T!JE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN NEB, SATURDAY, APR. 1& 1801. FOR YOUNG FOLKS. 0.1E EXTE2TAIXIXG C0.NVEBSATI0X Willi TBE I0CTU OF BOTU SEIES. la Retard I, L.-trnlng Trmda, W j Ua tUa.bad Inl.r.cln Mattar and nuawtu Iiaiua. The tubject which U freyjently brought up (or discussion, and which coni-iders an important matter, in thiU in relation to the trade which a voun? man ithall learn and be the mopt "likely to become succcseful in. A writer in oa exchange bring out some very pertinent points indigfUKMng the ques tion, and nay: "We hear much now-a-day about manual training echool and the ilenirability of boys learning trade. This in very commendable, but there i one serious drawback. What shall the trade be which wlil artiitv him au occupation in tho future and a Hiitticicnt return to remunerate him for the time and trouble expended? jm in no tmple question, even pro vided we know that affairs will not change during the next decade. Tho question, however, in becoming: more complied led, because of tho invention of machinery which acts the part of man, and almost thinks for him. Today 16,000 electro-pluters are skilled la- rorers; tomorrow electricity reduces the number to 000. New inventions only permit one-tenth of tho former inoldera in planter to find work. The lather and the plaxterer view with alarm the rapid inrond of fireproof materia Ik. The type-setter knows that his days are numbered. The carpenter sees the well-equipped mill making a hou-ic in parts before hU kUHpended hammer, unj wonder how soon he muet seek the mill or another occupation. So 0cs the world, and therefore the finder who has tho best interest of his children at heart may well hesitate when he plans for, their future. Such has been the phenomenal advance in invention of late that the pofcsibilitien hi-o be yond conjecture. There will always be, however, much for man to do; but how he shnll anticipate by preparation in his youth almost needs the gift of eecond siht." Amerieun Cultivator. Alivuy. rlomellilna; Naw, There is nothing more useless than to talk of the unknowable and Impos sible. For pretty oon facts rise up and contradict ono. Says a writer in Christian Union: "I recollect hear ing, when I was a young man, a lec ture on Hunjnmln Franklin, which wound up soiiiethlngr after this fush ion: 'Franklin lived in a fortunate Bfje. The law h of nature had not then been thoroughly investigated, and much was wnitinjr to be discovered which Franklin was so fortunate as to discover. Uut now, when we haic made out the rings of Saturn and the - : . it -, , juui- Bsieroius, ana wnen men are actually talking about sending mes sages by the lightning which Frank lin brought flown, there Is little bono of any of us distinguishing oui-selvf.s by new discoveries.' Well, sir, sirif-o I heard that lecture, you know what has happened. We have discovered two hundred asteroid in place of the old four, wc have put the planets in scales and weighed them, and Instead of talking u'ltnit lightning we are talk ing Ly liphtiitn? from one end of tlii plode of ours to the other. I re member, also, about the time that lecture was delivered I heard of and saw an old man who was considered a lunatic because he had spent a good deal of time und motfey in trying 'o perfect a vehicle by which a iimn might propel himself on wheels. Itido and walk ut the same time" people said. -Why, of course he is demented!'' " What o Do niitii Ktnrvlnjr. A survivor of the hardships of Fre mont's terrible four expeditions writes as follows in a po-thuinous narrative of the expedition in The Century, in which ho more than hints at Hie fact of cannibalism: It was curious to hear different men toil of tho w orkings of the mind when they were starving. Some were con stantly dreaming or imagining that they saw before them a bountiful feast, and would make selections of dilfercnt dishes. Otl.ers engaged their minds with other