0 3 1 "It 7' fflft fz-- .t r - -i . . - - -- 4- 1 "i ' 4y wvly 4 w1 OL. III. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1891. NO. 1. W m " A a a III 1 ' LSOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. latTtOKsr At tbe easiest and cheapest It of notifying tubtcribert of the date 'itrexpiraliont we will mark this notice ta Dtue or rea pencil, on tneaaieatwnicB subeeriDtton expire.. We will tend the rr two weekt after expiration. If Dot re tr M time it win m mtooatinuea. ERE DO THEY COME FROM? idea Appearance of Numerable (Tall Women In Public Place. lie number of tall women to be on Broadway is remarkable, redo they all come from? It ia ashion to be tall andstraight and ler and willowy, because it is a well adapted to tlittbest display he latest things in Parisian Inery and dress goods. But have en the power to suddenly prow in order to meet a prevailing n half way, as they might ine their liatrr Jt certainly like it. For there never was a hen so many tail women could Ibey run all the way Iron. i to 0 feet li. You can meet 0 hen in couples by the down. sttlway any afternoon. By the le ordinary run 01 men these ok 0 feet H. are two theories for the xcess of tall women -one that leehnnical process has been ed and is being secretly )01 by which stout women are ut into I0112 aua slender le nt ho other, that these women ways existed and are now brought forth from their 1fit by the inexorable decree of The latter would seem to lore reasonable explanation. was the fashion lor women jnbonpoint the tall and slender hid herself away from public nuch as possible, bhe Mirunx boots and walked stoop- red when she was to be seen in laces. Now that she has her she is making good use of it. everywhere. She walketh erect ponday also in the evening. )j she has a beau she chooses one Kiln look down upon. It accent' fel her girallic style. Her clinging oping, Bernhardt draperies still her lead forward and upward. a comparatively easy thing for a an of five feet six to add lour es to her apparent height if she ml.- J uui mi, i: an Alio voj nuiu is horrible to the sex just now. fat woman suggests the 10 cent seum. Lietner await her turn ana fatter in anticipation of her ng triumph New York Letter, HE LAST TO SURRENDER, Three Confederates Who Came ff the Dismal Swamp In July, and Surrendered. 3 there are not a few indica hat skirts are likely tab less :, yet the trimmings and tea will perserve the effect of Iness- now in vogue for some come. Olrservng eyes have I the modifications which the js styles have gradually under Jeadily approaching a repeti- 111 UMO 111 111C imio VI Philippe, the main feature are a moderately full cor- (B91 large high sleeves, and a fl reau skirt with a ruche or corsage is given the most at ? fyQy the modiste. All varieties I t'ular, and will be throughtout .mer. Very prominent are the $ coats, with vests and with f 4 d some have triple skirts of IiAod length and width. J ;-T)m? f $ Arwwas prompt and to the ." jpoiiil rgt. Tewsbury and guard J fjt c l.l u 1 A I. 1 :. "T :r: r.,1 vne iiis over. Aftitood deal of laughter the provoafshal, was ordered to re ceive capitulation, which wns condnin due form. Tewsbury, an old Ylan, ordered his squad a eouplJeorginns to give up their guns J sign the papers, reserving himsefthe man of all the Confed erate Is to surrender. The! sergeant's description of the wie found out the war wns over iinmusing. He and his com pnniojnd been posted on the edge o? tliejmp to watch movements of the u troops from Norfolk, with orderl remain until relieved and siKl.fniijOii game and fish for "three yearsit last he met an old negro who t him the war had been over for nty a year, which "tickledv him hettesin "if lie had been kicked by a iiiuj as he exprened it. red Collars and Cuffs. Wojlineii is ft most deceptive addeijn the sum total of apparel, A paold cuffs will look m bewitch Ingly fpectable after a vWt to a good (itiiulry that you will taks tliffn f with thankful teiulorue ami ut them while a look of le niguit; wainUri all over them, 'Iidn know I fver rould wear them rniii"' you say, ami yon M o atiiUat liaviiigtountiHl onengaiuot that tbullnl oppoitf nt, th "rniKrdy mail, f tourtu you havs felt to, fii'l jtt at mirely a yut hav b'.iiii Mowii ttiti after, and found your wit emirtltil bv a pair of itoiinl h.I tlirt.wv ciu!. A little rub lure ail a !nt! rul then, a fj j! n tl dut from hiojlur rarthaiul a U-iu.iMU'ii front a raindrop andj nr t4t hate gn U whemsS h?y raiyfrtiiit oiide the paU oil i'l4.iiii)r, stt tim yen treat tiittne ctftae ttptwtM l!ililr, but lMine ill ItyntuMt tpnaiii Oft tOiomy U rontr-tii the mil lee wtiun ojii your iir , jwi'll Miwitl aii. i it ti'U tVt. Turtnl OIwIm), A hw i ul l urty rlt .t l'lrat!f tttf niuea wul er Im siixuat il wae4 t Jf the (ihiI p l'l 'Hdt6' itni 4 Alliaave aiewt fl " ik fmt, eUt UHMtieik. Tints U tiwul lite etily tomtuixlit the 1 t ral their ss Ihtsk t the lotg eoBilbu m-'Uiutilost (4 ths twio i4 lh rtM ta ws It la titeatilu' uUie Id Iktv leatu hum ttt unlujir t.He vsrirsl irsiturt wh.i Urwrl , iy tn I' .1 1FI i m ii" rv i 11 iri in. 1 K4 YAH PRAAGIH COURT The Illinois Legislator on Trial foi Making Bogus Voters. THE KINO MURDER TRIAL Crota Examination of the Art owl Con tlaaed Pefaultinv Soatb Dakota Treat rer CaplnreU Preferred a Death Sentence Freacby No., t. Chicaoo, Jnne 10.