1 1 1 i NO. 4a VOL. IE LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, MAY. 21 1891. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. KliATiO!: Ai the easiest sod cheapest mean of notifying subscribers ot th ante of their erplrations we will mark this not toe with a blue or red peecll.on the date at which their subscription expiree. We will send the per two week! after expiration. If not re newed by that time it will be dsmontlnued. OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL FARMERS' ALLIANCE. PussinsaT Hon. J. H. Hewers. Cornell, Neb. nci pbuidchts; W. A. Jones, Hatting, Nebraska. Tbos. Bphinx, Wheelook, Pennsylvania. I Chw. Morgan, Hornby, Pennsylvania, w; H. Llklns, Caledonia, Obto. Win. Klnerk, Port Wayne, Indiana. Cel. C. M. Butt, Viroqua, Wiaooniln. Milton George, Chicago, Illlnoia. B. 0. Cowan. New Point, Missouri. D. r. Karens, Bt John, Washington. A. J. Wsstfall. Sergeant Bluffs, Iowa. Hon. 3. J. Furlong, Austin, Minnesota. Bsc Tbbas. August Pott, Moulton Iowa. LacrcKCB G. B. Lawrenoe, Marlon, Ohio. Asst-Lbct'ks D. F. Ravens, Bt. John, Wath. Era. McDonald, St. Paul, idln. SDCCATIOAL BOARD. D. H. Talbot, 81oui City, Iowa. Milton George, Chicago, 111! nols. J. Burrows, Lincoln, Nebraska. Mrs. Julia A. Pratt, Clark, Nebraska. Miss Bra McDonald, Bt. Paul, Minnesota. AUDIT! HO BOAKD. W, B. Br 11, Marlon, Ohio. Frank Both, Tekamah, Nebraska. Milton George, Chicago, Illinois. For constitutions, proceedings, blank ap plications for charter, etc, address tbe secre tary AUGUST POST, Moulton, Iowa. NEBRASKA STATE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. Officers (or 1 89 1. Psr.Binr.sT-J. H, Powers, Hitchcock Co. Vics-Pbkhidkkt H. tt. Stewart, Biouz Co. Ltc-ruKKH 0. Hull, Lancaster Co. Ass'T Lkctuhsk B. P. Pratt, Merrick Co. ' Chaplain j. 8. Edwards, Saunders Co. XKCDTIVB COMMITTIIJ J. Burrows, Chairman Lancaster Co. B. Y. Allen, Cass Co. C. W. Beal, Custer Co. Allen Boot, Douglas Co. H. B. MoGaw. Adams Co. Bic't Trsas. J. M. Thompson, Lancaster Co. POETRY. King Boyd; or the Devil Outdone. Old Nlok came down from Omaha one day, And Into Lincoln wended his way, And baring some hours to spend for calls Bs thought he would visit the Capitol halls. . On arriving there he orossedhe sill. As discussion was hot on the various bills. Now Old Nick, as everybody knows, Has power to change both himself and polls. So, seeing a governor's vacant chair, Presto, change land he was there 1 And be said, as bis eyes o'er the assembly ran, " Wouldn't I make a better congressman? The bills were read and the devil sat therev Tilted back in his easy chair, ' With no particular Interest in it Till there came a pause of about a minute And in a voice that was full of bread The maximum rate bill was read. Old Nick sat up with interest now. To tee what the honorable body would do. "For surely" said he ; '-they haven't sunklso low That tbey can pass that blU clear through. It surely must be some hldlous joke Or my imps have over done their work." The bill was read and the ayes were called And tbe devil sat there like one appalled: And the basest thing which he ever saw Was this wholesale theft under the guise of law. ' To look any further there is no use Fir all mean thing this beats the deuce." For thousands of years I've wandered 'round Trying to see if there could be found In the universe a lower level Than that which Is occupied by tbe devil. My search was fruitless on sea and shore, Till I met an alien American governor. I f men like these are to Lincoln sent, I'll run my chances for president. Old Nick left town the other day But be was heard to mutter ere be passed away, I'lljlet those Judges and traitors alone, For if I don't they'll steal my throne. Clod Pole, Bloomer (to ragged urchin) "Tour parents left you something when they died, did they not?" Urchin 'O. vet, sir." Bloomer "What did they leave yoiif" Urchin "An orphan, sir'-I'pwA. Thirty Oallona of Ink a Day. From tha la'.cit postal statistic it has been aseeitained thai out of the whole number of letters, etc., dis patched to various addresses At home and abroad about 30 per cent are tent from London and it urburbs. The total of letter and post-card dispatched to foreign countrie in 1888 i iwortwl at 45,000,000 to which may Ih added 15.000.000 mora a inland rorreeiHiudenre, mk in a total of OO.iKMi.tHMl per year a uh would Rive a l.omlon propor tion HMXHMKHI. This number divided bv 313 work' inn da? rwsulta in a daily average of 67.61 1 tatter tlipatt hud (rum Ion don. To write them letter, taking them on an avwa of four t losely written ii!