The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 11, 1891, Image 2

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t Financial and Cora mere ial Situation.
TVere hat beea a troeg effort made
ty tfcon who desire to conceal the truth,
to Lit ob sobm theory that the farmer
Kt carry Into effect, to ftem the tide
cf Ciylock rale. They tell u to iarae
boai ob oar hornet to eastern capital
late ia order to dig Irrigation ditchea
Cat we might be aure of a large crop,
tat tSkty aeem te forget that they told na
t a jrear a-o that it wa over production
Cat wae hurting na. "Too much com,
i all." Another teUa ua it la the
i mortgage that ia hurting us and at
' the same time our United States senator
aSer stinging his great mind to bear on
Uaabject declares that 'the farm mort
Cfe ia an Indication of prosperity.'
TV hen they come at ua loaded with aucb
stuff they roust admit that one half of it
la Iks; and we will be as liberal as they
an and admit the other half to be lies
aleo. "The farmer is extravagant and
bwy every thing he needs, " criea the
favored few. .Yes, and you pay ten
times mora for what you don't need than
he atae to support himself, family and
tola farm.
Their talk la not to explain the issues of
the day but to conceal them. When we
ask them what the O. O. P. is doing for
, n "WhytheT put down the Rebellion,',
They freed the niggers." Yea, I n
memuer, A bra ham Lincoln was a good
republican but be is dead. James A.
Garneld waa a good republican but he ia
dead and all the good republicans are
. dead. The farmers can see a hole
, , through a ladder sometimes and I be
j Ueve that time is at hand. We realize
r.S the fact that we are too much deendent
n the east in what wo produce and in
what we consume. We send our fat
stock across the Missouri river and get
It back dressed and cured. Our wheat
la frequently shipped cast and flour
bought of eastern milla. Our grain and
TBgetables are sent east to be converted
Into other articles and then returned.
Wo pay all the commissions and the
freight both ways, beside it give no
labor where it justly belongs, where the
greatest amount of raw material used
m produced. There should be no need
of shipping our raw material abroad.
Wa have coal of the best quality at hand
anficlent and to spare. We are within
s few days drive of the sheep and cattle
plains that supply largely the Chicago
market and are in the district that ships
hogs both east and west. We are where
straw it raised in abundauce but goes a
barging for want of a paper mill.
Where vegetables grow majestic and
traato their fragance on the desert air
and yet It profltetb ui nothing.
- Sow I apprehend the reason the nec
essary mill, factories, etc., . are not
erected here is because there can be more
money made by loaning money than In
investing it in any legitimate business
Every person having capital to Invest
aeeka to invest it where be can obtain
tha greatest returns, and he finds
that mill, factories and general mer
chandise makes about 10 per cent on the
ameunt invested and money loaning
makes about 80 per cent on the invest
ment. He who does not come west for
his health invests at once in a bank. Do
we blame the man in this? No, we are
aaarly all built that way but we do blame
the laws and especially the law-makers
that they induce men to leave the bene
ficial Hoes cf trails to ek n liveiic'
nay, great gain,, by assisting to make
moaey an article of merchandise instead
of leaving it a medium of exchange.
It I la the ower of the government
and it is it duty not the banks to
treat money and regulate the value
, thereof and it should create it in suffi
dent qnantity to supply the commercial
needsol this country Just as much as it
should create in sufficient quantity post
age stamps to supply the postal needs
of every part of this country. Money
U to commerce what the blood is to the
body. As money increases, commerce
increase; a blood increase! the body
increases, but when the body ia formed
and the blood is decreased the body
"JV nd so when commerce is
formed and money decreased, commerce
dies also. The government has made
this country commercial by demanding
in paymeat oj taxes and all revenues
money, not our corn or even our wheat.
We have the commerce in abundance,
pw give us the money, without such
high duties and the Lord will give us
the increase. . Thos. M. Clabk.
forth Platte, Neb., May 85. Ml.
People's Party Prospects. ?
Gilmore, June 2, 1891.
thousands of other; I wish to tender my
congratulations to the Indefatigable
Independents for the glorious achieve
menu ana hnal outcome of the great
viocinnau coaiereice; the result cf
which I have looked forward to hope
fully and yet fearfully, since the great
and unparalleled political upheaval and
revolution of last fall.
Not only i the result what I have
looked forward to since that time, but
tt is the achievement of which for years
I have considered the only road to gov
ernmental reform the amalgamation
of all the great agricultural, Industrial
and labor reform associations and or
gaaiaations in a great political party.
The harmony and Dual outcome of
the Cincinnati conference was more
jtaan I dared to hope for. I beileve it
mark an epoch in the h'.s:ory of the
world, act! with proper gubUnct ami
steerage, i see bo reason why the new
part ha not at least even chances with
Ua old parties ia the election of IW1,
For the present I see but one threat
ening danger ahead, or what would t
a danger, and I believe sutrUlal If fol
lowed out, and that Is a one ikied tight
Jnl the oM paries, or periu'tuag
such to b md,
tuarethe disintegration of the old
greenback, party 1 bave been allied with
the democratic party, part of the time
publishing and sd.ting a detuoeraic pa
per, but (Turing tat tin e 1 have Uan
able to see no actual dtteranie between
the two old partita natil the tariff que.
tUm was sprung, and even that wa
mora a diSereucoof Juttsjing than of
srt4pte or good laUaliua
Jf 1 eoaid say anything that would or
er. 'J errve i if ua! rulu i. would
tttil.Mt the old panW as cowinoa
C -sof th r . ami a
-- t the control and rttln.