- State Represents tire Sol Van Praag was put on trial in Judge Blodgett's court on a charge of conspiracy and subordination in connec tion with naturalization frauds before the election last fall. John Callahan, an uncle of the two Murray boys who were concerned in the case, testified that one of them bad been in the conn try four years and the other two months. The eldest bad declared his intention of going down and taking out papers. Cal lahan went down as a witness, and the brother accompanied them. At the court house they met Van Praag, who. on learning they were Democrats, told tho brothers that they would havu to say they were here five years. He then took them to the Democratic headquarters, where papers were given them and they went back to Judge Driggs' court. One of the boys made a mititake, saying he had lieen here only since 180. Then they seenred another blank aud went before Judge Waterman, where the papers were se enred. Pat and John Murray told snli stantially the same story. They de clared Van Praag put them . np to all the perjury they committed. Pat said Van Praag cautioned him about answer ing questions of the jndge and told him that if he made any mistakes he would be thrown down stairs. Pat said he didn't pay for the papers, the expense having been met by the Democratic naturalization bureau. . For the de fense, John Balleutyne, clerk of the bureau, testified that be remembered the Murray boys very well and was positive that Van Praag was net with them. State Representative Mclneruey testified that Callahan had a very pour reputation for veracity. King Murder Trial. Memphis, Tenn., Jnue 10. -The cross examination ef the accused, CoL King, in the Poston murder trial whs con tinued. The witness said he received money from Mrs. Pillow only in liqui dation of indebtedness to him. He had never bad a final settlement with Mrs. Pillow, who still owed litio large sums of money. Witness declared timt Mrs. Pillow and her son-in-law, Mr. Shields of Birmingham had entered into a con spiracy to defraud him out of his es tate, to blacken bis cliaracter and to take bis life. Witness tbongbt . it necessary to prepare himself and be ready for any emergency. Witness de nied that he sent a message to T. P, Chambers, an associate counsel in the King-Pillow suit, to the effect that he would kill him if he did not withdraw certain charges made in the cross bill filed in the case. Witness testified that there was noth ing in the King-Pillow (litigation that warranted the scandal coinpluiued of in the cross bill. Witness remembered with absolute certainty what trans pired between himself aud Mr. Poston at the time of the shooting. He had no more idea of meeting D. S. Poston in front of Lee's cigar store than he had of meeting the man ia the moon. Wit ness iajnot an expert shot. Was atone time when in the army, bnt his eye sight is now imperfect and his nerves unsteady. To Sue the Government. Philadelphia, June 10. The follow ing resolutions were adopted at a meet ing of the association of depositors of the wrecked Spring Garden National bank: That it is the sense of this meeting that some arrangemeut Ira made whereby suit may be'brought against the United States government to recover onr lost money, as the government is mainly responsible or our loss, through the incapacity of its sworn ofliciiils. A resolution was adopted asking the president to inquire into the conduct of United States District Attorney Read with regard to the arrest of the officials of the Spring Garden bank. It is sa that warrants were obtained for the rest of Directors Ephriam Young N. F. Evans at the same time Presid Kennedy and Cashier Kennedy were rested. It is said that the two directors were show be illegal borrowers from the bank. warrants for the arrest of the two d ors are said to be in the hands of Re d, and the association wants to know why they have not been served. Itefaaltlag Treanrer Carlered He Bom, & D., June 10. A U. Shonti, the defaulting treasurer of the Pleasant View school townthip who skipped several months since, was brought here form Oregon, and is now In jstl. N'othiug has yet been learned from Eugene Heath, treasurer of llnrtlaud school