-e of rntu wjuld coo time, at the rate of h!ty pnfu!of Ink em t, y.Al to thirty minim or half a dratm a total id thirty gallon of Ink pr Uy. Two Bright Young Intaileote. "Well, good nlit, Ms V 14 aroint man the othr vo, to a ywUhtviikttirl whom It i urnim i think It Unr fur mi to iO. 1 M wtaio that if t t ty two minute) toty-wr I hU b indtevrewt wuuj 10 kits .,' Vit, fl ttltftt, Mr - Hr rllrd the loutit-i-til -i'ii. hf tUwaf, sl, (!. i. "I want t h ytt f a- tttt tAt htr yua gu I wilt t'uly tkw u MiMiit (if luit.Ul.' lili wwly tt.iarr t US that th yoioigetan m tjHiU'i i jf vfabiV' t KiU'!i, vili tpmkiy tmiir'"! th ait ut uut attd we tsu fvirtUr sa th in w i'Mlail. wlihtsihaiMtuii H 'H,hi h. HUGE MASS-MEETING Cincinnati Crowded with Uclcpi. to the Great National Confereuu-. KANSAS THE BANNEH STATL he Beads a Larger Delegation Than Any Other Commonwealth Various State Bodies Hold Meetings Jerry ' Blsspsoa's Suggestions, Cincinnati, May 19. The three or four hundred delegate in attendance npon the National Union conference, were reinforced by the arrival of a spec ial train bearing ten carloads of dele gate from the western itates. Tbe afternoon was devoted to conference of the various state delegation. The Iowa delegation, among other things, adopted a resolution urging the nomin ation of a full Independent ticket next June. There was a rather turbulent meeting of tbe delegation from Kansas, due largely to the fact that it i much stronger, in point of numbers, than any other etate, there being nearly eight hundred persons here, representing even organizations, viz.1 The Farm ers' Alliance, Citizen' Alliance, Peoples' party, Knight of Labor, na tional Industrial AlhanceHtnti-monopoly and single tax men. There was a large attendance and the question soon arose a to the basis of representation to be accorded the various organizations. A motion that each organization be al lowed to select two Dereon to act a committeemen from Kansas in the gen eral conference provoked lively diHcus ion, but finally prevailed. Then there was trouble over tne selection or tne delegates. Mr. Scbenault insisted tbnt two or three persons were undertaking to name the persons who should be chosen by all the members of each or ganization. A motion to allow each or- i. :,. i, t,,., ... gUUlZBllUU W apuuiUb uo uicjuuna wufl adopted. The Fanners' Alliance then went into secret session, There is much speculation as to the platform. Objection to the Ocala dec laration is strong on some questions, and there is a disposition to follow the St Louis platform. The eastern men are active In regard to the position to be taker, on silver and the "eight-hour plank." A .conference wa held with the leading delegates from the west and south, and tbe demands of the east were fully made known ana were received with favor. The western men want this plank adopted on the silver ques tion: "That the conference favors the res toration of silver to the oosition it uc- mini fid before 1873. viz.! On an enualitv with gold as the monetary standard of value." With the delegates here the opinion ha been expressed frequently that "As goes Kansas so will go the convention." ana mucn stress is laia on tne race mat the Kansans. after lengthy and. lively caucus, decided to support tne organiza tion of a third Dartv. rne arrival or the Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and other northern delegates, however, may change tbe popular expression. In caucus Congressmen Simpson and Clover endeavored to persuade Kansas that it wonlu be better to adoot a Mat- form containing tbe essential doctrines, and to appoint a committee on propo- ganda to determine by next spring whether a third party would stick. These suggestions, however, were howled down. Oar Southern Trade. Washington, May 19. The West In dian Ice company, which has been en gaged in the manufacture of artificial ice and maintaining cold storage houses in tbe islands of Trinidad and the liar- badoes for some years, has arranged for the establishment ol a similar enter prise in Georgetown. British Guiana The company has contracted for a re frigerator steamer to sail regularly be tween .New Ynrii, i5r baaoes, xr.siaad and British Guiana, carrying cargoes of rresh meat ana vegetables from the United States, and bringing tropical fruits as return cargo, American Trotting Iteglntev Aaaoelation Chicago, May 19. The board of di rectors of the American Trotting Reg ister association held their first uiwliuK at the Wellington hotel. The day was largely devoted to a discussion of the constitution and by-laws, but no change was made in those reported at the con vention held here last month. W. R. Allen of Pittiifield, Pa., was elected as president, Frank A. Waters of Chicago vice president, and J. H. Steiner, secre tary ot tbe American Trotting associa tion, a secretary and