X , r - -r, M lbs uoi ,t ike cor
t 1 -J cfft'iii plundvrwr vt
" f wsdfth, and ttr eir
i i ;..gii sad tteuiiu-
i . ti- I trk a rval dtui!a f :t !"..
I i j Iff n'f' tow rviri
' . ( tie rUknl
1 )V WweuU say ff'a nsarty
r ' -Ulaek rt- Tmtt
kt? aJsowa tnN
t:a ! talkiw nmm
rf aiu(o-
tt'LSi ILL
I f 11 - -7'
for either of the old parties that the
new party may not be affected by the
charge that it is a recruiting station for
one of them, and I see no reason why it
doesnt stand an equal chknee in the
coding presidential election.
On the whole the platform is a re
markable presentation of needed politi
cal reforms and predication of political
problems, particularly so considering
the multifarious nature of the great
conference that brought it forth.
While there is not all there I would
like to have seen for IMi. and a part of
one plank I would have left out, yet is
sufficient even if the national conven
tion a year hence ahould m&ke no
changes, as it doubtless will.
Success to the people's party In 1893.
Kespectfully, 8.M. Korku..
The Dollar of Our Daddies.
Wilber, Neb., June 5, 1891.
Editor Farmers' Alliance: Deem
ing the question of finance of primary
Importance, above all other Issue, I
wish to write a few articles upon the
money question naving given the sub
ject a study of years with the hope
that some less informed reader on the
subject may get some Information from
it upon a subject which, in political econ
omy is of paramount importance, and
which until lately was less understood
by the masses than any other subject
affecting them.
Ia writing about money or finance, to
get a clear idea of money we need to
know, first: its origin; next, itsfunctlou.
Origin The origin of a medium of
exchange, or something which would
perform the function of money in
buying and selling, is lost In prehis
toric time. Before history commenced
to be written, all nations seem to hnve
had some medium of exchange (each
one its own kind ). In some instance it
was oxen, sheep and other animals, and
In others metals in bulk; later when
scales were invented, the metal were
weighed, and later stamped, until, when
monarchies were established.each mon
arch stamped his metals (later with their j
own image.) and Issued edict or law, i
fixing the weight or denomination of
the coin thus made. Mow, let us ana
lyze: What made these metal into
money? Nothing else but the flat of the
monarch tb hat or law cresting the
money being the first attribute of sov
ereignty, and since the first imprint of
the first monarch of whatever name,
making money of any kind, until our
day, there never existed one single far
thing of money that was not flat money.
The fiat law or. "so it shall be" being
the creative power which endow money
with the power to liquidate debt.
Take the law or fiat away from any
money, metallic or other, and It be
come merchandise and no matter what
the imprint is, it will sell for the metal
in it merely. As a proof of the truth of
the above, I cite to you the instance of
our own money. Too minting laws of
the United States provided for coining
a silver dollar of 412, grains of silver,
9-10th tine, which was a unit of our
coin?, and which remained in all the
intimate transactions as the Dollar of
our Daddies for seventy-two years,
until in 1873, it was demonetized and
during all these year 413 grains of
silver was always considered as the
unit, and gold was accomodated to it
by being made lighter or heavier as the
two metals seemed to get apart.
In 1873. a coin was authorized called
the trade do'lar, having 420 grains (In
stead of 411 grains,) and it was done
oecause a Japanese coin was oi mat
weight, thus to facilitate trade with
Japan, and it only paid one dollar the
wa demonetized, it fell to 80 cents and
the standard kept at 100 cent.
iours, s. j. h.
Jubilating Over the Cincinnati Conference.
Alliances No. 1134, and No. 1153, held
a jubilee at Chester over the success of
the Cincinnati conference. There were
ten or twelve new members taken in and
after the usual business was over, they
adjourned to a well spread table, by the
farmers wives, to which ample justice
was done. A general good time was
had. Norman Cowdin.
County Lecturer of Alliance.
Representative Riley Endorsed.
The following resolutions were passed
by Rosemont Alliance No. 937:
Whereas, Our worthv president and
representative. Austin tliley, did work
earnestly and was loyal to the cause of
right and justice U the 32nd session of
the Nebraska legislature to which he
was chosen, therefore be it
Resolved, That we heartily extend our
thanks to him for faithfully discharging
his duties, and his noble efforts in our
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty
to take from our midst our brother 11.
C. Armstrong, one of the most earnest
workers in the Alliance cause, one of
our mcst trustworthy men and best
of neighbors. Therefore be it
Resolred, By Armstrong Alliance, No.
1005, that we extend to the family our
most sincere sympathy ia this their sad
President Polk on the New Party.
Proe reitlve Farmer, Ka!elh. N. C.
