The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, May 28, 1891, Image 8

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s. -
TT must sell about $25,000.00 worth of this stock before July 1, and I'll have to hustle to ilo it Come ami give me a lift and help yourself. The store was just crowded with Bargain Hunter and the war these goods were
hustled out, shows you that on the face of it that what we claim are facts not fancy. How many of you jieople nave had to endure privations in order to secure shoes tor your little ones, and more, wearing shoes, unfat for
8S3 Pair Ladies' Extra Quality French Kid Common Sent or Open
Iast in Kddy & Webster's make, widths A to K. These shoe are
cheap at ?.), and will now be told at 13.49. Can you afford to let
sack chancre pas
Ladies' Oxford tie in all sizes, 47c regular price, 11.25.
Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes for WJc.
Men's Calf.kin Shoes, 11.4.
200 Cases Ladies' Elegant French Dongola Kid Shoes, now sell for
18, and yon pay other dealers 14.00 for pecisely the same quality.
Elegant Flush Gentlemen's Slippers, Silk embroidered. These are
ning dress shoe made for ladies. I will close out the lot for $1.43.
The real ralue of this elegant tie is 13.50.
Children's Shoes of the best Quality must go for TSc.
Can save you money on any article offered for sale.
now going fast at I.S8. worth 13.
Elegant Patent Leather Oxford Ties.
They are the prettiest eve
1 1 use on account of the high rate of profit asked by your local dealers. hen you were compelled to do this you were not to blame, but you have only yourself to blame when you persist in doing it. I his lieeeiver s Sale
J y has enough of the best grades of shoes to supply you with for the next year. And it will save you more money on the investment of a few dollar than anything you can buy. Ueniember I am compelled by order of the
Court to close out this entire stock at no matter what sacrifice, in the short space of fifteen days. I don't believe you are fool enough to rob yourself in order to supKrt these stiff-necked shoe dealei-s. 1 have the remedy you
rauttfc finer goods, a finer selection, a better fit for less money tlian you can get anywhere in the state. Don't rob yourself by buying elsewhere when you can buy goods at these prices.
Gtore Open Until 9 p. m.
The Annual Meeting to be Held In
City Next Week.
Following Is the programme for the
mmiIm of the National association and
Nebraska association of expert Judges of
viae, to be held at Lincoln, June .-,),
rillKT U.4T.
Address ef Welcome-.!. V. Wolfs, Lincoln,
BfMn D. P. MoCrsokcn, Psxton, 111.
Appointment of com mlt tecs,
I7a0aihe4 business.
tlrccption of new members.
rrvaMeut's Artilrei-Jmet Heuklnton, Ma
ma, III.
ore card practice on Essex and Jel-ser Ued.
raian ir.
KktoUon of officers of National association.
Heorsoard praeUcoon Berkiblreand Polana-
Uepnrt of secretary and treasurer.
Score card practice on llio.tcr White and
Headquarters will bo at the Llndoll
bold where all can learn of the places
ufiiMNlng. Keducsd fates at the Lin
Ml and other hotels. "A full attend
tutce U desired. -
( Sheriff Ssl.
VoUoe Is hereof slven. that hf Jlrtti of an
f sale tosufby Hie Clerk of tbe Uljtr ct
Cfeurt ot ttia eoiil Judicial District of No
twaaam, within and for Uncester count r, , In
an4Hr O.Jones, Mrs. lUr C. Jom-s his wife
aMMaata.lsriU.atia'olark P. m., oil ih;
astk aar of June A. I. 11, at the east doonif
useoourt house In oltr of Lincoln, Lancaster
ommy, Nrlra.ks, offer fir sale at public sac
tsm tAo fol lowing dtmorlbed real witalclowlt :
Vkm nirtlieat nuirler of Ike sou thereat
ouart of theeoiiiliweiit quarter of auction
Mmmatt-ont) (51) In towimolu ten (IOi ran-, six
raaavatol eUtP.M. In Lanuaater countf, &
Oivm undor my band this Jsth ray of Way
A. U. VL ,ba" McCi.i v, Bhuria.
mow ts aereny stven, mat ny rinue m an
ardsr of aale Ir.bed by the Clerk of tke DIs
tfc Omit of the aocoiid Judicial DUtrlot of
SiMta-anaa, within and for Lancaster oouaty.
