The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 25, 1891, Image 8

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r r r ?
We are the acknowl-
Wo excel all in
for .one-half' the
money; v;:
The Great 25c Store,
1124 0 Street
The Great
Ladies Hats and Millinery
for ONE HALF the price you coa bay
elsewhere. We quote prices as follows.-
10.00 hat for $3.00
5.00 hat for ftJ.50
2.50 bat for $1.23 and all other goodi
la proportion.
The Creat 25 Cent Store,
1124 O Street.
"Wo handle goods com
prising hats, tinware,
glassware, quecnsware,
ladies and gents furnish
ing goods, lamps, novel
ties, baskets, and thous
ands ol other articles.
Great 25c Store,
1124 O Street.
from lc to 25c
Nothing over a
The Great 25c Store,
1124 O Street
T7o cruets a fsw prices:
3 ball Roman candel lc
0 " " 2c
0 " 44 44 5c
15 15c
CZj Eoclxet 1 oz lc
2 oz 2 for 5c
CiznX Cky Rocket 5c
edged Bargain House
of the City.
Great 25c Store
' 11240 Street
1124 O Street.
Martin Bohlig.
Hating everything a Fanner uses in
jn i)i)iW
The following quotations will give tome Idea of the effort being made
to sell goods at live and let live prices:
We w1l roil rood 8mm and Rio eoffee,
,lSa, Muca ana jar eonee, cru.uva,
On Par Mbe and Java, touted fresh
every day, lite.
Imparted Oreen Olives, o per quart.
Vrry Sue evaporated tellloruia peaches
ate. worth Sc.
Very Sue rrapo rated blackberries 7)4, Worth
Pure fruit Jelly per pall ft", worth J1.8S.
Very Bee Sib csa all-yellow table peaches
All kind! of 3 Ibcan rallforala plums ISO.
a-lbeen California black cherrie lAo.
Imported ValeBcla ralatna, very line. me.
Ik can California peaibe. to. This is tbe
Beet a rack you erer bought
Waaoll all kind of California plums, V.
Imported English eurrauts, Vt.
8wel abocoia, to.
fMlua chocolate, 17H.
Bugar cured ham, lu. Plonle bams, To.
Boat teas hams, to.
ateiogaa auege. Sc. Liver sautage, to.
Heed Ciweao, So. frank fort sausage, 'tu.
IHtad beef. Iilo and U'40,
S aaa blackberries St,e.
" preferred raspberries, put up In
(Mr syrup, I7HO.
latatard So per bottle.
Absolutely purs baking powder Xki.
(M aardioas so.
Mustard sardines, 1(K
S percent lye. for scrubbing, lUe.
. SS percent lye,
Mat granulated sugsrt'io pur lb. -
Light C sugar, 4c.
. 4 TEAS,
reen Japan. good Tea. !9o. llo, Vo, 2o
Ban dried Japan Ti.-U. IS, SI, W, itt, 4o.
' t'ueolored Japan Ta.-S), i9.9H.til. fu, Rki.
Huakt-t fired Tt-a.-llw. Sto. ISie. iJSc, 4KJ,
Young Hraon Tea -Vi, 40c. 4ic. two.
Engllah Breakf at Tea,-.') to etc.
Oolong Tra. Jttc to "Sc.
Thie la the Bneet line of tea that was ever
ottered In Omaha. Do not say to yourself
that we cannot sell good tea for tbess prices.
Bur a pound end be eonvlnoed. If you do
not like the tea we will refund the money.
They are all worth two and three times tbs
New summer gtyle In Dress Oiligbam: to,
Ho, mo and too per yard.
Heat Sheeting Print;- Jo per 10.
New tylslaCballles:-lie,fto. lc, K'4c
Pancy flgured Bateeo;-&o. eo, l'k; and If.
Plain blakbateens-So, 100, Uc. loo IMo,
the, and Xie per yard.
