The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 02, 1891, Image 1

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Bxpihstioks: Al the easiest and cheapest
wans of notifying suuevriners of the data
of their espirations we will msrs. this notice
with a blue or red pencil, on tiiedate atwbk.-h
their subscription expire. We will send the
paper two wu-i after expiration. If not r
Dewed by that time it will he discontinued.
Written for Ths Fa km rut' Alliance, by
Maar Batan Pisca.
A bsbe Is born, and Us sobbing breath
Htw touched 00 the shores of life and death.
Rocking to rest In a mstber's arms,
The world swlnxt by with IU lurking harms.
Sweet border-laad ef her lot be his
What more have king made their dynasties?
Youth comes space as a day In June
The song In bis heart has love's law tune.
He reels the flutter of passing wings.
While he singing toils and tolling siags.
Ijve beckons afar to Howery strands
He dreams ta the light of Its border-lands.
Now the man delves deep la mines of thought,
Till Ambition's sword with tUme Is wrought,
. On the border-land mirages loom,
And hi heart goes down In wares of gloom.
O, temple of love and tender youth.
Awake your altar with Hps of truth.
Keturn with lilies so white and rare
Totwlao on the fevered brow of care.
He-give the charm of your lotus-leaves,
While peace reblods her gloryebeaves.
And boe with justice be Interwoven
'Till the race shall ken the Joy of heaven,
Whose border land and Its halo be
The life and love of eternity.
Clearwater, Web.. June 3. HWI.
The Country Couple Want Home
With a Bad Opinion of New York
A sailor-looking man, willi hi arm
i:i it aling was solid ing aim at the
Battery recently, and nearly every
citicu of the town who passed him
for half an hour dropped a piece of
money into his palm without qiiea
tion. They saw his uiin in a uling,
'noticed that ho looked pule and
wcuk, and that wn sufliciciit. Pre-t-iit
ly there came along u middle-aged
married couple who were taking in the
flight, and instenl of contributing
something the niHn quuircd: .
"Want money, eh? What's the
"Broke my arm."
"Did eh?"
"I don't believe it," snapped the
"Hold on, .Mary," eluded t lie liua
' band; "he may possibly be telliing the
troth. -Wins do you work .it'','e --,-. -.t
"I'm A sailor."
"Y-e-s. Mary, does he look Jike (lie
tramp who tin-owed me over the
barnyard fence in April?"
"I think so."
"May not be, though. We don't
want to do hint an in justice. Ever
down around Patterson?"
"No, sir."
"Ever trump any?"
"Xo, sir."
"Git drunk every day or two, I sup
pose?" "Xo, sir."
"Sure you don't set on the fence all
Aummer And make the town support
yon through the winter?"
"No, sir."
"Well, I don't know but you are al)
riahl , and I guess"
"Don't you give him a cent!" whis
pered the wife. "If he gets money he
may go right off and buy burglar
tools with it!"
"By George! but I Jie.ver thought of
that; May come right down and
mii;ih1i the sliilling out of that new
lock on the hoss-baru door and run
oiTahoss! Well, friend, if your arm
is really broke, and if you are a sailor
and if you are honest but unfortunate,
I'm kinder sorry for you, but I'll
have to think it over and gee you in
the fall when we come down agin.
Come on, Mary,"
And when he reached home it was
to say to his neighbors: "Yes, Now
York is a wonderful big town, but
the people there are awfully selfish
and coldhearted!" New York World
The Proper Way of Addressing Ex
Presidents of the United States.
During the recent visit of ex-Preei-dent
Hayes in Dayton u question ol
etiquette as to the manner of address
ingnnAvi'resident arose, ft whs re
ferred to General Hayes, who said
that according to Washington eti
quette the maxim in, "once ft Presi
dent always President in titulary
form." He proceeds! to say that he
was first indouht about its propriety,
and felt a little embarrassed, but
after his ret urn from the White House
0 hi home, letters from President
Grant .General and Senator Sherman,
and othrr proiniuiit otliciuU were
ddreeed to Mr, President Haves,
ami that settled (he question, 'flie
editor td the Join mil once submitted
the same question to chief Jo slue
t'hss.', wlin teplhnl etititiiittialiy;
'The proper bom to address tits
President til ultivinl iMjwisur lettets
i 'The President;' tit'ti spi'ukiiia to
htm jrroi!!ll) . or to an et pieid-nt
It is Mr, preaidmt; ai(tiit it is Mr.
Uirf Jtne, Mr. , Mr. ritnt-itor
and imi tni.'' 'I'ltets Ia little dtniMr tit
eiilUartAksitieiil aruiiiit liom addles'
Ingsuys pK-stdxtit, lor llwie are si
iluai iiitr i WiiWi I so or thte In Mid at
! Its .m in I lute, and l. ' Are svldolM
l.kely twltire Om Tin: hut llilt an
a-lba Mshl pro, it ttlibai rm.
Jini m iKe titim i iii. in , slut has
IwM 4 K ' l w olltrr uili-v s omi
niiMuot. IKstei si, t oUMn I. el , N put
iii liitd furm Y' t ii i Im hi all an a lunii Is e.ih-l lit Im a I
irM4ti tjf Ol .t(!t(Mt lltWl'S ItSS liolil.
