The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, April 23, 1891, Image 8

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Modem PhysicsElectrical Trans
Mission of PowsrTh Stam
Ufsboat Combined Chair and
Dk A Novel Door.
Modern Physios.
80 many people regard the ato
nic theory as a solid statement of
fact, and the ether as existing "stuff,
that engineers are now probably open
to assimilate more scientific notions.
lsodern science declare that energy
is much the same kind of thing as
matter. Though it has no inertia,
nd is not acted on by gravity, it is
indestructible and can always be
localized like matter, and presumably
occupies space a matter doe, but in
dependently of it. If energy disap
pears in one place it appears some
where else, and in the meantime it
moves from one pi ice t ot he ot her. I 're
leasor Povntina. in his naiiera, which
haye formed tie bnsi of someof these
theories, carefully pointed out that
he made utte of a.wuiiiit ion; but that
ka been forgotten. Modern science
Iso declare that action at a
distance doe not exist. The
argument is that we cannot con
ceive it. Many rople say tliey can
conceive actior, at a distance quite as
well as atomic lumps rattling together,
bat that U by r lie way. Modern sci
ence says, "What is inconceivable
does not exist." As ronceiyabiliiy de
pend on experience, this U another
way of stating that modern science
lias experience of the whole universe.
Being told that a "pull" does not ex
it in nature, and Professor I'oynting
having shown howenergy moves about,
we gather from the teachings of mod
ern science that when a portable en
gine drives a threshing machine, the
energy goes from the engine to the
thrcxlier, through every part of the
universe except the belt. The belt is
the only thing made or created that
does not help to drive the thresher.
There are many other interestingcases
cf similar kind, but ei'haps one is
enough to assimilate at a tune. In
dustries, f Folding Vapor Bath.
Tiis use of baths of all kinds has
been rapidly on the increase in this
country of late years, andthe Turkish
bath is now recognized as a necessit y
by thorough-going disciples of hygiene.
Uy such a recent invention will be
gladly received. This invention con
tats of a flexible both tub, that can
'be rolled and folded up in a small
jfMsekage, which can t easily stowed
out ol the way. It w thus a handy
-article for persons travelling or oc
cupying rooms, ami under all condi
tions it provides a prompt means of
obtaining a Turkiah, vapor, or uteain
'bath, the heat being furnitdied either
by an alcohol lamp or a steamer. The
cover of the hath is conveniently ar-
ranged and a flap in the top of it is
l left open until the person has entered
the hath, when it is buttoned like the
rest of the cover, a collar of soft cloth
fastening around the neck so as to
prevent the escape of steam or hot
-air, while at the same time Allowing
Trie person m tiietiatu to move auout.
When a dry heat is required an aleo
tio! lamp is introduced within the
bath, and when steam is required it is
provided by the use of asuitably con
structed steamer. Should a douche
be required after the bath a water
proof cloth with the edges turned up
w used to catch the wuter,
Electrical Transmission of Power.
In the recent competition instituted
by the Cataract Construction Com
pany for the utilization of the power
of Niagara Falls, there were fifteen dif
ferent schemes presented, of which sev
en proposed electrical transmission of
power, two hydraulic, and six pneu
matic. Of the electrical schemes two
advocated alternate-current trans
mission at 5,000 to 10,000 volts, and
the remaining five continuous-current
transmission at potentials varying
from 1 ,000 to 4,olH volts. The foci
that the number of electrical schemes
proposed was less than the sum of the
pneumatic and hydraulic plans, said
Mr. lihsbert Kopp, in a recent lecture
before the Society of Arts, Loudon,
showed that electrical engineers wore
scarcely prepared to deal with a prob
leiuof this magnitude. At present t he
limits of distance for the electrical
tranmisnioii oi power at a reasonable
test are about four to five miles. !
jond the latter distance the economi
cal voltage for Coil horse power is le-
Iond the capacity of one machine,
'racticnlly, the extreme limit for d'.
rw-t currents is between tf.OOu and 3.
000 volts.