Plain Past illaok Lawn la remnants, to, He,
and Hie per yard.
Plain Vaat Ulaok India Linen. Wo, 13'io, ISo,
tOc and Vo per yard.
Plain W bite India Linen, to, So, NX), Yio,
Vve and IMo per yard.
Fancy check, btrlpes snd laoe striped In
white or I ant black lawns from 5o yard up.
3Mlncb wide beat liallsll, Wc par yard.
Kewauminer styles in bathing Uannel, 6c.
lc and loo per yard.
Mood apron checked glnrsn,, to per rsrd.
fclnalnu Price on iW Inch wide aerges Vio yd.
All colors In Koyal aerge. dark shades H0.
Double width Beige Suiting a'to per yard.
Tbe largest stock of table lluen, Nspklns,
towels and white bed spreads la Omaha, at
greatly red uoed prices.
All leading brands of muslin and double
width sheeting at less than wholesale price
In order to reduce stock,
The Cedar County Alliance will meet at Hart
Ington, Keb., July eth at 10 o'clock a. m.
sksrp. We desire to have every Subordinate
Alliance la the oounty represented at this
meeting. There will be Important buaiaess
U transact. Offloers to elect, etc. .
, B. M. BTArroao, Co. ec.
' Picnle and Celebration.
A basket plonle and celebration will be held
at Davy, Nebraska, on July 4tb. Tbe oxer-
dies will be held In Mr. Peterson a erove.and
will oonslst of music, vocal and instrumental,
speeehes by Allla ice and other orators, aud
pleasant time is anticipated.
Tbe next regular meeting of the Lancaster
County Alliance will be held lu K. of P. ball.
iiooln, Web., on Friday July 10th, at 10 a. m.
W. W. Kihmm, 8eo. O. Hull. Pres.
WAHTKUt-Tocorreipond with a lady of
liberal views, by tbe editor of tbe People's
party paper. Best of references given and
required. The fun, Busbvllle, Neb,
i P. Wright will speak at Dargent. Custer
Co., Men., Julyttb. An Alilanoe celebration
111 bo held, and a general good time is si-
peoted, ,
A New Premium.
Mrs. Marlon Todd's Istest work, entitled,
Pixarro and John Sherman," should be la
every Alliance library, and read Dy every
member. Price, m cents per oopy by mall.
We will send The Pa bus its' Ali.uscb one
yesr and this book for only IIS, or will send
postpaid on receipt of price.
For Exchange.
Stock of general merchandise In country
town. Established trade. Invoice about
Sd.lWO. Want Improved farm. Address,
iO-lt TJO North I'Jtb 6U, Lincoln, Neb.
' We solicit your patronage, and after examining the above list pick out what
tm want and send In your order. We will treat you lugare. Send to us for
fjrfoeg ob anything you want. You can pay railroad fare for t hundred wiles or
pore and then aave money on a bin oi gjous. uive ni a trial. iti
HAYDBIJ BB08., Omaha, Neb.
As IiitltiUeft er Wklch the
SUite li Freud.
Particulars aa to the Progm One
choot Has Made.
Aa Allukci representative had the
pleasure of attending tbe opening and
formal dedication of tbe new chapel
lall of the Fremont Normal and Busl
ess College last Tuesday erening.
This oeenrrance was somethldg more
than a "passing event" in the educa
tional affairs of the state as was attested
Vj the presence of quite a number of
prominent educators from different
parts of the state. The new Chapel
Hall affords a seating capacity of over
1,000, and standing room was at a
premium on Tuesday evening. The
people of Fremont truly have great
reason to feel proud of this institution
which has grown In so short a time to
such magnificent proportions, both in
tame and capacity for handling the
great attendance it Is receiving. The
new "Chapel Hall" is in realty only a
amaall portion of the immense addition
which has been made to the college
building proper. The college now has
an immense modern structure, with
ample class and lecture rooms, library,
chapel, etc. These we cannot, attempt
to describe in detail. A large dorm I
tory has beeu running for some time,
and the capacity is now being more
than doubled In this line by the erec
iioa of new buildings. Hoard is here
furnUhed at a mere nominal cost, to
students of the college, affording them
very opportunity to obtain an educa-
lloa at the lowest expense.