la an action wherein Charles D. Htevens is
rMiittST, and Marion Holm, Laura tloU-s and
ftrr J. Allen defendants. 1 will, at o'clock
l. H oa ths 3Wh day of June A. I). Iml, at
Osaaaat dour of the court house In city of Lin
uala, LatKsaater county, Nubratka, offer for
eaieavitubiloaiiation thefollowlns desaitbed
'SwaJ eataio to-wlt!
a fourteen d4) and fifteen (15) in block
ne(li lo Hronkllne addition to the eity of
ifimmlu, Lancaster oountr. Nebraska.
0vun undor my hand this Win day of May
A.D. 11. Ham McClav, SherlB.
Tfco Llnooln Oun Club Is making elaborate
Separations for, the Nebraska State gporta
'oMt'a nth Annual Touroauient, to bo held
tathJaeltr on the rtt, 4th, 6th and ath of
.J awe-. Neatly printed programs have been
tHucdaud Sflnt to all sporutaen In this and
auQoinlng states. It will ao doubt be the
mm interestind shoot ever hold In the state.
Several of-the contests
aad large money considerations thus pre
tutting alrong Inducements for competition,
tt will be a gala week for Lincoln.
DA reporter for this paper dropped Into the
anajrnkftoerit establishment of the Kllpatrick
UtxM Drr Goods Co., Tuesday and found that
U would be impoMlble to say too much in
reeaaModation of the superb line of goods
-carried by that' firm. The store presents a
.haadanme appearance and the stock Is not
ravreaased either In quality or quantity In the
-ctty. It Is safe to .ay that the Kllpstntk-
Kocfc On will accure a Isrgs portion of the
atuuncM la their Use. it
Old Settlers Pic Nic.
Tha oid settlers of Laioater county will
hold their aaaual plo-alo at Cushnian Park,
. Jwae 17. Kvery body U Invited.
Ily Order of Comiulltee.
A Parable.
Oaea upon a time a burglar, who
tusd contrived to get himself Into a
. ceaUamaa'a hous in the night time,
waa met by the owner of tho mansion
with tilt! in the way of dress, but a
, good deal la the way of a revolver.
-U jr'vM i a Jw-ull!iif vIUoii,w
said th burglar, "jou ill not lnv
' braa your Bands la blood and alarm
(bla quiet neighborhood.
"Your abstract rropositlon.w re
ydod the proprietor, calmly, "can
m beAftP arguHt horafter.M
II put lour bull! a various parta
at aba burgiar'e parsoa and thea oon-
My Iriead. your premUm vera not
rait taksa bevaiiaa they were my
praaaUeej thewfor your argumn
Laa Jftsur body, fiS to the gruua4.H
t'aUoaai Waokly.
A t.4 SWAaaa.
A ,-is4 lih drltilc ww (U
4a hill &aaaah ru-penter aha bad
aly ararpraiar'aoaeaa to dofead htnv
m$ wltA. He sUUW the tnaa asvaa
i lib It, ier. an J tha do. Lir
that Ira af the sUUa Vara woraa
wssuada tkaa aouU Utf beea tatu,i4
tU aU at bwlUt
t I'SllWM Pthk.
Tfe p-la aiaBufa"Mrr
Oil 4pt I vaSKwMi fi'vh. Jt (.
r: i Uily. bawesef, thai Us U.
t : tU MS- Uw .:, .
t. A Oa4ir, VtlU (will W V4ia
t.!.-r a ihU aaUty la Ua m b i ;
t -' it? ttt Ittanwt 4 tb
Til ta ttittwatb clMiy aU-wM
C ttl f U aj4ul lti
, ;7, iawM twne'Hm ihn i1
l",Jliw ra ''a-iM tni:"-f
l " Tt Vt -tlMm ttsrtat I . 4 t
One of the most Interesting trotting rsoes
ever held In this eity took place last Monday.
