thoughtful or more selfish than the rest, observ ed that the seconds in such a grave duel might get into serious trouble. Just at that period it seemed that the authorities were Inclined to deal se verely with dueling, tne fit seizing up on them intermittently, as you are aware. "Fearing such objections on the part of the seconds, our two duelists had provided for them; they would fight In a spot calculated to bid defi ance to all curiosity, and in which, be sides, the corpse they did not doubt there would be a corpse would dis appear without arousing the atten tion of the authorities. "Tliis ia the way ia which the affair took place: , "Toward 2 o'clock one ummer morning the sii young men quitted the little town without their depart ure being noticed by anyone. The seconds, wrapped in cloaks, concealed something, and that something was not swords. "They took out-of-the-way roads, In which they were sure of meeting no one. and thus reached the small vil lage of Ulenc. "They found themselves at the foot of a wall of a cemetery. All the party were agile, as well as young. The scal ing of the wall, therefor, presented no difficulty. They gained the Interior 01 the cemetery. "The spectacle was, Indeed, roman tic. Amid the first glimmers of day the white tomb emerged from the morning mist like spectres with arms outstretched beneath their winding- sheets; the wooden crosses made black stains. "They chose a spot where no burial had certainly taken place for a very long while-tiils was easily divided by j the topography of the alleys already traced. . And when they had fixed up on the point, the fourseconds, produc ing from under their cloaks the spade they had kept concealed there, began to dig a grave. "Tliey had strong arms; they wer sons of peasants and knew how to handle their implements. After twen ty minute' toil th grave was .dug- two meters long ana one wide, i "Is R all right?" demanded one of the seconds, j "The two adversaries, who, until then, had been walking among the tombs, taking great care not to meet each other, approached and made. an aflirmativ answer. "You are still resolved to fight?" "Yes!" . - "Until on of you meet hi death?" Ye!' "There was no attempt at reconcili ation. "Kik Ii of the two enemies handed the second a letter, which was not to be opened until after the death of one of them. The second took charge of them. ' "Tlietwo men them stripped to the waist;hey did not want any blood stained garment to remain. Then each one was given a knife. "They sprang into , the yawning grave. "How they threw themselves .upon each other, how they closed, how mad dened, blinded by rage, they struck, nb one knew; in their fit of furious madness they did not know them selves. of thorn .said, in a faint voice; , ; "He is dertd!" ' "Ho was the other! "The seconds, st upefied with hor ror, but restrained by their pride at that period people affected tmpassa bility were scarcely able, so much did they tremble, to help him out , of the crave. "II was the victor, he was alive; the other was lying in a heap amid a pool of blood. Hut it was imperative that he should dixappear. One of tho stu dents establiNlied that he was dead. Then they filled up? the Brave trod down the earth aud replaced the sods which had been carefully remov ed. "After this they returned to tho town. "The following day the parents of the dead man received a letter in which he announced to them that, having for a long time had desired to see foreign lands, he had departed for the nearest po.rt nnd embarked for a destination be would ttiiko known to them only after his arrival. The promised communication never arrived. The man had disappeared, and it was never known what had become of him." The auditor of ths singular story had grown pale. nut tn outer? criea some one. "The other, the living man. said th lkK-tor, in a solemn voice was my sell!" "And th woman? "fhe was a wretch: I never saw her afterward." San FratuUKT rail. Kittf wtchl the Table. The dinner table stood spread on the pUi on day In a certain sea sliur hum. ' Unit up and watch th table, Mi flu, that U a tr-uxi httl girl 4 the maUi to the little dtttn'iter of th hwuMo, a ah wrnt on inta Id houw fur nuiitftltinj or other forth table Uf.r siitmttumna' th(atttt!y tulhjaiki !tr a waUw-Uap4 hat with , . , , vriy plain outhn. Ht plain mill ws plavu-g iuh Ur rat, but . . , , , , ah mi it the '.,. and ' T? "r! vVf lhs for few mmutw U t4 j '? V w V'V?. ,(.,,u'' .. i .