The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 02, 1891, Image 3

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Lt. Crops Mlllat for Fortder
, What to Oo With Them Vari
ous Uses of Oil Cars) of
; tha Stallion.
Lata Crops.
Bucltwlieat and rye for fall ami win
ter pasture, turnips, rutabagas, and
winter radishes can be sown in many
cases after the wheat and oats are
handled and yet give a good yield.
A good w ay to put in rye is to sow the
8ml broadcast among the corn just
btfore the last cultivation. In a ma
jority of cases unless the corn is foul
with weed seeds this is all that will
Le necessary. By the time the corn is
harvested and hauled off the rye will
have-made such a grow th as to afford
a considerable amount of feed in the
fall and early winter.
Buckwheat is a good cron to grow
for green inaiuirini;. Its quick growth,
in addition to the effwt produced .up
on the soil, places it next to clover to
plow under us a green fertilizer.
Wheat or oat stubble can be broken
tip and the seed sown broadcast and
harrowed in and a sufficient growth
will be secured before frost to turn
under a good layer as a fertilizer. If
desired, in anything like a fair season
a good crop of grain may be secured..
Buckwheat makes a good feed for win
ter, as the grain can be fed as a change
to nearly all kinds of stock to an ad
vantage. Of the three root crops rutabagas
should be sown first, as they require
longer to make a good growth than
the others. Turnips should be sown
next, if any difference is made, and
then the radishes, although a good
iilau is to mix tumipaud radish seeds.
Yom the middle to the latter part of
July is considered a good time to sow
the seed. The best fiile to follow is to
sow whenever the soil is in condition to
secure a good germination. Prepare
the soil nicely and then sow the seed
just after a rain, sowing broadcast,
taking pains to scatter evenly as pos
sible over the ground and then cover
with a light harrow or brush. These
can often be sown when early crops
have already matured and may be
considered catch crops because they
occupy the ground only a short time,
and t fiat to a considerable extent
after the first crops have made their
growth. Of court.e in a very dry sea
son these crops will often prove a
failure, partially or wholly, but in an
a wage season very fine as well as
prolitable yields can be secured, and
t hose that cannot be marketed pro
fitably can always be fed to stock to
an advantage. N. J. fc)., in Prairie
Ji'armer. .
Millet for Fodder.
A correspondent of the Orange
County Farmer has something to say
about millet, of which, he remarks, we
seldom hear as a feeding crop. His
own experience, after atrial of six
years, is such that he speaks in the
highest terms of it. He could not get
grass seed to take, and had to find
something to fill the bill for fodder,
and discovered that millet did it very
satisfactorily, the horses and cows
feeding on it in place of hay,
Last summer he cut hay enough for
fiis stock and so did not feed his millet
all out in the fall, having about a ton
of it left over until spring. While do
ing spring work, thinking a change of
feed would be beneficial, he thought
lie would try his work team on the
'millet, though somewhat doubtful
whether they would eat it after it had
Iain in the barn all winter. He was
surprised at the result. They ate it
clean and seemed to like it better than
good hay, and they hold their con
dition with half grain, doing the sume
t There are few in this section who
crow it to considerable extent, some
for stall feeding andothersto take the
place of hay, especially is this the
case with small fanners who keep
their fields under the plow and do not
seed down to grass except at long in
tervals. His own experience is that, where
grass is scarce or will not grow, you
cannot get more feed from an acre of
ground than to now it with German
millet. He sows it after some use of
the ground for the regular crop and
getting a fine lot of feed (if well cured)
with little trouble and small expense.
. On this subject the Maine Farmer
quotes the statement of the New Eng
land Farmer that "none ol the millets
are tit to seed with grass," and says:
"This does not hold good for Maine.
Many good fanners in this State
practice seeding down to grass with
Hungarian, and with excellent suc
cess. We have seen many fine fields
of grass from this practice."
What to Do With Them.
A new ue has leen found by a Can
adian farmer for surplus tomatoes.