S ia U.nt is n ..t,-,nsi
a Mr. Pi H.i I. ., a trr ti .! . ..s
ptiwIilt iH' i 11 is n ra Slid SO I
Arthur. )l is a i i!ifr id I ..i-trt a t
i uih Imi, I la always Ut
la Important Witness Tor the State
Tarns I'p Missing.
A Wealthy Altera? raad Cailty af
Slealiac a Justice's Uecket s.l ra
Iare4 ta a Teras ia Juliet The
Cllialt Maraer Trial.
STrnois, S. D. Jina 30,-The state
finished taking testimony in the Few
Tails case, except u-U as may be callel
in rebuttal, and as One Feather could
not be faod oa the reserratioa mac'a
valuable evidence U lot. This Indian
was witb the murdered chief at the
time the fight occurred and would not
only be able to corroborate the testimony
given by Mrs. Few Tails, but add much
strength to the circumstantial evidence
that will be forthcoming as the trial
proceeds. Judge Polk opened the de
fense by giving a detailed account of
the facts they would be able to estab
lish with sn elaborate array of unques
tionable testimony. Three of the de
fendants testified In their own behalf,
telling substantially the same
story, which was that when
tbey discovered a band of
ten or fifteen Indians attempting
to drive off altnut :'M ties 1 of horses on
the morning of January II, a party of
sis settlers, the four defendants lieinj;
nieaibers of the party, armed them
selves wit'a ff'.ins,fnrniHhed by tlie state,
and started out to round up the red
skins. When within about 100 yards
of the Indians tbey demanded the
horses, but instead of securing their
stock they were fired upon, one of the
boys being slightly wounded on tho
hand. A lively skirmixh followed and
Indians, horses and whites scattered in
every direction,
('apt. Thomas Baldwin of Gen.
Miles' staff was subpeensed by the de
fense to sbow that the country wss in
a state of war at that time, but he
declined to give testimony as to such
tronble existing in Meads county.
Facts were disclosed that two of the
Culliertson boys were indicted in Bort
Homme, S, D., in for horse steal
ing, but acquitted through a technical
ity. Lawyer Hill ( aarlrled.
Danville, Ills., June 'JO. The sensa
tion of the week in this city was the
trial of A. R, Hill, a wealthy lawyer,
for stealing 'quire Dillon's docket.
During tlie entire week the court room
has ueen jt.TOKdeu.4o suftucauou. . Con.
traryto general opinion, tbojnrr re
turned a verdict of guilty and ttxed the
penalty at one year at Joliet. Hill's at
torneys attribute his conviction to an
instruction of Judge Book waiter, the
esAetice of which was that it was not es
sential for the stats to prove the exact
time of the theft as charged in the in
dictment and sworn to by its witnesses.
They will try to get a new trial.
Hill is in jail awaiting sentence. He
says be is innocent, but the verdict has
made him . a ruined man. If the new
trial is refused be will not prosecute his
apjieal to the supreme court. He ha
consumption and is afraid be will not
live his time out. He claims hets inno
cent and that Mitis Helen Mihsh, his
tyiwwriter. who was the principal wit
ness against him, was animated by spite
becaune he bad discharged her.
The Kllinlt Trial.
Coi.tiverrs. 0., June 30.In the El
liott murder trial the testimony of
Charles Kraft, takc-n by deposition at
Salt Lake City, was admitted to the
jury. It ter.ds'to show that two hoars
before the fatal meeting that Osuorn
gave bis gnn to Itolwrt Wolfe, and sent
him to a hardware store to purchase
cartridges for it. Hairy Larriuiore,
the hardware , clerk, testified that an
nuknown man supposed to be Wolf.
bought cartridges of him about the
time that Kraft saw him depart from
OMkirn at tlie World office and go in
the direction of that store. Joliu Tans
han swore to the al ited pistol practice
of Osboru I Lis day tore the murder.
ItrllK anil Kit. Mt a Great Mistake. ,
Toledo. ()., June 'Ml Detective
Moyei from Beaver Falls started back
to that place witb Wile Amnion, a 16-year-old
girl, and Kdward ilorehead,'
her lover, in custody on a charge of
stealing fl.VOO. The girl was in the
employ of Mrs. Kists, a milliner of
Beaver Falls, anil found out her em
ployer had this au.ennt concealed In a
trunk. She told Morehead snd they
aitreed to take it and e!nie. They went
first to Akron, where they nought a
quantity of jewelry, etc., snd then cams
direct to Toledo, whr the detective
csi.ii lit them.
fnohler HiBl Sell!. '
8t. Locis. June Tits case pre
ferred by the American Express company
against Charles F. Bigelow, aistant
cashier of the coiuiauy, and I.Vruisn
Johnson, a clerk in the money depart
ment, uss Wi-n settled and the two mrn
will nut be irit utfl, It will be re
uiFtnhrred that the turn wer charged
with forgery.
4'ltts of a (tlmiaal f'aresr,
KoKf iKjmif, la, Juns aw. Jack
K.-rsl, one of Iowa's tuot notorious
i riinlimU, diel st the poarhotise at ill
lor and was buried in the putle r held.
