The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, April 18, 1891, Image 8

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O, tay the wt beboW -
His wetting. ruhj--crot-l.
Hi Ua-rol's ckth-o' -li
Tbty steep ot 'uelh the growl
lin eaMe, and they ! Teh
To set for UanM it, bound,
lira praU. mad they ifjofcs,
TWy lwp not 'neaifc the ground.
They may turn ktndlinf
Oa Art lotif that aatounJ,
May gwwt troth loving ,
They akwp not 'neath th ground.
Mr. Baraaa rradirta That Uaeala
WU Ha KoalaatMt
la December, 1S59, Mr. John W.
Ilarman, who was then, m now, ft mer
chant of New York, was In Springfield,
111., where he had legal business with
tU attorney, Maj. Stuart. Abraham
Lincoln's relative and friend. Stuart
was an old-line whig and did not agi-ee
politically with Lincoln nor with Mr.
Ilarman. who wa In full accord with
the newly formed republican party.
One day when business was over, Mr.
Ilarman turned to Stuart and said,
with the emphasis of adeep con-Ictioni
"Major, the next president of the
United Stales U a resident of your
Who hi he?" i. .
"Abraham Lincoln."
Oh, no," declared the major, "that
ran never be, Lincoln', view, on tht
lavery question are altogether too ad
vanced and pronounced." Then he
added: "l)o you know Lincoln?"
Ilr. Uarman replied that he did not
but would be glad to make hit an.
qualnlance. "Come on," said the
major, "and I'll introduce you."
lie turned hi, guwut over to Mr.
Brown, his sotidn-law, who led the
way to Lincoln's office. When they
ntored Mr. Ilarniiin's first vision was
that of a long, gaunt man who sat
with bis back toward the dour, a pair
f long legs curled up beneath the
deal table at which he was t work.
When the two had pad to the front
of the labia and Mr, Lincoln had
looked up, Mr. Brown Midi. ' "Mr.
Llnooln. hre is a friend of yours from
Now York, Mr. Ilarman, who would
like to make your personal acquaint
ance." Lincoln arose and extended his hand.
"I must beg your pardon for the In
trusion," said the duller, "us I have
o business burn, and chiiih only
through curiosity, I have been told
that you were the homeliest man In
Illinois, and I came to see for myself,"
"Well well," said Lincoln, with a
laugh, "do you find the declaration
"I've seen uglier men," Mr. liar
man replied, "but I must confess that.
I would never pick you out for a
handsome man." Then he added:
"But what I came In for, Mr, Lincoln,
was to tell you that the national Re
publican convention of npxt year will
most certainly nominate you as Us
candidate for president of the" United
"I)o you think so?"
"I do."
"Well I cannot but fcol that you
are too sanguine."
"I am not, and I will tell you why.
Business has called me all over the
West. I have been among the people,
have noted how they feel and hava
beard what they say, and I tell you
nothing but the power of God Almighty
can prevent it."
Mr. Lincoln's whole appearanoa
showed that he was , deeply moved.
His voice trembled and all he could
say was: "Do you think so? Do you
really think so?"
, In July, 1HC0, business onee more
, Harried Mr. Harman to Springfield.
Meanwhile the second national Repub
lican convention hud met at Chicago
and performed its work. Soon after
Mr. Ilarman went over to the old state
house, transformed Into a court house,
whore Llnooln sat upon a horsehair
sofa In conversation with a friend. He
aaw Mr. Uarman when a hundred feet
away, and, jumping up, ran over to
blm, grasped him by both hands,
which he shook vigorously, and said:
"My friend, 1 remember you like a
book! You are the man who predicted
mj nomination and election."
Personal Advertising.
A popular western novelist remarked
the other day, says the Atlanta Con
stitution, that sometimes a fool geta
talked about so much that, the other
fools think he is a great num.
There' is something In this view.
But It is a mistake to limit tho propo
sition to fools. It Is of very general
application, and hits sensible persons
as well as others.
Some yours ago a busy journalist
said to a menu? "I urn done with what
you call work for tho remainder of my
life." "How will you liver' he asked.
