The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 02, 1891, Image 8

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FIRE IVORiCS ! ! ! !
We arc the, acknowl
edged Bargain House
of the City.
Great 25c Store
11240 Street
We excel all in
for one-half the
The Great 25c Store,
112 O Street
The Great
Ladies Hits and Millinery
for ONE HALF the jrk- ji eon bsy
elsewhere. W quote pike u t jl'jwf:
10 00 bat f -
TOO hi', tx 11.30
J 50 bat for 11.85 oi all other
ia propjrti a.
The Creat 25 Cent Store,
UC4 O Scre-rt.
11 . J .
nrrp " o nanaie goous ium-
X7q quote a few prices:
3 ball Eoman candel lc
0 " 2c
0 " 5c
15 " 15c
Ciy Rocket 1 oz lc
2 oz 2 for 5c
Giant Sky Rocket 5c
. . O '
irom lc to 2og
Nothing over a
The Great 25c Store,
ladies and crents furnish
ing goods, lamps, novel
ties, baskets and thous
ands ot other articles.
Great 25c Store,
1124 O Street.
1124 O Street.
Martin Bohlig.
1124 O Street
Having everything
The following quotations will give some Idea of the efforts being made
to sell goods at live and let lire prices:
W. will you a good Samoa and Rio coffee,
eruahed, lias. Mora an Java coffee, crushed,
Our Pure Mooa and Jar, toasted fresh
ever day, iBc
IimmttmI Aiwi Oiivea. .Tut oer nuart.
Very an evaporated California peaches
tie, won a m.
Verr Ineevapoiated blackberries T'i Worth
pure fruit Jelly per pall a', worth 91.SS.
Very oei)lloao all-yellow table peaches
Alt kinds of S lb ran California plums 15o
9lb oan Calfornia black cheriiM IT.
Imported Valencia ralalne, very flne. MSe. '
3 ib eaa California peaehea. sue. This Is the
beat peach you ever bought.
We anil all kinds of California plums, IV, .
Imported English ourranta, 7'.
Sweet chocolate, 60.
Premium chocolate, IT1,,
Sugar cured hauia, 10. Picnic bams, Tc,
boneless hains. Do. -
Bologna ssusage. 5c. Liver sausage, Sc.
Bead Cheese, to. Frankfort sausage, 7!
Dried beef, lit and 12-,e.
Mb can blackberries 'c.
preserved raspberries, put tap In
eursr syrup, IT'Jo.
Mutard 50 per bottle.
Absolutely pure baking powder Illo.
Oil sardines Ac.
Mustard sardine, HH.
W per cent Ire. for aerubblng. We.
Mperoent lye, for scrubbing, So.,, .. ,
eat granulated sugar 4 So per Ib, ' .'
Light Ceogar, to. f '
Green Japan, a fond Tea.-ISe, Sic. 25e, Vie.
ua dried Japan Tu.--l&. IK, Z, SS, iii, two.
- We solicit your patronage, and after examining the above list pick out what
von want and send in your ordar. We will treat you sugara. Semi to us for
prices on anything you want. You can pay railroad fare for a hundred miles or
more and then save money on a tuO.OO bill of gaods. Give us a trial. ltf
HAYDEN BROS.; Omaha, Neb.
The Davis, the Dee ring and the Mil
waukee Blaster Meet In Competl ,
- Han la a Bye Field at Tecum 4
sell. Neb., June St.
The Davis Wins the Laurels and
Oiven Front Rank Among the
Best Machines of the Day.
And Proves
Itself a Most
A representative of this paper attend
ed a Held trial of binders at Tecumseb,
this state, last Monday, in which the
new Davii the Dcciing and tbe Mil
waukee binders were entered for com
petition. The trial took place upon the
well-managed farm ot Mr. D. C. Conk
lin, who resides about live miles north
of the tine city of Tecumseh. About a
dozen of the sturdy agriculturists of
that vicinity were present to witness
the contest, and each farmer seemed to
be as deeply Interested in the trial as
though sole proprietor of the machiues
which were arrayed for judgment.
