The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 02, 1891, Image 6

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t r. . t.I
It i not ilwk like riven n.;j(!it;
Soy i it lair.
Kr i it buntWted ttia the !:!:k
TltHl trend the itair
tbe fair Sivui tftaid ol oi l.
Of wbma the ni!ntieWtitw l-nki
And aunt, wit It eet mired Hu
H ln$ ago!
It bath a sweet, hypnotic ruell
tM tluweri rare.
That wove atwut my Itraia
This im-riiM-d mare!
I wondtinrd: but tlie charm tunue
Hv vaiiUutsl. In Jrram I e .
itj lady' wiled leu.ljrly
I'pon chair!
M I too old to
think of a eecowl
tiiarriaje?" ttaid
Mrs. II I j-the,
looking wistfully
into tli glitter
ing sheet of mir
ror that eitend
ed at the other
aide of the room
into uti indefinite
jjerspectiveof onyx tables, stand of
ferae, Japanese screens and India
hanging. "Bii-and-thirty and why
bould one te compelled to give up all
the sweetness of life at ai-and-tliirty?
I m wre I don r look a nay over
thirty; and Algy Vaue nnt be that
t least!"
Mrs. Blytlie wm a very pretty wonv
cannot the bud, but the fullblown
rose a plump, dimplt4, peachy cheek
ed matron, who knew exactly how to
make the moot of all her middle aged
She had married Mortlake
Blytheat 17, and he had left her a
widow at eeven and twenty.
"I shall never Iw such a fool as to
Inarrjr again!' said Mrs. BIjtb.
For the major had by no mean
been perfection. He had left tier just
enough, by dint of strict economy, to
live ujion, especially as her only child
had been taken to "bring tip'' by n
quiet Quaker couple, the major's rel
atives. And until now Mrs. Blytlie
had adhered resolutely to her deci
sion. But' Algeron Vane was a royally
itandsome fellow, and the pretty
widow was but human, and she had
acribbled "Rosamond Vane," "Mrs.
Alfieron Vaue," over and over ;nin
in her blotting book, and ahe had
treasured up a flower lie had worn in
bis buttonhole, and elm had corres
ponded with him during the winter he
had spent in Bermunda, writing
prightfy and amusing letterswith a
aetni-toue of seriousness underlying
mi inetr sparkling gossip.
"He likes me a, little now," said the
widow, "and I'm determined he shall
like me a good deal more. I'm tired
of this solitary life; I'm tired of count
ing every penny half a dozen times be
fore I spend it, Algy is independently
rich, and he is my beau ideal of a man.
With him I do believe I could be quite,
quite happy. Ha don't know about
Lydia, but of course that would be no
objection. I'nclo Joshua and Aunt
scc.i will keep her. Dear me, dear
me! she must be growing to be a big
girl now," and Mis. Blytlie shuddered
at the idea. .
At this moment the door flew open,
nd in bust a tall, dusty, disheveled
young girl, some half a head taller
than Mrs. Blytlie herself, with the
white cepped maid following helpless
ly behind.
, "Please, ma'am," said the maid,
"she wouldn't wait for me to take her
card up."
"Mamma, I'm Lydia!" cried the
breathless apparition. "Little liddy",
mamma don't you remember? Tell
that hateful girl to go away! A card,
indeed! Am I to send up cards to my
own mother?''
Mrs. Blytlie stood appalled, in the
aoft yellow light streaming through
the China silk curtain. "Thia fair
haired,' un-bumed young giantess,
with the peony cheeks and the big
blue eyes, the ill-fitting gloves and
faded cambric gown coulcl it be poe
Bible that this was the "little Liddy"
of ten years ago? Oh, if Mr. Vane
should see her!
The girl looked around like one who
views the enchantments of a fairy pal
ace. "Oh, mamma, how pretty you are!"
said she, "and what a lovely room!
Are you glad to see me, mamma, dar
ling?'' "My dearest child," gasped the wid
ow, "what has brought you here?"
Lydia clasped her hands; her coun
tenance fell.
I'Mauima," said she, "I'm the most
miserable creature in the world and
I want a hundred dollars!"
