0 THEFAKMERS ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB. THURSDAY, APR. 30. 1801. CURRENT NOTES. Hon. O. M. Kem and C. W Beal were th principal speaker on the prorram cf Sherman county Alliance at Loup City, say$ the Independent. Free sugar appear to give general satisfaction. How would it do try free OTercoata, shirts and trousers and free flannel for the baby? The Lansing N. Y. carnal, published in the center of the agricultural district of the state says: The Farmers' Alliance movement is making quite rapid growth in this state. The I'latte Center Argus comes to us this week enlarged to a seven column paper, and is all printed at home. It is an ably edited newsy paper, well worthy of support. En these balmy days of the year of our rd eighteen hundred and ninety-one we do not see any anti-monop editorials in the Omaha Bet. as we used to in the days of yore. Things have changed since Betsy died. Our Brother Casper, of David City, is the latest convert to independency. He entered and dropped do wn at the mourn ers' bench lust behind the notorious VanPerbuni. Next! Quill. The Farmer' Alliance of Lincoln pre sents the name of Jamas B. Weaver of Iowa, as Independent candidate for president in KU2. So far as the west is concerned Weaver is undoubtedly the man Hay Spring Reritv. Good bye supreme court. Supreme in delaying the decision of the question of Boyd's citizenship, when any child that can read knows be holds his posi tion by a bargain that sets at defiance law and decency. Let the next adjourn ment be until H3.-Ifalinft Opinion. The common verdict is: Every dem ocratic platform for twenty years has had railroad reform as its bottom cam paign plank and the very first oppor tunity presented has given the lie to all these declarations and it has wiped de mocracy from Nebraska. Garfield Her ald. Hon. J. W. Edgerton, that able law- ?er and upright man, who ran upon the dependent ticket last fall, for attorney general, would be a good man for the independents to put in the supreme court bench in place of Mr. Cobb, whote term soon expires, thank the Lord. J'latte Center Argu. John M. liagan of Hastings, lawyer and democrat, is not a district judge, but has hopes that wav. He thinks the wool sack is concealed in the lap of the Alliance and this explains his sudden conversion from corporation attorney to howling anti-monopolist. Bee. Kagan is probably correct as to where the wool sack may be found. There is no danger of an extra session of our legislature. They were the "body of death" to the old parties; who ever saw politicians so hilarious over an ad journment? They had become tired of dodging the thunders of Truth and the lightening of Justice, and some of them began to dodge when the cbaplain began to pray. H. W. Hardy. Cardinal Gibbons in the Xorth Ameri tan Kninn for ADril savs: "It may safely be affirmed that one sanctimonious miserly millionaire in a community works more deadly harm to Christianity than a dozen isolated cases of burglarv or drunkenness. In Europe, we are told by competent authorities, the desperation of the poor is fast driv ing men to atheism. My distinguished townsman. Professor Ely, in a most sug gestive lecture, inquires into the aliena tion of wage workers. from Christianity, proving that in most denominatioas such alienation undoubtedly exists. The state pays a reward for train wreckers, and receives a reward from soul-wreckers. . The old republican party, as usual, raised a large corruption fund; $25 on each of the city officers, $50 on each of the county otlicers, and $100 on state. But the money did not pan out the votes as Heretofore. 