The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, May 07, 1891, Image 4

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Tea Aluasob ri-BUsiiwa Co.
Car. 11U aad SI Pt-. Lincoln, Xeb.
moow ....
. Businr Huwr
"Io tie beauty of the lillics
Oifst was born across the sea,
TFith a glory in hi bo-otu
That transfigure you and mc.
M be strove to xavXe men holy
Let us strive to make them free.
Since 6od is marching on."
Julia Ward Howe.
""Laurel crowns cleave to desert.
And power to him who power txerts."
"A ruddy drop of manly Wood
Tbe surging sea outweighs.'"
mJ3m who cannot rcaon is a fool,
lie who will not rea-on Is a coward.
Ha who dare not reason is a slave.''
. i.n
all tiutlneso coamumcauo m
MVbWIo. to Editor
Man nt be lined, rrrr ion wu"""".,
Manila on not be ut-
ti:e leadikgTndependent
J. BCBBOWS, Editor.
J. U. THOMPSON. Buslueaj
Mgnet our reaotr this week with Tu
AlllASO eukttf l h.or1 ,li,l,L hi
'"J"" w intend to add to its value
efJtorlsl tnuch f we buve to iuslsu.
The Alliaxce oce year and
Looking Backward post paid, .
.11 60
. 1 40
. 1 CO
DikiS Md Labor ard Capital by
-KvDoif,...,. ...........
Ditto and Crcsar's Column
" " Our Republican Mon
archy bv Venier Voldo ........
1 40
The above books for aale at this office
Ditto and Cushing's Manuel pa
ter covers 80
Olh covers... V r,
fir scat post paid as follows)
Looking Backward. ............ .dOcts.
Caesar's Column .. . . ......... i ... .SOcts.
Labor and Capital. ........ SOcts.
Our Republican Monarchy SScts.
Cushing's Manuel, paper covers. . SScts.
" cloth " ...50cts.
Alliakck Pub. Co Lincoln Neb.
All the Western Passenger Associa
tions have refused to make any special
rates from Missouri river points to C'in
cinoati. The O. & M. from St. Louis
Makes a rodtid trip rate of one fare
iron that point. The Monon route
makes a rate of one fare for the round
trip from Chicago, or $8.00. The Chi
cago and Alton not being in the Asso
ciations, the committees have recom
mended that all delegates go by that
road to St. Louis, and thence via the
This is the latest information we have.
The Monon ticket offices are at
Dearborn street station and at 13 Clark
street, Ciicago. ;
P. S. As we goto press we receive
the following dispatch from ilon. Allen
Omaha, May 6, 1891.
J. M, Tnoxrsox, Lincoln: Rates one
fare for round trip from Omaha by Wa
bash. Leave Saturday the 16th at 4 P.
St. Take certificate from points in this
state to Omaha. ALLEN ROOT.
It appears that Bro. Root has been
able to accomplish at Omaha more than
the committees at other points. The
above dispatch is our sole authority, but
we believe it is all l inhi.
All delegates from Nebraska to the
Cincinnati Conference are requested to
meet at the Burnett House in Cincinnati
Monday, May 13, at 8 o'clock P. M.
Fres't Neb. State Alliance
Ch'a !t9t f'nm
VoL 1 No. I of the IittU(nJtnt Ch 1m
4 Goring, Sootts Bluff county, reaches
sts this week. It li published and edited
by A. F. Snyder, is devoted to the Al
liance and labor caue, and U a bright
and newsy sheet.
j good u:rrw.
Wo noticed a good letter to the Lit
Stack Mkvfor, of Katua City, written
by Kro. John Williams, of Teeumteh.
We intended to puMwh it. but lost the
copy until the art;. In tmd goue Use
rcmndt tf th pnr Out tuteuieul.
bowever, U siguitWnt, Th tnri(tac
lndebtduemol Jo&uhh rouuiy atrr
ag jr quarter wet ion.
jljyij. ,m m i m '
tW If Ailitnw and AU m bilker
ol nif hWrim autw ftrAi ly
lUetampt vl NtiU. ml ti,i.l
strictly to AiiUaro ui a. Wttiti att
tr'sMe spwtilatwM aW, aa l a!) A5Jl
ttr ittimr i ibwu wi eM gin
trtra itlit M Atitauro rstotaw ao.
: " 'J HUm d'HHM4 to thee
c " J 11 AUUaeo f Htbrak baa
C ; b .;rUi Marly t j 4
, '' Vm kill uf imgulert-
r " t t tvt: If ! tk'it, two
t':l 'j. .Ta laio bo1 y
I ic:l tr!l"r '
. Jit : ) t td ii t hey f.t .