He had about a thousand bushels left
over after his market became glutted
and tried the experiment of feeding
this apparent ly worthless surplus to
Ins cows. Mo Ins surprise and grati
fication the cows took to them greedily
with the reuJt that the How of milk
was largely increased. Having an.
ilea, from some previous exierieiuv,
that he might dipoeof his tomatoes,
green or ripe, in this way, he planted
them in a field into which he could
tarn ths con in the fall.
After the first frost he write, we
pulled the tomato vines ami collected
them in pile, with thegrecu tomatoes
adhering, lii-rt-1 lu-y remained a couple
of woek More we could let the com
into the field, lly that time we found
that A targe jrcwiiageoftliegreenta-inaUM-.htfl
ripened and the tomato
lvi had rnrrd. The eo could not
! kept away from tin tomato pih-.
They rooted them over with how
and horn, and rlenm! ip fVerythiug
hut the hare vim, and at niifl.ta, an
h'litf h the tomator l.litcd. I hey
woulikroiK into the luini painhilly
full ami thrir udder ditriidnl. It '
for rieitil tMMty Whether tlirnillk
hi ilm ititf element in the tomato
ilwll or a heftier It l ppii lueitted
'jMtm ol til loud to make aU b'
nncvdiiulk Tat Mm (it ctMtrwit would
jrt.t p,y ia rl tm.aTa.- a fund fer
ftja, hut hiarkot gsrdaitera id tut
M!lo surplus AiHttwtti ft fo wnxle
'lide Utr) hw f It teed
VirMHlVlM f U l.
Tha lrtne of l Ai thj f,ifm are
lUtVtluumht of. It M3!ht hiSrh'3Ml
til jrr tv, awt eW4-l al
ways be ki t ready for twe, with car.
that the supply doe not run out ani
harness ani machinery suffer for want
of it, or a half day in moving, threat
ing. or other machine work, for a lit
tle much-needed oil. It is better t
buy Hilary quantities comparative
ly, a it will not be so apt to run out.
and can generally be bought cheaper.
Certainly the supply will not be ex
haustea so often, tor machinery a
mixture of unsalted hog's lard and
castor oil is recoinmeded; adding the
on until the mixture is ot the right
consistency. For the wood-work of
tools, nothing is better than boiled
unseed oil. henever it is proper,
the wood-work of tools and machinery
should be kept well painted. Kero
sene is very penetrating, and the wood
might first be tilled with this. It is
also excellent to cut the gum when
running gear gets gummed up. But it
must soon be wiped off and oil with
more body be substituted. Castor oil
is good for use on a buggy. It is also
excellent for harness and for boots
and shoes. Some recommend for all
kinds of leather three parts of neat's-
foot oil and one ot beet tallow, ap
plying the oil when it is about as
warm as the hand can bear and while
the leather is still somewhat moist
and pliable after being cleaned in
warm water.
Care of the Stallion.
"Ifest and fat are the greatest ene
mies of the horse," is a saying of the
Arabs, and if every stallion owner
would ' embody its truth' in practice
there would be little need to write
anything further on this subject. Its
observance would be potent to im
prove the horse in health, strength,
virility, endurance and longevity and
by '"holding up the glass to nature"
correct the irrational treatment and
abnormal conditions tinder which he
is often reared. Not that the condi
tions surrounding the horse in a state
of nature should be.wholly imitated,
for they do not all tend to his im
provement in the qualities adapted to
man's use.
But it is worthy of note that the
wild horse is tough, sound and
healthy, and making due allowance
for the influence of natural select
ion or the survival of the fittest,
when we observe that he is seldom in
a state of rest, that he lives uncon
fined in the open air, upon natural
food we may reasonablvconnect these
as cause and effect, and safely consid
er exercise, pure air and simple diet
the fundamental conditions upon
which to build up, by skill in breeding
and training, the highest , and most
perfect equine type. Breeders' (ia
sette. .
Affected Animals, .