1 tie new system ol vot iog blocked the game. Of course the three republican dailies got a good slice or else why did they all refuse to pub lish Weir items even at advertising line rates. Then some are so hard hearted as to charge Calhoun, the clean demo crat, with taking Alexander money to look cross-eyed, hitting one way while he looked the other. And even Ames is charged with taking a good round fee lor running. But the Australian mern od was too much for all of them. .Yew Republic. Judge Gresbam is being boomed as the Presidential candidate for the Inde pendents. He would make an excellent candidate. Exchange. Judge (iresham Is being boomed by republicans who wish to capture the in dependent movement. Since when has Judge Gresham made a record as an .independent, or when has he protested against the extortions of usurers, the rapacity of land robbers, or the machine methods of party politics. If getting p a racket with Jay Gould is a qualifi cation, candidates can be multiplied with ease. We have had some experience the past winter with men who became Independents when plnms were ripe. We prefer men who have made a record of years, likeJas. B. Weaver. Since the veto of the Newberry bill, editor Casper, of the David City Pre, says: "To say the Democrats of Butler county are difgusted with ths Govern or's veto is putting it mild. They are lighting mad. The veto has alienated twenty thousand Democrats, who will abandon the party and seek other affili ations. If we cannot trut our party leaders, there is no further use of spend ing time and money to keep up an or ganization just for a political side show. There Is no pleasure In sitting up with a corpse. '1 he old party that once stood for conservatism, for candor, for the greatest good to the greatext nuuilier. and special prlvilegi to none, is a thing of the iat. The thing we thought was enthusiasm over great principles was only IxHHlle. The thing we thought to be the soul of siucerlty. was only the glwlul chut tle of autHWMtful hypocrWy. This editor would ratlu-r tea time over, spend the rt of hi days without any jiarty amtiatktna, tbsn to ever tti tify bituae.'f by championing dU. Now, Melt-era. we are cleaJ, let us ouoenl to docent burial before we brgia to Mink." sjflt U runoi4 (hat the I' 8.hoe store which ha b u dui as MBtiv bus lew this f ly at ui4 O street fur the .t !! mi n hs it lua shaky run' dilin, fcud iu ladlapse is pr t4 n.'MW U l i lUu likely that the W I will have his ilutcbt m the fork Mi kin lit et lew dyt. Wtl W. R. BEMfETT CO. - This will give you an idea of our prices. WenowriveWpounilSof .TaBulated sursr for $1. Other lurar, ia proportionate a!ue. OUB PKINCIPLE6 OF BUHIKESf: Motto the pound. tioodaeiactlr asrtprmented. Every one treated alike and fair, straif atforward deailoc la every respect. Grocery Department. Parlor Matches per box.. $0 01 Oil Sardines 5 French mustard 5 Potted bam 5 Star lye 5 Large bottle blue 3 Bottle catsup 5 Peas, can. Bottle lemon extract. " vanilla " " almand " raspberry " Sugar corn, can 0 Succotash 7 Wax beans, can 6 Lima beans, 3 for 33 Strawberries, 3 for 23 Red Cherries, 3 for 25 Tomatoes, can 9 Gallon apples 33 French peas, can 13 33 bars BB soap 1 00 7 bars Ferns soap 23 Good tea 25 Fair coffee 22 Extra good flour per sack 1 15 Seek No Further I 35 Graham per sack - 30 Hardwan Department. Nutmeg grater . .10 01 Keyring 1 Harness snap 1 Pie tins 1 Lock, clasp and staples 1 Tacks per box 1 1 pint pan 3 Tin cup 2 ABC plate 2 Tin table spoons for 10c, each ... 2 Curry comb 3 Biscuit cutter. 3 Lid lifter 3 Screw driver 3 Good dipper 3 Fry cake pan 4 Bird csge hooks 3 Tack hammers 4 2 foot rule 5 Best can opener 5 Silver hteei fork 3 Good shears 5 Paintbrush : S Thumb latrh S Mincing knife 5 Chair seats , 8 Whitewash brush 10 Door bolts 10 Hh tiHtt uf bivaih) - k.ti't it ni.'tka . . t i . aa k , ttwiy iv warfr it-- . tmt uu lauet ft "d to It. )tt kuoa. It wi r,f the l'r!t. INOt'CEMBNTB. With every pound of tea we rive a preernt. With every pound of Snow i a. i i n.J akuk Mt4a est miM atnH an M ti nlaaaa vmi w srlva vmi your choice of the following article: filter