It-wd was SI yeet old. Mie-s the ai!
tit tl his career li vl ta-ea one ol lolitin
ttotis thievery, but Ihioii'h bis shrewd
Urn he bad sefied uli! bs )r la
ft 1114 Uis Sasetksait i lil.lJ,
LtkMR, Max,, JiiaeJlO .-Maria
Uurtheil. ad IS, wrs shut and killed
by Jura lUusch, ado bad U n psn
rmirt to hi (or iiuie. He vim
jt'ttbiti. Il tntiiiK'luielv put a bulM
tatuuga hi uwn tfnH and Ml,
Tlw liaae.1- i arrmt tn frml if lae
IAeftl tHitl, wbvta M giii ss sat-
n4 an. H4sa.
F't Suits), Aili , J in At tt
lot I'fUttililloa. iliu Hal tlnrti. in
h l ta ( a l vsr I twt .r iut '4sr !
Mii,iH l i is lite sli't nil,t?jr, 1
Twe Witaeses la a HsrSrr Trial Sbeat
Kach Other latally. '
XAnvi.Lf, Tenn., June JO. Word
has just been received here of a fatal
aifray at Buffalo Valley, a post village
in Putnam county about thirty miles
from Lebanon. A picnic was given
there recently. Among those who at
tended it were two men named Pren
tice and Carr, For some excuse) or
another not ascertained, they got into
a quarrel which was followed by ait ex
change of blows. Carr, who was get
ing the wont of the tight, then drew
a knife and stabbed his oppo
nent. The wound was an ngly one and
in a short time proved fatal. In the
meantime Carr was put under arrest.
He was arraigned before a magistrate
Saturday morning. While the court
was in progress a dispute arose between
two witnesses named Jim Mitchell and
Oscar Plunket. Tbey soon drew revol
vers, cresting a great confusion in the
court room, the spectators dodging tie
bind doors and under benches to escape
injury. The men instantly oiened tire
upon each other and kept it up until
both had been mortally wounded. As
all the parties are well kuown it has
caused lutense excitement.
eelt for the BtH.lif :!.
Pm.tnsai'iiiA. June 30. Fd ward W,
Magill, the assignee of John Burdsley,
took into court his claim that the $100,
000 worth of Chicago Wet Side stock
left by John itardsley in the Farmers'
and Mechanics' Natiou'al bank and the
:!0,000 due bill given to the Fourth
Street National bank, beioug to the
Hardaley estate. He entered two suits,
one ag'aiust the Farmers' snd Mechan
ics' Rational batik snd the other agaiust
the Fourth Street Kstioital batik.
rteistr Cieaoral Wanamelier Will
appear ltefure the 4 'vnimlltee urn
a Day's Miillre
Philsdei.phu, June 30. The Bards
ley investigating committee resumed its
sittings and examined a number of wit
nesses. A communication was received
from Postmaster General Wanamaker,
in which he offered to appear before ths
committee at any time upon twenty-four
hours' notice, and a reply to the request
made to Lawyer Alexander asking that
John Bardsley be again allowed to ap
pear before the committee for examina
tion was also received. Postmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker 's letter is as follows:
Chairman Van Cten:
. Dkaii Sin It seems to be thought by
some that certain evidence ofTerni at the
last meeting of your committee is not in
barmouy with the texUmouy delivered by
me wliea I appeared before you as a wit
ness. 1 asume t hat your committee fully
aaaVlnuaad the matter. It, kewaver, there
is any explanation wanted from me I will
be glad, at twenty-four hours' notice, to
meet any member of the committee and
explain every Item of my statement or at
tend any meeting of which I may have
notice. Yours respectfully,
John Waxamakkb.
Lawyer Alexanders reply to the re
quest of the committee to further ques
tion ex-City Treasurer John Bardsley
was that his client would reply in writing
to any question which might be sent to
him in writing, and won Id in that way
give the committee all the information
in his power As his client was in
prison ami practically convicted, he
did not think it would be proper to
allow him to appear iu person before
the committee.
Keystone anil Spring t.arileo ltaoks.
Philadelphia, June 30 Receiver C.
Yardley has received a letter from
Comptroller Lolly which indicates that
the government is going to take action
in tlie affairs of the Keystone and Spring
Garden National banks. Tli3 Comp
troller asks for the names of two suita
ble persons to investigate the violation
tion of the revised statutes regarding
natioual banks.
Trepsratlons for a firaful Ueuiiinn at
Sfpali.v, Mo.. June 30. Things
around the Blue and Gray heacbpiarte
are presenting a very lively appearance.