Shsmus O'Byde Vamooses the Ranch.
On Tuesday afternoon the Supreme
court gave out its opinion in tbcyo war
tarda suit to test the question of Mr.
Boyd's citizenihip. As every well-balanced
man knew would be the case if
the law and constitution were complied
with, the opinion is adverse to Boyd,
and re instates Hon. John M. Thayer in
the office of governor.
Gov. Thayer resumes his oCee abso
lutely untrammcled. He is of necessity
more of an independent to-day than he is
a republican ; and yet it cannot be doubt
ed that be will be true to what he con
siders his obligations to his party. He
owes his present position to no party
and no clique. In fact, his party by its
representatives in the legislature, did all
it possibly could to put Boyd in the ex
ecutive chair. If thes republican mem
bers of that IMy had been true to their
principles and their party Boyd would
never have masqueraded as governor for
a single day. ""
As for the Supreme court, every mem
ber of it knew months ago that Boyd was
not legally governor. The opinion
handed out Tuesday could have been
written twenty four hours after the suit
was brought as well as at the present
time. Their vile taltering and delay
has been worse than foolish and weak-
it has been criminally wicked. They
have thrown a cloud of doubt over the
legality of much legislative and execu
tive work. They have caused great in
justice to individuals in allowing them
to be appointed to positions from which
they will he speedily removed. They
have allowed Nebraska to present to
tie sisterhood of states the disgraceful
spectacle of an alka occupying her r-
As for Mr. Boyd, . W cheerfully bid
him a more or less affectionate farewell.
He was an unexpected and calamitous
accident. Had he retained his position
the writer and the otheri who were In
strumental In causing his election by
Jljeir lastly Son of (he third party move
ment would have deferred no other
purgatory than tho memory of that mis
take. The fact thatfraud, whiskey and
Roscwater treachery contributed to ele
vate him would have been only feeble
consolation. Ho has strutted bis brief
hour upon the stage, and can now sneak
into obscurity and, contempt, Contem,
because he wfcu kne w wlieu the qucstiou j
Was first rained that he was not eligible
to be governor, and his course then as
an honorable man was to have at once
withdrawn. Instead of that he chose to
hold the place by fraud and cheek, and
bluff the people of this state Into accept
ing an alien for thoir chief magistrate.
Under Providence he may have served
a beneficent purpose. He has shown
the falsity of democratic promises, and
driven the bulk of his party into the in
dependent ranks. He has proved be
yond all doubt the (ruth of the statement
we have made a thousand times on the
stump and in the press, that both the
old parties were only political agencies
under the eontrol of corporate power.
The picture of himself he has presented
to the people of this state will not soon
be effaced from their memory. It is not
at all necessary to write "rascal" or
villain" under it.
Do we ever think that what we are to
day, and what the world is to-day, is
the result of four thousand years of re-
corded history? Of four thousand
years of toil and study, and war, and
strife for empire? Have we ever sur
veyed the whole field of the world's
history, and learned what a uniform
unbroken ocean of shifting waves ever
seeking the same level it presents to us?
From the calling of Abraham to the
empire of Napoleon, or to the present
day, what have we but a series of na
tlons and empires fortifying their bor
dors against each other and warring for
dominion? Some races have come
along down these ages with little change.
Some nations have preserved their ex
istence in almost unbroken succession
from the Roman empire to the prcsont
day. Some great personalities have
made themselves great rulers, drawing
upon them the eyes of mankind, but
they can almost be counted upon ones
fingers. Cyrus, Alexander, Julius
Cwsar, Augustus, Tiberius, Charle-
msgne, Charles V., Napoleon, Wash
ington, Lincoln. In all this lnconcevi-
ably great period of four thousand years
ouly four great events, permanently af
fecting and moulding the welfaraot
mankind, have taken place events we
mean that stand out singly by themsch es
unrepeatable. These arw the birth of
Christ, the Crusades, the discovery of
Amerlca,audthe Reformation. All other
bitppeuiogs have been a thou4ud times
reduplicated. Kingdom have rieu
and fallen, empires been built up and
gone to decay. Patriots have fought
and died, martyr have given their blow!
for many a o!! eue at tiwny a tiery Tiiw. iHtalonily, raiting
above the dead level iif mediocre la-
UhnrM, mm i'h biy iint
li'.iw for mankind, aud with the power
t iUro and do as writ at dream, k umnt. The leaders of lU A II inure- la
throw a deetlng ry of light atawrt ' La hv teen too timid, and hate not
Hum's Nartt, only ti In lolloped byihsdlht courage f Ihelr Mh'lknt,
the general gUwut of itu4ltM-r tvliuh rl (hero would have befit an organ -
ess. hat h a n.att w !M-t At, d.luk-
lug tho poison fvr Waihing ttuikt tho ( 040. hin h pis t otro b'ttm
rulers vnuld not oidrrttd. wa ; atktug wildly against ab ttt,but
tiklUlw- t lit Ike mldt of uti tvd ' all tbe ".Itus uvthmal hanks.
re'aikia the Mtuiprtf.M cry , rorpoiaiL dnlatloo and old party
4ytA 1 b.rt Xnm bis fi !.(
twstt ;.' a km ,uthr lfore lw IK. I
d Wnnut. but . lav ikuM.Wt'rw
aad tSo rak.