Pail. Paper Pall, Fiber wean baaio, one piece glass art. one 4 quart Porcelain lined Kettle. Price of the Powder. Mrenta per pound. W HOLE8ALB. We carry all goods in quantities and we Invite dealers and needier to give "A WOlio TO V ABMKR8. We solicit conairnmenui of pood butter and err. We will ale .. tko hiiriiMtt market nrima ut the dav. We have made arrunireraenia with a rellabll eommlMioB man. who will take all the grain, bay, or poultry we may aend him, so oonalga at your shipment to us. x.nua WE KEEP nearly everything, tout anythln- we do not keep we will ret for you. aucb as Dry Good. Clothing. Aartcultural Impiemenu. Guns. Piano, or In fact anythinr that la procura ble in Omaha. We will buy for you Juat a If we were ttuylna for ouraelvea, and send them to you at exactly the pilot-awe pay for tbem. Thia Mall Order Department la under the manage ment or a gentleman 01 very rwvmi ei"riiii, wuu iu w v,,mm w mm this city. Any busineaa fnlormation ou may request be will be pleaaed to give you. nnwmriHnRR. Write name and Initials olalnly. But how you wUh good cent, by mall, expreae or freight. We require the full amount sent with thf order, but If you deal re rooda teat V. O. D..20 per cent, of the probable amount of the bill muat be acnt with the order a a guarantee of aood faith. Thua it tb bill comes to 110 we should expeit (2 in advance. W. K. Bennett do., Ouiaha. ' "iriiiw HJFHbMvejiKfflf jr w J Osborne N?4. rrevaaaea f Tloont St. Ellaa. Crossing the great snow field form ing the floor of the amphitheater were hundreds of yawning chasms, many of them twenty to forty feet in breath and half a mile in length. These we had to cross by narrow snow bridges or follow for long distances before being able to pass around their ends. A view into the blue depths of one of these great crevasses is a sight nover to be forgotten. Their lips are of white snow, festooned and overarching in a thousand fantastic forms; below, the color changes by imperceptible grada tions to the deepest blue. Their ex treme depths are as dark in color as the unfathomable sea. Many times their bottoms are beyond the roach of vision; again they are level-floored and form a fairy-like valley with walls of sculptured crystal; in other instances they are partly filled with water of the deepest indigo, in which every detail of the fretted walls above is reflected. Some of the larger crevasses are o limited by snow arches, thrown direct ly from bunk to bank, and resembling in their grand promrtions the natural bridge of Virginia. Our way lay for mill's along this bountiful but Irrm imr ous pavement along the brink of illzy pwelptes, and acn narrow bridges wilh bottomless gulfs on each hand. Although we bad btwn living ou the glartont for Wrks and bad be-omo fa miliar wilh many of their wonders, the great erevasaea in the upper snow re gions weitt an rnagttllWiit in tlmir pro portion and so wonderful inrolur that they called forth exclamation of ad miration from every intunber fcf our party. The tVntitry. under the table, the proper place for little dogs." The little prince did his utmost not to forget this time, and used his knife and fork like a man; but all at once he forgot again and began using hi fingers. "March under the table!" said his father. Prince Eitel Fritz crept under as bidden. After a little while the em peror, thinking the prince very quiet, lifted up the tablecloth nnd peeped underneath. There sat little Prince Eitel Fritz undressed. His father asked him what he meant by undress ing himself. i Little dogs don't wear clothes; they only have skin," was the child's reply. Chicago Juvenile. Iti rrt Vital frl Reply. The atiifaa of children 1 wtU Illustrated y the following anecdote which U told of the Kiuperor cf Gr irany't seevnd . Prince F.ltel Frit. Ihe euipwor is evoeedliitfty sirkl s'mut hi sun's behavior at the table, 'the other day Ul'te Prince K t I t rill, usiag ais fingers InaWvtl f til lalfe ad fork, was eurm-led by his father tovtra! time to a purpose. At taut me emperor (attvuee ealiutd4 and he said) 'CMUrte afca l with thrtr tagere are like little dof Ibat hold theiff.HiJ with tbfr paw. If yon -K yj' ff.r Sf jou nnit ko Iecse & Stewart. 