The officials are flooded witb mail ac
cepting and declining the invitations
that have been sent out all over the
United States. They are receiving doz
ens of letters from delegations which
are coming to the encampment. Not
less than 12.000 or H,000 visitors are ex
pected on the 4 th. Notice was also re
ceived from the newlv organized Blue
and (tray company at Kansas City, each
member of which stands over tl feet in
height, that, they would lie preiient and
participate in the exercises. The pa
rade will start at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing of the 4 r It, and it is coulidently be
lieved that there will be more than 5,
000 old veterans in line. Scores of
rattle, sheep and hogs have been do
nated to the ass4M-iation. and the la thai-tie
on the Fourth will lie ths giaiidest
ever held In central Missouri.
pretih'nt I'teaman of I he Amerirsn
Trottinii aM liiltou i ill twine a
rehul.itiM4 llie gtrst slalliou Kelxia and
his u tin on Ibe k of that vih,u
TUr KiitiniU'lotirr of Indinn affairs has
received aiiihe lium Atft-Ut IWnnrtl la
Imtuu tirnioiy sisiintt 'hit after a
tltrimu ImrMiiitiKin with ths ait
ant il ItSH'hU aAW Mtiitls rnvrtiu a
IrrrUory id lift itittrs, be hntntl utily itin I la the hiltaaw UiH.Mi. six ol
bout weie uIm-u In 4)s lt"tt to
tslliet Ibcit tattle and fe-itv.
JtMi t ilIU snr.lrfl (a I'llLhlltf.
a , li lee nub.til) u.lniuias tlrnaatus
uf an lUlioS b) t Moi) s If fit, the
tilii.tlurr Ike bo la satainiiut;
nth ' A'lirti ax, ab iti;.ni u k
las' the bllW lulua, aba hi!. a4 sihi
t inirlUitiltid the wsi. r. an. I after I
psdlrdl) tluiktUf Ik li4iitli a
hlorsUii atussnl bim
Ja o II. VtrigM, tsjiitlbe at tax
S'it ie wmt .f Ariuti. altMfe i.
sVmi Atti'iUat iiri4Mil uf i'lsoeMt.
ait kNt k b4l t u mm t i.Im.
Ht,t Ut$ biarl e Lia liiil Mas t litias the
I'bvema IVsnl'lwaa. II) tiHl.r n
t ild Ike li.aei ,luUa tuUI i
IsktS la bl sl aili4i.t n by le
p-.U j ii(. ;. itr. tash4
Seiotiations with San Domingo Go
ing Kapidljr ForriarJ.
rraaaiaeat Heights la Visit V?.UItB
la Cauaeeliea wilb Ike Matter Tetty
BfeaaaeM la High Vlares Pre
putcS Araty Traaafer Abauilttaeda
' Washi.kjtos, June jl. Santo Do
mingo reciprocity ta Hkelv to come
closely on the beets of the Spanish Cu
ban proclsuistiou. It is uders tood that
the details have gone forward . to the
point where the formalities of ratifica
tion may soon be exchanged between
the two countries. Mr, (Jalran, ths
special commissioner from San Domia
go, bal several interviews with Secre
tary Blaine before the latter was taken
sick, aud the foundations were' then
laid for reciprocal trade, Santo Domin
go has a population not far from 1.),0u0.
Its chief export are coffee, tobacco and
sngar. To keep its sugar market in the
United States and possibly enlarge it a
reciprocity arrangement was ; nec
essary. In return it will make ens
toms concessious on grain, breadstuff,
canned goods, machinery and cotton
manufactures, all of whUb are among
its main imports. Last year .San Do
mingo exported to this country a trills
under -.',ksi,000 worth of product, cf
which fl,Tl.,000 was sugai. In retur-i
the United Htates sent good to the
anion lit of tU-.'tf.OOO. of which wheat
flour amounted to $140,(104, lard $.'0.000,
iron and steel and their manufairtureii
f 170,000, wood and its manufactures
$117,tMiO. and cottons I ii.(SK); under
reciprocity the imjiortatlons will grow.
While the trade arrangeaietit does not
cover other questions ths nudersland
ing is that the Kan Domioeans will be
willing to give to the United .States a
coaling station at ,Kamaua Bay. .
Unless all.sigus fail, there will lie a
similar convention concluded witb Ven
ezuela, which next to : Brazil, is the
largest coffee depot of thd United States
in tlie south. A Mexican treaty is also
confidently to be expecteil
Petty Heaaaess laNlfh liaras.
Wasiiinotox, June SO.-j-At ji meet in?
of the Woman's Jfatiot l Industrial
league that organisation! 'issed and
passed a number of resoltii'i is bearing
upon what it calls asystepoi .Droicerage
iu vogue in the different; de .artments.
It was asserted at this pur mg that
hundreds of persons hold rulilicof
lice, snca as aenators. ine tcf
gyesa and- 4 partcujrt' e..u;jij,-. hm
been and are in the habit of having their
servaiets appointed to office when these
official go away for the summer. It is
also charged by this league that in the
war, state and navy departments the
relatives of the servants of high officials
are also provided witb places at the
government's expense, and that those
who are instrumental in getting them
there share in the benelits accruing to
these people. As an instance, one case
was related where a coachman's wife
was appointed to a $-'X place, and $23
was deducted by reason of this from bis
salary. Ths league threatens that un
less the practice is stopped it will pub
lish the names of the offenders.
The Knights' Fight on Meredith.