Ikt Ut i mm t Wkt httvo
we Kttletod r'ur our buraiy molU
aad for our wts wo ftt to AUkm a4
tu Koate. At Mliwos wo fonrwot
t oiUr witn armlet wad fort tad
tivs of war, Ike lst el tao rvno
has been lost to :he modern work!. The
Christianity of Christ is bet-owing ex
tinct, and belief getting to l ouly a
pretence. The thirst of dominion that
has always animated mankind is still in
every heart, but it has taken the form of
greed. lroduction so absorbs the ge
nius and energies of men that the pro
ducer has no time or place left to him.
If there is any lessos in the ages it is
the saeredness of humanity it is that
all philosophies bend to human life it
is that the sum of human existence and
human achievement, as well as human
happiness.can only be f jund inassuaging
and lessining htiman sorrow. Has the
world learned this lesson? Here and
there a coble man or w oinan perhaps
has learned it. But the great mass of
mankiud go madly forward in the blind
chase for the same old ignit fatuii that
have deluded men through the ages
power, dominion, gold. Great princi
ples are no more. Materialism usurps
men's souls. All the conflict of to-day
is that of interests.
Of whst value is all our study of tho
past unless we make practical applica
tions of the lessons to be learned from
it? Another of these is the continuity
of human existence. The man of to
day should be the sum of all the men
that have proceeded bimj Is he? Dare
we think of this for fear it drive us to
despair? Break the bond that binds us
to tho past seggregate each individual
life and annihilate the connecting link
between ail human lives, and what mot
to is worth writing except " eat, drink
and be merry, for to-morrow we die?"
And yet the materalism of to-day does
all the tinie seggregate human lives.
Take a man for instance, who labors
hard from fourteen to sixteen hours a
day to obtain the bare necessaries of
life. He eats his bacon and potatoes
in a place which might rather be called
a deu than a home: and then, worn out,
lies down and sleeps. He is brutalized
both morally and physically. lie kg no
Ideal, pnly propensities. He bag pa
beliefs, n!y jnstincts. Ho does not,
often cannot, rend, .'J WW mitt
other people Is only tbe relation Ot ser
vant to master, of a machine to Its di
rector. How can you reach this man,
how kindle the divine spark which is tor
pid in his soul, when be knows that it
is greed that enforces the material la
bor that is crushing him down, when he
feels it is the wage system that is steal
ing the fruits of his toil and abasing
and enslaving him? Hero is Humani
ty's problem. It involves all other
problems, and all modern life Chrisli-'
anity, money, competition abu all. This
man's name is Million. He is all about
us. Hs constitutes half the population
of the world. How is he to haVe more
time and more energy to develop his
faculties except by lessening his hours
of labor and increasing his wages? Can
this be done under the present system?
Has there been a better system in the
world? Does not the problem of hu
manity demand that there shall be a
better system?
There must be a better one. The
principle of association has not yet
reached half its development. In fact,
the tendency of the competitive system
is to antagonize and disassociate men.
Tho survival of the fittest is a satanic
creed, applicable to the savage creation,
perhaps, but only in the broadest
sense to men.
Humanity must rise to its own needs,
or the soul of man will flee, and the
souses be left alone to reign.
The actual state of society to-day is a
state of war, active irreconcilable war
on every side, and in all things. Deny it
if you can. Competition is only another
name for war. It means slavery to
millions it means the sale of virtue for
bread it means for thousands upon
thousands starvation, misery and death.
After four thousand years of life is this
the best that we can achieve? If so,
who cares how soon the end may come?
The railroad organs of this state have
been alluding to some of the failures of
the Minnesota legislature as Alliance
failures, and speaking of that body as an
Alliance legislature. The Alliance in
fact constituted only a small minority
of that body. There were only nine
teen Alliance votes in the house and
thirteen In the Senate. The Great West
says the legislature was venal and cor
rupt. It was a cheap legislature. Those
who sold sold very low.
"The atmosphere of corruption begins
the tlrst dav on little things committeeships-
it sinks a little deeper on the
clerkships, which are a crying fraud.