231 S. 11th St. Grlswold's garden seeds are guaran teed to be fresh, 140 S. Uth St.. Lin coln. 38 For dry weather aud early fodder try Kaflir corn at Gkiswold's Seed Stoke, 140 South 11th St., Lincoln. Why not raise chickens that w eigh something when grown? Try a setting of my Light Brahmas and see how much IxUter they pay than the mongrel breeds. Write for prices. J. P. Hendry 133 S 10th street Lincoln, Neb. White Sewing Machine Co. has moved their oflice to corner lith and P Sis. Oil, needles and part for all machines. 43-4t State Agent Hartley has a car of Glides panned wire at 13-40. The liest seed potatoes, Karly Ohio. Karly ltne, Beauty of lldhrou. II ilO tier bushel. Alto a lot of Alexandria l'rulltie. a new variety at H Hold nowhere for les than ii.). Ch with all order. kuain grig in for 811 A eeariy new four-bora ( vtcaia en yiuv.la RrMia afdvr.fur musi Tav rHa ' At.l.l ette, yrtee wbe pew, at Bp, Ui.U. rrtva, w f , o. ft t , ruli apr4 ! three mvM hi, AdrM Al l.fN( rl a to. Wf Liavula. Nab, Bargain No 4 adtmisd by Itao lUll luveinut Ageacy id bur not limn should have b pi 11 at I ) not M So par an. 'I'M Utht heit rood farm In NbrkJ, octlou and in lrivttiq' firt c'a. daxwell, Sharp Si Ross Go. TJe Have Competition, of Course, But its the Sort fat 2D03XPT OOX3T223. OUR COMPETITORS CAN'T HELP IT neither cn we. We are not doing' business for a Day, but for All Tinio. We deal with our customers, Man, Woman or Child, in such & manner that we can do LusineBs with them the second time Yes, Continually. We determined upon a certain course that course square dealing, Honest Goods and BottCZl PriCCStad in that course we are anchored to stay. Every department of our establishment ia replete with variety, complete in point of quality, and unexcelled in value and utility. Do not be misled by envious imitators, but call and inspect. mJE ARE TME PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS! 1532 to 1538 O St., Idnooln. tf MM71LL, Sflflff' Si Km GCTflDV. T. C. 3XcSCII Successor to BADGER LUMBER CO. 7 48tf Wholesale and RetaU Lumber. Tolopliorie TOl. 0 street between 7th and 8th. lilncoln, peb ELITE STUDIO. l"he finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. All Work in thi finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 2263 nth street, letf. T. W. TOWMSEND. Proprietor. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL, : : : : : : : $300,000. ' " ' ; ' iitf C. W. MOSHER, President. H.J.WALSH, Vice-PreH.lont. It. C. OUTCALT. Cashier J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. W. HOLMES. R. C. PHILLIPS. J). E. THOMSPON. C. W. MOSHER. K. P. HAMEli. C. E. YATES, A. P. S. STUART. ACCOt XTS SOLICITED. RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES. THEKACKETj MONUMENTS. I Evn7tSluir o cheap that tt dnrtt pay to quote Briee. Oo and w wow. leiePat. SaiTM Btaarrr. 'all and ret pncf on evert thin In mf Un. Klrt-cla work ana mm pri. UA ink at. Osn. Nattckmrh. BBS :-. AND -. MERCIIAN IV.T. ALLEN&SON i COMMISSION -. MERCHANTS. Flour, Feed, Saled Hay, Etc. WHOLESALE FLOUR A SPECIALTY. Jobbers of Meats and Poultry. A Speeialty Made of Choice Country Butter and Fresh Eggs. All Errors Cheerfully Corrected. 