Washi.noto.v, June 30. Tlie fight of
Knights of Labor against Captain Mere
dith, chief of the bureau, of engraving
and printing, has assumed increased in
terest in view of tho fact that it has
been taken up by the executive com
mittee of that order. Information has
reached here that Messrs. Powderly,
Devlin and Hays had left Columbus to
visit Washington in connection with
the matter. Accompanying them are
Daniel J. Ryan, secretary of state of
Ohio and D. K. Watson, attorney gen
eral of Ohio. The Knights in a former
interview with Secretary Foster made
the threat that they would use the
power of that organization to defeat the
election of Mr. McKinley, for governor
this fall if their demands for the re-in-statement
of certain Knights of Labor
discharged from the bureau of engrav
ing and printiug at Washington were
not complied with. It is with this
object in view that the principal officers
of the Knights of Labor are now are
on their way here accompani.-d by
two ol Air. McKinley s close frieuus,
Mnrni te Proseeute Henderson.
Washixotox, June U0. At the Mex
ican legation it is stated that General
Sturm, who was in the City of Mexico
when William Henderson of IndUmipo-
liipublished his statements about the
rejsirted bnltery of Mexican official,
wrote letier to President Diax, dated
the Mth iufct. in that letter tteneral
Sturm says that Mr. Henderson's state
ments are slanderous; that he (Sturm)
gave up to his creditors the greater xir-
tion of the nioue v he receiveil from Mex
ico; that he would leave the City of
Mexico that day (the '.'V.h) for Indianap
olis, lud., la prosecute criminally Mr.
PrepuM-d IrauWere A Iisi.Iuh.I,
Wasiiimjtox, Juue ;W, t hauue in
stations of regiments recommended by
I hull. M o lake effect aM-r
July I, when the new appropriation i
avsiiaiile, are now oir, I lie iptarter
niaster getter! is dtpod to guard bifc
traitKiitatiu fund With gieat rate,
and M-tiig pretty strong with the tn re
laty be Im la staving elt t it
i-hauge mi nnuh l-.iie l.v tteneral
N Ix.iirld until liter iii i he, when
there la no liki-Sthtl of the ftiud
brltitf aerated for ail Indian caluj aiga ttf
other Vinci unities.
t AbeertMNl by the lit.
It i broRn, Ids., Juu Ths at
weal mill has berk sold to the A bH rii an
Cereal ii.iuniu M l.tnl aud lbs
deed oled al lie rei er s oftn. Ths
kfurd mill arid out f il wbila iMtitiiMg itselt in im sis U4
by lit ui.
Aa ! telle. .
11 iMti., June im , Leffliwelf,
tW a(4 sporlitaea ts I tra i shots,
tlie sntt i..iiit.r beia W, It. l-e!Hti.
we.l, fslM llb ItS'uiH'.et belwea.1
IH.issi ai I .si 1 r be ssiets
f fit t (Ul 4'HiM l
1891.; JULY.
Su. Mo. Tu. Wt. Th. Fr. Sa.
JL J-A li
Jl !3 J4 j5 16 J7 18
J920 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 3T
AaOhleMaa Claiats la Have a Marblue
111 at Will Aeaihilele tlreagkl.
Si'itisnrir-iji, ().. June U).-Public
atinouucetneut is made by Frank Mel
bourne of Canton that he will causo
rain to fall over 7,000 wpiare miles.
The disastrous flood that visited Iters
one week ago on the day announced by
Melbourne lor rain is still fresh in tho
minds of the ieopl. No rain has fallen
since a week ago Friday. Melbourne
wrote to Secretary Kusk asking tbs gov
ernment to use a machine warranted to
briugrainin from three to six hours.
In reply be was informed that the gov
ernment was experimenting through
ex Commissioner of Patents Dyrenforth,
by the exploding of bsl loons. Mr.
Dyrenforth would leave on for Kan
sas, and there carry on his experiments
on a large scale. Mr. Melbourne wai
notified that if he went to Kansas and
there brought rain at will, bis invention
would Im adopted by the government.
Mr. Mclbonrne proptwes to avail him
self of the invitation to demonstrate
what he can do in the matter of reliev
ing drought, -
Several Lives Kiiirld ImS at Wither,
Htb.--Tlia Missouri Itlver Hut
ml Its Uaeks.
BrsTnifK, Keb.. Jnne ;0. The Pdne
river is rising rapidly and an overlluw
is threatened. It is reported that at
Wilber si st ion, twelve miles aliovs this
city, the dam has given way and several
lives lost and great destruction r.f prop
erty cansed. Th mills at this place
hare that down owing to the high water.
.' Harlem tinier Water.
Kaxsah City, June UO. Tba Hvsr
continued to rise all night and by day
light had passed the danger line and
flooded the low lands. The entire town
of Harlem is under water np to the first
floors of the honses, with the exception
of a few built on knolls, The street
car line running to Midway has sus
pided operations, ss the tracks are tin-
r -- "' -oat the entire distsnce.
In "Vveai kanas City many families
have been driven from tbeir homes, but
as there is little or no current in the
overflow to damage the propel ty will
not be heavy.
At hi. Jnaeph.
St. Jorkph, Mo., June 30 The river
is running over the bank on the Kan
sas side and a rise of a few more inches
will inundate the French liottoms on
the Missouri side. Many of the settlers
iu the bottoms hsve already moved out.