-k i end brim, tilautty buund. d.. by IU Ik , tn !Uh la Uy .ill. kirn. Uattisi 11.41 h. et u i , ..t k M4 Ik man pit.Ur ov.riun.-! sal th (t atM.f Upptiy ckmh tviW tr mifwM t'tip! M. ....... ' ft.. ll.u.,Uki it,I .i.-'lh it u.. tvst i: lw. M,u.iWi.kl.eWl.-WWMiaM, ei'M . "Whr Ull't 4Mt 1V WMvtl lb !. as Mary '( futt tuT ' "tUiy, ttiuM. l-i ' tit lasVM about, iWt) ndd tfius pbauUt ; S sr, diHt l yw , sssa.w.4, i Mt kitty la witt Uib lh Ut ." Yeifi l FOR A'D ABOUT VOMEX. SUBJECTS THAT WILt BE FOUND INTERESTING TO THE WOMEN. Thin Dresses Women a Teacher New Things for Women The Hat You Want About Your Summer Gown Valuable Household Hint. Thin Dresses, alie summer days have come when weighty gowns are a burden, and modistes are hastily completing dress es of thinnest fabrics grenadines, di aphanous chiffons, and sheerest or ;nndy muslins. Elaborate gowns of black grenadine are imported in pat terns, with plain silk grenadine forthe greater part of the gown, with piece for sleeves and corselet, or entire cor sage, and bands for trimming embroid ered with fine steel and jet beads, and thickly strewn with glittering spangles of jet. For simpler gown spotted or striped grenadines are used, and are made up over black satin merveilleux throughout, or else over changeabw silk. Tills silk is taffeta of very light weight, with excellent gloos, and costs fl.23 a yard. It is especially pretty in pale blue shot with gold, pink with green, nnd in darker blue with rose making a red mauve shade that is much used by Worth, and Is exceed ingly effective in conjunction wjth black, iilack French lace I the trim niiru for such gowns, with narrow jet Leading, or else the corded lace is chos en in vernticallidesigns, as this is heavy enough to support a border of nail- heads jet, amotiiysts or topaz sec near its straight edge in three or four rows. A handsome sown of dotted grena dine, over light blue and yellow taffeta, has the grenadine of the bodice drawn down, without darts or side forms, to the waist tine. Wide corded lace, edged witli jet cabochons, is then set straight down the front in jacket shape, ana turned hack to lorm a coat along the edge of the bodice. A band of j-t beotl the lace in the baric, and passing under the lace of the front forms a pointed belt on the grenadine waist. The sleeves have grenadine much fuller at the top than the silk lining, and tiie lace is litted closely ovor the silk below the elbow. The silk foundation skirt has two pinked . m a ef.. ft .si . tiouncc at tne iooc, ana is veiiuu oy a full grenadine skirt, edaed witli a thick ruche of the grenadine, on the left side the grenadineskirtis left open to show the pretty silk beneath, and baud of jet galoon are set down the edge. With this gown is a round hat of ecru straw in open pattern wrought with gold, trimmed with black gauze ribbon striped with gold, and long-stemmed thistle of jet and gold. The glove are light tan Suede, and low shoes of brown ooze-calf are worn with brown silk stockings. Women as Teaohers. t I only a question of time a to whether or not women will monopo lize the work of teaching in the public schools. In forty cities having a population each of 10,000 and above, in rJtates East and West, North and South, they outnumber the men in th school by more than five to one 3770 to 055, according to a census bulletin just issued. In smaller com munities and in