THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 13) THE MODERN STYLE OF POETRY. Western ports ol modern schools Now the style in vere: At twisting lines all out of shape They're getting worse and worse. and then read down. rest) first Yoa .tSst'le Then tow ft1 And then your face your eves about while way this read And uj&op apiMdn jsdsd tno tuni inx And get your bearings fixed. ... tbe crescent styie of You may get the rhythm mixed. Then step . bj step BO down again, rear the to 9 a step baclc a i with And Once more you close tho ranks. I patient world will turn one day And this will come to piws: roet Poet Poet Poet The Poet'i Corner. Graveyard I Keep offthe grass. j Fiom the San Francinco Examiner. HOW MEG LOST.TIIE BABY. One morning Sirs. Sackett put Julia carefully into her carriage. She tuck ed her up with rugs, afghans and alia wis. Meg often wondered how the baby could breathe; but Julia was fat and hearty, and Meg knew that she grew heavier. So it niut ha ve agreed with lier. "Keep where it's pleasant and sun ny, and take good care oilier," said Mrs. Sackett. ghe said this every day. M'."g took as much care of Julia as any well meaning but careless girl of fourteen does a baby. At the crossing she thumped the carriage down into one gutter, and banged it up out of the other. The baby was used to this, and only opened her eyes wide and gasped on arriving on the other fide. Meg was just turning the corner when she heard her mother's voice. "Me-e-eg!" . "Yes'm!" "Stop at Ilurd's and send home three pounds of brown sugar and a half-pound of tea!" "Yes'm!" Meg thrust her elbows through the handle of ' tho baby carriage, and crocheted as she walked. Crocheting tidies was Meg's favorite pastime. She always had a tidy under way. Hurd's was a corner grocery store, with a door opening on each of the two streets. Meg wheeled the car riage close to the show window, and fastened the wheel with a stone so that it couldn't roll off. Julia sat still, and aazed with at tention at the resplendent advertise ments of Jenk 3 soap ana lompKtn s irinper. although she must have known these placards bv heart, liabies have to endure so much which they do not understand that it ts not surprising that tliev become philosophers. Hurd's was crowded, as it always was in the morning, but Meg did not obiect to waiting. She chatted with Katie Allen ami Lou French, and even drew out her tidy nnd did two rows before the salesman had time to attend to her. Then she ordered sugar nnd tea with as grand an air as that worn by Mrs. Ponsonby, who "resided" in a four- story brown-stone house on a stylish avenue, whilo Mes lived in a "third flat." "Wait for me!" said Katie Allen "I've got to go to the butcher's." "All riLht." answered M-8. Klie waited and when Katie started, he walked with her, talking brisnly, down tho st reel almost a block before klinsilddrlllv cried: "Oh 1 foryot the batv'" but imb?" asked Katie. 'Why, I our baby with me and I've gone ami leit me carnajpi uuv aim, the store!" "There wasn't any baby at the dtmr mun we rntii) nut.'r rviilU-d Kate. "ure etiotmli," s;id Me& "there ft-AMll'l. riliea'tisedlnbcwtlderiiifnt at Kulw's iiitl vex. nnd tlitij iTt'i: Oh, I kit"! I etiuie in nt tl.n other door; th.t' It' Ni round hi liar Tlutuirl ran Imwhinaly Imm k, "d tttrmd tlMcontrr. 'IVr was iiil.itl- rhrr land at iwh ohT, and k'stia wmiUlhn IriiiiiUd l-tit Unit Mill UMiktnl Mi'i'lllll. "VHxt ti didtt't brina tarv 'Yew. I did! I UU Iht Jut Lr t 'uld t he turtuxp v rwltoil do n It. tr.J! ' M. I.n.U t tip ndd.)vn tl.Btrrt V, rutins hi ny'st, "IVrhiijMi thi'niul thought )m an l hit iu mw M. t-u t.t rrv. aUtW word. . t-i t i mi. im Ihmw qui' k, and 'n il J"t tiothe a . 