The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 25, 1891, Image 1

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4 ''ft! 'Nfcjtnw-
MY Iffy
at ., ,4.
NO. 2.
3" 7
Sxpibatioms: At the easiest mod cheapest
nam of notifrin subscriber or the dat
of ibetr expiration wo will mark this notice
wttb a blue or im pencil, on mea.itt amnion
thaiF.utttcrlnrtnn rmirM. We will send the
paper two ttki after expiration. If not re
newed vj mai urae li win oe aiHunuauw.
Death of Jimmy th Bootblack.
The New Nation.
Cp In a brick building, In a dark, dlnry room;
On! j the lif na of aorrow, only an air of gloom
Only simple cofflu, In it a bootblack'a clan
Only a mournful mother wiping her tear
Only a sobbing titter boMIng a baby boy
bad litbM home thl morning, robbed of lit
source of Jey.
Cold In hi grave lie the father: the boot.
black bad Ailed bit place
Tenderly guarding the helplet one, guard
tbera from disgrace.
Jixmy It with them na more he it tilent and
tpeeehlett now;
Death's Icy linger bu placed Itt Imprcat upon
bit brow.
Be wa their prop In advertity, be waa tbeir
bope and their tay:
. Fantne will certainly claim them, for be will
be buried to-day.
Merry and gay wat bit tplrlt, escti night at
te homeward turned;
Many tboe bad be pollthed, and many
dime had he earned.
Proudly be plied bit rocatlon, regard lea of
wealth' dltdaio,
Concloul that he vat a gentleman, though he
wat poor and plain.
Frugal, be hoarded bit earnlngt, yet not
with the miser's gretii,
But that the ones who were doar to blm
would never be in need.
Sometime In rough, rainy weather, when
there were no tboet to thine,
roverty't burden oppretted him, but be wat
too brave to pine. ,
'Good daya are coming, dsar mother," the
little lad uted to tay;
"Sunshine will light up our future, kind for
tune will come our way."
"I have no learning 'tit true, but the waif of
tbe st restart wise:
Honor awaltt me and you, dear, fori bave
the will to rite."
Backed by a fever one nlgbt, in the morning
bit lip were blue;
Heavy and dull were bit eye, and bit cheekt
, . wore a pallid hue. '
Medical care wat denied htm the doctor
mutt have their fee
Pattest, he tut ered, and died of a lingering,
tlow diteaae.
Jimmy hat gone from the earth, and no
trumpbet will sound hit fame;
few are the friends who will even remember
tbe bootblack' name.
What will become of the mother with no one
to take her part?
Murttbego forth at a pauper, and die of a
broken heart? "
Wfat will become ot hit titter? Ah, mutt abe
be bUndly led
Out (0 tb market, by hunger, to barter her
tout foibread?
Who will provide for the belpleat child left in
tbe world alone?
' Who will tupport a (trange Infant? Men
hardly care fer tbelr ownl
Answer, jeii moral prof eatort, and let your
reply be brief 1
Words will avail not, unlet you can give the
desired relief.
newer, you gospel expounder, for vain It
your vaunted zeal,
If you can bear and yet heed not an Innocent
babe't appeal!
Answer, for lllenoe It sinful! Oh, answer at
bett you can!
Must tbere be want and ttarvation? Mutt
, manjaght hi fellow-man?',
Beaton! for reason It ever humanity' bea-
i- con light:
Think but at men en I women I You cannot
mistake the right.
Weak It the system we live by, If Mammon's
the corner ttone;
8ometblng Is . wrong within it, surely, when
thousands in misery groan.
Act! It It now time for action; nor deem what
we lay absurd.
Slowly the masses are moving their griev
ances must be beurd.
Strike at the root of the evil! the truth should
be understood:
Good men are forced to be beasts, In the
struggle tor dally food.
Toilers are begging for work honest tollers
with willing bands;
fiomethlng is wrong with us all, while a Jail
or a poor-house stands.
John T. IIrodkhick.
Lynn, Mass.
The Two Johns.
John Banlsley, 0 my Joe Joha,
If you were to reveal
The half of what you kaow, John,
About the Quaker steal.
The good old Quaker City would
Grow much too hot for will,
I do beseech you, John, to keep
Your tongue locked n your cell!
John nartttiey, O my Joe, John,
When we were ftrst aciuaiut.
You were called "HonetlJokn," you
! '! mutter as a saint i
Mut now you are locked up. John,
la prlsoa sbut from view.
1 wish your 111 were led at tight
Jobl Srdiey, te I dot
John llrlalr. we were both Jukot,
IKt bono! mwn and Iruei
Y.u'r. piajt" la hard Im k, John,
As food ate tunettiH do.
Wk tt wiwlitti tut, Juha,
No eae I'm sure will tell.
As Ion a ysw lw a iw mouth,
Jok IUf4:y, t your .!)
J, P. K.