'Lydia! A hundred dollars!"
"And you must let me have it!" ve
hemently went on Lydia. "I've killed
I'lH'le Joshua's prize colt! That is, I
didn't eiactly do it myself; but I was
riding pretty J ane around the meadow,
just for practi-e, and I forgot and left
the bars dowm, and the colt got out
on the railroad track, ami the tniiu
came along, and oh I never can look
I'm-le Joshua in the face again, mitesa
I have that hundrtd dollar to pity
"I thal! Ie able to earn plenty for
myself before long inn mma, nheaddcd
breathlessly, "for I can ride better
than the woman in pink tarlatan and
Bpaugtea who jumiutt through the
hoojw at the rireu. When the old
evNy told mv fortune Ui year, at
the rotrnty fair, li atd a li'oraewlio
would Iriu4 me tin k some day; and I
. knew, of roit me, what h iiieiiiit, So
I've been pra t icing riding eter sim-e,
wltenever I could gt away Jioin Aunt
IWk ami I in U Joditiii, anil"- :
Mrs. IVtppletoii .Vine lain lit draw
ing room, ma'am." atl t tie hits rep
lied maid, appi-ariii with an
nlver card retrtt er in Uer baud.
And Mr. Ill) the chevied her daugh
ter's ronfdetiN at time. ,
"Lydia," rtkd she. ' J i ut'trWit
at i.' A great girl like yen -uittuuj
aiMl romping at.tun.l tl totintry! tin
lm to Miatlr iltiits by the ery
hh trm, aif iry to Whave more
LaeAWIt, h, uu must tx ionr
tceo at Want!"
"!wvviit. Hiamiiia," cotifvMl the
cmI'hU. " hut aren't yuu iii to
Kite me the humtred duf,ar?'
' i kn int au h i it""
itittmt!y cfMNl Mr, illjdi, 4 .d
V I tt4 I iiWii I im It tn )ti,
tiiH. tell Mm IvpoVien
&hr tlt I !! ts do a direct ly,
f -1 Urg 4umj tea al li 'or
L.wt V.) t im More tU loll ltt
t a wLet Mr. I(.j!t0ii A ae hd
I .y lift.
d;j'y wound-d a,l rexetitful. bad
promptly return! to Shady I'Uitis
"That ol J iyv-? must have been
humbug, after a!l," thought the
dswnairing girl. "Oli. what shall I say
to l nc,e Josliua? by wa mamma
so cold and erne! to me? Oh, der; I
a:n very, very unhappy!"
"Hhady i'laias.'" (ioutel tlic
durtor. ,
And a Lydia rretA aorrowfullv out
of the train omething bright, like a
fallen drop of dew, ecitittllated on the
floor at her ft. 8!;e utoojied to pick
it up. It wis a diamond acarfpiu in
tne cuape ol a liosenhoe.
"Aj'iire Carhart'e coninany must
have dropped it," said Lydia to her
self. "Oh, how it sparkles! If it were
only mine! Fo I'm sure it must le
worth more than a hundred dollars.'
Khe glanced furtively at a tall,
broad shouldered young fellow who
had tfen seated in the train a few
seats beyond her,
"He never looked around," thought
Lydia. "I am glad of it, for he mtittt
have known ttiat Iliad been crying.
lint I mint give tin oack to mm.
With a light, swii't step she haiiteiied
to overtake pipure laruart city
riease w tins vours? saia she.
holding up the glittering half circle. "1
found it on the car floor clone to
where you were sitting.
He wtartetl ami raided his hat
"It is Mr. Wot ton mice. isn't it?"
said he "Mi Lydia? Ve it is miiw.
and I m n thousand times obliged to
you. 1 must have fastened it in v,ri
carelessly. And I value it very highly,
too; it was a gift from my tiithcr.
"Js it worth a great deal of money?"
asked Lydia, timidly lifting her
blue eyes to his face.
"About a hundred dollars, I sup
' l wifh it was mine, saul I.yUia,
ith a long sigh, as if she were think
iug aloud.
