The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 11, 1891, Image 8

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. i I i
VluflM ! ! ! !
V7o quote a fow prices:
3 ball Roman candel lc
0 " " 2c
0 " " 5c
15 15c
C-7 Docket 1 oz lc
2 oz 2 for 5c
Giant Gky Rocket 6c
t. Eatraarlag Warns at Today-How
Woeaea Shake Haad-4eee Victoria
ad Hwm(-XI l Toeog
SJtrle Pemlalae Ooeilp.
Will there reilly laa inornlnR?
1. titer uch tUliiff ll day?
Could 1 see It Irom lb mountains
It 1 Were at tell M tilt J f
IIm It feet like witir-IIIUc?
lias It (Mlbcrt like a bird?
If It brouubt from fsiitoui countries
l wbeb t have aeter beardf
Ck. louii srbolnrt Oh, lomi sallorf
4Jb, tome w)m mm Irom Hie ikiiil ,
Tm to tell ilitl pUirltn -Where
lbs plsce called morning liei !
-Kuiily lucklnton.
Ttae KniranclBj Womea.
One needs only a sllirht experience
ta eeneral society to discover that
taste has separate necessities in differ
ent individual!, and that beauty, wit,
Btvle." a gift or licut conversation,
tenth of mind, bare ouch their ad-
nirerit, a fact that seta the ones on
the ouUido of the special circumstance
to wondorbg what there can possibly
l In the particular womaa to draw."
la there a woman who la unlversully
entrancing? I there one who cora-
snauds worship swift and ent'.ro a
worthlD lmimtient of reasoning, that
ubralu to no authority but that of in
If there Is, we mut naturally con
elude that she possesses somethinff
that appeals to more than one side of
luman nature, ana tnis aoes not mean
that she has that diplomacy that in
the beglnningls perhaps nothing more
than the desire to picate tno many,
but which often degenerates into post
tire Insincerity, but rather that un
onsclou touch upon her kind , that
oraes from a rery necessity of her be
tas. '
Sorrow and Joy are at tae extremes
t humnn experience, and the wo mart
who stand at the ventre stretching
sympathetic hands toward either Con
dition must be the ene who is easen
tidily charming. Like Tennyson's
Hare- pale M area ret" she stands
between the rainbow and the sun."
This woman of the sweet confiding
aturo, who is thrilled with the do.
k'tiW ofllfo, upon whom is flashed
all the beauty and grace in nature,
and yot who bears about hor evidences
that the storms have raged at the
Tvry centre of bor eouL and that she
has takoo the hand of many a sufferer,
to detoond in sympathy to the deepest
grave of affliction, is an enchantress.
ihe ts tbe one to whom the young
come with their enthusiasms and
youthful tears and hopes; Indeed, so
perennial are the springs of , renewal
within her nature that in the passage
f the years time seems to have re
fused to make its alga upon her. and
yet the middle aged and the old reo.
ognize In her a Mend ana Helper .
To her the knlgbUlncssof the man
liest manhood bows and offers protec- 1
tion. Perhaps all men naturally are
swtceptlble to appeals to the strength
f their arm and to their bravery of
soul, and this something in a woman's
eyes half revealed, this touch of sad
ness, few of the stronger sex are able
to resist.
Such a woman is beyond the art of
the copyist. Spend their efforts as
they may in trying to reproduce the
fascinating effects, women who envy
her aro never able to get a true copy.
Sometimes they imngino that the se
cret may be found la a tone of the
voice, or, again, in n glitnco of the
eve. or in the pose of the figure; but
in the effort to adapt these to their
own personality, they meet failure
von before the Qrst trial of their ex
periment is made in public
But the entrancing woman pays her
priee. In a sense, tor her power. The
rainbow that is bung in beauty in the
sir-fat of the many to delight, chcor.
and inspire them, was formed through
, the ml.t of her tears, and when the
glorious colors fade away, some turn
to behold the lonely figure that
atands amid the clearing mists. Mary
K. Baldwin.
We are the acknowl
edged Bargain House
of the City.
Great 25c Store
11240 Street
girls," who does not say "Shake:
but think it. That hand which
ncdlly grasps yours has been edu
cated at the pump handle, and its
grip forces some of the deepest emo
tions from your heart to your Hps.