If the weather is cold, says the
Breeders' Gazette, keep the affected
animals indoors in a well-lighted and
ventilated stable. Feed on bran mash
es with roots and hay, and leave an
abundance of pure water at all times
within .the animal's reach. A little
saltpetre, say a teaspoonful, may be
dissolved in the drinking water every
night until the kidneys act freely.
When the throat commences swelling
apply warm poultices of linseed,
changinz them twice daily,, and as
soon as the region of the throat com
mences to fluctuate, open it and liber
ate the pus. afterward continuing t he
poultices till all discharge ceases. Or
dinarily this is all the treatment that
is required. If the throat is very sore
and great difficulty is experienced in
swallowing, an ounce each of chlorate
of potash, gentian root and licorice
root should be mixed in a pint of mo
lasses and a tablespooufulof it smear
ed on the tongue every three hours.
The Vegetable Paradise.
Last year there were 40,000 acres
under cabbages in Moirne and Loire,
Peas, tomatoes and French beans are
sent to all parts of the worlds in enor
mous quantities, and the winter con
sumption at home is very large. The
French are the greatest eaters of vege
tables in the world and have as early
vegetables as those jwople who live in
Jtaly. The sheltered coast ot JJnt-
tany causes the camelia to bloom in
bebruarv. J. he coast about Hoscon
is especially celebrated for its vegeta
bles, such as asparagus, onions, broc
coli and potatoes. Here 1.500,000
acres are devoted to the cultivation
of vegetables. In Vancluse I have
seen over 10,000 melons raised on an
acre. Thexe quantities may seem
enormous to you, but they are the
natural result of the great quantities
of concentrated manures and the
careful cultivation given them. New
York Telegram.
For the Farmer.
At the Michigan experiment station
the best varieties of green corn for
sutce-sion there prove to be Cory,
Crosby, Concord, stabler and Golden
From the Connecticut station comes
the report that "Cotton hull ashes of
the best quality are the cheapest
source of potash, free from chlorides,
to be found in our markets."
The corn crop of 18SHI was the
smallest reported in nine years in I
proportion to the population, as the
previous one was the largest. As
stated by statistician 1 lodge, the!
reduction is about ") per cent.
The scale lice on the bark of your
fruit tree il!ooii hatch out and
ttheii they do 1m ready for them.
Vh the trees with soap and water
or ne tthiti'waxh wit hashes. Be tire
and do it "on lime.''
The -nrntat" of the wheat crop ot
mmi r.-mniuiin! in the hand of
grower M, aivordiiig to the depart
nieiit rrt, h by 15 jwrtfnt than
the averiit, of the ur itm o year
ami ! by X iwr cent than the re
arve fltoing !1m biij crop of I I.
Any cultivation tilt h disturbs the
lilt rto' of gioaittg plant ban In
jury. IfcTp i tittuauon, t In n fore,
alter thr tool Imvr prvd through
the soil i, mild U- molded. ThU
appltet in vvrrytliiiig thai jod frtiw.
t Vntl shallow enMote, 4'id (!! f (
H, SIHMI1-I III' TJiP rule, J
Jt i wUayt ri"iititnM firth fnn r
In bv a tl lo V ltU tn ti )
pi. , out wiih i iiee, t a wtih any
ttiU-t lll' sun k, i t in' l4 eoii
Ik. at pa i !(, I!imh. iie and
blooded citile are iil In the aan
bite, and ilie a ill p',) a wed la trt
jtorihii It the t!Uvl ! ike
a' Iwf,
A Mnllli Owtala that Will b
Hay All Hamsaltr.
The signs of I iu ponding death are
many aad variable. No twa iiutaaoea
are precisely idantieak yet several
signs are comtnan t J many cases.
Shakespeare, who observed everything
else, observed and recorded some of
the premonitory sign of death also.
In the account of the death of Fa'.stat
the sharpness of the nam, the ooldneM
of the feet, gradually extending: up
ward, the pieking at the bedclothe,
are accurately described.