It gets to the 110 a day business in about
three weeks, and by tbat time the leaven
has worked. Pass-porridge Is a dally
mod. A newspaper steal seasons it.
The Iat gulp is washed down with the
reporter's bill and that time the
regular 'how much is there in it' is the
'open sesame' to every intrigue.
Never, In state history, will there be
an upright leirUlature until they begin
the tir-t Hot It. and ty the curivnt of
depraving ami degrading evcutes for
Utile self corruptions.''
The reporter's bill alluded to by the
tirtttt Bht is only auaihor form far a
newtaper steal.
iX tHU,
A t all fr an ln!-'iiu!mt state eon
teqjion, oa the Nebraska plan. Is llug
circulated for signature. We have uo
doubt this wilt retult in a strong move-
i Ud mntit ag)ut lh old parties lo
tmlUvl, have kk'M Ibo ftiuirit of low a
In Wwk Ur a lung tint. Wna iko ri
suit ralty gU r Way to tall
it will otmytklno, L fore U.
IfrHtoowater and liiunieik r
making it warm fur tack vtaor, aad J.
l Wlkwi Is Making U wrru for Um
at thorn. '!! tiutfht 14 bo run
through t'slpjM tfttttt, 1 torn 1 o
knowing M result would bo.
We have received from a correspon
dent at Wahoo, a clipping of an article
from the Arapaboej-aigned "A.
J. SexsonrTIchour eorrespondent
desires us to answer. We have been
unable to notice this as promptly as
our friend desired.
Not having seen the former article al
luded to by Mr. Sexson, we do not fully
understand the origin of the article. But
this is hardly necessary.
One fact stated by Mr. S. ia undenia
ble, viz: That at times after the con
vening of the legislature men in the
western part of this state could not bor
row money on any terms, even on un
incumbered forms. This state is cursed
by a great number of money sharks who
have come out here to make quick for
tunes in any manner, and then return
to tbe east. These fellows iind feur
per cent a month the most paying busi
ness they can engage in. They have
generally started what they call banks.
The credit obtained in this way has en
abled them to become the agents of the
eastern nionied institutions. It is these
follows who refused to make loans, at
the instigation of tbe railroads and
tbe monied Institutions of this state. If
four-fifths of these so-called banks could
be wiped entirely out of existoace it
would be a great boon to the state. If
the least financial Hurry occurs tbey
hoard money and stop loans, and so
make money scarce and business peri
lous. They are robbers and thieves,
taking interest just as their victims can
stand it "all the trallic will bear," in
Mr. A. J.Sexson goes on to talk about
the damage the Alliance has done to
the vital interests of Nebraska, and all
that kind of rot. An institution that
has aroused the attention of the farm
ers of a great state to their material
and political interests and induced
them to pay more attention to their
state government, as well as to all econ
omic questions that concern tnem,
never damaged the vital interests of
any state. Mr. Satson is as erroneous
111 his facts as he is mistaken in his
his tlii?cic. J9 prv tbat the A1'
liance is a political m.'W he asks;
"Why did Burrows in his paper recom
mend to 'spot all members who did not
vote the independent ticket as traitors,
bought with a price.' We are charita
ble enough to suppose that Mr. Sexson
is not a reader of The Alliance, and
got that at second hand. We will give
him or any other man, one hundred
dollars "who will find any such recom
mendation made editorially in The
Alliance any time during the cam
paign. On tho contrary we incurred
the disapproval of many by claiming
that every member of the Alliance wai
free to do as he chose about voting the
independent ticket, and that a refusal
to rote it did not forfeit membership.
Mr. Sexson seems to be one of those
whom the virus of partisanship has so
poisoned that no amount ol reason or
Information can purge him of it. Add
ed to this is probably some disappointed
ambition and some jealousy and hatred
of honorable Alliance members. We
can think of nothing else that could in
duce a respectable man to attack a so
ciety of w hich he had been guilty of be
ing "a member for more than a year."
A Minnesota paper alludes to this free
pass business as "pass-porridge." Small
and thin as it may seem, the free pass is
a most potent engine of corruption.
We believe our late legislature was more
free from it than any other. But it got
some fine work in, even then.