Cain-Operate Reversible -Seat
Among the thotntid ami one appli
cations of the roYkel in-t lie-slot princi
ple may be im-iititied a late inven
tion, shiih may xu.ibiy have a furi
ous effect on the naU-a of tickets in !
tres. TW device U a ( hair having a
revohiim seat sud a revolving luk,
the rtNptvlKe paiu,.i, c4 both of
Ilk a tan be immediMely chained by
coin on rolled lrt,i itt.h4itUiii,
csipioiij I hit a .Uy U in pn.,r,
ml the SKtatir, with an eje to
ronomy, U"Uliiij m" (rni ih
gallery TW '(, pnil.tdyt is hrd,
ami the buk of thcthiir is straight,
ml ta ttioaatire MPt ki r U tut.tnti bu
lbs tttd of lb ply, i.d, t ht. ( ah
MthiiHt l,l -uhn i li...y
ihair at Um The itntppm of ti
trkvl sue imU U.ii,i.tlv, Ur
Die MiMhanUiit u tusted by iu
MptUt I ha i.U vt lU mM,
U b w suftly riwI.miMfd, ltts up and
torm luu, (,... It,, , mtli a guttle
d liiir.f itNluMtiun, aid sikhi-
Ufi ..,,( swtt I, J...4 1.I.-I f,)f
! graUtld itct Mtlitt
tWevtetina. Ko tut, t iut olf t,
lis wup-it mi a (tltwr) iwmI t en t.if
til IU tcHU fcf ttiv tlbt the
rsunu k Utfx m tin svi?in,
TM$tet tifetoeat.
Tba feist iWi4t, U will tm
ftaatUtr l, init Kuh atk BM.iHl
!! Itoysl UkWmt hi
atifKtintiiif Kt4Mt, Tl4drtron
t many H!irttih, ester.
1 1 f'-'i itV'.i M f W KH t ti.
ing mode of propulsion. Practifal
use and exhaustive tests, according to
one of the builders, have now proven
the great value of the vessel for life
saving service, and have shown that
it possesses thene advantages: Hie
propelling power is inet antaneous, a nd
as eificient in heavy seas as in emooth
water, fto racing or injurious effect
on the machinery results from rolling
and pitching. I he vibration is much
less than in a screw or paddle boat.
as the eiiinne runs m only one direct
ion, the complication, weight, and
wear and tear of machinery are great
ly I educed, and there is no loss of
tune, due to stopping and reversing,
for going astern. There are no seri
ous obstacles under water. Should
anything happen to the rudder, the
turbine alone will steer well; and witn
both tcce! her the mameuvring power
exceeds that otany otuer known steer
ing arrangement.
Prevention of Rust In Bolters.
Prof. Sink hells, in speaking before
the Ieed (Knand) Assotiution of
Engineers, endeavored to answer the
question, "Ifowcan the action of rust
ing be prevented?" Ha said many
things had been tried. Iron might be
painted, and byhe adoption of cer
tain precautions an effective method
might be arrived at. One precaution
was that the metal must be perfectly
clean, A spot of rust embedded below
a coat of paint would often break out
of itself. There was the method of
covering the iron with oils and tarry
matters. There was also the process
of galvanizing the iron; the process of
enamelling, which was useful for small
articles, although the enamel was apt
to chip off, and the Bower-liarff pro
cess, which was admirable. Alluding
to boilers, he said that by putth'ii so
da into them not only was the acidity
of the water corrected, but something
was introduced winch would absorb
the carbonic acid gas, and prevent its
acting in a rusty capacity.
A Novel Do-r
A novel door, specially intended for
tne economy of sp ice, ha jmt been
patented. The door is an adaptation
of the principle of the roller-top desk
and cover, and consists of a series of
slats about one and one half inches
wide and three-quarters of an inch
thick, joined together by wooden spin
dles, one revolving within another. In
the roller-top desk the slats are joined
by ribbons of steel or canvas. When
tne door is open it is wound upon a
spiral drum at top and bottom, and
all is enclosed within the door rasing.
A three-foot door winds up in a roll
seven inches in diameter.- Ordinarily
a three-foot door occupies about four-
i - if. ? . . i
ieen square leut in swinging, ana tne
new rolling door enables the builder to
economize all that space. New York
1 veiling ieiegrani.
Combined Chair and Desk.
A combinat ion chair and desk has
been designed for use in apartments
where economy of space is necessary.
The back of the chair constitutes the
desk, w Inch is held in posit ion by bolts
passing through the rear standards of
the chair back. In this manner it is
i voted and can be readily turned
own. A pair of joint braces pivoted
to the sides of the desk and to the inner
sides of the standards supports the
desk at a proper inclination. It is
supplied with a swinging ink well, pen
trays and compartments for stamps
and stationery. A huge dra wer under
the seat forms a receptacle for books
and heavy stationery. When not in
use as a desk, it is closed up, being
held in position by turn buttons.