"By advertising myself," was tho calm
Ann me auuaciom nt'wg)wpcr man
was as good as his word. He saunter
ed about and the pHM-i "oejiut to print
HUto paiagrHis atstut bis billlanl
gifts and his phenomenal capacity to
(to anything and ever) -thing. People
talked about the man, limited him u
and offered blm tmuixy-mnkliig nppoe.
tunltloa. In a urt time ho whs mak
Ing 110.000 or tiHssi ),.r as a sort
f general manager or bit of half
a dosen enterprise. IVibap It was
work, but he did not rait It work, 1U
Imply travell; talk .si and allowed,
aimaelf h be tuterv towed. Aud yet
all tli lis he was potting In a few
words tor th enterprise, with whkd)
A was eon net-ted.
Without his self advertising h
lould never have enimod ueli good
fortua. Hay what yu a 111, judU'lott
advertising atti uiakn eutertirtM atuttttenat a ki mitiwr t nan 10
men, if tney ant an thing in
ni stiuim tines it win noa- itiem oa tna
fetU ' ol jr(i.Ttiy atua tby ar
ftiU thee uasim iUy.
ThM-'s mm IhlMf t iik about
Xplseopal riiiwi" I4 lliffta.
Krtty Uj M lti ii ktM
thht hk )i m-.4M m v $mm
u4 ta lo ua.k tna thtnt
vtkli f eu,fWt ta Mrw div.nw Uf
WMa daa. tMf rtiv ta Chi n
OI t tM "klg I'SlVse-s" move
w.nt Uta hit av4 e-.ia U g tbrw
liM tat mw im show leiw liwspljr
tk4 fet -mtUi dttorv U4sVstrjf
ivM yfir-tt4 iheif pitmlttU,
Mo "-A srt ynvi g W
4. jh")f What f
tMiMM.MSl 44 )SHI -t' JtUtaf
Th stAM w
Delegates to Cincinnati.
The Douglas County Alliance has ap
pointed Hon. Allen Root and G. W.
King as delegates to the Cincinnati con
ference. Mr. L. E. S s-iions, of Minneapolis,
Passenger Agent of the Mouon Route. ;
is now la this state looking up the dele
gates. Those who do not meet mm can
get full information by writing to him
at Minneapolis.
Open for a nickel. 1124 O Street.
White Sewing Machine Co. has moved
their otlice to corner 12th and P Sts.
Oil. needle and parti for all machines.
49-41 '
Situation Wanted.
By an expert cheese maker from Wis
consin. Best of references given.
Address, Box 852, Lincoln, Neb.
Light Brahmas.
My pen of Light Brahmas Is mated to
produce the best results as to high scor
ing and breeding purposes. Write for
prices J. P. Hendry lii H 10th street,
Lincoln, b.
For Photos
(lo to Clement. His studio is univer
sally recognized as unequalcd for tine
work at reasonable prices. Satisfaction
guaranteed In every instance. Once a
customer always a customer. 41 4w
Burt County Alliance.
The next meeting of the Burt Couuty
Alliance will ho beld at the court house
in TcUinah, on Friday Arpll 21th, at
10,80 a. m. A full attendance Is de
sired. 8. A. McDowell, Pres.
Fkamk IlOTtl, Sec.
Choice clover seedsRed, White, Al
svkeaud Alfalfa. Kentuckey Blue
(Iras and Timothy, (prime) at Hum
phrey Bros. Do not fail to see Hum
phrey Bros., for all kinds of seeds. Re
liable varieties and satisfactory prices,
C. M. Lelghton has disposed of his cat
tle, platted his farm Into lots and blocks
in University place, anil is giving his at
tention to selling the valuable lots, and
his tine stock of stationery, blank books
Soap, perfumery, etc. When In want
of uny thing in his linn call ami see him
at 143 south 13th street. 4:itf.
Eggs for Hatching.
From Felch pedigreed Light Brahmas.
My yard was mated by H. L. Uoljerls,
and is headed by "Ah Sin 8th" a cock
scoriug U points, price $:i per 18,
This uiatiug will surely throw prize
F. (i Yt'LE,
42-St JtoxJKWJLlneoln, Neb.