45 3m (6(8 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. THEY ARE ALL SCARED ! Or why would they pull down our posturs. Just keep it in mind that the Davis Plat- a a e . torm binder w the farmers friend ami has. come to stay. Call and see sample at 205 Bohanan Blwk. It , J. T. JoxKs,Ag t. It la Patent. That the domineering man may be right but never agreeable. That all honest men do not blush when they are rightly blamed. That rojiea of sand are the direct chuki's of many strangulations. That riistom and practice limy rre tea trut hful man, but t he liar is born. That few men ran walk the streets gracefully with a market basket on their arm. That most promoters and projec tors are hustlers, but that all hustlers are uot successes. That Queen Victoria's recent journey was not because she had been told to go to Grastte. That the fellow who fancies every body is talking about him w, usually, not worth talking about That an emergency, a whim and on stability are comiioiieiit parts, gener ally spcnkiiig, of iciety friendships, Tliat the Hotel t'adillm: ill event ually cover the entire blH k upon Hhii h it tit t half U alivady built. DO -.YOU Want to care from 25 TO 60c. Oo every Dollar you spend? If so, write for our Illustrated catalogue, containing illus trations and price of everything uanufact ured ia tbo United State, at manufactur er' prices. 10,000 llluitratfoni, All line! represented. Catalogue mailed free oa ap plication. Address, tf CHICAGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO. ITS Weit Tan Bursa St. Chicago, 111. CATTLE FOR SALE. Fifty head of high grade yearling steer for sale. Apply to J. W. HARTLEY, 4'itf AlliiAct State Agent Cor. Ilth and M St. Lincoln. Not to be Borne. "Oh, It must be dreadful to be poor," said ftUlion little girl. "Von have tube sodirtyl' The state of uiHtcMiinras i. tie vert liUs, not al ways iiMt-saary, a many a poor jr son ran tf stilly, but it is often ven dition ofilioiiis rather than deatiny, Vaya the 1'hiladelpbia Kord: A "poor white trash" sM Ukm tU miMii.uiiH of North t'urulmaj was r leivevl into the to ne iwdy in Italt igh, for traiiiint Hii mm t gh to be orderly and ru an, but iiddeiily diM iphiie tvavml, rr ib (M t6 lt iiHiiiiitaui tiome. T'ikIht the Udy went to Hud her, "Wry did jrott leaveme!" lieale4. Well, Mi' tJianV.' a ihe reply, "I rouldn't .ty. a j it ilo4 ota Matne!" DEAN BROS. Mnufrturnir Wind mlll, water tanki. Fuppiy .iik, nik lank, and liean llm'a Wrouabt In.n Tank Lug. Aim l'-t tlf Hi cuiailng Hoif Waivrrr In Ihf wnrlU. Piutulnii', Hieaia Htat and lead work. P" in m, ,ipr attingtand ail kind ut repairs, SATISF ACTION CUARAhTEED. Com In cr write and tell u, wkat you want. P. P. W hare no mni I ts !! Iiul deal dlmH)F oltk the euntuwe, um. i;'m ASHLAND,'. . NEBRASKA. A BETTER! DAY J. A.EDCERTON, t'oDiUtlnii o( thhtrea 1'oim lultatleiet Itttttktiani, I'very Alltre l.uld bst a rjy frlrw In leather fie. I'ajwr JftV. 4f? f I Adiia tbi fcflire. NKW0ININO HALL. fat lad ea aid !!. ttfim aad Sial vlaw. ! ! at ( ku, Hrw ar diratr w- fr alter lkatni, M.iM',,-1. ,a4 trr-r t" a pt i, Ut,ia. t- C.l.ttUtU MUSICAL MBHCH ANUISR. Ourstnol I replete nt.i ererylhlB; la tke mualcal Una. Priori to tuft the time. M, P. Cuhti. Co. Do you want to buy Dry Goodsf Do you pay cash? If so we want your trade. We cell for aish, and we guarantee to sell to every one at the same low price. If vou buy from us and are not pieiased with your purchase when yon get home you can return it ana get your money. Give us a trial and ve tliink we will both please you and save you money. Very respectfully, r M1LLJLK& FAIINlli. 4.tf Lincoln, Keb. 133 tol39 South 11th St. rj(pHURCH fiOWE & ON WALNUT GROVESJOCK FARM f HOWE. NEBRASKA. iSred Trotting Stock. Home of the Stallions, CHITTNORN, BARTON C, THORN FRIXCE, MoCLURB. 44-SM STANDARD BRED MARES AND STALLIONS FOR SALE. Wart to Cmuxut. MEMBERS OF THE ALLIANCE! ED. G. YATES The Boot and Shoe Man Will save you Money and give you Satisfaction in every instance. , THAT $2.50 SHOE. THAT $3.00 SHOE, lf& no tHjual in tho nunkt (or wmi nnd itro jimt what you wttrtt. IKi not litiy a uiir of or .1uh' nr,til ytm liavn fx nminttl th fcttnk lieVrnff fjMiially fot ymr nhtoin. Jt nill m to your mtmt to lain. ED. G.YATES. 1129 O Stroot. 11E3.