registrar. Where Was Meat Boston, May 19. -Gen. B, F. Butler' now fatuous client, Mrs. Clarietta E. Johnson, was again before Judge Nel son, in the United State supreme court. Hli was recently rt ltaiul from the re formatory on a writ of personal re plevin, and ubtNtteutly taken in cus tody. She was remanded to the iiiMt tutiittl from which she was released to rv out her sentence. io counsel ap peared for her. California i aaaeriee t'ewblae. Ha FaUM iMXk, May it. -To Cali fornia Fruit Canuerhw eouipany has been Ittrir4id with a rapttal of . Ouo.utM, Tm action U tha rwult of the labor uf It. frauds, who reiimwnla a srutttcat of l.tirfluh ratUluu, and who f,-r tsw tiitw km (.! v4 la lMiaJ tiie uir of tha sUU to Ktul.iue. 'lit new company ltk ia tlottt two thuds of tharaiiiM-rim lu Ihia tai tea4 Mas la Jw, i m AH, H$ li lf. CaHtl, a tuvthbrf of the atata board if liv ttk rt'inmiMioHer, rrvatwd a trMMiMs al lh k Jff l WtifN ha rtM-k'liiiw, ItlixiKralil x.fl il(U, which tt i. h uiii', n ill Ilia Bft l ,''. lm nrtu pvtutillwl lb tattle Hi t siiWd. i"1 lrl a li't ii 4 Hid t antmcnUt t , tsva, Kf II. Tk kwUla v rrvWU4wttll dUgaa ft m ail t-r h etxtniry who ai Ki tk part ia trwtl at ia dhWft'tts t.f lew eMUtft-ial r4arn, whita iui4a kt tha ttflwMth Mrwt IktwU it THE ELKS' MEETING. Member of th Order la Vadlstarbed foaaeaalaa of LoaiaTllla. Locbville, Ky., May 19. The Be nevolent and Protective Order of Elk ha possession of Louisville. For thirty hours the music of the bands and the tramp of their men has been beard in the streets with intervals of only a few hours at a time. The formal meeting was held at Liederkranz hall about noon with Exalted Grand Ruler Qninlan presiding. Governor Buckner wel- comDeu tne visitors ror tne state ana Mayor Tyler for the city. Responses were made by Past Exalted Grand Ruler Hamilton E. Leech of Columbus, Past Grand Ruler Will E. English of In dianapolis, Judge Shops of Springfield, Rev. H. G. Perry of Chicago and Past Grand Chaplin and Grand Esquir W. C. Duley of Golden Gata lodge, San Francisco. E. B. Hayes of Washing ton was chosen permanent chairman, and the meeting adjouned until 0 o'clock. Crops Laid Lew. Fobt Worth, Tex., May 19. Hun dreds of thousands of dollars' worth of crops were annihilated by a heavy hail storm, which fell to a depth of from six to eighteen inches in a narrow belt of territory crossing northern Texas. In th vicinity of Gainesville, where wheat averaging thirty bushels per acre was readv for the reaper, not a head is left standing. The damage in the locality of Gainesville is at least fiw.uw, while several other sections report damage nearly as great. THE SWITCHMEN General Manager Whitman of the North western States the Positloa ef the Company. Chicago, May 19. The situation be tween tbe Northwestern Railroad com pany and its discharged switchmen re mains unchanged. The officials of the road say they will re-employ such of the discharged men as they are satisfied will prove faithful and efficient em ployes, provided they make application for reinstatement at once. The busi ness of the road continues to ran as usual. , General Manager Whitman states the position of tha company a follow: "Such ex-employe of tbe company a are capable and acceptable will be given preference in filling all vacancies that occur in our switching service. So long a those at present employed are capa ble and are desirous of continuing in our service they will be retained. Those old discharged men who have engaged the company in incessant troubles by fomenting strikes will never again be employed by this company. , Hereafter the company's officials and not the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association will ran the company's affair Coal Operators Try Bnlldoalng. Scottdale, Pa., May 19. Operators are making a most determined effort to force the men at the miners' convention abandon the strike, while labor leaders on the other hand have been among the men ana say they are practically unani mous in their desire to continue out. The Frick and McClnre companies started tbe Redstone, Youngs ton, Hawk eye Valley and Oliphant plants with a few men and say they will start nve other plants this week, lien are coming into the region in carloads, and it is doubtful if tbe strikers can stand the pressure much longer. They are suffering for the necessities of life, and hundreds have no roof to call their own. Altogether if the men do not vote to go back to-day it will be because overpersuaded by the leaders or because independent operators or some powerful ia Dor organization pledges the greatly needed financial support. A Thousand Weavers Oat. Philadelphia, May 19. One thou sand operatives in the employ of