The editorial pass is even more cor
rupting and dangerous thaj the official
pass. It is simply amazingwhat a tri
fling thing will stifle the frank utterance
of honest convictions. The value to the
rnllroods of this agency to control the
press is shown by the fact that they in
sist on paying for all advertising in pass
transportation. Railroad advertise
ments in a paper is prima facie
evidence that its editor is using
this kind of transportation. It is issued
as a special favor to editors, and if, after
receiving it. an editor freely criticises
the roads, his advertisement is ordered
out. No paper carries railroad adver
tising that is not dominated by the rail
roads. if n-E BvciD inxnE.vrsr orgjx-
Kvery Independent ought to realize
tho importance of thorough organiza
tion. T.h'M must organize If they hope to
succeed as a party. Within the next
year a!! the ingenuity and skill bt
money and experience can command,
will be brought to bear agaiust the fur
ther progress of the independents. Tbey
must not into the error of thinking
the battle is over. It la Just begun. It
will require more effort and harder w ork
to hold we have gained, than it did
to gain It. We took the enemy by
surprise last fall. No one suppowd
the Independent could develop so
much strength. Now the money power
Is aroused. We tme M the weight of
lhlr bauds In wretlng lim us the
fruits of a th tory already won.
j was done where we were orgitdtxl. and
s aiuoiig voutparttively a sutsll body of
lour n ,em.i.itivi. If the money pw
j rr r-ouhl d i t!.i. how much mir it
j will l for tVm t ttr our t.trws,
J ami trtldlitith.o and divbien among
) tho rank aad tie throughout the Mt.
rt atJ'B pr tnem. Alt -tBg t cmuo
btr yo and your duty & an (add
peadtot tov r. Pay no attention to the
l'. told y4 by old party p-vyn. or
Iko otuUaitis uf corporate pr in r
ms. Mai U pfronat prh aet whI
tf slhl 11 taoy ore ilkoty to raw any
ditltbiota our tmU. l'rut a ootid
(tut! to tN oooruy. Tvt iotVit we must
eriut Tbvro mutt ho at active,
aygiowtvo toottal Mitltte obwti
In oa try ru!y, Taero Must be a com
Bilttoonua to tt t r low oAhip. Ho tuutt
boKtateUIM. This U no time
for fcgMrt ea ts. Wo wont mmm of We
and energy. Men who realize just what
this tight means. Who know tbat if we
fail this tisae we are lost forever. Cor
porate power is growing stronger every
year. If we cannot get justice now.
what hope have we for the next year,
or the next? Now is the time for con
centrated, vigorous effort. Let us com
mence to organize. County officers and
a supreme judge (the most important
office in the state) are to be elected this
fall, and a President in tti. Are not
the thoughts of victory inspiring enough
to start the blood thrilling through the
veins of tbe most sluggish. If the in
dependents stand by their guns for the
next two years, the great struggle be
tween capital and laber will be over.
Each will be accorded their rights, and
the reign of tyranny and oppression
will be at an end. Don't you want to
be in the tight? Leader.
The Rigan conference of democrats
at Hastings proved quite as disastrous
as the Leese-Harlan conference of May
last was to the republicans. Boyd's
friends tried to pack tbe meeting so as
to secure an endorsement for his Hi
bernian excellency, but signally failed.
They succeeded, however, by the use
of railroad passes and official patrouage
in securing enough cappers to side
track the main issue, the veto, and to
adept a set of resolutions that were
merely negative in their character, say
ing neither one thing nor tbe other.
Mr. Ragan, who called the meeting,
headed a bolt, and with the bolters held
another meeting which adopted resolu
tions condemning tbe veto, and endea
voring to make capital for tbe demo
cratic party as a party of the people
against the roads.
The number of men in the main meet
ing who refused to condemn Boyd was
fifty. S. 8. Alley, of Crete, was Boyd's
jumping jack at Hasting.
Probably there was never a governor
before in any state who could not rally
more than fifty henchmen to vindicate
his honor against an attack iu his own
party. But Boyd is as low as that.
Some persons think that there will be a
Boyd and anti-Boyd democracy. This
is a mistake, i here will be no more
democracy to spek pf in Nebraska for
afojjg time tocorno. bannis f'Byde
has ac'Mevcd the distltb-.u of w ipjBg
out a party with 7JMQ YOtei in less
than three months. - . .
The Platte county Sentinel, A. L. Bix
by, editor, has come into the Independ
ent fold. We welcome all such acces
sions. Mr. Bixby has won a reputation
for ability and honesty. Such men find
jv difficult V? keep away from the iude-j
pendents IU says
"Believing tbat the time is ripe for
labor to organize for its own protection
and for a bloodless revolution against
legalized highway robberyt the Sentinel
steps Into the Independent ranks, to
vote and work, as our forefathers shot,
for liberty and a fair deal. And it takes
occasion to assure its readers that the
bridges behind it are burned and re-
traat ta tmnnceVila "
We have received the following reso
lution in regard to state dues:
Clay Cexteb, Neb., May 2, 1891.