towuthip, who tin bren uiiMing since Wmluesday. He is thort nearly f oo in tchool accounts and a snug imu rJUd from the tale of wool from l.'tO sheep belonging to anoltuT patty, "rreht Me. I." Ktw York, June lA-The m i.f 'Fwirnjr No, I," or "Jack the Rnqwr." who U tudictrd for the Uimdcf f Car rie llfown. a fall'ii woman. w4 not reached In the i rtmtiml com it. An 'll tttU'U will I lufrle l.y the il fi-inlnnt wli. n brought luloii'tirt to plead to llm lii littiut'Ui f.r a iueiunt on tiV ground tti.tt B uaebl la dia H'Vtr the whrvU."l . wineerw w h"we prewiu it kneiir fiVf him to litske a Uefriuw, 1h evi4ut aint t'rettchf M sntirelr imauinUatUl. lie pro lt a ia taiitneiM a,l 0t laut he tttow Hi'tUu aUi'it lite iiiurUn, ftete're4 a leib Seeloaee. Niw York. June It -The Jury la the rate if let liuand Uaa, vharKed with the a rttvl. r nf t tiarU'a Ui, April Sf IWI, Mrnl a imiu t toiudor la the l d. tre. Wlie liit wee af'rmnl if the aslafswl lae terdii I Im Uiiuwd it s a huut Htttfi I da t wtut U1'Hk i,u- nt; waul tliiente. NOT A SALOON WAS OPEN. Tacnaia, Wh., Oaee Dry for tbe t'lre! Time la Ite Hist err. Tacoua. Wash., June 10 Some timt ago tbe Anti-Sunday Saloon associa tion, a religious organisation composed of clergymen and church members, be gan prosecuting saloons which kept open Sundsy when a state law said they should not. Conviction was obtained against a saloonkeeper a few days ago and last Sunday for the first time in the history of the city not a saloon or gamb ling house was open. : After the conviction the saloonkeep ers decided to rnb in the state law and give tbe people plenty of. The law for bids any kind of "business beiut done except that of undertakers, livery stables and hotels. The Saloonkeepers' Union sent out a formal notice and not a restaurant, cigar store or newstand dared to open. One or two confection ery and fruit stands, defied the notice and they are expected to be prosecuted by the saloonkeepers. . it is thought the effect of this whole sale closing will bring about a reeal of the State law and defeat the Snnday closing movement. The hotels could not accommodate the hungry crowdn used to got meals at restaurants. AN IOWA TRAGEDY, Foar Vonng People rind Watery Gravel at Uoehford While Out float Riding. Watekloo, June 10. A fearful acci dent took place at Rockford, which re sulted in the drowning of two gentle men and two ladies. A. D. Cooley and Herman Anderson, two employes of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern railway, went to Rockford where they met two young la dies. Miss Jennie Rollins of Marble Rock and Miss Annie Kohler of Ply mouth. The two young ladies were employed in a hotel at Rockford, and all four were engaged to be married. After church they started out to take a short boat ride. About 9 o'clock a man crossing the bridge over the Shell Rock river beard one of the young ladies tell ing young Cooley not to rock the boat. This was the last known of them until their dead bodies were pulled from the water. BRU .ES DON'T WANT TO MOVE. They Emphatically Object tn Lea' Hornet Established Veers Cuambeui.ain'. S. D., June 16. The Indians on the lower Brule reservation had a grand pow-wow at tbe agency upon matters relating to their removal to their new reservation. In view of the early expected visit of a Sioux com mission to be sent here to aid in such removal the attendance was very full. This removal is of great importance to the Indians, the great majority of whom will be required to abandon homes long since established, as the agency itself must be, moved to a point nearly ..oppo site Crow Creek agency. Tbe Indians are much opposed to removal, and the commission will have difficulty in se curing their consent to the change. Rayt the Indiana Are Contented. Chicaoo, .Tnne 10. Capt. Frank Baldwin, of the Fifteenth infantry, re turned from Pine Ridge, whither be had gone to attend the meeting of the com missioners sent to mark the dividing linn between the Rosebnd and Pine Ridge agencies. Twenty-seven chiefs met the commissioners, and Capt. Baldwin says there will be no friction regarding the dividing line, but that the Ogallalas agree to have the line moved sixteen miles to its proper place. After the meeting 000 Brides held as prisoner of war since the Indian war were re leased. The Indians, Capt. Baldwin says, are well contented, their rations being liberal and according to specifica tions. Decided Not to Modify It. Erie, Pa., June lC.