Put lb r "aim! to Onanism IU
Mow ta i 4 kVuiaty era,
T' fm. am I, out euiMii kn.
uk it. t "4if ' iMn lw,
V I IM Vfvttary rii. w
T4 I. - son hx tli
Mi ' hi LttriMi 4i't awvdi
W,e n M" lu m
Att tn a tat on fc fc ,
The t r( ,utryt, Mr. m,-!.
pinf 'tior, istUutirntinf ik l t that
Ntt .U is great trust etmt, W ar
UleMed U Ur. tU pW. lt i 5l cat
or eSrr,t
Confiding Britons Swindled by an
American Joint Stock Scheme.
European Diplomatic Circle Deeply In
teretted la the Boyat Tonr Oersaaaa
FraJta America's Pork Italian
Ambassador at Berlin Becalled.
London, Jane fc3. The arrest And
prosecution of a firm of dishonest brok
ers in Mauchsster throws a lurid light
on the way souse American enterprises
are floated here. Last month a joint
stock company called the Waterworks
and Gasworks Securities corporation,
with a capital of 2,000,000, was floated
with apparent success. It proposed to
deal with water and gas securities en
tirely in America, and was projected by
Colonel O. B. Inman. The board of
directors was a very influential one,
and included tbe name of Sir Charles
Topper. Befora going to allotment
the sum of 700,000 bod been under
written and approved It now
turns out that of this large sum no less
than 430,000 of the amount underwrit
ten was by forgeries of prominent
names in Manchester and Liverpool.
This was discovered to be the work of
Ernest Power, a member of the broker
age firm of Power & Clegg. Power is
now under arret, charged with forging
the transfer of 30,000 ill shares of the
reason 6z Knowle company. It wat
through his arrest that the forgeries of
the underwriters' names became known.
The director met and determined to re
turn all tbe moneys subscribed by the
public, adding 0 per cent, interest
William's Visit to England.
London, June 23. A fortnight hence
we are to have one of tbe most notable
royal visits within the memory of liv
ing men. Young William is coming to
London in tbe pomp of state. His entry
will easily be the chief ceremonial event
of the kind since Louis Napoleon and
Eugenie came in 185.1, Only three years
ago notning unier ine sun seemea more
nnlikely than bis ever being welcomed
in his grandmother's island capital. In
deed, it is safe to say, be would bave
been hooted in the streets. Now every
thing is so changed that his visit prom
ises to be marked by exceptional en
As always happens in such cases, tbe
press of the Old World will surrender
itself to all sorts of speculation, sur
mises, and canards as to the political
significance of the visit. Lord Salisbury
and the queen bave done their best to
pwwnsrf eetniilnfies of tff' toy iecusjs
mending to the kaiser that he leave
Chancellor Caprivi at borne, and this
will be done, but, all the same, the
triple alliance is in such an unsettled,
not to say shaky, state that politicians
all over Europe will keep their ears
strained for the slightest hint of what
William is saying and doing while here.
Germans Praise Amerloa's Pork.
Berlin, June 23. Tbe American 'pig
is once again engaging public attention,
but in an unusual fashion this time; it
is actually being praised instead of be
ing;condeinnod.The change of feeling in
favor of "our national product" has
been brought about in this way: It
happened that recently in the Elberfeld
slaughter house a dozen German pigs
were discovered to le affected with
trichinosis. An investigation, of course,
waa made, aud it was proved conclus
ively that these porkers had been fat
tened at knackeries where rats abound.
The papers have discussed the matter
and they say, "Whatever is charged
against the American bog, it cannot be
said that it feeds on rats."
The Melinite Scandal.
Paris, June 23. In the chamber of
deputies Monday Deputy Lesserre
moved that the governmVnt explain
why there had been such a long delay
in prosecuting the culprits in the Mel
init scandal and why the examination
had been conducted with closed doors.
Minister Freycinet answered that an in
quiry was instituted in 1889 regarding
the relations between Turpin and Tri
pone. The examination was secret be
cause he found that an open trial might
lead to disclosures inconvenient for the
war office to make. After a debate a
vote of confidence in De Freycinet was
adopted by 333 to 137.
Welsh Tin Plate Work t rinan.
London, June 23. Tba Welsh tin plats
work will shut down about the end of
the week. Tb efforts to Induce the
mannfactur rs to reconsider their deter
mination of stoppage was a failure, and
the programme as originally determined
upon will le carried out. The em
ployes are greatly excited over the
movement aud many of the expert
hand are prt paring to emigrate to the
United Jttw, where they nope to ob
tain employment in tin plate work,
either started or to be atarted.
I a'wr Trauble!
IlottDKAtx, June &l Tu municipal
antlioritM-shaveordrred a stoppage f
the street far axrvira until thedint
between the employe au l compani?
t f ttW. M m u aiitrnt ha Wn vauwd
by totem! Uitutm leiiit thrown Intu the
street.. The ctty to bwini i'rtdM by
the military, tvrtal enrountrr have
tafcrtt pl.M between the pulun and
iMvra. and several have feva Injured
(klir N.tnittn.
IiHtMit, June tXA raW'gfsMH fr
RuilUeft de thill fntt tUtauieda't
y-ttemtwut iWUre thai the lusitrg.uW
.i ail lhl arl f an I !ht
tit V bave prtxtu-all v est rmuiatue
la lb unto, Ntiwl) (rt are i
Italian Am4t at Wertm !.