J. & J, D. Dobson, carpet manufacturers of this city, struck. Their grievance is the importation of English operatives The employes also claim that the Dob sons have violated the contract labor law by importing weavers from En gland, More Trouble In the Coke Region. Gkeensbuko, Pa., May 19. At Whit ney's coke works the Hungarians at tacked the Italians at work. The Ital fans fired on their assailants and one Hungarian 'us fatally and stweral oth ers dangerously wounded. Three mem' bers of the mob were arrested. Iowa Minora Hesitating. Mason City, Ia., May 19. Advice received from several localities in the state where the miners have been on a strike are to the elect that operstors re about to resume work, and before the week is out the usual output of coal may ue loosed ror. A Murderer Kseatwa, Siotx City, Ia,, May 19. -William M Intire, a prisoner in the jail here. under indit-tuient fur the murder of Oetuig hut winter, escaped and I still at largw, lie was con tine. I tn a steel cam otrt-nirur on tha corridor and al lowed the f rwdom of thft curridr dur ing the day. Jailer Wagnr entered tiM) corritior to im k Melinite in his cell. Mclutir struck him uu "ha head w ith a heavy weapon, threw opeu the door and eacapeil irKi in imiidiug. A C'taadbarat la Maaaaa, lICTCiiiMaUM, Kan., May 9. Aoother heavy rain vUlted Ihia mtHa acrout panted by a (? tlullur.t sis mili wuth. t ut hi ra. Several fir Id if corn ud wheat w?r tt,,i,titti ljr wald wav. II. lUjrla and t'f. Myers, twu wealthltr fru..t. were tha hravkwl . IU)U had I W at re ol vvfw fttity ditri)vt tUalae, Nl Yo,M4y v.rWtrury BUina U rvptxlsd a btba winch improved. If Me from Ud an I Ml up f v. rl li -iit.. 11 ntt walk! ar i',id hi : tin t -? i tlnn whImmii lit ail f a ; ran v 11 ii' I ! th tuy tu a frw dr. Sift H t!he t It- Mi, lit lliat !kr Wnahaa wwui l r 4(mttjf frow I Niw Yh tu hi laaaa tu Maiita, i j ltt Ixt'lUf It 14. j Nsw Yt. klv U - t'r-a all i fit, t.w vMraMo lil lt l ! ruVJ h NHr fH)ef4 fif'irt hit rviit lib aa II tk a rl dna llf'iiit l,4iirt ytk ia tit aitruvu. CHILI'S REYOLOTION. A Probability of an Immediate End ingof the War. OHABOED WITH CEUELTY, Mean Thing Said A boat Itaaler by th Aborigines' Protection aoeletjr Macdoaald and th Chinese Loeaats la Egypt. New York, May 19. Letters and pa pers received by the last mail from South America contain interesting facta concerning tbe trouble in Chili. There seems to be a probability of the immed iate ending of the war. At Valparaiso business is at a standstill. Many promi nent families are leaving Santiago tot Buenos Are to avoid prosecution at the hand of tbe dictator. The princi pal business portion of lquique has been destroyed, but the remainder of the town escaped serious damage. The danger of a famine is now over. Bal maceda's army i said to consist at pres ent of 80,000 men. Chilian soldiers are being driven into foreign territory. They are found in the Argentine Be public, Peru and Bolivia. Mexico's Neutrality. Cm ot Mexico, May 19. The offl- ci3fs-fit Acapulco have telegraphed to tbe war department, In answer to a question, that there is no probability of a conflict between the Charleston and the Esmeralda. Nothing has been seen at Acapulco of tbe Itata ana tt is be lieved that sh ia now off the coast of Central America, having been supplied by the Esmeralda with fuel. Gen. Pedro Ilinaiosa. secretary of war. de clared to The United Press reporter that Mexico only insist that her neu trality be respected. He says bis or ders are not to sell coal to the insurgent vessel nor to allow them to load arms in Mexican territory. In an interview at Acapulco an officer of the Esmeralda said: "We will try to get coal here, but if this is impossible, we are sure of get ting it within a few hours' sail. We are not afraid ef a conflict with the Charleston, but our orders are to be nrndent and not provoke a conflict." Ha did not know wnether the Esmeralda would now go to Chili, but said the captain of the vessel had received a long cipher, which probably directed her lu ture movements. Mean Things Said A boot Stanley. London. May 19. The report of tbe Aborigines' Protection . society, to be read at a meeting of that organization. indicts Henry M. Stanley in severe terms for cruelty to th native of Af rica with whom be came in contact during his travels in the "Dark Conti nent" The author of tbe report also take occasion to scoff at the idea that Mr. - Stanley's mis sion in his last trip through Africa was solely to relieve Emin Pasha. There was an ulterior, selfish and sordid motive for the expedition. The report characterizes Mr. Stanley's treatment of his servants and the natives generally as abounding in inexcusable errors. The signers