Ua the evening of tbe dedication of
the new Chapel Hall, addresses were
delivered by several tromineut educa
ton and others. The welcoming ad
stress was made by Mr. George Holder
man. a student of the college, and it
was complimented on every hand. One
of the most masterly and eloquent ad-
slrvsaea we ever had tbe pleasure of
hearing was the dedicatory address by
the Krv. W. H. Hut, pastor ol tbe On
Tgationl ctiurvh, Fremont.' We
have room fot onlv a brief extract
"1 rejoice In ali the broad and useful
vera of thla school. I have pride, in
whtea you all share, tails various de
partments, all so ably conducted, or
rontUihg the beat results in the early
fMare; 1 ant pleaaea with lis rhetorical
work, the drilling of the students, in
the tfisctuaioa of tbe great themes ol
the dar, in tbe art of concent rating
thotighi. and in the pursuit ot Itu-tiity
ol eipreaama; Its preuaratorv, tvl-
tvgttte. ruMttwrcial and eclenltne de
partssesls are full of promise, lis op
ltaiu for the study of art and
mwaje under the beat tattructors. are
siorasiea tr eegriulaiioa; the ui.
Iet tatereat kit by the sludeaU and
their etidenUy iWue eutbusiasm fr
the Meal, b id here llre lhm. are
Wi-jphetW ol tbe beat fwwulU lad V'Ui
ni allow itietd say that, 1 regrall
USa as vanity, war it not rrowaeU by
aJ tsualty esiaesl atteuiioa to (be
asosat and teUgimts pnirtty uf tbe
tre t here of fmt ehddtea and
(2a. bat do we ta4 here is 1U
r n t tr ea tatng a twuel ever
t .1 ff sH U alMWiii. ftsiul t mIU
4 Mis as4 ettkMrewu esh putt
I jr tatta, e!rue 4 i-etooititl
t-rtt ea4 syapau.y. Mt e'uUi.
t ( nmia- sad the ts.klb.idt
t el the Uhe ewdk taa
f - l"ti the eaAei'UUtaaeat el las
I -t "J t. it 4'. A. awttv o4 earSMM ,
t tjead thai. r.gtuat trhtee.
Vtl l a ' tai'M.e, uai'iae ad ndwi
. ve s-ar-sster. a4 P haUitaih
,a seawUet el prayer and t
aUi:t l y a Urge te autsga
crowned this Institution in so brief a
In conversation with leading business
men of Fremont, and with students at
the college and others, the writer rinds
that the responsibility for the obenom
inal success of the Fremont Normal and
Business college is laid upon the shoul
dersof the distinguished president, Prof
vv. it. ciemmous. inrce years ago,
when Professor Clemmons was called
upon to lane cnarge, tbe school was
struggling along in daily danger of
complete coiiapse. wun an attendance
of about fifty students. Today under
me magnincent management of Pro
fessor Clemmons, tbe college has some
thins over four hundred regular
students. The writer had an oppor
tunity on Wednesday morning of seeing
mis large ooay at cuapei service, and
he wishes to record the assertion here
that a more earnest or dlgniiled looking
assemblage or young ladles and gentle
men nave never been garnered wttbin
tbe walls of any institution of learning
In this state. They are all enthusiastic
in their work, and in conversation with
many acquaintances and others among
mem we neara not a word ol com
plaint, but on the other hand, onlv
praise of the methods employed In the
management and instruction in the
different branches.
i till courses in science, music, short
hand, etc., may be takeu in this school
Special attention is paid to the normal
department, and tbe success attained
here in utting teachers for their work Is
not approached by any school in the
state. A prominent feature is the busi
noss department. This is a complete
business college in itself, and a most
thorough education in commercial
affairs can le as well acquired here as
in any oi me eastern commercial col'
the moral and elevating inlluences
surrounding the college are noticeable,
even to the casual visitor. Professor
aud Mrs. Clemmons are most estimable
peo.ile, and their Influence for good
morals and dignilied demeanor is easily
observed as permeating throughout tiie
enure institution.