Whereas, The quarterly dues to the
State Alliance are large enough to cause
considerable accumulation in the state
treasury, and
Whereas, We believe said accumula
tion unnecessary, be it
vResolved, Tbat we the members of
Harmony Alliance, No. 1044, petition
the State Alliance to reduce quarterly
dues to five cents per quarter for each
male member. K. O. Browk, Pres.
E. E. Boyd, Sec.
We will state that our friends are in
error about the accumulation of money
at this time. No such accumulation is
taking place. It must not be forgotten
that in a large portion of the state all
dues have been remitted entirely, on ac
count of crop failure. The present of
ficers of the State Alliance are opposed
to any undue accumulation of money.
No such accumulation will take place
during the present year.
As to the complaint of our friend Sen
ator Stevens at tbe publication of the
resolutions of Beehive Alliance in our
issue of March 28, we will say that we
were then ill, and had nothing to do
with the matter. We never read the
resolutions until Senator Stevens called
our attention to them. We will also
add that we do not expect to be held
responsible for all opinions expressed in
resolutions. Of course the drawer of
these resolutions was grcatiy ui'mtakvu
about Senator Stevens' bill, aud the mis
take was so apparent as to hardly de
serve notice
EfiroH Ai.UAM'K; I write to say
that in several couotie the Alliance are
taking steps toward organizing mutual
Insurance companies, to huurw against
j Hie and lightning, and all are w anting
a state cyclone company. 1 will say
that I will sovn have contingent appU
I cation for sui h a company ready to
' urul nul. anil wll l ! lav
usiitet of the secrvury or head man in
lnmiru- front each county in the ttate
a soon a convenient.
Mutually. J. V. M. hWIGKUT.
for I tin & M N. Lincoln.
TlA Xkti .'JAt'JtX IX CU Y ( if
.UttUc tua. v-tUmlilw WUwti,"f 10 lw
last wek .
Ma Lkiimm Thai big mat kino thai
jo toil u Uut T. J. Pfcli'p' wurkitif
tr republicans Ir I toll fan it b big
mat kitf, 4d bo io dol big tatlowM.
Mr. PUIppstkiakt If ho too get Hojd
tad Rsowafor ho will run Ihwnt tbmogb
Iko uiMcblae and Make o pair of goal l
ksul Iko rvptil'ltca to I'w. Aad
i he mo t bo will make aoHok.
T out l hlttt la drive the guot. lie
llkt ltfvU And 0 lttollk V IlkO kf MS
eon boul all et Iko rpvUi-oa rrty tu
North Platte, Neb., April iO, im.
Editor Aluasce: I notice today
in your issue of March 23, a series of
preambles and resolutions adopted by
Beehive Alliance. No. 425, of Lan
caster county, on March 14, 1891, a part
of which reads as follows:
-Whereas, There has been a bill pre
sented known as the Stevens' bill to de
fect the Xeirberry bill, etc., etc.
The above has reference to the maxi
mum freight bills, the one as introduced
in the Senate by myself, and the other
by Mr. Newberry in the House. Iam
much surpised that a subordinate Al
liance within sight perhaps of the capi
tal of the state, and presumably com
lsed of a large and intelligent member
ship could by a "unanimously passed,"
make such a charge and then add in
sult to injury by addressing the Senate
as an "Honorable body." I am still
more surprised Mr. Editor, that you
would publish such a false statement as
this without a word of comment, when
you know, and the Beehive Alliance
people ought to know that nothing could
be farther from the truth. Senate File
No. 85, a maximum freight bill intro
duced by me, was not introduced to defeat
the Setrberru or any other bill; but on the
contrary was introduced in good faith
and met the hearty support of several of
the best men in the Senate; and had it
become a law it would not have met the
veto of Governor Boyd, as I verily be
lieve. This bill would have passed the
Senate when first reported back from
the committee, but when it was placed
upon general file, the discovery was
made tbat a re-engrossment was neces
sary and by the time this could be, done
It was very apparent that such influ
ences had teen at work among certain
members of tho Senate as to render its
passage very doubtful. And in my
opinion if these Beehive Alliance people
had cared to know the real true status
of the situatiou at that critical period,
and instead of spending their time in
formulating such a resolution, had come
down to the very seat of war and made
some investigation as to the facts in the
matter, they could hav e received much
more insight relative to the true inward
ness of the matter by listening to Sena
tor Beck's cut and dried resolution
which in effect negati ved the conference
action pf ft few evenings previous and
threatened very ggriously the bill's pas
sngo. Aud not desiring t? jeopardise
ail a a , . ii
all legislation upon Wii subject, acting
upon my own judgement, and without
consultation with any man, I moved a
recominittment to the committee of the
whole of Senate File 83 for two distinct
r.urpnse$-first, to give tbe Melerry
bill a dear track, and second, in case it
failed to become a law, to secure if pos
sible the passage of my own bill. Now,
in conclusion it seems to me that these
Beehive people if they desire to be fair,
might find it profitable at their next
meeting to adopt a resolution declaring
that they did not know just what they
were whereasing and resolving about.