At Nebraska City.
Nkbkaska Pitv, Neb.. June 30.- The
Missouri river is out' of its banks here
and is still rising. The river is now but
three feet lower than dunmr the tirc-at
flood of ISSil. , -
At l.eavenworlh,
Lkatknwohth, Kau.. June C0.The
river is two feet higher than at any
time before this year, Msuy farms
near the city are submerged.
Trunk Una Rehe.lules,
Krw York, Jnne SO. The passenger
rate committee of the Trunk Line asso
ciation met in their rooms at the foot of
Liberty street. It was the general ex
pectation that action would be taken on
the new schedules of rates adopted by
the western lines iu order to meet the
cut of the Cbicngo aud Alton. Having
received no official intimation as to the
reduction the matter was not taken up
and the only business transacted was in
making a few minor changes in east
bound rates. A meeting will be called
in a day or two and the subject will be
brought up and some sweeping changes
The Thlln Captured.
Dixort, Ills., June Mrs. F.. L.
Pbilo, the handsome blonde who leaped
from a train on the Chicago and North
western road at Ashton last Thursday
while being conveyed to Denver by De
tective Reno, was captured at Aurora
bv Sheriff Htraiubruke of Lee county,
isbe was badly bruised about the head
and one arm was broken. She was
placed tn Detective Reno keep and
chained to him. Thus they started for
Denver. She declares she will never go
there alive.
lattery I.aar MoUll.ix.
Dktroit, Mich.. Jnne ;S0 Twenty,
right llioiia'id ropies f The Detroit
Commercial Advertiser and Home Jour
nal, issued June '.li. are held in the xwt
office here tinder the lottery hi wa. Hie
president, vice president, set letai v and
treasurer of the mummy were artcslvd
Slid tile d sal Slid t uK
'.. Milled b) aa I ! I. !.,
Wor II'tv Pa., Juue :i.Tha
toiler uf a Im ttiiM.m exploded heresnd
killed Thomas iliii p, John IVpe snd
two braki'iiieii. ii.iihmI H.ilUjh. r and
Multh. Th imnwrre liLtiiy blo
loa'.olns. Low Watt r tSturd the eiptw
Hull lussslreas slot a. ia b,
AKKtta tin, Kh, June
Vrslerday's slotui il'd ureal
damage. II ill broke buiidretls tl win.
doste and the si bid shifi several
sir.W'tn , la.... leteiintf lo law
grvUUd tbwUMd of s f Mf j'ais.
A ImI sank,
Mll.wsi'i s, Jks ru.-Tae fliisf I
( bar tea W)tvs tea tali and sabli laa
Mstke, ftfteea atda Ir itit Putt Wm s
iustii Na lives re bsl, Tae Marie
m vslaed at fiAi,
Deadly Work of the Italian Mafia
tausins Alarm in Tunis. ,
Baatlsas efa Child at the Hease t rife.
The Kaiser's Prepaeed (ieeeeratlsas
ml the Lard's tlay Oeaeaaeed
freas the Talplt.
Paris, June 00. Dispatches from
Tunis report that the Italian Mafia is
doing deadly work there. A series of
outrages have been committed and
friends of the murdered aad detectives
seeking to discover the perpetrators,
as they were on the point of succeeding,
bars been atilettoed ' in ths streets.
Susa, a Sicilian, has been arrested and
confessed to three murders. Ths terri
ble work of the Mafia, nevertheless,
till goes on, aud at last accounts the
number of undetected homicides aver
agsd four a week. Each crime projMt-
gates others to conceal it and something
like a reiaii of terror prevails, resem
bling in so toe degree the condition in
!'ew Orleans before the lynching.
The French authorities of the French
Srotectorats have so far been unable to
eul efficiently with this outburst of
crime, and the French resiilents iu their
wrath may rise take a fearful venge
ance ou the Italians without discrimina
tion of the Innocent aud guilty. In the
meantime the protectorate is inclined
to expel ths entira Italian population
from ths country. Either of ' these
courses could not fail to arouse tlie
indignation of Italy, aud serious com
plications are possible at any moment
in the already precarious state of re
lations between the French and Italian
governments iu th Mediterranean.
Ueyal Spuasure,
Lomkx, June DO. Alexandra Vic
tuna Alberta Kdwina Louise are tin
names with which the lufaut dsughtet
of the Duke aud Duchess of Fife wa
christened. Mother and father desired
a simple ceremony, but it was graced
with every possible royal favor. Among
those preseut were the queen, the Prince
and Princess of Wales, the Princesses
Victoria and Maud of Wales, the Duks
of Clarence, and the Duke and Duchess
of Teck and the Duks of Cam
bridge. Her - majesty and ths
qeeen of Denmark, the infant's great
grandmother, acted as sponsors. The
princess of Wales, .as proxy for the
u,ueen , tunoeatne ctiuato the arch
bishop of Canterbury, giving it a kiss
neara an over tue ciiapei. j lie infant
was,trs-i n i p r-4-1 !
ol tus r ie liu,iy. W tu.
water was brought from the river Jor
dan by Lord Rowton, who recently re
turned from the Holy land. There was
a trementous crowd iu tit. James street,
Erincipally of la-lies. The infant was
eld aloft by the nurse while passing
ana.receivea nana clapping ana cheers.