The writer learned after conversation
with the judges present, that hey were
in no wise prejudicial to either of the
three machines, and further that trial
was one which would involve a de
cision based solely upon the merits of j
each individual macUine. Tbe tield in
which the trial took place was a section
of a very heavy piece of green rye, and
the grain was badly lodged just such a
field as would be likely to discourage
experts in handling any of the reputable
machines of the day. The Davis is com
- paratively a new machine, not yet fully
Introduced In the state ot Nebraska, and
it Is but fair to say that this binder went
into the trial under many disadvantages,
and the fact that it won all the honors
ot the day. as the testimonials hereto
annexed will show. Is certainly a re
markably strong commendation la Its
Tbe Davis Indicated one-third
less draft than the Deering and
did Its work most admirably, goiug
round the Held like a creature of lite,
The Davis did not mist a single bundle,
executed Ita task cleanly, evenly and es
gracefully at though drawn along paved
avenues. The "Milwaukee" was evi
dently not built for that sort of work,
as it tailed absolutely la every respect.
Ita Manager eould not make the ma
chine tie a iagl bundle. No fault was
found with the draft of the "Milwau
ke, but aside from the draft no merits
were presented to the witnenes.
The hantUume little Davta won the
proud dUUnctioM of being (be best tua
ralae Is Ike nlU and did so by virtue
of verltabl merit tSery farmer on
tho ground gladly gate lestimoaf of Its
UauenoreMa superior qualities, and
asK-sj "vard" was givea wua suck will
lagawss and candor that Indicate justice)
waa b4ag anew truly ! !.. and
werihy suaeUio.
TV writer 1 1 ptekia of the arig
isal diwnitieul, copied UUw and will
ka iptastssHl le ota'Uit lanes t all who
sbtUw In inter, Ud tie fallow lag
lAifcl.'tCy atatevwnals Irviu Mi who
WwTs?ywltttiaw lae trial:
Tm , N , Ju I'l
Tt's ks fa crruty t
' i, ajerw prwswnt at a Mai at aar
1 tHmtera, 0 the far t i.
CJ i, - ..a. H e m'les notth p 1hhi
e, U tMtts liifi'tm Hiat'sr, tetvod purti. t W,Wr shni!d tortvs.
a Fanner uses in
r,niiv ami n v n m
t'ncolored Japan Tea. SO, se.JCi. CI, SO. .Vio.
Hatket tired Tea -1). 33c, o. a-, ilic,
Young Hyson Tea -;Uc, 40c. 4c. HUe.
Bnvilsh Oreak raat Tea.-c to We.
Onlong Tea . !lfto to Wmj.
This la tbe nneat line of tea that was ever
offered In Omaha. Da not y to yourself
that we cannot sell rood tea for these prices.
Iluyapoand and be convinced. If you do
not like tbe tea we will refund tbe money.
They are all worth two and three times tbe
New summer styles In Dress Glrigbam: 5c,
,0, c and 10c per yard .
Heat Sheeting Prlnta; 3'Jc per ja.
New styles In Cballlesi-xo, So. tuts. 12' ic.
Fancy Bvured Sateen: Be. Ho, 1'ki and Ifiu.
Plain bla.k Bateen: So, I Do, IMtC Kc l'.ic,
Vie. and per yard.
Plain Fast lllack Lawn In remnants, to, Mo,
and luo per yard.
Plain Fast lllack India Unon. iuo, i:'iO, i.c,
SOn and
Ihj per yard.
Plain White India 1,1 nen, so, So, 10c, 13' 5c,
lie and Io per yard.
Fancy Check, Stripes and lace striped In
white or lat black lawna from 5c a yard up.
ikilnch wide best llatistl. Hie per yard.
New summer styles In liatbtna Uannel, Sc.
Re and luc per yard.
tiiHid apron checked (rlnesm, lie per yard.
tlnsina prieeoniM Inch wide aoraea Vtf. yd.
All entnra In Hural aerire. dark anadea 'i',o.
Double width llclge Sultiua ' per yard.
Tbe largest stock of table linen, Napkins,
towels and white bed spreads In Omaha, at
freatly reduced prices. '
All leadlua brands of tnuslln and double
width sbeetlna at leis than wiuilesale price
In order to reduce stock.
Deering and the Milwaukee, were put
into rye, tjuite green and heavy, and in
parts ol the field badly lodged and
tangled. The "Davis" made as nioe
bundles, cut just as clean ami runs very
much lighter than the "Deering;" in
short has done as good work as any ma
chine could possibly Uo, and never
missed a bundle. ,
We cheerfully recommend the "Davis"
and believe it to be a "winner."