of the report believe that Air. Stanley is responsible for the maltreat ment rererred to, but they decline to in stitute legal proceedings against him. recognizing the im probata ty of success in such action. The rejatt also pro test against the current ill-advised at tempts at the premature civilization of Africa as a constant source of danger in respect to persecution oi tne natives. Maetlonald and tbe Chinese. Ottawa, Ont., May 19. A deputa tion representing the Dominion Trades and l.aoor uongress waited upon the ministry and complained that the pres ent law as regards the immigration of Chinese was insufficient. They wanted them prevented from entering the Do minion. Sir JohnMacdonald replied that no alarm need be felt. The full tax of o0 per head would continue to re strict the influx, but if any Mongolian invasion was threatened he would be the first to adopt restrictive measures. At present the majority of the Chinese paid the tax and then were smuggled Into the United States. It.would be un wise for the Dominion government to adopt harsh measures towards tbe Chi nese while trade was being developed with China, The time was opportune ror this, as the united stnte by its pol icy had antagonized the Chinese. Excitement at Belgrade. Belgrade, May 19, Queen Natalie has finally been escorted to the frontier after a conflict between Ken-d'-nrmea ami student. The latter had formed a cor don around Natalie's palace, which the gen-d -arums vainly attempted to break. many persons being injured in the light, A troop with loaded muskets wa fin ally ordered to disperse the crowd, and Natalie, in order to avert blixKhhed, yieldt4 to he order of the officer in command and entered the carriage, which wa rapidly driven away. Ex citement throughout th city ia at fever neat, and there la hourly anticipation or a general outorens. A Horrlbla rind, LivtRfoou May 19. A sailor' bag fouud floating in tha lUixlou duck was fouud to coniaiu tha horribly mutilated body of a hoy apparently aliout 1-1 year old. Th throat had tmn rut and but h lUf cut off at tha knot in order to pack th My Into tha bt, Tha police are at work on in case, but u (ar bar not th slighiMt i in to th murderer, three Mllliua Kla. i'aRi. May 19. La t'rwe of this tiiy announce that a contract was Vd, iarly durina lb prraeot nnoith, Ulwwa the huaaUti gvriiiii-iit and the I liaii lUranl arm factory by which Hi Mltd it riittdoyti are at tit allui diikl uf Unta, which ha ia an w lr f t ,i,ia it(U, Iwuli la I ( ; l.nsK., May (It, - gwartti f lent k -wU ar aij:titi' ia iiwr r'rfvpt j Th S"'MMi I'UiU in tin j nt'lriu .oatha la-t lueaui of e n With tit ! t.l,iv uttd r -nMi U liUvt A !. tioa ol ia u iu aui aula tp. Mibte the Attaah, ThU, May II -IV tlwk ha U I'trl w r(( l d pi f tti j th rvc ulat- lack b".M tha 4,irw .ich atet prviui tag th tpwnty pubUk uwat at hi aail Mt BONYNGE SUES MAC KAY. Th Fead Batweoa California Milllon- airoa Calsalaates la a Gigantic Law Salt. Nkw York, May 19. The bitter feud between th house of Macksy and Bonynge, California millionaire, which has been raging on both sides of the At lantic for several years, has at last taken definite form. Bonynge has brought nit against Mackay for damages in pro portion to the magnitude or Air. Mackay's redowbtable pile, damage which make all other damages sink into insignificance. Bat Bonynge does not stop at damages alone. He charges criminal libel as well. Ma. Piatt, of the firm of Piatt ft Bow er, counsel for Mr. Bonynge. said that the subject was one npon which neither he nor the nrm could soeax. tie ad mitted that inch a suit had been begun, j but would say no more. i A Paale Narrowly Averted. . ' Defiance, 0., May 19. -A panio wai narrowly averted at St John's Catholic church. A class of thirty-nine was ha vine its first communion and the church was packed. Suddenly there was a flash of light and tbe veil of Miss Clara Eminger was in flames. The girl screamed, and for a moment it looked a if the congregation would mak a wild rush for the door, but tbe cool ness of Father Jung and some of the parishioners averted what would have been a terrible disaster if the break had been once made. The flame were promptly extinguished, and Mis Emin ge r wa confirmed with the rest of the class. THIETY WERE EILLED. A Carload of Dj natal t Erplodes at Tarrrtown, If. T.a w'th Uorrt bljr ratal Besalt. Tarbytows, N, Y., May 19. Thirty men wen blown to atoms a few mile below here on tbe Hudson River rail road by the explosion of a carload of dynamite. Everything in the vicinity was wrecked, and tbe rails of the road were torn up for a considerable distance. The fireman of the loco motive of the train was blown into the river with the engine. The