the rural districts the proportion is still greater, perhaps, because the men who want to teach as a profession or to teach while pre paring for a profession, as law or medicine, crowd into the cities, be cause there the salaries are the highest and the facilities of study best. These figure refer to whites only; but the colored girls are coming to the front also ami claiming a place, as in tho six cities of Texas, with the popula tion required, where the female teach ers of color number thirty-tlveand the male only twenty-five. NewThlnas for Woman, The newest color is golden yellow shading into mauve. The newest combination is old rose and dim blue. The newest bonnet is a small jet coronet with a tiny bunch of flowers in front and a larger one behind. The newest hat is the flat picture shape of black horsehair trimmed with yellow flowers. The newest parasol handle is in black wood with pierced monogram in gout. The newest way to arrange a lace flounce is to festoon it twice across the front of the skirt, first half way down and then near the edge, turning over the top in a hem and running in a ruiiion. The newest millinery flower Is the yellow primrose. The neweit sleeve is wide nnd full at the top. but not so high as formerly. 'Die newest shade in straw is beetle's wing green. Th Hat You Want. Th woman with a "pug" nose is not wis at leastnot in matters of dr-it shwara bonnet with a sharply paked brim, accenting the up ward tendency of her no; or if her lorehead slope sharply back from the brldtf of hr no h is most unwise to select a hal in which th Irlinmiug slope oblitptelv toward th bock, from tWr lowering into th air, It her far La pUin and hard featured, sh la not wia to couth her hair smoothly back . V "" . u . h'l ! BttHt ui H skirt, Ihs short Ua j l,k "' ,a-'7l 'u : l.A.t l.lftto.M!. ktAlhtM- 11, trttutued Li vrv ' llu? wmhhtatwa lhn at be Wh4 dwtiiiW f lbtia atltith word "mW" flow the at irtuj rtke. Tt 't I5 tan Ibstolt Vl.uMi nf U it Ui Church it Is occasionally omitted I have personally known several in stances; or when retained, it is con stantly explained by the parties con cerned, or even by clergymen, as a thing to be taken with a mental res ervation. Two things have contrib uted to this-the constant increase in the number of women who earn in comes of their own, and the vast pro gress of the higher education. Either of these experience very soon ex pands the wings of a strong feminine nature, and a return to the chrysalis is thenceforth impossible. It is out of the question to give woman equal education and equal property rights, and yet keep her in the prostrate at titude she occupied when her earninzs belonged to her husband, and when the law denied her the safeguard called "benefitof clergy"on the groundsthat it was not supposable she could read or write. Harper' Bazar. Gossiping- Women. Among the ordinances promulgated at Bt. Helena in 1709, we find the following- "Whereas, several idle, gossiping women make it their business to go from house to house, about the is land, inventing and spreading faUu and scandalous reports of the good poople thereof, and thereby sow dis cord and dehate among neighbor And between men and their wives, to the great grief and trouble of all good and quiet people, and to the utter ex tinguishing of all friendship, amity and yood neighborhood for the punish ment and suppression thereof, to the intent that all strife may be ended, charity revived and friendship continued, we do order that if any women, from henceforth, shall be convicted of tale telling, mischief-making, scolding, or any other notorious vice, they shall be punished by ducking or whippin or such other punishment as their crime or transgressions shall deserve, or the Governor and Council shall think fit," New York Ledger. New York Olrls Play the Races. Two pretty young ladies, wearing gingham dresses and sailor hats, sat in a .box at Morris Park