o THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, IMAY 7, 1891. A DIRE FAILURE. T am rit tine lve. K)oie." He Mid. a on hi t'W knee Me Mrove the maiden toimprews WirA teooid ol Ui- Jai:ui"u!iia. K paxed upon tli lute of hair His upir U wewd jwi.ud lo weV And murin( the (oreim tint The barter's art did there impnt-t Keplied. "Your lipthe vo detne", For true love,' Uarenoe. 'itr die. fto-ton Courier, EETWEEX TWO DEMIES. Dnrinff tlieser-oml r with England, n American privateer criii.l along the western coast of Africa, toiiching at different pointi to take in water or provisions, or cIiHuinp KruiJisU vessel into rivers, bays and inlet. At that tiaie American privateer were to be found in nearly every quarter of the globe. The American merchant had large interests at Make on the ocean, and they fitted out many fast -nailing privateers. When one of the swift craft cap tured an Euclisli brig off Cape 8t. Vincent, the captain of the lliitinh eliip exclaimwl, 'What? a Yankee privateer in this pnrt of the world!" "Af, ay, air, and they'll soon lie found in theTharia," politely repli.sl the Yankeccapiain. To thin rejoinder the Englishman could only mutter aloud, "Eitro'nnry, extro'nary!" The Yankee, a "insll privateer, in 1 an eventful criiixe of one iiiimlml and fifty day had explored more of the western coast of Afrio than any other American vessel. She had cruised all tliroiitfh the South Atlan tic, threatening the British commerce with Colony, and then, following the shore, she sailed through the Gulf of Guinea, passed the Cape Verde Inlands the Canaries and Anoren, and finally feorossed the ocean and entered New port harbor. ; During this eventful trip in little ex plored waters, the had captured ight prizes, mmiefOUH pi-moiier, sixty-two cannon, and about tlute hundred thousand dollars' worth of property Wie had also accomplished a jrent de il in exploring a count that was us yet but poorly inappetl out for mar iners, and in bringing back to this country account s of a land that is now exciting t ho interest and wonder of the world. Some strange Kpcciinens of plants and vines were alxo brought to America by the crew of the Yankee. One extensively hot day the priva teer was moving slowly Iwjfore a light breeze, not far from the mouth of the Kongo river. The da ks were scorch ing to the touch, snd the awnings stretched across seemed to have no effect in intercepting the beat of the sum's rays. The Yankee had not Been a nail of any kind for several days, and the monotony of the voyage was becom ing unbearable. About this time an English ship hove in sight, and a generalstir among the crew denoied tne interest iney ,m herself in a deep creek that ran in took in the discovery. Every sail of to the river. The interlacing boughs the privateer was set, and a chase be- overhead, and the twining mass of crew denoted the interest tliey man at once The English soon discovered t hat he Was pursued, and quickened his speed. But the craft was old merchantman, rigged with clumsy and ill-fitting sails, and heavily laden with ivory, rare woods, shells, and hides. Her progress was slow compared with that of the tree and buoyant craft that was pursuing her. At first the English ship headed sea ward, with the evident intention of at tempting an escape on the wide seas. But the Yankee overhauled her so rapidly that this plan was abandon ed. Suddenly she hauled around, and changed her course, heading directly for the coast, a few miles ahead. The captain of the Yankee was not acquainted with the rivers, bays and inlets along the shore. Very likely the captain of the English merchant man knew the phice well. It was good policy to capture her before she could enter the mouth ot some river. The chase became exciting. The sails were crowded on the Yankee, while the captain paced her deck ex citedly. The crew stood at their posts. Jbvery ettort was made to in crease the speed of the vessel; but it oon became apparent that the mer chantman bad a lead sufhcient to enable her to reach the shore first "We're creeping along like a snail," said the captain ot the Uinl.ee, look Jug critically at the rising. "We're doing the best we can, sir,' replied the first mate. "We have ev ery sail set, and everything in order, It'is the wind, sir, that is to blame." The captain walked to the bow of Ins vessel aim wanned tiie escaping merchantman. Mie was within nn.l a mile of a densely wooded nroimnitorv. which seemed to jut fur out into the water. The English vessel waslosinygroumi. but she. was alo apjmiach'mg the "Is t hers a river behind that point