Msgnetlo Rocks.
At the Royal Academy of Lyncei on
December 18th, says the Klectrician,
Signore Sella and Oddone gave an ac
count of some researches on the dis
tribution of magnetism in certain
regions on the Alps. They have found
a number of magnet ie. foci, and record
that the rocks which present distinct
magnetic projMTt ies are magnet it e, ser
pentine, diorite, inelaphyre and syen
ite. A magnetic rock was observed by
Hignor Sella on I'unta Oiufetti, in the
Monte Rosa group, and as it presented
traces of fusion on its surface, as if it
had been struck by lightning, it is
suggested that this circumstance Ims
endowed the rock with its magnetic
Liquid Bronze.
A solution in which bronze powder is
heM in suspension for a long time has
been patented in t he German empire.
Ihimar resin is mixed with one-third
of carbonate of potassium orcarbo
nat of sodium, and the mixture ia
melted and thoroughly sifted together,
and then iu thin layers is exposed for
several months to a temperature of
120 degrees. The resin thus obtained
is dissolved in bcniine freed from all
trace of acid by ammonia gas when a
varnish is yielded in which (he bronze
Powder remains suspended. Articles
bronxed with the preparations are
mi id to retain their metallic lustre for
The Reign of Stsel.
A prominent technical journal says;
"How long will builders of cable rail
ways pile Up huge block ol,oli I bi k k
for the walls of their power hou?
Can't thy lw madu to understand
Dm 1 sir.1 and sil alone 1 ihsonl)
material that will rendrc their mtt
pUiiM a i-iump, economical and ind
Itemsof Inteteit.
trkl (or atiintic il.M.r.ition at
1.0 iuad) i! old baiiij.
(Orpedtt Met olil nvted of inter.
locking ! ru U iKtiiti tit Ihi put to
a prsitk-al
1 1, is slifvt of pi' rmeutly m i ls
a n4Ut f-mt wkU i, n!it and
I piftr Utiles louj
A!ly hi ho ok boi ling U an
itouiH el hi Ihi niib turiit In it nf
utti a sub! nut fur vr dU-rird.
td 11 th I nitviHtalstutiuttt
tn miu (, IStiSMI Luis ,4 UIMUl
pttua Is, or a little k than b I tso.
A' ptMMt some l.Suti 1 ui ti pint,
pharous ate ul ttvry r. an(
t bnrty iu th numiUe' tu id uud !.,,
Gun whwa H U uih unlv rs
'ty ul. tt 1m out iriy at the an!
Ami, end a euttaliiute ui Immu tusdt
iron st r U
Our store on Wetfciesday April 15th in the
with a complet Ihe of
Wo are hre to stay and intend
to get your trade if low prices
will bring you. Call and exam
ine our stock and prices. v.i
Leopold Barr, Jeweler.
The farmers of Lancaster county are cordial-
lv invited to call on me
1136 O street, where I
showing them my handsome line of jewelry,
watches, clocks, etc.. which I offer to members
of the Alliance a t discount rates. All kinds of
repairing at low rates.
Everything You Use
Wc will mail a copy free to all our customers. From others we ask six
cents to nav Dostaec. Send that amount with ycur request for a copy. As
we furnish the book free you ought to be willing to pay postage to get it.
You cannot afford to be without it. Even if you don't send orders to us, it
will save you money as a guide to prices you should pay at home.
H. R. EAGLE, & CO.
68 Waba sh Av. , Chicago, 111.
1043 O Street. m
M. Lelghton has disposed of his cat
tie, p
latted his farm Into lots and blocks
in Universit;
place, and U
his at-
tention to selling the valuable lots, and
his fine stock of stationery, blank books
Soap, perfumery, etc. When in want
of anything in his line call and see him
at 145 south 13th street. 4:tlf.
Eggs for Hatching.
From Felch pedigreed Light Brahmas".
My yard was mated by S. L. Kolierts,
and is beaded by "Ah Sin 8lh" a cock
scoriug 1)4 points, price i per VI.
this mating will surety throw prize
F. O. Yule.
42-et Box 'AM Lincoln, Neb.
Lmesstcr County Alliance will meet
in K. of L. hall on O between 10 and 11
streets Lincoln at 1 p. m. on Friday
May 1st 18U1. Secretaries will please
send list of delegates to county secretary
before that date.