traffic on the railroad was stopped. The shock of tbe explosion was felt for miles around. The dynamite was on the con struction train, which waa at work building a third track. The bodie of eight Italians and two Americans have been picked up. Many others are believed to have been blown into the river and sniik. A large number were injured. It is impossible to say how the accident was caused. Charges Against St, Louis' Mayor. St. Louis, May 19. The Globe-Democrat is getting ready to demand the impeachment of the mayor on the charge of having misused the Johns town relief fund intrusted to bis care for distribution. Several thousand dol lars were given tbe mayor with which he went to Johnstown and proceeded to divide np tbe money among the flood sufferers in a most nnique manner. In stead of disbursing the money through regularly organized channels he visited the poor in person and handed out five and ten dollar bills whre he thought they were needed. It is claimed that the major part of the funds disappeared mysteriously, but Mayor Noonan insists that he spnt every cent of it for the purpose for which it was raised. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN KANSAS. teven Proaalt Kill Sherman Craig and His Hon at Zurich In a Land Dispute. Zurich, Kan., May 19. Sherman Craig and Steven Prossit claimed the same piece of land. Craig had lived on the land thirteen years, but had never paid for it Prossit moved on to it and Craig ordered him oil. Prossit went into his house, poked his Winchester through the window and shot Craig's son dead. Craig drew a revolver, but before he could fire it Prossit shot him through the heart. Proesit gave him self np, bnt was released at the pre liminary hearing, it being proved that he acted in self-defense. Train Bobbers Surrounded. Sac and Fox Agency. May 19. Tns sohoe, an Indian scout, one of the posse who have been chasing the Dalton gang, who held up the Santa Fe express a week ago, arrived here for reinforce ments. The gaug have been located twelve miles from the agency, aud arc fortified at a deserted ranch surrounded by the posse. When reinforcements ar rive the posse will attack the despe--adoes, and a bloody combat is looked for. Tussohoe left here with twenty new men. JACKSONVILLE BURNING. Festoffioe and Court Hens Damaged and ' Other Ktruclnres ltealrorad. Jacksonville, May 19.-A fire orig inated in tbe Mohawk block on Market Street and did htavy dsmagfl to the Kwtofllce block aud the federal court milding, and umuy other at rue tuna were destroyed. Tha loasn will prob ably reach i"s.0H0. At noon tn tire wa still raging. Th mutiicitl buildiutt1 aud city market are In tUiiier of dintrtution. l.iTort rw being; made to sv th Carlton hot -l and buildtug adjoining on West street, reaalenle rarest lira, At.Tociia, l'a.. May 19. The fort flree continue :to rag with tin abate-1 tU-rveiie. The Iowa of Frugality, t'auibrta potinty, partly tiiiryei and the tlUfat.f iwn and Wall an iirroun l.l l y tire, and sewal I'uil-i tugs uu th outukirt Wra bunted. At illtaiiMiporl th fortwt On th north an! weal slUw of lb cttr ar M, and lh air t so dark with tu k strwt laoip are kept burning all day, 1 Th ahead l ata. ; taNivui, NKt May 10,-la th! Hherdy mar W cam th taull J Kl tuur Wied ui4 wm howt tu court a t ' i rmUw) a dwcliltd cRli.(tt Mr Pbeixlr wtiir.l atoti aituol by ttxn gWUC tStld'tlh'U. t ba $MMaa W th iWmk, lltlirt, N H., Mr .-Nws k4 tat hl h i frt'ta Uu kwl t th t t thtil ii at h.K WaUh U a wr k at thai pi a. Nothing U sat I a U iU rew. Let it tWuahl lhy wra . mPROYEHDTLOOK. Encouraging Reports Received by the Department of Agricultme. ADVANCE IN FAEM LANDS. Appointed Sacra taryto th Chilian Lega tion Kaitrlctlng Italian Immigra tion Decided Against MeKee Coauner Commissioners. WASBWOTONf May 19, Tha corre spondence of the department of agri culture from all part of the country is very encouraging for tha farmers. A letter just received from a veteran ob server says; "The agricultural pros pect is certainly encouraging, and the general aspect as compared with several years past is more than encouraging.'' He says that blue grass pastures are be ing broken np for corn planting in Illinois and that land is in great de mand; that the old rule of two-fifths to tbe land owner and three-fifths to the tenant ia going ont of existence, land being rented at half to each, in some cases with fl per acre rent additional to the owner. In one case half the crop and $3.50 per acre were offered for 1,000 acres. He instances a case illustrating the advance in prices of beef. On one farm are WW steers fattening that cost $8 per 100 lbs last fall, which could now be sold for August delivery at 0 per 100, with a probable