of land!" aked Ihecnptnin Ho one knew, for no one had sailed that coast before. "Well, U it isn't too late we may cripple- her. tic! the forward guns ready, and aim high. lHui't injure tti hull, for I fancy she has a valuable cargo. Mm giisli to t lis rigging hot and heavy," Two Ion rangsi annonwere pointed ver the bo of th privst.vr lit nimitis of two i Iwy p-ihI fur. Tli top of ti e t.iiv'ttshmMN m'uien aasat cams crashing down. rrvuig with it tl heavy upper anils. Then the. forward km mensd two IsMty hots, which tote , tioiu iu otttioM. nd canted it atitit thssltmt n.ut- nsAl. a hw t it lmti mgmy in the Ths sails Uttered sist torn Ut tit ltinbntituta toiiHtiuixl on Im conn, lbs Kogtuh nftymi f i out ths Mtaat stamp . Tt n am ttf tW Ysnki signalled - las a Murntadof, tut sir was k ants' fnsd tlissliolt t tins e-w aim4 at !s lu U k t .1 wHaa Iwmod (p Mivhrttxi t "Y .: i kef. t lr i"l.!ni bui 111 p." hiM.td ttoauin, w. t I .a tei Kan aas mi( ua J an f y c :s. aMa smmis lu t It ; i Jthc Maisrtaewaetrj i ' -4 fnmvi 4. i rrinCetl assl Uhf iM'unsl. . r" itti.J ti ta ' iNtwitut c 4 t-.t af tfi 4 tiia The firinsr had to reae, but the sne er of the Yankee's captain increased. His prize was out of sight, but it had not vet eaestwu. "I'll chase them across the whole coin inent," be said: "but 111 have them'" Presently the Yankee rounded the same nromontorr. A black- muiMv river discharjp-d itself into the ocean on the oposite side of the headland, all along the banks of w 'Inch t he cms tering tree and dark, coiling, spiky undergrowth formed such an iiniH-ne-trable mass that it did not seem - sinle lor man to enter it. The river had several small mouths; it was like a scries of smalLlakes or ponds, separated here and there by dense lines of trees, bushes and grass. It was a place in which a vessel inislit readily escape an enemy, for shecould run up one branch of t be stream and be out of sight while her pursuer wav searching near by. When the Yankee rounded the head land no signs of the merchantman could be discovered. The captain studied the problem before him, and lost some time in coming to a conclu sion. If he sailed up the river the merchantman might lieconcealednenr the mouth, ready to cca e to t he ocean when the coast was clear. On the other hand, the prize might fo straight up the river, and find some liding place under the dense, over hanuing banks, where discovery would be imossible. The captain weighed the chances well before attempting anything definite. He cruised back and forth near the . mouth of the stream, keeping the ocean well insight. " e must leave a watch behind here to signal are iroina if she comes back while we up tiie river, the captain said to his first mate. We can leave several men on the headland, with a small howitzer to warn us. They can " The captain' words were cut short by a peculiar sound. From out of tint woodsa series of savage yells blended with sharp reports of lire-arms in au indistinct i oar. The chattering of the monkeys and the cries of the birds were hushed by these sounds. Every sailor on board the Yankee looked in astonishment to ward the wall of trees, The shouts and yells continued, but theliring dwindled down to a few stray shots. Follow un the sounds," shouted the captain of the Yankee. 'It every man prepare for action, Keep the guns loaded and in position," J lie prow of the privateer cut through thetuuddy waters of the river gallantly. A stiff breeze had sprung up from the m ean, andtlje, heavy can vas was filled so that very good speed was possible. As the boat proceeded the banks ol the river closed in upon it, The river wound and twisted about so that the view ahead and behind was entirely rut off. On both sides was a dense African forest. it was not difficult to fix the direc tion from whence the sounds came. As the Yankee proceeded they became louder and fiercer. Suddenly, in turning a curve in the stream, the cause ot the tumult be came apparent. The English merchantman, in her endeavor to escape, had tried to con leaves and vines on each side, alfordud excellent opportunity for this; but un fortunately another circumstance had not been well considered. A large band of African savages bad been concealed behind the leafy wall. They had followed the ship up to her hiding place, and as she approached the land, they had rushed out of the bushes In a body, boarded the ship, and attacked the small crew. The Englishman resisted the on slaught ot the savages bravely, but on account of the suddenness of the attack and the number of the savages, they had been driven to