For sometime before death Indica
tions of it approach become apparent,
says the Medical Herald. Speech
grows thick and labored, the hand, if
raised, fall instantly, the respiration Is
difficult the heart losses its power to
propel the blood to extremities, which
consequently become cold, a clammy
moisture oozes through the pores of
the skin, the voice grows weak and
husky or piping, the eyes begin to lose
their luster, Ia death at old age there
is a gradual dulling of all the bodily
sen&s and of many of the mental fac
ulties, memory fails, judgment wavers,
imagination goes out like a candle.
The muscles and tendons got stiff,
the voice breaks, the cords 6f the' tab
ernacle are loosening Smalt noisee
irritate, sight bscomes dim, nutrition
goes on feebly, digestion is impaired,
the secretions are insufficient or viti
ated or cease, capillary circulation Is
clogged. Finally the central organ of
the circulation comes to a stop, a full
stop, and this stoppage means a disso
lution. This is the death of old age,
which few attain to. -
Many people have an idea that death
fs necessarily painful even agoalxing;
but there is no reason whatever to sup
pose that death Is more painful than
birth. It is because in a certain pro
portion of case dissolution is accom
panied by a visible spasm and distor
tion of the countenance that the idea
exists, but it Is nearly as certain as any
thing can be that these distortions of
the facial mucles are not only painless
but take place unconsciously. In many
instances, too, a comatose or semicom
atose state supervenes, and it is alto
gether probable that more or less un
consciousness then provails.
We have, abundant evidence of peo
ple who have been nearly drowned
and then resucitated. and tbey all
agree in the statement that after a few
moments of painful struggling, fear
and anxiety pass away and a state of
tranquility succeeds. They see the
visions of green fields, and in some
caaes hear pleasant music, and, so far
from being miserable, their sensations
are delightful. But where attempts at
resucitation are successful the resuci
tated persons almost Invariably protest
against being brought back to life, and
declare that repudiation is accompa
nied by physical pain and acute mental
Death is a that which every man
must personally experience, and con
sequently is of universal interest; and,
as facts are facts, the wiser course Is
to look them squarely in the face, for
necessity is coal-black, and death keeps
no calendar.
A man who has been-spending the
season in Florida tells of a cracker
preacher who came to the little church
in the pine . woods at Altomonte the
other Sunday and delivered a very feel
ing sermon. He was a throughly
earnest, sober, well-meaning man and
he did his best to impress his audionce;
but when in his sermon he delivered
himself as follows his northern hearers
were perhaps not impressed the way
he wished them to be: "Now there's my
wife; she's one of the best women that
ever lived, she Is; and every day of her
life, when she gets her chores done up,
she goes inter the closet, shots the
door and prays. Now, do you s'pose
you could stop my wife er prayin'? No
sir! you couldn't stop 'er prayin' not if
you was to give her er dollar er day!
No, sir! (with much emphasis) not fer
er dollar er day you couldn't stop her!"
Altvars Something Wrong,
, "I clah ter goodness," said Miss
Evelina Tolliver, ''dah ain' no use er
try in' foh ter hab no soshabili ty when
folks is so berry thin-skinned an' offen
' -Whits de mattah?" inquired
Una's mother. "Didn' de shaddes
pantlemines dat yoh wits givln' las'
night come off all right?"
"Dey stahted splendid. I was Juno.
an' evrybody did say dat it wus gran',
But Susie Jenkins hed fer to go wall;
out in front ob de sheet front ob de
orgince. She wus so black dat ebry-
body tuk er foh her own shadder air
she got mad an' bus' up de pahty," t
Y ashington Tost
He Had aerr Taata.
"A Mend of mine got off a bright
thing the other day. He called on
young lady who had a pet dog she was
trying to make bark, but the dog
wouldn't, until finally she said: -i'ldo,
if you will hark for me, I'll kiss you.'
Then my friend spoke up and said: 'I
can bark pretty well myself.' " dla.
ha! What did the girl say?" "Noth.
lag. She simply sent the dog away,
KspreMea Their Peeling.