thoughts. For my part. I kept my mind amused by entering continually into all the minutiaj of farming, or of some other systematic business which would keep up a train of thought, or by working a mcnt-il t-o-lution of mathematical problems, bringing in review the rudiments of fcomo science, or ly laying out plans for vlie future, all having a connection with home and after life. So in this way never allowing myself to think uponlhe hopelessness of our condi tion, yet always keeping my eyes open to every chance, 1 kept hope alive and never onco sutleied myself to despond. And to this course 1 greutly attribute my support, for there were stronger men who, by worrying themselves, doubtless hastened their death. Ten outof our partyof thirty three that entered the mountains had perUhcil. and a few days more would have linlshej the others. SHOOTINC HIS FIRST OFER. nU ScatalloM Before and Afl.r Ha I ir4 the Shot. I rememlter my fsr-t der," some body writes ia the Xew York Tribune. "I wai in northern California and was tvazy to get a shot at ose. There were five of us in camp, be-i.k-i the guide, and we were all enthusiastic save one who had killed his share of deer in his lifeti me. I remember see ing the guide one afternoon at work with hammer and nails on a saw-hoie. Afterward I saw him examining a der tkin whfch hung on tho wall. The next day we were lying around amok tag, when Jake, the guide, came run ning Into camp. He was breathless, and cried out between his gasps: "Get your rifles: there's a deer grazing over on the other side of tha ravine up there." There was wild excitement in the camp. We all wized our guns und ammunition and started after Juke on the run. 'Well, tho cynic, was missing, and I thought with grim delight of his dis gust when we should come back to camp in triumph bearing our trophy inoguiue lei us a icrrihlv not race, and then a we approached the rise over the ravine he turned and placed his fin gers on his lips. '.-vs-su:' ne said; -e may come up on mm at any minute, i was in a trem bio, but I was determine. to have the first shot. "Jake led tis carefully along unt'l we came opposite a clearing on the other side of tho ravine. Suddenly he stopped und giablwd my arm. There he was. 1 could see him browsing be hind some brin-h, and my knees grew weak. o got down on our hand knees and crawled carefully along. Then eairie the time to lire. " 'All take afiii.' said Jake, 'and Til count "three" and "fire."'1 Our three guns were at our shoulders, and Jake began to count. J lost my wiio i, and could not find tho trigger of iny gun. 1 fial ueer ague. I heard him count out in a low voice, one, two, and my muscle were paralyzed. Three u:.! lire!' There nrj three shots, but 1 bumiu iikc a iooi, snasiug witii my weakness. "'(iulek!' cried Juke, 'before ho Jumps! Now'h your chance! Th missed him!" "At the instant that the others llred I found the trigger, and at, Jake's word I pulled it. I saw the de ! quiver for a moment u id then sink to the earth. '1 got him! I cried In a burst of Joy. o, I got him,' cried the other three. I tell you. you missed him.' I cried, anu dropping my gun I went leating down the side of the ravine .1. I . I 1 . , . , . uf uuiers in not. pursuit. Here was a patch of briars at the bottom, but I rushed wildly through them, tearing my face and bands and yelling like a crazy man that J had shot tho d-er. Wo had a lively race of it I jumped into tho creek, and half plashed and half swam through it. clambering up the bank and running for my deer, my clothes dripping and- my heart thump ing like a trip-hammer. When I reach ed my deer my companions were close behind mo and then I stopped short. Will, the cynic, was lying on his back in convulsions of laughter, the string still In his hand with which he had pulled our noble game to earth when we tired. Jake had made a oVr to order with the sawhorse and skin, and Will and he had set it up across the