the stern of their vessel, where they were unable to use thei " two cannon. The battle was sadly one-sided, and the crew were anticipating horrible torture from their savage captors, when the Yankee suddenly hove in sight. Although the vessel was an enemy, the hard pressed crew of Englishmen gave a cheer, and shouted for help The savages were swarming all over the prize, but they hesitated a mo ment when -the reinforcement, ap peared. Then with one accord the blacks hurled a shower of arrows and spears at the. Yankee. The two heavy cannon upon thefor wurd deck of the privateer were aimed at the crowd of savages, and when they were discharged dozens of blacks were swept into t lie river. Again and again the guns were fired, carrying death and destruction with them. The merchant man was finally cleared of most of the savages, and several sailors sprang from the deck of the Yankee and fastened a line to her stern. The vessel was gradually hauled out into miil-st ream, and t he few savages remaining on board, becoming fright ened, plunged into the water. Mean w hue, hmtdreds of other savages had J collected on both banks, and showers of arrows ami spears whixed over t lis (le'k ot the two vessels. . Hut the mU wss itecureil, and the Eiiulishmun saved from a horrible death at the hand of a race whom tbeV believed to be cannibal The work of getting out of the river was a long, tedious and dangerous on. Hie savages, chagrined at their mod1, appeared ib-terminetl to rs- devtn their honor. They followed tht wo vesw'K ami at svery turn in ths river niSiW a desperate stand; but I tut heavvianiuiu ol tha Yankee lut tbem to thtiht. Two or Ibres Isrw Wats, tiroiH-llinl lV oars and ixitr, tlid loals dowu with t'l.Kk sarruus, tail mil into ths stream, ami alte;npte to board ths prtvaieer; but ssni tls caimon li' icret litem. .Mil Mum ins moum tr river was rvat iMsl ui tits rrvw of (tis iwo iewl ttt-l that all tlaitr had raa mi, 'llieii Xh wottiutml and dyuw aers frit for Ml Ihs .iu:ltlmi. ii sis t rsiwU-in-l to ) il k oltl s Ysakea, shers Ihey rwwved twsds at aul. IM rtn of ths twr haiUmsn nas lnty Kt r.lr to euireiwive la tbi Ys ke ssptHi, an i m iloi'tj ! sail I'ta X- ortkirn ina. at tuetnl tUMr i W n an toamy. ilia U'HtMMis d snsee ! lhblaka sfm b.td iiaU lbs twd sttemsrs fist d 11-s eartra tb Mistvbaat. ais i a a c Iter 1 1 4r!t rfl I a l he Ko, 4 tit lt Vsika taraw attvi4, ail Ihs fatetl yisisi Wua awicled uU.'s Ciaiiiu. FOR OUR YOUXG RLVDBS. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. Lost Money-Marble's Charm De velopment of DollsA Fair Warning. Margie's Charm. "What is it that makes everybody love Margie Fitch so?" said Jennie Howard, half petulantly, as she turn ed away from the window after hav ing seen the elegant Mrs. .Drayton, with her little daughter by her side, gracefully rein in her horse, take Margie in her handsome carriage and dash off down the street. "She isn't pretty nor stylish. Now what is it no you suppose?" "I think I know the charm. Per haps you would better set yourself the task this week to discover it," answered her mother, busily putting the sitting-room to rights. The next day at school Jennie fol lowed her like a detective. , The first thing she noticed was . Margie's kind ness to Alice Uoss, a shy new scholar, who stood quite alone looking wist fully at the others at their gay sports. Margie went over and made her ac quaintance, and after a little urging the gill joined the merry group and was soon running like a deer and laughing with t he rest. When school was called, Margie laid a rose on the teacher's desk as she passed, smiled a cherry "Good morning," and received an appreciauvcsmueiii return, -nuont an hour later, while busily studying, a smothered sob caught her ear. Looking about, she saw ' the new scholar sitting with her bead tient for ward with a hoisiless expression. I p went Margie's hand for permission to leave her seat, which was granted, as were all like requests, for they were rare, and the teacher knew they were never of a trilling nature. "What is the matter, Alice? asked Margie, sitting down beside her. "1 can't do one of t hese examples," she replied, dashing away a tear. Margie took the slate, read over un example, and soon had it down cor rectly. With a little help at the right place the others were conquered, and the girl lifted a grateful face to hers as she thanked her. On their way home a troop of girls were working off their ainiiual spirits in a wild game of tag. Margie, in whirling suddenly, came iu collision with a gentleman, knocking bis cane from his hand. "Oh, 1 beg your pardon, sir," said Margio, covered with confusion as she returned the cane to him, "I'm afraid I have hurt you." And she looked up wit h frank solicitude in her eyes. "Not at all, my dear," he responded heartily, pleased by her courteous manner, "tlo on with your play and be happy. 