The nature of the emotions will largo-,
ly depend (If you are a man) on how
you regard the mannUh costume. If
you are a woman wen, is nnnue-
una to tell how a woman may or mny ,
not act She cries when she is ex
peclectcd to laugh, and laughs when
she is expected to cry. Boston
Globe. .
NBteM la Ulrle.
Neatness la a good thing for a girl.
and if she does not learn it when she
Is young, she never will. It takes a
great deal more neatness to make a
girl look well than it does to make a
dot looi piissable. ot bsoause aooy,
to start with, is better looking than a
girt, but his clothes are of a different
sort, not so many colors in them; and
people don't expect a boy to look so
pretiy as a girl. A girl that Is not
neatly dressed is called a sloven, and
no one likes to look at her. Her face
may bo pretty, and her eyes bright,
but if there is a spot of dirt on nor
cheek, and Iter fingers' ends are black
with ink, and her shoes are not laced
... -a a
or buttoned up, and uer apron is
dirty, and her collar is not buttoned,
and her skirt is torn, she can not be
liked. Learn to bo neat, and when
you have learned it. it will almost
take care of itson Uirislian at
Work., ,' .
Haw U Ley a Carpet.
Lay the linings on the floor, put
ting a small tack here and there to
keep them In plucc. Put the carpet
on the floor, unrolling It In the di
rection in which it is to be laid.
Begin to tack it at the end of the
room which is the roost irregular. If
there be a flre-plaeo or bay-window in
the room, fit the carpet around these
places first. Use large tacks to hold
the carpet temporarily in place; they
can be withdrawn when the work is
finished. When the carpet is fitted
to a place, use small tacks to keep it
down. Tack one end of the carpet,
stretching it well; then a side, then
the other end, and finally the other
side. Be careful to keep the lines
straight and to have the carpot fit
tightly; for if it be loose it will not
Only look badly, but will not wear
well. Maria Purloa, In The Ladies'
Home Journal. ,
Kate rielil railing.
There are fow men and circum
stances that self-reliant Miss Kate
Field does not feel quite able to cope
with and eventually master. Lately
at alnrgo public dinner, the occupied a
seat In the ladies' gallery, and listened
with flattering attention to the post
prandial speeches. A favorite orator
at length arose, and drifted into auch
extended und uninteresting expres
sions of hopes, interlarded with reim
inlscenses. that his audience grew po
litely restive. "I fear he imagines
himself again in the Senate Chamber,
where one can step out during dull
speeches," remarked Miss Field, in
calm, loud voice, from her gallery
corner, and in one moment a more
nervous and pithy talker had taken
the floor.
Il.w TVetuea Skahe Heeds,
Did you ever study the handshakes
t women? If you have you must
bate observed that they vary even as
the female temper varle. Three
aiyles, however, are conspicuous by
their ulaelmllsrlty and by the cmv
titn which they Indicate.
Heboid the anient beauty, with ex
tended arms, seeming to say: "litre
is your heart. hrw it mine, but
reely sneantug. Why, my dear
Mia, in so gld you've come,
jw sweet eoul." (A kl usually
4ibt the uttora )
New the mhu) pair of haads hold
swt I Ut ea of tUe eWrarr t may tua
(mi like sterner set t toaceiled
eaeugh tu interpret u j ' iNir t.twge,
I've bwa itlf (!' M'sr la k4
Miff) to s Whr have )oa
Ktkt behold ye f rv4cs ) id
with a-atariaj at kf etliar'e
kueswl. Tttbt'a or au r par
lf !. if MM f thrft MM g!u4 19
auMon at ar vv" e4 th
atf ks Wat like a hU ' b t t
ttJl lhf. ay, sti is otiif a
. '.! tt4, avid wV.t'.s she
ljf the 4'tMt tt !um
I t h JU that she mj Wtke
( wv tk ttwiijiWf vf l e4Ui
; -
4 itV: ! b w!4 fvei.s) a
t : t, VHl llr, -waai ealy
f -U i-j toritks i4 r'' '
r ff twiaika. b ai!i s ha
famlalna flaha.
Barbara Allen gowns is the name
a clover dressmaker nas given to a
creation of her own, that is no more
nor less Hum the long-tailed basque,
mude to bo worn with a plain skirt.