"Yours? Why, it um't a lady's or
"Oh, not the pin!" Lydia hastened
to explain, "but the money the hun
dred dollars. Uood-by! Here is the
carriage waiting fromCarhart Court."
' ill you let me drive you as far a
Wot ton farm?" asked the stranger,
And tired Lydia willingly acceded.
The upshot was that when she en
tered her uncle's presence she gave him
a bank bill representing the price of
the "prize colt."
''Where did thee get this money,
hild?" solemnly aked I'ncle JomIiuu,
"I I borrowed it," confessed Lvdia.
"Ikm't ask me any more questions,
uncle, i ll pay it back if I have to
pick blackbcrrtesat fourcents a (mart
all summer." .
"I hone thee will give iinthis hov-
lenish business of scampering about
on horseback, Lydia, after thin," se-
erely spoke Aunt JCebecca.
"Hut, aunt, the aid fortune teller
told me that my fortune would one
day he made by a"
lAdie stopped abruptly as she re
membered how the diamond horse
shoe had glittered on the floor at her
feet that day. Her color rose, her
heart beat. ,
"Thee must remember, Lydia," ad-
monwhed Aunt Rebecca," murmured
the girl. . - . .'
But from that dav an inscrutable
change came over the whole character
ot her life.
The pleasant summer mimdiine had
faded out of the land. The Haratoga
hotels were closed: cav Newport wa
And Mm. Blvthe. slttina in the yel
low light of her jonquil silk curtains,
was smiling over a card which Matil
da hud just brought in.
Dear AUtv! ' she murinured. "I
knew he would come!"" " '
Bhe glided into the white and cold
drawing room, all gracious cordiality.
"iou recreant cavtilier!" eliesnuletl.
"I've half a mind to scold you, and
"Do I deserve that title?" Mr. Vane
asked. "Kor you are the firxt person
to whom I have told the great happi
ness ot my me. Oh, I see you tton t
understand me! Come out from be
hind the draperies, Lydia, mid help
me to explain."
And Lydia, blue eyed and fair
tressed, came.
"We are married, mamma," said
Lydia. "Algy and I. And we sail for
Europe in the Comandria. at noon.
Won't yon kiss me, mamma, and wish
me joy?"
Mrs. Blytlie kissed Lydia and Algy,
too and wished them joy.
But it was the severest ordeal to
which sheever had been put. A mother-in-law
instead of a bride! This was
hardly what she had looked forward
to. - '
But even in that trying moment she
noticed theglittering pin which fast
ened Lydia 'a lace bonnet strings a
quaint device of tiny diamonds and
remembered what the girl had once
said about a fortune teller and a
"Mamma, didn't look quiteplcased,
Algy," said the bride, when they were
back in the carriage, driving to the
steamer's wharf. "I Hi you Mippoxa
she is vexed heraue e didn't take
her into our confidence?"
"I dare say," remarked Mr. Vane,
"that no mother likes to lose her
child so suddenly. leatt of all, dar
ling, so sweat a treasure as you."
And neither of the two aiiNccted
what a N)iHoH'd dagger was that day
rankling in the hrciiHt of M:w. Itosu
mood Blvthe. Helen Forivst (iravei
in Philadelphia Sat tirday Night.
How Flies Multiply.
From here do ail the Hies come?
The iitethmU often ak. and
Kctdniu rccvs ' o eatUfactory an
answer a ha li gien by u
contemporary. The common lly lays
more than iNi g, mt tlm tin
from cit, laying lo mwturiliy i about
twpwtl'ks- Mint u! in hate studied
gfouiHi i ! itrttgresvitni. Ileivwesi-e
it illiiktratnl; Mippo one lly com
mence "to inultiply and lVUuili
the earth'' alMiut June I. Jim .,
if they nit luel. would give I'.'o
hUiMHM rVfiil y llie ( llhun t f-
iimWs. July I would ghe n, .up
jniiig no ui4 wip orottu-r tm
IOnrd . in tun) ai e to intei tere,
1 1 .2 V fltet. Mppow .t.M-.M of thc
are (mate. iiiijiii haeJiily 1$,
i;t,.V Hte.ri0ti lUrelrtts,
Oero sbl Ctrliiy,
lt,ior a f motif niaii iiMrrte he
liOll I Waril hot to Mlk lti!:.!( is!