recently. They were bright and vicious and had a host of friends, to whom they chatted gaily when they called on them. They took out their pocket books and sent money down on a horse for the first race. They had lost and laughed a they tore up their ticket. "I am so fond of reading." said the younger of the two. She was about 18. "I want to win some money and buy some books." They were novices, though, and lost every race. At last they reached the last race, and they were broke." An elderly gentleman just then called in their box. He might have been their father. laughing they told him their experience. The old gentleman smiled took out a $3 bill and told them to play l'earl Set. Pearl Set won, and the girls divided $43 between them. It was worth a trip to the track to see them as Pearl Set led past the post. Morning Advertis er About Your Summer Gown. You are going to make your cotton gown. Now, before you do this, say The Ladies' Home Journal, see if you cannot have its decoration in it de sign, and use as little trimming a possible. The quantity of embroid ers that was at one time considered in good taste on these gowns, is no long er in vogue. Whatever decoration you may use, have upon the bodice. A guimpe of Irish lace, ribbon collars and cuffs, fanciful girdles, or waist coats of silk or embroidery, of pique or linen, are all in good taste; but an elaborate skirt is undesirable. Your cotton gown wants to express the sweetness of simplicity, ana it also ought to tell of its extreme comfort, a something which is never hinted at in an overtrimnied or too elaborately made one. Too much decoration, like too many words, is quite often an evidence, not only of lack of sense, but of lack of brain. American Woman's Tact. An English writer says that "there is method in tho madness of the Eng lish lord who imports the American product to wed, not alone because of her money and beauty, but because a fair American can make her home all things to all men, and she brings to society something more durable than beauty, more refreshing than a gold mine tact. That is the key to the social fairyland, without which we can never hope to enter. We want it with our friends, with our enemies, In our ambitions, our amusements, in our public gat herimrs, in our intimate reations,in talk or in silence, we want it badly. "-New York fun. Valuable Household Hint. Piece of licorice laid around where ant run 1 recommended. Take iron stains from marble with lemon-juice or a mixture of spirits of win and oialic acid. Mcriiigut-a should be put on pud dim after tm-y are saglitiy cool a, If Iht pudding be hot, th $ wilt II ptcfy. Old newapatter torn in small piece and wet in water aoftewd by I tie av lit ion of a httl ammonia, ar v'l Isnt lo laiiiD rhiinnvv. Pti-amt-1 tlumtdiiu with at wed rhkkmr tot), ar an ao.uuU.on cMkUth Hi moat until itrarly dm, then mak th dnmpliii lik l..kii),; Mdr toa' ttitt; pir all but a lutU ti th ir (rum mm aiiotlwi 1 lot stavr, an I nit lh dtimji Ut4 IU lh m the m4l ' ti er t.t too. h the wtr, an I rook ua. til alt U.itr lsli.l av. To rmin mt-u an I brui' from Inritiuire, ruS thu uwntly ith a frh WA.'nui. biitti-tn'tt or ht. kot n it katti. and i hy l ilt divu paar a illv wi:h'. T rvnii.n ll. tm4hy mrl, ratii ly .1. iHMii iti t I '! Ill IU4t tt. l uit. or III !- b! niib,niini'!ii,iSinli taik Hw-utMutol tU few diune (il Kin h At'tdv enU Uhi I nuU at. ilu it. dfr .1 at t I lU'rt- k ll'i yS n b W a! r Ur Ifcsl Ii.ln4 w'r l did i v a the ) t r- v ti il a ttrMi m Uwt W i le -I tuut 'llie li44 IIjxi JwUfUi. THAT TIMES ARE ill You will think so ii yon come in and GET OUR PRICES ON Ml Boys' ill Clfas' CLOTHING. DATS AND FURNISHING GOODS. Our stock is the largest and most varied in the city. 25 8m PRICES THE LOWEST. Special Price to Alliance Ntmben. A BETTER DAY J. A. EDCERTON, Consisting of thirteen Poem Suitable for Recitation. . Every Alliance should have a copy. Price in leather 25c. Paper 30c. 461 Address this office. Forest Tree Seedlings. Bed Ctdar, Fruit trees and t'lant. Largest Stock, Lowest Prloes. Mammoth dewberry luadous to the oore, beat berry for th prslrlea. Black Locust, Husslaa Wulberry.Tullp trees, Bos Elder, Alh, Elm, Walnut, Cottonwood, etc. Ketall at whole aaia irlo. Save as per cent and writ (or mjr price list. jldSre.. Quo.C. HASreso. 