O. Hnx. Pres.
V. Keruh. See. 42-3t
Wants to Find the Right Man,
J. C. Floicher, Loup City, Neb , wants
to tind the man who gave him a dollar
for atrawtierry plant to lie sent this
spring, r letcher got lite money at tne
.statu fair when tliey were together
looking over the iMjnitentlary, but he
has lot the addrettn. Write him. 44,3
' K Pictutesqut Window.
The most artistic diitplay, In tho mat
ter of window decoration which we
have ever seen, apiiears in the windows
of the F.wiug Clothing Co.'s estahlhih-
nieut the gentleman whoinrespotMibltt
for the magniltcentdUplay is entitled to
pitrdon If fie feels a trillo proud over
the hundred of admiring glance eat
at Ihe beautiful array. It require
ability and excellent late to net'iirv
inch a haiulsume it'ituUtiou, ami the
exhibition will lie the grcittct adver
ttMtmetit the luuite eier nad. The In
terior of the building is palatial In
Hiintiiu ui, and unequalled lu the lie
lor tiey, tpiality aud price ol giKMl.
Oviftling fol.
hny bigiiimr in poultry -keeping
fll into therriorof ovrrfivdiiig tht-ir
fowl. Kven n little ov(-r(ittiug ton
tiiititol ftr ktime leiiiith td time it Inr
iiitre InjuruM than iinderfitHliiy It
t t !!- illdijfvliou, lvllltl. in
drtmptng, mm bid t omtit Um of lbs
whole jvtvitt am thutily riiUr-iueut
of ti Imrt ami iiddin thalh, fowl
I tin overM will itivtbut if any,
W. are ul.)e t to li e attaik m any
I maii iatit do i!.ui to tt- air,
j atut r VVidl m MtMrily.
I I'ttwU lmnl,)l(i M iu ...
let Omir dft l-A d Mi I ha bar or at raw
ll'tef til Ihe )'id t tnir,Mt-llv plittt,
wlwie tbry Ylfl I t'iiuiH-ivi la
cratch for tt. I l'h will ltir a r
inatie amioii.l uf tuiiM itltr f itr: t
lur tl,. u aul lnly ul lp th-nt
a ttoti h Vttyib iit etw to k.vp
ttm in nr.'U l ivujitioii, all l 110
i.isti'i nvr'tipii
in my new quarters,
will take pleasure in
Leopold. Barr.
or Wear Now Ready.
& Rogers,
Lincoln; Nebraska
Open for a nickel. 1124 ( Street.
White Sewing Machine Co. has moved
their oflice to corner l'.'th and I Sts.
Oil, needles and parts for all machines.
43 4t
Situation Wanted.
By an expert cheese maker from Wis
consin. Best of references given.
Address. Box 332, Liucoln, Neb.
W. T. Allen & Son, at 1018 O street
have the best seed corn in the market.
Prolific in yield, early maturing and
warranted to crow. Don't fail to see
them before buying your seed. 43-1
German Millet. Timothy, and Bed
clover seed. Will pay cash for same.
43 2v Alliance State Agt.
Light Brahmas.
My non of Llirht Brahmas is mated to
produce the best results as to high (cor
ing and breeding purposes. Write for
prices J. P. Hendry 133 S 10th street,
Lincoln, Neb.
For Photos
(!o to Clement. Hi studio is univer
sally recognized as unequaled for line
work at reasonable prices. Satisfaction
guaranteed in every Instance. Once a
customer always a customer. 41 4w
Burt County Alliance.
I The next meeting of the Burt County
Alliance will no now at tne conn nouite
in TeUmah, on Friday Arpil 34th, at
lutlOa. in. A lull attomiunoe is tie
irtHi S. A. Mt Dow iti.i., Pre.
r 11 ax k Both, See.
Meeting of 8undei County Alliance.
The Saunders County Alliance will
nieei la Wahoo, Thursday April Jioih.
State Lecturer Hull i expected. alo
Allen (loot of Omaha. All Alliances
are reuuentetl to send delegate.
tt i. tini, rr j ,
Sdvsi Kiuil r'stm Nuitotlrs
Of Johnson. Neb., are now located on
the northeast corner of Mtkl wiuare,
l.iueolu. Apple, cherry, plum and
ihads tree Small fruit trees of all
limit, cheaper than the cheap! and a
Khh a the Ihi t all ami
tock Ufor uirt-Uiiti ebtewhem.