The race was for purses aggregating 1 1,
between "Bay Dick' owned by Dr. Lord, aud
"Sir Albion," the property of Lincoln's cele
brated clotblnr. A, Hurlbul. Horewltlils
ilvsn a cut of "Sir Albln," the bandaome
animal which won the contest In twostrslgbt
beats, apparently with as inuub ease a
though bs were out for an ordinary drive.
Mr, Hurlbut propoieajto give this line anl
tnr.l to some party for about nothing. He
will giv e you a ticket with every 110 purobace
at bis store. This ts worth lavci titrating and
very reader should call on Mr. H. for par
ticulars, lw
For Exchange.
Stock of general merchandise in country
town. Established trade. Invoice about
f6,SU0. Want Improved farm, Address,
40-tt TM North I3tb St., Lincoln, Nob.
For Bale.
A farm of !K0 aores In the Republican val
ley, three miles from the town of Cambridge,
Neb, For full particulars address.
4Htf Gko. A, Mi li. sa.
Cambridge, Nob.
Agents Wanted.
Men and women, to sell the Portlfollo of
Life, the latest and most wonderful work of
the age, Indtspenslble In the home. Terms
Liberal. Address or spply to Western School
Supply House, i;t!7 0 street, Mention Farm
ers' a. 4M3
Out at Last.
Somo weeks since notloswas published of
the Mmlo edition of the Alliance and Labor
Boagster. We have now reoelved a specimen
copy and It Is a daisy for sure. It contains
86 pieoos (a larger number than the word
edition) and It is the finest of work through'
out. The prices are, paper cover, 20c: twelve
ooples, Si; board covers, o-, twelve copies
13.30. Address. Am.uncs Pub. Co.,
4w-49 Lincoln, Neb.
Money for Invalids.
Being advised to go south and engage In
llgnt business I bought a plating machine of
H. f. Delno Co., Columbus, O. for 5. I get
all the tableware and Jewelry 1 can plate and
sell soms platers. Make from f4 to 10 a day.
Work Is nicely done. My health Improved
and I am elated. No experlenoe needed.
Any one can do as much by writing for cir
culars. am Ih valid.
Announcement of Partnership.
Omaha. May SX,
The prhotloe of Dr. E. T. Allen the eye and
ear surgeon, . having increased beyond his
ability to handle it aione has led htm to form
a partneisblp with Dr. M. H. Chamberlain or
Council Bluffs. Ir. Chamberlain is sturgeon
of reccgnieed ability throughout western
Iowa, and Omaha It to be congratulated In
securing a portion of his time. Their prac
tice will be strictly limited to the ear, eye,
nose and throat. Their oflloe Is In the Kauigo
Block, Cor. Wth and Harney 8ts where Dr.
Allen will always be found Mondays, Fridays
snd Saturdays. The remaining days being
devoted to his new work on the ej e and ope
tatlng for other physlclaus. Dr. Chamber
lain will be in the olHoe Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday afternoon. It
The Leonard Stock Farm.
The Standard bred Stallion, II. I.. Leonard
r,n, will make lbs seaaon of 11 at bis own
ers farm, miles northwest of Lincoln on v.
P. H. ltH one mile north of county poor farm.
This is a Urge borM of tU slata. a.era
weight I.Sux having a trotting rocord,
being the only stailloa in Laneaster county
knowa to me as having a standard trotting
record. Terms to responsible parties tSUtl
by liuurauoa, payable wkea starve are knowa
to be la fuel, .trangcrt or parties unknown
by ate. task at tlats of service or they must
bring tetters ef iutroduvtloa fruu parties
hiHiw a to asa as respuaaible.
Will he at Waller Mobaaaa's bara weal tide
of atarkvl square Friday and lardayof
sack week, baiaaee of tlwe at huwe. t
Apply to 1. K. I.KuN.lHlV
P, O. Ru let, UtHiwia, Kro. Prwpr.
Appaiatmenta of Assistant Stat Lac.