tli UK
Htti., my nitit'," tiihiioHtal h
imiiilihd tiMiti ti,ftii mi i the
kll,IWH, ''dollt t UMt.tlU yottltflt
VUt), r-.l4-r. how foul th of ton
l w ui Dm wot ia ( UU t;tl I c
U tuo Mt f '
2a:.'yl lief cull, and Mr,
two b'k. thebiriiand tlown.
She Knew Him Limbertio an Up-
piring utilities or tne Pet Dot
Didn't Mt Them A Strong
ReasonRapid Transit,
She Knew Him,
A well-known wag in iK-troit, who
Las been living around in various
boarding lioutes here until his reputa
tion has been fairly Wt-11 established,
applied at a quiet place out on Mich
i4.u1 avenue last week for a stall and
"80," swapped the woman, "you
want to try this one, do you?"
''I thought so, madam," he replied,
And if I let you come, you won t
refer to the board as a shingle, will
''Certainly not, madum
lam not
in the "
Nor you won't say nil the coffee
needs is cream and sugnrand coffee to
make it fit to drink?"
"Madam, I "
'Me you wont ear the butter is
served with a razor?"
"I assure you, mad
"Nor you won't say the chickens
crowing in the ej.n wake you every
morning in time for breakfast?"
"My dear ma"
"Nor you won't eay the beefsteak
is such a tough- it wotilden t be re
cognized in decent society?'
"Madam, yon an "
"Nor you won't say the dessert is
A quarter sect ion of the great Sahara?"
"rent licsar, madam, I
"Nor you won't any we stand the
napkin up in the corner between
"Madam, 1 must "
"Nor you won't say I buy mv
asparagus by the cord and have it
sawed in lengths 10 suit; nor that I
have to rivet the clothes to the lieds
to keep the bugs from dragging them
off to their dens, nor that I clean my
table cloths with sundpatier; nor that
my bread is so heavy that you can
hear it drop when you swallow it; nor
that I tine my sugar to scour the
knives and forks with before giving it
to the guests; not that "
He threw up his hands 111 eloouent
npfieal and the woman stopped for
an instant.
"Because, if you don't promise."
she went on, "1 won't let you board
here for $200 a month in advance.
I've heard of you before."
It took him fully fifteen minutes to
recover from her unexected assault,
and then he abjectly promised every
thing, and she took him in. Ietroit
' ' Didn't Meet Them.
Mrs. Hayseed "Did ye see any o'
them sharpers in the city?"
Mr. Hayseed "Not a one, Miranda,
hot a one. But I met some old friends
I never expected to see again. Do ye
remember old Mr. Bigcrop? Well. I
met a son of his. Thought both tlioxe
boys was dead an' lyin' out therein
the cemetery; but this one said he was
snatched by grave robbers, and just
at they was sellin' his body to n medi
cal college he came to. Good enough
fer a book, Miranda, good enough fcr
book, and I told him he ought to
write it, and he said he guessed he
would, and he'd dedicate the book to
me as his father's old friend. There's
one queer thitig, Miranda. This man's
hair is black, while the Bigcrop boys
had red hair, but he said it turned
black from fright. He's way up in so
ciety, Miranda, and introduced me to
young men named Vamlerbilt and As
tor and Gould and Drexel and ever so
many more. I tell you, Miranda,
these- young fellers spend money!
Home bills fer cigars and thing came
in while we was talking, hundreds o'
dollars worth, an' they whipped out,
the cash like a breeze. One of 'em
happened to run short, and so I lent
linn all 1 had, but he said he d send it
by express tomorrow . I tell you w hat,
Miranda, n smart man like me is just
as wafe in the city as in the country."
(iood News.
Utilities of the Pet Don.
"I havn't seen your pet dog for sev
eral days," said n devoted husband
to his wife.
"No." she replied; "the fact is, 1
have given him away."