average gain of 800 pounds in flesh. More than $40,000 for grass and care ought to cure a considerable amount of depression in agriculture. Tbe same farm was stocked with feeders in W) at 13.40 per 100, which sold at 13.75 in the midst of an area of discouragement which is rapidly passing away. These indications of marked improvement are stimulating demand for farm lands and advancing tbe offerings as to rent and also tbe pice of land. A high agricultural au thority in Iowa estimates the advance in that state at $3 per acre. It is confi dently believed that farm lands gener ally now promise to be good invest ments at present prices. The chief of the bureau says: "If now imprudent settlers on tbe desert area could be re lieved from tbe disabilities induced by their over-confidence in tbe abiding re sources of 'rain belt' and the absence of Irrigation, there would be little cause for discouragement in the present as pects of agriculture in the United States." -- Deelded Against MeKe. Washington, May 19. In the district court Judge James announced the opin ion of the court in the snita of Ward Lamon and other against McEee to re cover part of the large amount the latter received for services in th Choctaw claim cases, which resulted In tha Li dians getting a land award. The court decided that Lamon was entitled to re cover from McK.ee an amonnt estimated at $150,000 for service in the prosecu tion of claimi from 1887 to 1874, and for money expended; that Latnrop was en titled to recover $75,000, MoPherson and the assignee of Luke lea waa en titled to $14,000, and Mrs. Cochrane has a right to 8 per cent, of the amount Me Kee received. The court decided that the 1147.000 paid into court byMcK.ee be divided pro rata among those per sons and judgment be given taem against Mch.ee ror tne balance. Bestrletlng Italian Immigration. Washington May 19. That the Ital ian government is endeavoring to check the tide of immigration to the United States is shown by the issuance of a cir cular by the Italian minister of the in terior to the prefects of the kingdom for the restriction of such immigration ao far as minors are concerned. Minors will not be allowed to leave the king dom when not accompanied by relatives or guardians except upon proper ship ping articles, and such documents will be required also in case the minor is ac companied by a relative or guardian who can neither read nor write. Minors under eighteen years of age will not be allowed to emigrate except on specific authority by tne minister of war. Aa Interstate Cemmeree Decision. Washington, May 19. The interstate commerce commission rendered an epin ion in the complaint ot Beaver & Co., soap manufacturers of Dayton, O.. against the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis railway and other roads. The point of decision is thaf where two kinds of soap are made use of for the same purioaes and ar advertised and held out to the world a suited for like purposes, and substantially equal in value, they should, both for purpose of transportation and rating, be placed in the same chaismcation. Banns Will Mot Bealga. Washington, May 19. Gen. Raum In an interview denied that be intended to resign. He said his relations with hissomiriors were very pleasant, and that they hud complete ctthlenc in hiiu. He said there wa a coterie of men, including some uf tbe employe of the pension oftic, who were trying to rulu him. 11 had nothing to fear from them, and would keep oti, a in tit pant, giviug hi .thought aud nargi to hi office, The Interstate Cam ml tat an. Wasiiinutok, May 19, Interstate Ciiiiuncrce ComuiiMlttUer Morrison, liravg, Vry and Kaapp left Wash ington to mak a circuit of th western atau. Tby will hear raau at ht. l'aul. Farw Kpukaae, Tciua, lurt Un.l, Km ( raciixi. Knit Lake. iVttrrr. Toa ka, Kiit City nd Chicago, hut? ina I he Utur illy fu Washington Juua to next, . flHHIIlM, Vitvir. Hay li. Th preahteat ha ftmuuitted to t.it year's ecaal Un til taoautoul tW aettleuc uf CViartd U. VlllUr, rk1d ia UlattU of Vkdv It tf la tl law. H tlH Uutd to tulififra th in nf ,H. il. Tag, rvn h ted tit !wa t-f ttnUtmg th ti Uw. and Jha U Ir. ntU twt ta iUiattt hvf vtHtwiwtfwtt eota ta Pl naraaUa ...