Ileaoanced freas the fulplt. ,
Lonwin, June 30. The Eev, Dr. Par
ker, in his sermon in the temple, severe
ly denounced the selection of Sunday as
ths date of the kaiser proposed visit to
the naval exhibition. The preacher
nrgei that it was a bad lesson for Eng
lishmen to thus desecrate the Lords
day in pursuit of secular amusement
and instruction, and that the ruler of
the German Empire ought to give a bet
ter example. The reverend doctor al
luded to the ample time which royal
and imperial personages appeared to
have for amusement on week days, and
thought the emperor might, without
loss to himself or his people, spare a lit
tle of such time for the occasion in ques
tion. It was noticed that the remarks
did not evoke signs of earnest approba
tion. The fact is that everybody is tired
of the sensational whacking at royalty,
and assaults that might have been pop
ular two weeks ago are received now
with imliQerence and aversion.
In the C'euimons.
Loxikik, June 30. In the house of
commons Sir James Ferguson said that
the delegates of the powers would soon
meet at Brussels to consider whether
the anti-siavery convention should lapse
owing to the failure of certain powers
to ratify.
Sitting as committee on the educa
tional bill the Right Hon. H. H. Fowler,
Lilieral, moved the insertion of a clause
in favor of local representation in the
control of schools receiving state grants.
The motion had the approval of the
lilieral members, Mr. Chamberlain
opposed it.
Among the Lepers.
Oitawa, Ont, June HO. Dr. Smith
has returned from British Columbia,
whither he was sent to investigate cases
of leprosy among the Chinese iu that
province. He found that all the devel
oped cases in Victoria, six in number,
bad been segregated on an island about
sevstdeen miles from Vancouver, whers
tbey havejtieen supplied with necessar
ies sulticit-ut to last them eight months.
Iu two rases Dr. Smith found that the
victims of the loathsome disease were
secretly slsin by their fellow-country
men to prevent the possibility of cou
ts.'iou. Keraalland's Hall.
1".T Johns, N. F., June '.-Governor
O'Drlen has been directed by lb Im
perial government to revoke his sent
to the order in Ihe council of the New.
foitndland government refusiug bail lo
Canadians as well a French and giving
a tnn ly tu American fibrineti.
Hereafter license art in lie tanned to
(auedians on the mum lerut a given to
Aiuvi ttau lUlwrmett,
IkeMetllea Hebelliea UaelleO.
New Yoai, June an. The steamer
Osaua. abUh attired front 1 1 ) Ilea
ports, reports all quiet at lb pU-. she
tombed, and that Ittpptdyle haSelT-rl.
ually uuelbnl the Insurrection of W iy
. Al that tiHiS It Was learned that
(weal? eia'lit l"" s!l had beta
ei'.Ul. I
Anbbtsi fa. he Msiaa,
Wismi cu, Mian,. Jsaa i - Aa I
bisHtip Taehs, who ( Iwvuiy Vests aa '
ln a lbs aead .f liter Kouisn t'atludh
ikufvh In lb ( aasdisn ti trthweat, t
at Ike wai of dl, U s e ier tt
til. l-e, 1,1a.
A bar aasnriatlon baa beat
Dundy county.
Another caaaiag sad pickling eea
has been organised ia Hastings. - -
KUard Harrington, aa Osaka t
ended bis earthly career with a Jack kaiisv
David C. Stuart, one of the pioneer sssV
tiers ol Case county, died at bis boas aeas)
L'uiou. ."""
Gingrich Ic Conrad, dealers in fruits asai
eon feet iuaary at Uraud Island karaaav
slgne.1. ,
John Pickering, aged 71, drooped
In bis Held, near Silver City, whil
luir corn.
The cost of assessing the various pesv
riuris in Wayne county varies Irons ttrjsj
toW7. , - . J ,
A divorce ease Is the most imp urt sail
ease to be trieI by the district court aowba
sessioa at Broken Bow,
' llie recent heavy ralas bav atoppsS
work on the irrigation ditches ta ta
western part of the state.
Judge John H. Blair of Omaha basbeasi
appointed stale Hxh commlssiOQer to ssm
eeed U. K li. Kennedy of Omaha.
A colonization company U being ergn
I zed at Waboo to bnibt a new city en ta
Pacitto coait in ths eart of Washiagtotv
Several Fremont merchants will eeneel .
idate tbeir btisiaeas and organine a da
part meat store, with a capital f 9IS0,ML
A. I. Frjok, the aed father of Mr.
JttdgeG. W. Iwl. droppeil dead inks
dooryard at UeaverClty of heart diseassa.
Two children of Oeorg-a Myers, affsal t
and S year, living near Diller, were btttsm
by a rattlesnake ah'.le playing ia Una
dooryard. . - ,. i
Captain Aiianot of
pany K , N'elir.l(t natioaal guard.
drowned In the Blue river near Stttteav
while iNhiag..