1 am proud to doll my hat to so oolite a young lady," which he did with a stately bow, and passed on. "How did you dare? I should have been too much frightened to have said a thing!" exclaimed one of the girls. "So should I," chorused the others. There was a social jn the church parlors that week. . Jennie still hover ed near Margie.leaming a sweet lesson every day from her. As they sat turn ingthe leaves ofa bymn-booiC, finding their favorite songs, a lady paused to speak to them. Margie instantly arose and proffered her chair, which was accepted with a a pleased smile after Margie had insisted upon it. The two girls started for the other room, where the young people were preparing for games. Just . then Margie espied a solitary figure sitting in the corner. This was the deacon's wife, who was somewhat deaf. After a handshake and a sentence through the ear trumpet, people usually left her to herself, as the majority of the people mumble or speak too rapidly to be readily understood through the trumpet. Margie crossed the room to her and taking the trumpet in her hand, being careful to articulate so as not to make her allliction more con spicuous, she sat and chatted half an hour away, amusing the dear old lady bv reneatinc the pleasantries and jokes that were flying from lip to lip of tlioso around tnem. "You have been a comfort to me, my bonnie lass," said the old lady, nattinu the hand that held the truin- net. "Now bo plav with the rest. I thank vou, mv dear, for the thought fulness of an old woman like me." And Marine went away laiite happy As soon as she apm-ared several voices exclaimed: "O. here conies Margie Fitch! Tt her be Kuth. Come, Margie, and be blindfolded." Margie laughingly submitted, and a moment later was giving "Jacob" a i- . i . i - . . , i : i lively ciinse aroiiuu me ruiK. f"r ways put her whole heart into every thiuu. "I think I have found out Margie's charm" said Jennie to her mother, the next morning. "It is because she is so eood to evervbodv." "Yes, that is it," answered tr mother, "iue is liiougiilliu, sum, nt lite and obliging. I think she must carry the i.omeii mile very near to her heart. Advance. Lost Monsy, It was a dark night, and down a re tired street In Paris a man rode alone on horseback. Mtddeniy ins nor stopped as if frightened. Then a man rose from the pavement, in the middle of the street, and jumped to one side with a cry. The rider was angry, and exclaimed, "Ara youdrtink, man, that you lie about iu the middle of a dsik street to K t yourself run m?" "You illicit h4tr lend a poor fel low band than Isold in thai f." extlninird the other. "I had three litmdml trams in gold in this bag. car rying it lo pay a bill lor my master, and tb bag is broken and it is all lost over tits street. If you aav soius matt h Osy !! do ns more khm1 titan your enrses." "In t ty tak lo fmd lost nni. ey on a nbl ltk this." tld ! ruler, d,ruibitimi. 'I have bo ataMut, but p")!1 I help ) How ttimitV wf Us l it SH' ' tiiilj ms, vaKe the ttiiott tins' Mlvw, wtth a U ' iiitnl loum." said th en tar, TVs pvf Uxitatsd. but lbs SlrsiMrt repealed in a Uss l author ity, and lbs last cvm was tidi to i The trirr ahaUd. amir lf luh insauj ttMt t)tu M vn tb bad the coin to the dog's nc. and. leaning to the rough pavement, ,i:d, ' Find them." The dog sniffed the gold piece ami be!iii bis search. One. two, three; be ls-raiibrtiiginj in the coins and dropping tliein into his master's hand, while the poor serv ant stood in silent wonder. Thirteen times be returned with a t went y-f ranee piece. Then, after a long search he came back- eiupty with a grunt that seemed to ay, "There are no more." "We are yet lading oiiepi'-ce, said the stranger. "Are you sure there wan just, three hundred france?" "Sure as sure can be, sir," the serv ant replied. Then look in the h.igaunin. There must be one left there." The man looked, and sure enough, found the last gold piece still there. "Oh, sir!" lie exclaimed, as the stranger sprang into bis saddle, "you are my deliverer. Tell me your name, that my master may know who has done him such a a service.'" "I have done nothing." said the stranger. "Tell your master that tiie one who helped you wus a very good and intelligent dog, by the name of Joie." It was some years afterward when