Respectfully. :
J. K. Stevens.
Senator 30th district.
J. C. Wilcox, formerly publisher of
the Daily Republican, says: "I have seen
many denunciations of the Mafia of New
uneans. nut me umaba iuaiia is as
much meaner, and as much dirtier, and
as much mors detestable, and as much
more damnable than the Mania of New
Orleans as hell is worse than purgatory."
Well, Mr. Wilcox, ought to know. And
he classes Rosewater and Hitchcock as
leaders of that Mafia.
- ''
For low-down hypocrisy the Journal
takes the bakery. It comes out now
with a fnlsome, fawning article on the
re instatement of Gov. Thayer, praising
and flattering the Governor to the nines
The Gjvernor will probably not
forget that this same monopoly organ
sustained the demo repub combine by
which he was deprived of bis rights, and
was a most abject lick-spittle to the pre
tender Boyd.
8- At its meeting at Grand Island
the State Alliance authorized the forma
tion of a Mutual Insurance Company.
The law was against it. At the last ses
sion a new law favorable to such com
panies was secured. Mr. J. Y. M.
Swigart has been appointed chairman
of the Insurance committee of Lancas
ter county Alliauce, and will now push
the work. We consider Mr, Swigart
competent to da this work, as well as
an honest Alliance man.
' VWlte facto yesterday do funrto to
day. tmmmmmmmmmmmmm
CITAIl over tho state It Is now being
said that the place Boyd has been eject
ed from h.met!y belong to Honest
John Powers.
fjT Wo received a pleasant rail from
Bio. D. II. Djedeo of Otn county, a
a few days ago. Mr. iKxleo It an rn-
Alliance num. Ho
tUoo county a all right iu the fttturw,
and tho denwcidU me dumoralird.
i" " 1 i
I JT Tho hiind y Ktt says, "The fat
has tieter been a hiur." Well, well,
... . . . .L1..1 1. t
imi rosiitt im imi h, nwi 1
l.n't tho AV. U he? W ben tS rVs any
lone, he '
his name to it.
fV, F. II ld. of lb Kory
(Wtf. mads a piut vlt ol our i t
Ii'fi,w dY ago. Mr. Holloa is an
titiarprittag vwtpapor saso aal
Uua k ld Utt'O iud ttiduu. not on
ol Iko now foglU mitt who came to
whn plum were rlpo, My h', shadow
rww lt.
Who answering advrrtbisnots atro-
Hot TNt I'AKMtt' AUUMf.
Tbe New Mutual Insurance Law.
Section 1. That any cumber of per
on, not less than twenty, residing in
this stale, who collectively shall own
property of not less than twenty thou
sand dollars 120.000) in value, which
they desire to have insured, may form
an incorporated company for the pur
pose of mutual insurance against loss
by fire, lightning or tornado.
Sec. 2. Sacu persons shall file with the
auditor of public aoxmnls a declaration
of their intention to form a company,
for the purposes expressed ia the pre
ceding soetion, which declaration shall
be signed by at least twenty of the in
corporators, and snail contain a copy of
the charter proposed to be adopted by
tbem. Such charter shall set forth the
name of the corporation, the name of
the city, town or village in which the
business office of such company is to be
located, aud tbe intended duration of
tbe company, and if such declaration is
found conformable to this net, and cot
inconsistent with the constitution of
this state, tbe auditor shall thereupon
deliver to such persons a certified copy
of tbe charter, which on being tiled in
theotliceof the county clerk of the
county where the office of such compa
ny is to be located, shall be their au
thority to organize and commence busi
ness. Snch certified copy of the char
ter may be used in evidence for or
against said company with the same ef
fect as the original.
Sec. 3. The numlier of directors
shall not exceed nine, a majority of
whom i-hall constitute a quorum
to do business, to be elected from
the members by billot, and tbey
shall bold their oflices until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified.
Sec. 4. The policy holders shall elect
from their number a president and
treasurer, and shall also elect a secre
tary, who may or may not be a member
of tne company, all of whom shall hold
their oflices for one year, and until their
successors are elected aud qualified.
Sec. 5. The treasurer and secretary
shall each give bonds to the company
for the faithful performance of theirdu
ties, in such amounts as shall be pre
scribed by the board of directors.