Leahdeu II. O.EN,
Thomas Gill,
D. C. Con klin, -V.
N. Conkms,
Loris Bnor, -
(has Milwaukee.)
Tkccmeh. Keh., June 25), 1(1.
To the Fanners of Nebraska and
Kansas, (ireeting: I hare been hand
ling twine binders for ten years and
have had some experience with nearly
all kinds, but have never seen so perfect
a machine as the "Davis Haforni
Hinder." Any one in need of a binJur
should see one of them before pur
chasing. I witnessed a trial today be
tween the Davis, Deering and Milwau
kee, while (to their credit) the two latter
done very good work, yet they fulled to
take care of the long tangled rye as did
the "Davis," and required one-third
more power to run them (especially the
Deering.) All who saw the "Davis"
work pronounce it a grand success.
U. E. Webb.
Tkci mskh, Nkb., June 20, 111.
This certifies, that at a tield trial of
binders held on the farm of D. C. Couk
lin, live miles north of Tecumseb, Neb.
today I was the only representative of
the "Uavls I'iaUorm Binder Co." pres
ent, I have been engaged in the harv
ester ana Dinner business for seven
years, and in all that time I never saw
a machine do better work than the
"Davis" did today, cutting cloau and
binding tightly, heavy lodged and
tangled rye, and delivering her bundles
perfectly without breaking the twine or
missing a Uiinuio. ltie "aui waukee
was tiroiigni mto tne ueitt, weut one
round and quit, as it was not tying
more than one bundle out of every live.
The "Deering" done better work than
the Milwaukee," but required three
horses and a free use of the whip to m
complish what the "Davis" done with
two horses. In short. It Is a success be
yond my most sanguine expectations,
W. D. Askixk,
This la to certify, that at the tield trial
held on D C. C'jnklin's (arm, live miles
north of Tecumseh, Neb., June it). VI,
I did the shocking, and wilt say that tlie
"Davis" never missed a bundle and
made as nice bundles, tleiug them just
as tight as the "Deering." while the
Deering" mWed a number of bundles
The "Davis Is the lightest running ma
chine I ever saw, lieiog run lv two
horse, while the "DerlntM nued'three.
W, II, 'KmK.
Twt m:h, Nkb , June 3tl, HI.
Tltia Is to certify, that the tinderaigned
si as present at the trial of haneattrs
upon (lie farm of D C. Conkltn. tire
milr north of Tecuinaeh, Neb, in
which the "Deering." "Da U'antl "Mil
waukest" Miavluna were ia com pat it tun.
The nutchines were put into rve quite
greea and heat y. and la parts' ot the
field badly httlgetl and t.tngU-d 'l bs
"lUt la'' mmls as Blew bundles cut wry
iWaa and run inu.-h lighter than the
"iK-ering " la short, U (l as gol
work as any ma-hia couUI ikhs IiIv d.
and ner hiU-m4 a buadie, w till the
lowering did mUs Using a nnratMr nl
btadl. 1 eheertully recumntead tba
' Dta' sad beluita U tolas a "maer."
f. II. M HI TIK.
a a 1 . . .
ia BiMiuoa 10 His axi Bumerou
ether trtimoaalt hs Iwi rewlve.1
ft out tatUm parts ot this state aal
Kaaaaa, aU $ tag spevlal umiid;l
loth. DM. Ilr. J. W, llartlfy, Iwi
Afsat ef th Alttaae, will UmMk aay
A4rel lafoiaialloB reffrl'BgtaelUla,
and It la la tHiawt of tKa writer that
bettsr asst hlas) N funM In taa
saaxket. Mr. Hartley taiaisS laeai
at very Ui prWe aai iKoea wha i-
pond with him, and learn of the many
excellent points the Davis Platform
Binder possesses over other makes of
Mr. J. V. Danley, of Liucoln. Ii the
general agent for the Davis, and Sir.
JohnT. Jone, Lincoln's popular imple
ment and carriage dealer, is also agent
for tnia section, at whose place of bnsi
ness, Bohanan block, corner Tenth and
N streets,' may be seen this new and
perfect machine.
Important Notice.
The date of tbe meetlneof the Lancaster
County Central Committee of the People's
Independent party has been changed to Mon
day July Ulth in K. of L. hall, at 1 p. in.