1..' mi t..k Wtki a t tim. W a ft.i. Uw t tits,luHl Mr A. u . hi m tltlutil for i hi ( jhuik. Uy t tk h t l tnuH lx '.( 1 1. ..BM.t UtHid, Ua and look!" she ordered. She was a hard-working woman, and treated things in a matter-of-iact way. But when Meg came back to report that no one had seen baby or carriage anywhere, Mrs. Saekett be came alarmed. She forgot to wold this time. She put on her bonnet, and searched the street thoroughly. She inquired nt all the stores, and even went to the police station. Coming back from her fruitless ex pedttioiC she dropjied wearily into a chair by the door. Meg could not bear to see her mother's white face. She picked up her hat and crept down stairs. An organ man was playing a lively tune, and Lou French's little sisters were dancing to the music. They came up to ask Meg "if the baby was found, and Meg, without looking at them, choked and rushed down the street. She walked on in a breathless state for several blocks, and hapjen ed to pause for breath just where there sat, on a doorstep, a boy about twelve years old,- with a woebegone and tear-stained face. Meg looked at him and asked, abruptly. "What's the matter? Have you lost a baby?" "Lost a baby!" shouted the boy, in dignantly. "ou clear out of this!" He seemed to look as if he thought she was making sport of him. Meg was glad to "clear." She had onlv spoken out of the abundance of her thoughts. She walked along, surveying absently the windows she passed. She wondered if all the babies who lived in those houses were safe, or if their parents were hunting for any of them in grocery stores and police stations. At the next corner she stopped again. Three women stood theretalk ing. Said one of them, a small woman: I told her, says I, 'Mrs. Smith, you'd better report it at the station house. It belongs to somebody that's looking for it,ofcourse!' says I." ".She woman t take the trouuie. She's too elegant!" remarked a stout woman, sarcastically. , "That s so." replied the last speak er. ' "She saiu, "ler tiicm tnai s tosc it look for it. Jimnne brought it home, and he'll have to n muse it till the mother comes,' says she. It serves Jimnne, right, though, the stout woman added, decidedly. "A pretty trick, to wheel home the wrong baby!" , Meg felt faint. She leaned against the railing. Whose baby were they talking about? " here was Ins own; asuea tne third woman, who don't seem to un derstand the circumstances "Why, you know he left it beside a store while he played marbles, and his mothercame along, and took it home to frighten him!" 11a! ha! ha:" You may depend she was mad, though, when ho brought home a strange baby!" "Ha! ha! ha!" Could two babies be lost in one day? Meg stood in doubt a few minutes; while the two women discussed the story. She remembered the little hoy whom she had seen up the street, ana stepped boldly up to the talkers. . .!!! i i i i .. i.' r.,,i i ill you jjicne leuiuc o iuuuu a babv?" Bhe asked. The eyes and tongues of all three were directed to her at once. "Why!" "Well have you lost one?" Mercy on us! do you know whose it i? Mot colored, but stood her ground "Somebody wheeled our baby away while I went intoastoreof an errand," she explained. "We've bean looking fnr her n ll the momma: The three women were delighted. They all insisted on escorting Meg down the street and into the right house. .The mournful little boy sat on the front steps, his attitude show ing his thorough disgust wi,th life. "You d better go up and take care of vour twins. Jimmie!" laughed the sarcastic woman. Jimmie looked at her, his counte nance expressing unutterable things. "Coihe. Jimmie. come," cried