31-Sin Makanda, Jackico Co., 111. Mention ihs ALLiAscswhen tou writ. So plants! AslussHsssaet Forest end Fruit Trees, Flaess, Tfesse, Its., ef CLOVER DALE IIOLSTEIN FRIESIANS. 70 BULLS. HEIFERS AND COWS. ADTAICED REGISTRY STOCK. ALSO 1 Address, T C FURCESON, STELLA. NEHK. Srare aad dear money fkard money) makin eheaa labor, w alaery, Kalllae prlcM, liulnM paraly! and enrureed late neae. duubllo the Volume aud Value ol Bioney ebllatlone (boade tail eaorlf (ee) creaUug Uud lord ayateiu. A TrsatlM ea Money and Finance SB. BAJC m fc idxbt IOWA. it Lar Cloeelf printed pa, Larg If ae it a a bank p. "We kaartt' roeeotaaa lb Mnnr M MMir' la ail ka nuid lorm s.S-ilt ua 4oriaadiac if Ik XV Saaavlal :eok f aui Ord.r, aa it ta vlihuot i.IUa the aiHui 01 ' pia'ia 11 saa a our ao4 (oHuu hi . W.iKtvrfuUr e.aai and ft .rot. 1i tiiul)acoi iiiti.r ana latae tmnklr tuuia, TSa Umr Mna.ia.Uf bk whu S aa laW rafut rSauUS with ut," J.mraal 4 a "I k. fata . r.. jaa. M. Cut. Jti H.rfwr, ta war aura at? t a rvaafeiavk wuvatarat iiMtt aa lu ! nf mi - I a r-4 Hfc r.l r laa k wi Mt.ri uwl nail iarMk th laat cu.t. ii at 4 r ai r sraeuaai vtaa U ta ta. at atajia ai ia ar fa a trvalMxtti wl Ik BJOaoKlf I kwuk bom la armt. ).. aatadf, a4 Ik i... aupifwrtj nf tka aut lo Vf ..tvu ffl kutrt f tmua.a Hum Ik t tk aa aa tka tan Sfi itMtt.a at Mr. l,uaiina e4 li. aa t a4 a w " . tut, nm mI tk a lbtiti.a.1 Mwui4uaf l yuttia IMia f jw.mL kwl 0 im I.-rult. a4 taaMt I at ImiI t a.Mwn at li. IM k eaiiu aa.! p T a k. . a a4 !' ll a tilrw4 att ta. ) a.vuiat t utlni. It at IKii 4 a aiao.t araM. kwl H k lwiial a4 ta Uittit4 a-'.'- a!X ttvtitae, r... r If 11 M H t tka ewa. f fa t, k '. H 4 a twvMttif'Ma f lwakUk xm4 b.itrM.tal aa at rMI ItM aa( tt Hmi M M k4 Ua k.4 a.' i Matraa, ' mtm- If aiu I IS kak4 t va tea, . 4a-.. M,tl'a kt t. inM. k.a. . "4 t an ' eklWl J. M ratk.. a P. 1 Ta atMak v$ aaaowkif ta aw t at.wwi-f. 7 M iat.a. k( Vtl- .4.t af k ! M Iki aWaa tu t tk A-k, , I-.. t u tut I X 11 ii,ta. Ik tea V Ik Ip WMttaV 4i aM'i-r i a'V- Hsrelass tens fr Rasraaka. feial IS AUtaae SMtatla. i4 far srlo vet te .( W VTkUtar 4UIwa4 The Boot and Shoe Man BID. O. YATES. NOT FORGETTING MY $2.50 & $3.00 Shoes Short Tops High enough to keep dirt out; light single sole, easy on and they wear good. I have sold them for four years. Long enough to find out whether they are good for anything or not They are Good. ED. G.YATES. O Street. 1120 Hardware :-: Headquarters FOR THE Farmers' Alliance of Lancaster Co. DUNHAM & CO., Th Only Exclusive Dealn In BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Nails, Carpenter's Tools, Scales, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Screen Frames and Doors, also Screen "Wire. 112 O SRTBBT Contractor' Etimates will Re ceive Prompt Attention. A. M. DAVIS, . Leading Carpet Dealer or LINCOLN. Get bis price before purchasing else where. He will save you money. 48 LINCOLN am imfinia or rcxsAnnir, Shorthand, and Typewrlt'nit, b th bnt and larnat Collvg In the Went. w Htutlenu In Attendant 1m4 fear. Student prepared fr ItURlntM tn f roni . u, f month.. K.tprlina-1 faculty, f rrwnal Inatructlon, Heautlful IHuMraKd ctuluvu, ollrvn Journal., and apwlnwoa ot pen man. hip, sent (raw by addrnMUui ULUBKIOOE BOUSE. Llnooin. Kab. ODELL'S DINING '-.HALL 1528 O Street. MEALS 25ct. CAN SERVE 600 AT A SINGLE MEAL Carter & Bailey. Commission Merchants, 125 ud 121 Rortk 16tb St.t Llocsla. Ktb. DEALERS IN Butter, egg, cheese, petatoea. poultry hay, graiB and lire atock. Farm Produce i Specialty. U Refsrenos. First