ravine. I was so white with rage and mortilienlion that I eoidd not sp-nk. while Will continued to roar with laughter. " -Who shot it?" he cried and at that I turned back to camp. That ex peil .nceso disgusted me that I havo never since gone door hunting, " CONDENSED KNOWLEDGE. ey vo A FEW FUNNY ERRORS. litt:a Item. That Ara Big With alnabl. Inforaatlom. Sir John Lubbock kept a queen bee for fifteen years, a test proving her eggs to be just as fertile at that age as they were twelve years before. Africa has an area of 11.000,000 square miles. It is larger than any other continent, except Asia, and is 'J'H times the size of the state of New York. It presents a unifpie field for the geographical distribution of ani mals, as out of its total of specie 472 are peculiar to that country. The China Sea and the hay of Fundy are the two roughest seas in the world. According to the assertion of the eminent physiologist. Sapj y, the stom ach eontains5,0OO,0Hj glands by which gastric juice is secreted. The base of celluloid is common paper; by action of Miioliurie and nitric acid it is changed to gun cot ton, then dried, ground and mixed with from twenty to forty jx-r cent of camphor, after w hich it is ground fine, colored with powder colors, cast in sheets, pressed very hard, und at last baked between sets of superheated rollers. A grain of musk will scent a room for twenty ye:.r. and at the end of that time will not show It has dimin ished in the least; a grain of carmine on half a grain of aniline will tinge it hogshead of water so that a strong microscope will detect coloring matter In every drop. The sun is Ji2.oOO.000 miles from the earth; the latter receive only one two-thousand-miilionth of tho solar heat; the nearest fixed star is Ifi,0o0,oo0,0o;) miles distant, and it takes three years for Its light to reach the earth. In a criminal lately beheaded in France the beats of the limit were noted during more than six minutes and experiments were made to demon strate the independence of th'j ven tricular and articular contractions. This is tho first time such observations were ever rnado on mr.n. Current Literature. J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO. WINDOWS IN EARLY TIMES. Such a Luxury that Tlirjr Were Miljoct to a Xpvi'litl Tu. By the act of parliament of the forty-third year of George III., from and after A-iril t, lhOi, in KngUmd. and May SM, 1S01, in Scotland. u tax was levied on the windows of dwelling louses. (In a house of not more, than six windows and skylights, whether exterior or interior, under the annual rent of five pounds, a duty was charg ed, annually, of six shillings in Fnu- land and four shillings in Scotland. Of annual rent of five lwmnds and above, in Kngland eight shillings, and in Scotland six shillings, and so pro portionately to a house of one hundred und eighty windows, which was charg ed In Kngland eighty-three pounds and in Scotland eighty-two pounds and eighteen shillings. A house with above one hundred and eighty window was charged, both in Kngland and Scotland, half a crown for every light Exemptions from the tax were: (1) Any house of the king, or any mombot of the royal family; (2) any public office, hospital, charity school, or house provided for poor persons ex cept tho officer1 or servants1 apart ments: f 31 anv room licensed for divine worship; (4) utV dairy connect ed with a dwelling house, the windows of which were made with splines or wooden laths. r iron bars, and with out glass, Hnd the door of which had the word 'Dairy'1 or 'Chte.-e-room'' painted on it. 3 xJ'fl b Center drank St.n.t.innnrv nnH Tronfi w w., Awa rfhiWWWAVAA JUAAXAJLVs7 Send for Catalogue. .,. ' OUS. STATES General Agent. Branch House Lincoln, Neb. McCormick Harvestinc Machines. 105,-l()8 Were Sold in 1890. 