Lancaster Comity Alliance will meet
In K. of L. hall on O between 10 and 11
struct Lincoln at 1 p. m. on Friday
May 1st 18ll . Secretaries will please
send list of delegates to county secretary
before that date.
O, Hi ix, Pres.
W. W, Kehlix, See, 42-ilt
, Wants to Find the Right Man.
J.C.Fletcher, Loup City, Neb , wants
to find the man who gave him a dollar
for strawberry plants to be sent this
spring. Fletcher got the mouey at the
Slate fair when they were together
looking over the penitentiary, but lie
has lost the address. Write him. 41.2
A bright boy wanted In every school
district and town in Nebraska, to nail
up signs, distribute circulars, etc, A
permanent position and good wages
will be given to the boy that sends bust
references with stamp, 2t
Umoi Distributing Aobncv.
1215 0 street, Lincoln, Neb.
How a Student Makes Money.
Dkab Readehsi I am able to pay
my board and tuition, wear good clothes
and have money In my pocket by spend
ing my odd hours and vacation plating
jewelry and table wear and selling plat
ters. I have made $'.20 per day, never
less than $4. I Paid $5 for my plater to
11. F, Dclno & Co. ColuinbiH, O. Any
oue can prolit by my experience by
writing there ror circular, ctti ukh r.
On Wednesday Auril 15th the Kil-
Patrick Koch Dry Goods Co., opened up
thoir doors to the public again in the
handsome now building known as the
CoHmau Block, 151 to 15I10 O street
where thoy will have a complete stock
of dry goods, staple and fancy grote-
nes auu uoois ami snoos. 1 ins concern
is in Lincolu to stay and is cou'Adent
that business cnu be doue here if low
prices are a criterion, and from past ex,
perience we predict a rushing trade for
them. 1-44
The Bazar Is not a thing of tho past
but the greatest success of the future.
Watch the columus of this paper for
announcement concerning it. Tho
sheriff closed out tho stock but it will be
reopcucd -is reopened with the finest
stock in the city, and at prices that will
make competitors stand and wonder,
Walt for the opeuing, but in the moan
time call note and get prices such as you
never dreamed of. The B iar will be
the leading establishment of Lincoln.
For Sale.
'.5 Stands Cypeilan and Italian Hoes,
in Langstroth' iu proved M frame hive.
Esch love has uiner bo with glass
sides and contains small frames, hives j
aw well paiuted. Hees and hives are 1
iu gam! condition. Itstunipty hiva as
goon as lliose eomauung nees, nave
been used once but are st jihhI as new,
1 Mulh's imteuted honey extracter, and
I touudatioii vtuiili utachiue, also sever
at other articles belonging to an apiary
sm h as smoker, ipieen Ism. Is csw,
&e Ae &e irlc for all three htittdrml
dtdlsrs. Call 011 or address IWs aud
lleiiev, rsr of t smxum' Al lUMt K, i
1 -i ..i
"'- W -
l.liuolu, Neb.
Owing to the very Im Usrd -eMa i
welind ourselves orhisdwl with HMli
la erry dcpartiueut. s iiud ii tire
ry to diHr of part of this stock.
I ir
j ' ComiMsaciait to.hv and until
tinner mnww . -' ""
linens, wn ". '".
iH'h iUv inal U wilt t ta your ia
trret to call aud secure soma of Ihvse
mid. W ill tiuota you a few rkw
ti. si wettiiaa wltlba eoavlttciag
lasuly Die pie 1. 1, coUmwi and
bls- k llsarU'ttss, atr Ut si t its ,
this sab I n 4 ' uve K rg ta
idai ts. iHtlk dots tod vasts, and worth
J.I sad t reals lias S4! W st- S-
W-yel lUarw-tta bl ws and k r-d,
stl1 to at t veals, isi puc4 tl ttiM
gitishaiiif wotta 10 sad l vsbu.
u..nli l i rttU isir trl. Ai i sus
til rtiiwt in hUek. Ian lt U nd M
-ild uuatly al 00 aa.l 't eU la 1 sale
at W iwwW tfilis.d ls.,
ortu ui t- pi ' V w
Man.H4iwlhe Vsif tin's, II
MftUc J.H", MuxiUlo,
Our store on Wednesday April 15th ta the
with a comjdet line of
Stale anfl Fancy Dn
Wo are hnro to stay and intend
to get your trade if low prices
will bring you. Call and exam
ine our stock and prices.