"Why, you needn't have dotn that.
I had no particularobjectior. to him."
"Oh. I know that! But I thought
that it was not right for me to have a
pet dog about the house when I have
such a good, kind husband to lavish
my affections upon."
The husband sank into a chair with
a deep sigh,
"How much do yon want, Mary?"
he aked m he drew his purse from his
pocket; -it can t te a sealskin jacket,
(or the winter is over.
"Xo," she said. "i; is not n sealskin
jacket, darling; but I would really like
a new silk for the spring, ami you
know it has to be bought and made
and all that."
"Now," he said, as he handed her
the money, "what proof of your nAVc.
tions will you give me wheiiyou want
another lre, since joti have given
away your dog?"
"tih," she sweetly replied, "I've giv
en the dog to my smter, and 1 can get
him bnk a jaiu!"
Llmbrip an Umpiring;. t
'They tell me, t'aroof, that yoti'te
roiiseuti! to umpire the hat! game
Wtell ll KiiiiU .,;ion It.thtUtS
and th Ztou lit othei hood, l that
so?" '
"Dat'a de go'l iroh'. sali!'
"It stnke me that's a rather pits a-
riou pnvtiioti lor one M your calling,
",Vw I00W yer, Mfr Man I
hain't no priv lighter ter Iw hm,'
ne-vW I hain't nut er wiikk in no
H Miiy en' got inu' up wtda tl,,'
hot Jtifit te iny Hrf.-tioit
lUl' Himp'red fo tevtl il.ttcti
Ikute, !. tU r Ut lii w liii
raior dal ir le y wodsdeK '
dte tiieery gll rh.ip' no i,tlr
tl hot d get mt wot d
tooif, htwtite tell )o' dil line ' chap
hi t ein Ifeciph Uut rutMiuriii
mer Ae )ere ebb) di ( p.i,
ertt're. '! J lie hain't.
Urn Courier.
Rapid Transit.
ioeiouowm itiaiogne txic place
betsrn two old co'ored folks on the
wtiania s go: rapi.l transit - now,
"WJiat do
you nuMti de dummy
"No, I doesn't mean no dummy.'
"You mus' leta!kin' 'boat de 'I
trie line, ilen."
"No, I isn't, neither,
"Well, I gives it up; what you talk
in "
--j in laiKiiv ooui uat pytrol wag-
gin, it takes yon ftirder in ten
minutes dan you'll git back from in sir
months. Atlanta Journal. ,
In Deeperation.
V. ,1 . tim . . . .
i-euiar: -i am introducing a new
kind of hairbrush, which "
JlUMiness Nan (impatiently) "I've
no iiae for a hairbrush. Can't you see
I in bald?"
Pedlar: "Yes. sir. Your ladv. nor.
1 ' '
Business Man: "She's bald, too, ex
cetit w hen she coes out."
ellar: "les. sir. lliild at home.
probably "
llusmess Man: "On v a month n!d
Bald too."
I'edlar: "Yes. sir. You Lwns tvt.
um, innyoe
.1 . .
Business Man: "We do. lmt it's m
1 a a .. '
nainess uog.
I'edlar (desperately I: "Can't sell
you some flypapers, sir?"
JrateGuest (toaeeominodating land
lord of an Oklahoma hotel l-"Vou in
formed me that I might order what
ever I liked for dinner. I culled for ox
tail soup, salmon, chops, potato sal
ad, a bot tie of wine, and the like, and
the waiter. brought me corn bread
and bacon. I"
landlord (cheerfully ) "Oh. that's
all right nn' regular, stranger! We like
to ke in and so we let
he new-comers order what they please
nn then give em jest the same us the
rest git. It w no trouble fer the wait
er to take their orders, and it makes
the strangers feel kinder good while
they're wait in'." Brooklyn Life.
An Unforsean Emergency.
First Youth "I know where we can
liiro a boat. Let's no sailim."
Second Youth "I never sailed a
boat, nor did you, I guess."
First Youth No: but I've boucht a
book which tells all about how to
sail a boat. Come on. I'll read the
instructions while you steer." .