This basque has the full, all-around
cont-tults but U exaggeratedly short
in the waist, and from the low-cut
throat and ieg-o'-rautton sleeve wrist
turn back deep-polnted lace cuffs.
Mrs. Henry V. (rrady, widow of the
famous Southern editor, makes oe-
caslonul visits to New York, where
bho Is the recipient of Innumerable
and graceful hospitalities extended by
memwer of the large Southern colony
in the .Northern city. Dinners,
luncheons, breakfasts, flowers, drives.
and uncountable callers are among
tbe complimauts and hospitalities
showered upon the widow.
kits. Jefferson imvls, who Tor so
long a time has lain 111 and helpless
at a New York hotel, Is another
Soutbern woman never forgotten by
her countrymen and women in the big
city. Uer daughter, Winnie, is ul
ways her devoted nure and com pan-
iun. end for her motber'i sake has al-
mol entirely retired from the world.
it amumeat and pleasat tempt.
ttotts hold oat to her by friends and
Tu the home cf aa eeretttrk ana
cultivated hpttnlsh couple ret-eatly
eaaie aa eighth small son, who a a
was a blltwr dWapH!atment to tUe
Btotbar for more than one reaon. hha
wihv4 a daughter, and shealw fouad
that the ditrbullon of mltut.le nam
aiwng her seven other bionmiiig sons
tud thad.a.d iar supply of eiipbwa
lou mast'Uilae iplaikn. 1 tae
hurry a ad iUmmt tf baflUas,
Maria Msnedea war t txnt kaio
hi pat-vals roald ealfe tor hlia.
Mrs, llslea ( empbe'.l. whiaiw liter,
ary and Hitathrpiii laars have
wua bar inepy auuttrar and grval
f. Uvea durlag the wiur la a
tbarniiaty drtd New Vwk apart
feat, aa4 la tae aawir fcits ttt !
twui eus( at Has N, J, la
kr t hMue she ft! grvtl prIJ.
far by her t aad t
riaur did wla lata.
We excel all in
for one-half the
The Great 25c Store,
1124 0 Street
Lancaster County Teacher's Institute.
Fifteenth session of tbe Lancaster Couutr.
Nebraika, Teacher's Initltute will be new
June IMS toJutr bJ. WI- Keular daily
eision. S a. m. to IS m., at the County Super
intendent's office. Linoola, Xeb.
Imtructors: E W.Hunt, A. 1'nlverslty
ofNebraaks: KnHsh. Miss Belle Thomas.
Stale Normal School I Primary Methods and
BchoolIKoonomy. Prof. J. A. Brattle, Cotaer
University: Mathematics. Etc. Prof. E. D.
Harris. Cotner University s Book keeping
It will be necessary for those Intending to
teach, te be present during the entire Insti
tute, to receive the full benefit of tbe session.
as ao one Instructor will be present during
tbe whole time.
Comparye's Lectures on Teaching wl'.l be
the basis of our examination In theory.
F. I). McCLl 8KV.
County Superintendent Pub. Instruction.
Independent Rally,
An Independent rally will be held at Har
ribura-,.Keb., on Saturday (13(h) of June un
der tht auipleees of Osnner County Allianoe.
McetlDgtobebcId In tbe grove two miles
south-west of town, and at court beuse at
night. Senator J. K. Stevens will be present
to address tbs people, and several other able
speakers bsve been Invited to be present and
are expected. Everybody Is cordially invited.
Let all turnout and hear the truth and there
by refresh themselves and bare a grand boll.
day. All apenkers notifying ui will be met at
Kimball with oonveyanoes for this place.
E. M, Whits. See. Banner Co. Alliance.
An Elephant Presented to the tiovern-
- i, ment.
The National Zoological Garden In Wash
ington is Still in Its Infaao. Its Interest and
attractiveness bST been largely Increased
by the generous gift of Mr. James B, Cooper,
the owner of the Adam Forerangb shows. It
It not every man, not even the rich poten
tates of the East, who can give away Ele
phants. It has remained for Mr. Cooper to
present to the government a splendid speci
men of the Asiatic elepbant. Tbe animal Is
known by tbe name ef Dunk, Is about twenty
live yesrs of age, weighs nearly four tons.
and is over elubt feet In height. Tbe presen
tatlon teok place on the afternoon of April
10, and was made In the large menagerie can
vass in the presenoe ot several noted publlo
officials and members of tbe press.