The questiou, what will the Alliance
do with the new party? is on the i!ps
of tens of thousands of anxious people
to-day, , Well, it ought not to take
much wisdom to answer thc question.
The uew party has adopted the Alliance
demands Into Its platform. Does any
one lupoie that intelligent Alliance
men will vote against a party that
adopt those demands and la favor of a
party that cot only fails t adopt, but
rotUia those demands? The western
Alliance state have already genu Into
the new party. Will not the neeawity
tut AUlauce unity force the other Alli
ance states to go into the new party
ato? We see no way to prevent tti
new party from saeelng the country,
ict the cheerful ob of conceding to
the people entry one of their Jut de
mand. If the Alliance men are to be
1.1 in wl for eolee liitj the new trir
then a hungry child ran be blaine i fcr
and will
lirnth him f!. (ivntWmen
old partiea, If the corn's who
tour task shall be broken, tour trail
ers overthrow a and your heritage taken
(runt jou, do not blame the Alliance fur
tettyruUu l be people rvprwMHirl by
1M larmerv' AMuei hae itUIm4
and Ujfd and pita 4 aid prayvil lor
rUaf feti ttt ftarti as it the Mtignty
mUa of pviulral powef r.vMurn4
Uitn m and tuelr ptUkvn at4
pranr Do at blame 'twas far jnur
ettrtlirow. but tiaase youf n bllud
and alterable folly. ,
Ab ImimoIm OpuiMM,
"1 a-1m it im myevatWtioathat rtaM
hit ',tLi Ai'tl aha labor ire
wots darkvtt In i4 KephUte al this
Nkur th m4 ehatttl 'vry la D a d
w it haughtuHi eitprtmaey " 4ikr
j m lb ukrtur uf r,i.ui. 4
I a h gr.ef w(,)diatiMU . AtiaNt
Speech of Senator PetTer
Delivered at the Great Cinciccnati Con.
ference, Mar tg, iSgt. r
Thinking that The Alliaxck reaJcr
are Interested in everything that oc
curred at the great Cincinnati meeting,
and especially in the great speeches
made there, we shall reproduce most of
them in these column.. Ignatius Don
nly's address was published last week.
We print this week Senator Peffer's
speech, delivered on the evening of
May 19, the day before action was taken
on a new party in the convention:
"You peopie of Cincinnati seem to
have been taken by storm, but the
treatment which you are receiving is
just such as the laborer always gives to
people who treat him well. You ask
why we are here? We come a har
bingers of a revolution that we expect
wilt bring healthful changes In our pub
lic affairs; that will dethrone money
and re-establish the authority of the
people. This movement is not one of
destruction; it is one for creation. Ap
plause. It is not for the purpose of
tearing down but for the purpose of
buildiug up; not to destroy the wealth
of the rich, but to restore to labor its
just reward. It may grate harshly on
some ears when the statement that this
meeting, which is now being held in
your beautiful city, is the moat import
ant that has beeu held in the United
States since congress met in July about
thirty years ago. That was a meet
iog of men charged with ptovid
inganarmy, and otherwise preparing
f jr a great war, a war that was long
and cruel, fought with musketry, with
saber, shot and shell, and with every
available weapon -of destruction and
every conceivable device of brutality
which the genius of military science
could invent or suggest. But this, as
you see I a peaceful meeting. We
come with the star-spangled banner as
our (lag, and singing the song "Ameri
ca," a tune that has been banded down
and and a song with it, from our ances
tors. We come not to provide an army
to kill, slay and destroy, but to pave
the way lor a host of freemen with
arras such as the highest and purest
stages of friendly peace can suggest,
an army that, when brought up into
battle line will strike blows with their
tongues, draw blood with their pens,
anrwin victories with their ballots.
But what is the reason of our com
ing? What influence lies behind this
majestic moving of the masses' Is this
the work of men demented? If so, then
indeed half the world his gone mad.
Two hundred and seventy years bare
we been toiling in this country. We
have conquered the wilderness, peo
pled the solitudes and civilized the con
tinent. We have removed forests,
opened highways, established com
merce und builded a nation that
leai- all the rest in agriculture and in
oianfactjrts, with half the railroad
mileage of the entire world, and
with an internal trado which,
measured either in dollars or
in tons, exceeds the foreign commerce
of any bait dozen countries. Yet with
all that we have done, with all the glo
rious records of these American work
ers, we find that to-day our profit are
diminished; we find that our wants are
multiplying and our profits divided.
Our ancient prerogatives have been
wrested from us. Our statesmen are
drifting away from the people, and we
had trsat tLe masses are going grad
ually in one direction, downward, while
the classes are going in another direc
tion, upward.
In the beginning 05 per cent of our
people lived on farms, and farmers
owned 05 per cent of all the property in
the country. Now 40 per cent of our
people live in towns and cities. Farm
ers and their helpers constitute about
45 per cent of the total population of the
country. One half of their farms are
under mortgage and for more than they
would sell for under the hammer to
morrow, and less than 250,000 people
own practically more than 50 per cent
of the of the entire wealth of the coun
try. Those of you who can see the pla
card on the other side of this hall will
read a volume: "xrxE million mort
gaged homes. It is charged that men
and women belonging to what we in
the west call the people's party are ut
terly unable to deliver one short address
without quoting the word mortgage.