France hail seen troubled times and the Hoyal family was no more, that, the muster was Idling the incident to a party of friends, one of whom had been employed in the puluce. "Joie! Joie!" he exclaimed. "There never was but one dog of that name, and there nuvcr wus a more reinark ablu and faithful dog than he. He always accompanied his master when he went in disguise about the city." " ho was his master? they all asked. ' The renlv was brief: "The Emperor Napoleon.'' Development of Dolls, The talking doll isthelinenl descend ant of a rude and simple ancestry. We run trace its history, with that of civilization,' by the figurines of Ton agra, and the ivory figures of wealthy Rome. By a comparsion of customs among the South Sea islanders, we may satisfy ourselves that dolls Were pri.od by children iu prehistoric times. The daughter of the savage makes her own doll, and invests it with all the graces and charms of form and lisposition. Travellers tell us that the make-believe child of the little savage often consists of nothing more nearly human than an ear of corn in the husk, a long gourd or a cucumber, or even, in extreme cases of want, a fig leaf niade into a roll. This she soothes and chides, and sings to, and nterests with stories of her own tell- ing. . .. . The ivory doll of tho Koman child was too costly fortheagesthattollow- ed the fall of tho Empire. For many centuries dolls must have been chiefly of home manufacture. Iheiirst shop- made dolls after the Middle Ages were the jointed wooden dollsof theNether lauds. These were known in England as "Flanders babies." These "Flemish beauties" are described as having mid "round black beads, with a well defined blush on either cheek." They were of wood from crown to toe. Their legs and arms were jointed. The wig of brown hair was fastened to the bead by a row of iron tacks, Dolls ol the latest pattern are now manufactured in great numbers in Englund and in America. Yet these countries still continue to import some of the cheaper kinds from Ger many. The extent to which dolls are manufactured in England may be judged from the statement, made a few years ago in the House of Com mons, that a manufacturer had had an . order for five hundred pounds' worth of dolls eyes. A Zulu Woman's Mansion, The Zulu woman is the architect and builder of the Zulu house, and the style of architecture is known in the colonies as "wattle and daub." It looked like an exaggerated beehive, for the Zulu mind has this peculiarity, that it cannot grasp the idea of any thing that is not round, or eliptical in form. There are no squares in Nature. To build her house, the woman traces a circle on the ground 14ft. in diame ter and getting a number of long lim ber branches, sire stu.ke them firmly into the ground and then bends the tops over, and tics them with fibre obtained from numerous creepers, or "monkey rojics." Then she twines thicker creepers in and out of these sticks, all around the circle of spaces about 12 inches apart, and then tak ing wattle (a kind of coarse grass or reed (she thatches the edifice, leaving a small hole at the top for a chimney, and another hole three feet square, for a door. In front of this she builds a covered way, extending outwards about three feet, and the exterior of I the house is blushed by a coating of "daub' or mud. She then seeks the nests of the white ant, and digging them up obtains a quantity of white clay, which she beats to powder, dries, and then mixing it with water kneads it until it is quite smooth. This she spreads all over ihs ground iuNsle the but. and Wuts it carefully until it is quite bard and frv from cracks. Tins floor a good bouses if will scour twice a day with smooth st ones, until it is hks a pices of pol ished msiblf. Tb fireplace is near the door, and is simply a ring ol this cbf lo coitlnts lbs etirtwrs in on pin. e. This other iimr!!! louml in a but area bundi of iar shaas drying, some ton,io. and several bnmhesof millet hnniM f"twi lbs roof, (Irouped round t hs walls are t ! thres iiiiim la sprviea of Hur milk Uis, lite nal ue ltf jars, and ot"1 jure boldiiif (.rain, tit ours, lbs deii od ttik r,ui. roats tb roif. intllet, ami tobarto H soot, nd loisx rnis-ra" of It batii lit s ry direction but lbs nwr will o ilesn enough to est on. six! a lou at that l M the H tl Mrs, ttiutuiy ! U julii w stjnl. A I sir Wimife pty nli ia bMtt to bs puaiahed by hit tea. her U ytu U.paa, sir, tV )wn b i3 bs tbs suSUrer, aad Ml T bee-Hast s? i-ti ' ys ara aot a Mtri tan, ana u yon tier jcjtw ,rp ( ms, ituil pi as ae as a rat. ECCENTRIC TOLSTOt. Ilia