125,000 Are being Made for 1891 Ask our agent at the town where you -rade for pamphlet fully explain ing all of our machines, also describing and illustrating the process of man- fdcturing our superior quality of BINDING TWINE, and explaining why the best is always the cheapest, and if he cannot furnish one you can get R. BIN FORI), General Agent, Lincoln, Nebraska. one bv writing to 42-401 ( haat ilia iirturlnr. Ti'Uil in ""iwua; a genuelilHll got on my far, writes u conductor a Cin. I'n- i,uirer. "lie caii itd an open iimbudlii hung on his arm. Win n I itked l u his fare he imvo mea silver ilnllHralid held bU hand out for the flmngit, I couiiti-il it out it. 4 h turning i. g, OH Hhi'it In- said. I beg yot punto l, tut jim li iw iiiiule it iiiisukc. I u in ha I it iloll.ir tioi'l." I u poitit IIihI I hnd ghrn Mm th" fall uiiMii.iit of 1,1. clulign, fcuii told him so. 'Vimi are in I'Mfii he taid. Sec. h'ie I. II, r , liiu.fcc you yatit liif.' nod li Mill he.! lhn money lu his huml. Thra iM.ibln for ma to do bill glv,. M.r, r..af lalfnloilsr and I lt d uk I Mriit mi on tha bmd pluvfi.riu, itnd ll.u lu,ra though I Unit 1 U, l u., J s t'OHtnc4 Ifotl I hnd tfUra Nut th eorri l vt,"if. lu.a.ty vhuughi mink m. 4 1 wli. d, W ken l,o . aihs tut on tha platform to lustm, ,.tt. d tulip m,i MB un.br. U a h W ,d da a ha slrtet, Wlf4 a fclf d.4iar on th slun.-t. llilnk lia wouij Lat Inuraiiyhl m ;y.4huiuif iua m I ciiwV4 Uowo e4 fUfcfd It tiji,' I lib t Soiiib of I lie Hum. m om Sim. Mail In NWMiHpcrlom. The mistakes in newspaper ofliceg arising from the faulty chirorraphy of occasional a'nl regular contributions have led to the publication of a few specimens. The Oswego Palladium refers to one instance, that of a Syra cuse clergyman w bo gave the manu script of a sermon of his to a reporter of the Standard, for tho purposa of making an abstract of the discourse for publication. The manuscript said of John Wesley that ' though only a pres byter, he himself ordained Thomas Coke, to the office of th. 11 li -.enmn'V Ulio jinwher's ponmnuship was so bud, however, that the reporter mado out this statement to mean and read "though only a Presbyterian he him self ordained his cook to the office of the episcopacy1 The Prooklyn Kagle follows this up by relating how some manuscript of Dr. Tnlmajrecamo to its o:lice at one time in which occurred the words: My text, rinds tho Lord." When tho words appeared in print thev were'-, l.ently transformed to read: Mv tali j r'r"","r",n"J "'"a" nml friend, our Lord." ' ' (,,,! iny morning a few daysngo. !t Horace lireelev s mmuiscr ut was . j i,r1""'" i mo v surprise i.nue puzzle to most people, and therefore li A Mraiigr ure. Speaking of these "literary fellers," as Horace drecley called them, re- Jninds a Chicago Herald man of a peculiar story he heard a few d iys ago: A certain brilliant woman who had come Into a fortune on the death of her husband found the, bacillus of rary ambition pervading her svg- m. Lacking oriinalitv s!io em ployed her acquirements as a linguist to the task of building up a translator's reputation. Much to hr r disgust, all her efforts in this line were unavailing. Manuscript after manuscript was re jected by newspapers, book publishers, and syndicates. She kept on, how ever, until her mind became unbal anced and she was taken to an insane asylum. Among her papers the physician in charge of the case found an Knglish rendition of ons of Guy de .Maupassant s stories. lie sent the manuscript to a syndicate. It was accepted. The doctor thcreujwin pre sented a printed copy of her transla tion to his patient. The effect was magical. Her old ambition returned, her mind resumed its normal condition. und she has been discharged from the asylumcured. Once in n good white publishers do a go,nl di ed."1 THE MCCORMICK is the only Machine that never has to stand still during the rush of harvest lor the agent to get fgpalri, The attention of farmsers and all others interested are invited to inspect a full line of the McCCTHliCk goods, including Binders, Mowers and Reapers. Also all grades of binding twine from the cheapest to the best pure nianijla. i-or sale at the companies headquarters, R. BINFORD, Ccn. Agt Corner 10th and a streets Lincoln, Nebraska. JL1JN DELL HOTEL. 7& . ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS. Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and lies', uptown hotel. 80 new rooms just completed, including large committee rooms, making 125 rooms in all. tf A, L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'n. avjl MCDDAcir'A nnnnn C : IILUIlttUIVH UI1U U II MM Trees. Grape Vines X .r, 7 . 7 AND Small Fruits. J.GS-. 40tf RiYM0M, SEDRASKi THE OS BORNE HARVESTER. Oeo. Yule, agent.' BEST HAVESTER IX THE WORLD. Note advertisement next week. I jjPIT EjjiREES f ELECT. li OREST 11 111BER CLAItfS rEEDLIICS. Small Fruits, Roses, Orn'tal Evergreens, I Ash, Box Elder, Maple, Catalpa, Black and Honey Locust, Ouage Orange, and KuBtdan Mulberry. Everything in the nursei v line. Prices verv low. Instrnn. tion book 10 centa. Catalogue free. . Address MID-CONTINENTAL NURSERY CO., Mention this Tapper. Fairbury. Nebraska. geiswold's seed store. Garden Field and Tree Seeds. 'PLANET JR, TOOLS. All seeds- guaranteed to be pure and true to name. 140 So. 11 t Lincoln, Neb. Is not to lie wondcrej ut wrote: "Tis true, 'tis pity, lis true, the tvpes linule 0.rti when ha pity 'tis, j lliltl .'IV! "1'is two. 'tis lifty; yes, 'tis lifiv-two!" On 11 ltoeliest -r dully n few yews I 11 sro ti reporter wound up it sketch'i.f n I little boy who bud died from tile effect ! of till explosion of Iireernelr, wlilehi lie curried In lii Dis-kel. In ll,i.n. Vord: His itttlieted H'.tl l..r.-med! piironts will have the . inpn'.h.v." etc. i The lillhiiuuei meiit n ' ti I f H ti t) ill' pilt.t wus mi offer of ..jm .'ir.by to Mi' l.fflteted illlll lilltlieil eili!.." lliMuan I allioll. In ft. udaml, ll 1 . tile . ill, Ul, I '.i' (;,,;(, , J, ,,) 4 I'tte-t, ill Ne,itn: I nun they bine ,11 ?! tiic kui.l at ;.. (.ii'inec ;, chill t.ei u.'el -'.ill it,. eu ly (,ai !!'.".; Ihey butl , iiiumii-Iic inum tloin ntiw Uie, tnive , they lu.d tl,. Hit eoim 'it now I h uel'i, IhaV hud then on!) M.l . no itir ,uy", ttivonwood Kowini'. "Do you," she nked, "lire the needle?" Truth force-J me to confess t!mt I bud little know)- rdye of its eentle myslerie. You are fortuniite," she siild, ink ' eoodciitv you don't learn; if one becomes n btisi ncss woman it tieh tovcn her to know thiil Rite cun t sui etl if sh. fritte s Uuy her enm-t'les on too nmny s:ni!ll rionomic. Shemiin t work in nil o"! -e nil dny imd I hi u -it up lui'f of th,. nit t In m.iko her ov ndrere: if n nuin 'i'k be diHn't try to sae bv vlti lillli' up the i Mills of bis own c .ut or troiseis. if he did he would newt urn hi;v Ctoro than '; h" put. hi' In ml into hi li-i.n- mul .cheim-. t, nmke hiui'.. if in r.' sui uible. tie n h hiij n.iil a id t roller, with t,;. ,n. t r- u-eii n:iiry. umiuiu mve. st ! You Should Know Seed Corn. Frank B. Hibbard, Secy, of Irrinjf ton Alliance, Douglas count v has somo prime corn which ne offer for eed at a very reasonable figure. A inmple of the corn can be seen at the Farmers Alluncb otllce and apeak for Itself a the entire crop last year averaged over 8U bushel to the acre of sound well ma tured corn Any farmer needing a u perlor article of yel'ow dent wed core nhonld write to Fhask Hibuako, 8?-6t Irvington, Neb. raEFFRENCF.S: Allen Root, Omaha, State Sec'v Thompson. HPRees and plants! A fun amarlmaot of Forest and Fruit Trees, Forest Tree Seedlings. Bed Cidar. Fruit tree and flanta. Largest Stock, Lowest Prices. Mammoth dcwtn-rrr lunotoiia to tli core, belt berry for the limine. Him k I.ncunt, HumUu Multierrjr, Tulip tree, Uux Enter, Ah, Eiiu, Wuinut. Ccttonwood, eto. heisil at whole- price. Have 0 per cent and write for my prut- list. AiMresa Oko. C, HAMroHU. Ill-em MmkhmIh, JackMiiM o.. III. MeiitloniHE Ai.ma.m t when vou write. Plaat. Tlnaa, Ito . ( Rar4lM ton far Mabraaka. 