Leopold Barr, Jeweler.
Tha farmers nf T, roimtv are cordial
ly invited to call on me
lioo u street, wnere i wm ia,is.u pieaauio m
nVimrrf n rr tViom m v riartflfinmfl Hnfl of iewelrV.
watches, clocks, etc., which I offer to members
of the Alliance a t discount rates, au mmas 01
repairing at low rates. Respectfully,
The State Business Agency
Specials for one week only.
Granulated sugar per hundred.
Extra coffee
, 1 ti H It
(i " !
Hest package coffee per lb
.5 00
. 4 7.-.
. 4 m
. 4 00
The best Sewing Machine in the
A good one at $15.00. Fully warranted.
Harness, saddles and bridles for sale cheap.
Our inside prices are for members of Alliances only.
thing you eat, wear or use.
Cash to accompany all orders.
1043 0 Street,
l'rooeiis of Miinufmturliig
anil lleer.
The Tukninlne Fennent company Is
a corporation organized with, a en pit
al of ten millions to cheapen the pro
duction of whisky and malt liquors.
The suliont jioints In tho process
Mr. Takamlne bus discovered in the
selection of a microbe or ferment cell
of superior power. This microbe of
single cell organism is produced from
a fundus growth on rice and is termed
en masse "moynsbl." Moyashl con
tains a seed which will grow on any
starch substance in air or water. The
germ of air growth wo called "koji"
and will convert starch into sugar find
act as diatlse In the place of malt. The
same plant raised on starch matter
under water acts as yeast, with tho
exception that the fermentation Is
three times as stronjf as yeast. It is
anlo to live in a solution which is from
18 to 20 per cent alcohol as against
the usual 4 per cent, making a ferment
termed "moto," which complete fer
mentation within a period of forty
eight hours as ngaiint seventy-two by
previous methods.
The new ferment having done away
with tho uo of mult, and small grain
In the preparation of tho mah pro
reeds directly to complete the process
of fermentation without tho use of
vinous yeast or any other fermenting
agent It dispenses with the use of
malt, substituting cwru. which Is not
only a cheaper material, but contains a
greater proportion of starch. This
gulit by substitution sinounts in from "
to 10 cents. When the starch l con
verted Into sugar by means of this fer
ment the solution shows by actual test
twepty puunds of sugar to a bushel of
coin, as against fourteen pound by
the former methods, Thr- U ! a
rtdtant production of JfLUtl tinartstif
spirits to the buiel against nimUen
. . . . .1..- ..1 . .
I quan. ine iiianruutii umimor vimua-
M '!d nwih.!.
The new wclhoa rvtilre llttl or
ao i bsng In the umhanlcal workings
Of lirvwerles and ilUtHU-rles. A valott-
. Ult..n liui.l tin lit iitttliltt of llliklt-
,te-, brewers, dutUlers, iHaiiuf.-tur-
; n t,f vtogar, aiut oiKe! v..tng fee.
, . mL lt,,.u. ato vf tha
1 t's - U ! y oil U
I DsW.tKV.
Sh - ,V . hi wtHUit Jon u t
iu 10 W N f''i.-, , L ...
AiMt.l f r V hal U b) a
vva- 'iHt t' as
wtfusti 4 ststy tiKdt Hs a n' of
ItSUS .aif
iVl'""' "o tr i.l tnm ta ttiliitli
r .V- lh puav nMlud:,x ars ml xUl
u Sud. U r!jvt wtit. a-d
n, aitvw. ' lvr! lsit y
al l's U4 wottn
I sj. Iu lia-i-jf 1. ...pstd b for
';--' '
liimv4ll. !!, .ii:
in my new quarters,
Leopold. Ba,rr-
JnvajUrokcn per lb
Japan tea siftings per lb 1
" " fair " 20
" " fancy " '!'