Both louths half an hour later!
"Ooo! woo! woo! We're unset."
Second Youth I flounderinu around
in the waterl "Wha-wha-what shall
we do now?
First Youth fganpinzl "I-I don't
n-n-know, I've lost the book." Good
A Strong- Reason.
81 io was having a confidential talk
with her aunt.
"lean never marry Harry West-
lock." she said, in a tone which im
plied thut it was useless to talk about
"I never can."
And why can't you?" asked her
aunt. "I'm sure I should think onv
girl would esteem it an honor to be
Harry West locks wife. He is very
ealf liy, too. Why can't you marry
"Because he hasn't asked me to, and
know he never will." Boston Her
An Authoritative Decision.
Tommy came running to his father
one day with a weight of trouble on
is mind. "Hadie says that the moon
is made of green cheese, ia. and I
don't believe it." "Don't you believe
it? Why not?" "I know it isn't."
But how do you know?" "Is it,
papa? ' "lion task me that question;
rvs must hud out for yourself." "How
can 1 lind it out?" "You must study
into it. "He went to the parlor, took
the family Bible from the table, and
was missed for some time, when he
ame running into the study. "I
have found it out; the moon is not
made of green cheese, for the moon
was made before the cows were."
A Sure Cure,
Doctor: "(Iood mofning, Mr.
Lover! What can I do for you?"
Mr. IiOver: "I I called, sir, to to
ask for che hand of of your daugh
ter." "Humph! Appetite good?"
"Not very."
"How is your pulse?"
"Very rapid when when I am
with her. Very feeble when away. "
"Troubled with palpitation?"
"Awfully, when
I think of her."
"Take my dautfiter. You'll soon be
cured. One guinea, please."
A New Cure.
Mrs. Cribber "What has become of
all your Cleopat ra jewelry the aspe
snakes, srpe:its, and thincs?'
Mrs. IhbWr 'ilush! Iton't let my
husband hear you. I have hidden
them away,"
"Haven't you worn them at all?"
"I wore them once, and the moment,
my liiiNhand saw t hem he rushed olt
to a ilo.-tor. The next iiioriiinn he
took the pledge. I sha'u't wear them
aaiu milium w ha,rkidi."--New
York Weekly,
A Dainty Meat;
lhidt (at the railroad restaurant);
Waiter! mt any yrerti peas?" Wait
er: "Yen sir, lme some?' "IHide:
"Yaa: Imiiiii me three." Waiter
"Anytliiiitf le, sir."' Iilde: Ym; a
strawberry ut in thin slNf." Wait
er: "Alt rnjht, Imi; anything else? '
Htde; "AH i;trti inn' what bl Ji
take me fob; a j ife t hog, eh''
HitMttn Sarcasm,
Mr. Tipnnidy-.,,W hat is the dinVr
e Ih io ii an idiot and a tool, my
diar? '
M r. T. t pl a a 1 1 1 1 y i ' I d on ' 1 k no w ;
but it I made a u, I , an
wtlldtl tk all. It N ipii'itdoii "IVr.
troit r"n l'ie.
Cerreetine tne Maeieirate.
Mii.iiaie oo.tit 4etrtiitt "Ytn
dii waa Miionel on the north aids,
you, en v?"
t onipUinant ' Why. tour ttior. I
think M km ni .on. nit or,"
t UWitgo .i!r tK .
P A y
You will think so if
yon come in aad
Our stock U the largest aad most varied
in the city. 2V3m
Special Price lo Alliance Members.
Market and Office 1211 0 tl., Lincoln, Nek.
We pay the blrbest market
price for Hoes, Cattle,
Csivei and Bbeep, and tell
at Living- f rlcet.
We Handle Eotbioi but Home
Dressed Meat.
All persons having fst butcher stock
re requested to she ma call. Our
motto ii to "Live an! Let Live." A
Hquare deal and correct weight, ltf
Consisting ot thirteen Poems SultaMe fer
hvenr Alliance should have a ennv
i iicc iu icatucr sue. i aper sue.