the sharp little woman; "take us upstairs, we want to see your mother!" "This vouna lady has lost neroany, Jimmie," said the tall woman, Kinuiy Perhaps it a the one vou ve found. Tininiie's face brightened. He stole a glance at Meg, remembering she had snoken to him. He turned into the house, and led the wav upstairs. Hera a somebody come lor tnat baby!" he announced, gruttly. He threw the door open, ana mi mediately got behind it, from whence he could easily observe tne proeeeu- ines: or escape, line snouiu uuu il prudent. "I thorn-lit somebody would come," eielnimed a drawling voice. I knew tho child would be called for. Nieevi .UnMv lulmitd to nii people!" The speaker rockea nerseii in "w chair. Her hair was in papers, nnd tihe wore a pink wrapper. In her lap .. f, ... ..... lay an embroidered uuy, m men took languid st itches. It may be re- orilcd bore that Meg cave up tidies from that dav. She did not stop to examine the lady, however, but snatched up one of tho two babies ho crawieu nuout tlii llooe. nnd kissed and hugged Julia more lovingly than she had eer done belore. Mimni h ndthedoor. was start led. He wondered U'he should feel the fuiiiio nff.H'tioii lor Idiuretta, if she were lost (or three hours. Tim t hit women all I a ked tnget her. The lady in the locking-thatr listened complacently, convinced that lto had done nil that conui iNievpmeti 1 she allowed the utrany baby to ercep on tier eam-t until emlm! tor. I told Jimmie," she humhed, "he hnvH two habit- to take car or, in .li'Mil n( tine!" JiitniHd had disappeared Into the hall. "I think HI talwtho baby home to mamma, h V tr'ttii nlut hvr, sti'd MU, l"'!di"5 'I' t'"by ttjiht We're very inu h to yti 1.1 i'iiiii tur ti, ulli'J her lnie. M. rinitii UiKi-4 inMiUly. StK" in duatint with her tun lm r hr M'H wiiuld find ti bahy'a U!h and r i. d"ed lwr and rarrivd lsr r.iriHy doiUiM, itiHaaed In a il wrfttl "Um1 iinriiii"' bom Mia. Hititth, XV tth lybt lei t aho liivled Jiiliit it'i. iur into hif an !., JiiiliLM mwil Ubtit( , ii dMr. ?" t-e ealUl. Ai you r!!y ytad Ui Vl that kid kT UnwKl hr g'a lnraa "V hr, tt tir!" li I yui Ul f d bad h 11 you (niin I an gvim ' "ihur," aldMl,a4'' "What liiM.layuU ii h . npid thin In hI hum lb wrutv l..y ? 'VkM .'.!ill gUWiSitjt. 'I ildn't bring her home!" Helowcred his voic. I was playing with bob I'nce, ana I sent another fellow, and he uidn t know her, you see!" (iood gracious! exclaimed Meg, looking at Jimmie with horror. But Jniimie was bursting witu bis wrongs. "Perhaps vou think you had the hardest time of it, but if you had to amuse an extra baby three hours, you'd know finding a baby was wors than losing one: Meg was so impressed with his air cf conviction that she said not a word. Youth's Companion. AN INVOLUNTARY CHASE. How a Main Soldier Cot a Dinner of Roast Coos. A man who was caught in the act of skinning a neighbor's sheep cover ed his embarrassment by declaring hat no, sheep could bite him and liv. The logic of this, sa's the louttas Companion is equaled by that of the Yankee soldier, who once had a nar row escape from an enraged gander. The man of a certain Maine regiment. which was in the enemy's country in 1 802, considered the order "on forag ing" an additional and uncalled for hardship. One afternoon about dusk a soldier was seen beating a rapid re treat from the rear of a farm-house near by, closely pursued by a gander, with wings outspread, whose feet seamed scarcely to touch the ground, and from whose beak issued a suc cession of angry screams. The fugitive was not reassured by the cries ol tho gander's owner, "Hold on, man, hold on! lie won t nun you:" "Call oft your gander! Call him ofl!" shouted