Uu, June il-lttti t.i tw:
Lauavr. hatia amWM at Itotba
I ! t, M Ue) r aju4. I
A WasentHten ttst j
tf, Jtm, Va. Ja i -1 if ,
trsl Ian arata u H, iv.gla
tDwlMre euntpnav. 'A a trnn A
I J. , tiwufaiwn, ;,',
Benton Baptist Minister Dn Mot Like
Secret Societies.
Boston, Mass., June 23. During tha
regular Monday meeting of Baptist
ministers in chapel hall. Rev, J. B.
Stoddard addressed tbe conference at
its suggestion, upon the influence of
secret societies upon the church, and in
the course of his remarks strongly
denounced Masonry, declaring that
wher. a man swears allegiance he swears
allegiance to a code antagonistic to
Rev. Mr. Cleaveland of Melrose, who
was in tbe audience, rose to a point of
order, ana witn suppressed emotion
said: ''I am a Mason, and have listened
to this scathing stigmatism of the order
in patience, but I can t listen to this un
iunt and uncalled for abuse."
Chairman Moxan put the question to
the meeting In sustaining the point or
order ana it was aereatea w to 7. in
stantly Mr. - Cleaveland rose and ad
dressing the secretary, said:
"I request that you drop my name
from the roll of membership of this
' . V 1 . (
couiereuce. i uo not care mini mem
ber of any body that refuses to snstain
anv decent point of order."
Then taking bis hat be left the hall,
and Mr, Stoddard finished bis address.
Aa I'nllmited Suspension of Sentence
O ranted In tbe Caen ef Philadel
phia's Ki-Clly Treetnrer.
Philadelphia, June 23. Ex-City
Treasurer Bardsley wag brought into
court this morning and testimony
beard against him, after which, by per
mission of the court, he made a de
tailed statement of his accounts, claim
ing that all the money entrusted to his
care was accounted for except about
$38,000. At the conclusion of his state
ment the district attorney moved for an
unlimited suspension of sentence in
Bardsley's case. Tbe judge granted the
motion, aud thug Bardsley practically
goes tree.
Laying of the Corner-Stone of Their Fu
ture Home In New York.
New Yokk, June 23. At Yonkersthe
corner-stone of a building was laid
which is to be the nucleus of the most
important institution of the Capuchin
Fathers in the country. Between 3,000
and 4,000 persons, who went from New
York by train and boat, watched tha
ceremony in tbe rain. Bishop Sei
denbush, ex-vicar apostolic of northern
Minnesota, officiated. Brown-robed and
bearded Capuchins and caxsocked and
surpliced secular priests were grouped
around the stone when the bishop
blessed it. Tbe site of the new struct
ure, which is to be called the Capuchin
Monastery of the Sacred Heart, is on
Bbonnard place, one of the highest
r04-- Arvrn, Tlw t'.act.-ia ia
tended eventually to be tbe house of the
students and novitiate for the Capuchin
order, as well as a parish church and
PetTer of Kansas.
New York, June 23. Senator Peffer
of Kansas spoke at tbe mass meeting
at Cooper onion under the auspices of
the Citizens' Alliance association.
About 700 persons were present. The
senator was cordially received. He
said among other things that affairs
bad come to such a state in this country
that whenever the men of Wall street
dictated a policy cf government that
policy was adopted. Whenever Wall
street men needed money all they had
to do was to ask their partners in Wash
ington for it. He contrasted the treat
ment of those men with that received
by the farmers and the workmen. He
predicted that the alliance would
conquer with their votes and a change
wouia sureiy come.
Professor Wnldron'e Discovery A Schema
to Destroy tha Penis.
Farqo, N. D., June 23. Professor
Waldron of the Agricultural college, is
back from the norrb, and reports
genuine Rocky mountain locusts atOrr,
in Grand Forks county. He says they
bave not yet got their wings, and he
believes they can be trapped and de
ployed without damage to tbe state.
He reports that in one place tbe ground
is covered with them to the depth of
from one inch to a foot for a mile in
length and from one to five rods wide.
The work of destruction will liegin at
once. The governor has authorized all
expenses and their complete eradication
win ue sougnt.
Conameacenient at Vale.
New IUxkn, Conn., June 23. Com
mencement exercises at Yale consisted
of the delivery of the clssa oration by
t rands T. Urown or Glens Falls. N.Y..
on "Culture and Service," and the read
ing of the clahs poem by Luther II.
lucaer i Aiitany, A. l. 1 be das ex-
ert'tse began also clHk. The clan
historians were: Ashbel Green of New
York City, Thomas II. Guy of Troy, N.
Y., Jiaeph R. lb-rod of Indianapolis,
Ind.,Jolm I, rtt-ars of ChUagv and
Harry W, TwwUy of Umitlmmtoa.