T.J 1- l . I . r. rt r " I
40 f
Aaaress this office
Forest Tree Seedlings.
Bed Cedars, Fruit trees and Hants.
Largest Stock, Lowest Prices
Mammoth dewberry luscious to the core, best
berrr for tha nralrie. Hiu-k
Mulberry, Tulip trees, Box Blder.Asb, K.m,
Walnut. Cottonwood, etc. Hatitll at kni.
sale price. Save eu per cent and write for
my pnc mi. Aaoreil OEO.U. MAHroaD.
814m Makailda. JlrkmnTn t!l.
MentlontHi Alliancx when rou write.
npREEs plants!
Af aanetaisef
Forest and Fruit Trees.
Pleats, Tlaas, Me., ef
Address, T- C-
Sheriff Sals.
Notice Is hereby el van. that br virtue of an
order of salo laaued br tha Clerk of tha IN.
trlvl Court of the evvond Judicial IMatrtot of
Nebraaka, within and for lncaatcr eouatjr,
in an action whorain Charlea I. Ml. vein i.
RalnllB, and Marion llolr. ura UiiIm and
nry J. Allen delondanla. I will, at t o'elwk
P. M nn tha aith dar of June A. I. im. at
tha nut of the ctirt hoiiao In elty of Lin.
coin, Laiifii.r euuntr. Krbnuka. Rr for
aale at public auction lh lollolu dxauili
rval Miaia licwii;
Lola louriwB .III and Silo a fl,i la block
onil In llronkilna adillimn lo Ike city of
Llnooln. Lanraalr munli, .Vfbnuka.
(liven uudxr mt hand thi. tk day of Mat
A. U. M. atM Mi'l.4i.Sherta.
Notice to rton-Keaidanu
l ablvn R. r tvla. defendant, will lake
Ike that oa the ri4 day ! Auau.t. l-m, H .
A. Mcnill, plalalie, kla yx-lillua In the
llri1 tVtuil l litiMin eoiiniy, Nvbraa
ka. ajrain.l Mid defetwiaKi. atin i, fulvia
ilutieatlr4 anb J. Frank Mr la. tl'jwt and
prayer uf ahwh are Hi Iwrwloa a Ilva for
late oa a wrnhvata ef tat a... leaned by
Ika t'ouMlf Treaaurer of t,ao-ir vcmali,
Kebraaka. i.truary I W l. tu ptalntilf for
i.;e for laiea "t l- am eal ka.l ilM I
hkwh eijbttii. la eity ul l.invia In MM
(oonty, aad ea kuk ika loilowiua Mriaa f
de.viiei,i letea k ba pat.1 by e ainiit,
Uarnalu. M,eiiy laeal!, ' war X
Slate aad t n.inly lar h l; .t, June
I, Iwti aie and tottaly ia- fJ .
Hvbthey i, IwdTetit late !,. M ahlvk mm)
baa not Iwa red.anaeel leuw ea4 ea, tad a
ied la ah taken U4 Hy pitiuiiR there,
an aouid tuidi aad aatatiS elreM H treat
kit . a a awt iea a aajd kn,
kiva aa !. t . with puy eel in
leiv.l t leek I tew from dais wf rHtfatoot,
due ami mhmiA. riaietit pata that aatd
rakeea S ! t b IveeeiMW at all tate.ea
e aad aad the eama oid la aatiatt '"
lid eatd (tea and aali.lae.udiaa' aa aliMtaef
lee ttt l 4 eut I wad due.
ve ata ,, d w .- t4 att
ue be lute ike Mk day f Ja.y i.
liai. J .. II, H A, Maaau i.
Il H . H us. Any. I H ftatalil ,
Hardware :-:
- uarmers Alliance of Lancaster Co.
Tkc Only Exclusive Dealer is
XaiLs Carpenter Took, Scales, Garden Tools Lfwn Mowers,
screen t ranies and
112 O
Contractors' Etimates will Re
ceive Prompt Attention.
Lewis Gregory-,
American Exchange Donb
Lincoln, -
CAPITAL S100 000
Liability of Stock holders $200,000.