They were two young ladies, evidently
sisters, and it appeared from tholr
von vernation that they had been to a
funeral. Said one:
"Auut Mary looked quite natural
didn't she?'
"Ves," replied the other, and then
he added, after a few moment! "A
funeral is an awful sad, depriving
thing, don't j on think so?"
I'sua!!', responded the (1rt
jxtaker: "but to-day H n a little dif
ferent. Of eoiirce I fell ad about Aunt
Mary, but every time I looked aro
at pa 1 eontd nt hwlp thinking bow
lib it wa lu a)i tin going into society
again." - itolut Transcript.
alar HUM.
Mis frmulew Ah. Ii'iw dii yi iti
Ml lirn" Mi 'Very a .ill, thank
you: sti my name is Hrn." Mr. H.
h " I be- jenr pirdu. N It Is
'' yi l ! jse. I'm . t
dor blind " ltia ll-oa.
A Mala
H hjf, U la only I VIlt
thought It l" aid Mr htiihXM a
lk tUm'k iri h I, ' Na. tntiM."
mid HrultfMl. (a lr UUr Uiaa
waa litis Vdme wv ila.' Hrpr
Osborne Junior Harvestermlo. 4 ESo we
wk B. r n. . asr - ' .aaBasBSa"BaM
The strongest proofs of the Excellency of our machines arc civon by
our competitors. They all imitate us.
We use no Imnta pipe either roun! or squara'ln the main frsms. Antle steel truss for drive wheel and platform. The lla-htest and strona-est frame made, rut tontaar with
leable clips and steel bolts. All Usht psrts of the best malleable Iron. Xo --lay. la harvest from hraakaae. K.tras for mui "iS!SK JJSSSff Si.
nm,w t ta hs aitsttafc. Th ftsan T i nn fit t
smith will tell you how much so called steel
at aula:! vaii
no others
tiAn InafeaJ
!1 expense. Have to bur a new wheel with othermskes of machines. Md. Malleable Iron swrn our eorapetltors use oast Iroa. 4th. All parts of binder oiled fromtoa of i
lers bsve this. We use drive rear In main frame, rou doa t have to bur tlahteainr pullers and drive ehaia links bv the hushel sod Increase draft bv havlna Fortr aolaai for
tead of four. 6th. Whatever the nosltion of the binder no weiirht Is on the horse s neck, ' amYta lm' W"" lew
Our mo. 4 Hswur stands st the head of Its
half to six feet, we sen an rut ot twins
chines see our loeal as-eot or aoires.
Do you want to buy Dry
Goodsf Do you pay casM if
so we want your trade. We cell
for cash, ana we guarantee to
sell to every one at the same
low price. If you buy from ufl
and are not pleased with your
purchase when jou get home
you can return it and get your
money. Give us a trial and we
think we will both please you
and save you money.
Very respectfully,
Lincoln. Neb.
133 tol39 South 11th St
IT. 3D. TW'TIT'Tin,
I make a specialty of all kinds of farm rsDairinar. Members of the Alliance
are cordially invited to call. First class
Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Cases.
Near Cor. 10th and Mr
Wholesale and Retail Lumber.
Telephone 70L
O street between 7th and 8th. Ivlnopln, He,
Leopold Barr, J ewe I er.
The farmers of Lancaster county are cordial-
ly invited to call on me in my new quarters,
1136 O street, where I' will take pleasure in
showing: them my handsome line of jewelry.
watches, clocks, etc., which I offer to members
of the Alliance at discount rates. All kinds of
repairing at low rates. Respectfully,
The Lightning Hay Press.
807, 809 NORTH I0TH ST.
We Handle Bate Ties. Coil Wire and a Full Line of Repairs
Always Kept on Hand.
Hay and Grain Handfad in Gar Uota.