the fleeing soldier. Neither man nor gander stoppea until inside the camp lines, when the soldier's friends relieved him of his fierce pursuer with the aid of the butt of a musket. "Did that cander think he could chase me like that and live?" the sol dier exclaimed, as he surveyed the outstretched bird; but be said noth ing of the baited hook, with the cod- line attached, which might have thrown light on the unfortunate gander's strange actions. Toilets In Japan. This is the way a Japanese belle takes a bath, according to a travel er: The pretty little maiden lit the stove under the bath, got down her little bag of bran, and laid ready her best kimono and her new obi. By this time the water was boiling, or nearly so, in the cedar tub, she took away the stove, threw some of the water over her,sat on the floor beside the bath, scrubbed herself with bran, deluged herself with water again, and then for two mhiules in she went, scattering the drops all over her with her wooden dipper. But there was no time to waste even over the delights of the bath; her hair had to be redone, and this took some time, for our niusumi was a Kvoto girl, and Kyoto girls are not only the prettiest but the best turned out girls in all japan, so sue was not satislied with her tire-woman until her black locks shone like silk and her coiffure a la Fuiisan was as stiff as camellia oil could make it. And, after her hair was done, it took her some time to arrange her obi it would not come right: first it insisted on tying itself into a crooked knot instead of a beautiful butterfly bow: when the knot had been smooth' ed out and by chance it sat straight it was too flat and not still enough. However, a Japanese girl does not know how to lose her temper, not even over her most irritating obi, and at last, coaxed with showers ot laKghter- and suptle hands, it sets as it should; her breakfast does not tat long, and then she runs over the mats, slips the cord of her sandals V"tweea her big toe and number two, clatters down the street. kv.d New Varieties of Oranges. It seems strange sometimes to meet people wiio believe that the world has readied its highest state of develop ment. The trouble with such people is that they are not capable of conv Drehendins anything greater. The Riverside Phoenix seems to stand in this light regarding the orange indus try when it advises its readers not to experiment with new varieties of oranges, claiming that the varieties now grown will be hard to improve up on and that they had hotter leave well enoimh alone. .Such advice a hundred years ago might have been more es disable, but in this age when horticul ture is making such gigantic strides, it border inion the absurd. Even while tho article referred to was being writ ten. a new variety of orange came to the surface, tho "Joppa," which bids fair to soon supplant some of our standard sorts. In ten years nearly till of our orchards may be rebudded to more delicious and profitable sorts and the time will probably come hen we will have orumrea riK"ning every month in the year. True hottietil. turists believe in tho possibilities: of kindly nature, ulaco no limit upon the future eviellcncn of varieties ol trim. In planting oramje-gt'oves or decidu ous orchards, a few standard sorts lumld tut (Im-i-n, but nt the si mo time a little not so welt Inonn. Hor- ticulture is prngriWive acidice, and to staml still u practically to take it latkward n'.i . t'ttSiforiiirt Fruit tiiOUff. r lownra. How i ri x'lii Intended fr the nir of ordinary liuninnit v; t'tiildrvu love them; quit t, tender, mnteitlcd ordiu ary HupU Igo thiiii a they grow bunt iuii and dUiMderiy people tui iu them a si! hvd. 