The superintendent of our census, after
the congress of the country had been
goaded into action, bos unaiiy given us
that damning record. Nine million
mortgages upon American homes. The
men and women who builded this coun
try, the men and women who in justice
owned this country, are to-dav under
the weight of a debt that is absolutely
im09siote for them to relieve them
selves of under ordinary conditions.and
yet we are denounced because we call
your attention to it. There are town
ships eve, counties, you men oi tne
east in the western states not only in
one, but in a dozen, where every foot of
land in town and ountrry is under mort
gage. I know you will say to me,"Wbo
is to blame for it?" I am not discussing
that. Who is to blame lor it? it my
friend goes home to his family and finds
his child, his boy, the idol of his heart,
sick unto death, dtics he grasp the boy
roughly and say, Staud up, sir; you
have been imprudent, you have beeu
eating this, ana you have beeu eating
that, aud it is your intemperance that
has brought you here." is that tho
way a father teaches his boy or in
structs him or treats him? No. no. He
jeud Billy or Tommy or Peter or Jim
my to fetch the physician, and when he
com, it 1 ' Hoctor, can my child be
saved?" That is the first thing to save
the child, not to destroy htm. We will
discus the matter of the propriety or
impropriety of hi course after the boy
is saved.
The freemen of this country are en
titled to the homes that they have made
All tboy akis to be allowed time lu
which to pay their debt and save their
home. lon't you remember. Mr.
1'retident.and all you ladies aud gentle
men who are lUtening to me so atten
tively don't you remember thr was
a (la.a when the bead cf the fjjil'.y. If
he became Utolved In trouble, would
advert! bis estate, diipoe of It, and,
aellng upon the advice cf Horace (ireo-
ley, tin wett and grow up with tUe
! country.
Hut you have patted mat
ilm. Ion
ii t ago. I ran ruwmtrr, lung
ajo, when I wa a boy, no blggt-r than
this little fellow who I i:iui.- to me,
tht Ohio wis called the l kwmd. up
ia PwiteiyWanU where I lived. Novi,
la the west, where we lire, wbn a nraa
tecvoi rmrrd asd would otter
his bum to hi emi'itur. and wouM
r k a aw iot-atUa, he bud the puuite
Uad s uipd aud butitM ia tho
hiatitbrvktrtidbikmaci4 roi
purations auiwut auattMf, t
Attain yea say, It t had ttiatigftneai
hhi H part l ! Urwivs ; It was
eareleM, tt waathtftWws 4 he 4nt
iaow aa'itBif a! Ituancve sajrway
Let at give vwt aa sampW of the at
iim thiwwii nnaurivr wh.i know a
treat deal about money I MVa the
aigrr tf our ra.rrnad !,
are '.rw4, krgvito, irWr-
twdd--l t (V( ,ti lutl l.ld
line ayou aaiierwaAd feiaweua-
oiU t out taklrcMid 1kt t at
1 thi lour ril at four tun mvfi tkaa
they are worth. Our railroad In Kan
sas, and we have as good as any in
Ohio, and a good men to ride in them,
and we pay our war the railroad in
Kansas are assessed at IVJ,000,000 for
purposes of taxation; they are capital
ized at t456.0u0.000, eight times a much.
The farmer when he appears on the tax
roll it is for tltiS.OuO.ouO, asd even Mr.
Porter puts our indebtedness at 1150,
000. 000. or 119,000,000 less than we are
worth, while the railroads are eight
times more than they are worth. So
our farmers are good financiers if the
railroad men are. Now, take the At
chison, Topeka & Santa Fe company as
an Illustration. They became embar
rassed a short while ago like some of
us have, but instead of the world say
ing, "You got into this trouble through
mismanagement;" instead of the direc
tors asking the stockholders how they
happened to get into trouble and what
was the best way out, they simply made
a proposition and enforced it, to scale
down their interest from 7 per cent to
4 per cent, put the bonds npon the mar
ket, and to-day are sailing under a new
organization. Give us 4 per cent money
and we would then save anywhere from
16 to 20 per cent. We are paying from
10 to 40 per cent as Mr. Porter tells us.
Last summer when I looked into the
faces of farmers and their wives and
asked them, "What rate are you paying
for the use of money on long time?" and
they would answer me all the way from
12 to 24 per cent; I asked, "what rate
are you paying for the use of money on
short time loans with chattel mortgages
as security." and they would answer
from 24 to 73 per cent. So you see we
have Christians In Kansas as well as in
Massachusetts. The whole trouble with
the people is debt. Money has control
of our business. Money presides over
the destinies of this republic that we
have builded. Money controls our pol
itics. It manipulates parties and
dictates politcies. It controls
our legislation. It colors our judi
cial decisions. Money is king in
this country, and, like a king, It parcels
out its patrouag j to leaders of clans, re
lying on them for support in time of
need, and the leaders of clans stand at
the head of parties and their vassals are
the voters. We, the people, have come
to the conclusion that It is time for this
fuedalism to cease. W e propose to re
store the authority of the people. We
propose to place the government of the
country in the bauds of its rightful in
heritors, the people.