N. Y.
Beeea'y Applicant fur Tnenly fleee.
hAX FaiXt -Ifcttv. Juno Si Tim l..ur.l
of civil-aer vice exam Inert tuet br and
receive iue naineawt avtniy applicant
fur tha twrntv varant ttmu,. In tha
diff. rrnl ilcinrtu.euu l Mare I.Und
navy yard. l a.lfeto U nil. I am
llxwe til seamm and qturtenuantrr in
all the department at the uay yard
whkh rUUrl varan t by fence
try Trsy g uf.Ur uf June 8.
A tMae4 r""(kiWLt.
Cut : ii i.ii. , June jj. Dr.
Tbu4 J, Mrifuth, thairtuaa of thn
rhiluts txtilrt rvtuututr. an I im
ef the l-lia $ Uwbriw bht f la.
dun. )i! l bt ttie tt Tnp
Un fi txatify vn4 ta f'r'f ad'.fvp
ul I1 al() (er, aflri a
lif te
tiwath nf rtMt Man ,
N- atM Aa,.Mts.. June JJ..'V.
rWif tlif H. Stabray, wt.Ml
n.tN aIHnlntt(uf KttrkgytvrlaA
1m4 fcfoti -1 4 Ulaynn. M-l
lie m a al4n cetnul ai.d wan
I i ym u rev
rn ii at U n t a-r. II
N and k'td .
Alton Bedacc3 Hales Between Chi
cago and the West.
Kebrnska Parnnra Afcant to Take A4ant
ace of the Mew Warehonsa Law Oo
nrnor Bill Not Interested In Rail
roads Parkers Agree.
Cnicaoo, Juna 23. Chairman Finley
bat written another letter to General
Passenger Agent Charlton, of the Alton,
repeating nit offer to withdraw the
round trip excursion rates between Kan
sas City and Chicago and between Kan
sat City and St. LouU. Far from com
plying, it is probable the action will
make a still further reduction. In hit
reply Charlton flatly refuses to obey the
order and vigorously defines tbe poal
tion of bis company. He makes tbe
statement that be baa in bis possession
facts which warrant a further reduc
tion, and which wakts it necessary for
bis road to promptly pnt into effect
a one-way rate of $10 be
tween Kansas City and Chicago
and a M rata from Chicago to St. Lonio
This action is rendered necessary, be
save, by tbe action ot tbe Alton's com
nelitors. who are practically making
their mileage and excursion tickots good
to bearer without observing tbe reguia
tions making tbem uon-transferrablo.
He also asserts that tickets sold in the
territory in which the Alton is boy
cottea are being used for the express
purpose or beinir scuineu in l iilcairo. it
is rumored that in consequence of tbe
attitude of the boycottiug roads, the
Alton has decided to make contracts
with foreign steamship lines for a period
or nve or more years tor emigrant bus)
ness. These contracts will be oased on
reduced rates. Aftet they are made
eastern roads wiU And it too la'e to re
pair the dauiach Chairman FinleV ha
called a ineetiug to consider tu aitua
tion. . . ,
To Watt lor Hlgli.r Prlrea.
Omaha, June 23. Railway traffic
managers of lines operating in Nebraska
are agitated over a buslnees complies
tion which promises to very materially
reduce the earnings or the various com
panies, so far as the immediate move'
ment of the present crop is concerned.
Hince the usual arrangement to distri
bute grain cars throughout tbe state
ror the purpose or facilitating tbe haul
ins of a eron after harvest, it has devel
oped that under tha new law declaring
ail elevators public ws thouscs, so much
or me grain win pa r tea to await bet
ter prices, tv-t J -tively a small
portiOB of t c. wur.b flaosw-ta
toe maraei at onoe.
Tbe law becomes operative next week.
It is a measure of the Alliance legis
lature and that organization has active
ly encouraged its members to resort to
levators whenever possible, and bor
row money required for immediate ex
penses on warehouse receipts, thus re
serving the enormous crop of the state
irom the market indefinitely, or until
prices have materially advanced, Tbe
grading will be similar to that in vogue
in Minnesota, ana tne rating of Chicago,
St. Louis, New York, and other grain
centres win in no wise effect the fit)
braska grading as in tho past.
Harvest In Kansas,
Wichita, Kan., June 23. Sixty-nine
stations on the main and branch lines of
the Missouri Pacific in southern Kan
sas, where heavy storms occurred last
Friday and Saturday, bave reported the
condition of the wheat crop in the
localities. The counties on the border
of tbe Indian territory have already
narvesieu a per cent, or their crop.
The remainder is standing firm and
ready to be harvested this week. The
loss in those counties is insiiraificant
In the second and third tiers of coifti
ties from the Indian territory about one
quarter oi me crop nod been harvested.
The standing wheat was only slightly
damaged. Damage to corn and oats is
also reported to be insignificant.
Hill Mot la Railroads.