'liny r th itittAtpr't titnuiK ; and in the erowd et.1 tonii, miuk n nkb a little broken fragment rf miidiuw, the windows (4 tb winter iu bviiit rta (1 Iiv'.ioim tii'iid i-tuiemp'atw I In u witJi f-did. foretltU iiitetutt yt tl a(t ti'Mi j vitl) aim IH the .f ln.ii. y ithj'iuita piim:.iii, and imted with i utr.1 ntn nnd trn loiintry aoti. tili.l.t til thaw id Mr tiwil t'n M; pb.u s.?r. To il 1 laid and ! ul. Mm w.iant Mini th ttuiinif-it ti.tiii OfH'idtlirfJo tt.tfr i tv ul tha (Ulw, t!e tovr and Ihw Hid. Wf rw t vet t ui af a y . J ' a It tk tu Osborne Junior Harvester mlo. uiv m u Jtf,U)rX The strongest proofs of the Excellency of our machines are given by our competitors. WE MADE THE We uae no Iron raa pipe eli lefilile ollpa and it eel bolta. every town In the atata. The ttentionor rarmeri la oauea to P"'"'- amlth will Ull rou. how much m called I ateel I n other whined aakbliu to tT them W ... ... " s veai tlon Initeadof four. 5tb. Whatever the poun i If standi at the head of lit half to alx feel. We aoll all irradea of twine from ebinei aee our local mfent or aoareaa, McCormick Harvesting Machines. 105,468 Were 125,000 Are being Made for 1891 Ask our agent at the town where ing all of our machines, also describing and illustrating the process of man facturing our superior quality of BINDING TWINE, and explaining why the best is always the cheapest, and if he cannot furnish one you can get one by writing to R. BINFORD, General Agent, , 4J-41H 1 IE With this binder; its perfect capacity for handling all lengths and conditions 0 ( grain. Each bundle la bound in the center. THF UftCflRUICK is the only IhCuini Point wvr ffZj WORLD S WIDE w -II ZSiM REPUTATION the rush of harvest lor the agent to get HpilrS. The attention of farmers and all others interested are invited to tnspect a full line of the McCormick goods, including Binders, Mowers and Reapers, Also all grades of binding twine from the cheapest to the best pure mantlla. lor sale at the companies neaaquaners, w. Dinrunu, ucn. agi. Corner 10th and d streets Lincoln, Nebraska. OHAS. E. -1AND-MADE ALSO MACHINE-MADE Saddles, Nets, Blankets, Whips i Etc. 133 So. 9th Be4in of Tua Ajijamoi art eoouataaX to Iinojla Ltadla BWatt DB, EK. KEM4N,SUEO05DEKTIST. SOiOQi FULL SET OF TEETH FOR $5,00, Teeth ettraeted wthnnt paia, Ail tilling at low rt. HOOM8 l J1,....!,....'... LIC OF TOM, GAGE CO., ThU ! will rmpr( U hvl vt ntl l A, T, lUiximer, Nw I'niul Mj. Arv MM bf It JUOd IMWUHb tO wMil wNS. I iM WW BWH II WJ T-t T'T year Uve tt of rr tuwrtl and kav j.r.hliimi an twlUnt it M f'tl.. H Uhv lh t'uie tut kiw iia l t iiti ti p, td i i'V thwWraf id r v tlwia th MH.rat and tb U r.h iuHvd tlutult rati! uiv . t gml hulU. Ihia winiarrt-BnVltrftd m. i t $n f .t .l tails at it...nI.U i.rt. wltU.i'it iflng Iur fruit tarn da It, )'ttj nll t Wgit ta .llifibl. fur rivrd. TtlVtor Ul:-"aortlaU n.o.;Ka rrwf.t, ymiwwr lv'nf UaUtd. Hols bearing tutvt.u at ih. ri uf 'r wil . rWmt .r ctlogii 14 A. T. lUw)iutr, Nw r' t. ot I'. U. WwhI, Uneola, U it COL F. M. W0003, Auctioneer. A. T. BLOOMCR. They all imitate FIRST STEEL FRAME HARVESTER 111 ... . . ..,. in th main frm Atiirleiil truw for drtra wheel and platform. Tho lighten and itronrt frame made. Firt toa-ewer wiw mm- "lnSJ.r'SfThi'blrt SStoibST'ri.. So "Xli In h.r.t from br.h.V Ktr for worn out JJrW' TUSSL . n r.. today TbeatroDsest outtur, llBhteat oraft and ilmpleat In eonatructlon. Bxamlne It and be oo m n?t rSura maiillla? aT oheap aa tbS hapt and u atsst aa tba btt la our motto. For phamphleu m ju to pun maiillla, aa oneap aa gjj 4 CQ , ( CEfJ yjjLE, Lliwols, .., Sold in 1890. you trade for pamphlet fully explain Lincoln, neurits. Has followed its square butted bundles. that never hau to sUnd still during SEIFERT. 