I have maW arntiiitK-nt whtTilty 1 a ftrnli fSrstt k
Ji,iul Mmta liitntf-4 fd Mini im ,it ilm mdl' tm t, I
Itfivr no ahtslly witk to olh r yttt, )ut $mmntw all tvurk U la
of th hi'lnat ptay liiAtfrUI junl Ut ivorkituinltlj, ('nil mtl
itlM t till' IJiaaU I Ittfi'f Ul U'fuhf JMI1 -WltiaJlttf.
l . II O il II ft I
I O h ' rt tt rt l (i
mnnrsi Iip IM tAthtt fn nv nv HA ntn nf MfflMl
is In other machines, ask htm to test them.
class to day,
m to ssy. Tne stronjfest cutter, iif Brest drart ana simplest in oonstnictloa. Kxamlne It and be eonrlneed. CuU front thrssaan (
ute to pure mauilla, as cheap as the ' cheapest and as sood ss tha best Is our motto. Tor phamphlots and information na twise mm
' -3m OSIORNE CO.. CMcsh, III., GEO. TULE, Uscels, his., tr j. . tUatOIEXt, taska, Ust
rroio J
work at reasouable prices.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Ijeo-Qolcl Barr.
' '"' 11 "I M aaafW . . '
- r- r r-, '
Lincoln, Nob.
Osborne N4.
lAitnai --a -
Sd. A steel road whorl with detachable box, esn
205 Bohanan Block, Lincoln, Neb.
Can be found on. of the most complete tines of Implements In the ft'.y, lmclndins
The tried and true T & H Smith Compinjr's k'uxm and Spring wagons. 414a
Iks Wwrial liris rWKn Eirmtir
The Ferfect Ad
vance corn planter
and check rower.
The old reliable 7
Sandwich Manufac-f
turlng Company's1)
Shellers and. Feed!
grinders. I
The Oldest and
best Aultman and i
Taylor Threshers. i
uepainior above . .
corn shellers and .,, .
threshers In stock. VALL km
John. T. Jones, Agent, Lincoln, Nc!i
For Sale .,
Whyiantf Whorwforws"sf
Evirywliepe.' 'S toq
intra Do BK. Kan.
McCormick Harvesting Machines.
105,468 Were Sold in 1890.
125,000 Are being Ilado for 1001-
Ask ourazent at the town where
ing all of our machines, also describing and illustrating the process of man
factoring our superior quality of BINDING TWINE, and exDlainina- wh
the best a always the cheamst, and
one uy wruingio jk..
Wimiiig-. Poiit
With this binder; It
perfect capacity for
handling all lengths
and conditions o t
Kaeh bundle Is
bound ta the center.
'i II MW4 Su SHr. Wust
lit VcCCn.lCK l Ml tlti ' ai to Hand Mill sWaj
lH T'in o( lurviti lor (h ajrnt to get ffV
1'ht attention of hvwen and all oilm inlenfed arebviud to io7rt
full lit,t J tht KrtwftiCt goxit, ir tdutg Dmdsrs, Wwt n aad Kspsf
Alto all grade ofUndins, twin. ttvm the chtspru to iK. Isrst mtut aaaiaU.
Tor sl. at th. ronjanft hvadiurtrv It BlMIXQi.Un. Ai
Corner 10th and Q ttreeta Lincoln, !febrcr!:2.
. - . . - . . . "i
replace tha but when wt
wora la a few i
A full and sot-
nlata Una a Tilm i T
Z, Phrtons. Bocav
noaa n iioil
Carta. Etc. .
We keen rir&t iro
Iwith the proesMinsi
and make prieaaw
low aa ujUiy,
qualitT of gooLa
we coroiauy iav
Tito part lee to eail
andsas us.
Sampli Sit vr,
tf fftaj rrPBin m L
lol. UL.l.niHIU WVa
.... .
vou trade for namohlet fullv nznLun-
if he cannot furnish one you can get
mtUKLl, Ueneral Agent,
Lincoln. Nebraska.
m -r .mr.. J : is t i ;
W7 77Vy evv