-The visiting committee of the soldiers' and sailors home visited the Erie home and gave the remonstrating pensioners a hearing. After convassingthe matter thoroughly they decided not to modify the new reg ulation in the least and H0 per cent, of all inmates' pensions must be turned over to the commission's treas urer, Capt. Lowell. The commission has decided that only in special cases will the pensions be turned into the fund for the maintenance of the home. Tbe money will be turned over to the dependent families at the home when the time is np. Sixty veterans have ken discharges and over t hundred will leave the home. Panic Among .lint Jemmere, Cincinnati. Jane 10. ire m the city hospital caused a panic among tbe pat ients in the ward devoted to cases of alcoholism A number of patients were lying strapped to their coU and their cries and euorts to etcape caused great confusion. The patients were finally removed aaftdy aud the tire extinguish ed aftel causiug a damage of i-i.WO, New Orl.ee. J e rare. Ni'w (ni AN, Jaue Jo The rase of Tboiuat P. McCrvttal anil .lainet Cootie charged with tampering with a Juror la toe tienneeay murder e. rsme np tn the iTiiuliml court. A quettion as tn ftlio rtjtllarit V r,f tnrv ,L,nal raised tv the def mte, and Judge Marr touft IDS mailer Uailcf rolitldt-rattou. CaleeewM Threaten Meke T.M, Mwtroi i, Jnua Itt-.l U Parker, storekeeper the Chippewa reset va tion. wat in low a and says the Indians re well armed and determined to main tain what they conceive t-i 1 their ruhi They threaten to thot-t av on in ha attempts t rtr the broken daw. A Mrtate erteel. PITT-HI Hil.JlMl (ft. Th WoUth It reel brtd., ronaet tiu 'i;utir Al'e Khrttr, was daning! to the eiteat uf tt.oiMJ by Are, lore ritM-n wr nocked in th rier by a wil l h., but aere rv utl by the wew v4 a ( . t( tugboat, Milt ttaade Me twite, Fait, Kit is. Matt,, Jine la. A ttrlks tim)lis( Ti,v mill xpef-Jme, la thla tit) IS liufltaeut. It M le-hetej the ew',!.a feianafettiuert will ak their eta t l..vm iu avett a rhu ti waea, i will prwWdy i rvftM4 aai rMlf wl wtfli tetitlU SEALS TOJBE SAVED A Closed Season Established as a Preliminary to Arbitration. AMERICANS IN HONDURAS. Thee1 are Introdnelng New Methods la be Raiting of Bananas Itestoratloa el the Sboreham Hotel Westerk Weather rine. j. ( Washinqtoji, June 15. The agree ment between England and tbe United States to prevent the further catch of seals in the Bearing sea was signed by the representatives of the two govern ments. The final correspondence is made public. i f On June 11 Sir Julian Panacefote communicates Lord Salisbury's reply to the last proposal of Mr. Wharton in which be says: "His lordship states that the president's refusal to adopt his suggestion with respect to Russia -, ren ders the proposed modus Vivendi much less valuable. Nevertheless, iu view of tne urgency of the case, bis lordship is disposed to authorize me to sign an agreement in the precise terms formu lated in your note of June U, provided the question of a joint commission be not left in doubt, and that your govern ment will give an assurance in home form that they will concur in a refer ence to a joint commission to ascertain what permanent measures are neces sary for the preservation of tho fur seal species In the northern Pacific ocean." Under date of June 11 Acting Secre tary Wharton says be is directed by the president to say that the government of the United States, recognizing the fact that that full and adequate measures for the protection of seal life should em brace the whole of Behring Sea and portions of northern Pacific ocean, will have no hesitancy in agreeing in con nection with her majesty s government, to the appointment of a. joint commis sion to ascertain what permanent meas ures are necessary for the preservation of the seal species in the waters referred to; such an agreement to be signed simultaneously wit li the convention for arbitration, and to be withont prejudice to the questions to be submitted to the arbitrators." "m June 13 Sir Julian, in A note to Wharton, says: "I now have the honor to inform you that I have this day received a telegraphic reply from Lord Salisbury, in w ;h, wliile con veying to me authority to sign tbe pro posed agreement for a modus vivendi contained in your note of June 9, his lordship desires me to place on record that it is signed by me on ; the clear understanding that the joint edmmis sion will be appointed withont delay. On that understanding, therefore, I shall be prepared to attend at tbe state department for tha purpose of signing the agreement at sach time at jrou may be good enough to appoint." lo this Mr. Wharton, on the same day replied, saying: "The president di rects me to say, in response to yonr note of this date, that his assent to tbe proposition for a joint commission, as expressed in my note of June 9, was gi- :i in the expectation that both gov ernments would use every proper effort to adjust the remaining points of dif ference in the general correspondence relating to arbitration and to agree upon the definite terms of a