When The Alliance observes
worthy enterprise in any line. It is
willing to recognize it. hence this ex
tended notice of the Fremout college
Miucauon is ine lever that moves th
world. To all our readers we take
much genuine pleasure in recommeud
lag lite school above described.
Endorsing the Cincinnati Platform
The following resolutions were adopt
ed by the Fairtteld Alliance. No, 573,
regular session June 6th, lHUl.
WiUKkAS, We, the uietkliera of said
Alliance, la obedience to the principles
of the order and lovers of true, Jut and
honest political reform, and as friends o'
the poor, are la accord with tbe proceed
tnge ol the l iacinnau conference, there
Ktmltti. Tb4t we adopt the platform
as laid down in said conference, also
that we evpreas our wishes In favor o(
a national renventton to be held by tbe
unit oi june, m. wr in purpose of
nominaiinf eaudUlstes tor President aud
VU-Preeiler! of the I'atawd Males tn
said platform; alio that a copy of this
resolution I ottered te tbe Independent
paper ol the county and slate lor pub
lii alluu. J. (t. Cut it la.,
8aunders County will Celebrate.
liepresestatlveGaMlaof Colon.taunders Co.
writes us that tbey will celebrate at Walioo
on July 4th. A HO foot flag pole wlU be raised
surmounted with a to foot flag,
Miss Eva McDonald of Mlnnosots, Asst.
Lecturer of the National Alliance, will speak,
and other able orators will be announoed
later.' A pleasant time li assured alt who at
Tbs Fillmore County Alliance will meet at
Geneva, Tuesday, July It, 1HI, at 10 o'clock
a. m, to elect officers and transact other im
portant business. State Lecturer Hull will
be present. 0. M. Ptcasoa, Bee.
Hurrah for the 4th.
The Farmers' Alilanoe ef east Lsnoaster
and western Cass Counties will bold a grand
rally, pole raising and basket plonle In Al
dan's Park, Greenwood, Neb., July 4th. Good
musio, good shade, good water and every
thing desirable. Come everybody and bear
the Uve Issues of the day discussed by Sora-
berger of Wshoo, and others.
Burt County will Celebrate.
At Oakland, Burt County, town and coun
try will celebrate tbe anniversary of Ameri
can Independence at Oakland near the center
of the oounty. Good speakers, good muilo.
and amusements of all kinds, and a general
good time is assured ali those who attend.
Aa excellent program has beea arranged and
a large attendance Is expeoted.
Notice to Contractors.
The following bridges ware ordered ad'
eertlsed by tbe oounty oommlsloners of
kitrna oounty;
Cambridge. Bridge scroti Kepubllcan
river, six scan, sixty tret combination, with
approaches, said bridge to be built according
to plan and ipeclttoatlons la tbe clerks ottloe
at Heaver City. Neb.
Ma one. Hrlde-e aorons Ssnnar creek 4
foot apan, Iron, 14 foot roadway. l inch bard
Dine nooriiur. approautte at eaun end.
Sealed bid reclved on both combination
and Iron. AH bid mutt he accompanied by
aood and tumcient bend and tiled In tbe
oounty clerk's ofsoeof said county on or be-
rore noon or July zx, imi. uomnuationers
reaerve the right to reject any and all bids.
Daid letting take place at the above named
place juty si, s-wi. 4. w. umktku,
junezj, iwi. louoiy Licrx,
Notice to Non-Resident.