2 HARNESS. HARNESS St., Lincoln. No boloforat to gsAj a ether. itU 94, O JLUJD 96 BURR BLiTC SHORT HORN BULLS. NEB., JDK 3, ll. nod nful vmmf tiit. from th Wrd ail tut own t.riltig. pnu rli ud Osborne N?4. us. t sannai AAiMiiaii it fin mnnr manninN. m. I'M a aUl road wWl with dataohabls boa, ean A iiS oaat Iron. 4th. (mi.. i YOXJ SHOULD KNOW THAT AT 205 Bohanan Block, Lincoln, Neb. Can be found one of the most complete lines of Implements In the rfijr, lnclwllaf The tried and trueT & H Smith Company's Farm and Spring wagons. THE PEKIN PLOW CO'S UNEXCELLED COODS. The Wonderful Bails FLTfOHI Emcstir til ti. The Perfect Ad vance corn planter and check rower. The old reliable. Sandwich Manufao tnrinar ComDsnvVi Shelters and Feed grinders. The Oldest and I USt AUUU1W1 r - M-l, x ivepair iur iw" corn Snellen ana threshers in stock. Call akd See John. T.Jones, Agent, Lincoln, Neb. ia-SW GIANT JUNIOR CI ANT FLOWSR GRANDS beeriqb mm DEER1N6 BINDER TWINES For Sals Everywhere, PorOoDef "Whys and Whereforaa" b Therefor. Do So, Eeq. we have opened a ww Btudlo at 13BO atreet, upit.lra aojwljl b. tyJiVVj& cltlipm of Lincoln call and exaniine our work. We make a arfclalty of A BISTOl irnt new orUwa of Photomphy. and call youf tpeotal attention to the fine reau IU weareobtala " P!X? doVeTlKlVibln we will preaent ou.tomerr with 9n. II . Prtrt.! f his off r wtlf hold good but abort Urn. to lnido' work, sc .avail Tl of this great opportunity. fctf BCL1PSK pTLDIOb, unooin. saoraaaa- HHReesd plants! Forest and Fruit Trees. Pleats, Ttaae, Bt... HarlMlan.fae Makraaka. fwaial frteas a All'aaee aaoWuaa. Bwad N rto BftJ a c. - PtavrMMM. NEBRASKA HEUP BINDER TWINE Maourautttrwl ty the FBEUOXT HEUP AND TWINE CO., Al IKKMtlNT NKlt Out i f h-ii p vron on Sbrka. lh. farms ot Evsry rarmsr In Nebraska Should U thUTwln. ltUMtrtgantl will work aa wll a the ! ttiA.T- an nr, iit id any kind of Rtr. Ws Mrw It t wwrk well i all Slake, bl biader. Ai.d l to Crkhl tr(. Tty wt twin, and U eutlncrd Ikat thar. l i Ungr any necenltf Kr viwtara Urmcrt la I it twndimt HMt fri!fl ff libers lwr blading train. W wdl U lA luraMk pruNna and auU mifU' etUi. 1 aaiiuarlUi A Twiaa lu a iui traauiut. Nab, A ROEEER OR THIET la iiif tiM ih A- a 4tM aa. tout pH twt u;B Uuu ll. Jones' $60. 5 Ten Ws$sn Seals ta aul a iwl ( '' af . frwa lie. bw m4 !!. n, .t.v4 4 lower B J ai' ; THE U01D. iruno wnra is 01 miiv unaww repine to bos whan worn in a few mlmmm Ill parts of binder oiled from top of nA ha miitliiM. fhita from thraaand i hleu and Inrortnaiion nn iwina mum awa r J. m. IUIEXEIII, I A full and toa plete line of Surrics rtuetons. Bucjiasv Road Wagon a, Carta. Etc. We keep right vf with the procesrioK and make prices m low as anybodr. qualitT ol gooCA considered. We cordially lav vita partlM to call and see ns. . Sample Set up. 8AV QUASI THAT OTHtr.3 LEAVE. 6UIT EVERY CVtHV TAStt ki ' WWl.DEERING&CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. Forest Tree Seedlings. Ked Cedars, Fruit trees and Hants, Largest Stock, Lowost Prices. Mammoth dewberry luscious to the core, bast perry for the nrairtee. Blaek Lociut. HUMa Muloerry, tuiip ireea, mix niucr. . Walnut, Cot um wood, eto. HeuUl a whole- Mle pnoe. Have ! p cent ana wrivo wr my pntm iwi, o.tmi om. v. Mention tms ALUANUiwhen you writ. FOREST THE3ED rem ' TIlTDEIa OLAHID, As4 ail) wtfti. hreea aa4 ylaatMal liTi IBB moci Aah, aai. WrtM fat ftS IMV AddiwM rOCMtMfwMwV, , WILL YOU PAIHT? i m cioKNa out out itmi tf PAINTS, OILS, VARKISHES. CUSS, IT err our rRicct. 47 w J. H. HARLEY, Corner llth nnd O tt. Llficcltt.i I t I t:r" mm Hard