National Bank. Telephone 470 303 S. 11th St. A. L. GUILE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming 4Stf . . . .Lincoln. Vah K.S.NEIK, Druggist & Pharmacist it South totb St. A full and complete Una of Drur. Patent Medliiinr. Tnilet Article and 1'ertuoiery. , Choice Cigars a Specialty, The traile of th(anuln (raternlly is relectmuy soacltea. Ju GU apd Ge T1e. MM 0 HOTEL, lllUSCi illDQI AlTiiS . Saks s. 4?. Is! rata fc tk . CrsirlSH ul JicIum Strtttt, M Oa Ma tts ft. K JSXNIXQS, IYop'r, f OMAHA UTEU Hon.t 1 rtvn-MiiJat. rhWa . ft tvt. Sf4al, will take a IK ta.l atk 4 al auauM. !. M. a. Wrti i, a ibii. a 4 kit twtitM In ia lii.iiie.toiliii i.ii..i.i .,nf. n.i,ra ta k.imI aai t 4(.4il !''., fvt.ia tu., ra-t"M auk i. Inm Brrtat,wi a4 al ' l Iwwwat a imb tut it aa fti4aif ia a . ta4 kf ta.tountt f.ri ut .4.1., : fur tt.a l m sj . k f limit kw ikl tkt. la tf af li.aia aaij auMt'tf , IM m kKk IU lu,uiaa -I i ilciaM taira ka kv a4 fct a .at., a.KI h im mi inn mi. H. H ! taua4tMtttf t.ti, : it J4H 4. fa. . a4 t. hi ait allia a.i ati ia.Wia V tw'iKtf lM I'M, I,akwa u4 a ti ti.. a4 -. a4 J akMkif ta ai f a. won ta.r. h mwu A U a. 4 aia.ail awa tn nmt k a a it aa a4 lut, mi kM ta Ktvmt t (. fi imI la. t...l .at. Ma f- ai v . 4- 4 wtav4v t-au . tA aa4 iktv S rvi.ia k .H.I ut 1.1 iatr4 ta 4 wa. a4 tk w au 4 ta aatiaCf f w t 4 if a4 ii4.i.i.4i ta aii.aa v i wm l aaavnual ti.a4 44. 1 V..I ar ft 4 W .'! li t titttaj ai ta itk 4( i.t i. . .1 H, t ki iit 'U A . Att,, 1 t " ,,,, STILL THERE IS SOME- THING ELSE. DID YOU EVER WEAR A PAIR OF MY PLOW BOOTS? 1129. 82-tf Lincoln Nebraska. do Went te save from 26 TO 60c. Oa every Dollar jou spend? If so, writ ta our Illustrated catalogue, 00011010- ill ss trstions and prloes of everything wsnufict ured la toe Unite States, at manufactur er.' prloes. 10,000 Illustrations, AU line represented. Catalog-ue mailed free on ap. plication. Address, tf CHICAGO OEBTEBAI. UPPLT CO. ITS West Van Buna St. Chicago, 111. CARRSOAP'-.MKS, W EST LINCOLN. UaupdrT Ooapsi GOLDEN SHEAF. PRAIRIE ROSE. YELLOW RUSSIAN. - Toilet Ooapsi HARD WATER COCOA. MEDICATED 1AR. 44t( They bare no equal. Patronize a home factory, none better in tne world. $500 REWARD will be paid to the aient of any acaleeompuBT who Win tay orer Dia own name aa ageni.iuai uw no aa 5 TON WAGON 8CALE,$60 is not eqnal to any made, and a a tandard reliable scale. For particulars, addrea only Jones of Binghamton, Bingbamton, I,Y. Send for Circular.' Addren BAIBBCX, KWISO CO., OMAHA! NRB. - rViMIWI aj v4 t A pamphltt of Informatlnn uii .h. ..rau, ,11 iiiw iawa,.uuwtll linw tO'C f oatain t'araaia, Tra.l,jC,5 VtiiMMUNN 00. i a.M, viiprri.aia. ...( JTtU'S A 361 Ureadwar. Hw la. ARE SINGING raoa ths Aim 1! Labor Songster! Th demand for th little book was to rrr ht-avr that tb publisher kav now toalt. nla twauilfui MUSIO EDITION HevlaM and enlarged, la suiMtrior Mrla. ami fiirawb la bota paiwr an4 KoaM c.v.r, Thia ia far tk tar.n.t annirtivr in Ik markvt "f Ik frio. ami ib(ar.iul.f prpr4 in. J rd '' ai'itltf .itiiin lu taiiMd iimli.r. TkaMu.lii K.I lima rn.. hi m an ait ..mi Hratna. Mora of tkM koik ar lit ut tkaa ar ota.r l.atxv otir Jubli.hr4 Tk d.taaaJ I 1 h 'VP '"' "'kln. a4 .rd.ra m ..d tk taw 4r ri4. wktat kf Ik 4.l ..r, Hfln. t .. f, M. tl'Jai'd - '- r".ii. tit a4 1 Oa) a,tl paid W.irJ ilili4. !. AtUnaisK iv . 1.1 !, Kkv PENSION THE ti ti ll !TV l il t It . k I AW. Shl ar DiubM f :H V tf IaH1J UaH.Kt wi a4 . .,w 4aJ. a 4 .4 truat vt imi rw u .,v.ul-4, I f I wl lS 1 ai tr.y a4 a4 . aam; bnw.i,, Lata t una a. k.r MMES TANNER fl riMu'ta '! M kt)taa, U. . MaaaawamaaaamaaaaiiaaaMaaaMaa l iMttttj.. s, Aua.n ti . JtmU T.askaiikUe iWkwmty fa. l.itt..?B, ?i,n I eat la f),t4 Uu- f-on -v an -ki o iawaiia, bt vh ol I ira nuiwti lUttHHif, iMlag al a await unia l a Wki, sfl ea irnbi , u lavat aiaa. atattUI thlaat mm a.. UouMt.r d.t. J l I U-.t W! Hr.M 1. una ft sal bf Mf k I I1SV, m.m HWkm, k!P 1 1