To'laU His Diet, and His Dally Round. fount Leo Tolstoi rends, writes, and receive bis friends in hisla-droom. It is an apartment some fifteen feet S"p-iare. without a carpet, and always uivderlieatvd. In one corner stands an old green leather sofa, on which he sieens under a single nig. His couch isquitennincum'iered with a mat tress, sheet or pillows. Near the sofa there is a pile of boot lasts, awls, knives, leather strips, and all other sorts of shoemakers' materials. Weaving machinery, half-finished cloths, pitch forks, picks and shovels lie in the wild est confusion all over the rt of the room, so that a stranger, suddenly set down in it, would think himself in the quarters of a peasant, a weaver and a shoemaker. The only thing to dis turb bis belief in the orciipancy of the humble trinity would la? a great case full of books, "many in the most expen sivebinding imaginable, for, with all his simple notions, Lount iolstoi is a bibliophile. The philosophers daily me is occu pied with all sorts of duties which a man of letters is usually supposed not to discharge. He rises at o o'clock, and for half an hour dashes ice cold water on his head, neck and breast. Then he draws on his cloths, which in clude only a blue checked jumper of linen, a pair of trousers and heavy iti- httnig tieasant s boots, iie never brushes his hair, and his apology for combing it is the thrusting through it twice of the live fingers of his leltliand. At 0 o clock he leaves his room for the dining room on the second floor. There the count's guests and scholars, of whom there is always a burden some number at tho Jesnaia Poljana castle, are already nssenibled for tea. Their host never joins them in taking the great Hussian beverage, however. lie prefers codec, the rest ot tne breakfast consists of white bread, fresh butter, cream, and a peculiar cheese which Tolstoi prepares with his own bands. Most of the breakfast party come and go from month to month. Three persons only are regular mem bers of it year in and year out. They are the Countess Anna. Michailowna and the count's two young daughters, Nadeslia and tiiubow IliOve). lhe cnversation at breakfast is light, even to the point of frivolity. The daily news, (he domestic affairs of the castle, and family matters at lare are usually the subjects. Tolstoi booses this style of topics, for lie pre fers to discuss his doctrine and his works only in his work room. lie devotes lus time between break fast and noon to cleaning stovepipe, poiisning moves, menauig uoots, unov- eling snow in winter, and other like manual labor. From 12to 1 hedines. His dinner as well as his 6 o'clock sup per, consists of milk and bread as his breakfast. CoiintTolstoichooscsthis curious diet because he is a veget arian. He defends the opinion that man has no right to kill and consume a living organism. The Russian painter, He, once asked Tolstoi: "Is not the veg etable a living organism?" The count thought profoundly for several min utes and then replied: "Well, in time science may help us to such an extent that we will not find it necessary to kill even a vegetable organism." From 1 to 3 o'clock p. m., Tolstoi receives the calls of scholars and guests. He talks freely and deeply with all. He rarely plunges into con versation of any length, however, without setting out for himself and his visitor two glasses of peasant kvas of bis own brew. Count Tolstoi's hours for writing are from 8 or 4 o'clock to 0. After supper he works at shoeniaking a little while or sees his family, then gets out of his juniper, trousers and boots and crawls in be tween his rugs and green leather sofa for the night. New Y ork Sun. JUST LIKE A MAN, The Pathetic Experience of Mrs. Frontpew and Her Easter Bonnet hata bonnet it was. Ilie very band-box that it came in seemed to appreciate the value and magnificence it contained such a substantial, well varnished, responsible band-box. Up the steps the messenger carried it and rani? the bell. Her' husband felt a chill come such as that we experience when, accordant to the old gossips, somebody walks over our future crave. It was EaBtr, and if one can't have a new bonnet after the Lenten de privation and abstinence, when is one entitled to one, anyhow? Mrs. Frontpew tried it on in the narlor and said her husband was a duck, and gathered the family around her that they might bask in the sun-lu-ht of its Glory. And what a bonnet of clory it was! What a creation of creams and ot tier sou colors: mint a iiMNter-work of feathers and birds and flowers! To have one such bon net was worth livinir a lifetime for. Never was I here a liuband as good and kind stid with such taste. 