This movement then docs not mean
the wiping out of existence of existing
forms of government or any of the pres
ent usages of society that are not built
up and sustained by the money power.
W hat we do mean is that the people
shall rule, as they have a light to that
is all.
And how are we going to bring this
thing about? Last summer in Kansas
the poor fellows that were raised from
the people would gather, coming across
the praries , thirty or forty miles, to hear
us talk the new gospel of salvation.
You had some Scripture quoted to you
to-night already, I believe; but I tell
you this movement is the pure salvation
it is the salvation from the money
power. What are you going to do with
the money power? He are going to
let it alone. We are going to raise up a
power among the people. We will make
our own money and use it. Take their
money? No. But we will make our
own. Take their railroads? No, we
will build our own. In the city of
Washington at this hour the street rail
road stock is rated not selling, becaase
it is not being sold at an, but rated at
from 800 to 500 per cent, and yet it was
purchased at from 20 to 50 per cent.
They are charging five cents a ride when
they could make money at one cent a
ride. Some day, when our folks get
control, and it wont be long boys, we
will put the railroads in the hands of the
people or we will build new ones.
There is no use, men (if America to
mince matters longer. To destroy? No
To fight? Yes. And light with ballots;
tignt witn songs suca as these men have
sung here to-night, and that we are
teaching our children to 6ing and pray
under the influence of this new gospel.
This Alliance movement is taking the
place in-a large measure of the churches.
We open oyr meetings with prayer to
the Great i ather, and if any man" men
tions the Father's name irreverently he
is labored with and cast into outer dark
ness until he repents in sackcloth and
ashes and gives the password at the
A new party? Why certainly. What
do you suppose we are here for? What
do you suppose this movement among
the people means? Why, my republican
friends, and I hnve lots of them, they
say to me, "Why Peffer yon were al
ways a strong republican Ain't you
afraid the course you and your people
are pursuiug will result in placing the
Democratic party in power?" I have
two answers to that; the first h, it is
not any of our business whether the
Democratic party comes into power or
not; the other answer is this-, My dear
old friend. I love you for the good
you did. If you really fear the incom
ing of the democracy; if you would
rather take forty doses of quinine in
two hours and a half than to address the
President as a democrat, there is one
easy way out of the ditliculty you just
turn in with us. and wo wot leave a
grease spot of Democracy by the time
you and we go for them together. Then
you can go and tell your wives and
neighbors. "We killed the bear."
I ben you understand that this move
ment among the people means the sav
ing cf their homes, it dees not mean
repudiation; it means payment. But
there is this about it. good friends: you
know as well I do, for you are reading
men. that the average rate of interest
on the profits of labor in this and other
countries does not exceed an average of
three per cent a year, and yet we are
paying from ten to forty per cent we
have beeu, but we have quit it; e can't
pv It, that I the reason; we dou't do
it now; we have aked for a parley. It
bss got to be a saying. "I have joined
the Alliance and quit." But that It all
a mistake. We are net repudiation
We waul to m our debts, but It i ab
solutely ltiiKiMe for men to pay cut
on a trn t forty per ceut rate wheu thry
are taken tn at a one to thrte p r vent
hat ant to do is lor tae indus
trial force of this country, the farmer.
tie uiet haiiH'. the tradrtiuaa. the arti
san and ail c!m-
tf worker hand
worker or bruin wntktr. say man or
soy wnuan-anJ we ate taking tl.
women with u don't I Urmd at
thai, sen men of Ohio. W hv lvs
out et and tbry are it a gd a
wear. It may sound a Utile snaog
but lh old iriigr-tiod hlet them
taught the p p' a Wo sMit twenty
year ago- IVy admitted natiien Into
their tvuoe'.! The AUianco admitted
tDttti lnt their fouuelU, fta4 tht i one
of lb om ally im movement i gv
tag oh with the v im that It I. Wren
vm tik-mk a woi thlttirs le
rh.i tboy lol4 at It UTrojr.
1 t'e let all of . ry ua wbmm
iok adds anything to lb wuk ( .he
futiutrr, or Hi the (.' ef lb peopie,
tut; n this niovtU'W!, w.ta limine
lowstu , but
Cither m ti u eo nW.i-g You;iUlr . tiawnmuies i rsi.ruaa ar
"ill ltfc.ii i . tW er.i fndii ot, aorta mt,0 lor th- purpoie oi
thwarriUia ar v!brlg fevjtag trUte a the r plr, tb er
will tm Ike bU ,hl a ehlld bt i U.t tny Kutd be worth ur that
.m kusbiM tnm ti mfdt, , 'IhiaWvo wtn ifce tM I? tpvo
hi nam wUl be -I'eofJt fartf. ' Ua tK ta.iW-Ai'.f.
The Tariff Hoodoo.
The herculean efforts of the two old
parties to make the tariff an issue of
18U3 to the exclusion of all others has so
far proved a flat failure. One hundred
years of discussion in regard to this
question is quite enough when other and
more important question are challeng
ing the attention of the people. Never
again will farmers be drawn into a po
litical campaign where the tariff is the
only issue until the question cf land,
transportation and money have been
disposed of. No amount of political
demagogy can force the people into it.