submission and the appointment of a joint commis sion, without necessary delay. He is glad that an agreement has finally been reached for the tiending season, and I beg to say that if yon will call at the department next Monday, I will be glad to put into writing and give formal at testation to tbe modus vivendi which has been agreed npon," Americans locating In Honduras. Washington, June 10. The Bureau of American Republics is in receipt of a letter from a prominont American citi zen of Honduras, of which the following is an extract: , The northern part of this republic, which is the best part adapted for agri culture rail fruit growing, is just uuvr im proving rapidly, particularly in the neigh borhood of San Pedro Stila, the present terminus of the railroad. Quite a num ber of Americans have located in that vi cinity and have engnged in fruit culture; many of them are from California and ex perienced fruit growers. The Americans are introducing the industry of drying the bananas. Tbe ripe banaua when dry re sembles the tig. They are telling In the United Stutet at 30 cents a pound, at which price they are far more profitable to the grower thuu selling the bnnanus in tbe bunch to the tteamship owners. The result of this movement will tie to gives great Impet us lo their cultivation arid to secure a much higher price to tha pro ducers. The !iext Irult lands are telling at S per acre, anil it costs about IU per acre to clear and pUnt the ground with Imu anas. These price are in llondurean current-?, worth ) per ceut lutli Auietl tan dollars. Ileetoratlen f the Shorehae. Wasmino.ton, June lO.-The restora tion of the Shorehain. Xw Prident Morton's hotel, is going forward with all potwiblw speed under the supervition of Architect Itt-bert T. Fleming. It tt a big and delicate undertaking, but nothing will be left undone to liiske the work complete in every particular, to that whan Uutilied tht building w:l I aattdidaa the ingenuity of arthitect and bui I. ler and the uw of th beet materiel ttn make It. The work Of the tever.th ttory la alreadf complete, sol It l r I lifted to have the rulirt) job bntbed by the 1st of hep. telllWf. 'I lie total ltt tt let lrd to be In the iirlfc-hU.rlek.l of $lln.ot. ths rrttoralloA of Hi hooee Ar, hltn i'h'tliillg M ill II Holie f I he lililMg be tween jot), which it U'lieved to litre rotted lb woodwork and rited lbs filiuj ut the floor in ttie baiu. Iff una Weetfttf VHi .) t, June 19. -In Hi weekly crop weather uiw ths t gntl ffl re. p..rit at follows- liakots, i,ht tains and sut d.-vuih tit a few r .untie. Minnesota, .eatbr f4.-tUei ;! tr. but rata t tM- nl worm woitititf lit ttaia kitsiiltMV Neb?!, I'iw pets lira awl nlMtaJtat reui rn bat iiaerd, Iiwa, lain Wlw ao nit I. ttttiiltkiut, t't'4 in (om.H twitt, kXiiaat. fta)Uioat wafavuta l fit (tra other rop 4-int! ib Mia- I oari best jinepeeta dw tittteat u ao I tuat w r utt Mt oii. TO TEST THE LAW. fropeeed Action f tha Hoeta Dakota liaakert Assoclallen. Yakktom, S. D., Jnne IS. It is given out that the South Dakota State Bank ers' association bas taken hold of the matter of making a test of tbe law which prescribes that private banks must incorporate under state or nation al law. It was understood several days ago that the teat would be made by pri vate individuals, bnt the State Bankers' association has greater means avail able and the fight will . be long and warm. Tbe liest legal talent in the state pronounce the law unconstitutional and there are circuit judges who have JgniHed a willingness to give an opinion to that effect withont argument. Attorney Oeneral Dullard will consent to have that done and the rase will go at once tn tbe supreme court There are 00.0i)0 and mere In tbe private banks of the state, nearly every dollar of which would be ex pended should the luw be sustained. The new law takes effect Sept. 10 and the case will be taken into court as soon thereafter as possible. All private banks will continue business until the question is settled. OHIO REPUBLICANS. Delegates Assembling at Columbut la Large Mumbert Arrival of Major McXInlejr. Colcmbcs, O., June 10. The Repub lican convention which convenes at 2 o'clock p. m. has drawn the largest crowd ever in attendance at a similar gathering in the state and a mass meet ing will be held in ths state house gronnds at night in order to give all the visitors a chance to hear Sherman, For aker and other leaders of the party. - Major McKinley arrived shortly after 11 a. in. accompanied by the Stark county delegation and several hundred friends and neighbors. The trip from Canton was a continual ovation and bis reception here was in the nature of a triumph. He was received at ths depot by a shouting multitude, and escorted by innumerable clubs and brass bands to