8 poet 1 1 Ui aiiidc aiK-lvtm. Hand for price ltt la Nona Brnd Nuracry, Kortk Brnd, DxtfC, naa. Miaouaoa lua. 4, w.BTkTiaaua. nit Proprietor. prtea EEDS FARM AND GARDEN. Special arranvtaonti forburlny aaeda (for farm a4 (ardaa at WH0LESA LEPRICE. nRLA.W BHO'. al.aio. IV Park. Cataio ua fraa and trial aackaa. wltk It If .Hum, 1 THAT AT 205 B0HANAN BLOCK LINCOLN, NEB., Can he found one of the most complete linen of Implement In th the I'tkiti 1'iow I'otiipaiiy's unexcelled oodi. The tried atu OALARY $25 PER WEEK.- A,Ttlll IhkhI A$rM o iril OUT j WUuiithI iiitit nf men IihiiiIi.c No Htltl 1 lu.'. Alwiva .alary will l n to iita" inii Kir further inforiuaiion. ildrr, III! Al.ll 1,1 M il It. l I'l l V ( li.. j 1T Wr.t Vaa Hurea pi., t blraa-u. III. Coiitpiiuy'a r arni and Spring watfuii e cltr, iticliulinff I true 1 11 41 Dm NEBRASKA MADE Hie Wonderlul Davis PLATFORM Hamster and Binder.! HEMP BINDER TWINE FOREST TREES Hie I'etf.et Ad auce coi n plmit) - uinl i i,.i k rourr I. r. -eii n;nry. nniimi, itve. at 'lie " ' in r. rower if 1 .pi.H met bit ui.. ,1 i.i is. I . nUd ' ""' Wl'1'! rTi h ' ff ' Zm UU my l, i. Mln i. ,t th , MuliMiii.fe. -V UAILW, f remtnta., ,,l .m.l,. !,. t,.,. Iri,r u,, !1;r ?! ( "''l'.v . ;v,TV f A - uiMSSs :;:;! ),r(iaA IUt . Ik. loan....... ,1. .. . . . . - rtm i1 i llmrli mm, Hioiin? llditfc." tiejiilivd ili. lfs V , ftti li Uit a (.,.., , w hj an (e ' urt. , tt,, you II. it; 1,1 ut cul.h acupl.i ,, ll.ui ll WbllK tt'n.ut il. " iinf. pil,. f (, t'.-. Mil la Iha ItlflVrrma. ? When a ub;et of tiie kltiT of lUliUim v l ttil't ,ti l. I,!ed fmiit t ; arm. If llii. u.. n rnr t.im !, . 1 tld on liU f.neni.. (ii n,,.fi . .1 .1 . - . .. . . 1 . . uu.n ma i;it. II u,l. I la rsiiiied liicarit'd'.s M.4 lrn 1 10 ,.ift l.r Iiviuv n a. a tui o...t'ivutti l.lVler lll..ti,r. 1 U-irfr aUn coin !,:!. ia atot I tlit .li-r Ill ttoi'a. A full and coin. !' Urn of Sui ric j rliit toi. llitjfa i It 'l l V a ir o 11 , l'rt, rite. I W kit pl!;ht up i wilb thr rH-aou th.t and iuU a I.e. at j lew a am lo.lv n,i!iiy .1 j(.,oAi; Every frmr In Nbraki Should ron.ui.-n it, . l.'iAil-i.Ti, ViiuU.lur4 ly ike FREMOKT HEMP AND TWiNE CO.. 1 MU. MOM' NK.lt f limp vrowtt 1 a tli farm of Sviira.loi. Alt 4M Mck Mll l . Mr t f, Vitx partlc. to tail ttl ' u. !.l()ii..T..I(.Niii.A":ent,LiiHoln.Nel. left . I JM4 5 oi vi .1.1, p..'-i 1,111 it . i-j,,,. 1. 1 ... .1 .... . . . .... , . ' 1 ii ri Iiftvlna lll. lcf ttiot nailt,a . pow iitiio r- 1.0 tU'ii-H U tmt of rri;iui tu.il ,-k .4iitra, 4 Mm If, DO i-'.'e ailliot.l it . it. lh'll. '1 li clf' Ci'v. for t.-.tai...i '": M Hlt tkc-Mioh. 1 k,-v a i,..i 1 '.''.irt!!y i.:.. plli.iu, i,evkW, j Nt ftiliUUU. - Ifkv' U.ii .., ELITE STUDIO. T.t fin.i inrund Ami 1ictaKrh CUllrry in lh Hu!, AU Wuk ia lk j ftnnt fii.uh. Si4tufctB U4ittd. Ii6j ntSktrcut. ' T. W. TUVN9M !VTiwi. Ui tl:lTlne-. It 1 . t ron if n4 ,.it Mwi-11 a. th tl outU anyviturv. on! of klti.l o lHr, W curmite It In wuik il on il uukr 1 1 t iu.l. r. Ktl'l to l (Vi ht hif. 'fry our r n4 I roiiiMl itml tcvr w bo loiii ni . iT iny w.tru urnim 1.1 1 ' .r ti Jelil i(mo lor li 0 It 11 (of ! lia.lin lUair rli. u "111 m plcaw.l 1 to In ukU .i-v are! .a m 1-1. en apil .....i... . ... 11 .. 1 .. .L 4) 3iu lriilieut, Nvb, IMMENSE"-. SURPLUS AST0KISHIK6 PRICES. Box Elder and Ash. Nut-wry Grown, onrraroll. a. one j i-ar ma . . ;vu. wr l Tkt. per hwi Nantra cbaraa V. I'.. B. M. and C. K. Ilu liiiirr !ati.(a.-tiin ryarantn.l fur tfniii. tb ..in roulvi i N, H. h. Jt Ovrtun Co, II. II. U.1 II H IT II. 04l JK.B. .Sub. Kvfvrvner! lUrt. tin lUnk. r il.urr. Ji.b 1 11. 1 San ua! liana, la rluir. brU. won TIMBER CLAIMS, AH a.1 uf el fruiV k4 4 faatai lrKa4 a UI Hard Times Prices K vl VmvuI aa4 Ht ka a. Writ tar am ul aajna H TkiCkiUtkttm, Ut. . i.m.1 tun a a4 ra, . . t- .Ml.tW a ia. k. a. a. r HB k tt. r t-m I - e4 . w y M rta w laftartnavk!. Mar. I aa-t lil.h li.lal.i l Lai. WuHtltUII. IMIMllklllktH.. Likio'ii, I It . M M.