The MiKsoiiH PitriHa mala lias est ,
slon toOtustu via I'Uttsmoiitb. wa nana
pleted Mond.iy by Usconuectivn wuk ta
line at (Jiiiuore.
Annie Peterson, a (year-old dangbbar
of (iilehrist Peterson, living eight raifcea
aon baet of Grant, was bitten by a rattl
snake aud died. .
H. .f. Kenil.ill bss sold from bis Btnt
water Mm k bsrn, near Kurt Cslhoun.fonr
teen stamlflrd bred horses to Janes We
of Itapid City, H. II. ,
Mrs. Newton Dobbins of Spava. Hit,,
while visitinit friends in Beatrice, dsstl
while sitting In a carriage preparatory te
taking a drive about the city. ;
' Forty Ittissiuns.employed digging aaw
trenches at Hastings struck for bigisssr
wages aad refused to got to work. Wipar
intendent IfelTrea. after eoosiderable Ia
convealeuee, put other men to work.'-
Wb, Palmer of. Varden, promii
Grand Army man, died snddeolyef
disease. He was aa the streets ia
sot good health thirty minutes before ai
death,; ; : . ' ' "
Andy Johnson, an eld settler bring ssw
Plattsnioiitb, hail aa altercation with t'
farm band. Mattbtw Bur's. ' - t
f-ciaji','.Ar f i ,
The Burlington and Missouri railnsaA
received 3,0T and the Klkborn sa,si tat
transporting soldiers dtiriag the
war last winter. Several freight bills
yet unpaid.
Charles V. Carpenter of Beatrice, i
was charged witb manslaughter for
Ing ths death of his wife by failing to pro
vide her with the necessaries of life, van
on trial, acquitted.
Ths Northeast Nebraska Catholie acad
emy has been locsted at Jackaon. Th
new college will lie tinder the auspices et
the Sisters of Mercy, and ths first '
will open in September. '
A 10,003 herd of sheep which a
named Harris took through tiering a i
or so age was caught in the storm aad
abont l,i)00 of them got away In the hilla.
They can't Had a tracs of them so far.
At Brownsville a son of C. W. Kanff
man, while drunk. attacked hi father and
sister with a butoher knife, inflicting in
juries upon the elder Kauffmao whiolt
may prove fatal. The son has been ar
ret, ted.
Mrs, li. r. Haney and Mrs. A. M. Tatra
attempted to cross the railroad track at
Grafton in front of aa approaching traisv
Tbey were struck by the engine and both
instantly killed, the bodies being badlr
During a cirens parade at XebntslUb
City several teams broke looxe and ram
away. Many persons wereknocked down. '
and it was thought some were fatally ia
Jured, but tbey regained consciousness asst
will recover.
A young married man of Superior,
named Frank Wallace, got drunk, weak
home and whipped bis wife, was arrested,
jailed and tarred and feathered by sons
of his neighbors, all in one afternoon and
evening of last week. , .
The total assessed valuation of HaB
sou nty, as found by the assessors and state
board for the year 1301 is 13,653.171. which
shows an increase over last year of I47V
BTi While real estate has increased t9t
Mr, personal property has depreciated gt-
!Hi. .' w
The west bound freight train, N'o .
wreckeil three miles west of Vork. Th
engineer, K K Delayney, and bead brak
man, W. It. Moore, were Instantly kilted,
and Ihe fireman, O. J, Bean, mnrtaity
wounded. The wreck was eaused by
Morris Alexander, a welt known las
aessmsn of Hastings, tried la board
moving freight train at Kim Creek aad
waslbrowa under tbs wheels, piangtbag
bis limbs In a terrible manner. Hews
taken horns en a special train aad died as
soon at bs reached there.
Ths Red Willow County Altlanoe ha
passed reoolutiottt of thanks to the stli
sens aad business men of Omaha, CooaeU
lUufts, flout h Omaha, Nebraska nty, An
burn, Wyoming, Syracuss. I'nadilla, Kens
she City, Peru and surrounding eonatrr
for lb roortesy attended to J, f. Black,
chairman of lbs lied Willow Const? AUK
aaoe relief com iniiaa, sad fr thsss btv
eraleoolrihatliias, which enabled hiss t
send lo lb but wind sufferers of tk
roil air three cr of seed eorn entfc
ethr shiputeauef seetls lo the vabseef
The iliu ef Ms-sar.1 Uteris.
boasa skI leu at ta
asrlum bar thrunhi lawn at Itaasla,
somaM'eneed la lb elbee ( seersUry
state be twee lb stale board of SHsatav
Uads sssl baildlugs, all lb nesaert e(
bi b ee tieeaeai. tluteraivr Tbsrer
ei la aitfa.Uacsv Mear4 lasssv
lalbSs put lb WSO.S. I .
Ssea lo a.iemtt'His by rWreetair A'sSSV
jeTt4hiiuv sdatiiie.1 lbs Is) ewMg
ditplWli IJsenagbeas. iUi bettes,
as V, tVt. -. UeilMa, It-at
laabxrn, s.' Marge, aa. sasas,
Ssfi at ttuls;', il, It j's. . ts-s. lossa
ha j'S I ikiti - Pi; im Jon;