Fable n B. Prtvln, defendant, will take no
tice that on the Strd day ef Aurunt. Ihsu. H
A. Merrill, plaintiff, filed bis petition In the
District Com t ol Lancaeter oonnty, Nebra
ka, againet ald defendant, Fabien 8. Potvln
liniDleaded with J. Frank HRrritheoblect and
prayer of which are to foreoloae a lien for
taxe on a cert I Boat e of tax tale, laiued by
the County Treaeurer or Lancaster oounty,
Nebraska, February i:i, Ixks, to plaintiff for
:.; for taxes of Ihhu, on east half of lot S,
blook elvhty-clffht. in city of Llnoeln In scid
oounty, ana on which the following Item of
delinquent taxes have been paid tty planum
March 10. W. city taxes 1KH7. m Hd; May SI,
hmn. tttate and County taxes im, June
4. ISHll. mate and Countv taxe wm. SM .VI
October 4, ixxe, city taxe Ihhh, ;:.., which lot
has not been redeemed from aatd sale, and a
deed to whi.h if taken out by plaintiff there
on would be void; and plaintiff elect to treat
hi olalm as a mortgage lien on said lot, on
which the aforetald uiii with ft) per oent lit
tered on tacfe Item from date of payment, I
due and unpaid, rmiimn pray teat earn
Fabien i. Potvln be foreo lined of all Intereat
In aaid lot. and the aame sold to Nfy plain
tiff' ald lien and ooau.lrioludlng an attorney
tm of 10 per cent of amount found due.
You are required toanawer said petition on
or bertire the 37th nay or Juiy twi.
Dated June 11, ll. H. A. Mkhhii.i ,
tty H. P. Hims, Any. 1 4t Planum.
l -s m3 if
Center Crank Stationary and Traction Engines.
Send for Catalogue. .i-s. GXJB. STATES General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, Keb.
Appointments of State Lecturer.
Dro. O. Hull, State Lecturer, sends notice
of the, following appointment!, OAcors of
County Alliance are urged to arrange their
county meetiugs to correspond with these
dates. All members wbosan are requssted
to be present;
Lincoln, Nebraska,
Kearney u
South Lincoln
Bed Willow
Thayer ,
July 1st.
Hebros " 4tb,
County July 14.
" 17.
- H 18,
" " 80.
" " 21.
" at.
- u.
- " .
.. M ir
" 31.
" Augusts,
m 4,
' ;'u : f "'
" . j'.
; g,
" 10.
County Becrotaries will notify roe at nnoe
where meeting will be held In the various
counties. O. Hull, Greenwood, Neb.
Oet the Best.
School teachers and officers should see
that their schools bsve the best supplies In
every department.
Bee Wisstkh's Iktihkatioral llotlonsry
the latest and most complete In the world.
Clason A Fletcher, Lincoln, Neb,, the leading
wholesale and retail book and stationery
bouse of Nebraska have this famous work on
hsnd, also a full line of all kinds of school
snd college text books and school supplies.
Call on them at 1130 O street, or write for
anything you need In their line. Sl-3t
The people of Stella have oompleled arrsng
mentfor celebrating the 4th In royal style.
The program Indicating an excellent enter
tainment. Hon. J . H. Powers will deliver the
Banner County Alliance will hold Its next
regular meeting at the court house in Harria
burg, on July 17th sod 18th. We give two
days as there is builnei of Imporlanoe that
will occupy considerable time. Let every
delegate be prompt In sttendanoe.
R. M. WniTR, Sec. Wm. Low man, Pre.
Agents Wanted.
Men and women, to sell the Portlfollo of
Life, the lateat and molt wonderful work of
the ago, Indlapensible In the home. Terms
Liberal. Addreasor apply to Weatern School
Supply Roue, ttno street. Mention Farm
ers' Ali.iakcs. 4iU;ira
Leese 4 Stewart, 231 S. 11th St.