4x 11 vt. t, itopr,
A Smut KUn,
Who want to get in d g to U at re
souabte lis urM In (he Sewing Ma
t-sins iiiHiluni, Sewing ntscltluv.
plaatt and organ told oh utoulhly tay
meal or loug t.uie. Itvuted aud r
id. (isaulaa rettw, parts and at
i tuuuU lor all kin.! til ntathtres.
lKi wi ittus In lotikiag arottad w
t tuit tti. IVlUeittl lie from ie
nli tp. l'heao v, i Sim
lit Nona Ilia M. Idmota, ,SU.
rt.iivaM tu ittant aiiultW w
Srvrwtth g' M.mhiiI taw Ut
eHUrnf lh K xl I., Htata Matr
WnU iia. lion. W. II t Km U liktt
"ii iMH-tvUry, Atte II Itigvlow, box
I;. Uai'elu. Neb.
lUr'gf H I Mm H.Ti per UM.
IM1 ZlMtMIt Hurt AttkMi v.
CVr. Itth t M fl. I.iacolii.
Oh, my! Jurtlook!! 1154 O St.
nd tlower seeds at Gmsw old s Seed
Store. 140 South 11th St.. Lincoln
tV, Castrating instruments
T for sale, ecrasures. hob
U&2Jk bles and knives. Will go
O r.n to any state to castrate a
club of ridgling horses aud to spay a
herd of 50 or more heifers. Instructions
given in castrating and spaying all stock
even to chickens.
$"00 challenge circular sent free.
J. W. Ziegleb, Butler, Dekalb Co..
Box 240. 44-4t Indiana.
v Seed Oats lor Sale.
American Banner seed oats. Fine
large, piump grain tnat yieuiea tony
bushels to the acre last year in the
drouth stricken district where our
neighbors secured but eight to twenty
bushels. Weight 38 to 4i lbs per bush
el. 60 cts. per bu. I. o. b. cars at Lin
coln. Samples may be seen at Alli
ance ollice. Chrlks A. Hakka,
11(1 South 10th St. Lincoln, Neb.
44 4t
' What Calhoun Says.
Likcolx. Neb., Aug. 22, 1800.
Eureka Rheumatic Kemedy Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
I have been relieved twice from se
vere attacks of Kbuematism f the use
of Eureka Kbeuinatic lleniedy, using
only a small portion of one bottle, have
had no trouble since the last attack,
about three years ago.
J. 1). Calholv,
Editor Lincoln Weekly Herald.
For sale by Druggists. i2m43
Druggist & Pharmacist
118 South 10th St.
A full anil complete tine of Drug. Patent
Medicine, louei Arttcit ana
Choice Cigars a Specialty.
The trade of the farming fraternity is
respectfully solicited. 43ti
Caff arid Gee Jle
General Blac-kimltbing aud repairing-.
I Guarantee to Stop Interferlug or Money
I guarantee to stop Thrush in horses
(eet w ithout extra charge.
84 1 Mouth 10th Street
UavipdrY Ooapsi
Toilet Qoapsi
Thcv have no emial. Patronize a
home factory, none better in tne world.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
Makes Fine Gold Crowns and Fine
Gold Filings 8 Specialty.
He has u very superior quality o4
arliticial teeth. No shoddy work. 43tf
"1c u
1200 0 St.
One of the Largest Stores in the State.
Wc are always
and would be pleased to have you
Which will he forwarded on application.
809, 811, 813 0. 11th St.
1038 O Street, Hiinooln.
We want you to vuit our store. If you cant do that write to us for samples.
We guarantee to sell you CHEAPF.R than any house in the state of Nebraska.
Our terms are strictly cash. If you are not satisfied with your purchase retura
the goods to us at our expense and your money will be refunded.
We have the led aort.l ftocl of Staple Drm
Good in the City.
We will have on sale this week 1,000
dress patterns at one-third less than
you pay for the same goods on the bolt.
Each pattern contains sufficient goods
to make a complete dress.
Lot 1300 dress patterns. Usual price
fl.50 for 07c a dress.
LofS 100 dress patterns,
price 12.00, for 11.24 a dress.
Lot8 200 dress patterns,
price 13.35, for 11.03 a dress.
Lot 4 100 dress patterns,
price l.V, for 11.78 a dress.
Lots 300 dress patterns,
price $3.25, for 91 .99 a dress.