Albany, June 23. The statement
which has been going tbe rounds of tbe
press that Governor Hill is interested
in a projected railroad in Ohio with
eastern capitalists and Postmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker, is untrue. Governor
Hill baa not now and never had a dol
lar's interest in any railroad, nor is be
connected with any in any capacity
whatever. The story is utterly without
Parker Agree,
C'niOAOO, June 23. A final agreement
has been entered into between the "Big
Three" pork packers Messrs, Armour,
Murris and Swift mud tho Elirin .I,1it
and Casti-rn railroad and in a very short
i nun inn im-h nne win eili'nn us tracks
ttmmgtt the Tollrwton property, tbe
ground recently pimhaami fur t k
yard pnrposes by the above luenttoued
tnrreoey and J.n.U Unrned.
filLnStav. Ma, June H-Tbe house
and barn i t Mr. r.llMt wvm destroyed
by ttr, ud ;l,tioo in ur muiiy and
fl,UU in di4HUHid jwlry, with nearly
all hrr fitrailurv, was burned. Ltwa ta
lite buiHlin?. and furniinm almt ft..
. Tbe Are wa vtnt)y the Wvrk
vt an lumidisrjr,
Thlrtr IStlliM latnUed,
jf t tiitn om i a tlt aa-ata!
I be govemiweut f r Dm rw ery i.f da
tr artK'ln it-! a bat trim ola,
waa twwninod la tln ll.lnl Maloa iu
run tAxart.
A Pat f rteakt,
( i nay at tit K. U, Jitae tl ,-Ti
reptfrt wa VMikat ka iy Munri
etwwtt4it in kal Mr. tVr
1L (Ml tll si ily f. 41
r h bf li K iA(l, fNM
t bA.
ttoSlalilt' SlM.
Niw Yi'i, Jut, td-Tba tw.
tta at tb ih bauv, V. tswUlM aa- j
VW'kSltna' M' dnttdvd la nfnlt
Inn t l Ibn InteraAtUtani
W aikiaw' V, uk ef A . tv
An Examination latolhn Affaire of the
Company Begnn.
Kbw York, June 23. Representa
tives of the state insurance department
began an examination of the affairs of
tbe New York Life Insurance company,
It was learned that Bel a Kan, a lawyer
f Hungary, has brought suit against
the company in the courts of that coun
try for the return of premiums he has
paid plus 0 per cent, interest. Thii
action, it is said, is bused upon the law
prohibiting mutual companies from
doing business as joint stock concerns.
Tbe New York Life is reported to bave
tried to do this, and' registered in 1888
as a share company, which it Is not, and
induced Kau to insure his life on such
representation. Vice-President Tuck
said that tha difficulty iu relation tf.
the company not being a joint stock
company will be settled. It arose
through a mistake of the concession
from the Hungarian government. New
papers, however, bave been filed, an(
there was no longer any difficulty o
the nature indicated,
Mentenaal Tlrett and a Itetaelimaat o
Troops Dolled by Armed .
Los Axoelks, June 23. The assist
ant adjutant general has received th
following dispatch from Lleutonant
Brett, commanding a detachment in
Kerns' Canyon. Ariz., dated at Areoba
Village: "We came here to arrest sev
eral Areobaa who hud destroyed snr
veyors' marks and threatened to destroy
the schools. When we entered the vil
tage we were confronted by about fifty
host lies who were armed and stationed
behind a barricade. They declared
hostility to the government and a fight
was barely avoided. A strong fort
should be sent here with Hotchkiut
guns. I anticipate serious trouble n
thebostiles are not summarily deait
witn.-' Reinforcement will probably
oe started to the relief ot lirett's oonv
maud at once. .
Aa lowan Arrested In Chicago.
Chicago, Juna 23, D. M. Wells, oi
tne lumber firm of Judd, Wells & Co,,
of Council Bluffs, 1a, was arrested her
on a warrant sworn out by the attorney
actin 2 for St. Louis parties who assert
that Wells Ununited of some of the asset
of bis firm, wbtcb Is now in the hand
of a receive' The matter involved b
about $M and The 8t. Louis firm asserts
be should have turned it over to them.
Wells declares he had no right to pay
tbem until tbe business was entirely
setiiea oy tne receiver ana mm tne ar
rest was mada to try ond force him to
pay tne aeot. - .
Oeergl Con lei t Oversow in Onardt
I i i" i irr 'aminP" m i1 i'i i
Coli Citt, Jane S3, Sev sa eoavfcis
Attempted to escape from tha stockade.
Que of them named Largdell was killed
and Ward and Palmer, white, and Jack
son, colored, were wounded fatally.
Tbey were all armed, having over
powered tbe guards and secured suns.
and in the fight killed Pat Rowland aud
lack Kankins, guards, and wounded
Captain Moreland. foreman, seriously.
Three of the convicts escaped, but one
has been captured. Those at large art
' The Elliott Cnse.
Columbus, O., June 23. Great delay
was occasioned in the Elliott trial by
the non-appearance of state witnesses
during the morning session. Attorney
Hunter, however, submitted his report
as to his investigations in the charges
of contempt of court made by Colonel
Taylor against The Dispatch and Hun
day World. The report was a wet
blanket to the opposing attorney. Mr,
Hunter hell that neither paper was
guilty of contempt.
Murderer Kuhnt' TrlaL
Tiffin, O., June 23. The trial of
Mervin Knhns began. Kuhnt is
charged with the murder of William L.