( a the t SUM tegntioa, VaHik,tt', Ma) 19 A4v frttu Valiwuaioi au - that I Via t(rra Vui MU lias lama llutt ,rtary to lh tti.iUA h-ua ia Vt httista. A PECULIAR DISEASE. Death ef a Walt Maw Who Had Taroad Blaeav Niw York. May 19 Henry Welch, white man whose akin bad turned , black, and whose ease had been watched with the greatest interest by the phyd- cians at the Presbyterian hospital. where he has been sine May 0, died at that institution. On of th hospital physicians had just spoken to him and bad been answered in a perfect rational manner, without any evidence or im pending death, and then had turned to the next cot to speak to another patient Half a minute later tha doctor hap pened to glance at Welch and found that he waa dead. Welch'acaae is one of the moat re markable on record. He was fifty years old, and waa born in Ireland of white parent. Ia January hi skin turned yellow aa tnonf n from Jaundice. Tarn continued until Welch uifnt easily have been mistaken for a quadroon. Six week later he had tha appear an of a mulatto. Hi case was aiagnpr doctors as hyperthropie cirrbo .a, or liver disease. H entered the lspital , May 8, and after that continued to grow darker in color. When he died his a tir skin wa black. . A aVevivnllst's Work. Pckblo, Col.. Msy 19. A remarkable series of revival meetings are in Pro- reas nere, conducted by the Bar. C Q. Tatman of PhUadelnhia. Tha lnrrmt halls in the city are unable to contain tna crowa ana onen two or more churches are packed at the same time. A MIESOUBI T0WU LOOTED, Thlavea Set Fire to Bualuoe Hoots and Pleader Several Dwelling A Seattle Blase. Bedaua. Mo., May 19. ThaDriacisal business block in the town of Lament, three miles west of til, city, burned. the loss being $33,000. The fire wa started by a gaug of tramos. who pro ceeded to loot tbe town as soon aa tha blaze waa under way. A number of nouses were ransacked and th citixen were terror-stricken. The explosion of 100 pounds of blasting powder in burning hardware store added to tha confusion. Tha marshal and an armed rinaaa nrtrrwAvA in ihiOIm ttim tfclama to flight, capturing four of them. brattle. Wash.. JtUv 19. A da tnma fira vnowl in a mm tit Kntlittaaa t the corner of fiailroad avenue and Main street, oat was soon xtlngahd. The low will not exceed $40,000. Kingston, Ont.. Mar 19. Disastrous bush fires have been raging for everal . - -i. r t. j .1 , , ,. . ubtb m viujHta snu in tne VlC"!"y OI Folger. Levant, Flower and Wilbur. Near the latter place great destruction luw resulted. JUDGE JOHNSTON DEAD. Vaespoeted Demise af aa law Wsase . .- at Xaafcak. KROitnr., Ia., May 19. JuirJwari Johnston, county1 judje of Lea cotusty, one of the oldest and most onordci ixens of this county, and a UtSing jurist of tha Iowa bar, died at 119 p. m. His illns ws short snd his daata unexpected. Ha waa a noUbl charac ter in the early history of Iowa, beta pioneer in the earliest bar or this territory. In 1837 ha wa elected clerk of tbe Wisconsin Itria lativ assembly when Iowa wa yet part of that territory In 1839 be wa a'ected speaker of th Iowa hone of representatives, which met at Burling ton. In 1850 he was mayor of Fort Madison and was elected judge of Lea county in 1852, and in 1891 was appoint ed a member and president of the Iowa Columbian exposition commission. He leaves four children. SUCCEEDING ADMIRAL BRAINE.. Cast. Henry Krbea la Command ef the Breohlja Navy Yard. Niw York, May 19. Capt. Henry Erben, U. & N succeeded Bear Ad miral Dauiol L. Braina in the command of the Brooklyn navy yard, th admiral going npon tha retired list. Admiral Br sine's retirement wa made th oc casion of great ceremony, Tha marine battalion paraded at noon, a salute of thirteen guns waa fired and all the ofl eera were in full uniform. The retiring officer waa the third in rank in the navy. He entered the service as mid shipman in 1840, waa in several en gagements in the Mexican war and served with distinction in the civil war. He is a native of New York City. Th Demoreet Forgery Caaa. Buffalo, May 19. The district at torney of Erie county ha heard noth ing further from the forgery caaa against Assembly man Demorett, which was dismissed ia Rockland county for want of jurisdiction. As soon a ha ia notified by the clerk of Rockland county in tha matter, a warrant will be tamed, hart and Demorest will be indicted. THE MARKETS. Clg Orala and rravlalaa. CuiCAOO. May IA WliUTJaly, La.aff?4i isr, Jo t. ati HliUMt Itiiy Jul.. AtA ' ' ttatahBr, t hlaagn Un atoea. l wa wtwra Tsna ' t'M-t Uf t CATTt.l -Kiima4 roti.t t k twl : ,, ais, a., Totna S li Ma k Mfutxf ? ! ta4 n,i ii Wt t Slit U MulM4iMa.ly. nitl f-i.. tt.t.jAgtt ti,ltw4 4?J S. tasaaa, iaM i a" '' Kaaaa t My t . ' , KtaoAstTrv. Mtf ta ' CATTt.l, ttm4 ru44a ISM haad. ah fu.akta t i , lf . m,, , j ! . M Ait., 14. kU !. vK(;K il a. ...ui.i,t r.-r t atm.li rnMil $ M kt-t V lttl Sia.t lu wfft ttaaaa tit attwa, ' t t era f i t tM Wr ( C tTTI.lt - Ktmvt r-i-,.v 1 t ki I M i.. I jj It .'ii, . i a a4 a.si kuMai'ii lu U l.M II'MO ( wiuaalni rov l -' i Iiaht ltMai. Sblaw t J. j,i a-axr it.tiv artt u4d t.hw.4 S.!"1' f.Ti. femL. ;wr K.k-July. Sirs; am mlr. SlTlTiA 1 a Kit-Jji., faai, Hai.mmb.r. ta k i Knour lUiiH Jui. aa ui