HrtHhef H. , Pratt, aaaMsal state lawtum
mb4s as swttee ef the totfctwih apuuiat.
Cavwra of AUlaae are art 4 te ewoewrate
ta pakiagtkasa Mteettbga siiwesafni. I ret
Sti atwiers lae !! of kwiag
ptet, l4i era ae tattimt a4 Ikott
prew aad aMaiattk 4
- K
lm atsaait, m a, Ut m.
f mm tU-a .l hi tirahstas,
il ar4 t aat-t fcy a I. tMHs.
aJ Itf "Aa a.a lea a
a,trwf at vUU ta at mp u.
Ikui iMatiag tUt st Urva W.
' 11 tna
J t P t.ivl. KU
20 pounds Granulated sugar II.
Choice Wisconsin potatoes, per. bu.,
Salt Lake potatoes tl .83.
A good Flour, 11.25.
Com Flour $1.80.
Golden Crown Flour 11.50.
Victor Flour, H.S0.
21b. can blackberries, 10c.
Corn, 10c.
Rib can of Tomatoes (Jc.
Sib. can of Tears In heavy syrup 20c.
A special bargain In early June Teas
15o. worth 18c.
Can Apples, 10c.
Nine bars good soap 23c. This is a
good soap, per box, (3.00.
Six bars W. tt. soap, 23c.
81b. can California Tears, 25c,
Apricots 20c.
Plums 20c.
Quaker oats, 10c,
Rolled oats, 4c.
Three packages hominy; 25c, per
pound, 4c.
Soda or oyster crackers per lb, 5c.
Bust Navy beans, 3c.
We will sell during the week the best
Moca and Java coffee at 80c per lb.
Wo are making special prices on teas
this week. 40 m
Our 00c Jap Is the best in the city.
2045 0 ST.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
2oo o at.
Makes Fine Cold Crowns and Fine
Cold Filings a Specialty.
lid has a very superior quality o4
artificial teeth. No shoddy work. 4'Mt
Druggist & Pharmacist
ill South loth It,
A full and eiMnplcta line of (iru, patent
Medtviuea. TliM Artwlaa aud
Choice Cigars a Specialty.
The trade of the farming fraternity Is
rp4'lfully iu !tir4. 4-llf
Calf AlCl 0 fe1a
fut la.lie a4 (itiMN. (r,iKiof .
at. S.t )m. t n ai a.i S-f.
H'.u eiHf . lurt taa-rs
-,.. a4 tmpvf f . ia .
1- e i s. Mt r.V. 1'tUtllUv
What taitvatia aara.
Vm' HHaii'w lUntMK C
UntHtlt, X h,
1 Bate lva riieel ta fmut sa
.- alts itf KtiHituat'aiM tv tka m
i( I urV. )tiuvatw iWaM-i A vti
a Siu,l it. tf nwa ItuttV. aa.
kaJ a ftiikuLi at mi iL L,i i.u..k
aUlUt It Imm llh aavt
l...b i ..... I
J l l atlwta.
I il.l.. I u...!. VVoila ft..
J l ttlUoll
rof taia i t Ivug f t.u . siU
4 II. M.Mmrtry, iai tat n4
atra4 bn4 a.'tarr . lit Ufttrr
I.U a. a.Jniulf 4iUai aa.taai1i
sviaef !.. Ui ftut M stisaia, i
.'J5 TW, jBf''a.MP...
Center Crank Stationary and Traction Engines.
Send for Catalogue. GUS. STATES General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, Neb.
Wholesale and Retail Lumber.
Telepliono OL
O street between 7th
I Lave made arrangments whereby I can furnish you first-class
hantl-made harness on CO and
have no shoddy work to offer
of the highest grade material
! 1 - T a l
uisixTi me goousi oner you ieiore purcnasing.
Flour 80 cents per sack.
Garden seeds, all kinds in bulk.
seed of excellent quality. White beans, little navy and French, by the bu.
t leld peas etc.