Cauipeau at Foetoria, on the nii(ht of
the loth of last November, and will be
remembered for tbe desperate fight he
made near Fort Wayne against a posse
of officers who were endeavoring to ar
rest him, in which he was shot seven
times and wounded one of hit assail
ants almost onto death.
Olondhonnds for Marsh.
Sprino Lake, N. J., June 23. Sev
eral detectives arrived here with
bonnds which are to be used in th
search for the fugitive bank president,
Gideon W. Marsh. Marshal Leeds,
District Attorney U rati am and the de
tectives bad a consultation as to tbe
brat means to pursue to raptnr Marsh.
The hounds will be li t loose if it i pos
sible to track tb fugitive in that way,
Tkron Hoyt branaed,
Washinutos, Pa., Juna 2?. John
MiKeown. agd 10: Harry Shuullia,
ased 10, and Walter Jones, aged 11,
were drowned in the Doaks park pond.
John MrKcown wa a n of t late
millionaire oil king, and tbe rdmullt
boy wa hi rraiidn, Jos. i a
ton of til prenidlllit elder "I Ibn Meth
odist E(iiatt-al ctiimti, Turir bo-tUt
Wert recoverwl,
Karroo l uip (.mm the 1 1 ..
Cml Hi Jim It - St younj
WoRU'tt rwtmnl in Ihn J4lo uihii
I'l-Hk.Ku WttiUnd avi'sotn, arrol)
n'ail lir rf burv;l l ilvn li. lbr
f llwui bvl to I 'i'lt tin n,h a I i;rn!ii ,
bll 111 Ihrtr Uittt I' -ih. , uti I 'l wen
rnilrrMv luinrwl bard v.twk
by la .r m'.i iinn.S'l !!. il
life, l'iU4 i.ti I-,
fuHff tr.itkt otli.l.
Wniik II uv, .N V . J ' : -A
IAMalr ti';a t. I'...! . 15 U hi,bt I
k.i l a, m l"" i s i nd are
ttn sua U4 UH, and ' e t I lie
tt,(rr Mr. I .Mr. Ik niantia
l.'.' Ulr. ' II un-l 11 and
nli it el ' flhe . bAa tt
klf. ok tiasfH MtoSo,
II kkv.ti Junn jjL-Tk Mai
knvMttl ! t. 1 ! kt.ials
A 4 tiaiM4Uli uf r-t dor.
teg tan sV r fv.ii.w fa,
! t Amis.
tvfv, Jt Ja wiAlUt
ldSer' A in,, wW-Wn Watkef
iKalnen. r ast Ltbil!tlV
, nt tto4
Lanier and Aadrew Start nn Their Trip
: Aeroea tho Atlaatle.
Boston, June 23. Captains Lawler
nd Andrews started from Ocean Pier
for a race across the Atlantio ocean in
fifteen foot boats for a prize of 95.000
and a silver cup. Captain Andrews
crossed the Atlantio in 1S7M in a small,
open boat- His boat, the Mermaid, is
1& feet over all, A feet beam, and draws
A foot of water. The boat is supplied
with everything that can make such a
voyage comfortable. Andrews, if suc
cessful in this, propose to make the
same venture across the Pacific ocean.
Captain Lawler is a son of the naval
designer, D. J. Lawler, and is 37 years
old. His boat, the Sea Serpent, Is 14
feet II f iuches over all, 5 feet beam,
and draws 2 feet of water. The pros
pective landing 1 Land's End, Eng.
The depsrtnre was witnessed by a large
crowd, and beta were freely made over
tbe probable result.
A Ileneer Theatre Burned.
Denver, June 2:. The Hay market,
variety theatre, was gutted by fire.
The theatre was to have been opened
Jnly 1, Loss tia.Otti; insurance small.
The Missouri It leer Making Serious In
road on Kansas Real KttaU-lts
Channel Bapldly Changing.
Br, Joseph, Mo., Jun 23. The Mis
souri river is higher than for several
years and is still rising. - All govern
ment work on tbe Kansas shore has
been abandoned and the government
fleet moored in a place of safety. The
rapidity with which the surging watet
are cutting swsy the Kansas bank can
best be imagined when it it stated thai
half-acre tots of earth have Imen turn
bUng into the river ever since Suuda
morning, A workmun who came ii.
from Belmont . un the government
steamer, stated that the ne k of land
which now sMparates the river north
and south Is lens than one and a quartet
miles wide. At th rale the river It
now cutting the land away, it would re
quire but a short time to place Elwood
suburb on an island and leave St. Jo
seph two miles from the river. This
would also leave St. Joseph's luiliiuu
dollar bridge standing over a dry po'
wnera the river one wended its wa
south. Several farmer have loot linn
drd of dollars in wheat and con
whkn have been washed into tut nvei
by tits falling Osaka.
Ba4 a Crew,
Philadelphia, Jons 8s, Tbe Nor
wegian bark Carl, from Avonmouth
May 13, In charge of Captain Jansen
with a crew of ten men. bound to Que
bec, is now drifting around the north
Atlantic a helpless wreck, and her craw
after endurinv untold ninhhipa are
comfort:' - ' r W r
Captain Einch, brought tun la baa
day, .No on of the crew has mora
wealtb than what clothing ho has on
him. -
Mrs Samuel Mather of Cincinnati gave
175,0(10 to the Western Kesorvs university
for its col legs for women.