Politicians, please take nouce. Econo
mist. A Southern Paper Speaks.
With all the experience f the past
behind him and the character of the
American politician before him, the man
who preaches industrial reform and ad
vocates seeking it through the agency
of the so called great political parties of
the dav, is a man who will bear watch
ing. He may be dull of intellect and
therefore wanting in sagacity, and as
such as houest in his profession as the
day is long, but under no other circum
stance cau he be exempt from suspicion
of being not what he pretends to be. It
is safer always to look for him as a wolf
in sheep'sclothing. Rural Home, Wilson
N.C. .
A Little Prophecy.
It will go into history that the Alliance,
or farmer and laborer's union of Ameri
ca became the redeemer of a fast decay
ing and sinking nation. The men who
are now so blind as to oppose the Al
liance, will soon learn that an unseen
hand guided the tillers and the toilers
for the purpose of saving a republic
which is yet to revolutionize the world.
We may pass through a deep and dark
struggle, but the American idea is so
stroug with the members of the Alliance
that whatever may be the character of
the coming issue, we will come out in
love with the stars and stripes Labor' t
Legislative Effect on Money.
Both the old party organs, by way of
argument against the Alliance demands,
say "you can't legislate money into the
people's pockets. This is considered a
a squelcher, and as such unanswerable
Instead of this proposition being true,
it is absolutely false, misleading. There
was never a dollar in the pocket of any
individual that did not get there pri
marily through an act of legislation.
What makes money? Legislation.
What takes it out of the national treas
ury, where it must first go when first
made? Legislation. Where does it go
when taken from the treasury? Into
the pockets of the people when in abund
ance, into the vaults of the banks when
scarce. National Economist.
Prohibition and the People's Party.
A large majority of the conference
were earnestly in favor of prohibition,
but as earnestly opposed as a matter of
policy to making any declaration upon
the subject at this time. A simple reso
lution in favor of prohibition was lost by
one vote in the committee. The same
resolution introduced into the confer
ence was defeated not on its. merits but
on the ground of expediency. This
writer is always and everywhere a pro
hibitionist, but he feels that question
should net have been pushed at this con
ference, and when it was so pushed that
its defeat was for the best. An extended
acquaintance and observation convinces
ns that the prominent leaders cr pro
hibition are not with our organization.
In the great labor contest they are e-
sentlaliy plutocratic, and they were in
Cincinnati solely to induce more suc
cessful organizers than they have proven
to be to carry forward a work which
they have failed to accomplish. If these
men, grand and noble in many respects,
are with us in the struggle for "eaual
and exact justice to nil, let them come
down lrom their lotty perch and take
the band of common labor in our con
test against the power of money to op
press, and then labor will enact pronibi
tion as an economic and sanitary, as
well as moral measure, and what is
more, labor will honestly and faithfully
enforce the enactment. Dakota Ruraiut
The Railroads of Nebraska.
The publication of the report made by
the state board of equalization once
more calls attention to the railroads ef
It appears there are 5,418 miles of rail
road in the state, and their assessed valu
ation averages $5,401 per mile, making
a total valuation of J29,285,017. Two
questions are suggested by these figures.
First, are the railroads dodging their
just share of taxes? Second, doe tho
tax valuation of the railroads throw any
light on the real valuation of railroads
upon which they should be allowed to
earn protits? These questions go to
gether. The World Herald has always contend
ed that the railroads were over capital
ized, and the figures taken from the as
sessor's bock, compared with the stock
books and bond books cf the roads, re
veal a discrepancy that cannot be har
monized. Let us make a comparison for Instance;
Tlie Chicago. Burlington & tjtiincv
railroad is a system embracing 5,140
miles of line, which is almost equai to
the total mileage of the railroads taxed
in Nebraka. i'bls Chicago, Burlington
& Quincy system, with Its 5,140 ml!vs is
rapitali.ed'a follow:
stork t 7rt.3tO.ftOO
Bund l0fi,Cr4 .,,'S
Total llM.8aH.Ms
Ia other word tbe 5, HO miles t f the
Burlington vtiu are capitalized for
nenrly seven times as much as tbe 0,41
mile of Nebraska railroads are taved
o. an! o( course the pit runs of the ' ii"
ttiteui are paying ttulits on over m
! time a much rapitalliiatioa as the rail
roadt tl Netraika wlia tquai mileage
pay tax on.
tk another system, that cf the t hi
cairo, MUa. M- l'ul railroad.
It stock ck!s trtrt.umiwi and it
bonded debt txeeed tr.' O.m.tmn mak
ing a tola) rapltalliat.oa t l ltMHU'i,
hsttis total mileage I a!iuoi rtact:y
whUhare iwimiI at ! .ban I w.vou..
, W ' tor ivtpurp.
It will thus U Mf 8 ttul VfOO mile cf
r Iroad are rtk warty JWMw,w
abatis for clung frlht rt. let
thy are er:h K than isu,ow),w)
when It eotMM t ilt g U.
Tat it a tat dt..l.i. :nt. F.rtry
body shirk but tl I palpably
wrong ! permit lh railroad to outdo
itao rt ot I eoiwniiiiiT ia ini r
Iowa's People's Party.