Committeemen notice vhaujre of date,
O. Rl'iX, Chairman,
The rea-ular meeting of the Perkins County
Alliance will be held at Grant, on Saturday
July 2ltb, at 10 a, m. All members who can
do so are earnestly reu'iested to attend, as
ftro. Hull, State Lecturer, will meet with us.
Secretaries will please forward reports and
dues promptly. T. A.Cm'stox.
Biff Spring. Neb.. June 25. ISM.
. Notice. , ;
Tbe next regular meeting of the Lancaster
County Alliance will be held in K. of P. ball,
Lincoln, Neb., on Friday July lotb, at 10 a. ui.
W. W, Kb ltd a, Sec. . O. Hull. Pres.
WANTKDs-To correspond with a lady of
liberal rlnws, by tbe editor of the People s
party paper. Hest of references given and
required. Tbe Buu. Uushvllle, Neb.
V. F.WrUrbtwillsaeakat Sargent. Cutter
Co., Nub.. July4tb. An Alliance celebration
will be held, aid a geuerai gouu time 1 ex
pected. . Notice to Contractors.
The following bridges were ordered ad
vertised by tbs county commissioners of
Cambridge Br Id ire across Hepubllcan
river, six span, sixty lent coin bl nation, with
approaches, said bridge to be built according
ut plans and apecittcattons la the clerks olllce
at Bearer City, NeU. -
Malone. hridve acroas Sapoar creek 4ft
ffxit siisn. Iron, 14 foot roadway. Hlnch bard
pine Hoot-log. approaches at each end.
Healed bids reel veil on both combination
andiron. All bids must bo aocoropanled by
good and sufficient bond and II led In the
county elerk'sofllceof said county on or be
fore noon of July 2n. Iwl. Commluioners
reaerv. the right to rttject any snd all bids.
Said letting takes place at tbe above named
pluve July tH. ML J. W. Omstkii,
June22,MH. County Clerk.
This la The Stone to Buy Your Best
: ' Girl Ita Many Virtue.
In the days gone by the young
tvomnii ulio lutd listened lo the
si oty of love, as told W the man of
her choice, and was wailing for the
rmj; Hint, put upon her linger, was to
let the world at large know that she
was Ins very own, ahvitys counted on
gelling a diamond. Shu doesn't want
admnicua noivnuays, fslw yi'c'ciij ft
rubv." The young in. in might think
tbnt it is because the ruby is more
expensive, if il. were not tor the very
good reasons that she gives him for
desiring it. Khe says:
- "My nenr, the ruby has always
been a favored, love token, nnd', is
found in no end of the 'old betrothal
rings. It drives away bad dreams,
makes the wearer forget nil evil,
expels sadness and evil spirits, and
keeps one chccmil anil in good health.
Hut the reason I want it especially is
because it will give lnc a blessing from
Heaven and never inakeiiie blind to
yoiirdevotioiiand goodness. Then when
you are in trouble the rubv will grow
dark, and when the danger lifts passed
away its brightness will conic back.
Why, it is said that when Noah anil
his family were in the ark a great big
on hanging in tho center lighted them
in the darkness, and t he Chinese think
(hat the ruby grows like a llower in
the ground. beginning a paleyellow
and being in full blossom when the
glowing crimson is its color. Jn a
very old niissul the virtue ot charity
is attributed to tbe ruby and forti
tude to tho diamond: so, of course, it
makes a desirable combination
because it then means strength and
foi hen ranee; so if you like to have a
diamond on each side of the ruby you
eniv do it. That lovely Karl of
Is'icestor gave Queen Elizabeth a fan
of while leathers that. had a gold
handle set with rubies and diamonds
heettiise of his great love for her.
Then too, you know, I was born in
DivetnUer, and it belongs to that
month; so, you see, it isn't because it
it is a costly stone that I want a ruby;
it's beva use it's the gem ot true lovers;
it's because there is a romance
attached to it, nnd it will always
make me love and appreciate you."
Ami that young man wassoovcr
rnmoby the romance of the ruby
that he went out vowing he would
sell his mhiI but what be would
u-t the woman ot his heart the tiuot
ruby to be found in New York.
New York Sim.
A Man Ra sa His Hat.
1, When be Ihw to a lady or an eld
erly gentleman.
ben he is with a lady who bow
to any pei-Mu, even it the other is a
total at ranger lo him.