Mr. Ashley Fronde, son of the historian,
has been appointed secretary of th British
Behrlng tea commission.
Another Manlpur prince, Sena, has been
sentenced to death for warring against
the queen sad abetting in th massacre of
Tb first annual convention of th
United: Machinists and Toolmakers has
met at New York and decided to form a
national organization.
Fifty persons have been arrested at Bart
for belonging to a secret association
known as th Infame Iegge, similar to
the Mala Vita society.
The international congress of homeo
pathic physicians reconvened at Atlantic
City, N. J. Tbe next convention will be
held in Europe and probably Loudon in
June, WU0.
Tbe supreme lodge of Ancient Order ot
United Workmen has finished its labors
at Detnttt and adjourned to meet on tb
second Tuesday iu June , lsrj, at Helena,
Mr. Gladstone baa suffered another re
lapse due to exertion in addressing a
meeting of colonial bl shops. Mrs. Glad
atone fays the condition of Mr. Gladstone
la not serious.
Tb French senate has rejected the bill
recently passed by the chamber of deput
ies remitting the sum of y),iM0,0UU franc
in taxation on land sown in wheat during
tbe pat spring season.
Th Iron worker ot Chicago who bar
been OB strike for a week have reported
light success. Tb four firm employ
ing so men sinned th union na! and tb
men will return to work.
The Naahvill Saving bank, operated by
Kv Brothers, ha aiupended on account
f failure to ! discount In Nw York
and Inability to eullert. At, lV-t.Wn;
lUbilitle. l,Tut. Tb eatlro personal
property of tb firm I Included la tb
Chios Ural and Travlsl,
CHHAtwx Jissll
WPrUT- H!f 4; Wt.iMMhvr. Vi
liiltl July. ViV- S-floattr. Myu.
Hin Jiili, ntMtar. .
iHK Jul. CMf(wti, t.-1
hi Juir tA'AW. nri-wmlwt, SA tftt
KILiur kltin-Jiu.. AaU. aautsmter.
Ckk-ns lUain.
t'tlU Ti- YU I
i'MnK 4l I
rTTI B KMtl rw.K A l.
r $t j ...o ! Mi l i
i t k felr
llt Iui.m4 tnrt. ! hL
t. l s. mk Isttari bfc.
iue hi .w Ai t)0M, I I
kM Ally t .
K . l it. '
('ml I i Mi.l r-a ton ft I.
k't'OItl ) M A u
vA krt tit, t.tnus
.', I !.
H aMiii.t t k-4. r.MMis ti
n-4. Ait ' ! -.
AMiah l.i
Viu ft t
.i a. 4- m i
f TTi 9 - CnMkntnl NttirMlM tnV
!) ft.i'miM4 r.:H ') kna
I at fntt n. nx tA i msAs, knit
I At V14NtH Mism l rnMfH A ntik4
W. T. Brown ha been appoint!
aaaster atTbarer.
Tb average daily product of tb
City creamery is 1.100 pound.
Tb ajuesaed valuation of Way tsT
1153,000, KO,0OO mora than bwt year.
Kit King, a tramp burglar, wa nn
tured whil robbing a hous In Qratnt
Th Cost County Medical society wCf
bold It annual meeting at Broken Ba
Tb Beatrice Chautauqua
open on tb 94. Sam Jon will i
on tb 84th.
Tb Union Pacffio bat paid rdinss4
GaTer of Grand Island 1300 for ta toasaf
bi right foot,
Th prospects at Grand Island and Ka '
folk (or a good crop of ugar bU tnalA
not be better. Suphens, a tOyear-old girl of Ce
Creek, na btuen by a rattlesnaka aaA
ber recovery I doubtful.
Public meeting of all kind la OS)
county have been postponed on aeeoualsC
tb smallpox outbreak,
Brandt, who sued Dr. Chapman ef East
log for 110,000 daman for malprnctlMt
was awarded a verdict of WT, i
Joseph Klloatrlck, a Madison
farmer, was kicked by a inula aad
talneil probably fuuu Injuria,
Dakota City peopl are after a wild Mj
who haunts tb bush north of town nodhv
Sules lu mur y poculltr tH-r
P. J. U'Null' store at lUUl.i (k wm
entirely iW-iyrl by tin, suppoaad S
bav Ufii sin il by lu:eudlri!. -
Siuniii'l O-
u. an old rwtldent of t
kotni.'i v. i.
lytic tyU r
At Mitf liiitt
eolli'un, 1,'ifU'
id as ths msult of
t-ivhtI sis mouth ago.
Millions! contest of Doom
Homer C House rtvt
tb lir.1 pru and Bertba B. Slull tb
ond. .