'lhe door bell raiia attain. Another mes!Miier Iwiy came up. "This is Mrs. Front pew's bonnet," said the messenuer. "Hie other one was left by mistake, It should have Hone to Mr Slyly, net do.r." With a blam bed fare she rav back ths bonnet and looked at ber own. Ibrd for bird, feather for feather, Mower for Mower it wa the same as tb other. That i why Mrs. Frontpew was not in church on Kaiter, and a by Front pe has been takimtsnpperdoantoan and looks liks anuinupoiiwliom great is is fallen. How could be tell? The milliner merely showed him a pretty had drvsa and lis ordered one mads bks it, lint that's like a man Sail Fra n F.iatnsrter, Weight ef frsnvh Money, A IVis hmaii, who evidently ! in handling Uf sums of money, baa roinpbei bonis eiite tannin; t!atttss with regard to the wetU of a mdliard Ol U r reiv e ioin of I reals. Ac M)rdns to lnui a tnUhsrd in dvef weirfb 10,(sslsIMw MUiiidt. 14 r,!d, n . vm pptttsU, iii l.issf aisj eh k, tf fiH )aiMK hi 1M fraiH- tbei kf, VtuiM-jiiiatis. Aoitlia iit aar, rvae hi! tcny bnWt aialit, Ittantwmdl ! rmied ta tarry a aiKital b Iraw .Uii. 119 nn for lb sn wm 'a rrns . bavk. a.V'ia Kvn in soUl and oiVtsal t'.H'r. A iteiUiard w !. Kaae ; (lukka 0!4 rk ., Ai4tas o iOW pas ev IU itOU lleisld. HM ud Irrigated faro. Ou4m On-hsni la the C'eletM-alad Bear Bir Valtrf taa Mala Line af the l afam fariSe aa4 Central Partta R." R. Bear Corriaa aad Ogdea, I'tak. Splendid location for business sad in dustries ol all kinds in the well known city of Coriane. situated in the middle of the valley on the Central l'scilic K. K. The lands of the Bear rier valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction of the mammoth system of irrigation from the Bear lake and river, just completed by the Bear Rirer Canal Co.. at a cost of tJ.OOO.oOO. The Co. controls $100,000 acres of these tiue lands and owns many lots and business locations in the City of Corinne, and is now prepared to sell on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, and irrigating facilities are pronounced unsurpassed by competent judges who declare the valley to be the Paradise of the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock Kaiser. Nice social surroundings, good schoos and churches st Corinne City, and Home Markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt Lake, and in the great mining camps. Lands will be shown from tho local of fice of the Company at Corinne. tiutf Randall's Investment Agency, Rooms 16 and 17, McMurtry Block Lincoln, Neb. Bargint in Western Land. Batgint in City property. No. 48 100 all fenced, 8 wires, wind mill, tank, 3 miles from Oxford. Price !50. No. 4." 100, 82 acres cultivated, 4 room house,' granary, corn crib, well. Price, SIO'A tibo cash, balance time 6 per cent interest. No. 495 lots for 11000 oiflOOOsach, well located in East Liacolu, i cash, bal ance time. No. 40 5 room cottage, 2 closets, china closet, cellar, coal bouse, well, corner lot 50x143, 1 block from car line, 1 block from school house. Price fcJOOO i great Dargain. I have some choice city property for exchange for farm lands or stock. I also have some choice land for sale on 10 j eai payment. House for sale and rent' Come and see nie. I REPRESENT THE REAL ESTATE 1U1 a. taui l rr ill ov VV jwti la 'O --m terest to see us or ad- - 1ml U will Kn ts vrsti't r iSSs dress us if you want any thing in our line. Houses and blocks for sale that will pay more than 10 per cent on invest ment. 42tf Lincoln, Neb. Corner loth and P Streets. We liave by far the. largest stock of Hoots and Shoes in the city suited for the Farmers use. This is one of the special fea tures of our shoe. For Thirty Days M'e are making special cut prices to reduce our large stock. In many lines of shoes the prices are irom OU to id cents under regular retail prices. Orders by mail solicited. Please state correct size of shoe wanted both ia length and width to avoid mistakes in fit ting, also about what priced shoe you want. Orders of 15.00 and up wards will be delivered free at your nearest express office dur ing this stile. 