bis quarters at the Neil Honne. His nomination for governor is assured and the work of tbe convention will be con fined to the minor offices. THE PEOPLE'S PARTY, Chairman Tanbeneck Baa Soaaa Sur prises In Store. Springfield, Ills., June 10. Chair man Taubeneck, of the national commit tee of the People's party, was in tbe city and talked very confidently about the prospects of that party in the next cam paign. Active work is to be begun at once. He goes to Kentucky next week to commence organizing that state, arid Ohio, Mississippi, Minnesota and Iowa will next be visited. Tbe work, he said, is to be conducted on an entirely different plan from that usually fol lowed by the political parties. Taube neck declined to say what tbe plan was, but said some political sensations may be looked for. Defective Kansas Legislation. Topkka, Kan., June 10. If the in vestigations of the attorney general are not stopped there will be nothing left except Peffer and a big expense to the state, to show that Kansas had a session of tbe legislature in 1MH. It was offici ally announced as the opinion of the at torney general that the law creating the board of public works is unconstitu tional. Meanwhile the old stateheuse commissioners and the other boards having charge of the state's property have resigned and a board of j public works bas been appointed. The matter will be taken into the supreme court and if the attorney general's opinion is sustained the state will have no one in charge of its public improvements. Applicants for the Maes'. Norfolk, Va., June 10. An examin ation of applicants for positions in the navy yard was held. All the positions ia which manual labor is employed will, by order of Secretary Trucy,- become vacant next, month and it is for the pur- pose of selecting competent persons to till these places that the examination was held. The examination was prac tical in its cliaracter, having reference exclusively to the requirements of the places to be filled and was directed to ascertaining the applicants' knowledge of his business. . A Hig Jury Mnddle. Wheeling, W. Va.. June 18. A se sation has been caused in legal circle the state by tbe discovery t over fonr-fifths of tbe juries drawn since tho session of the legislature were drawn illegally. At its last session the legislature modified the jury laws, and owing to a misunderstanding tbe changes were gen erally dieregardrtd. Dozens of import ant trials will be rendered void, and thousands of dollars lost. In some cir cuits the judges have refuted to bold court until the new law Is tested. Retired Irons Beslnest, Chicaoo, June 10. R. W. Dunham & Co., ronimnwion merchants ,on I lie Hoard ot Trad,cload out their trad and announced their retirement from bui uee, The memlien of the firm say bad luioiiieM and tlow collection canoed the firm to retire and that the winding up of their business tt riot a failure iu auy ten. Norton As Worihiiigtoa have aMituiett all contracts of tha brut. fen a Slate I e!ersil. low Cttv, la, June W. The eonv men. tuienl eieit iet of the state Oi l vertitr were largely attended, the spe cial event Mug the WcaUe!e ad dree, tit 'r letw A, J. ItoUut, of Drake ttuivefsttv, th aloinet, Tha li.eute wat "How to Attain taw Huprviu tiowkt,Hilrakitist from Adt itiv, 10, a. o i". n. DtTaoir, U:ia,, J ana II -The ) I re Mb anaiul kiewtiaf of the grttt-l lodge, Art, lent tknlsr I'siVe-l Wr kmit, rttMtettm! here, t he tnpreioe rif J t tn JHt b"M aw t' ee I'M hl4 lunai last w, wi'h ." tHHUlowa, Hatnskwtett Kilt Meet m tttha, T. UK Uo., JarllTrtstetift nana! iotrritanieMt of the Weetovrt Peafpth Mter' I-WHeitf Hofth Aruer'e'j clae,l a'trf Hie distribati.sa ef t4,u," tn prttce. It wat decided t suM tha nt tuestilltt Id OuMiiii ttt 13' RATEYAR10UIIIE1I1 Chairman Finlej's Tourist Date De cision Likely to Cause Trouble. MERCHANTS ABE ALARMED. They Protest Agalntt the Union Faelno Fasorlng an Alleged Monopoly West era Board of Commissioners la Session at Chicago. Chicaoo, June 16. Trouble is likely to grow out of Chairman Finley's de cision, by which he authorizes the Atchison and otber lines to establish summer "wurist rates from Kansas City to east ' n points by issuing through ticketsr way of Chicago at a rate equal to the sum of the locals by way of St. Louis. In doing this the chairman coolly replied to the Alton's threat by giving it a slap in tbe face. The Alton urged that the equality could only be obtained by a reduction on tbe round trip rate between Kansas City and Chicago, and that tho fact of the boycott, the sale of tho through tickets to eastern points aud return at reduced rates would place the Alton at a disadvantage, bnt the chairman saw fit to brush the argument aside, and he baa been notified by the Alton people that as a measure