' extra " 510
State Tl)8 Farmers' AllianC8 at $20-00.
Write us for any-
T. W. 1IARTLKV, State Agent.
44-it Lincoln, Neb.
& Rogers,
Lincoln; Nebraska
Oh, my! Just look!! 1124 O St.
Loose & Stewart, 331 S. Uth St.
Most anything you want for a quarter
at 1134 St.
2 cents goes a long way at 1124 O
Oriswold's garden seeds are guaran
teed to be fresh, 140 S. Uth St.. Lin
coln. :w
For dry weather and early fodder try
Kaffir corn atOiuswoLO's Sked Stokk,
140 South 11th St.. Ljncoln
We make a specialty of Held, garden
and tlower seeds at Gkiswoi.h's Sekii
Stokk, 140 South Uth St., Lincoln.
Houses to rent or sell on monthly
payments by J. Stevenson with J. it.
McMurtry, corner of Eleventh aud M.
Whither are we Drifting
And anew era in Republican Govern
ment in one volume bound iu cloth. Re
tail price $2.00.
Fakmf.ks' Ali.ianck oue year and
the above great. Iswk. for only $2 2.
Why not raise chickens that weigh
something when grown? Try a seitiiig
of my Light Krahmas aud see how much
better they pay thau the mongrel breeds.
Write for prices. J. P. Hendry 1U2S tilth
street Lincoln, Neb.
11 v
.1. A.
Suitable for Allissves; for reeustloiis. Uvt rjr
Allisnes Dhoiild lis a copy. Price, paper
.tn'in. Iinmilsttou 01 morocco, ?.k1k.
fi lit) AltlrM lll. tlrtlce.
For ln.lie n i seiitieiHcn. KrvrjlHIns new
sn.iHril el. Neiri onlera ! m! tiotos.
HeKulsr Slnnef ;''. Hpiii alter llostlwrt.
IIhiiiH -ml supe-,r for tIU Pfi i-Uy.
ra i.'ih w. s.'if iMMiKHttusui.
Castrating lustruiue n ts
for sale, eerasures, hob
bles aud knives Will go
to auv state to cs-trt a
club of ridgling horses and to spay a
herd el "it'or more heifers. Instructions
given iu vast rating and spaying ;t stuck
even to chickens.
ssi t'kslleiigs rlivtilar nl fnv.
J, W .iv.. a. Ituiler. IWkalb Co.,
llox'.'lii 4141 Iti'liiuvv
ibi4 Dais M asle.
biuttsU. Wvitfhl 8s to it U ir bush
el M i ts per bu f 0. n car al I. la
nda HmpUM inky tss ra at Al l 1
4 a Bihk- CitaiKs A, IUik.
I la tstuah UK a M. I.tucuia,
41 It
Waal t'sllMun
,ia. Auf
ti S,NI
I'ltrvk H KnW4lv
l.ivla. AeU,
I Iwn r)W4 tmwm from
"l KeU
by la
of lutsKa Matuoiaiie
ItrUMSlf, WSiHg
eait a tNitta vl ews "uitu. as
d a truubhp sc IN 11 afw'!.
Html are jvars a4-i.
J i. CHiii.
i i lor 4S Wiki lUraid
"uf slH Hvtt I'wW
Ametvaa lUnuer need out. Vine, j yW ,
large, plump gram that ybhUd forty 1 iF-y
hu-hU la the a rw last jfr la the 1 AJL
drouth slrhkea tlUtth l whew our i"' p
utighbor novured but eluhl o laonly J
One of the Largest Stores in the State.
We are always glad to show goods and give prices
and would be pleased to have you call when in the
Which will be forwarded on application.
a 09, 211. 213 S. 11th St.
(j. V. CAliSON
General Blacksmltlilns and repairing.
I Guarantee to Stop Interfering or Money
I guarantee to stop Thrush in horses
feet w ithotit extra charge.
441 Kiiutli lOlliKtrei-t
4 1lf
iiaurtdrY Soapsj
Toijet Soapss
Thev have no equal. Patronize a
home factory, none better in tue world.
$5.00 For full Set of Teeth.
L-ipcolp, Nebraska.
Kl.'tO 1 St reel.