J.H Bakkett. 4Ttf H. R. Nisslet,
Katmokd Lewis Gbeookv. S. H. Blbkhah. T. VV.Lowbut.
W. H. McCKEEar. M. L. Eastekdav. a. J. SAwrea.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
I. M.
12 jT. lltlx Street.
We have opened a new Studio at 12M O itnai i,n..iM .j m . ' '
Citlient of Lincoln call and ejian.lne our
new praceeg of Fnotoraihy, and call youf apectal attention to the Bue mults wearaobcaia.
. W1ih eTamn ffc.t Cabinett we will pre. entcuatomete withalflne I feilL SortrIt
. J.hl! oVr lLho,d hort time to introduc; ou work, so avail tSSXXUfZ
tbli ereat ODoortunitr. 42tf
Leading Carpet Dealer
Get bis prices before purchasing else
where. He will save you mooev. 43
akd uwrrruTi or rciHutiiir,
nnortnanl, and Typewriting, b (be bnt and largett
Culleip! In the Wwl. mv Htu.lnliU In atfemlanoe liuE
year, titntlenu prenaml for lulnw In from 3 tut
". r.noriencei wuitr. rpiTnnai instrurtlun.
Beautiful HluMratMl natulull. Hl!im. l,Mipnal .n.l
pwiw w pcnmannnip, kk tree ity aaarenvlng
UlLUBBIDUK ROOSE. Llnooltl. Neb.
1528 O Street.
MEALS 25ct.
Garter & Bailey,
CoEMisslon Uerchants,
125 ui 121 Rirtl 16th St., Lltcili. Nik,
Butter, eggs, cheese, petatoee. Multn
key, gnua &aa ure stock.
Firn Produce i SpicMty.
M Refereaee. First National Beak.
Telephone 470.
.803 S. 11th St.
Eoibelmlng 43tf ....Llueolu. N'h
Druggist & Pharmacist
til South loth St.
A lull and Muaatete line of firuta, ft!!
Medltttnea, Toliet Arltotaa aad
Choice Cigafi Specialty,
Tee trade of t Ha fannies; fraternity
rM.'fiilljr sotieitett. djtf
CTI and T1t
1 UJ4A CM itUQinrtii.
rise It. H eet.'laeatai a.i,.ike eh
trot IS) tt.Jg.ia3irtA
lJtrs. also Jsreen Wire.
Lincoln.- Nebraska.
D. G. Wnro,
Am i Cash.
SURPLUS $16,000.
work. Wamaks . 7n ui,. S7 YinmVS?
ECLIPoB BTUDlOiJ. Uuooin. nebraaka.
' Want to save f roa :
25 TO 60c.
On every Dollar you spend? If so, write Da
our Illustrated catalogue, containing- ill ia
Irations and prioes of everything uanuftct
ured la the United States, at manufactur
ers' prioes. 10,000 Illustrations, All lines
represented. Catalogue mailed free on ap
plication. Address, tf
178 West Van Buren St. Chicago, IIL
liaupdrT Soaps)
Toilet Soaps s
Thev have no eaual. Patrnniza a
home factory, none better in tne world.
will be paid to the arent of any ecalecompaay who
will ay over hia own name as agent.that the June
Is not equal to any made, and a standard reliable
scale. For particular, address only
Jones of Binghamton, Bingbamton. B.T.
otno rou IIRCUUAR. '
i t
a aanyhiM nt htfenaattM! t,
tHM.ia ISieiitt,
lb,e i
Marka, 'nrrikia
a.ealt, Tr
- aauaja a CC
w aera.
l aim tn
ilw and Lalior Sooasier!
Tha . l,t tkm Itttie huuk a.. e.m
heavy Ikat Ike Muklfk... r,,r"
edaheutifut r -...,.
r.;ree." SeTsy?'
tk.a ta (ana. ta,fi .J,
I-M,.! , key. the HiZZlZ
t 'fh a ray aaa Ik.n i u. ..
lakBt Sualey a..k.k Ike d.Mi t.
e.ted ta day m'ttel tM I, ,tl
r'" ' dttttkta ft a t