Mr. James E. Cooper, in delivering the ele
phant, stated that be trusted the gift wojild
prove a stlmulous in inducing congress to
give needed aid to what should be a most
useful Institution for the Instruction at wee
He students and scientiets, He spoke of the
benefits which zoological gardens abroad af
forded to artists and those studying com
parative anatomy.
Dr. Frank linker, the superintendent of tbe
park, expressed the thanks of tbe govern
ment for tbe magnificent gift, and said It was
of such a character as to be a most valuable
addition to tbe park. He banded to Mr,
Cooper a letter from Prof. 8. P. I.tngler. ol
the Smithsonian Institute, in which tho
thanks of the regents was warmly expressed.
Dunk was then esoorted to his new home.
Upon one side marched his neighbor, Brazil,
while Gold Dust wai chained to the other. On
reaching the park his old keeper bade blm
good-bye. Manager J.T. MoCadden, as soon
a ha aaw that tbe national elephant was
showing lonesonuness, ordered that Gold
Dust be allowed to remain and keep him com
pany for a few weeks.
Mr. Cooper is to-day ;the oldest showman In
activo business. He Is a native of. and re
sides in, Philadelphia. For thirty-live years
he has been a proprietor of elreusses, and
many of the improvement! In this particular
sphere ot amusement world have been due to
his energy. In presenting such a valuable
gift at this time he has fairly earned the repu
tation as a public benefootor. If other men
who have It In their power to do so will
nrouintlv follow his example It will not be
long before the National Zoological Garden
will become worthy of the government anil
the country . Leilles Ills. Newa.
The Great
1124 O Street.
Martin Bohlig.
Ladies Hats and Millinery
for ONE HALF the price jou con buy
elsewhere. We quote prices as follows:
810.00 hat for I j.OO
13.00 hat for 82.50
12.50 hat for $1.33 and al! other goodi
in proportion.
The Creat 25 Cent Store,
1124 O Street.
Wo handle goods com-
. . , A
bin priseoounrert) j assware queCnsware,
irom lc to Vog
Nothing over a
The Great 25c Store,
1124 O Street.
ladies and gents furnish
ing goods, lamps, novel
ties, baskets and thous
ands ot other articles.
Great 25c Store,
1124 O Street.
O " .- 1 " -w
AppointmenU of State Lecturer.
Bro. O.Hull, State Lecturer, sends notice
of the following appointment. OSeeri of
County Alllaooes are urged to arrange their
county meeting! to correspond with these
dates. All members whosan are renu sited
to be present;
inline County, Western, June 1Mb,
Franklin " Maoon,
Adams '
South Lincoln
Chase .
Hltohoook Bed Willow
July lit.
Stromlburg " 4tU.
County July 14.
Id. .'.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
Center Crank Stationary and Traction Engines.
Bend for Catalogue. - Quo- STATES General Ageiu, arancn xiqubb muwui,
Do you want to buy Dry
Goodsf Do you pay casM If
so we want your trade. We sell
for cash, and we guarantee to
sell to every one at the same
low price. If you buy from us
and are not pleased with your
purchase when you get home
you can return it ana get your ,
money. Give us a trial and we
think we will both please you 1
and save you money. ,
Very respectftilly, r
Lincoln, Neb.
133 tol39 South 11th St.
" tit-
M 27.
" r.
" 81.
August 3.
- 4.
" 8.
" e.
' i.
" a.
Lcese & Stewart, 28V S. 11th St.
For Exchange.
Stock of general merchandise In country
town. - Eitabllthed trade. Invoice ahout
16,300. Want improved farm. , Address,
4Mt T30 North l-'th St, Lincoln, Neb.
Get the Best.
School toaohers and officers should see
that their schools hare the best supplies
everv department.
See Wia.HTKH's Ixtfmxatkau dictionary
ac lateit and molt complete In the world,
Claion Fletcher, Lincoln. Neb the leading
boleiale and retail book and stationery
home of Nebraika have this famous work on
hand, also a full line of all kinds of school
and college text books and school supplies.