First Class Horse Shoeing.
I (iimrantoe to stop all Intei ferlnK. Par
ticular attention jrlveu to lame and stumbl
ing tiorxes.
Every description of blacksmithing ami
Plow Work a Specialty
Give me
jour patronage
Druggist & Pharmacist
1 18 South 10th St.
A full umt enmpiele line of lirucs. Patent
Meilieiue. Toilet Articles met
Choice Cigars a Specialty.
The trade of the fanning fraternity is
respectfully solicited. 4:itf
Gall apd See Vle.
Dr. A. P: Burnis,
200 O Gt.
Mtkst I'lna CoSd from and Tina
Gold Filiftgt a Serially,
H a invwrWr quatity e4
amtiiial teeth, No viddy oik. Mt
h tiMtr MKtil is rwtbai u
SultAft, C't hI Cafrtig Co ,
t ntr. t a U"w I l'
U ! V 4 la W MfS
tiwiiri ) M llw m 1S Iwawf")
iil ttiwiuM iHl iUUIHI 41 S4
IS tt l , I tt
1036 O Street, Lincoln-
We want you to visit our store. If you can't do that write to us for samples.
We guarantee to sell you CHEAPER than any house in the state of Nebragka.
Our terms are strictly cash. If you are not satisfied with your purchase return
the goods to its at our expense and your money will be refunded.
II e iff 1 re the lf aborted xtocV of Staple Ij)'cs
(lootx in tie City.
We will have on sale this week 1,000
dress patterns at one-third less than
you pay for the same goods on the bolt.
Each pattern contains sufficient goods
to make a complete dregs.
Lot 1200 dress patterns. Canal price
$1.50 for 07c a. dress.
Lot2 100 dress patterns. Usual
price $2.00; for $1.24 a dress.
Lot O200 dress patterns. Usual
price $2.2o, for $1.3 a dress.
Lot 4100' dress patterns. Usual
price $2.75, for $1.78 a dress.
Lot ! 200 dress patterns. Usual
price $:i.2r, for $1.08 a dress.
Lot 0200 dress patterns. Usual
price. $5 ,50; for $:i.8 t a dress.
We are offering a lot of black cash
mere for lesslhan mill prices.
Double width 20c quality for 12jc.
Double width 27c quality for lHc.
30-iuch English make, 35c quality for
iSW-iueh all wool. r0c quality, for d'ie.
40-inch all wool, (.ie quality, for 4,Hc.
4(l-inch all' wool, extra fine sM.OO qual
ity, for 78u.
48-inch all wool, finest made. $l.;o
quality for 9"e.
Yard with unbleached sheeting worth
7c at 4c.
Apron ginghams worth tie at :)5c.
1109 O
A t jtiaut It v f Muoliiis, Shtviuis, (liipjjhain', Culi
en mul 11 khuN 'f Itvs (iihsU at tlnfin'4 ut
1 it'll'.
Our (iiittfliaiii
i.tir lri,4
(khhU, Iiuliifs, He
Aro the Boat you
1100 OStroot- Lincoln, Nob.
Dress ginghams worth 8Jc at 5c.
Best Indigo blue prints worth 7o at
W e make a specialty of men's goods,
and sell more than any si clothing
stores in the city.
100 doz. men's flannel overshirts worth
Mc at 25c.
200 doz. men's unlaundried white
shirts, best quality made, sold every
where for $1.00, at 50c.
100 doz. medium and light weight
shirts and drawers, clothing store price
50c, at 2,'.
210 pair men's jeans pants, excellent
quality, worth $1.50 of any man's money
for 93c.
500 do., men's 12Jc cotton socks at 3
pair for a quarter.
500 doz. best quality cotton socks
worth 15c for 10c.
Lace Curtains A sample line at ha'f
regular prices, 8 yards long, worth
$1.00. at 40c a pair.
8 yards long worth $1.50, at 75c a pair.
iU yards long, worth $2.00, at l:)c a
it yards long worth $2.25 at $1.25 a
i yards long, worth $3.00 at $1.4:t a
tit .,
our altiH'tiu;4 t
., tit
ever saw for tho price.