Sec. 0. Such corporation and its di
rectors shall possess the usual powers
and be subject to the usual duties of
corporations and directors thereof, and
may make such by-laws, not inconsist
ent with the constitution of this act, as
may be deemed necessary for the man
agement of its affairs in accordance
with tbe provisions of this act, and may
prescribe the duties of its officers and
ux their compensation, and to alter and
amend its by-laws when necessary.
Sec. 7. Auy person owning property
in the territory for which any such com
pany is formed, under such restrictioua
und qualifications as the by-laws may
prescribe, may become a member of
such company by Insuring therein, and
shall be entitled. ? fill the. rights and
privileges appertaining thereto".
Sec. 8. Such companies may is.-utj
policies pnly on detached farm dwell
ings, barns, (except livery, boarding,
and hotel barns,) and other farm build
ings and such property as may properly
be contained therein; and also npou
hoi'ses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs, and
against damage by tire, lightning or
tornado for any length of time, but not
to extend beyond the limit and dnra-
uoa 01 tne cnarter, ana lor any amount
the company may deem safe on any qm
risk, nor shall any property be Insured
lor more tnan two-thirds ol Its aetnal
value. All persons so insured shall give
their obligation to the company, in a
written or printed application, bindteg
tbemsclves, their heirs and assigns to
pay their pro rata share to the company
of the necessary expenses and of all
losses by fire, lightning or tornado
which may be sustained by any mem
ber thereof during the lime for which
their respective policies are written and
tbey continue members of the company,
and they shall also, at the time of effect
ing the insurance pay such percentage
in cash and such other charges as may
be required by the rules and by-laws of
the company. . Provided, that any com
pany formed under the provisions of
this act may in its by-lawe limit the per
centage of the liability of its members.
See. 0. Any such company may clas
sify the property insured therein at the
time of issuing policies thereon under
different rates corresponding as nearly
as may be to the greater or less risk
from tire, lightning or tornado which
may attach to each building or per
sonal property insured.
Sec. 10. No such company shall insure
any property beyond the limits of tho
territory, nor shall it insure any pro
perty within the limit of any city or vil
lage. Sec. 11. Every member of such com
pany who may sustain loss or .damage
by fire, lightning or tornado shall im
mediately notify the secretary thereof
stating the amount of damage or loss
claimed then the person or persons au-
morizeu Dy me Dy-iaws 01 such com
pany to adjust losses shall proceed to
ascertain the amount of such loss or
damage and adjust the same. If there
is a failure of the parties to agree upon
the amount of such damage or loss the
same shall be submitted to threo per
sons as a committee of reference, one
of whom shall be selected by the claim
ant, one by the company, and the third
by such two persous.who shall be sworn
to a faithful and impartial investigation
and award, and who shall have author
ity to examine witnesses aud to deter
mine all matters in dispute, and shall
make their award in writing to the sec
retary of the company, and such award
shall be final. Tbe pay of the members
nf am-h committee nball lie two dollar
per day for each day's service o ren
dered in the discharge of their duties,
which shall bo paid by tho claimant un
less the award of said committee shall
exceed the sum offered by the company
In liquidation of such lusa or damage, in
which ease said expense Khali be paid
by tho coin puny.
"See. if. Whenever the amount of any
loss shall have been awertalned whien
exceed in amount the ch fund of the
coiupaoy, tho sevretary shall make ait
vti-.mi nt iiion all the property In
sured by the company. Provided. T&sU
any company may provide iu it by-laws
for making uftuients at staled Inter
vals ouly, an I may alto provtib that
awnieul lu! b uiude by tb board
(if diret'lor.
!h n. Itnlnll l the duty of th
secretary whenever such ovttsmiter.t
thall liniM iwen niidrt, la hmuedlitttity
notify every prim ponimi-Uig amli
psny -i.,iilly. or i. a Mwr ent
t HUl pottiltl.10 tulln, , ,
lo 111
' '' ' . m tb ; im dn
: t. iilSi tllj - ,,,. ..,.,..,
to l n. . till tn h Mot Im
rs iai tniy ur tin-re lhau font
ds, from Ili4) dt of mu-i notice
? 1 1. Suits at Jaw nuy b t.nM
1 it! mi wjr mmbr of tuck rumpany.
) wt. H:t M-fWl or Mmo w pay auy
iM.Mum DM! kin or her, ky
lite pro ( tbu in, in.J !, dirvc
lors or W-.n ol any eoti .sy m
f..rm4. who that) wilfully rftto or
toe!.'! I perforin llur dnU iHMd
upon IV by tko provUlnoo of ikii act,
ehsU bo !ii In ibr In.tvf-t)
t?n io too t.o siHaiitltttf Ium.
fcuiu low otay oiiiu U brought ami
woiats.osf a- on; smcIi wmpaay