II. Win 11 he as hi tea a gentleman who
la 111 the company of ladira.
4. H lieu hi is in tberoiiiiianr ot an
other nlu Ihiw to n Indv,
5, When he wtH f! l.uly and meet
a g itli tn ti wliont he knuwa.
tt. lien he ofti-r auv i-iviiitv to a
lv a l.o l a tr,iiirr to bim.
". hen he utrt with a Indv, after
fitkiuj 10 her, or siift wa!kuuj or
iliniin; with Iter, lc.
In the elevator, where there are
l.vb'-s, mm ttMy Vep on their hat
wih jwrft jm'prtr!)-. Nine out ot
leu d, Willi good at4 su b. iriil rra-
ih, t knators are ilraiijj'ity pla va
and ate pubine ininr int. i, lUunli
n it I u thini . To r.ise the 1m t wbo
a Ulv ri'triais tnvritltM eutirleav,
i.nt t Mi l ery t):rt.rvnt froia sfamt
ins ib hut (t )! a elevator
liiftt it lo ib tirtsitth or, hat
abtn not on li e ttrwt Is in ll4 way in
AH rb4ior. I euilwtrraiti la
III IKVHMlHt lo ll llul iMty
til Utility a(H,l a g.v. t by an tut.
waty turn lb kruw it In ef twahea
ktvp wuh the op The t'oneit
B u r : J - -Jah
Center Crank Stationary and Traction Engines.
Send for Catalogue. GITS. STATES General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, tfeb.
Appointment of State Lecturer.
Dro. O.Hull, State Lecturer, semis notice
of the following appointments, oncers of
County Alliances are urged to arrange their
county meetings to correspond with these
dates, AU members who can are requssted
to be present;
Fillmore County July 14.
Clay K
Adams " "17.
Kearney " JS.
Phelps " " 3.
tiosper - " si.
Frontier " "St.
South Lincoln M "24.
Perkins - V..
Chase " " sr.
Hsyes ' " " 23.
Hitchcock " " 31.
Bed Willow " ' August 3.
Furnas 4.
Harlan "5.
Franklin , " .
Webster " T.
Nuckolls " .. .
Thayer " " ID.
County Secretaries will notify me at mice
where meeting will be held In the various
counties. O. Hixu Greenwood, Neb.
Get the Best.
School tcacbors and officers should see
that their schools have tbe best supplies In
every department.
See Wibsteh's IXTEiiNATiOMAt, dictionary
tbe latest and most complete in tbe world.
Clason A Fletcher, Lincoln, Neb,, the leading
wholesale and retail book and stationery
house of Nebraska have this famous work on
hand, also. a full line of all klnda or school
and college text books and school supplies.
Cull on them at 1120 O street, or write for
anything you Deed In their line. Gl-gt
Banner County Alliance will hold Its next
regular meeting at the court bouse in Harris-
burg, on July 17th and lHth. We give two
days as there is busiuess of Importance that
111 occupy considerable time. Lot every
delegate be prompt in attendance.
B. M. Whitb, See. Wm. Lowuas, Prcf.
Thb Fillmore County Alliance will meet at
Geneva, Tuesday, July 14, 1801, at 10 o'clock
a. m, to elect officers and transact other im
portant business. State Lecturer Hu'.l will
be present, O. M. Pikhson, Seo,
A New Premium.
Mrs. Marlon Todd's latest work, entitled,
"l'l.airo and John Sherman," should be la
evory Alliance library, and ' read by every
member. Price, 2," cents per copy by mail.
We will tend Thi Fasmkhs' Ai.i.iancr one
year and this book for only $1 :ij,or will tend
postpaid on receipt of price.
Leese& Stewart, SSI S. 11th St.
0. A ; ... Ji . st 1
I - a - Ii ... 1 . 1 ii iTTmT.
J. H. WALSH, President
M D WELCH, Sec'yTreasurer
OOO -O l l tlOII tl l , , . I
No better Mower or Hay
Rake In use than the above.
Both aro warranto ! to be
well made of good material,
and capable of doing as
good work as any other
Mower or rake in the world.
Write us for particulars.
F. L. LOOUIS, Western Managor, Omaha, Nob.
Tw.-fe fcrwwsjj sss aswg- v-
Lincoln. Nebraska,
:Tar; -----