Call on them at IIS0O street, or write for
anything Jou need In their line. M it
Tbe nest regular meeting of the Franklin
County ranter' Alliance will be held at
Macon, Mar the center of the county, on
Saturday, June SWb. tit at 10 o'eiork
Aa openlmiwtlngof the County Ailtane Is
eontemplated In tbe a ft ermine and State
Lecturer Hull Is .leveled to b. preaeut.
tvery Allianee In the eoualy should be rep
reerittta. Jos IH tsa,
re. lu AlUanca,
OIJ Oettlets Pie Hie.
Tbe eUl KHiien f Laaeaalef eeualy wiil
but4 their annual aloais at Cuabmaa Para.
JiiaeH. Every budy ks lavttee.
By ttvder ot fata a It lee.
Appeintmenta ef Aaauitant
i tutef.
Btaie Le-
!! i, l s
- 1 V-J Jtu'Si)-
trfg tnft
II r,wtiaf
I tout meHrr
'ftisl tf
it mi k.f H. P. Ptatt, aaetsiaat stale leeturer
sea-le us iuw Ike fMtteg syrattt
4ftin et Atttanees art Sf4 m-apm
laatakiMiaea aMratiag awMwaaTitl. I eg
a ait laa tiaw of bmg
la-lw are m taM4 al Iheu
fieeeeave sad auiaiw mM4,
County Secretaries will notify me at onee
where meeting will beheld In the various
counties. O. Hull, Greenwood, Neb.
8aunders County will Celebrate.
KenreseatatlveGaffinof Colon.Saunders Co.
writes us that they will celebrate at Wahoo
on July 4th. A b 0 foot flag pole will be raised
urmounted with a 20 foot flag,
Miss Eva McDonald of Minnesota, Asst.
Lecturer of the National Alliance, will ipeak,
and other able orators will be announced
later. A pleasant time ii aasurcd all who at
tend. . ,
The Lancaster Ctunty Alliance will meet In
K. of L. ball on Friday, June, IS at w o cioca
p. m., adjourned from the 5th Inst, on account
of rain. The Alliances of Lancaster county
ahmiU ana that their delcirates attend this
nweting. - 0. Hcm- Pres.
W , W, Kbrlih. See.
Basket Pic-Nine.
Highland Alliance No. 1TT4 will bold a baa-
ket plo-nlo In Park Bro s grove, one-nan
mile north of Berk's Station, and Sve and
one half milea north-east of Crete, on Batur-
day. June 8Mb, 1L Good speakers will be .n
attendance. Mush, will be furnished by the
r rtrum Cnrna. Lemonade free. ' A cor
dial Invitation Is extend! to all.'
G. C. Nobls, Ch'ut Committee,
Tbe Leonard Stock Farm.
The Standard bred Stallion, H. Z. Leonard
1744, will mako the seaaon of Wl at his own-
farm. S miles northwest or unooin on c
P. H.IK,, ne bUle north of county poor farm.
This is a large horse of his ciasa. average
weight t.W. having a trotting record .1 l;aj,
belag the only stallioa In Lancaiter county
known to me as having a standard trotting
recard. Terms to responsible parties is w
by insurauoa, payable when mares are known
to be la foal, grangers or parties uukhowm
b me. eaah at time of service or they must
brine tellers of luirouuinoa irom pamve
kna.a to m al reepumlbie.
Will be al Waller tiubanae'e barn weal sine
of market eousr. Frway amt aiumar
eat hveek, balance ef time at heme, vat
Apply to I. N, l rum A an.
p. X kWs ist. Uaaus, Heft. Propr.
Afsnta Wantsi.
Men aa4 Wemest, to Sell the Fortllolte ef
Life, Ike WMeet sad most wdeHw. war t
lka, Iadip.aaiwe w e mmm.
Liberal. Adraar apviy eaiera memmn
era' Ai.ii4is.
1 200 O Ot.
Makes Fine Gold Crowns and Fine
Gold Filings a Specialty.
He has a very superior quality o4
artificial teeth. No shoddy work. 43tf
Druggist & Pharmacist
118 South toth St.
A full and complete line of Drugs, Patent
Sleutotnes. rouoi Aruoiei aua
Choice Cigars a Specialty.
The trade of the farming fraternity is
respectiuiiy soncueu. iou
GaTT apd Gcc T1c,
Krarpe and dear money (hard monej)
making cheap labor, yrnjfm alavery, ratlrng
prleee, ouslne paralyal and enforced idle-
neiia, aoHuiing in vuiumu
monev obligation (bond and mortgagee)
creating land lord lyateaa.