J. H. WALSH President
M D WELCH, Sec'y-Treasurer
-Jp m g I
- ' V i 3.
V V'Lil; "A-" s; r ti p
i-v..i' , v t 5 P
AkIp' ft
No better Mower or Hay lf , J.m.lL lV l
well made of good material, II if "TsTTCl TT ri i.. 1
and capable of doing as yjt M 1 j dChf I I T"TW f '
Mower or rake in the world. J j T
OOOOOOO O O OMWTMroTroQ .-. ' '' -"
The J. l.t'aae Vbrv. Iters are hating
aa Immea sale this makib, and Mr.
tie Mstea, the genial atl energella
feneral agvat has his hands full lu at
leuding to order received lium all
eter Ike slafe i t brant h tumae la IhU
eiiy ts headquarter fur the asst. aad
hat a full auutdv ef threaiiara. aaelaaa
,t ft H lie stutteuia, heul tuiuj aud tUe, The suiesxiid repuutuia
et lite 1 e (wvatne has puai it to the
trt-Kt fak aMtMg lhrhif tualtiue,
aat il tu gla such Ihotmiglt ssi.s
twtke khallt to alwuat withewt a rival
I ioih th date ej lis ftrst iatteluvHaa in
I'll. sHWf'y ftj jeer, H hat stead l v
iotpieted aatU kdav Its aiMB.v et.piwr
pt'iitt are reeogausM ever an oiiwx
suathiaee aad lutty t ppreetate! ii
Urnlir twea feitetally. 'kee who
sutu tttate purvhMtng a wachlae shouUI
se Mr. atatrs ana iuiHtlbe tdal
sgte tshutt IheCaif ivssvsset vtr li
1 1 1 e iCnAtet fitre, Vt hi a see
The tireat 83 cent Store, at 1125 O
street will be headquarters for all kind
of tire works, aud will furnish the same
at such extremely low prlres that every
body can have a grand pyrotcchuic dis
play at moderate coat. Alliance men
outside of Lincoln are remieated to send
in their orders early so that they may
not be disappointed In securing what
tbey want. Address Martin Holillg,
WiS tl street, who will give all orders
prompt attention. He has been able to
purchase a very large store, at a very
low price, so low la fad that all will be
surprised, A very little mone will get
a most beautiful dmplay. Write or rati
oa hlui at once. iw
" Tbe i'biladetpnta Ve saysi ,
"The ptnottit ntessuree taken by the
oflivlais of tluseliy fr the uniHvvring
and ptiulabtuent ol enirlal ra allty nas
done Rtuvh to reliiete t'hiUdeiphtas
fair haute.''
This Is all right. Hut a hen her fair
aattte is Ml 7 rettlete what will
she d for banks and treasury offlrkaU?
t T The H. J-.s yMe say Mr Hur
rows a at "a failure as a tartuer. Ws
protsst agsiasl suva lie slaadera. Mr,
ttnrrows wm not eaiy aut a f tiluie as a
U rater, Hut he was aad Is a very sue
eeaaful Urruer. iter l It his a
entile to Wet the faritt l bvrotue BU
titur, N doubt the J'! wUhe ae
was UmS (a the fat as. whste U vuuUI
aUuet hiw without a1 hat lag a thaaee
W reply, a il dl for yete Utteia ht
tu-aiui a taut a tu si.le as eardttitt,
The ty eg fanipai the esrW Is rsr
nlnt ea agtlust Mr, Iturreai wlU be
1 f t,
. 1 n :
f VII IP "nT?QrP TQ rprr rT31? APITQT '
XJQJisi JjXUOI 1C5 X rl r,i UJdLJliiiJriliOXa
F. L. LOOIIIB, Wootora Hanafjor, Omaha, Ncib.
bt.4lste secret e(t-vtltat as
Nirtdd be rival, I w.
' s l te tsie.t g ilal U.