Broken Bow will calibrate tb temdk
In prutritcted msutlng styl. Tba fwtivt
tle will eomrnnAo on the 8d and and am
the 4th. . (truck tb boot of IL (A Alnsworth and bakly dasaarS
tb bu.ldlug, but none of ta Inmsani
were hurt. . ,
Bartholomew Bogus, while working la.
blseorn llidd near Uumphrsy, watraak
by liKhtuiiig and . Instantly kiUad, alocgt
wltb two horses,
' Tb Ulxnn County fiiindnv School At
elation will bold it annual convention is
tb Cunt ml y -thodlst Kpiscopal ebuma.
Silver Itidi, June island !il.
Mr, peter Uuirhlln. wlf of a Cnkm
Pacific engluwir. living at Norfolk, bn d
arted ber famMy and (loped with M. W.
Corwln, a sawing machine agnnt, . .
Th eornerston of Cass county's sx3
180,000 court bouae will be laid at riaOk
moutb on tb i'ltb Mason and other
sties will bave charge of th ceramocioa.
North Platte baa been selected as
place for boldmg tba annual mutio cl
tb Watt Nebraska Votersaa' nao
Tb dat has kta f Ti ft t. ?
p-m. ... . .
township a 011 and ts valun.,A U . j
Tb regents of tb Stats university m '
decided to Ubllh two nw chairs m t"-
univarslty, one for Instruction ta ta L
man Unguag and tb other fat tistinw .
tion In tb Garmanle tongue.
A purs of 0,000 wa offered fey tt
Magic City Athletie club of South OrsaW
for a finish fight between Blavin and fUA
II van. A 110.000 bond will b tU4laa
bank for faithful pcrformane. '.
' Tb fannns of Frontier coonty arose
Ing that th wed are getting awaysbsa ii
of tb corn on account of so . much wA
weather. Tbe listed corn la suffirtasj
with th turplus of moisture much wot)
than tb planted fields.
A brakaman on th Burlington and Mis
souri captured five tramps who warn
wanted at Pacific Junction for burglary
and for safe keeping nailed tbem in a boa
car and took them to Lincoln, wher tnay
wet turned over to the police.
Tbe 120,000 breach of promise anlfe
brought against William Barr of Unooba
by Miss Hattie Nlius of St. Joseph, ban
been dismissed because of tbe woman)
refusal to appear in Lincoln and aubaaik
to an examination by physician to deter
mine tbe exact ttat of her health.
While Dennis Mott was plowing
near Hebron a rattlesnak hurried in
fangs in his arm. He ran a few rods to '
get a stick with which to dispatch th
reptile, but wa surprised to find th
make dead when he returned. Mr. MotA
xperinoed no 111 effects from th bite, ow
ing to a larg upply of whisky.
During a thunder storm at Palmar tb
wlf and grandmother ot Vaclay I An tost
took two children and went Into a I
storm cellar near tbelr hous to avoid tb
lightning. During th storm th light'
ntng entered tb door of tb cellar nod
Instantly killed both tb women, but did
Dot Injur tb children.
Harry Taylor and Chart Miller, two)
young men wttb tbelr younger brid, ar
rived in Umaba tb other day from Do
Molnea, la., la a ooe-hors wagon. Ta
party waa broke, but happy, and tried t
dUpoaaof their horse, lb animal wa)
not a vatuabl on and tbey offered It tor
14. Thlaroud tb suspicion sf its
ticeraan and tb who! party wer tkrowft
Into jail pendlagaa Investigation, K
na a AiAA . ksA. jau
a av4 wa niMi oy wntca ta uai i
Rock Island ami I Vitte railroad
Into pcMwusioA of a Urge amount of
evty la tb vtilnlly el Albright and Month)
ttuiaka, IJarni to Ik t.rmlaua el ta
prv.po-rd lluvk Island and Mllwauk A
tk Missouri river brtdg. Tb praftif
deeded omUis e( lb uixliviihsi an halt
iaiereeU wf Un I. and tut, and la tra
Nrm.1 by W. V, klM, tb bum wh
owe lini at hmigbt I Is sc'ir peoonrty
(or tk Milwaukee run-1. Thn nnsl'a
tum niul la Ik Vd I i 1.U. Tbt
to iHHkf Ms on t part u4k rent
tnsevnr aa Imntmlus! tnstnaa ntlonsnrt
use vruMikd la ikn v tba tlsj
is sT'og 4att the, ,
A terrthl ain!ty FMnttlaa? fvona ls
kenv r fiaUit e-r4 a. ar twrrfek. A
sks4 bouns ta W4) krnetkk ACKlaet k
itMted 4 Ik mnlunrltnti nt t twialt
treek, and nktl as4M in tewhia tt
lead 4rim f rat nw4 tknnt)
MrMtMlnkisni t4iad tfumni.
Ran 14 tk-l bank and Lftnlltl t'Ssk
U4 arwund lb k.k. kM. Tb m
ism nnld It siod I at tk ntkswl tnro
j t4, d tb t-n-st l fx; . JS.
wtntt to mask tk bisK. . In .
k4 V tbem nl ikn stiax, a nf
Hi Mi. . H rH a I fenrtaU
k.ld 4 tkn I low IU,t) and aa I rS
Htkildol IM t t, r dswMinjtn,
It h)m4 that Mil kvf n4lan
umKikr - l.i ktt
Wn ru ptiM4 bMsinvti