A Treatise on
Money and Finance
lit Largo Cloeety printed pa gee, Large
Iff oa Uue book paper.
heartllv reeeomend the 'Men Mo
nopoly' to all oho aouid form a deflnlie ua
deretaoding of the XV flnancka) plank of out
Order, aa it la wlthant eteeptloa the boat
eapuelliun of that p n it aaa aeon our gooq
Ion ii lie to see. Wnnilerfully eleat and timii-
ii the platform and in the
BMombt raia. The Xouey Monopoly is
ba-.nraluatiteenihe platform
bonk which a labor refot moreboutd be irh
l a . Jaa. t
lorea of the
I. a.. luV.lll.ll IbMU 1.1 w ni
ikli: 1 h4ver4a-ithirat ear. Ike' hftM
out. joureaj 01 r wi .. rui , i
t'ni. Jaa Haroer. iae via war
er Moaopoiir ;
Mfcta I
Qwr 1
" K
" -K )
a. j
t. 1
A abkU'et aswIag-eewaH. ts4
by tbe tretlt f HgaaUa4 NiWiag
t el s i Oris la t)t tp sr
taiJt Mis at vr i sit vi abiwat mm
bvye, 4ie'raf4, taiber to her S
WtUhaaetit, that aou th faihUM
kbls aaJ elUty h i-ea-tHue4
this particular rbspter at tbe
its'iw ii etv but eiiudl hw
e.'. n't a!i-'i vUt4 a4
04 as t A
we eseks sa aotie was p e4
is M.mi Kiitiea if Ike Anaaca)4 laase
Suaawet, We sate w Mnc-t s asmMa
epi a4 W ks a ar bae mm. It bwaawae
pM hwt. a moot than ttVe weed
-titeM' sad It Is Iae aatet ml SMt VMM
.at. T pHeoeeta, stseieWK
. ft k4 eaaein iatTeiaie4
a;ss. AMreea. Atstssva rte. e
,,ei. . . Ikbssetstfsi.
A Pvatrte bWgS Welt.
A Wjqmtnf a has setl'eC tht
S,atha el ho tbe prairie !. uU
Ula Ihe watoy they dries. M et
they tXt their ova 4!. eah vi'.'s
having one stub a tncka aawileij.
II Mi he hiuiws tl eotel t4 th
otla. front M K o wv eeviv n
iistla a ctnmtar etatrway l-4 uf
lwa b tbe aewr.
I t
: hn51al. ,
b.itM to beeaag ie taut bs 4 m
tmUtt eaw leetrfM f
t mil -t lw omm4 i
Mha, auk a
U 44
4ttfti HWt
aa ai biMia .! it. fuitet m
ul akJ , .a-s ewee
ri t I itm I wut, at I ta
i kunJrv.1 el viueea imm "
a et tae aa Ike IIM great "Stlnas
Soar, Traaiaurtailoa aad Land, its full
I eiavt as tu give Ike lull lereo ef Ike e
wilhireat ear. lke"hM
d it all tkrauah ike laat
eatapaiBH and eaa ear Ikat far praebeai Ue
It I Ihe beat hue B lapHM,
i ..... irvAtiimni or . B.if'i. r
atruee.enuw lo a la maalerly, and Ike
iBte) sunoerl of Ihe eul.lne byeitraoi
tn kun4rv.ll ef Vnlumea lr le
tea et la
at Moar
III tlhll
iarii taauaiueaavef puma tae at
gtiaieat, bal piaia tvibia aa-i :;.teetigla
L, fun i bmu u bill lit hat reeding
aaauiiea m eei. Ta Ike pueUerah.
tr aad tniw urn enoloeia fc" pi
Im. llaaura-iM un4l. II W b
Ufi ao a artewt ereje, hut a pea te ta.
iwitfiaeet aa4 iae m leae.
Ii a saa4 aueai a htghee elelilaa.
ttwa, a puree t immwi, n
kt Ike ef fair. ! mia-ta, M aett-d
wtka tiMNiwf lfuM ial Mdbe
lTlVe4 ! sad Sir. psppee feSd W
Ihe wied laa lu4 M Vad ike bead tte
aeaaed It. ' J- naa.