Lot 0200 dress patterns,
price, $3.50, for $3.84 a dress.
We are offering a lot of black cash
meres for less than mill prices.
Double width 20c quality for 121c
Double width 27c quality for 18c.
30 Inch English make, 85c quality for
38 inch all wool, 50c quality, for 8'c.
40 inch all wool, C5c quality, for 48c.
40 inch all wool, extra line $1.00 qual
ity, for 78c.
48-inch all wool, finest made, $1.35
quxlity for t8c.
Yard wide unbleached sheeting worth
7c at 4c.
Apron ginghams worth 0c at 8c.
Specials for
Garden seeds, all kinds in bulk.
seed of excellent quality. White beans, little navy and French, by the bu.
ncldpea? etc.
Granulated sugar per hundred. . . .$5 15
Extra coffee ' " .... 4 75
C " ' " .... 4 50
C " " - ....4 00
Best package coffee per lb. . , 25
Fine Rio green " " 24 to 25
Java Broken per lb 22
Japan tea sittings per lb.... 15
' " fair " 20
" " fancy " 25
' " extra " 30
Syrup, best quality in 2 gal. pails 0
" Crown Jewell, 100 2 gal keg 1 40
Sorgham, 2 gal. pails 90
N. O. molasses in tins per gal 50
A pure granulated sugar syruin
gal cans 55
Wagoer tomatoes, best per case.. 2 30
Canned corn per doz 1 10
Canned black berries per can 10
Snow Flake hominy, per lb
Corn " "
Quaker oats "
bite beans "
Baking soda, Babbetts "
Lamp chimneys, per doz
One pound baking powder and a
.1 ' . . . .A
goou pair 01 seizors tor ou cents
or glass sugar bowl, creamer and
covered butter dish tOcents, also
one lb. baking powder, 1 china
pitcher and a meat platter for. . 50
Best sisil ropo, 3 8, 7-10 and 1-2 iuch at 8 cents per pound.
Sugar has advanced I cent and a further advance Is anticipated. All urices
subject to change without notice.
The best Sewing Machine in the
or I19.C0 at factory. A good one at
Our inside prices are for members
thing you eat, wear or use.
Cash to accompany all orders.
giad loshow goods and give prices
Dress ginghams worth $c at 5c
Best Indigo blue prints worth 7Jc at
We make a specialty of men's goods,
and sell more than any six clothing
stores in the city.
100 doz. men's flannel overshirts worth
200 doz. men's uulaondried white
shirts, best quality made, cold every
where for $1.00, at 50c.
100 doz. medium and light weight
shirts and drawers, clothing store price
50c. at 25c.
2l0 pair men's jeans pants, excellent
quality, worth $1.50 of any man's money
for 93c.
500 doz. men's 12c cotton socks at 3
pair for a quarter.
500 doz. best quality cotton socks
worth 15c for 10c.
Lace Curtains A sample line at baf
regular prices, 8 yards long, worth
$1.00. at 4capair.
8 yards long worth $1.50,at 75c a pair.
8) yards long, worth $3 00, at 93c
3 yards long worth $2.25 at $1.29 a
8 yards long, worth $3.00 at $1.43 a
one week only.
oz.. lb. or bushel. Oats and corn for
California grapes per lb 7
Rasins per lb. in lot of 20 to 100
pound lots 7i
California appricots per lb 20
Dried apples, Michigan per lb, .
" " " Evaporated..,.
Rice, 0 to 7cts per lb. .
Prairie Rose per box of 100 bars..
Fairbanks standard ' " "..
Silver Cloud, Fairbanks, same as
Ivory, per case $4 50 or 5 cts per
A tine Castile soap 3 lb. bars, only
25 cents per bar, usually retails
at $1 00.
This weeu I receive a carload of
" Pic Nic" flour, the best In Neb.
at $1 00 per sack, though it has
advanced in conscauencea of
3 25
3 0)
the increased cost of wheat, we
propose to sell it at $1 00 per
sack to Alliance members and
$1 10 to outsiders. Our inside
prices are for our own members.
Gliden painted wire per 100 lb. ... 3 35
Germau Millet per bu 1 10
Red Clover " " 5 50
Timothy " " 1 73
State Tll8 Farmers' Alliance at 1 20.00.
$ 15.00. Fully warranted.
of Alliances only. Write us lor any
. W. HARTLEY, Stjte Agent.
44-it Lincoln, Neb
call when in thet