Nominate a Full State Ticket and Pre
pare to Win.
Governor A. J. Wet tfaU, Monona o.
Lieut.-Jov. Walter Boon, Appaoote Co.
Bute Supi. C. W. Bean, Buena Vista Co.
K. B. Cotn'r.-D. . Boe era, Dallas Co.
Supreme Judge. J. U Willis, Psge Co.
The Hawkeye independents met in
state convention at Des Moines on June
3. with 350 delegates strong, present.
The majority of the delegates were
bronzed and bearded and bore evidence
of close familiarity with the plow han
dles.' There was a sprinkling of miners
and merchants.
The decorations and mottoes in the
ball were profuse.
Promptly at 10 o'clock, N. H. Bow
man of Pottawattamie, chairman of the
temporary central committtee, ad
vanced to the platform and calling the
house to order named J. E. Anderson
of Winnebago, for temporary chairman.
Mr. Anderson stepped forward and ad
dressed the convention at some length.
In closing his remarks be asked this
questieB: "Where is the country that
George Washington established?"
"Mortgaged," shouted an enthusias
tic delegate amid wild applause.
After electing other oflicers and ap
pointing a committee on resolutions, of
which J. B. Weaver was made chair
man, considerable time was spent in
speech-making. The convention was
over running with enthusiasm and good
At a few minutes before 5 o'clock,
Chairman Eobb, of the committee on
resolutions appeared and announced
that the committee bad unanimously
agreed on aplntfoimof principles. when
the convention fairly went wild with
joy. The platform which was adopted
without a dissenting vote, reads as fol
lows: The people's party in the state of in convention assembled, view
with alarm the continued encroachment
of confederated monopolies and trusts
on the rights of the people, and are
firmly convinced of ths inability of the
old parties to meet the issues which are
forced upon us. A vicious system
of class legislation and moneyed oli
garchy most aangerous to me nguis
and liberties of the fast under
mining the foundation of our civil
government which must rest upon the
equality and intelligence of all.
We hereby hesrtily ratify and con
firm the movement inaugurated at the
Cincinnati conference ct May 19, 18'Jl,
and the wise and patriotic platform oi
principles there adopted. Concerning
questions of local slate concern we de
clare: That we condemn the action of our
executive council for the refusal to in
crease tho railroad assessment to an
average equal to that of fa: m and other
property, anu amrm tnai smu assess
ments to be equitable and just should at
present be at least 880,000,000, and that
the legislature should provide by strin
gent law for such assessment.
That we demand the establishment in
our state of the Australian ballot sys
We denounce the action of tbe Twen-
tv-secona and Twenty-third general as
semblies for defeating the Australian
bal otbul: for incorporating tne con
tract clause in the miners screen bill;
for the defeat of the 2-cent fare bill, the
uniform school bok bill; and the bill
for the taxation of mortgages, all of
which measures we endorse and advo
cate. ' We sympathize with the miners
of Iowa in their struggles for the eight-
hour day, and pledge them our support
for the repeal oi tne contract clause in
the screen bill and the abolition of the
truck store system.and demand weekly
pay for the miner. We f vor a uniform
system of school books for the entire
state, the books to be furnished by the
state at cost to the pupils.
We censure the leaders of the repub
lican and democratic parties for the
constant efforts to reopen the temper
ance question in this state to the exclu
sion ot the grave economic questions
which now confront our people.
We fayor a judicious service pension
law and demand additional compensa
tion equivalent equal to the disparity
between the currency paid to our union
soldiers and that of gold at the time of
! nnvnipnt. In m-antinir uensiona there
should be no discrimination on account
of rank.
The creation of private corporations
for pecuniary profit we believe to be
contrary to moral law and in violation
of sound public policy, and we there
fore demand that our next legislature
shall pravide for the investigation of
our present system of private corpor
ations with a view to their ultimate sup
pression as soon as it can be done with
safety to the business interests.
Nominations for state oflicers having
been reached, A. J. Westfall of Monona
county, was nominated by acclamation.
He Is a prohibitionist, a woman suf
fragist and a greenbacker. Last year
be was the third party nominee for con
gress in the Eleventh district, where he
made a tremendous canvass, visiting all
the farms he could beginning at day
break and not stopping until the rural
population had retired for the night,
lie is a tireless worker. His work in
the Eleventh district proved dlsantrous
to the democrats. He drew nearly
5,000 farme r' votes, which resulted In
the election of the republican candidate
by 1,00 plurality.
The balance of the nominations were
made as indicated at tbe head of this
article. Speeches by candidates and
others followed and the convention ad
journed with a rousing cheer for the
Currency Increase Less than a Nickel a
Month Under the Present Sil
ver Law,
Lucius Gois In Chicago Express.
I have been tickling the question of
silver coinage, as provided for under
tho present law, to find out how much
inllatlonof the currency would result
were Its operations extended without
hindrance over a period of ten years.
Icocftss to being much surprised at
the story told by the figures. I have
based my calculations on a population
of UJ.O.'-.'.ijO people at midsummer of
190; and I also estimate an annual in
crease of 1,246.041), which is the average
annual Increase of population since tbe
jear 1S0.