of self -protect ion they will at once reduce the round trip rate between Kansas City and Chicago suffi ciently to put their road on an equal footing with its competitors. Unless the other roads decline to avail them selves of the. authority given them by Finley a rate war is imminent, for it cannot be doubted that Finley and the Alton people are equally determined to maintain their positions. Wyoming Merchants are Alarmed, Omaha, Jnne 10. A delegation of business men from Rock Springs, Wyo., arrived in the city to lay before Oeneral Manager Clark of tbe Union Pacific a numerously-signed protest against tbe renewal of tbe contract to again make the lieckwlth Commercial company nay master of the Union Pacini; coal de partment. Tho Beckwith company owns and operates a nnmber of general merchandise store? along the line of the Union Pacific in Wyoming and bas for years controlled trade at all the im portant mining centers in the state. The organization is now extending into Colorado and Utah. In the petition which will be pre sented to Manager Clark tbe business men and miners of Rock Springs allege that the Beckwith company is a grasp ing monopoly, and that by reason of their controlling the wage earnings of the miners the prices of the necessaries of life have been considerably advanced. The petitioners further allege that the Beckwith company is offering $30,000 for tbe BriviVie tx handling ts pay roll of the Union Pacific coal depart ment. Tbe petition is signed by all the merchants and miners of Rock springs. A Baltimore and Ohio Breach. Akron, O., Jnne 16. The new branch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad be tween this city and Chicago Junction. which has just been completed was openea, trams naving run over it tor the first time. The road, which is seventy-three miles long, makes an im portant link in the new Baltimore and unto route to unicago irom nttstrarg, lessening the distance between Balti more and the western tenninus of the Baltimore and Ohio more than fifty miles. The Big 8is In Session. Chicago, June 10. Arguments were heard by the board of commissioners of the Western Traffic, association on a proposition to advance tbe passenger rate from Missouri river points to Utah common points from $17.50 to $33. An other matter before the board is the es tablishment of rates on salt from points in Kansas to tbe Missouri river and Chicago. freight Bate Question. Beatrice. Neb., June It. Receiver Newman Erb, Superintendent E. Sum merliald, Oeneral Attorney John Hatch ings and Chief Clerk L. F. Brother ton of the Kansas City Wyandotte and Northwestern, were in the city con ferring with the board of trade and merchants generally cn the freight rate question. Fighting Over Funds for Ireland. New York, Jane 10. fe'onncellor W. Lane O'Neill, who, within the last ten days has succeeded, on application to the New York supreme court, on behalf of tbe Parnellites, tn temporarily re straining Eugene Kelly from sending any more of the flH.OOO of the Irish funds in his hands to the McCarthyitea, it nothing dannted by the temporary setback of J n 'life tkrtlett's docmon , wnica practically vacated tbe restraint. Lawyer O'Neill has served pajiert tn second motion npon entirely new evi dence for an injunction on the tame terms at the recent rvetrstut which he imposed upon defeudant Kngen Kelly, and a very interetting legal bnt lie may be rontidVntly looked forward to, as the combatants are now coming tadoee quarters in the ttrugt. the Anaeomlt Mel Sold. 8tt Fa tact k June tn. Irwin C. Uump, ths agent for tha Heart! estate, which ia one f the principal owners ef tb Anaconda ptr iniiiet. denied any knowledge) of the proliU said of thee to i nee, at report! in tl- ern tiitpanrtee, tin ttut that in property wa Untied ! sa ttigiutt cor porate kaotvn as the i; t;il,.rtuoa cviii iHtitf, an t tbe tx-n I will eipir tat. I, nut. I tit ringbolt pepl have not giiea any totiU attua that they totat It buy tbt iuuh t. Car Tetssseptd. 8t Fs t. a, June it A colUnon. tx i iMd tttte4 tbe Lj Angeles e. rot aud freight " ttv he KeoM-idvet . tit Ma tratps vera ;-tdiy delMMl ty4 the Kil t,4 eiprt rsf mi lies Mrugef train weta tern K1 Utakemaa JudsH of lae height was killed aad l.hilaewrs Maura .1 Ahh..ftl t, 1 tattth ti.u.ati immMM host, lA'tf- etmlrrr tf b ft-tmpf wtf llijltli LOOKS DARK FOR THE MINERS. The Coat Strike la Iowa Believed. tt Sa Approaching Ike End. : ' Ottawa, Ia.,June 16. There ia evwy indication that the strike of tbe lowt miners for tbe eight-day will soon ba aft an end. Tbe miners' expectations fa tbe way of aid have not been realiaei,. Last week tbe distribution was so taaaS it augmented tbe growing discontent. Heavy shipments of coal are coming fat from other states, and this adds to the chagrin of the miners. Two hundred colored men are at work between Mystia and Ottnmwa, on the Milwaukee road, and leading operators at Centrerille de clare they will import enough colored miners to run their works. Within a week one-half of the Iowa mines will be in operation. Shot Himself. - Hax.vibai., Mo., Jnne Id. Norman Parks,' the . 