' oiteiiaUreHi ta the kef ; tla
at .. e4 we ta ewptas. m, Isiva
bt. I. teAeS. a,
Vas We a.-. elee wf hwb I
aaawiaa ike f mMmtfy
w n litiw, ni iv i'" I
The bla ilty aeeeb?t eeaees SF
Me). N
C, IV. MOSHER, President.
H.J. WALSH, ice-rresment.
W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier.
Flour 80 cents per sack.
Garden seeds, all kinds
seed of excellent quality.
Field twas etc.
in bulk, ox., tb. or bushel. Oats and corn fur
White beans, little navy and French, by the bu.
f. ata te eaal bs tkM MM at la Ik.
'.. Si.e,. , la arSK et Ua kaa
leswesflu ye la. bM diaiarSaieaaV
dioMiee .. . ,
tilu wvaiieeg aweiHeari
eake la ta. nat aM
I'WMll. and e)i
bt t I a4M I wut. Ml Ma
P t.. w ike ak eai it , I. r-H, at
ike aot uu wl lite -r av la ettf !,
ea. t ae..i eo.aif . Meeaa K
ea at ei.s imiwi tee i-ai aweUW
(MS Mafl 4-fat (SteV i4
Ui SM aai lie Ns bB
eM l. la , e4V . k af of
Uaa. 1MM liMtaif HweM,
n.' asi ba- ik ear of ag
A U ' .. kalvt'.t,W,
J. H, al. Mart it. real eat ate aal
itoaas, altiaiaa. aourf, WiMuitry
bhft a, a.ijuiaia Aiaaee hea Maners
ereaf lUevanlit aa4 at asreele.
(Irauulaled stijfar per aumlrvd. . . -W M
Ksira et'tfee ....
V ' " " ....
Heat package ceffee per lb 9
t ine Hlo green " 34 to at
Java Itroken per lb
Japan tea sittings pet lb
" fair " ..........
" Unty " ..........
" " elr H
Syrup, tail quality tat at, palls
Crown J.well, luu 4 gal keg t
8.rihau. I gl. pai.s.
X. tt. biuUmms in lias per !..,. .
A pure iraaulateU siifstr sjrup la
ml cans,,,..
Wsguers Ituualii. ll pr
t'aaa.4 rwa per l t
laaawt black trtUai per eaa.,,,.
" peat-bee " "....
Kitoer I Uke hoas'iay. per lb. t , . , , ,
t era ' " ..
1 h.l, .......
Vt bite beans " ......
rUklag eiela. lUblwtli M .... ..
I.Mlup i kiwaeya. petlUta . .
Has pimad lat.ig powtlef au.t
Wtnui pair ol ettvnrs for reuu
at etaae suisi bow L creamer aa l
pwt.twtt butter Una euewate, alu
f M) ad
liti e.aee . vea
M a
tiiea aad e.aiia BVM new
M-lS-e. 'r al
eg wew
lH..e aad ti1t !'!'.'?,,
IV jfornia Peaches.
California grapes per lh...,
Kaslus per lb. la lots of 30 to 100
pound lots.,,.,,,,,,,,.,, ,
California appricots per lb. .
lUted appliid, Michigan per lb. . ,
" " l'.vaHrated.,,,
Hire, t to ?cts per lb.
Prairie IUim per ef UW hers. . I ft
rurbaaks stamlanl 90
hilver t loud. all banks, aattie as
Itory, per rae. It Ml or ru per
A has 1'a.tUe soap lb. bars, only
tt rents per bar, ttioally retails
at II W
thta weea I receive a earlovl I
" Pic NW dutir. tae bet la sb.
al It 10 iwr sack.
till Wn paiatel wire per tot lb,..,
lirrniau tUt lei bu ,
tte4 t uner "
timothy M
(Wat i.4i rtie , v ia aa-l 1 1
at reals pwr potaa!.
Alt prices eut'jat'i t rkaage without
t las
I n
one lb. eaktag fcvwdvr. t sbiaa
Kiukeraaita swat putiisf lot,.
The bal Stwinj MW l HSUU Umti illlitCI f
or lia raai futor). A rod one liS luMjr wfinltd.
Our IntM pWM aitj for awrnUn f AlUsrtce twly, WiUo tta M anj
iHtng yoti iat, t tt ue, V w UAKTlEVi Statt A?at.
Cash t4avrny U ordtn, 4H idncoitt, Nb.