Grauulated sugar per hundred. , . .$4 85
Extra coffee " " " ,,,, 4 80
C " " " .... 4 25
Best paekafte coffee per lb 25
Flue Kio sreea ' ' 24 to 25
Java HrokfQ per lb 22 1
Japan tea sittings per lb 15
" fair 20
" fancy " 25
' " etra " 80
Syrup, Iwst quality In 9 gal. palls SO
" Crown Jotvoll. 100 4 gal keg 1 40
Sorfrlmm. 1 ps. , , , , , , 1N1
N. O. uiola-iM-s in tius ht gal 50
A pure granulated sugar syrup In
cal vans. 55
Waguers tomatites. best pr case. . 3 k)
fanned mm ir tloa ,,,, 1 10
i'auned black twrriea er can.,,,, 10
" ieatlM. " " 25
Snow I lake bumlny, jHr lb 4
Corn " " b
Quaker (tats " 5
hit. beans ,, 4
lUklngsiHta. Ilabtwtts " ,,
jmp chltnnnya, ird4.. 5a
. N)und baking powder and a 1
gwl pair of at-iaaors fur 50 cents
t, glas sugar tmwl. rrratneraml
ctwl butler disk sownta, alio
ttne t. basing tadir, I chiua
pi it-lie r and a wrat platter for. , 50
Thbct 5win(j lichin in Til fintri' IllijaCI tjo.oo,
or lia r at factory, A gotKl on. at Jtj, e. i'ully warranted.
Our inid. iri ait ftwr mcmUrt of Alliam ta only. Writ, tft for any
thing jw al, wtar or vat. f. W. H.VRTl.KV, Stat Ant.
Cash toaiCtntny ill oidsrv 4 1-1 1 !.inn4n, Nrb
743 ColU of Slaal Rope, nil iIzoj, from 3 8
inch to I inch, for number of feet to pound boo
Orocory List. Whila the stock lasts. 01-8 cents
per lb., in full colls of About GMbs,, or 3 cents
per lb. in lass quantities.
If you want any order quick,
09 Wabash Ay., Chicago, 111.
7i -r-
.r; "tf
, 4
und 8th. Ulncnln. TCah
90 days time, negotiable paper. I
you, but guarantee all work to be
and best workmanship. Call and
P l
Lincoln, Neb.
oz.. lh. nr )nshil. O.iu anH mm fnr
California Peaches 13
California grapes per lb 7
Uasins per lb. In lots of 20 to 100
pound lots ?
California apprioota per lb 20
Dried apples, Michigan per lb 12)
" " " Fivaporatod.... 13
I'vico, 0 to 7eta per lb.
Prairie Hose per bos of 100 bars. . a 35
Fairbanks standard '..3 00
Silver Cloud, rali liank. same as
Ivory, p-r case M 50 or 3 ct per
A hneCVttila soup 3 lb. bars, only
'.'5 cents per bar, usually retails
at II 00.
This w I receive a carload of
Fie Mo" flour, the beat In Neb.
at II 10 per sack.
Cliden painted wire per 100 lb. . . . I it)
iiermau Millet per bu I 11
liml Clovrr ' " 3 50
Timothy " " I n
lWt ro.s . Mi aud I t Inch
at 8 cents per pound.
All prices suiJwt to change without
Xi jLmm',V' . VCT
SALE, 1016 O ST.
J. E. BRTJDEK, Receiver.
XTum v
v ' - V1
i in I
1036 0 Street, Linoolxi.
The most conveniently situated store in the
TIib only Honsa where yon will
We Soli you Goods Cheaper than
Any House in the State.
When you viU Um-olu fall on uh.
Out of town Orders Carefully and Promptly
Leopold Barr, Jeweler.
The farmers of Lancaster count? are cordial.
ly invited to call on mo iu my new quarters,
1130 o street, whero 1 will take pleasure in
showing them my handsome line of Jewelry,
watches, clocks, etc, which X offer to members
of the Ailianco at discount rates. Ail kinds of
repairing ni low raies.
'i i. ' ' Viiiiima
M a complete ofGoefls.
Xjoo-ooIcI Barr.