18-year-old son of J. & Parks, foreman of the Hannibal Saw mill company, shot himself. Tbe ballot tsok effect in tbe back of the bead and will prove fatal. It is supposed to have been suicide, bnt no cause is sssirned for tbe act, as be was in nnusnall nbjb spirits all day. - FOREIGN NEWS. Is Soldiers Killed by ri rates en Ittltjo ilan Coast The Canadian Cabinet Irish Land Bilk Batoim, Jnne 10. A boat contain ingfive Russian soldiers met a Strang boat manned by pirates. The officer in command of the soldiers ordered tha pirates to lay to. They answered with ft volley, which killed four stadias. The survivors managed to pull ashore, ' and the boat manned by fonr soldiers -was again sent oat. After two of them were killed and tha other two wounded a third boat was sent out, only to taj that the pirates - had escaped. A gun boat bat gone in pursnit. . A Canadian Village on rim. ' Ottawa, June 18. The village ot Cnsselman, about thirty milea from here, is on fire and is It Italy to be en tirely destroyed. Huge piles of fonbar, factories, stores and residences have al ready been consumed. A detaebnexft i. of firemen have been sent from hare. Canada's Cabinet, Ottawa, Ont., Jnne 16. Mr. Abbott bas succeeded in forming his cabinet and the announcement will be mad im parliament The cabinet will ranab' as it was except the bead. The Irish Land BUL Losdok, June 16. Inthe house of, commons the Irish land purchase biH passed a third reading by a vote of 3 to 90. ' TROUBLE FOR A TRUST, EE . all far lajnnetlon Filed Agates Tetaa Iasnranee Clan, '' . Arttis, Jnne 18. Attorney QtumedL Culberson has filed a suit for In gainst the Texas Insnranoa clnb, TZ application is based on the law againcx trusts, passed by the last legislatnr. On April 15, at Dallas, several intmr- . ance companies formed themselves infcr! clnb for tbe purpose of limiting coat ' missions and otherwise regulating base- ness. This is the first attempt to etao tically enforce tbe trust law and she outcome is being watched with fav terest . A Milwaukee and Northern Accident. , Clhtox, Wis.. Jane 10. A passen ger train on the Milwaukee and North ern road left the track about six mils south of this city. The baggage car and two coaches jumped the track. Following is the list of injured: Rich ard Wagner, German St adt company. Milwaukee, back hurt; Mrs. C. F. Dnt ton, Milwaukee, side hurt; C. H. Barn dale, Milwaukee, slight injury in tha side. Several others were more or lessv crairlcd and bruised. 7ELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. The Portuguese minister of the interior is preparing a bill to prevent Portuguese, emigration to America. The Charltonburg Jewish commission hat sent 50boo Russian Jews to Bremen and Hamburg for embarkation. The Chinese emperor's edict orders tha prompt beheading of all persons impli cated In tile recent rlott and massacres. Reports from all parts of North and South Dakota and Minnesota tell of a rainstorm ot wide extent and generally heavy. At C'Arpdntersville,Ilhs.,lIghtulng struck a barn, la tha door of which stood two work men. Theodore Sch ulu wat instant ly Killed and John Ilartela fatally hurt. August Voaght, at Ottawa, Minn., mada an effort to kill hit wife. He struck bar twelve times with a hatchet on the bead and shoulders. Vought then got a rope and hanged blrnneU to a tree near tha house. Jealousy was the cause. Mrs. Vought may recovHr. At Cayura, N. Y., a riot occurred at aa Italian dance over a love affair. I'raaets co lUffello wat abut dead by l.nlgi Youto. who escaped to tha woods, himself cut with a st 1 1 lei o, A p I after him. On Italian was shot la the kaea and a a ant her of other cut and clubbed la a serious Utiuutr, THE MARKETS. thiesgn Urala and feosUleo. Chii too, im Mk Witt IT July. V: ReBiW, ai I ! Ih - J utr. '-'-r'. ftUllaf , !!. tuts- Jlolv. ' i.iii, iiv fHS -Jji r. fi7v twv.ir, l'-1 l iHli j'i. m It-. im.r. V. aitiiur KtUsJi4). S4la, tvntemtttv i. ,. tfcleag Staek. I'tata nr-t Tamma t sntwk Je m I CATTI t Ktiat4 reiei A' ba4- rs -4- ; r-t s. W.i'ls. liAasgii stas, 1 nv st t bJtt ste4 llim k.i.Mt4 tvt. It nl H.. t a tsitei, gttVAttti hau iut VI .- ctiisf tvtn uu A. I teas, .,yt4. Itaasoa ills lle ntMtb Vit. i, ltitit i, M-, t rtftl.t tt'trft, t.i tl. taea t sm ewSt. Um. tt-e, etot l.e-t. Vvtoe tJ. t b e H btt ltrVt AltA xi b -.- i i tbntta I aet wMu h Mud Ht t . Mt . U - L kt tJi ,1 - Zl. W I" ft af-t4 1 4; . 4 - ... tks S4f tavif M"IPW A