41tf ERJissW Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln, Neb. OALARY $25 PER WEEK. to sell our 0 WANT Kit! Ciood Aennts (ancrtl line of tuercbanUine. No plli Inir. Abore calarr ill Ih) llu 1 live asenl. r'nr rurllior Inrnrmailon. aildreea, till ! UKNKK.tl. l CI'I V i ll,, ITS Waal Vaa Uurra St.. ( hieao. Iii. Taa aalemal fcw a. mM Tiujawuar ewt I,U woaa 1 im la a r. a. Uataa Ua. iu t r--mm Tnan"Sa4 iuoa.liit I will atT a) tm Urn aaS JWi aia HnalMlMlU wit) nwMi m 99 mw toaM f. Tiisae, Lariwma, Pa. Oarter& Bailey, Ceizlssloa Cercbuts, 12$ U.I2S lifll litlSt. Ifectti. III. DKAtXM IN utter, Hf r,t rtfJ say, grata d Uvs mk t. fim Frciuce i Spiciiliy. M lUrsasax-rinl Nat)sal Baal. I U I'bvue 4.U.. A. D.GUILE, IVXH5AI. lHUP.Tott HaUlaalsf .... r. . , . t.taoaU, ' i m a A BETTER DAY BY J. A. EDCERTON, Consisting of thirteen Poems Suitable tor Recitatwnj. Every Alliance should have a copy. Price in leather 2-jc. Paper 'Mc. 40 f Address this office. 1 Of all the farmers ia Neb. have 2 heard of . H. Andnu the land man. He is the man who rsa for Stats Land Commissioner on the Demo cratic ticket in old times when thera were only eighteen democrats in Neb. In fact be nearly beat Kendall He did not stop doing business but kept right on selling land. He told over a mUlioa acres for the B. A M. and il there ara any knock-down bargains in Neb. you can get full descriptions and a aioa new map free by writing to 88 . H. Amdkus & Son. 800 P St" ' Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln city property a specialty AIL1AXCS HEADQUARTERS. Rates 2. par ear. BpaoUU rates by the wath. Corner 15th mi Jackson Streets, On block from motor Una. its K JENNINGS, Prop'r, rj Z. S. BRANSON, LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. PRICES RIGHT. , GOOD WOKK til'AKAXTKKI). Ollice over Urst National Hauk. 3H-mS Lincoln, i i i Nehraaka. A. M. DAVIS, Leading Carpet Dealer or -LINCOLN.- Cet his prices before pujehasing; else where, lie will save you money. 43 REAL ESTATE. Farms for sale and exchange in all parts of Nebraska. Correxpoodence solicited. DORR BROS. & BRANSON, 38013 Over 1st National Bank, Lincoln, Neb. MEMOIRS or Wm. T. Sherman, wamrssr HiMHsi.v with an additional chapter, brlniflnjrtheftory of nil life down toil ate, and a description of Its closing scenes and imposing funeral oere moDios: also an appendex by way of a oritl- auo ef the memoirs and s personal tribute to enersl Sherman by HON. JAMES G. BLAINE. To bring tbls book within reach of all, at the request of the family, and especially for the beuettt of the old soldiers, this cheap edition has been issued, complete In one vol ume, to sell for la.UI, Buy no "Life of Gen. Sherman" except the one written by hlinaelf. with an apppnndax by James U. Maine. Nebraska hotel, R. Hick el 8th and U St. A (ft, for Llnooln. LINOOX.N S7h- ' . An issii'i ura or rsHAmHir, Shorthand, and Typewriting, mi ths beat and huvast Culleife In lhe Went. u Stiufa-nu In attendance Imt year. Htudents prepared for btvlneM In from 8US moatlu. Experienced faeultv. Personal limtrwnion. beautiful lllintruUKl cimlwue, eollem Journslo. and sneulmeuut penmaMblp, sent free by wldnwlng 1,11,1 .IHK1IKIB a BOOSK. Lincoln. Kab. DO-.YOU Want to save from 25 TO 50c. On every Dollar you spend? If so, write for our Illustrated catalogue, containing illus trations and prices of everything manufact ured ia the United States, st manufactur efs' prices. 10,000 Illustrations, All hnef represented. Catalogue mailed free on ap plication. Address, W CHICAGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO. 176 West Van Buren St. Chicago, 111. American Live Stock COMMISSION CO. Boom 34 Exchange building, IS CO-OPERATIVE AND SELLS Alliance Stock. CONSIGN TO ALLEN ROOT, l.ltf Care of A. L. S. CO., SOUTH, OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. NO DOUBT A FACT TIIE PERKINS Is Ilia l.lgHleal Rnaalag Hind Mill aow Maita. BUY IT I TRY IT I After HI year ef tueeeos la the nanuiav lure ir Wind Milla. hava lately m,ta a complete ehamc la our Mill, ail parts Iwltu bulll strottirer and better rti port m turd and a aelf iMbru aMI kuahin placed la all Inura Ut save la nurvhaMr f roia iiiablu blah low. era Ui l il, tM saiaa prtwi ll of (ir . ly w AMH N rSll, and wi.l run anhuul iaa iue a MMait, tha n-ptitaikn rained by lhe retain Mil la the aaat baa ludtMwl soma unaurumitntt perauaataHHiiiaia ike Mill swl evra iu lata wus asau4 apply il iu aa latermr anil Ua al ttevnltvl. auaa aanuiaa uaieas saiap4 eabaluw, we atatiMfaulure bia aaiMM aad eaeMt atilM, Uxli puwaa rte and eealH tad Hul Klpfw. Uuu4 AaM aaas eit. Saaa frt hM iiiw aad atiowa. tm rUklHWIMIMItV Win. . . HwSasasa, Int. MeatloMS rasa- Attnn, a, BARBCH li rOWLCR, .. als tat Ike staadatit rfkiaa HiK I awupMi0M pari tea ara eaiatia ut kn4i tka aiaa-laiS rfi kut k aaif aa tail, lanua ttt laa rrk miti, Sv tiarbai a iWmm Iwxta.HaSaf aSaS'1 t-11- Ft mht, mm saw aksi S Vavs, V. tutam r.Ck.TalLCNOAy, ym taaasaaw -7,4 I . vTif it, :u,Tetr, mm r-7?. M 1 jk h it dajaisk .) "SI