Tbe law provides for the purchase of
4,500,000 tine ounces of silver each
month. If this were coined into stan
dard silver dollars it would be so dis
posed of only after 500,000 ounces of
alloy had been added thereto, making
5,000,000 ounces of standard fineness
equivalent to $5,818,181) in hard cash, or
in silver certificates. This sum being
added to tbe currency each month will
amount to tO(J,bl8,20 per year. There
are exceptions to this statement, which,
for argument's sake, will not be noted
just now. In ten years' time, under the
operation of tbe present silver law, not
less than fii'j.i.tiwj would appear to
be added to the currency of the coun
try, ia silver dollars, or their equiva
lent, silver certificates.
When ths silver bill was passed it was
claimed that the currency of all sorts in
existence in this country (but not all in
circulation by any mean) amounted to
ttl per capita, which claim I will admit
for the sake of argument. Since tnat
time the population of the country has
b;en constantly increasing, and by July
1, 1891, a year's increase will have been
added. Let the 6ilver bill have full .
play for ten years; and by that time ten
years of annnal increase will have been
aded to the population since the time
when it was claimed we had $22 per
capita of currency.
Now my dear reader, if you will read
slowly yu will catch an idea which will
set you to thinking. This ten years of
increase of population which will be
living in our land in tbe summer of
1900 will amount to 12,466.492 people.
In estimating the per capita circulation
it must be remembered that there will
be over twelve millions of new people,
so to speak, whose theoretical $22 per
capita would require $274,262,890 of the
entire amount issued under the ten
years' operation of the law. In other
words, it would take that much money
to bring the new comers up even with
the rest an issue of $22 being required
for each individual.
This amount being deducted from
the entire issue would leave a balance
of $423,919, 790 to be distributed theo
retically, among the entire population
in 1900 (the newcomers being now all
"evened up") which will be not less than
75,088,745 inhabitants, if the same rate
of increase takes place in the future as
in tbe past. In all probability the rate
of annual increase will be considerably
greater. -
How much increase per capita of cir
culating medium do you think would
result from a division of tbe balance
above mentioned amonthe entire popu
lation as estimated? Divide and see.
No amount of juggling with paper and
pencil will make a cent more than $5.61
inaeed, it is a trifle less. This is the
sum and substance of the greatest pos
sible silver inflation under the present
To sum up the argument: Allowing
tbe claim that there is now 5 per capi
ta of currency in the country some-
where, and estimating that population
will increase no faster In the future than
in the past, it is found that the opera
tion of the present 6ilver law will give
the people at the end ef ten years a per
capita increase of 85.64, which is an
average annual "in-tla-a-tion" ot 56 cents
for each man, woman and child in the
land, less than a nickel a month!
J. B. Weaver on Campaign Issues.
The question of free coinage is but a
very small fraction of the great finan-' j
cial issue presented by the Alliance
movement. The abolition of the na- i
tional bank sub-treasury system and the
substitution of direct government loans 5
to the people at not more than 2 per 1
cent interest, government ownership or v
control of railroads, reclamation of
land grants in a word, tho great ques-
tions of money, transportotion land
and labor, in all of their breadth and
magnitude, will engross public atten
tion in the great political conflict of
1M)2 and it is now certain that neither
the republican or democratic party will
Im able to meet public expectation
concerning these vital reforms. lotra
A Smart Man.
Who wants to get good goods at rea-.
sonable figures goes to the Sewing Ma
chine Kmporium. Sewing machines,
pianos and organ sold on monthly pay
ment or long time, lit n tod and re
paired, (lenuine needles, part and at
tachment for all kind of machines.
Don't waste time in looking around wo
can suit you. Delivered f reo from one
mwdl up. 'Phone No.-Vfl. 45 3m
123 North 14th St. Lincoln. Neb.
"Mt Qui Sninte
rM o Um ins,'l f Ik lrntnM of
rrmnlu)ii ft artiin lb tnu
It). I f!illri!t,u ul lh ilmry farmer
tow luaurii- hi in alt U m (hat
mar t IB k Mil:. ! Ih l'i!H n
U(i l 11 war t ntt rrlk'alio.
IM In a pf Ml Ih. ( Jlrl.l
er er itnr " la uto, nti
r"r I'Uilirr 1-rutair.t ''"
Iii. .,n ! f Biarkvt lu Ilia ri
iikr link nr (!.
arl rrraw l artf Mf4 eotMkla
letef , and tarvet tkuu luilk lur liouar
kti d m. intttrif toirtwa atrlw
CM-aftliKvaa attal Burily,
lirral ! bt !((, Iwr, lc b4
MiU'fclnM trf Iim. durable, ia.m.
Ut. Jf ,ll.t Bit rl (!
k frxNIaWI tMiBt tf Iran
i thirty' .
IM Ma. I ifaHcit? no in.) ioo.
tt He. f cMiti 10Q ., ),
iueatia aaraai4.
A fee Wnaitar kM ar Stawrwal
)MtM Mi.ft ika "hal."
tk HmA . P MM!,
Th DeUul Separator Co.,
otaiatl. mimi
ti im U CwttAM ti New Vk.